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Fantasy The Divide

He felt her shiver and held her tight to him whispering in her year. "Tournament be damned if things get really bad im getting involved, i wont let them take you." He said not wanting to say the word kill or even even entertaining the idea that she would die, she who had become so important to him. He parted a bit from her and brushed back a lock of her hair behind her head with his thumb. "I love you." He said looking down at her.
Ophidius took advantage of the time he had before the fights began to plan his fight. Well, plan his entrance, anyway. He was currently in one of the sub-tunnels in the small network that lead to the entrance of the stadium the overconfident brats who called themselves the "Supreme Four" were using for this little show. The way things were looking, both sides would likely suffer a mutual ass-kicking that would devastate most of the Guardians and at least one of the Loser Four. Maybe later he could go out for a drink with the fat one, he seemed like the kind of guy who could hold his li-

"Nonononoooo, put that guitar down. You're on vocals." He commanded a group of demons who were tasked with the maintenance and cleaning of the arena. This particular gaggle had been wandering around listlessly once they finished some menial chore, having the immense luck to run into an overly creative Ophidius. Those poor fellows. Ophi grabbed the hand of a large horned demon with red skin and dragged him to one of the boxes in the storage room the group was rummaging through. "See these? Wonderful quality drums. It's a miracle you guys have something like this leftover. Alright, now everyone memorize the music and you'll get paid extra after this event is over. Trust me, this order came from the Supreme Four themselves." Not leaving any room for argument, Ophi pulled several sheets of paper from his jacket and distributed them to each of the demons present. "When they announce that 'Ophidius' is supposed to fight, you hook up the loudspeakers and play that as good as you can."

He raced out of the storage room and back into the tunnel hallways with a suitcase in hand. The pale-haired demon shed the tattered, stain-covered mess that was the last jacket in his possession (the remaining ones that were washed were destroyed in a mysterious incident that involved a stampede, or so he told Saphire) and shoved it into a nearby trash bin. Ophi then set his suitcase on the ground, opening it with great care. After a few minutes of dressing, he was wearing a snazzy hooded red jacket he stole found in the storage room.


Now all he had to do was wait.
(well ophi will be waiting bwahaha)

Johanna returned the look up to Akio and nodded,"I love you too..." she broke away completely looking at Saphire and nodded,"Thanks, you too." She had begun to walk towards the arena, but stopped looking back to the blue haired woman,"You may not be as strong as them, but you're better. And at the end of the day, that's all you'll need to be to beat them. You got this...." she nodded to her and walked towards her cousin.

Aika stared at Johanna who stared back, and they both offered a smile before sucking the air between their teeth and looking off into opposite directions. If it wasn't for Johanna lack of her demonic features, you would be hard-pressed to tell the difference between them. "Don't die Johanna, but don't fear it either. Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die, Passing through nature to eternity."

Johanna shrugged her shoulders,"I don't know what any of that means, but good luck cousin." With that she jumped up on to the stone platform with the scabbard in her left hand sword headed out. She would go first, she wanted to get the nervousness out. She still hadn't fully recovered from her training, and the quicker she got her first battle out the way she would get time to rest.

It was odd, she didn't know who would be the alternate. They only needed four fighters, and an alternate in case one died but they won. She was sure it would be Ophi or Akio...well she wasn't sure, but she didn't care.

Her first opponent stepped in front of her, a blue skinned demon who seemed to be a swordmaster in the same attired you'd find a samurai in. Johanna smiled a bit,"Forgive me." She heard his sword click as he removed from the sheath just as the referee said fight! It was quick, and it didn't seem like Johanna or the other guy moved but soon.....cuts began to appear on the other demon and then blue blood began to spray everywhere before the demon fell to his knees, and to his face dead.

Johanna sighed as she turned from him and began to walk off the stage using her free right hand to wipe off the blood that dripped from a cup on her cheek,"I was careless....." she muttered to herself. She was upset she had allowed the demon foe to get a strike across her face. She was sure it wasn't deep enough to scar, but still annoying nonetheless.

