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Fantasy The Divide

Saphire, having just returned with her bow and naginata... sighed and placed them against the tree. And then kicked off her unfitting shoes and ran barefoot. "Five miles... should be near two or three laps of the mansion." It was rather big... no, four. At least she was calm again. Mostly. I'm never going to get a restful night's sleep again, am I?

Johanna blinked as she also took off in a full sprint, making sure she didn't use any of her speed that wasn't human. Her sneakers made the run all the more easier. Even as tired as she was, five mile sprints weren't that hard for her. She did five miles with weights on three times a week, though she admitted it wasn't a full sprint when she did, a run still, but not a full sprint.

Her sports training would make this easy. She ran efficiently, she breathed efficiently, so this running would be efficient.
Akio wasent running on a flat path, he soon began running threw the forest and in between tree's he never lost speed his feet moving expertly as he breathed with even breaths. After about a mile the got to one of larger mountains/large hills around the mansion and began running up it. He wasent losing speed, rather he seemed to be getting faster.
He.... in this.... her breathing worsened over time. And then she shook her head, she would not act like a geek at this moment, and took in several deep breaths to get back on track. In and out, and then regular once more... if not as deep. She was obviously lagging behind the other two, but her pace was steady. Still a sprint, but she modulated it to one she could at least keep up longer than running full pell-mell out after them. I... can't keep up. But I can... at least try to... finish.
Johanna followed Akio through the forest, not pushing herself further than her body would let her go at the moment. In her normal shape, she'd be able to stay with him, but she had trained to she collapsed the night before, after training in iaijutsu, hapkido, basketball, and soccer everyday before hand. She didn't lose nor gain speed, as she followed Akio up the larger piece of terrain, but adjusted her energy output to take on the hill.
Gently jogging after the group, Ophidius came across Saphire, who was struggling to keep up with the other two. "Hey there, how's it going? You, uh, need any help? You don't seem like the most athletic of people...eh, I guess its just your upbringing. Always caring for others before yourself, right?" He put a hand on the girl's shoulder while keeping at her pace. "Try to channel your inner rage, your frustrations against the people who inconvenience you. Let it free and it shall give you strength, don't bottle it up and pretend it doesn't exist." He gave a tiny pulse of life energy to the girl, hoping his words would take root in her mind.
Akio reason for speeding up was he had found his rhythm, in truth it had been awhile since he did such beginning training like this but now memories of fond time flowed back to him. It almost felt like his master was running beside him. He never slowed, he could keep watch on them by their aura alone. Instead as he found his rhythm he went faster. He also seemed to be leading them on the most chaotic and steepest paths and hardest way up the hill even if it made the trip longer.
Bottle it up and pretend it doesn't exist? What is he talking about? Sure, she tended to explode from stress when she was alone, but she di- that feeling again, weaker, but there. Her thought process thrown off by the sudden feeling of energy... and she really wanted to learn how to do that for people. No, she'd been wondering about that. Sure, she got frustrated, but... taking it out on people wouldn't solve anything. Especially when she was supposed to be invisible to most people. "It's not their fault, though." IT was hers. She was the one who didn't have the resources, skills, power... whatever it was, to deal with the inconveniences.
"Not always, but you don't have to shoulder everybody's burdens. There are plenty of people in the world who don't deserve a second chance, yet they get to survive for ages while far too many people like you die young. I see you're have trouble with this little exercise, so I'll be willing to train you in speed and endurance when time permits. If there is one thing I know how to do, it would be running. And if anger doesn't motivate you...." He whipped a small, menacing jet black axe that had a few bits of what seemed to be pulsating flesh built into it, and started inching closer to Saphire as the axe seemed to hum with fearsome demonic power. "....I'm sure fear will."
Johanna just continued to go along, almost drifting into a trance as if her running was her body on autopilot. That's what running had become for her, and though it seemed Akio was purposely taking a harder route didn't bother her the least. It didn't bother her a bit, until some rocks gave way under her feet causing her to fall face forward.

