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Realistic or Modern The Dead Are Walking -Roleplay-

Colton, although looking quite confused, was really hiding his thought process, figuring them out as events occurred. "the male with a missing leg seems to be trying to play a dominant role, although the woman helping m with this meat sack seems to do her own thing....a loner" Colton finished, with a thoughtful expression, "as for the one in the shower...she doesn't seem to care for the life of others as the other two do...which is relatable" Colton thought, smirking as they continued farther into the complex, he decided to speak, "so, you guys managed to survive this hell too huh?".


@Daniel reaving
[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Drake did not speak as he tended to the man quickly cleaning the wound and wrapping it to stop the bleeding. "There." He said with a sigh as he nodded and looked up. "Yes we did. Now you two can stay here for a while but for now I'm gonna have to ask that you two sleep out here in the corridor. We don't know if we can trust you guys yet. I have sleeping bags and heating laps for you guys so you will be comftrble out here." Drake said quickly as he thought it all over. Drake had always been this way when it came to other men. He had trust issues with other males a lot which probably came from his PTSD but he could care less. He knew Dayana was gonna object but he didn't care if he seemed selfish or an ass hole. He didn't know these men and knew how men could be in this day and time [/COLOR]
Yana watched as Spec(Drake) quickly cleaned and wrapped the man's wound. 

"Yeah... unfortunately." She responded to the mans question. Suprisingly she agreed with Spec that they should stay in the main building for now. She had dealt with her fair share of survivors and none but one had been trustworthy, and he was long gone. She stood up and started for the bunker then stopped, "Before I go down, just wondering, what's your name?" That wasn't the actual question she wanted to ask, but that's what had come out, "And why are you so calm while your friend is laying there unconscious..." THAT is what she really wanted to ask. She couldn't help herself, and she had no idea that the two newcomers didn't know each other. 
Colton had to snap out of his thoughts, "Oh, its alright, I quite understand the trust issues you may have with a complete stranger....especially nowadays" He finished, making a mental note to scope the rest of the place (assuming there is anything else) out while they slept in their bunker. Colton had been paying little attention to the girl in the room, but turned to address her as she asked his name, "oh, my names Colton, and yours?" he said, acting as though he hadn't heard the last question.

@Daniel reaving

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She looked him up and down, "Yana.. What about your friend?" She mentioned him again since Colton neglected to answer her second question, "Just curious..." There was a weird vibe in the room but she couldn't put her finger on it. She felt as though the injured man was going to reanimate as a walker, or another alarm would go off. She tried to shake the feeling off, blaming it on all of the shit they just went through.
"Yana...well, nice to meet-" Colton stopped suddenly, smacking his head, "oh, yes, this man is not my friend....I had heard the alarm go off from a far away gas station I planned to stay the night in, and came rushing to check the problem" He finished in his calming voice, though mentally he was kicking himself in the head, "you need to stay on the low, and spacing out wont help" he thought, hiding his angered expression under the soft one, "i do hope he makes it, as id hate to see him turn" Colton finished, sitting with his back propped against the corridor door, rummaging through his bag, he first pulled out his card, quickly replaced it, and brought two bottles of water out, "you want some?" he asked, sipping on the other.

(hey btw, do I need to keep tagging you or anyone else who reads this in single conversations and such, as I usually only tag people in meet-ups or fight scenes)
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(Is tag most of us in general like me raging and decline)

drake stood there silently watching the man with a sone cold look. He didn't trust the man at all and honestly wanted him gone right now. Especially now that he knew this man was alone till now. It worried him about this guy and he planned to watch him closely. "Yana.. lets go grab the sleeping bags and heat lamps

for them alright." He said softly

to her 


@Mitch Neon

(Is tag most of us in general like me raging and decline)

drake stood there silently watching the man with a sone cold look. He didn't trust the man at all and honestly wanted him gone right now. Especially now that he knew this man was alone till now. It worried him about this guy and he planned to watch him closely. "Yana.. lets go grab the sleeping bags and heat lamps

for them alright." He said softly

to her 


@Mitch Neon


(alright, sounds good)
(I usually don't tag anyone, maybe I should start?) 