She dropped off the stage and approached Akio,"Did you count how many times I slashed him? (45 btw) He was as fast as me. I realized that just a tad bit too late. I thought he was a step slower, but I was wrong. Luckily for me and my training, once I realized that I adjusted accordingly, and it was easy afterwards. Hopefully next round is better."
Akio nodded looking at the dead demon. "Dont hold back here to much, many of the demons here could give me trouble in certain conditions and even i couldnt take all of them likely. But at the same time you must conserve your energy, else you wont be able to face stronger demons as they wear you down. I may be able to give you a little relieve between fights but theres a limit to what i can do." He then relaxed at her a little and smiled at her. "Still you have improved leaps and bounds, i did count all your slashes and im impressed." He said honestly a bit impressed with her progress.
Johanna watched as Aika was ready to move forward but held her hand out to stop her,"we'll let Ophi go next..." she said taking in a deep breath, before taking a second to look back to Akio,"I wasn't ready to face that demon...but eh." she took a bit yawning. The night before she had stayed up the entire night training on precisely controlling her energy. She wanted to be able to focus it in one part of her body, and strengthen her defense there. This was better and conserved energy for her then distributing it throughout her whole body.

She took in a deep breath before yawning and going to sit down near the wall,"It's nap time..y'all please don't die. And Akio..let Ophi go..you can be the alternate..he'll shit his pants if he doesn't get to fight..." and with that, she went and sat down closing her eyes and falling off to sleep.
He nodded and she went off to sleep wanting nothing more then to go sit against the wall with her and curl up, but he owed it to his students and even to orphi as a fellow teacher to watch the fight and see how they progressed. His careful eyes swept the demon crowd, identifying the more powerful ones and bio-graphing them and thier weeknesses and strength even when they werent fighting by stance and other small hints alone
Saphire had watched the fight with what she felt was plenty of calm. Johanna... she'd only seen about 20 of her attacks, but still... another twenty five after that? And the enemy had been able to cut Johanna... she silently waved to the other woman, hoping to remind her that Saphire was able to heal such small wounds. It was best it not be left open, lest her foe use some kind of airborne poison and take advantage of it. How would Ophidius-san do, she wondered... after all, it was his turn to destroy a demon.

Then it would be her turn, wouldn't it? Which meant she'd have to kill one of them. And deal with the pain of the fight. And not get upset about anything. She mentally slapped herself, because she knew she could think of anything she wanted to to deal with the fears... or more of them, and it wouldn't do her any good. Come to think of it... where was he?
Ophidius was trembling with excitement. Despite being complete wastes of flesh, these Supreme Four seemed strong enough. If he was lucky, this tournament would give him a fight where he could finally stop pulling punches and start brutally maiming whatever poor soul came his way. To be honest, he would probably shit his pants if he didn't get a properly strong opponent. He hard his name being announced, prompting him to return to the arena. As he reached the mouth of the tunnel's exit, his ears were filled with the sweet sound of the song he had bamboozled the other demons into playing. His reasons for choosing that specific song were the several insults directed at a certain individual. Ophidius didn't want to admit it, but that song described his own life quite a bit. Gaining power, only to pay a price for ambition.....no, this was not a time to reminisce. He boldly marched out into the arena and enjoyed the loudly blaring music.

He boldly strode out onto the arena and frontflipped onto the stone platform. His foe was already present, and by the looks of it, he did not like to be kept waiting. Ophidius' enemy was a massive bull-horned demon that stood a good nineteen or twenty feet tall. It's skin appeared charred and blackened, with metal plates crudely fused onto the skin to serve as a very uncomfortable-looking suit of armor. The beast looked down on his adversary and growled, buffeting Ophidius with his hot, rancid breath.

