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Fantasy The Divide

The demon smirked. He knew he was going to enjoy this. Then, they went at it. Fist and feet flying in an inhuman speed. They blocked, parried, dodged- the clash was thunderous. So thunderous that when one attacked and the other blocked, a crater would form where they had been at in the ground.

The red tinted demon was slower than Johanna by a bit, but his strength and reaction helped him keep them at an even playing field. Yet, he knew if they kept on like that he'd tire long before her, so after a dodge back he held his palms back charging up before pushing his hand out,"Dragon's breath!" a blast of energy came at Johanna.

She saw it coming and had plenty of time to dodge, but wanted to test something out. She held her arms in front of her and blocked the energy directly it going against her arms pushing her back a few feet to the edge of the ring, but that's where it stopped. She grunted at the edg eof the ring as the ball of energy kept pushing against her and smirked before finally she pushed it back at him.

The demon jumped out the way of the ball, but soon she was behind him and landed a kick directly to his back sending him flying across the ring and coming to a bouncing stop.

Examining her arms, Johanna sighed, they didn't have a mark on them,"Well it works, but that took a bit of energy...."

The demon rose to his feet brushing himself off, before charging at Johanna they entering their clash again. Both of their guards were weakening, slower at this point. A punched to his stomach, a blow to her face. They weren't able to block everything anymore. Those energy moves had taken a toll.

He jumped back after striking her charging for another attack. Johanna caught herself and smirked as multiple forms of her formed and the ball of energy struck through one, but it faded out because it was just an after-image. Soon, the demon was being hit from each of his sides by a flurry of punches and kicks in such a fast motion that no normal human or untrain eye could see. She ended it with an upper cut, sending the demon high in the air. Doing a back flip she landed on her feet and held a single palm out sending a blast of energy at him, it hitting the target and knocking him out of the ring.

He laid there, struggling to get up, but he did. Yet, the ten count for ring out had already been counted and he loss.

Johanna sighed and fell back on her back. Team Mizoto was on to the next round, another 3-0 sweep. Johanna expended too much of her energy. Well she didn't, she just didn't fully rest and only had so little to work with in the first place. It was probably be a bad idea to play around like that,"Can we just fight the supreme 4 already?"

(when everyone respond we're going to skip the third round -and say it's another sweep- and go to the fourth, the round before the supreme 4. Make round 4 tougher. I'm even going to have Johanna get DQ'ed off some B.S in the fourth round, so Ophi, Aika, and Saph all have to fight and win lol. then the supreme 4 should be hanaagoori vs aika, arturo vs saph, ophi vs areon -i think is his name- the vast, and johanna vs mortaro. since there is a plot going on, it will need all four fights)
Akio walked over to the laying down Johanna and moved her to lay down on his lap. "You were a bit wasteful with your energy." He said his teacher side showing for a moment as he gave her a bit of energy. "But you fought well." He said running his hand threw her hair a bit with his hand.
"Oh, no. We can't just jump to the Supreme Four." Ophi said to a tired-looking Johanna. He would top her off with a charge of life energy, but she was a dog, so helping her was out of the question. The angel took care of it, anyway. "First we have to beat down the mooks, next we get to the annoying tricky ones, after that we fight the Quirky Miniboss Squad, and then the Big Bad appears from the shadows just in time to warm up his doomsday weapon." Ophi waggled his finger at the girl. "When you've been around as long as I have, you realize that these patterns apply to reality much more than you'd think."
She took in a deep breath and sighed,"I guess maybe I was a bit wasteful. I just wanted to try out that technique while the opponents was still weak enough to not kill me." she laughed a bit closing her eyes. Hand to hand combat was her least disciplined art, but training with Akio helped her turn her street brawling into something very useful. Useful enough to beat a martial arts master demon without being too worried.

She laughed a bit and closed her eyes,"I should probably sit out the next round. I'm sure they can handle it. Let's go back to the hotel..."
"They probably can." He said knowing the quality of his students and orphi's strength as he looked at them. He wished he didn't have to worry about them fighting the supreme four, he was certain if he got the opportunity he could fight all of them at once but he was worried for them. Orphi he was sure could handle himself even vs their leader but everyone else... "Would you like me to carry you." He teased gently but she knew he would happily do it, he liked the feeling of her in his arms.
"Carry me?" Please oh please. I don't want to move right now," she whined a bit before taking in a deep breath and closing her eyes tightly. She let out a final yawn before falling alseep.

