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Fantasy The Divide

Her defenses had held enough to let her survive and now she was rushing him. "Impressive child, you've improved. I guess I should take you a bit more serious," he lft the sword in the ground jumping in the air. His hand held in the air again,"Devil's Retribution." this time instead of lightning bolts, spheres of energy came from the ground from everywhere under the arena.

His arm glowed with red energy as his sword flew back into his hand, and using a bit of his space he flew forward using his sword like a joust picking up speed, and when they were drawing close to each other he sent another dust tornado at her.
"SPIRIT RAY!" She couldn't block the attack, but... if she pushed against it could she get brought high enough to avoid those red balls of energy? If she could use it's momentum against him.... and she was pushing, forcing her energy into a single point, holding it on the edge of her naginata... up into the air she went, as she'd guessed, though her arm had some cuts on it... more than one of them looked serious. But she didn't have time to worry about the pain. Into the air she went, the tornado on her heels, and then she tried to get out from in front of it, to either side, hoping it would suck up at least some of his first attack, but just in case she once more summoned her sanctuary, arms braced in front of her, all of the energy within it. "Spirit Sanctuary..."

How long could she last? What could she afford to do? Would she be stuck avoiding his attacks the entire time? Her mind raced, trying to find a path to victory, because it was win or die, she knew. Even if he was honorable... she was still an enemy.
Arturo put his energy into his sword and threw it at her. After he did this he landed on the ground on a knee and took in a deep breath. He waited until it got close enough to her,"You're defensive, that is a mistake." When it got close to her a large explosion occurred of demonic energy.

(sorry short)
Pain. Before it even hit her, pain... something in her head, but she shook it and looked down. only to see the giant EXPLODINGSWORDOHSWEETSEAFOOD HOW WAS SHE GOING TO STOP IT!? The explosion hit. She ended up flying even higher, arms flailing slightly, though her grip never loosed, and though unconscious for a good few seconds she turned to face him by way of natural reactions to air pressure and such.... and with another shake of her head she was looking down at the rapidly approaching arena. What could she do?
Arturo falpped his wing, flying forward to Saphire grabbing her and landing on the edge of the arena. He rose a brow before tossing her off the side, hoping she would just give in. He rather hadn't hurt her too bad,"You don't have that fighter's instinct."
She shook her head, standing up, and was about to walk back to the arena when she'd heard his line. Now she wanted to glare at him. Of course she didn't have a fighter's instinct, she ran an inn for pete's sake! She took a deep breath, moved to climb back on the arena, only to be slowed down because she'd been steadily loosing blood the entire time. Why hadn't her wound closed on it's own? 4-5-6, Wasn't the announcer counting faster than before? Up to the grip, she began to draw up, but 8-9-10 "And disqualified!" Wait, where did seven go? One eye twitched slightly, but she didn't complain... the woman HAD counted to ten.
Arturo knelt a bit saying a prayer before dropping off the arena and standing next to Saphire. He called his sword into his hand, it appearing there in a bit of golden energy. A deep breath followed as he transformed the sword into a naginata extending it towards her,"You're going to have to make a decision one day. We do what is necessary to keep who we love safe. You'll be fine."

Johanna took in a deep breath and kiss Akio on his lips quickly, before getting on to the arena. Mortoro made his way slowly, before finally getting up. There were barbed chains around his arms causing blood to drip slowly, as the chains dragged against the ground until he found himself in a comfortable position to stand. The hood was over his head, and you couldn't see anything, it was dark.

The announcer uttered 'begin', and Johanna made her way. She tossed her sword in the air, and landing a large amount of punches and kicks to mortoro before hitting him one last time in the face sending him flying on the ground and bouncing a few feet.

She rose a brow as she caught the sword by the scabbard. Mortoro didn't say anything, but just got to his feet and stood there, blood continuing to drip. She growled a bit before the next thing you knew two chains came bursting from the ground and wrapping around Johanna's arms holding her up in the air, she dropping her sword. Mortoro's eyes glowed gold and a large devious smile appeared giving way to facial features for the first time.