"...Damn, you're an ugly one." Ophi cracked a manic grin. This was going to be a bit on the hard side, but at least it would be fun! He could feel the demonic blood burning in his veins, hungry for violence. The beast barreled forward with a thundering roar and ripped off a sharp chunk of its own armor. It swung the large chunk of metal to the ground, leaving a massive gash in the stone platform where Ophi had been seconds before. Ophi had scurried up the demon's leg, leaping between protrusions of the armor until he was resting on the minotaur's shoulder. "Sorry if I hurt your feelings, I didn't mean to call you ugly." The minotaur swatted at his shoulder in an attempt to crush the bothersome insect, but he backflipped off its shoulder plate before the blow could make contact. "What I mean to say," Ophi jeered as he landed on the firm stone of the arena floor. "Is that you're a sickening waste of flesh who couldn't hit the broadside of a barn, which is where an animal as idiotic as yourself belongs." The minotaur roared with unbridled fury and swung its rough blade horizontally, only for Ophi to spring into the air and land on it harmlessly. "What's the matter, you disgusting cow? You just may be the single most pathetic warrior I have ever seen." The minotaur's patience had run out. With a rumbling growl, parts of the armor on its upper body slid back to form vents from which metal tubes emerged. Concentrated flames erupted from each vent, acting as a cluster of miniature rocket thrusters. "Maybe the Supreme Four should hook you up to a plow and put your lazy ass to work. After all, there isn't really any other use for a-" The minotaur screamed forward at an unreal speed, faster than Ophidius could even dodge. A single rocket-powered fist came down, crashing against the arena with a massive shockwave of supersonic force.


The spot previously occupied by the red demon was now a crater beneath the minotaur's enormous metal fist. The crowd of demons that served as an audience for the tournament erupted into frenzied cheers at the sight of Ophidius being squashed like a bug on the windshield of a jet.
Saphire's hands jerked, but she just gripped the fabric of her clothing. Ophidius-san... you're ok, right? Please be ok. He may be often annoying, but at least he kept things interesting... no, to be honest she was fond of the strange demon. Rather than focusing on the crater instead she looked at the bull... if Ophidius-san was alive then something would happen to the monster. And probably at the most dramatic moment. You wouldn't lose to so weak a foe, right?
There in the audience set Lucifer and Okurigami, that is, Hayate and Hanzo. And there Hayate set with his ankles locked over each other, DS in his hands playing Smash Bros. He wasn't really paying mind to what was going on, not Johanna's Battle, nor the music Ophi had played for his intro.

Hanzo on the other hand, sat in the audience and focused on everything that was going,"My descendant was impressive, a bit careless, but I'll let it pass since she seems to be exhausted from training, I hope she'll be fully rested by her next battle."

When Ophi's song came on Hanzo laughed a bit before nudging Lucifer,"I'm sure this is an ode to you."

Hanzo didn't look up, but continued to play the game, but when he heard someone yell 'Lucifer is everyone's BITCH', he yawned a bit and the demon disintegrated into ashes leaving nothing but a greying skull. "Winner, Pikachu!" echoed the DS from his hands as he smiled,"I'm sorry what did you say Hanzo?"

Hanzo blinked a bit before shrugging, and watching the fight raising a brow when he didn't see Ophi,"What's that snake up to..." he mumbled mostly to himself.

Aika rose a brow as she rested on her Rintaken, wondering where Ophi could be,"Surely as much as he teases my kind, he couldn't have been put off so easily, right?"

It wasn't much else going with Johanna, well except her mostly incoherent mumbling, "Damn it snake..you better not die...Zzzzzzz"

Ophidius lied face-down in the ground, building up his power. This brute relied on sheer force and was poorly coordinated, hardly even a competent opponent. What it did have was endurance, and it had that in spades. He idly wondered for a moment what his allies would say to him at a time like this...

"Ophidius-san... you're ok, right? Please be ok..."

...they'd probably say some words of encouragement...

"Damn it snake..you better not die...Zzzzzzz"

...okay, Saphire would probably say some words of encouragement...

"Woo! Lucifer is everyone's BITCHAAAAAAAARG"

...and Ophi was pretty sure that scream didn't from his imagination. That was going to be a serious problem...

"A bold statement. Too bold."

...what? Just.....what? Eh, didn't matter. With a grunt, Ophidius released a torrent of demonic energy, pushing the metallic fist back off the ground. His mood perked up considerably when he heard the band starting the second song on his list...


The iron plates and joints slowly crumpled like tin foil under the stress of Ophidius' pushing. With one final heave, he pushed himself out of the crater to make eye contact with the huge bull demon who had bashed him into the floor. Ophidius pulled with strength he hadn't seen reason to use in years, completely ripping the arm off the twenty-foot tall behemoth at the shoulder.

