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Fantasy The Divide

Saphire let out a small breath. She'd somehow gotten through that. And as scared as she was of him... it had faded when he'd smiled. That was a very kindly one... and she couldn't be afraid of someone who smiled like that. Still... she was left alone on the porch, door open and semi-warm clothes rapidly getting less so. Shaking her head she shouted out "Tonight all rooms are free!" She didn't have time or energy to tell everyone the rules today.... she still had to fix one hole in the back, and then gather everyone for dinner... and then more training... and... and... Inside the mansion she went, closing the door behind her.
John rubbed his chin now that they were away from the other two. "I think it's quite possible to control, even channel your inner demon and think it would be for the best if you did and could use it at will to help you fight and even give you access to new abilities. The other girl seems to be more angelic which is fine and dandy while you seem to be more demonic, which I've read about people with demonic powers using seals to control themselves and keep them in command in the heat of battle. What say you, I could give another look into it if you want me to, if not then so be it and I won't take a second look, though such power is a shame to go to waste." John smiled as he realized how backwards he must be sounding, "I know, an exorcist who says 'totally use the demonic power.' Weird, I know, but I am a pragmatist before an exorcist."
"I thought i told you to go somewhere priest, i have already considered this but you dont understand satanic energy as i do. Go pass along what you wanted to say earlier to Saphire and she will tell me as she wishes but honestly im tired of hearing your voice especially about things you have no knowledge on except what you heard." He said with a bit of a growl as he got impatient.
Johanna rose a brow before raising her hand at the priest,"I'll pass.." she mumbled turning her attention to Akio who had appeared next to her and rose a brow,"You...you...wait what? " she rubbed the back of her head being confused a little bit for sighing gently.

(just threw a post out there sorry)
John sighed as he rolled up his sleeve revealing a satanic sigil on his left arm, "The brand of the guilty. The Vaticain taught me PLENTY whenever it came to satanic energy that I have had plenty of times to put into practice. I suggest you be quite about matters you know nothing about. I am not such a simple priest I assure you. I am a practicing exorcist whose sole purpose is not to chant and preach to some choir, but rather to return feral demons from whence they came. Now I have no idea what quarrel you have with God, but I suggest you leave me out of it."
He left without another word, suddenly fearful that he'd come off as awkward. It was much easier to just butt heads with the likes of Johanna despite how much of a headache it tended to be. At least that was natural, just saying what was on his mind without much restraint. The little hothead seemed just as good at doing so as himself. But why did -positive- social interaction have to feel like a struggle to him? Was he already so desensitized...?

He stopped by his room and left his jacket, scarf and all his winter accessories in there, glad to be able to breathe a bit easier without all the heavy, hot clothes on. Before long he was going for the kitchen next, knowing that it was going to be about that time. By the time he reached the kitchen he already didn't feel like being too adventurous with the meal at hand so he decided to keep things simple. After washing his hands and getting everything he needed he began to make what he had in mind.

Onigiri was simple enough to make though he didn't want to go -too- simple. He decided to make a bunch with several having different fillings. Some were plain rice balls, some having a touch of miso. A few had some simple bits of raw fish in them while others had dried fish as well. A handful had pickled vegetables in the middle though he didn't make all that many just from personal taste. Deciding that he needed to get out of his comfort zone a little he put together a decent squid shiokara filling that he hoped at least someone would like.

