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Realistic or Modern The Dead Are Walking -Roleplay-

"Micah." The man had replied somewhat shakily but was relieved when the man had offered him a bottle of water. It was sealed, which had always been a pleasant sign. Quickly his fingers worked the lid. The cool refreshing taste of water reached his lips before down the back of his throat before the burn due to holding his breath. Finally he stopped at just under half way for a gasp of air. "Thank you-" his breathing laboured. "I really needed that." He looked around his surroundings before asking him. "Seems quite a sturdy place huh? Think we'll be safe here?" He meant it more as a thought than an actual question but he could sure use a break to rest and recover. 

(( OOC: Really sorry it's short but I'm in the process of moving so my responses are going to be a bit slow. I rushed this so @Mitch Neon could be free from being locked with my character. Sorry Mitch! If you guys can drag my character around as id he's unconscious that way I can hop straight back in when I'm done moving. I've really enjoyed RPing with you all! ))
Colton had listened to the man, no longer in a blank state "Well, I do believe we could make due with this bunker of sorts, although I don't think we will be moving out of this hallway for a while, as they don't trust me" Colton finished, cold hatred lingering at the back of his thoughts, as he spoke to the man he had hoped he could kill in his sleep, "though I guess they don't know much about me, which makes sense...anyway, off to bed I suppose, as it is night outside, so sleep well!" Colton finished, flashing a smile and getting into his sleeping bag. Colton planned on sleeping, but before so, he took his pack and pulled it under with him...he then zipped it up, and drifted to sleep.



@Daniel reaving

@Katie Jensen

(yea guys, I decided to set the setting as night, if that's ok)
Dayana smiled at Tara, "Yes we definitely do." Yana picked her clothes up and layed them back over the edge of the bunkbed. She climbed up onto the top bunk and started rummaging through her bag. She pulled out a few cans of mixed fruit and handed one to Tara, "Want some?" She pulled the tab on the top and opened it. This was the first time she had actually felt hungry all day. She tipped the can and drank the juices. While eating she thought about sleep.... she needed to get to bed soon. But she didn't think she was going to be able to. She though about sleep more now a days than actually doing it. She laughed to herself. The insomnia she had before the outbreak was nothing compared to this.(Been really busy last few days but I am still here!)
Tara gratefully accepts the can of mixed fruit and smiles "I remember when stuff like this was everywhere and now it's like a luxury item...Damn apocalypse."  She sits on her bunk and rummages through her pack and grabs the wires she was messing with earlier. She begins twisting them together to make a thicker cable and begins humming to herself.

Yana looked at Tara puzzled, "what are you doing?" She asked finally. You've been messing around with wires here and there ever since I met you. "What are you making? Let me guess some sort of fire starter? The beginnings of a radio?" She finished her fruit and set the empty can on the edge of her bed. She looked around at where she was. She would have never thought she would have made it into a place like this. The security of the bunker was very reassuring but she couldn't help but wonder how long it would last. She shook her head as if to literally shake the thoughts from her mind. She looked back to Tara, interested.
"The reason my nickname is Twitch is because I play with electricity. Ever since this nightmare started I've been making electrical traps. Sometimes I'd flood the lower floor of a house and electrify it and other times I'd make electric fences to block off doors. The living never stepped near them from fear of death and if the dead touched em they'd be fried too...Problem is my traps are very expensive as they need power sources and wires. The wires are easy to find but it takes time stripping the rubber off them and twisting them together and these days car batteries are drained which means I need multiple batteries to keep the traps going. Sometimes I overdo it and the wires kinda melt but it's all trial and error" she smiles as she continues twisting the wires together


"Cant never get a break from you things can I?" 

With a small eye roll,the girl drew back her bow and shot a loner right between the eyes. That was strange,they usually weren't alone. She placed the bow in its place upon her back and climbed back onto her horse. "Let's go boy." She said before nudging his sides until he sped up. Abby's eyes scanned all around her,there really wasn't anything but open land and some rolling hills out in the distance,but what could one expect from Colorado? She reached into her backpack and pulled out a water,as soon as her lips touched the lukewarm bottle,her thoughts were clouded. We're there others out there? Of course there was,but would she ever find them? Just after this whole apocalypse thing happened,she had met people,but they were all..terrified and delusional..Abby hated people like that,sure the world was basically over,but was there really a need to run around scared? Everyone would die eventually. She focused back on her surroundings and seen the outline of a town nearby,and a cement road coming up,finally,she had found an actual route to take. She nudged her horse into a faster gait towards the town,ready for anything. 

Scott Stafford


The hum of the old ford's engine echoed between the hills on the quiet and quaint highway. The air rising to Scott's face was more like a piece of heaven then a normal breeze by the window, and he relished in every second of it as he drove the highway freely. A year ago, this satisfaction would never be in his lifetime; he would never be able to cruise like this to any destination. But Scott had a different idea in mind then just a cruise: People. Where they  where... he never knew. He was alone from the start and continued the same habits through and through.