--we can do the time skip now. so y'all can finish y'all posts with going to the hotel and/or just a fight in the next round. unless y'all want me to do the first fight....--
He was slightly surprised, it wasent like her to beg and she had certainly been sleeping a lot more. So he picked her up and took her to the hotel to rest.
Saphire was still busy eating the food, and the only reason she followed the rest of the people in her group was because the tortoise carrying all of the delicious seafood was doing so as well. She didn't even notice the way she moved, only that she was nearly finished eating by the time they reached the room... and as soon as she was aware she rushed to the bathroom to throw up. How could she have been so cruel to that demon?
skippy........don't feel like writing another fight until the supreme 4 so...not waiting on OoW

Johanna growled as she looked at the ref,"What you mean I'm disqualified?" she asked looking at her balling up her fist a bit ready to strike the female announcer ref lady. She growled a bit as the the woman cowered.

"Clearly you were out of the ring for ten seconds," she said she continued to back pedaled.

Johanna growled starting to charge up some her energy in her fist,"The guy is dead! DEAD, how does he win if he's DEAD!?"
Ophi was kicking back in his seat and enjoying some popcorn he pilfered from the hotel. Watching the girl bark pointlessly like a dog was beyond amusing to him. Today felt like a good day....

.....until he was called up by the announcer lady to fight. Day ruined. Lucifer or Okurigami probably arranged that, just like his missing green socks, the broken dishwasher and every other bad thing in his life. He didn't have proof, but he just knew they were behind it all. They were too sneaky and influential not to mastermind it. He walked down to the arena with a hint of grumpiness, engaged in a microscopic bit of flirting with the announcer girl to brighten up her day and then faced his opponent.

The enemy in question was a masked demon in a tattered black cloak whose only real skill was his ability to perfectly mimic the behaviors and duplicate the skills of his enemies by copying their mind temporarily, according to the boastful demon in the obligatory pre-fight banter. He fired some strange laser from his masked face that changed directions in sharp angles to ensnare Ophi in a cage even he couldn't dodge. Once the ray finally hit him, the doppelganger transformed into a mirror image of Ophidius...

...and then his head spontaneously exploded.

Ophidius walked out of the arena and back to where the others were seated, looked at a horrified Saphire and a fuming Johanna and said, "Just to be clear, I didn't do any of that and I am not capable of anything out of a David Cronenberg movie."
Johanna had her arms folded. What they didn't know was, Okurigami and Lucifer had won their fights, but the rest of their team lost so they were out last round.

Aika went up to fight....

guys hell we're just skipping to the supreme 4. OoW called first dibs.

It was finally time. They had finally made there way through, and this round was the supreme 4. There was no showy entrance for the first combatan, Areon the Vast. He just hopped up on to the stage, chugged a mug of ale that was the size of a cow and tossed it to the side. A loud belch left the mouth of the giant demon as he followed it with a chuckle.

Mortoro sat patiently waiting, he knew who he came for. He came for that demon half breed. He was shaking in anticipation to finally get his hands on her. She had gotten stronger, and he knew it and loved it.

Johanna stood by Akio, stiff as a plank. She was nervous, but she didn't show it. She would kill him. She knew she would.
Saphire sat to the side, humming quietly to give her team the only edge she could, sharper, stronger weapons. She couldn't help Ophidius-san, he never fought with a weapon, so instead she looked him over worriedly. He wouldn't loose... neither him nor Akio-sensei. No, she might, though... that wouldn't do. She had to win, had to be the equal of her partner... could she loose her almost-invisibility? No, they were more aware of things. so instead she focused on the one she was almost certain to fight... before her gaze returned to Ophidius-san.
Ophidius jumped out of his seat, spilling popcorn everywhere. "Out of my way, this one is mine!" He shed every article of clothing above his waist (it wouldn't survive the fight anyway) and strutted back to the arena, unwilling to let anyone else take this fight from him. He briefly glanced at the leader guy, Morty, who seemed to be undressing the wolf girl with his eyes. Creepy as hell, that one. Once he finally stood on the arena proper, the Earth itself shook in fear of another mighty belch from Areon. Seriously, that had to be the second biggest demon he had ever seen. Ophidius intentionally sprung for this bad matchup to challenge himself more. His strengths lied in agility and speed through unarmed combat, whereas his adversary could squash him like a grape. This was going to be brutal.

"Nice one." He chuckled with Areon. "Say, do you think after this we could go out for a drink, maybe hit up a club?" The fellow looked like he could hold his liquor well enough.
Areon looked at Ophi before him, and rose a brow in a confused look. He stepped forward a hole forming in the ground before his ears twitched just a bit,"Ha, the little one wants a drink. If you survive." he stopped to a hiccup before laughing a bit,"IF you survive we can drink, and all drinks on me."

