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Fantasy The Divide

" Ah, How sharper than a serpents tooth it is" another quote.

"Being called a dog is a compliment especially coming from a lowly snake." A mischievous grin came across her face and her eyes narrowed. "It is cute that you laugh at Shakespeare. One as unrefined as yourself couldn't understand quality works. I can feel my intelligence deteriorating just by holding a conversation with you. I hope that wasn't too many words? Anyways," she walked away from Ophidius ignoring any further attempts at conversation towards Aiko. With a look of concern and a face filled with anger. "I presume you are her mentor? May I ask why she went into a berserk rage? I was hoping just to see where she's at fighting wise. The power is excellent, but I'd hate to be an ally cut down by her rage."
"Sharper than a serpent's tooth, eh? That must make you the thankless child. If anyone knows old Willie, it would be me. I'll be right back with something that will blow your mind." He then turned back to Akio. "We'll discuss the training thing later. Pissing off this obstinate brat is more important right now." Ophidius vanished in yet another red blur, racing through the house at high speeds. After a few brisk moments, he came across a very frustrated-looking.....Safaia? Yeah, that was the Japanese term for it. Ophi snuck up on her and gently laid a hand on her shoulder. "Safaia-chan," he started, using the honorific that, if he remembered correctly, was used for females you were friends with. "I'm sure that this all has been very stressful for you, so perhaps when things get a bit more peaceful I'll teach you some techniques that were imparted unto me by a very wise and powerful demon. Before you protest, keep in mind that these aren't demonic and are more useful for healing. Like this." Ophidius suddenly pushed a burst of life energy into the girl, no doubt rejuvenating her stamina and relaxing her muscles. He soon departed in yet another streak of red, arriving at his room and sifting through the piles of waste and assorted knickknacks. 'Where oh where are you? Its got to be around here somewhere...'
Akio looked at him for a moment his face expressionless. "We will talk, but not now. As for what Lugh told me it was not to trust you and i didnt long before he told me to. Forgive me for being naturally suspicious but i am weary of the demon baring something of the angel. But as i said, we will talk." He said looking at him, his final word making it certain the conversation was already over before he turned to the cousin. His face showed just a hint of disdain as he looked at her, he couldnt find himself forgiving someone who attacked johanna so easily. "I am her mentor." He said looking at her. "However next time you hope to test her level ask and i may let you sit in training. The reason she went berserk is after you attacked her we stepped in instinctually, all of us. Johanna is one to stand alone, shes used to defending herself. Our stepping in could have been seen as disrespect but.... You were the one who caused it. If johanna had a bit more experience she may have been able to over power me in that form." While it was true it was her lack of experience that had made the fight almost completely one sided. Akio had crushed her handily, not taking even one clean hit. "The next time you do so i will have to consider you a enemy and deal with you accordingly." He said, his voice leaving no doubt that he would kill her easily without losing any sleep over it and she didnt have the power to compete with him. His grip tightened around johanna for a moment, yet he seemed careful with her. "Otherwise if you want to stay i wont stop you, but you will respect my students and you will respect me. Understood?" @KuraiKitsune
"The thankless child? I am quite shocked. For one who ridicules Shakespeare you do know...A little? I may have judged you a tad bit early. I'll be sure to take note of that for the future." She replied instantly after Ophidius's remark.

She turned towards the mentor, "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so," proceeding to explain the quote, "Believe it or not I actually care for my cousin. Though my methods may not suit you the intent still stands. If she does not become become a suitable heir then you won't have to worry about a simple punch, but instead worry about those from the family who'd rather come to kill her for a more suitable heir."