"Once the world went to shit... it started to show more colors, more, abnormalities these people and these communities are willing to accept..." He spoke calmly into the recorder, a small buzz to the device and a slight southern accent to his voice, "... Why they do, that's up to them... But some never change," He looked forward again and saw the town marked on the map he had in the back seat, he then spoke a few more words, "Hopefully those few are ahead." *Click*

The speedometer just hit 80/mph as he started to slow down, not wanting to attract any attention to himself, the breeze beginning to die down like the town. Almost completely still. Scott focused on the town, trying to spot any movement whatsoever in his field of view. Nothing... as of now. 

He let out a sigh to himself as calm as the town looked, the speedometer now at 30/mph. Whatever's here, he's already prepared, or so he thinks.

Finally,the girl and her companion stumbled upon the town,slowing down to an easy walk. It was barren,no sign of life. Nothing. Not even a single zombie. Slowly,they made their way around the quiet town. This place was too quiet. Abby climbed off of her horse and opened a water bottle and placed it next to his nose and tilted it upward,just enough so he could drink from it. A sudden noise made her snap her hand behind her back and grab her weapon,and turn her head towards the sound. Walkers. Had to be at least 20,if not more. Knowing she couldn't handle all this by herself,she jumped on her horse and took off galloping onto the road. 

Scott Stafford


As he was almost upon the town, he caught a quick glimpse of movement coming from inside the town. He slowed down even more to almost a crawl as he approached, trying to see through the night into the town for any movement still. He thought he caught a bit of movement as he cautiously just let the truck roll down the highway. 

He shook his head and looked down at the panel, his finger on the headlight switch, but he was hesitant to flip it. He waited until he was even closer, to see if he could spot anything else in the town.
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(by the way, my character will do something soon that either gets him killed only, gets a couple of people killed, or gets the town killed, as I plan on making an entirely new character when he die's)
Drake soon got up from his seated position and went to the door slowly opening it. "May I come in now?" He asked them curiously before he saw them just relaxing on the bunks and entered fully. Closing the door behind him he sighed as he took off his rifle setting it on the table before sitting in one of the chairs. "Enjoy the showers?" He asked the two curiously as he started to instead his vest after taking his helmet off


@Katie Jensen
"If you weren't a complete stranger I'd kiss you for letting me use the shower" she laughs as she begins stripping rubber off another bit of wire "hey want me to booby trap the door just in case those two get any funny ideas?"

@Daniel reaving
"Well unless those two are storing 10 pounds of C4 they won't be getting in." He said to her with a chuckle as he stripped his vest off and set it on the ground with a heavy thud from all the gear. Giving a big sigh of relieve that he was out of the vest he stretched and relaxed in the chair

@Katie Jensen
"It was the best moment of my post-apocalyptic life." She said with a smile. "You ought to get you some of that. Don't worry we'll cover our eyes." Yana teased. "You hungry?" She asked Drake, tossing him her last can of fruit. "I'm going to have to go out and get some more of that. When I was in the town I didn't get a chance to grab anymore food or anything else. That herd ran us off... "

Scott Stafford


As Scott's truck rolled forward, he stopped it right there on the side of the road and turned the engine off. He slacked back yet again and hung sheets in front of the windows of the car, covering any light or any glace from entering. He then put a sun reflector in the windshield and lay his seat back, deciding waiting for whatever the town contains would be smarter then going straight in at night and risking a lot more then in the day.

He then let a long, bored sigh out as he locked the doors and fell backwards to his bed for the night. He grabbed his recorder and stuffed it in his jacket pocket as he slowly closed his eyes, not quite asleep yet. Just... waiting for anything.
Drake gladly caught the can then smiled. "Thanks. I'll probably take one in a little while so you guys can relax in your beds for a while." He said as he opened the can a little and drank the juice before setting it down and walking over to the stuff he brought in and pulled out two blanket and later one flat on the floor near the bunks as a bed for him because he was letting the girls take the bunks

@Katie Jensen

Tara looks at Drake "I could take the floor if you want, I mean I'm used to sleeping on hard surfaces anyway but this one isn't littered with blood and glass so it's like a hotel bed to me" she laughs as she finishes stripping the wire down and begins twisting it together 

@Daniel reaving
Alex opened his eyes, smiling as he got up and quietly made his way towards the entrance door. He had heard something. This town was small, quiet, and basically sound insolated with the tall forest surrounding it...so he was sure that the hum of what sounded like a vehicle wasn't just in his head. "the people held up here will a problem by themselves, so taking care of the problem out there might be in my best interest before the others find out" He thought, opening the intrance door slowly, as to not make sound. He could tell by looking at the sky, that early morning would be here in about an hour, so he decided to get to work, running towards the town and towards whatever he planned on finding.


(anyway, my character will be killed off soon...but don't mistake that for an easy kill, because I'm not giving up my character without a fight)
"No no you two take the bunks I'll take the floor. But I'm gonna go check on the other two first then check outside in a little bit." He told them as he sat back down on the chair he had previously been in and sighed a little in releife


@Katie Jensen
Tara picks up her bat and grins "I'm gonna make this thing electric at some point. The bandits won't stand a chance" she laughs as she puts the wire back into her bag and lies back, her eyes closing as she begins humming a soft tune.

@Daniel reaving

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