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Fantasy The Divide

Even though he knew it was wrong and that Ari probably would have hit him for it if she was here his eyes drifted to where she had stored her pendant. However once she drew the blade his eyes slid to that ((though almost reluctantly.)) "Its quite the gift, most of all its important for what lies ahead. With this tomorrow i will be able to start teaching you satanic techniques, the very power of hell." He said, he remembered the first time he wielded the ability,its feeling was almost lie no other and very different from wielding the power of god. Suddenly he felt the urge to ask a question and it slipped out of his mouth before he could even consider it. "That boy, woods... You like him huh." His voice was almost wistful.
Johanna looked up when she's heard Wood's name cheeks flushing red as she put the blade on the pool table,"No! Hell No!," she said clinching her fist,"He is an arrogant jerk!" She folded her arms across her abdomen looking off to the side to hide her red cheeks,"Besides. He can barely speak Japanese...."
"Your blushing." He observed calmly though his mind was tired, the very idea of woods was starting to annoy him slightly. He sighed and ran his hand threw his hair. "Just be careful johanna, i dont want you to get hurt." He said with a surprising amount of tenderness in his voice as he looked at her. If he was jealous then he couldnt deny it he felt something for her, however something held his tongue and prevented him from saying something now. Perhaps it was the memory of Ari dying in his arms....
"Yeah so?" she said to him and took in a deep breath, mostly pouting at this point. She sighed gently walking next to Akio and leaning her head gently on his shoulder,"I'm going to smash that man's face in ya know..." she said to him trying to steer the subject off of Woods. She would take her frustration on him with a sword soon enough, she didn't need to think about him at the moment.
He smirked just a bit at her pouting. When she leaned her head on his shoulder he found his hand coming up to the back of her head in a miniature embrace. "I know you will... And i will be cheering you, looking on with pride as i kill all his guards so now one can intervene." He said with a small smile. "You know i have never seen your sword play yet, perhaps i will have to spar you before i leave." He said breathing deeply, taking in her scent. "No powers of course, just skill on skill."
She closed her eyes a bit before smiling and then her ears twitched when he talked about sparring with the sword,"Well, I can just tell you." she whispered gently yawning a bit before chuckling a bit. She took in a deep breath,"I already have to spar Woods and I don't want to, it's bad enough I have to train with you the rest of the week. Can I just...enjoy my last day of relative peace?"
"Heh alright I guess I can allow my student a little time off. Still are you sure you want to be sparing someone right now, your so tired your about to fall asleep in my arms again." He teased lightly with a small smirk. "Also about that boy, he has potential to reach into our world, though it's no realized."
Johanna didn't respond for a moment before opening her eyes up and breathing in gently. She didn't realize it because she never really got much of the affection when she was younger, between absent parents and being bullied, but she really liked being held. She felt comfortable with it, like with this it was the only thing that matters. "Sensei, have you ever been in love?" she questioned closing her eyes gently as she did.
For a moment Akio is silent, for her to ask such a question even as he was questioning his own feelings was truly something. "Yes..... Just once. It was the reason I fell. She was my everything for a long as she lived, the beauty of the sky couldn't even compare to her in my eyes. However I was punished and struck down, and due to that I was delayed long enough so that he lost her life to bandits. She was a peasant in the time of Rome so the world didn't even notice her death but to me if it was as the sun stopped shining for the longest time. Love is the brightest and most beautiful thing in the world, and only can be reached when two share it together. Willing to die for one another but wanting to live one another even more so they may see the other happy. That is love..."
Johanna sighed deeply, for that story was rather depressing to her. She took in a long breath before pushing away from Akio. She placed a hand on his cheek and looked him in the eyes with her own green one's,"Then maybe that's why it hurt me so much when Yoh passed. Maybe I was just too young to realized the love we shared. Maybe I was scared." Her eyes were quivering a bit, that had gotten wet again. Shame, only Akio seemed to bring out the emotion in her,"You know, he was the only one I would cry in front of. He was the only one who cared."
"Its defiantly possible, love Doesent care about age or time." He felt her hand on his cheek and for a moment tears pricked his own eyes as well. The last to touch him in such a way was Ari. "But you know what is the great thing about love." He said softly. "Is that you can find it again." He said as he caressed her cheek, his hand gentle and as soft on her skin as his feathers. "I care about you Johanna, I promise I will always be there for you, no matter what. You don't have to be afraid to cry in front of me." He said softly.
She listened to his words and looked into his eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth of his hand on her cheek. She moved her hand from his cheek and placed a hand on his that was on her's,"You've barely known me for half a month, and yet you still treat me better than my own mother..my own father. What's so special about little ole me?"
"Several things, you are beautiful. you have a kind heart, hardened by hardship but kind to anyone who bothers to look and find out. Your brave, not backing down from even the hardest of challenges, determined to always see things threw. And many more things." He said with a smile as she looked at him, his black eyes gentle.
"I-, I'm beautiful?" she asked looking up to him with hopeful eyes, and the caramel skin complexion on her cheeks giving way to the rosy red color of just another blush. She offered him a smile enjoying the praise, she loved the praise and approval. It was one of her flaws she didn't recognize, she needed approval, and perhaps that's why she was so fond of Wood's. He didn't seem like he needed approval, and yet she still felt he challenged her.