She sympathized with the mentor and said with a more meek like voice that matched her appearance, "Forgive my rudeness which may be your last apology because we've just acquainted, but it is in my nature. I am a straight to the point individual and don't believe in 'pulling any punches'." She chuckled at the irony of her own remark. "Although I'd prefer to not have you as an enemy and understand the respect you demand for your students which I shall give, I ask that you understand that I merely was looking out for my kin. You may have my respects sir."
Saphire blinked... one, she'd not had much against demons healing but didn't know there were some who did. Two... he'd just... that. That felt good. She was immediately more relaxed, energetic, it almost felt like her hand wasn't even smarting anymore... what was that, and how can I do it? I MUST be able to do it. Not for herself, though it'd be nice, but for people who came back with hangovers, or for when they were fighting. She wanted to be able to heal, and what little she could do was... painfully inadequate. "Tha-" Before she could say anything to Orphidius-san he was gone, and she finished lamely "-nk you."
After a few minutes of digging through random junk, Ophidius finally found what he was searching for: a polished mahogany box. He gently lifted the lid, revealing a laminated stack of old papers that appeared to be very old and worn, adorned with highly stylized handwriting. Ophidius let out a sigh as nostalgia overtook him. "Ah, reminds me of the good old days, Will. You just can't find a quality prankster like yourself these days. Oh well, as long as they're all fooled into thinking that your stuff actually is meaningful art, you're out there somewhere, laughing. Rest in peace, old pal." He slowly flipped over the laminated stack and looked at something scribbled on the very back of the bottom page.

Whilst I know not why you have requested this signed duplicate of my work, I assume you have done so to keep it as memorabilia. I look forward to your madcap tomfoolery once more, good sir! Due to your nature, I fear that I may not leave any of my possessions to you in my last will and testament, lest I incur the wrath of The Church, so I shall hope that this may suffice. -Sincerely, Willm Shakspeare, the Bard of StAvon

Satisfied with his find, he merrily waltzed back out to the porch to find Akio and the Byakurou girl still talking to one another. He casually approached the ninja and tossed the mahogany box in the air toward her. "There you go, one signed copy of the script of The Tempest. Happy Freaking Birthday." Feeling a bit tired, Ophi stretched out a bit and yawned, deciding that it would be best to take a nap. Once more, he vanished in a streak of red.
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She caught the box, opemed it and to her surprise it was his work. "Impossible..." She muttered. She examined the work and her jaw dropped. She quickly regained her composer and muttered the words she'd really not like to say after her brash remarks. She merely walked up yo Ophidius and said, "Th-tha....Thank you sir.... I'll re track my earlier rude statements. I am Klose Aika. May I ask your name?"

Realizing that she insulted a man that could receive a copy himself from Shakespeare shows his age and connection despite Aika meeting this individual for the first time. She had no prior knowledge of Johanna's companions prior to this, but this was slightly enlightening.
Akio listened to her calmly. "That much may be true but due to her going on a rampage im not sure how long she will sleep which may make her miss many hours of training." Then his face softened. "You are a lot like johanna herself with your attitude. As long as you respect me and my students there is no reason for us to be enemies." Then suddenly orphi was back and giving her a hand sighed work of shakespeare. Akio had know the man himself, he was still in europe at the time. It seemed to humble her rather quickly. Rolling his eyes he disappeared inside and put johanna in a bed, covering her with a blanket. Looking down at her sleeping/passed out he smiled and kissed her forehead before leaving the room. He went over to Klose and spoke. "Shakespeare. Thats a pretty nostalgic name, i knew the man personally as i was still in europe at the time."
Another shock at the mention of Shakespeare. "Mister johanna mentor, just how old are you?" Both of these men must be ages old she thought. She had assumed it for Ophidius but not the man standing before her looking as if he's only 17.
"How old am I." He said thinking. "Well I was a angel for many 100's of years before falling. I really didn't keep track of time back then. But I fell back when the roman republic was still the roman kingdom in 660 bc. Also my name is Akio."
"That's interesting. We may need to talk about this in the future. I am intrigued by the artwork and authors from earlier time periods. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Thinking back to earlier, "So I presume that I interrupted something seemingly important. Where or what is your groups next venture?"
"I'm sure I've met most of them so I'm sure if he able to help out with that." He said fighting a smile. "As for the groups next move we were training for a mission, unfortunly with Johanna out cold its a bit more Difficult."
The dream was vivid. Every detail, every description. Perhaps it wasn't a dream at all. Perhaps she had fallen into a portal into another dimension. After all she had seen in the last couple of years and the fact her father was the king of demon world she could not put anything past it.