She managed to snap from her trance, placing her hand down to catch herself, and pushing herself up with a bit of her spiritual energy and into a tree before she kicked off that one, and then another before landing on the ground nad continuing to run.
Ophidius-san was... threatening her?! That was so unexpected... sure, earlier he had been upset and done that, randomly WAS THAT AXE BEATING?! Needless to say she was freaking out, and unconsciously sped up, eyes wide and staring at the partial-flesh weapon. If one listened closely they might hear the sounds of her freaking out and trying to convince herself it wasn't a living weapon that was in the normally amusing, often annoying, occasionally cute albino demon who was chasing jogging behind her.
"Yesssss! It thirsts for blood! Fear the axe! Fear it! Run for your life!" Ophi yelled as he waved around the axe crazily. So far it seemed to be doing a good job of motivating her. If the wolf girl or the Fallen saw him doing this, there were either going to try and kill him (better people have tried) or wonder how he forged a living weapon. It wasn't as if an axe that hungers for flesh and is forged from demon hearts was a very common sight, after all. Just to ensure that Saphire kept up a decent pace, he threw the axe into a tree that was ahead of her by a fair distance, the blade embedding itself into the tree with a loud thunk! The axe then began to beat like a human heart, expanding and contracting loudly as it sensed the presence of the living girl nearby.
Her eyes widened... and then just like in an anime she speed forward, causing a cloud of dust to form behind her. In the distance she was heard shouting "NO! GET IT AWAY! IT'S GONNA EAT MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" While she had been far behind her newfound speed, mainly in the form of fear, led her to quickly start catching up, almost comical in nature. Looking at her face you would see tears of fear and trauma, eyes closed to the point of not even knowing where she was going... all she was focused on was getting away. Eventually she, in her panic, tripped, rolling randomly around due to the momentum, hitting a tree somewhere, and laying there too dizzy and tired to get up. It was fortunate she was wearing pants.

"Heh, that girl has some serious potential. I'm the best. Teacher. Ever." Ophi jogged over to the tree and pulled the axe out of the bark. The insidious thing quivered and pulsated erratically before calming down in its' maker's grip. "There, there. You'll get your time to shine later tonight." The crafty red demon sifted through the folds of his jacket until he found what he was searching for: a sewing needle and some thread. "Now, lets go find which room she sleeps in and slip you inside the mattress. If that doesn't work, I can just stuff you under the floorboards. Ha!" The demon vanished in another swirl of crimson, stopping at the kitchen to enjoy a small snack of eggs with cheese and crackers. As he rummaged through the pantry, he found a few boxes of assorted snack foods, including those delicious spicy chips, and took several varying boxes with him to his closet full of pancake mix. He stopped by his room and left a box of chocobees by the door in the hopes that the offering will stave off the new tenants' wrath. He hurried along back to his closet, ate the boxes of snacks at high speed and curled up atop his throne of pancake mix boxes to take a nap.
Akio had noticed saphires sudden speed up and orphi's encouragement but had not struck out against him because he knew that if he wanted to strike her he could have done it easily earlier on. He had allowed him to do as he wished for a short while till he felt saphire collapse. At this point akio had gained a fair lead on johanna so when he used his true speed johanna felt and saw a flash of him fly past her backwards. He looked down at saphire. "Well that was quite a method, maybe i should have stopped that sooner." He said to her with some amusement before picking up saphire and zooming past johanna again to his previous spot, where he began to run normally again seemingly unconcerned about the added weight.
Johanna had fallen back into her trance before she had seen someone blow by her, and processed it for a moment. It was Akio carrying Saphire, which caused a little fury in the young teenage girl for multiple reasons. "I don't need this running like Saphire does," she muttered a bit before using her full speed to catch up to Akio and grab saphire by the fabric from her shoulder, and using her power to try and toss her forward.

