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Fantasy The Divide

Johanna's face turned red as she realized the position she and Akio were in,"Mom you jerk! " she pushed Akio off of her as her mother rolled her eyes and walked out,"Clean your room Jojo, you can't give me grandkids with a dirty room." was the only thing she said as she did.

All of the color had left Johanna's face as she sat there on the edge of her bed, at a lost of what to say or do next. It was a tragic situation, but a situation nonetheless.
He rolled of johanna and looked at her mother, she looked a lot like johanna. Still she was at least in part the cause of her loneliness, the mother who was never around. He looked at johanna concern showing on his face before he followed her, he would gauge what kind of woman she was. He walked out of the room and looked to her with a small bow. "My name is Akio and im johanna's sword teacher." He said politely, he looked 17 so not much older then johanna.
Johnna's mother (Cause I don't feel like going to her showcase to remember her name) cut her eyes at Akio, before letting out a sigh,"I'm Johanna's mother, you can just call me Mizoto-sama when inside my house.." she took in a deep breath walking to the kitchen and managing to get some Tea started before looking around,"Jojo why is everything you leave a mess? You're never going to find a good husband like this...dirty underwear...and I bet you haven't even bathed today..."
'Sama? Well isnt that quite arrogant.' He thought to himself, sama was a term of high respect and usually it was the guests who were treated with the word sama to show respect. To ask to be called sama herself was quite the sign of arrogance. "She just go up." He said as he picked some of the mess and threw it away. He shrugged off his coat and put it aside, it seemed casual but it was yet another gesture to learn her character. She mated with a demon so she unless the king of hell was disguised she knew of this world. Then again she may not.
Saphire woke up in the morning, the sunlight filtered through the Shouji the only sign that it was morning... and yawned. It had been the first... no, second if her passing out earlier the day before counted, time not having a nightmare in a month... and she was too relaxed to want to move. There was something warm next to her... she absently moved her arm to touch it, not moving her head from where it was placed on the towel, feeling cat-ears and starting to pet the hair fur of the creature. Some random stray cat must have come in while she was asleep, she figured... and she nearly turned onto her side so she could pet it without straining herself. But no, she was nice and relaxed and warm.... she had to fight the urge to go back to sleep.
Out of the haze of her slumber, Seranna faintly felt someone ruffling her ears. Still mostly asleep, she arched her back and pushed her head up closer to whomever's hand it was that was currently petting her. In doing so, she faintly realised she had her back to something warm and somewhat comfortable.

Twisting around slowly, but making a point to neither open her eyes nor pull away from the comfortable petting, Seranna got herself around and wrapped an arm around whatever she was next to before almost immediately starting to fall back to a deeper slumber.

(Ending well in 3... 2... 1...)
(Sorry, Mom called.)

Saphire froze when the weight of an arm fell on her. Sure... it was comfortable, like being in bed with a large cat, but... that was an ARM. Oh, and there was something else she should have been doing wasn't there? What had been a calm, relaxed body... swiftly tensed up, not as much as the night before... but quite a bit. She opened her eyes, looking at the source of the weight... and it was... what was her name? The cat-demon from earlier, the one who'd needed help with her Yukata. Rapidly, but carefully, she tried to inch out of the futon, not wanting to wake up the smaller (if only by a bit) woman, she didn't want to wake her up... not after she'd been taken care of. And... ohmygoshIgottagettopracticingorAkio'llkillme!
Feeling her 'pillow' shift about a bit, and the attention-giving hand cease it's work, Seranna lifted her head up and looked around, blinking owlishly as she tried to get he bearings. It didn't take long to recall where she was though, what with Saphire being next to her. Letting out yawn that stretched her jaw unfeasible wide, Seranna stretched her back out before rolling off the side of the futon and standing. Taking a second, she proceeded to stretch each limb and pop her neck before giving anything else any real thought.

Attention falling back to Saphire, Seranna realised that an explanation would most likely be due.