Blood began to streak down Johanna from the barbs, and soon the chains were stretching her arms out. She winced a bit, before letting out a yell in pain. If she let it go on any longer her arms would rip out of her socket. So taking in a deep breath to calm herself, she put some of her spiritual energy into the demonic sword it shooting out the sheath, cutting through the chains, and she grabbing it as she landed on the ground on one knee panting.

She made sure to unwrap the chains around her arm, a painful process since the barbs were pulling on her skin. The blood she was losing increased, and when she was finally done a bit of blood spilled out. Her eyes filled with tears, and she had even shed a few in the process. It was so painful, even for a boar headed person like Johanna.

The demon before her laughed,"You're going to lose because pain is your weakness....it is my strength." and with that Mortoro disappeared before appearing infront of Johanna and throwing a punch square in her chin she flying back a few feet, before landing in a thud. She didn't move for a bit, before she finally got to her feet.
A decision? She took the naginata, surprised at it's weight... it didn't feel like it was made of pure energy, but like an actual Naginata. "What do you mean, make a choice?" It prickled her, but for some reason didn't feel like it wanted to hurt her. She wasn't sure what that meant, but whatever... the thought faded away as fast as it came to the forefront of her mind. "And... I... I don't understand why you were in the Supreme four... you're not like the others." Not at all.

Was he trying to hold them back, to protect the innocent? No, that didn't seem right... did he owe his life to what's his name the demon that Johanna was fi- JOHANNA was fighting the leader, and she looked like she was losing. Her head snapped to the fight, eyes wide and worried, but... there was nothing she could do. She bit her lip, but returned her attention to whom she was talking with, Arturo.
Arturo sighed,"You'll figure your decision out. And when your a Chimera like me, a mixture of angel and demon genes. Not many people will accept you, but..Mortoro did. Even if it was for his own gain."

Johanna took in a deep breath getting in her low squatting stance. She stepped forward, and in what seemed to be on simultaneous move unsheathed her sword and disappeared. Though Johanna couldn't be seen, Mortoro and his chain could be seen blocking each of the attacks with his chains before finally pushing forward knocking a now visible Johanna back.

She got to her feet and sighed, but chuckled a bit,"I guess...I have to finally show new moves..." she focused her energy into her blade, a pulse of energy coming from the sword. Her hair slowly turned white, eyes grey as her wolf demon features started coming in.

Mortoro smiled as she looked at the sword,"So the sword turns you demon....how interesting." When Johanna was done with her transformation, she dashed at him, slashing quickly as possible with her blade. Mortoro was able to dodge the most of them but the pure demonic energy from the blade cut him a few times. Johanna finally stop shoving her hand into his face and sending a blast of demonic energy at his head.

It landed and Mortoro flew back landing on the ground. Yet, only a laugh was heard as he got to his feet. He smiled,"So you're taking this serious, guess I should too." Then around him balls of energy appeared before they started taking the form of little disfigured versions of him and running, attacking Johanna. She was able to cut through a lot of them, but soon she was overwhelemd and couldn't move. That's when she saw Mortoro grab her by the neck and squeezed tightly causing her to struggle for air,"You're going to need to do better than that. Using the demon energy from the sword won't be enough." He winked at her one time before sending a blast of demonic energy at her neck.

The energy went through , and a bit of blood sprouted out as her eyes widened and she loss color in them. The minions finally let go as she fell to the ground blood following her all the way to the thud. Her leg twitched a bit as her eyes clothes, her breathing light......