So there she stood inside this dark world. Sable skies full of misery and only briefs flashes of lightning being the only source of illumination in a relatively lightless world. As far as her green eyes could see there was nothing but rocks, so many rocks. The silhouette of a mountain range seemed to be in the distance, but it was hard to tell since it was only visible when the lightning struck.

Johanna could only shrug it off, gripping tightly the hilt of the dull blade that was in her hand, the other hand holding tightly to the scabbard. Her feet pushed her body forward, as slow steps made their way through the yards of flat ground. She would catch the sight of a lizard scurrying at her feet before taking its leave behind a rock, or in the crack of the boulder.

Her progress, movement, traversal seemed futile until after what seemed like hours she managed to happen upon a throne that set in the middle of that presumed wasteland. She examined it closely for a second, looking at the markings and everything that seemed to cover it before backing away.....something seemed off.

Almost as if she had tempted fate itself, she turned holding up the blade to block the sword of an incoming assailant. The power of the attack, and the lack of strength her style provided for direct blocks caused her to slide a few feet back, and put a lot of stress on her elbow and shoulder nearly ripping the shoulder out of the socket. Thanks to her proper stance and athleticism, it was avoided.

She was allowed the chance to examine the offender who stood a few feet ahead of her. The anonymous person stood clad in black from head to toe, its face being covered also. Jojo could tell she was a woman though, her curvy figure gave that away.

The person held their sword high, in an awkward stance, but a very strong power was pulsating from them. The figure disappeared, and Johanna looked lost trying to figure out the location of the person and was barely able to raise her blade to block the incoming attack. The metals blades met each other in a clash of sparks, the offender pushing hard down on the blade causing Johanna's arms to shake. With a grunt, she used a pulse of her spiritual energy the push the stronger person off and jump back to get distance.

She was at a disadvantage. Johanna was slower and weaker, though the person who was attacking was sloppy and undisciplined. It was as if the person was just attacking with no thought. The next thing she knew a large wave of demonic energy was coming at her, so she jumped in the air to avoid it but found the assailant swinging a blade at her neck.

Just as the blade was about to cut through her neck, she found that her sight had given away to the world of Saphire's mansion. She had rose, sitting up breathing hard and was sweating. She had the blanket clutched in a ball in her right hand on her chest, and her left hand clutched into a fist.

Once her breathing slowed, she rose to her feet and walked slowly through the halls before emerging outside. She stood there, and glanced at everyone who was still there,"You guys realize it's like -15 degrees celsius ..." the cold never seemed to bother her, and perhaps it was because (though she didn't know it) the byakurou clan's main family lived in a place where it had harsh and long winters.
((ah its aku yay xD ))

Akio turned, she was awake already that was surprising. He looked at her. "Johanna, your awake. How do you feel." He said with some concern in his voice, he had knocked her around pretty hard.
(aku has returned, and he will attempt to revive the roleplay)

She managed to stretch her arms out, feeling her muscles tighten a bit but it was relatively negligible. So after taking a moment to crack her neck, and then follow it with her knuckles she shrugged her shoulders a bit,"Well I don't feel anymore sore than usual, so I guess I feel alright."