It was an emotional fueled display, there was a bit of frustration from the exercise. A bit of jealousy of the touching, and a few other things that went along with it.
She felt herself picked up, thrown, and randomly falling on the ground. Before she had simply been confused, but now she was unconscious, having landed on her head. She stayed like that for a while, and eventually she woke up, rubbed her head, and shook it. What had happened? She'd been running, and then Ophidius-san had shown up, and then.... then what? Paling she remembered the throbbing axe, and managed to hold back on her desire to squeeze in fear. Obviously she'd done something wrong... otherwise she'd not have been thrown... had she been? It felt like it. Oh, the way her shirt was crumpled.... yeah, she'd been thrown. One hand went to her forehead, "I'll... never train with Ophidius-san nearby again."
Since Akio had gone back to his normal pace after he reached his previous spot and hadent been prepared for Johanna's sudden and massive speed up as she shot forward and ripped saphire from his arms and threw her. He jumped forward to catch her but missed her by inches. Then putting his weight on his back foot he slid back and grabbed Johanna's arm and pulled her towards him with a bit of twist so that she was pressed against akio's chest with one arm as to prevent her from doing another out jealousy attack. "What are you doing." He asked his voice a mixture of surprise and confusion. He hadent expected her to attack saphire.

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She sucked the air between her teeth, before turning her attention away from Akio as he grabbed her and pulled her to him. At first, she attempted to push off from him but stopped when she didn't feel like using any strength to separate the two. Instead, she managed to give herself a moment to listen into the thoughts that were running through her head. Her cheeks were red, a bit from embarrassment and a bit from anger. Her heart rate was faster than normal, and her breathing uneven. So when she finally got herself into the presence of mind, she calmed all of her body down and looked at Akio,"No reason..."
He looked at her incredulously before rolling his eyes. "So what you suddenly decided to practice your judo flips on saph while I was carrying her." He said still with some confusion though he was beginning to think he knew why. "If your guys body's weren't already stronger then normal that could have gone badly." He leaned down a bit resting bear the crook of her neck. "What's on your mind?"
"It doesn't matter," she said gently, and a bit with ambiguity as to which question or statement she was responding to. She took a moment to think over what her next response should be before gazing at him gently,"Go ahead and touch her all you want...I don't care..." she tried to stifle her natural scoff that was coming following her statement but it turned into a weird face she made.
Akio met her gaze as she spoke. As he suspected, he had to stifle a laugh. She was jealous, for some reason he found that quite cute. "You don't need to be jealous of saphire you know. Orphi chased her around with a ax with a heart beat a bit back and she fell and she wasent in to much of a condition to run anymore so I carried her. It was nessary and while I do care for saphire it's not the same way I do for you. Saph is -" he said searching for the term in his mind that described his feelings for her. "Is like a younger sister to me. I've grown to care for you both during your training but in the romantic regard I only have eyes for you." He said his voice soft, just loud enough for her to hear.
"Right, tell me more lies fallen..." she said looking off into the distance. She broke away from him and putting his her arms folded around her abdomen and taking in a deep breath,"Let's keep the training going.." She looked off into the distance as she disappeared to the untrained eye, beginning to run with her full speed.
He sighed, he had been degraded from akio to fallen. He looked at saphire apologetically. "Ill come pick you up soon, i need to fix this." He didnt like abusing her easy going nature but he felt that he had to reassure her. While she had a lead on him with her speed akio knew the trail far better and was well rested and he managed to catch her and grabbing her from behind. "Can you slow down!" He said a bit breathless, no doubt in her haste to run off she had been moving pretty quickly. "And tell me whats wrong..."
Saphire had, after realizing that no she did NOT run into something again, just sat there confused. Was Johanna... jealous? Of her? She was certain the confusion in her mind was mirrored in her expression, but when Akio stood up she nodded. If this was something like that... if Johanna was REALLY jealous... then she'd make sure to be completely honest later that night. Not only was she not likely to ever be looked at as a romantic interest, but it was even less likely from someone like Akio, who knew what he was doing.

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