The time has come to an end

Yeah! This is what nature planned

Being tracked by a starving beast

Hungry for it's daily feast

A predator on the verge of death

Close to it's last breath

Getting close to it's last breath


Ophidius shifted his feet for better balance and made a gradual advance on his foe, swinging its severed arm as a deadly, spiked metal bludgeon. With each swing, more and more of the minotaur's armor was ripped off, while the weaponized arm was being torn apart by the impacts against the sharp, hardened surface of its target. Once the arm had been worn down to the wrist, Ophidius flipped it around and threw the closed hand like a javelin. Unfortunately for his enemy, he had been aiming for the nether regions, so to speak. The now significantly less armored bull demon doubled over in pain and howled in agony. Ophidius raced forward in a crimson blur and leapt onto the monster's lowered head, where he ripped a chunk off one of the horns and forced into an eye socket with a loud squelch. With one final effort, the red menace raced down his larger foe's back and jumped off, kicking it's rear with a tremendous enough amount of force to send it stumbling forward onto its stomach.

Ophidius looked back at his victim to size up what was left of him. The thing was horribly beaten, with a missing eye and arm, along with what he surmised to be one...three...four....every rib broken. It would live, if only barely, and would be in excruciating pain for the remainder of its life, which even then would be short.

"Not enough, needs to hurt more. Scream a bit for the audience this time, okay?" Ophidius casually strolled to the downed beast's form and seized both feet with a loud grunt. He turned left, dragging it in an arc. His turn progressed into a constant spin, smearing the bull on the arena floor until he had sufficient centripetal force to lift it of the ground while spinning. Ophidius let go of the feet and watched as the beast soared across the arena and into the audience, embedding itself in a crater dangerously close to Johanna.

"So long, Bowser. It's a-me, Mephisto." Ophidius chuckled to himself.
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The giant bull demon went flying through the air towards where Hanzo and Hayate were sitting. A bunch of Demons -and a few humans- were crushed but the two had put up a barrier to protect themselves. The barrier dropped and Hayate yawned,"Hey, let's take out two of the masked team members, and join the party."

Hayate shrugged his shoulders, as the two disappeared together.

Actually, the bull Demon was large enough -what was left o him at least- that his foot was aimed directly at where Johanna's head was. Luckily for Johanna as if her subconscious knew, she slid down the wall and laid on her side the demon projectile hitting where she would have been if she hadn't moved.

"At least you didn't die snake boy.." she trailed off before she began to snore a bit,"Wake me up when something interesting happens."

That last comment made Aika chuckle a bit as she glanced over to Saphire,"I guess you're next? You don't have to fight if you don't want to, I can fight and we'll win this round, and we can go to the next without fighting......" well she didn't care if the blue haired girl fought or not, she just wanted the chance to show the strength of her clan. She wasn't even in her demon form, she was going to conserve all her demon energy for as long as possible.
I knew he was ok, Ophidius-san wouldn't be that weak. She gently shook her head. No... this was her chance to try. She quickly stood up, taking notice of the pit, and walked over and onto it, Naginata in hand. Her enemy was a Fallen, blackened wings and brown hair, with a voluptuous figure hidden from view only by the robe she wore. Saphire, of course, bowed to the woman respectfully before they began, ignoring the calculating look she was given. That sort of thing didn't even matter in combat.

She lowered her weapon in what she knew was the typical combat pose... and then lowered the tip a bit more. It gave the illusion of a break in her guard, and as expected the Fallen took advantage, rushing towards Saphire with what seemed to be extreme speed. Saphire waited for just a second before taking a step back and to the side, the claw-like weapons her foe was using gently tearing at the cloth. That had been close, but now she had a sense for her foes speed.

The Fallen, sensing her turn had come, or just too impatient, rushed at her, fresh energy lacing the claws... only to be stopped when she brought her naginata up in a vertical guard position. She kicked her opponent, sending her backwards a bit as she'd been off balance, and brought her naginata down in a powerful strike, "Spirit Ray." The flash of light-blue energy hit her right in the stomach, and a hint of blue spread across her form.

