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Fantasy The Divide

"Well put me down if it bothers you so much," she responded to him, her attitude not fading in the slightest. Another moments passed until she heard the last of his words,"If you're not here just to say good-bye, then what else are you here for?"
All of a sudden she wasn't seeing deaths over and over... not literally. The scenes repeated in her mind, of course, but she was able to see the world around her again. Several deep breaths, and one hovering chimera later, she was able to talk again... "I'm fine." Yeah, fine. If by fine she meant given even more nightmare fuel. But worrying everyone was not going to help anything, so instead she just slumped over slightly, "Is... Calisto-san Ok?" No, she would examine her waking nightmare again later. When she was alone...
Calista was stunned by the suddenness of the attack and only stared, frozen in place as the energy came towards her - only to find herself in the ground, Saphire having taken the blow for her. Suddenly feeling vulnerable and weak, she scrambled for her spear and held it out in front of her with shaking hands. Her eyes were wide and wild, although her voice was only slightly trembling as she spoke. "I'm Calista, and it'll take more then that to scare me." It was clear what she spoke was fake bravado but she clung to it anyway, trying to remain strong.
Hayate managed to roll his eyes at the girl before him, using his powers to pick up the bowl that was supposed to be for her to eat and led it to his hands. He began to eat it as he looked over to Saphire.

Arturo looked to the newcomer with a shake of the head,"I suggest you lower your weapon." He told her gently, more for her safety than anything. He knew it was Lucifer, Koharu had told him. So he knew the danger she'd be in if she continued to threaten him with her false sense of defiance.

Hayate rose a brow at the suggestion before smiling,"Blue haired child, I have fortunes for you."
"I want to come with you." He said simply flying with her. "That guy with lucifer, orkumagami has hinted im a peace he wants to acquire or am at least interested in me. Because i used to be a arc angel im a decent find in itself... Besides.... I want to get stronger. I was useless in that arena.... I couldnt protect you from those demons." He didnt mention the second part of the thought about orphi. "I hated that." He said softly.
She rose a brow a little bit when he spoke about Okurigami,"Well. You wouldn't be going with me. Okurigami is in hell. I'm going to the Demon world to kill my father...." She stopped and then shrugged,"Maybe then....- " she was cut-off with a black cloud of smoke appeared next to them made of Satanic Energy.

It took form slowly and there was the devil of the hour, Okurigami in his fallen form. His wings flapped a bit as he hovered in the air and looked down to Akio,"You rang? Okamigami ..." hes said chuckling deviously at his own joke before smirking,"You really want to go with her? Sorry been nosy. I kind of want to watch her fight her father."
He looked at Okamigami as he approached. He knew that he likely knew that at her current level that she likely didnt have much of a chance against her father unless she could tap into that state from before and control it. "I want to go with her." He said looking at him, he didnt trust the demon at most times. Lucifers goals were pure and simple, in fact he himself seemed very simple at times but Okurigami was dangerous, every fiber of his being said so.
Fortunes? What, that other guy... Johnny-san made some? How strange. She sat up giving him her full attention for the moment, though she wasn't really interested in it. a small sigh, and then she asked him, calmly, "What fortunes, Hayate-san?"
Calista hesitantly lowered her spear, eyes still wild, in a similar manner to a cornered animal. Then the sudden way that she was ignored, even the food prepared for her being taken away, only emphasised the fact that she was alone, alone and oh so vulnerable to these beings around her. Now she clutched her spear to her chest and held it tightly to her chest, needing the comfort as she stared at the floor, huddled with her back against the wall.
Okurigami scratched his chin before shrugging his shoulders,"Go train with the Byakurou's special forces. They'll teach you how to truly harness that energy. When your training with them is done, you're coming with me to hell. And I'll train you to be a high demon." he stopped and nodded,"You'll be close to this one for a while, though she's going to go through different training than you."

Hayate nodded well he said ,"-insert exact repetition of what OoW posted- and they're pretty accurate fortunes too. Well, I'm off to play more League. Keep this one away from for her own safety ok blue hair?" He didn't smile but instead continued to eat the food as he left.