Not satisfied with a single dish he tried out oden as well. The soup would be nice and hot and from what he understood was very popular during the cold months. It seemed as good a time as any to see for himself. Starting with a nice dashi broth and working up from there he threw in some boiled eggs, some octopus, a bit of shiitake mushroom, potato, carrot and just a touch of konbu kelp. He considered a dessert at first but thought against it as it seemed a bit extravagant and perhaps an overuse of what ingredients they had for the time being. He simply settled on brewing up a pot of green tea to serve with the meal instead.
Akio scoffed. "The Vatican knows nothing about satanic energy unless you can use it. Satanic energy is a power that hold the soul of hell itself, being taught out of a book is different then discovering it on your own like i did. And better yet what do you know about god, i have been alive for centuries and i knew god and felt his presence every day before i fell. You are but a babe to me in both terms of magic and experience. Now i told you to leave." He said looking back at him with a high amount of killing intent, however rather then spread as he had done before against the two guardians he focused it on the priest. While this may not be enough to faze the other warrior it would be more then enough to convey his severity for the priest to leave the area, he was truly tired of the priest acting like he knew more then him and trying to take his roll.
John sighed, "Yet you hold onto some mere grudge against religion and keep fast to your bigotry like a child does. Now I advise you let go of your anger as I have no quarrel with you, yet you seem hellbent on for some reason fighting me. I do not even know your name and you only have known mine as of 10 minutes ago, yet you still are wanting to quarrel yet I do not know why. As for you and your immortality what does it matter your age or how much time you are given? What matters is how you spend your time and how you discover it. I know fully well what satanic power is as I have one bound to me by it. Now I will say it again, I care not for your vendettas nor your personal reasons for hating the church and honestly the more I see them the more I realize how wrong both them and you are. Demons are not mindless beasts to be killed and from your actions angels are no more righteous than man is. So I tell you to step back, take a deep breath, use your head, and act like a respectable adult. I just saved your students maybe the rest of the week for their recovery yet this is how you repay the favor I did? If you wish to hate me, then so be it, but put your hatred aside for the time being at least and let us focus on the more important task at hand. You have two people to train and I am more than willing to help you out with that be it letting them have access to scrolls and spells older than even you are or just healing them up when they get injured from sparring. "
Mars was bored as she sat on the tree outside of the mansion, her eyes were closed while she concentrated on her hearing. What else was there to do but pay attention to Johanna? With a sigh she stopped focusing and sat up in the tree, letting her head hang off of the side so she could stare up into the sky. The reason she didn't want to go out murdering humans? Because then a bunch of annoying priests/priestess would come after her. Besides, Johanna wouldn't like her if she spilled blood. She couldn't have that if she was going to be protecting Johanna. Long black curls of hair fell from the trunk of the tree and dangled around while her glowing pink/purple eyes blinked with an expressionless look on her face.
"I do not hate religion, i hate those who think they have a connection to god because they pray for it, there are few in your order i can truly respect. Nor do i want to fight you like a adult would want to fight a child. However i was given the job of training the guardians and you interfering is seriously pissing me off. I was planning on giving you time to train with saphire as i dont have access to my holy energy right now but now im almost gonna take it back as it will just end up countering intuitive to later training i will give. Demon are not mindless beast and i know that far better then you, i am a demon in a fashion now and i have friends and allies who are demons while not to long ago you came to me questioning your own morals. I never claimed to be righteous so i dont know where your getting that from. Also did you think i injured them so expecting them to heal naturally, i do not practice healing but i know ancient medicines that would have shorted process to about a day which i could have taught things not involving the body as they both lack experience on technique. I asked for a moment with my student so i do not know where this came from but ill say it again. Piss off."
John shook his head, "Did I ever say I had a connection to God? He left this world a long time ago that much is sure. You and your kind are living proof of that. Some men pray and hope for miracles. Me? I don't got a lot of time relatively speaking so I make my own happen. I don't wait for God to act when he has remained silent for centuries. You will find me not like the other priests you have met and I will do what I damn well please because I have no need for waiting for you to approve or disapprove of my actions. Now please, take whatever complaints you have and shove them so far up your ass they end up behind your eyes, because quite frankly my dear Scarlet I don't give a damn. Your needless disposition to battle is detrimental to your students and that much is clear. Now unless you have something productive you want to say to me get your balls out of my face and do whatever shit it was you were doing. Johanna and I were having a conversation which you needn't be a part of. Go talk to Saphire, that's what you were doing before. I saw you were busy and as such didn't interrupt you now I ask you extend the same courtesy to me."