The robe was a set of armor, it seemed.

The Fallen, now enraged, began moving even faster than before, using her wings to fly this time, and now Saphire actually got cut in several places. They were, of course, shallow wounds, but enough to tell her that if this continued she'd get her arm cut off or something. She spread her feet, "Spirit Sanctuary" ANd surrounded herself, and only herself, in a dome of spirit energy. The attack stopped, and as soon as it did... she dropped the shield, rushing forward and cutting the woman at the same time as she shouted, once more, "SPIRIT RAY!" This time the fallen's arm fell off, and she took a few steps back, ready in case of another round of attacks. The whole time she'd stayed away from the crater, and uncertain footing that it would have, but...

And then the Fallen flew after her, unsteady from blood loss and filled with the urge for vengeance. Seeing her opponents state Saphire frowned, for one she was going so much slower than before... and then used the butt of her spear to push her onto the ground outside the ring. Luckily or no the loss of blood made her unable to stand, and thus the count went by. 1, 2, 3, she thought the fallen would make it, but no, 4, 5, 6, she was crawling back now..., 7, 8, 9, and 10. They were out for the count, and Saphire was the winner.

she felt no triumph from that fight, only disgust and sorrow... such a waste of potential and life. If the Fallen wasn't treated immediately... She jumped down, hurrying over to her with her healing energy in hand.

((Sorry if this makes her seem OP. I was hoping to make it so she was facing the weakest of the opposing team, and struggle with making choreographed battles seem harrowing.))
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Aika sighed kicking up the Rintaken into her hands before she began to walk out the stadium,"I'm heading back to the hotel." was the only thing she commented glancing over to her cousin. She would have gone and picked her up and carried her back, but she was sure Akio would probably do it, and prefer to in the first place. So with a shrug, she began to walk out of the stadium. She didn't care to see the other fights today, it would make her more anxious to get her first taste of blood in. It wasn't too bad that she missed the first round, it weeded out the weaklings and that means their next opponents should be tougher. Maybe Saphire would even be forced to kill.

With those last thoughts, she made her way from the stadium.

"Way to go Blue girl!" was the only thing Johanna said from her sleep state, snoring a bit as she lied on her side.

Three masked fellows, wearing black cloaks with hoods began twalk out, behind them, were two more of the same. They were headed to the arena to do the next fight. One of the two from behind jumped on to the stage and took in a deep breath, not pulling the hood on his cloak down, and holding out a sword.

"Vrynm pa kun te me?" 'when did Vrynm get a sword?' asked one of the first three members that came out first. His opponent made his way to the stage, a small orcish looking fellow, with green skin and covered in very large armor. In his hand was a very large axe, that seemed too big for someone to hold properly.


Neither of the figures moved, just glaring at each other. The orc finally moved charging at the figure knocking him across the arena, he bouncing a few times before sliding to a stop. The hooded man struggled to get to his feet, but as soon as he did he found the handle of the axe into his stomach causing him to double over, before the blade of the axe came at his side and split him into two piece, blood splattering everywhere.

The orc rose his axe in victory,"What a weak little ho-..." the Orc stopped speaking, there was a blade coming from his mouth now. The hooded man from before was standing on his feet, in fine condition.

What actually happened, to anyone with good perception and that didn't fall victim to illusions, would have seen that in truth the Orc had been fighting air, while the other combatant stood off to the side watching. When the Orc celebrated in Victory is when he decided to end it.

He removed the sword from the Orc's head, and green blood sprayed everywhere the orc falling to the ground. He fell victim to his illusion, and the hooded man walked off the side of the arena and stood next to the other hooded figure he was with.