Whatever had happened to her to take her out of her demon form, didn't seem to affect her human form, though it did seem that her demon energy wasn't available at the moment. She couldn't tell that, but anyone who could sense energies with some sort of precision could easily find that the energy was "sealed" so to speak.
He nodded suppressing a sigh of relieve. She may have been in a released form akio had not pulled his punches and usually it may have been enough to possibly even kill her. "It seems your energy is sealed again, so you remember what happened?" He asked, last time she had no memory but he wondered if it was the same this time.
Saphire, upon hearing Johanna moving around calmly... moved outside to check on her. There was a feeling of half of the guardian was buried again. ANd where had that 'again' come from? It didn't matter, she was alive and active and... and Saphire held back from pulling the other girl into a hug for no reason. She suddenly felt completely guilty for no reason. "Is everyone alright?"
Johanna put her hands on the back of her head and shrugged a bit,"I remembering being punched...and everyone getting in my way, but besides that dream, I don't quite remember much else." She searched around and spotted the girl who resembled her closely, narrowing her eyes before diverting attention to Saphire,"I'm fine. Just a little sore, tired even. Though, I still must insist on pointing out...it's -15 celsius."
"Yes. And I am freezing. But I'm more worried about you than cold." No, she didn't care if that sounded completely cheesy. Standing up straight, putting a tiny bit of authority in her tone, she told everyone... "Breakfast is ready. Whatever happened is over. It is below freezing. Everyone get inside now." And opened the door with one arm, glaring at each, but seemingly completely calm. "We can continue our conversations once we're inside, and out from the cold."
He looked at sapphire, well that sounded a bit cheesy. 'Perhaps he should be saying something like that however.' He thought for a moment remembering their time in the air. He smiled a bit then said. "Yeah let's go inside, I may be a fallen but I can still get sick." He said walking inside. Once Johanna followed him inside he spoke again. "You went into demon form again, only this time more stabilized thanks to your blade. Rather then just disappearing you attacked everyone around you." He said looking at her.
"Only -15 Celsius," Aika said sarcastically, "Oh my, what ever shall we do? The byakurou clan's main family lives in this type of environment my dear cousin. Maybe it's just a tad bit of that half blood in your causing the slight chill in you." She smirked and recited, "Thou knowest, winter tames man, woman, and beast." She continued with her own line, "And those mixed of the two. Anyways, I'm Klose Aika your cousin. It's a pleasure Johanna."

She bowed gracefully in front of her fitting a girl of her stature, "You need-ent worry about further punches. Just consider it a 'love tap' that went further than expected. I plan to join you along your journey as a follower of the clan and all. You may learn a thing or two from one raised in the clan."

She looked towards Sapphire, "Ah, this must be your home. My rude demeanor earlier was a tad bit...unpleasant. Please allow me a chance to redeem myself. Klose Aika is my name Miss...?" she left her words off as a leading question.
"Tsuki Saphire." A small nod to the woman. Irrational dislike shoved to the side, so far she'd been polite to Saphire. So, it was a family problem. Something to do with this clan, which probably had to do with why Johanna suddenly felt twice as big as before, but that half of her was blocked away. "You'll have your chance, and as long as you don't start any more fights inside my house you can stay here if you wish."
Johanna shot a glance at her cousin, and her eyes narrowed,"You're not quite observant, I'm not wearing clothes appropriate for this weather nor was I when you struck me from my blindside. I don't think these people should remain out here much longer, they're bound to get sick."

Akio had proven her point, despite being an angel and she managed to smile as they went inside. Before long he had spoken about her going into demon form, but her blade stabilizing it. "I attacked everyone? Eh." she trailed off, not so much surprised by it rather than annoyed because of it. She still was going berserk whenever she had a great amount of energy and wasn't sure how to remedy that.

So she managed to look at Akio, and take in a deep breath,"It won't happen again."
He looked at her. "It may happen again whether you like it or not, especially with that blade. It supports your demonic energy but at the same time draws it out for you. Also when you attacked me you seemed to think I was your father. You were pretty determined to kill me." Then she may realize under the light that Akio had several small wounds. Bruises from nearly being slammed into the ground by the first strike and small cuts from etheir rock or from her long range slashes remaining energy. Unlike Johanna he hadent instantly healed his injurys.
Saphire noticed the wounds... but didn't want to try healing them outside. Not that she could do more than lessen the wounds at the moment, to her knowledge... She scooted inside, looking worriedly at him. "Akio? Before we eat I'm going to..." To what? Try and close the wound? Something told her she might not succeed... she was already tired from attempting to use Spirit Ray more than seven times... but no, she had to try. Succeeded or not she could at least dress the wounds. A tiny shake of her head, as though to dislodge her doubt, and she considered grabbing his arm to drag him inside, but decided not to in case it would hurt him.

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