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Fantasy The Divide

Arturo didn't hesitate in his response when she finished,"It'll help yourself." He unwrapped his wing from around her when they reached the kicthen and he walked slowly to the fridge. He had spent many years as an outcast, unloved by either demon, human, or angel. He knew what pain was. He knew what crying did. When he stop letting himself cry is when he lost himself.

He began making preparations for the meal, grabbing the loads of seafood he had CAUGHT, yes caught. Getting the seasonings he had picked and ground himself. Ready to get everything going.
"Don't get your pinions in a twist, Helel. Here's how I do this: I'll keep drawing these tarot cards until I can't see the future anymore. Cards like these are one of the best mediums for channeling the currents of fate. I'm not sure just whose future I'm reading, but you can trust my work to be accurate." Johnny pulled a deck of tarot cards from his pocket and began to shuffle them. He then took cards from the deck and placed them on the table, describing each one as he revealed them.

"The Hanged Man. You have recently let something important go or made a sacrifice.

The Reversed Moon. Someone you know has let go of their fear and anxiety. Confusions and illusions have been dispelled.

The Judgement. Someone close to you is answering an inner calling. They'll soon face a spiritual rebirth or a journey that will change them.

The Reversed Priestess. The lives of you and your loved ones are shrouded in mystery. You need to find a voice deep within yourself that is currently unknown to you.

The Wheel of Fortune. Life works in cycles. A major turning point in your life is near, and good luck may smile upon you.

The Reversed Devil. Someone has broken free of their bonds and power shall soon be reclaimed. A stranger will come into your lives and bring great confusion. This stranger's fate was once tied to the one who found truth under the Reversed Moon.

The Hierophant. Religion is involved on some level. This Hierophant binds together the Reversed Moon and Reversed Devil.

Finally, we have the World. Completion and accomplishment will come your way through willpower, as will closure. Take caution, for closing the gaps in your life will open new wounds in your heart."
Help her... help her how? She'd cried all that day. All the day... and night... and the day after. It hadn't made her feel any better. Nothing made her feel better. There wasn't anything that made her feel better... even things she used to love weren't as important anymore. On some level she knew he was right, she had to find some way to let the hurt go, but she just didn't think it was important enough to warrant her action on it. He was gone, and she was in pain, and that was all there was to it... and yet... why did she want to believe him?

IT hurt so much... she wanted to cry, but... but she'd learnt the hard way that crying didn't help anyone. As long as she was so sensitive to demonic energy it caused her physical pain she couldn't help anyone. As long as she was faking her interest in everything she couldn't help anyone. The anger returned, her dropping her fist on the table this time, "I'm USELESS! I've lost all interest in everything, I can't get out of this dark... whatever I'm in, and I don't even want to! All I want is to curl up in a ball somewhere and lay in despair, but I'm pushing my way through the day because he wouldn't want me to just give up, because I care too much about everyone to just lay down and die, but I can't do anything! My own body is working against me, I can't fight anything above a lower-B-class without getting a migraine, I can't sleep, I can't even gather the energy needed to CARE!" The dam broke, she didn't cry, but she did fold onto a chair, not caring that she'd just shouted, as they were just far enough away that no-one would have heard her. She'd even forgotten that Arturo was in the room when she had gotten halfway through shouting. It was all too much, she just wanted to sleep... but she wouldn't get any rest, and it wouldn't matter to her anyway because STINK IT the only time she felt anything other than sorrow or anger was when she was in pain, and even then it was just the pain.

((I didn't realize JUST HOW FRUSTRATED Saph was until now... 0.o' Wow. She needs a journal or something to write this all out in. This much negative emotion just... isn't good. For her.))
Lucifer flapped his wings a bit as he hovered in the air. He looked at the fortune and scoffed it a bit. It was accurate. He didn't claim to be all knowing like that God of his, nay. But, he did have a vast knowledge of events and happenings much further than any human would have. He let his wings go away as he fell to his back.

Koharu sighed, he had stayed long enough for the fortunes. It was odd. The way that Helel acted he knew that it must've been completely accurate. So he finally left.