She stepped in, moving her arms around his waist, and pressing her face against his chest,"Maybe you know a thing or two old man.."
"Yes you are, more then you know." He said with a happy smile, it certainly relieved him in a way, to say so many of the things he wanted to say. He rested his chin gently on her head. "How long are you gonna keep calling me old man." He said with a happy slightly teasing laugh. This here felt right and he loved every moment he enjoyed with her here. He hadent enjoyed the the presence of another so much since Ari. Or rather he hadent enjoyed his life since Ari died then this moment.
Johanna squeezed him tightly before resting there for a moment. "Well, considering you're only going to get older...never." She chuckled a bit closing her eyes,"Why aren't you with Saphire?" was the next questioned she asked raising her brow, but it couldn't really be seen since she had burrowed her head into his chest. She remembered her name, she felt like she had accomplished a lot today by that one achievement.
"Lucifer wanted to have a private, or well semi private chat with him and its to dangerous for her to be in the presence of the two gods of hell at once so I sent her home. She's probable resting now, I told her I would be fine, then I came here to give you the blade." He said, still he would have to go back soon or at least call and inform her for certain that he was alright. "Though it ended up more then that." He said holding her to his chest, his arms around her as well along with his wings.
"She's not so bad," she admitted to him chuckling a bit,"Do you hug her like this?" she questioned chuckling a bit before yawning again. She was exhausted, and she still had to spar with Wood's, but she felt she was better than him and figured she would probably beat him even the lack of energy. She didn't know that she was a bit off in that judgment, that her exhaustion would hold her back, but that's the brakes.
"Im sure she would be happy to hear that." He chuckled when she claimed she wasent so bad. He was pretty sure the quiet saphire would be over joyed that johanna noticed her and liked her in some form or fashion. "As for hugging her like this i do not, i care about you both in different ways so i hug you and her a bit differently." He said matter of factly. He rolled his eye hearing her yawn again. "You know if your so tired right now i can get you out of sparing woods for now and save it for another day. Just fall asleep and ill make up a excuse, im no afraid of disappointing him to much." He teased again. "Though your probably to stubborn for that so im not sure why i asked." He said grinning a bit.
"You think I like him. And I'm not saying that's true or not, but you really think I'm going to let him get away with coming over with intentions to spar? I'm going to make him feel it," she said giving away to another yawn before cutting her eyes away from any direction Akio was in. Her body was still sore from training, she had been running on fumes already from all of her sports, and now she still was about to spar. If she had been a normal human, her body would falling apart right now, but somehow she managed to stay strong. She hadn't even doing some physical workouts on her own.
Woods bowed to the apparent martial arts teacher, though something felt slightly... off about him. He couldn't see anything yet, and likely wouldn't be able to until put under some sort of great stress... Such as an intense battle that may awaken some hidden talents he was unaware of... Until then, it was just a feeling of off-ness. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Sensei."

He grinned as he came up from his bow, "You might want to work on your English there, Johanna. I could barely understand you earlier, but it wasn't half-bad." He nodded to her and wandered off to the gym.
Saphire had gone home, taken a bath in the open-bath over to the left, ands when she got out she noticed quite a bit of soreness. Yes, her body was sore... and yes, she was tired, but at least she was alive. Once she was dressed in Pajamas she went to her room, yawning, and reminding herself that she had to practice Spirit ray until she couldn't do it anymore morning and night. She glanced at the calendar, sneezing as she did, and froze.

It had been valentines day. And she'd been left out. Well, of course she had. There wasn't anyone she liked, and it was for girls to give chocolate anyway. It was slightly disappointing, though, that she'd been left out of the tradition, not even someone asking if she was going to give someone chocolate, for almost ten years now. Disappointing, but... well, expected. She was below anyone's view most of the time... and she shook her head, going to bed without crossing out the date. She always left holidays alone. If only because to her they didn't really exist.
John stepped out of the bar and found himself back in the field. He shrugged and went back towards the mansion. The day had been interesting. He stopped at a store on his way home. He went home with a large bag and found him thinking to himself about how different Lucifer was than what the church made him out to be. He sighed as he walked up the snow covered steps and headed towards Saphire's room and knocked, "Yo, Saph, you still awake?"
A tiny groan, "Yeah." She took herself out of her bed, wrapping her haori around her protectively, and opened the door. Her pajamas were mint-colored, and consisted of a shirt and pants, her feet shod in cat-shaped slippers. "Oh, John. You're back." A yawn, her hand moving to cover her mouth in what was unknowingly a dainty move. "Come on in, John. Thank you for... y'know... fixing everything up."
John smiled, "Think nothin of it. I think the brothers were just happy to have something to do after nothing but meditate for hours on end. Anyway I got something for you." He said pulling out a heart shaped box of chocolates, "Happy valentines day. " He said giving it to her with a smile.

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