"My child, I told you....you're going to need to accept me as a part of you if you're going to live....." she was in that throne room again. Her father, and the shadowed figure from earlier standing next to him,"You're going to need accept both sides...." The figured unmasked itself, and it was Johanna, but her human form. She was staring back, and Johanna looked up to the two. She growled a bit, before sighing,"...I....fine." she walked toward the both of them grabbing both of their hands, the dream going white.
"So... you're both Angelic and Demonic? It must have been hard on you... well, if I manage to survive... you're welcome to stay at my inn." She smiled up at him, trying to be as welcoming as possible because frankly... he needed a place that wouldn't try to take advantage of him. If he ever felt like living peacefully she'd gladly provide him the place. And then... Johanna fell. Her attention immediately switched to the fight, watching as she fell to the ground, one hand reaching up to cover her mouth... the colorless eyes... so much blood.... I have to help her! But how? How can I help... I'd have to wait ten seconds... and then what if he doesn't stop... "Johanna-san...." Akio... save her! SHe's your beloved, right?!

((@Akio, Post soon bud. Naru's only waiting for a bit.))
Akio had been biting his lip nervously watching the battle. When he saw the tears in his eyes he had to stop himself from launching across the field, not yet not yet.... She could still win. But it only got worst and when she was being held Akio surged forward to the arena at incredible speeds only to be intercepted by the high level demon guards, one a hulking demon the size of a small house and the other a smaller demon holding a blade giving off a dark power and they made him hesitate if only for a moment and then johanna went down with the final blow. He just stopped and froze and for a moment just looked utterly broken.He mouthed her name not hearing anything as if he was far away, only just noticing the beginning of the count. The large demon laughed feeding off his misery and then the situation broke.

The big demon which had been laughing suddenly paused and looked down at where his heart used to be, now a gaping hole. He looked directly behind him where akio's hand glowed black and he held his heart in his hand as the demon fell over. Saphire and Orphi had felt akio's killing intent before when he had been training them to resist the heavy weight of someones killing intent but the aura coming from him now was different. Even trapped in this form, other then the hiding lucifer and Okurgami and orphi he could easily be by far the strongest person in this room in his anger and it showed now. A killing intent aura so fast, painful and wide then it seemed like there was a ocean above them. "Dark world." Akio growled out and energy left him in a explosion and he suddenly lunged at the other demon who had despite matched his speed before now wasent even close, or rather his speed was equal but he swung seemingly at empty air as akio took his head off his shoulders, the illusions of dark world only affected those close enough. With those two guards dead he looked at Mortoto even as the other guards started rushing to the fallen and akio snarled as he jumped into the arena and ran at him full speed. At the same time he seemed faster then usual, as if ignoring his own physical limits of his body till they could almost hear his muscles tearing. His move dark body. He was trying to get to johanna, she had to be alive. He couldnt lose someone like that again.

Okurigami watched fallen move,"Too eager..." he mumbled a bit frustrating vanishing, and placing a barrier between Akio and Mortoro. He was in his own fallen form, purple eletric shocks surging over the black marks that served to seal a lot of his power so that he wouldn't destroy everything around him with pure strength," Don't touch him....you'll get her disqualified...just look."

He motioned over to Johanna, who lied lifeless in pooling blood. A pulse of spiritual energy occurred. The blood turned black, and then went in the air as smoke, then her body was gone.

9....."wait..where'd she go?"

There Johanna stood at the edge of the arena, sword in hand, body without scars or marks. White hair out of the bun, wolf claws, wolf ears, elongated canines...and a wolf tail. A red aura surrounded her as her grey eyes seemed still without life," Anbanoata ga shindedeshimasude" the ancient language of the byakurou, which shared similarities to the current japanese language.Her voice was dark, as if it wasn't her's.
Saphire had sensed a large shift in power, first Akio-sensei, then Okurigami, and finally Johanna... It was all too much for her. The sheer onslaught of energy caused such pain in her head that both reached up to hold it, she curled inward... and then she fell unconscious. Even in that state it continued, so she curled up even further, trying to become as small a target as possible, her expression revealing just how agonizing it was for her...
He was stopped by the barrier and rounded on Okurigami a snarl once again bubbling in his throat till he heard his words and he looked to her feeling a bit of hope and he turned to johanna hearing a voice. It looked like her demon form, but complete but that voice wasent hers and her eyes seemed so lifeless, "Johanna!" He called out looking at her not even recognizing the language.
Arturo moved to catch Saphire, looking back to the fight. That demon aura felt so familiar to him..