Arturo blinked a bit. He didn't say anything for a minute, just got the food started. He walked next to her, calling for the weapon he had made for Saphire. It traverse through the halls, not hitting anything, and even opened doors with energy. When it landed in his hand he thrust it straight into the ground,"Stop thinking about others for once. You can't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. If you don't take care of yourself, then you can't save anyone. THAT'S WHY YOU'RE WEAK. You aren't weak because you don't have the strength. YOu aren't weak. You know why Johanna is strong? She fights for her survival, because she knows her survival means the protection of others. She isn't as selfish as she seems. She's the same as her father. "

He didn't say that to help her. No. He said it because it was true, and he turned from her returning to cooking. A smile pleasant on his face,"It is nice to serve others....."
"Well, my work here is done." Johnny said as he packed the cards back in his pants pocket. "Oh, and one more thing....the Reversed Magician. There is manipulation and poor planning in the fate of this place. Latent talents will cause strategies to crumble. No idea what on earth any of that means, but I've got to get a flight to Magadan. I'll think about a fiddlin' rematch with you when I return to the states, devil. Until then....stay gold." Johnny's booming voice chuckled as he walked away from the porch.
She wanted to yell at him that OF COURSE she was weak, but... but it had hit her. She knew Johanna wasn't completely selfish... but that she fought for herself for others? That was... impressive. Had she misjudged the younger Guardian? She had. And that nealy broke the wall holding her back... the poor woman. She was so strong... so powerful... Saphire couldn't be anything to her. She didn't deserve to be. Johanna knew exactly who she was.... and Saphire... she... if she wasn't helping someone else... then... then she was nothing. That was it. There was nothing more to Saphire than that. Every part of her personality... her very identity revolved around helping others.

Her greatest dream, an inn for the Supernatural, where she cared for them for a while. Her job, protecting the innocent from evil Demons and... maybe Angels, she wasn't sure. Her very nature... there was only one thing she liked doing that could be considered selfish. She had liked playing strategy games, and that was all. How could she find something she loved... most people didn't notice her, and she never had the chance to explore herself. As a youngling she practiced using her weapons for her parents, after their deaths she'd focused on the inn, and then being a Guardian. Who... who was she? She sat, staring at the weapon in the ground, unable to bring it to herself to grab it.

She'd been lost for so long, and she hadn't even realized it... no. She'd never even been found in the first place. Everything she was revolved around others. How could she think about herself when... when her entire life she'd existed for the sake of someone else? I'm... nothing. There's no me at all. I'm just a mirror, or... or a plant. A tool for others. There is no 'I' to me.

@Akio if you want to post when you get home. Just in case you lost your notifs for this one.
Calista frowned at the mansion before her, carefully tying her hair up in her customary blue ribbon. She had heard from some passerby supernaturals that there was an inn made specially for the supernatural, run by a Guardian woman, and there were a few scary people currently in residence... But Calista had no idea who these scary people were and so they didn't deter her as she made her way to the front door. She didn't have anywhere else to go, after all, so this place was her last hope before she was tossed back out onto the streets after she got in trouble at her old job and lost her apartment.

Taking a deep breath, she raised her hand and knocked on the door politely, nervously adjusting her spear in it's harness slung across her back, the only other possessions she had in a rucksack held tightly in her left hand. When the door opened Calista summoned up her most innocent smile and looked up at the person. "Hey, I was looking for a place to stay for a while?"
Hanzo had been the one to answer the door, as he had just walked in,"WHAT IS IT DO YOU WANT!" yelled the lord of hell with an unpleasant sigh. His black wings were spread out in a furious fashion, as a bird would do to make themselves look bigger. A violet aura was glowing around him and his eyes seemed with fury.

....Arturo didn't say much more the young girl before he finished the food and set a few plates and bowls before her. He smiled at her and returning to the kicthen to prep the rest of the meal for the entire house. He didn't mind cooking when he was here, espescially since it didn't cost him anything. He went and gathered everything, and got himself.
A small blink, and then a scowl crossed over her features, her arms crossing over her chest as Calista glared at him. "Hey bird man, in case, you're deaf, I just asked for a place to stay." She snapped at him, directing her glower at the ground as she sighed and uncrossed her arms to run a hand through her hair, only to remember she had tied it up and forced herself to cross her arms again.