Arturo sighed and looked to Saphire, not sure if he should explain to Saphire who exactly that was yet. He was concerned for Calista, considering that Hayate seemed to respect Saphire, he wasn't sure that if Calista got on his bad side the Lord of Hell would spare the newcomer,"Don't get on his bad side child...." he noted to Calisa,"Else it be your life."
"I see..." She nearly sighed at that. Yes, they were very accurate, as far as the past was, but... she put it to the side. Maybe she'd wonder about those hints of the future later. For now... she was just going to keep everyone safe. She got out from her seat, walking over to the young girl, Calisto, and asked her with worry evident on her face... "Are you going to be ok?"
"I'm fine." Calista was proud that her voice only shook slightly, her grip on her spear loosening slightly as she struggled to relax. "I'm fine." She repeated, more to convince herself rather then to reassure Saphire. Slowly climbing to her feet, she reharnessed her spear and retrieved her rucksack that had fallen out of the chair with her. Holding the bag to her chest like she had her spear, she kept her gaze on the ground, not daring to meet any of their eyes. "I-if it's possible, I'd like to go to my room now. If thats alright with you." She hastened to add.
Twice? A sigh from her and then she gently started leading the younger woman out of the kitchen, "What kind of room do you want? Near the Sakura, next to the outer or inner yard? There are more than a few that are just inside, I suppose... and do you want a six tatami, Ten, or a double-room? I assure you, we've plenty of space."
Calista shook her head, eyes still on the ground. "Any room would be fine, I don't have anywhere else to stay. Even the floor would be amazing." She spoke softly, as though trying to not draw too much attention to herself. She had grown too confident in her spear mastery on the streets. Supernaturals didn't bother her and so her spears had always gotten her out of trouble. But not here. Here were people who could easily kill her, despite her other rarely practiced skills. She simply wasnr strong enough. It was a humbling thought.
Arturo managed to look to Saphire, and rose a brow as the new girl responded,"I think it would be best if her room is away from Hayate's. He doesn't seemed to pleased with her presence. " he said moving back to preparing the food for the rest of the house. He wouldn't take long to finish, and when he did he felt a glorious pleasure of being helpful.
He nodded his thanks to the demon. "Alright, i guess thats the best i can get." He said, he was still holding johanna as he talked to him.
Okurigami nodded and held his hand out towards the both of them,"I can send you two directly where you need to go...if that's what you'd like." you could feel the satanic energy gathering in his hand.
He looked down at johanna. He wanted to tell saphire where he was going, especially when she was so.... hurt by orphis death but he needed to get stronger... "Shall we go?" He asked johanna.
"Sì , mamma. Ho fatto qui..." He mentally facepalmed realizing that he'd start speaking in Italian out of reflex, switching to English to finish the thought. "Ah, sorry. It became a habit to speak in Italian while in the exchange program..." That is, Bentin would only let me speak in Italian. Even though the bastard a full-blooded American. "Well, you know how much I enjoy learning new languages so it was no problem. As I was saying, I made it here safely. Yes, I'll be staying at a friends house in Hokkaido until the new apartment is let out. Yes, she should know to have a room ready. Yes, there's plenty of room."

He shook his head, suppressing a deep sigh as he stepped outside of the Tokyo International Airport (commonly referred to as the Haneda Airport). "A cab, mom. Yes, it'll be a long ride to the station. Followed by several train stops and changes. Then a ferry ride. Yep, it'll take all day." Or an hour at the most, if I can locate the right leyline... Shouldn't be too difficult, Bentin left him with a chart of all the local ones... Problem was they had a tendency to shift without warning, but the map could help point him in the general direction of the one he needed.

"Yes, I'll call you when I get to the train station. And the ferry. Are you sure you're a Marine, 'cause you're sure acting like an old bitty..." He flinched, yet another thing to blame Bentin for... He'd gained a mouth for backtalk. He shook his head yet again as he moved the phone a few inches from his ear as his mother attempted to chew it off through the phone. "Relax, I was joking. No, it's not the type of thing they teach you in Italy." He replied with a roll of his eyes after replacing the phones to his thankfully intact ear. "I guess it's always been there, waiting for you to get off my back to rear its ugly head... I dare say I've developed a sense of humor."

There was pointed silence on the other side of the line, it appears she was none too pleased with this development. Best course of action would be to nip this conversation at the bud. "Well, the taxis appear to be in short supply, I'd best hurry to grab one before they're all gone..." He frowned slightly, seemed she wanted to keep the conversation going. "Listen, we'll have plenty of time to talk later in the week. Shouldn't they be letting you off-base to hang out with your son returning from an extended trip? See, plenty of time! I can tell you all about Italy then..."

He smiled slightly, he knew his mother well enough to know that there would be little talking involved at their meeting. Any communication would be delivered through their fists... It was amazing how well two people with a strong connection could communicate by fighting. He shook his head as if to clear the thoughts, coming to his senses just in time to notice a cab pulling into the long stretch of road in front of the entrance. "Ah! There's a cab now!" He stepped forward and hailed it, managing to cut-off the advance of some self-important business man.

It was probably the height difference between them that made the man back down rather than press aggressively for an advantage. Woods paid it little mind, he'd gotten used to it in his short time in Japan, though there were more adults his size in Italy the height thing hadn't worn off. He shrugged off his heavy duffel bag containing his equipment and clothing, tossing it in the trunk of the cab.