"Um, morning. Sorry about falling asleep in here. I suppose you would understand if I'd said it had been a bit of a long day?" muttered Seranna as she rubbed sleep from her eyes.
Saphire had watched the blond cat-demon remove herself from Saphire's body, and then she shook her head slightly. No, there was already going to be a large meltdown later, she wasn't going to let something as small, and honestly innocent-seeming, as this ruin her mostly good morning. "I do understand. I hope I didn't wake you up?" She was now torn between being a good host, and training. Something told her this was going to be the problem for a long time... and that it wouldn't be getting any better. "U-umm... we can wash your clothes today." Or rather, she could show the demon to the necessary facilities... and her hand met her forehead. "I've not introduced myself yet, have I? My name is Tsuki Saphire, or Europeans say it: Saphire Tsuki. And you are?"
"Seranna, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, freundlich fräulein Tsuki Saphire. ," Seranna replied with a smile, "But Sera works too. And I was already mostly awake anyway, so no worries. As for my clothes, uhm, well, my backpack had a spare set, I just have to figure out where it got put by the singing monks, so no worries there either."

Looking about, and not entirely sure what to do with herself, Sera scuffed a foot on the floor before settling for sitting on the edge of the futon, back towards Saphire on the off chance the kind woman decided to change. Come to think of it, she hadn't had any signs on what to do since she hot here, and with the odd motley crew that seemed to live here, it made sense that she was finding herself in the right place. Still, she had no idea what to do for the time being.

"If you want, you can leave a list of chores that need done. I wish to repay your hospitality. And this, I regret, is a topic I'm quite persistent about." explained Seranna, a friendly tone accompanying her jibe.
"Sera-san, then?" Seranna was... actually really easy to say, but... something told her that the young-acting demon wanted to be called by the nickname. It was kind of her to say her name in the way of her people, obviously being a foreigner, and so Saphire would attempt to match. "You can call me whatever you like." Once the demon had turned around she started to silently scramble to change, wearing another long-sleeved shirt and pants, the shirt nearly navy-blue in color. Once she was dressed, having listened to Sera-san's proposal... well, a quiet sigh of relief. Another person who was actually going to help around here.

"I'd be happy for the help, Sera... and if you are going to, then you've no need to pay rent." she needed the help keeping this place in order, now that she'd had it repaired so quickly, more than the money. She'd just have to see about a part-time job, something simple and quick, so that she could pay off the taxes. Unless Akio had also done something about that? But no, how would he even know about the problem, even yelling it would be seen as an overreaction, and... would he even have the money for that sort of thing? An urge to grab that paper he'd shoved in her hands while she was crying, but no... that'd be rude. I am aware that it's rude to ask for help with the chores of one's house, however... so... is this really the right thing? No, now is not the time to wonder about that.
Johanna's mother didn't say much, as she watched the tea maker pour some hot water into her cup in which she sniffed gently,"She's never up early...I hear she skips a lot too...You might be too good for her." Though she may have had two children by the King of the demon world, she was not apart of that world. Chiba came with his powers sealed, in his human form. He had actually intended to kill the elder Mizoto, but had fallen for her fierceness. As much as she lacked in being a mother, Jojo's mother was a vicious business woman who made a lot of cutthroat decisions. They weren't always the nicest decisions in the world, but they got her where she was. That's part of made Chiba fall for her, a human. When he didn't see fit to sleep with any demon, and felt humans disgusting, he found love in her.

Apparently the older woman had done the same, for she had allowed herself to get pregnant twice but this man who was never around....which is what left Johanna forever alone to take care of her brother.

Johanna had taken the time to run off to the bathroom, she had passed out after her intense battle with Woods and had not gotten the chance to do so. She preferred baths, they were more relaxing, but with her hectic life it was rare that she ever had time too. So as the water ran over her head while she was in the shower, she stood there. Thinking. She had realized it might have been a little foolish to have used a bit of her speed in front of Woods, but she assumed he would just assumed he blacked out or something.

From she remembered of the battle kind of caused her to grin. This was brought on by the fact that with her style, though it sacrifices power, the versatility gave her enough to edge her opponent, even being near exhaustion. After she bathed she found herself walking out of the bathroom with a really long t shirt, and some really small shorts on. A towel was on her head as she walking and drying before moving into the kitchen,"You could at least offer our guest some...."

This only got her mother to roll her eyes as she made her way out of the kitchen to her own room,"Your guest, not mine. Clean up before you leave." With those last words her mother disappeared into her own room.

Johanna only scoffed before looking to Akio, and then to the ground,"Eh. You sure my mom isn't the demon queen, and she ate my dad?"
Figuring that Saphire was preparing to leave, Seranna stood and chose to take her leave. Besides, she still needed to find her bag, which had her change of clothes. Walking towards the door, Sera informed Saphire she was going to search for her bag, and then maybe go do any dishes that may be left out before looking about and seeing if she couldn't find anything else to do.