"Look, I don't have anywhere else to go, and I was wondering if I could stay here, since you know, this place is an inn, or so I've heard." She muttered darkly, still keeping her gaze on the ground. "I don't have much money but I can at least pay for tonight, and then I can go out and get a job or something."
"Birdman?" she had just insulted Lucifer. Someone who could crush her with an ounce of his strength. Well could she really be blamed? No one knew of him in his human form, well fallen form at this point. So he scoffed, "The owner is in the kitcehn..." of course he knew where she was, he could sense her energy. Instead of inviting her in, or going to fetch Saphire, he used his wing to slam the door in her face before walking back to his room,"Birdman my ass..."

This wasn't Lucifer's best day at the moment. He would have killed the girl had he cared enough, but he wasn't going to let his emotions run him. No sir. Stupid Johnny. Stupid Fiddle.
Saphire turned to face the meal, poking it slightly with her fork. She didn't even want to eat this... and then she sighed, taking a bite of the meal. Delicious... but it didn't give her any happiness to eat it. she forced herself to finish the food, knowing that if she fainted at some point... she'd be dragged to a hospital, and then to a psychologist, then probably given some meds. Which would not help her at all... and nope, the migraine hadn't faded, so Hanzo was still upset. While she ate the food she forced the mask back in place, a difficult task due to her realization that she didn't even have an identity beyond doing things for others.
Calista gasped as the angry bird man just slammed the door in her face! She gritted her teeth against the anger even as tears threatened to fall. She didn't care that he was a rude meanie! She didn't care at all... A single sniff before she wiped her eyes clear of any traces of tears before opening the door herself and walking inside, assuming that since the bird man had told her the owner was in the kitchen, it was implied approval to enter the house.

Hesitantly she walked through the halls and into what seemed to be the kitchen, since someone was sitting down and eating, and there was another bird man there cooking. Knocking slightly on the wall, she cleared her throat and once more tried to smile innocently. "Hi, are either of you the owner of this inn? I'm looking for a place to stay..."
Saphire looked up, mask firmly in place, and smiled welcomingly at the younger woman. "My name is Tsuki Saphire, I am the owner." The half of her meal that was left was pushed to the side as she stood up quickly, walking over to the woman. A quick inventory of her revealed that... either she was trying for a good impression or she was upset about something. Fair enough, she had her own problems. "This is an inn, yes. I take it you want a room for how long? We accept either payment or help with the upkeep of the mansion."
"I didn't mean to interrupt your meal..." Calista, still down from the black winged man's rudeness, stared at the ground and shuffled her feet slightly. "I don't want to be a bother at all really... I just want to find a place to stay, I don't have anywhere else to go and I don't have much money... I was thinking of find a job but I can also help around here if you'll have me..."

Calista was starting to feel a bit faint. That may have been from the fact that she hadn't eaten since two days ago, but it might also have been from embarrassment. She hated asking others for help and causing trouble for them, and even though it wasn't without repayment, it still didn't help.
Arturo listen intently to the conversation, and chuckled a bit under his breath. The aura of Lucifer was still on her, and she wasn't dead despite his obvious fuming. He then observed the newcomer's life energy before raising a brow. It wasn't as strong as it should be for a normal person. So he put two things together and fixed her a bowl of food and handed it out to her smiling gently...