Johanna didn't answer, just found herself dashing across the arena, slashing through the Barrier that was in front of Mortoro, before slashing her sword in the air a bunch of times. A lot of red waves of demonic energy flew through the air, Mortoro managing to dodge all but one that caught his leg. It immobilized him, as he drug his leg across before more waves of energy came.

His other leg was hit, as if she was aiming there on purpose. He couldn't move, and there Johanna stood with her hand around his neck squeezing it tightly,"Byakurou Chiba...remember that name in your death..." she told Mortoro in that voice from earlier. Johanna's eyes returned their fire, as Morotor grabbed her arm trying to free herself.

She looked at him, and glared charging a large amount of energy up,"You're focusing on the wrong thing. You got what you want, I'm stronger. But you're concerned about your throat." She looked down, as blood fell from between the two of them. Her sword was in his abdomen, and sticking out the other side,"You're already dead." She stopped the energy in her hand, and sent a blast of energy using her sword it exploding through his back.

He flew back and landed on the ground, lifeless. This caused Johanna to smile as she stood there,"Finally..."
He got over his shock and watched the death of the leader of the supreme 4. With the barrier torn he set of to johanna, she looked so unlike herself, acted so differently he wanted to make sure it was still her. Still his Lovely beautiful johanna breathing or was it just her father using her body.....
Ophidius watched the entire fight between Johanna and Mortaro with a glassed over gaze in his eyes. That form....that wolf! That wolf! That wolf! Thatwolfthatwolfthatwolfthatwolfthatwolfthatwolfthatwolfthatwolf! His would-be murderer! His oppressor! He who would see Mephistopheles groveling before him, thrashing in agony like some decapitated worm!

...the mind of Mephistopheles was a raging storm of uncertainty and memories seared into his very brain ever since he faced the ungodly power of the two united, the world itself screaming in protests as they unleashed a maelstrom of evil in its purest form upon him...


The body of Ophidius flooded the arena with a torrent of demonic energy that would snuff out the lives of lesser men in a heartbeat. His visage was nearly impossible to see under the thick, oppressive crimson miasma that poured out of him like a leaking nuclear reactor. With an ear-splitting scream, he blasted across the arena in an explosive comet of demonic impurity. His aim blurred by mindless fury, he missed his mark and slammed into the arena mere feet away from Johanna in her lupine transformation.

He snatched up the fallen corpse of the Supreme Four's leader and turned it into a supersonic javelin racing through the air to remove Akio, the irrelevant obstruction.
Johanna looked to Akio, and tilted her a bit before offering a smile,"Love...did you see me...did you see my power? " She stopped and stepped back when Ophi came flying through and crashed into the arena. She rose a brow," What is wrong with y-...."
"I did." He said softly, this was her. She was defiantly the one he loved and she was alive. "Johanna i." He was suddenly and very rudely interrupted by orphi flying across the arena. Usually he would have sensed his power long before but he had been far too distracted. His scream of rage woke him up from his stupor and he turned just in time to see the body flying at him as it hit him and slammed with him into the walls of the arena though he managed to block it.
Ophidius bolted toward the girl, swiping with sharpened claws, throwing thunderous jabs and kicks and even trying to bite her with venomous fangs. He fought with a complete lack of restraint, but coordinated his blows with deadly speed and precision. Ophi completed his savage flurry of strikes with a devastating haymaker.
She managed to block a lot of the jabs, and kicks, but a few landed because her main concern was avoiding being bit. "What the hell..." she muttered blocking one last punch before being caught with the haymaker that sent her flying across the arena, bouncing on the ground a few times and into the wall.