"All right, I got a cab and am heading to the station now. I'll call you when I get there. Love you too." He hung up after receiving his mother's 'I love you, too' and slid into the back seat of the cab. He motioned to the cabbie to get moving, saying in Japanese, "Just drive, I'll get you an address in a second." He made a few motions on his new smart phone, having had his old on fried when he'd bummed up in technique training and accidentally fried it, and pulled up a PDF scan of an old map of Japan, with bright white lines criss-crossing the expanse of it... A map of the leylines of Japan... And his shortcut back to Hokkaido.
With an odd snapping sound, the interior of the cab shifted, transforming into what seemed to be a spacious and luxurious limousine. The car had grown longer, the seats were now plush couches, the windows were covered with small curtains and everything from the ceiling to the floor was colored a deep bloody red. Off to one side was a mini-bar stocked with a wide variety of otherworldly drinks and glasses. A ring of comfortable seats was situated on the side of the car closest to the driver, while the passenger's own seat had moved toward the back to create room to walk. On the ring of seats at the far end sat a man in a black trench coat and a large hat that concealed most of his facial features, save for a wicked smile. In the seat next to him was a person with purple hair playing a PSP, who didn't seem to be paying attention to what was going on around him.

"Welcome to the Scarlet Room, mister Woods. Please relax, take a drink if you feel it is necessary. We have some things to discuss." The man in the trench coat said in a raspy voice.
Johanna nodded gently, as when she did, they were engulfed in a black aura and when the aura dissipated they were standing in the middle of a grand ninja village. Almost immediately they were surrounded by at least 20 shinobi warriors, all byakurou clan members in the clans black colors, their white hair and grey eyes all evident in their wolf forms. All of those who surrounded them were A rank demons, and this wasn't even their best.

From the crowd emerged Aika, who had come home to train more so she wouldn't have to tie again,"Welcome to your true home." She didn't show any emotion, but the shinobi seemed less on edge. They were a bit confused on how Johanna was the heir if she didn't even look like one of them. The village was grand, perhaps the largest in the Demon World, and it was covered in snow from as far as the eye could see in a mountainous region. If you went to the valleys in the mountain, that's where they actually grew their crops and what not.

Johanna smirked a bit looking at Aika, "Cousin." that's when Aika's father stepped out, her uncle. Second in command to Chiba, her father. He glanced at the young girl,"Nice to meet you niece of mine, no time for formalities. Your training starts now. You. Fallen, Chiba Byakurou will speak to you."

Johanna scoffed,"I'm his daughter and i don't get to speak to him, but he does? Father of the fucking year."

This did not please her uncle who shook his head,"Silence child. You will follow Hito and Haru, they will lead you to the start of your training, fallen follow me." With that he turned and started to walk.

Johanna looked over to Akio and sighed gently,"I hope my father doesn't kill you....." she kissed him on the cheek before following two shinobi who had began to walk off.
After sending the human on a quest to purchase some headlight fluid for the limo, the man whose appearance screamed "stranger danger" took a sizzling red glass of something from the minibar and addressed the remaining occupant of the Scarlet Room.

"So, tell me more about this pet project of yours..."
Lucifer didn't budge much when he was addressed by the lesser demon, being, whatever he was. He merely sat there continuing on his 3DS before eventually moving his lips to speak,"We know how much energy and power is in the divide, I mean it was created by God himself and even Okuurigami's avatar, the strongest being not named Lucifer, Okurigami, Michael, or God, couldn't only put a small hole in it by expelling all of his energy. If you can tap into it, that is, if you can use the energy in controlled bursts while not destroying the stability and functionality of the Divide then you, and more importantly, I can use the energy and destroy, create, take souls without breaking The Divide's rules. This is the loophole of the divide."

Lucifer yawned gently a bit before looking out the window,"There is nothing he can do about it if we're successful...now as far as Adam. Well. That's a little harder to explain."
The dark figure raised a brow beneath its hat. Tapping into the divine energies of the Divide and learning their secrets was going to be pretty damn hard, not that he expected any less from something crafted by Yehowah or whatever his name really was, the old recluse.

"Hrm. Adam, you say? Does he want my head on a pike? All the guys from the old days want to, except maybe Leviathan and Moloch. Good sports, those two. Just where is Eve these days, anyway? I thought her and Adam were tighter than peas in a pod."
"I don't even know where Adam is, and don't you worry. Even if he did want your head, the true Adam died years ago," he continued, placing the gaming system into his pocket,"There's a reincarnation of him, and I have this odd feeling it's that Woods fella." This was the reason he had him pick the young man up. He wanted to get a closer look after he came into his powers. He wanted to see what type of energy he could feel off of him. Adam's spiritual energy lingered somewhere between divine and regular, but the original Adam when he had control over it, was the strongest human on Earth , well if Jesus wasn't a pacifist that would be jsus but eh. The second strongest to him was Eve.

"Ah Eve, she's also a reincarnate somewhere, I actually have no idea where she is. But she was the fall of Adam, so we should do our best to keep them separate once we discover her identity."

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