And almost at that time, Hayate had come back with his aura down a smile on his face as he was playing Smash Bro's on his DS. His wings were gone, and actually he only had two reasons to be in the kitchen. The chocobees in the pantry, if there were any, and the face he had to tell Saphire about the fortunes.
She'd heard the sound of another bowl being placed on the table, and swallowing her own rebellious thoughts on how much she didn't want to deal with this right now, she gently wrapped her arm around the girl and with a genuinely kind look in her eyes, if not her smile, she led the young girl to a seat. "Well, why don't you join me? we can discuss your stay and needs while we both finish the meal." It may not be very appetizing, but she could almost feel how undernourished the girl was, and wanted to make sure she ate something... which meant she had to eat more too. Her gaze fell on the now mostly calm Lucifer in passing, but she didn't grant him more attention than that... if he wanted hers he could try to get it.
Her eyes drifted, wide and round with shock, first to the bowl of food prepared for her, then to Saphire, wrapping an arm around her. This... This was... She was about to give them a hesitant smile... When her eyes landed upon the rude black winged man, although he didn't seem to have his wings this time. Instantly the smile turned into a cute little scowl and she actually stuck her tongue out at him.

"Meanie bird man!" She taunted him childishly, crossing her arms over her chest. Then she blew a raspberry at him and turned back to her meal, sitting down with a thump and digging in ferociously, although managing to remain polite as she did so.
Hayate turned to Saphire and rose a brow,"Oh so you not gone pay me no attention! Girlll I'm an independent woman and I don't need no man's attention."

When he heard "meanie bird man" he frowned a bit, and smirked. He formed some of his Satanic energy in his hand and held it out and closing it and sending it to her eyes. The energy would cause her to see illusions of her biggest fears. Why? Because he's Lucifer, and you don't mess with Lucifer.
Akio woke up sitting up from where he had been sleeping. He had been resting recovering his energy from activating both his major skills. He could have gotten up earlier but he was thinking about something.
Saphire reached out the moment the pain hit. She was a new guest.. and a young one... something that may as well have been instinct made her hook her foot behind one of the legs, and yank. The chair, of course, dropped down with her new guest still on it, the sound of the chair slapping the ground rang out, but she didn't notice. It had barely been fast enough, and she'd been hit by the energy... her fears played before her.

It was like her nightmares, only much worse... so she paled, eyes widening and pupils closing as small as they could get. She didn't whimper, or cry, but she did watch as one by one everyone she'd gotten close to was killed. And she, being perfectly normal at the time, failed to save them every time. When the views of their deaths, each more gruesome than the last, she heard them claim it was her fault... that she had failed them because she was too weak, and why couldn't she die too, so she would be with them? Over and over as the energy remained in her eyes, when the last died it all started again, and finally she started to whimper just slightly...
Akio got up stretching feeling still sore but he shoved that to the back of his mind. He left the room looking for johanna as he searched for her energy. He hadent gotten to talk to her much on the way back and orphi's death.... He wouldnt be sure how she was taking it,
Johanna looked to her phone to catch the time, but only could sigh when he still hadn't shown up. She shrugged her shoulders a bit, stepping off the side of the building and falling down towards the ground. A giant sigh left her lips as she closed her eyes,"Welp good bye Human world."

Lucifer reached his hand out to take back the energy he had sent watching it come to his hand,"Damn that little girl..." he mumbled to himself, a biti annoyed with her selflessness. Arturo could only sigh as he knelt next to Saphire to check up on her.
He had finally gotten going, his body was sluggish and he had slept longer then usual. 'Im was not used to the back lash of that move still.' He thought to himself a bit dejectingly as he set off flying fast despite the fact it aggravated his muscles. He found her energy and flew it just in time to see it just in time to see her walk off the side of the building. He increased his speed and as she fell caught he and rocketed up. "Walking off the side of buildings now?" He said his muscles screaming in protests.
She was about ready to get herself together to land properly when she felt her body caught by Akio, and opened her eyes scoffing a bit,"You're late. " she told him with a soft sigh. She rolld her eyes a bit for growling,"If you don't care that I'm leaving enough to say Good Bye,d on't have me wait on you. I have important things to get to. I can't wait on you forever...." she lectured gently. She didn't really seem to pleased about his tardiness.
"Im sorry sorry, its been awhile since i moved that move and the backlash was stronger then i expected. like for example my muscles are screaming in protest from carrying you." He said as he went a bit higher then maintained altitude just over the clouds. "But i didnt come here just to say good bye." He said quietly flying with her.

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