Of course, she was only three steps out the door before she turned about and put her head back in the room.

"Also, have a good day, and I'll see about getting Ophidious taken care of when he awakes if he's still feeling last night's party."
"T-thank you, Sera-san." It was surprising that she would be willing to deal with... Ophidious-san's hangover. That was already a large amount of work off her shoulders... if only because she was certain that Ophidious-san would use the opportunity to make as much chaos as possible. "I've.... morning practice to do, but after that I'll make breakfast." She grabbed the still un-wrapped Naginata, walking out into the yard, half thinking about what to make for breakfast and half about whether or not she should also practice reinforcing her blades using Spirit Hymn.
John got up and yawned, his hair a mess and his clothes equally messy. He rubbed his eyes as he went into the kitchen and looked around in the cabinets. No pancake mix? The hell? Oh right, they were in Japan. John definitely knew that and hadn't forgotten. He looked around for some acceptable clothes to put on. He found his suitcase with a spare t-shirt and some jeans it in and quickly changed. He rubbed his shoulders as he looked around seeing if anyone else had the idea of cooking breakfast. So far, it seemed no one was going to. John got his shoes on and was about to head out the door. He heard Saphire and Seranna talking, maybe Seranna would want to come with him to get some groceries, he would ask her whenever she was done with Saphire.
Woods scowled again, this time at the insult. "Not drunk. More pain, and tired." The words sounded forced, but at least they were coherent.

His scowl melted to a look of relief as Miroslav said he could crash here, he wasn't sure if he'd manage to stay on his feet all the way home. Whatever that excruciating pain was, it drained him... It had been more than mere physical pain, it was something embedded within him... As if someone had opened some sort of floodgate, and his body was trying to cope with the mental trauma... Or something like that. He wasn't certain what made him make the comparison, and he'd probably sound insane to anyone he tried to explain it to. Which is why he wouldn't tell anyone, and just chalk it up as a migraine. Either way, it helped explain to himself why he was suddenly so exhausted.

He nodded to the man, smiling slightly at his English, replying in the same tongue. "Yeah, I can speak Japanese... Just not well enough for my liking. And yes, I understood you." He slowly leaned himself against the wall.

"You're better at English than your younger sister, that's for sure." He said, rubbing his temples, chuckling slightly. "She sounded more like a train wreck when she tried it..."
Nearing the kitchen, Seranna's ears twitched as she picked up the shuffling of feet. Following the noise, she was greeted by the sight of John, appearing like he was about to be leaving.

"Morning, priest," she greeted, "Apparently I'm staying here now. I was thinking of making omelettes, if you wanted to stay for that. Also, have you seen my backpack?"

(Realising that, at this moment, until backpack is found and/or someone engages me in something, I don't have much to do xD )
Miroslav sighed when he got a response in Japanese, and took a deep breath about to get frustrated before he finally heard a response in English. He was happy he didn't have to deal with anymore destruction of his home language, and nodded listening to Woods speak,"Well let's keep it English, and come on inside."

He had turned to open the door behind him before he stopped listening to Woods comment on Johanna's English before he shrugged slowly,"She's my older sister. And she's German born and Japanese raised for the most part, so. Her English was hit by a train. So that makes sense it sounds like a train wreck." He laughed a bit before going inside signaling Woods to come in behind him.

He moved out of sight for a while, before returning with what was a purple sheet and a black pillow,"There's a couch in front of the TV in the game room, which is...." he lifted the pillow and pointed at one of the doors in the home,"That second door on the right. Also, you can turn the tv on but keep it down. I have to get up and train in the morning."

He wasn't sure in the condition he was in if he would, but he was a kind lad, and would offer it anyway. 
Lucifer had spent most of the night playing WoW, dominating in his Raids as the second best of the group. His Death Knight had disappointed him at some point, because of the gear he was using, but that was addressed by the raid and heading to the auction house. He was satisfied now, but as morning came he had become bored. He would have to wait a week to meet Koharu, a week until the guardians left on their journey and quite frankly, the King of Hell, the Lord of Darkness, whatever it was humans were calling him these days, was bored.

His black wings were extended as he glided through the air, playstation vita in his hand as he was playing some port of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, playing with his favorite team of Jin and Wolverine. He was playing in some online matching, ultimately destroying some unknown person before a chill went through his body. He cursed in a Satanic language before he looked down below him. That familiar feeling from that one demon from the bar, who asked for the grain alcohol, it had caught him again. In his eyes, was Saphire's mansion and with a barrel roll in the sky, he chuckled,"Let's see what fun I can have."