This other figure was playing DS, smash bros, and when he was nudged, he hopped on to the fighting ring, sitting on the dead orc's body waiting for his opponent. The next opponent was another orc, who looked similar, but smaller and wearing much lighter armor. He also opted for a bow and arrow -along with a sword- over the axe,"You killed my brother, now you must pay."
Akio watched the fight feeling a great amount of pride for his student, she who had been the most unsure of herself was showing great potential. Though he was a bit worried by her ability not to kill, she had a good heart but if she hesitated vrs the wrong opponent or someone with enough kill decided to take advantage of her reluctance. He got up and stepped forward till he was soon at her side looking at the fallen girl on the floor. "We need to clear out for the next round." He said gently putting a hand on her shoulder. "Stop the bleeding but after we must go."
She nodded, the Fallen was in great pain... but... he was right. The next fight would come quickly, so she bent down near the Fallen and gently placed her hands on the arm and shoulder. "Hold still, it won't take but a moment." she felt the drain almost immediately, even if it wasn't all that big of one. The woman quickly healed, probably having something to do with her physiology, but Saphire didn't care... and when the blood stopped she let go.

"You... should have killed me." The other, elder and more endowed woman said, glaring weakly at Saphire, as though to claim she'd be back for revenge. Saphire just gave her a sad smile, standing up quickly.

"Everyone's life has meaning." She turned away from the fallen, almost not catching the name that came from her... Azalea. It fit her, somehow... the same wood as was used in some sacred bows. Idly she wondered what had caused the Fallen to fall... but wondering about it wouldn't help anything, so she shook it off. "Tsuki Saphire."
Akio nodded at the other fallen in acknowledgement after they exchanged names and he put a hand on saphires back to guide her out of the ring just in time for them to watch the orc get slaughtered. Akio had seen threw it almost instantly and had watched the orc beat air before being killed. "Interesting.... Those men are strong." He said to himself
"Pryn mon pa ko?" 'why is pryn playing a game?' asked one of the other figures.

The hooded figure who was playing the game pretty much ignored the talking orc. This angered the Orc who drew his bow and began to shoot the arrows towards him, he moving head slightly to dodge each one. He yawned a bit as continued to play the game,"Got damn it megaman..." he muttered as the sounds of pikachu being k.o.'ed echoed from the DS.

He finally got up from the orc and slowly dodged more arrows, and he took in a deep breath when the orc came striking with his sword instead. The blade cut closely towards him, barely missing each time, and even cutting a few hairs, but nothing landed.

This frustrated the orc, who the hooded figured seemed to have been ignoring completely and instead playing the game. So, being fed up, the orc jumped back a few feet and drew his arrows,"Destructive shot!" and with that an arrow surrounded with a large aura of red energy came flying at the man it striking, a large explosion occurring. The orc laughed and looked over,"Serves you right for looking down on me...."

The orc had turned to walk away when the smoke cleared, and two black feathered wings were in front of the hooded figure protecting him from the explosion.
You Lose. The man took in a deep sigh, placing the DS in his pocket and pointing out towards him,"You distracted me enough to lose. You will suffer."

Immediately from the ground, several spikes came from the ground and impaled the orc all over keeping him stuck in one place. His blood began to drip slowly, but he was still very much alive. He couldn't moved, couldn't talk. The hooded figure held out a finger slowly began to shoot a beam of concentrated energy, hitting different parts of the orc. He did this slowly, and in a torturous fashion for a few minutes before the orc finally died of too much pain, and the hooded figure joined the other one from earlier, the two of them sitting against the wall.

"You said this would be fun...."

"It's only the first round milord...."
Knowing their part was done and having a inkling of a idea who they were he picked up johanna, holding her to his chest. "Common guys, we should go home, all of you need more bed rest." He said looking at the girl in his arms fondly before looking at the others pride in his eyes for saphire. "You all fought pretty well, you've learned a lot." He said starting to leave bringing johanna with him.
Johanna yawned a bit, as she felt herself being carried away,"Shh old man..i'm trying to sleep....."

and so Johanna slept...

And yet, here she was again in the same throne room. That same shinobi attire, with the same byakurou kanji. Those same white wolf ears, wolf tail, and wolf claws, and those same grey eyes. She took in a deep breath looking at the Demon king before her.

They glared at each other for awhile,"You're still weak....." uttered the ruler of the Demon world, who closed his eyes and rested his chin on his palm,"You're not going to win this tournament at the strength you're at, how do you expect to kill me? You won't even survive this."