For a moment his eyes flashed in anger and his aura became deadly and it seemed like it was about to come to blows. He was actually about to get up till he remembered something his master told them a few hundred years into their training. 'Akio you have finally gained strength after all these years but in return it made you proud. You may be a angel but this is a weakness as it will let your opponent get into your head and make you do something stupid. So whenever a opponent pisses you off i want you to show them nothing, like a small, still pool of water.' In a instant his hostility disappeared in a instant and his face became cool and calm, indifferent. "No and to as to answer your question about unleashing her power it is impossible for now. In just the short moment she unleashed her powers before when she was unconscious her body already went under muscle tearing and body damage. Right now her body cant handle the power of her unleashing and that goes the same for saphire so even if they could unleash their powers right now i wouldnt want them to try with their current body's." He voice was cool and calm, up until now he had simply seen the priest as someone who possed him off but now instead of that he all but saw him as a enemy who pissed him off creating this cool indifference in enemies alone usually had to face and brought it to the priest. "So it is impossible to do for now so there is no reason for you to ask, anymore questions?" He said as if bored. "And as for the training itself i will be training both of them as long as they allow me for most of the day, if they want to take some time off to train with you i wont stop them but i wont set aside time for you and if you still wish to heal them i wont stop you but if not i will heal them my own way if necessary or hire a healer." He truly did plan to work the guardians to the bone in order to prepare them so they would hardly have time to work with him if any and still sleep.
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Saphire had been listening to the rapidly growing worse argument, as she walked over to the kitchen. Looking in she nodded, if it wasn't ready now at least there was a snack for while they waited, and .. it'd be good for breaking up that argument, if it hadn't already finished. Sure, they'd suddenly gone quiet, but.... somehow she doubted that was the end of it. So, she'd make it the end. Quickly moving back to the entrance, biting her lip worriedly, she opened the door again. "u-ummm.... Excuse me, Akio-sensei? John-san?" Yep, she'd just decided that she was done with yobistei. It just made things worse. "W-well, dinner's about ready, so... could I suggest you drop this conversation for the moment? I'd.... really not like to have a fight in my home." Again. This'd be what? The second time today?
"Ah dinner is ready thank you saphire." He said fondly getting up. 'Still i never got to say what i wanted to thanks to the damn priest.' He thought to himself though even that thought didnt stay in his head for long, he had sunk into a pretty calm state about the priest thinking about that memory. "And there will be no fight ive said all i need to him." He said calmly getting up and brushing himself off.
John sighed as he shook his head and looked at Saphire. "His anger will be the death of him and others yet. He needs control. As for you, I would be more than happy to train you. I could teach you to fight with the nagatama any time you wish. Be warned, this would be the training set forth by exorcists, it will not be easy, in fact it will be one of the hardest regiments you have ever faced, but I will not deny its results. If you ever find yourself wanting to find your inner strength then please, you need only ask. John nodded to her as he went inside yelling after Akio, "You're right. I didn't realize how much of a strain it would be on her. I leave her up to you then, please take care of Johanna." He said as he went into the kitchen.
Saphire nodded to the priest, she'd think about it. Wouldn't take him up on the offer if Akio said not to, but... she'd keep in mind that he'd teach her how to better use her naginata. She had a feeling she'd end up relying on it more and more anyway, so it'd be good to know someone who could teach her better. Still.... why had they still been fighting over something like Johanna? And what would have been a strain? Shaking her head she told the young woman she was sure was somewhere in the area "You can come too, Johanna. You're always welcome here." She turned around quickly, not liking the idea of leaving those two alone, and stalked forward almost silently, hoping to stop another argument before it began.
Michael turned sharply as he turned towards the door, his expression less than amused as he looked to see who was entering his work space. And... it was quite frankly an unfamiliar face. A sigh escaped him as he turned back to check on the small pyramid of onigiri he'd put together already. "Really, who just walks in on a man's work place when he's so busy...?" he muttered to himself, the stress of doing all this work so quickly getting to him. He didn't even seem to notice that his hair was ever so slightly askew, something he normally was quick to take care of.