The large demon put his hand on the ground, reaching down and pulling up a piece of the arena probably as large as boulders. He placed his hand on the large piece of arena, infusing energy into it before he threw it at Ophi. It came at such a fast speed that it started to superheat and break apart slowly as it came.
Ophi backpedaled as fast as he could to dodge the incoming meteorite. He avoided the thing, if only barely, his face inches away from the stone as it impacted the arena with a massive could of dust. Had he been a second slower, that would have broken his everything. If Areon started spamming chunks of the arena at him, he might be able to win with a ringout. Maybe. Slim chance. But that was the coward's way, and Ophidius was certainly not a coward! He raced through the cover of the massive plume of dust (not a coward), darted off the arena (very brave) and raced back with time to spare (freakin' heroic). A stealthy approach from behind allowed Ophi to somersault into the air and throw the previously discarded bull-sized mug down toward his face with great force.

"I survived, so the drink is on YOU!"
Areon was too slow to take evasive maneuvers, and hell, he wouldn't have been able to dodge it if he had known Ophi was going to do what he did. The mug hit him square and pushed him back a few feet to the edge of the arena. He had to use a lot of his energy to keep his defense up, but if he didn't, that would have knocked him out the ring. And lucifer knows he'd be too slow to get back in.

He chuckled a bit,"This will be a bit of fun." he started crushing the mug up into a giant ball of glass, before throwing the death ball of glass at Ophi again. Then, he followed it up thrusting his hands into the arena, a crack in the arena going all the way towards ophi, exploding with energy as it did.
Ophidius saw the incoming ball of glass and recognized it as a multitude of projectiles, not a dense mass. This proved to be a mistake, as when the storm of broken shards flew toward him, he tried to swat as many as he could out of the air with his claws. This poor course of action left him bleeding in countless spots, each with a large wedge of glass driven under his skin. Just as he processed his blunder, he tried to dodge the incoming explosive fissure, only to lodge more glass through his shoes and into his feet. Perhaps wearing thin sandals today was not a good idea. He winced in pain on his first step and that momentary hesitation was enough time for the crack to reach him and explode out form underneath. Ophidius was tossed into the air like a ragdoll and blacked out for a moment. The pain of landing woke him up quickly enough. His brief unconsciousness now over, he mentally surveyed the damages. His front had been maimed with glass, he was pretty sure one of his legs was damn near broken and he had a chunk of something lodged deep in his left eye socket. Hooray. "Is...is that e-everyth-thing you've....got? Ophi said as he rose to his knees. 'Ohgodeverythinghurtswhy'
Areon was a tad confused. How was the demon still standing? This frustrated him a bit and he sighed. He moved, but winced in pain. That mug throw at cracked a few of his ribs. So he was stuck where he was standing basically. He wanted to end this now, while Ophi was weak and couldn't tlel he was weak. So he knelt over as best as he could, open his mouth, and let out a loud belch which rocked the entire arena, and then a large blast of energy flowed from his mouth at the weakened ophi.
Ophi looked at the approaching wave of destruction with muted fear and much frustration. He didn't want to expend one of his backups because the constant close proximity of the Guardians had limited his opportunities to get spares lately. He figured he only had a good two or three left.

"Eh, this one was starting to peel, anyway. F$#@ it, time for the Exit Strategy." He murmured to himself as he initiated the Exit Strategy. With a single swift blow, he forced the glass shard in his eye socket all the way into his head and out the other end, leaving a messy splatter of grey matter on the arena behind him. His body began to disintegrate into a flaky biomass when the oncoming beam of raw energy burned through where he had been standing previously. Moments after the destructive wave's passing, a coil of pure crimson energy sprouted out of a crack in the arena and transformed into a perfectly healthy Ophidius in a flash of demonic power.

"Oh? Did you think you could kill me that easily, mate? Sorry to break it to you, but I happen to be immortal!" Ophidius himself knew that was an absolute lie, but imagining Lucifer and Okurigami's reactions if they were in the audience tempted him to make that little lie. He proudly spread his arms and displayed himself to his foe

"Behold, the body perfected by years of training into the perfect sculpture of demonic bone and sinew! Look upon my magnificence and weep, for I am the man your man could smell like!" He spun around slowly for the audience to view his shirtless body, then returned his gaze to Areon. "So, shall you call it quits or should I unleash my full wrath upon you?" Ophidius was panicking internally. If this bluff worked, maybe Areon would lose interest or give up out of it being too much work. If that titan crushed him another time or two, it would be game over for Ophi. It all hinged on this one bluff....
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Areon sat on his bum, and winced a bit. Too much bluffing was going on, but Ophi had out bluffed him. He didn't have anymore energy to go to, and he was too concerned with Ophi landing another attack breaking one of his ribs. Losing his ability to drink wasn't worth winning this fight, and he waved his arm,"I give, even if I could beat an immortal, i'd probably break a rib in the process. I want to enjoy my ale...."