This caused Johanna to scoff just a little bit as she continued to glare,"I don't need to be like you....I promise you that." With that she sat there and looked over to the man,"So when I wake up, I'll show you."
When she would wake up she would find herself in a bed with akio snuggling up to her muttering in his sleep, seeming to be having a troubled dream. He was in darkness looking around seeing nothing and hearing nothing, only hearing screams of his loved ones if being so far away.
Johanna woke up, her hunger driving her to do so. She opened her eyes slowly, and took in a slow deep breath noting that Akio had snuggled up close to her. He seemed a bit disturbed so she sat up and stroke his head for a while trying to comfort him. When her stomach growled again, she placed a kiss on his temple before getting out of the bed and sniffing the air. They were in the hotel, the demon hotel, and she didn't want to order room service but she was starving.

Slowly, her eyes adjusted to the dark and she looked around,"It's a suite.....must be Koharu's work...must be a kitchen. Oooh, I wonder if it's stocked already?" she asked moving to the fridge and opening. It was, but everything was raw. She sighed gently and rubbed the back of her head,"If only I was in my demon form...."

She shut the door to the fridge and turned the light on and picked up the phone,"well hello. Yes, five steaks. Five of them, 16 oz. 3 Medium well, 2 rare. Um. Oh five baked potatoes, and ...a lot of orange juice and apple juice too." She nodded and hung up the phone yawning a bit before sitting on the bed again waiting for the food.

She didn't want to wake Akio up but she knew the knock probably would.
Saphire had crawled into her room... which had another bed in it... was she sharing with Johanna's cousin? Why did the name not come to her mind? She could remember anyone's name after hearing it once, and yet this one person she couldn't remember... well, there was the chance she was with Ophidius-san, but she doubted it.

She slept, nightmares filling her mind, fitful at best, and when morning came... she was glad for it. As soon as the sun rose she crawled out of bed, got dressed, and inched out of the bed area into the main room. There was, as always, overly messed up hair. She hadn't even gotten any rest from that... despite sleeping all night. A sigh and she grabbed a brush, wondering if she should make breakfast... only to fall asleep again once she was done brushing her hair.

The nightmares returned, always. Always the nightmares.... it was only when she heard the sounds of someone moving about in the kitchen that she woke up, head shooting upwards and glare at the offending area. A soft sigh, one hand going through her hair... should she invest in sleeping pills? Something to make her sleep without the nightmares. She never remembered them... only that she had them, only that they continued to torment her... "Good morning" She called out, words a slur and grogginess evident by her voice.

((Assuming we're all in one Hotel Suite. @AkuNoOkami ))
Johanna's ears twitched when she heard the words good morning, and looked to the window. It was the morning huh? She shrugged her shoulders a bit and responded softly,"Mornin'." her mixture of German and Japanese accents colliding once again. There was a slight knock on the door, and the sable haired teenage girl moved to the door and opened it.

It was the bellhop with a tray of food, and Johanna slid him some money -the tip- before closing the door and sliding the tray into the kitchen. All that food, and she had no intentions on sharing. She was going to eat, then pass back out until she was needed. So she started, and she ate in such an odd way. She used her sword, yes her sword, to cut up the steaks.

It was simple, she'd throw it up in the air, slice into appropriate pieces and eat each one all before it hit the plate again. This ritual went on, and even for the rest of the food that wasn't steaks, but that had ended up a little more messy. Either way, after a few minutes she had eaten enough for 6 men. She looked around placing a hand over her mouth and letting out a small bnrp...a very feminine one in fact.

She smiled a bit before yawning and stretching her arms,"two hours until we have to head back to the stadium.." she noted before heading back to her room and snuggling up next to Akio and passing out again. Gee Johanna.
When he felt her hand on his head he stopped stirring and he let out a sigh of contentment and the bad dream faded, she had found him. When she kissed his temple and left he was just starting to wake up still groggy and by the time she came back he was half awake. As she snuggled up to him he kissed the back of her neck. "You came back." He said in a sleepy but happy voice though he half wasent expecting a answer as she once again was falling asleep and he just draped his arms around her to keep her with him and warm as she slept.

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