As he rushed over to a pot on the stove and made sure the soup was cooking well he realized that Saphire had come in as well. Equally intruding but at least a familiar face -- and potentially helpful.
"Saphire-san, do you think you could do me a favor?" he called out from the stove, raising his voice to make sure she heard him.
A quick nod, her walking over. "Certainly, De Longe-san. What do you need?" It was unlike him to have messy hair... and yes, that was kind acute. No, she wouldn't react... especially not when she was trying to keep everyone away from conflict. Her own hair, currently up in a low ponytail and held in place by a dark-blue ribbon, stayed gathered in the middle of her back, swaying slightly as she walked. Deciding not to mention his problem with the hair, partially because she was feeling mischievous and wanted to see how long it would take him to notice and partially because she didn't think now was the time, "Want me to make more Onigiri, or something similar?" She rushed to a nearby sink, rolling up her sleeves and washing her hands.
"Dinner?" Johanna questioned before her eyes opened wide as she pulled out her phone,"Shit, Dinner...." she muttered beginning to open up a food delivery app. She made sure to put in the order of her little brother's favorite food, and paying for it, before she sent him a text. It wasn't complicated, just she wouldn't be home until maybe later, and not to worry. She took in a deep breath looking at Akio, kicking a bit of the snow off the top of the roof that had started to collect, because it had begun to start snowing again,"Can I eat..Akio..." she trailed off a bit before jumping off the roof putting her hands on the back of her head,"sensei...."
"I was actually thinking you could maybe start up on dessert? If we get it started now we could probably have it served by the time everyone is done eating," he said as he started to work on another onigiri. "I was thinking mitarashi dango. We have anything we need for the syrup but we need to get the dumplings started before everyone is eating." He spoke quick and professionally, working diligently as he did so. It was obvious that he really got into his craft when he started cooking, hating distractions and mess as he worked. He didn't let himself relax until everything was perfect.
"Right. I'll get started then." Wiping off her hands using a clean rag she moved to the cabinet, taking out the necessary ingredients. "John, I hate to ask a guest this, but can you put some water on to boil while I prepare the dry ingredients?" Mixing together the dry ingredients she slowly added water to the mix, and once that was done she started kneading. As soon as she was finished she put the pieces on a plate, starting the process of separating them into individual bits that were equal in size.
"Well that was among the stupidest arguments ive ever had with a human." He said with a sigh. When Johanna asked if she could eat he was about to ask why did she need his permission to eat till he heard her call him sensei. For a moment he was flashed back into a memory, his teacher had been a higher up angel who was a bit older in appearance. The scene he was remembering when when they were having a argument about the proper honorific for him. Akio had been stuck on sir and he had been thinking master. At the time he didnt want to call him master so he had suddenly said. "Then call me sensei!" At the time akio was very young and had yet to focus on the human world so he didnt know they both meant the same thing so he agreed. ((course he was pissed after when he found out :P )) 'How's that old man, i didnt even have to trick my student.' He thought to himself with happy reminiscence. "Ya.... Lets both go eat." He said jumping of the roof and walking towards the house.
John got out a large pot and filled it with water and set it to simmer. "Need me to chop up some ingredients or something? I'm handy with a knife and know my way around a kitchen."
Michael visibly flinched as he heard Saphire ask the stranger to help. Simple task or not, Michael was a bit... picky about the assistance he accepted. Saphire was a very good cook and, obviously, owned the place and had every right to be in here but this guy was sort of an unknown quality. When the man named John asked about helping even more, Michael was quick to answer before Saphire did. "Just the water should be good, alright, thank you." He spoke so rapidly that it was a bit hard to follow but he was sure he got the point across. He carefully molded some rice around a few more pieces of dried fish, trying his best to keep his cool now.
John nodded, "Aye aye Sous chef. If you need someone to help with the cooking I'll be in the next room. I can also mix drinks if need be as well or help set the table. " John said as he moved out of the way of the frantically working Michael.

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