Okurigami rose a brow, and looked to Luci...i don't even know why he looks a thim anymore. He's doing the same thing. Lucifer wasn't even paying attention so he just shrugged,"well at least we know how he survived."

The ref girl called the match, and areon walked off towards the locker room to see about his ribs.

Haanagori made his way to the stage in a fury of ice and just roared. Aika smirked grabbing her rintaken and jumping on the stage.

-Because this is gonna be long and drawn out, i'm going to sum up the boring part of the fight with this video-

-instead of a leopard, imagine a wolf, and instead of batons imagin a rintaken and imagine aika-


Haanagoori fell to the ground, before making his way back to his feet. Another roar and the two faced each other. Each were exhausted, the fight had been close, something had to give.

So using a large bit of energy, Aika threw her Rintaken using her wolf's barrage, and having them each engulfed in a typhoon of water. Haanagoori on the other hand, was charging up his ice attack, and shot a beam of ice. A large explosion of snow and ice occurred and the arena was covered and nothing could be seen. When the dust cleared, the entire arena was an ice wonderland, with spirals and towers of ice... Aika stood frozen in place on one end, and haanagori in the same fate on the other.

Neither moved after moments, and the judge counted to ten calling for a double knockout and a draw. It was now a win and a draw for team Mizoto.

Johanna immediately used her speed to get on the arena, and went to free her cousin, but soon the girl freed herself. She was breathing hard and sighed,"Damn it...." Haanagori eventually freed himself too, and scurried off the arena.

Johanna let Aika rest on her, and the two walked off the stage,"I thought you were froze." She said finally getting off the stage and over to there corner.

Aika laughed,"I'm a byakurou, the cold is nothing."

After that, Arturo jumped on to the stage, and knelt in Prayer.
Saphire felt oddly sick, and she wasn't entirely sure why... but she figured that complaining about that would not help anything. In fact, she was almost certain it was going to hurt her with the whole... combat thing. So she just took a deep breath, cutting off her humming and walking up to the stage. She looked Aruto over, taking in his silver-ish wings helmet-like... head. And the fact that he was praying... who to? She forced herself to look calm this time, unlike when they'd first faced him, where her confusion had played on her face, and instead took the time while he was praying to bring herself closer to her center of peace. Though she kept her eyes on him, able to move at a moment's change....
Arturo got to his feet when Saphire made her way to the ring. He bowed to Saphire before returning up right,"We meet again child. I do hope you're more prepared this time."

"And we will start," he took in a deep breath as he moved across the arena in a blink of an eye, using his arm wing shield thing to try and bash it against her. If she dodged it, he would react using his other wing to throw razor sharp feathers at her. If she blocked it, he would step back before thrusting his sword forward at her stomach.

Arturo was a man of class and honor, so he would not do anything dirty. Even when she would fall, eh would let her up before they started again.
"The feeling is mutual." She bowed back, always the polite one, and then she stared at him. A blink would ruin the chance she had at winning, so she rolled to the side, naginata held firmly in her hand, and then stood, spinning her weapon to block the feathers, but the sword was something she hadn't expected, and she did land on the floor. However, she ignored the pain, and the small line of blood, instead standing up and looking him in the eye, adjusting her grip so it was a bit more flexible, she'd have to learn how to block that sword with her naginata. And then sh rushed forward, extending her weapon to it's full length and sweeping it towards him. If she could get him off balance for even a second...
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Arturo flapped his wing sending himself in the air and back a few feet away. He slapped that single wing,"Dust tornado!" and a gust of wind went through making a tornado full of his feathers in a razor sharp tornado of doom. As that tornado was flying towards Saphire he thrust his sword into the ground, sending golden metal spikes from the ground in every which direction that wasn't in the path of the deadly tornado.

After he thrust the sword in the ground he held a free hand up in the air and at angle,"Lord's Smite." and with that, few bolts of lightning came from the sky towards Saphire.
The only way to survive this many attacks? She drew her naginata back, and timed her defense in what she hoped would be a perfect timing... as soon as the twister and spikes were next to her, and just before the lightning struck, "SPIRIT SANCTUARY!" Her dome formed, and the three attacks hit it perfectly, shattering the barrier and pushing her back and out of the way, where she caught herself on the Naginate, speared into the ground, landed, freed her weapon, and once more rushed forwards. What could she do? She had to win... for the sake of the team! She might lose, but... that wouldn't do! She had to be able to stand on her own!

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