After descending slowly, he landed on his feet looking at the snow all around, before sighing. He could sense a few demon presences in the mansion, and his left eye twitched a bit in anger,"So the snow is going to just keep collecting?" He noted some had been shoveled, but he didn't think it was enough, so with a strong flap of his wings, larges gusts of air spread out, clearing the entire around him of snow. So much so, you could see the pale ground again,"Better."

Quickly, he shifted into his full human form before he headed inside of the mansion, not knocking for permission to enter,"Ohayoo?" he exclaimed loud enough for anyone relatively close to hear.
John shook his head, "I can help you find it after breakfast though. I was going to get stuff for pancakes. Though we can get eggs if you want as well as the toppings for omlettes. If you would like we can go together and see what the local store has, it isn't very far from here." John said as he suddenly noticed her ears and began to reach out and pet her.
Saphire jumped, having just finished her Naginata practice, namely morning Kata and Spirit Ray, she heard someone near the entrance. She, of course, was both shocked someone would be at the door and apprehensive... hadn't snow fallen just the night before? She rushed over to the entrance, tripping in the hall once or twice because SOMEONE had managed to leave their clothes on the floor in one night, and opened the door, "Welcome! Umm... My name is Tsuki Saphire, may I help you?"

(Because of course she's going to meet the man she's now scared of without knowing it. Of course.)
He rose a brow at her entrance, and rubbed his head a bit,"Morning, I am Sutame Chiba. I was coming here because a friend said they would be here? " he didn't smile and his face was a plain as a blank sheet of paper,"you mind directing me to them Tsuki-san? Wears a red jacket...rather obnoxious?" His lies were smooth, he had figured the girl wouldn't know the person he was looking for by name, but he did know the aura, just couldn't get past what he was demon or otherwise. He took in a deep breath before shaking his head. Meeting that demon would be boring, this is one of the guardians before him,"On second thought, I would like to meet you. You are rather pretty afterall, and I'm sure my friend can wait."
Ears perking at the sound of a new voice and the sound of Saphire as well, Seranna reluctantly ducked under John's hand, which she had no doubt was about to have been petting her ears, and started making her way towards it. It wasn't long before she'd made her way to the front entrance and saw a man, one she didn't recognise, and Saphire standing by the entrance.

About to make her presence known, Seranna looked at the man's face, and a shiver ran down her spine as the hair on the back of her neck stood up. There was something she didn't like about him, but she couldn't get a read on what it was.
A blink, and a faint blush... he'd... wait, what? Pretty? No, she wasn't. She'd never been pretty... there wasn't a any way he meant her. A tiny shake of her own head, in this case it'd be best to ignore that comment, then... "U-um, Sutame-san? I'm fairly certain I'm not the person you'd want to hang with anyway." Something about him, an air of power, maybe he was a spiritually aware human? She'd not met one aside from her and Johanna, but... well, first for everything. It didn't meet what she knew of demons and fallen, but she'd only just met an above-B rank demon two weeks ago. "A-anyway, the only person matching that description would be Ophidious-san. He's... suffering from a hangover, I believe. And probably not awake this early. Please, come in. I'm afraid breakfast hasn't been made yet, but I could put some tea on while you wait." And if he really wanted t talk... well, he could.
Lucifer eyed the little cat demon before returning his attention to Saphire,"I'm sure it is you Tsuki-san, but a'las." He shrugged his shoulder as he stepped in and he smiled,"Breakfast you say?" His stomach growled a bit the rumbling quite loud for such a small human,"It seems my stomach is pleased by that sentiment...you wouldn't happen to have chocobees would you?" He realized not many people knew what a chocobee was considering it came from a fictitious show, but he still always held out hope. They were delicious to him, but he hadn't known there was a cereal similar to their taste.

Without much of a movement, he made snow fall on top of Anna's head from seemingly know where, not making a single abnormal movement.
"Umm... I don't think so, but I can check." She stepped aside, letting him in. Once she was out of the way she waited for him to enter, if he wanted to, and closed the Shouji if he did. "A-and I'm sorry, but I can't imagine why you'd be interested in talking to me." A sheepish shrug, and then a look towards where Sera-san had been covered in snow. "Oh dear... hold on while I get a towel for Sera-san." She rushed down one hall, returning shortly with said towel and holding it out towards the Cat-demon.

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