She fell out of the wall after a while, dropping her sword next to her, rubbing a bit of blood from her lip,"Alright snake, you're going to pay for that..." she muttered. Their team just won the tournament and Ophi was fighting her? What the hell. She used her speed to get to the serpent demon, stepping right in front of him to plant her food just to get the force to draw her blade so that her first slash was vicious. This was her fighting style, and the she slashed at him in flurry of attacks putting demonic energy behind each one.
Ophidius kept up with Johanna's blows with an unparalleled speed derived from ages of training. Ages of running. Ages of fleeing and never looking back. He had far more combat experience than the young girl before him. However, he could not perform accurately forever under the demonic cloud of rage, causing his strikes to falter and miss more and more with every passing moment. He found a brief moment of clarity in the storm of memories and emotions in which he could survey himself and see that he had taken a few minor scratches and a particularly large gash in the gut from her initial strike. This only enraged him further, driving him to resume his attack with a renewed animalistic viciousness that would put any predator to shame. There was no mercy in his murky eyes, no benevolence, only the wrath of a creature driven mad by eons of isolation and impotent anger.
Johanna benefitted from her speed, allowing her to counter most of Ophi's new blows with her scabbard and sword. She had to predict every strike at this point and it was honestly becoming extremely difficult to do so. So when struck, she parried and jumped back rearing the sword back before slashing the air.

A very destructive wave of red demonic energy came from the blade, a mixture of her own demonic energy along with the demonic energy in the sword. The part that didn't come in contact with with ophi would definitely rip through the demons behind them easily. She was hoping she could end that with that one blow.
Ophidius let loose another horrific

and raced headfirst into the devastating wave that contained a trace of Okurigami's power. The rampaging demon and the surge of energy met one another, and for a moment Ophidius actually pushed it back with sheer force before it violently exploded in his face. The blast itself reduced the arena to nothing but a pile of gravel, likely having been made worse by clashing with Ophidius' own caustic energies. No bystanders were harmed thanks to Ophi's interception, though this was not intentional. While the explosion's smoke was still thick and heavy in the arena, Ophi erupted from the ground beneath Johanna and caught her sword in his maw of razor sharp teeth. He could practically taste Okurigami's taint in the blade's metal. He bit down and completely snapped off the vast majority of the blade from the hilt. Ophi pumped his own demonic energy into the blade, brandishing the new weapon in his mouth to accompany his already dangerous claws. The red demon kept close to Johanna, never ceasing his storm of strikes or letting her get out of close range.
Johanna let a deep sigh of relief until..well until she felt a tug on her sword and then watched a part of it broke off. He had returned his fury of attacks, and she was tiring out especially after a release of energy like that JUST after fighting someone. She would get caught by his claws when she blocked with her arms, and made sure to block Ophi's new weapon with the bit of sword she had.

This was going to be bad. The claws kept cutting deeper, and deeper, taking blood and skin with him each time he did. She would die like this if he didn't calm down,"Damn it SERPENT!" she yelled before she vanished in thin air.

Okurigami blinked watching before rubbing his temple.."Ow..what..pain? Me...she...welp. this will be interesting."

Johanna appeared above Ophi a few feet making slow change. Her hair became short, still white, but short. A bone mask was over her face, and the piece of sword she had had grown back, but was red and slimmer. Out her back were two black wings, but the rest of her body remained the same.

Okurigami blinked, looking over to the young girl,"Is that what I would liek as a woman? " he scoffed a bit, but shrugged,"Wonder how long this will last....."

She didn't take long to make her move. Flying down with speed unmatched by anyone who was in the arena, appearing in front of Ophi holding her hand out. She charged a bit of energy...not demon energy. Satanic energy, straight from Okurigami's reserve. She let the blast go, right at the serpent demon.

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