"Oh I thought you two had known each other. See I knew that damn alarm was going to attract everyone within earshot. Dead or alive it seems.. I know it sounds bad but maybe you should tie him up..if he doesnt make it and turns while you're sleeping...." she turned to Drake, "Okay, lets.." She said to him as she walked behind to follow him into the bunker. "Should we really just leave them up there?" She said to Drake in a hushed voice as they entered the bunker.
Tara yells back "okay! I'm done now anyway" she steps out of the shower and grabs a towel, she wraps it around herself and yells "All clear! Do you have somewhere I can get dressed? I don't want you guys being stuck up there for ages..."

@Daniel reaving
"What would you rather have them down here with us? So he could maybe slit our throats in our sleep or maybe worse to you two?" He asked Yana back before calling to switch. "Yeah there should be a small area by the beds that's hidden for changing!" He called softly then turned back to yana. "That guy makes me uneasy yana because he was alone till now it raises even more suspicion." He said

@Katie Jensen

Tara looks around and spots the area he's talking about "by the way it's Twitch but call me what you want I guess" she laughs and then makes her way over to the changing area. Tara roots through her pack until she finds some clothes she had scavenged a few days ago. She had been rooting through an old clothes store and had managed to find a pair of ripped jeans and a white tank top in her size. "I remember when ripped jeans were stylish...Or were though to be anyway. Now they're just kinda impractical cause the skin on your legs is sorta visible. But hey, beggars can't be choosers" she gets dressed and then wraps the towel around her hair and yells up to Drake and Yana "shower's free and it's safe to come down now!" as she yells she clips her thigh holster back on and makes sure her pistol is on safety.

@Daniel reaving



@Mitch Neon
"Hell no.. Does the bunker door lock so that they can't come down here while we sleep.. if I sleep." Dayana turned toward where Twitch was changing, "Hey were there any more towels around here? I can't believe I'm about to get a hot shower.." she walked over, plopped down onto one of the bunk beds and smiled as she began unlacing her boots. She had not felt such a sense of security since the outbreak began, and it felt good. 
"Yes the door locks and unless that idiot has about 9 pounds of C4 lying around he won't be getting through it. We will be perfectly safe in here." He said to yana as he looked to were twitch was then to yana. "They should be plenty around here." He said before standing up with the needed things for the guys. "I'll go wait outside with the guys while you shower ok. Come get me when your done." He said to yana as he carried out the two sleeping bags and heating lamps to the unconcious man and the other one

@Katie Jensen


@Mitch Neon

"Okay." She said to Drake as he walked away, "And thanks.." she went to the sink first and filled it up with water and started taking off her clothing piece by piece. It felt really weird and akward taking off all her clothes, not because she was getting naked in front of someone, no, it was because for the past year she had not had a proper shower and it almost felt foreign. After so many wash ups from water bottles and dips in lakes she almost forgot what a real shower felt like. She placed all of her soiled clothing into the sink full of water, then grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her as she began scrubbing at her clothes. The last thing she wanted to do was to take a great shower and then put the same dirty, blood stained clothes back on. The water in the sink started to turn a murky brownish-red as she scrubbed and she unplugged the sink allowing the dirty water to drain out, then filled it back up. She poured a small amount of the alcohol from the first aid kit into the water as she scrubbed some more. After the water no longer turned murky she took the clothes out and rung them as much as she could before hanging them over the top bunk and getting into the shower. "Oh. My. God." She closed her eyes as hot water splashed over her body.
Tara follows Drake and resists the urge to look back at Yana as she grabs her a towel and places it by the shower "hey is it safe out there? I left my bat and rifle in the car...I don't want them getting stolen, I went through too much trouble getting that sniper rifle and the bat is just awkward to make since I need to find a quality bat and then I have to find a full spool of barbed wire and fence staples..." Tara was babbling but it had been a while since she had been able to talk to anyone so she was making up for lost time 

@Daniel reaving

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Colton signed, taking in the strong smell of dried blood, as he got up and looked towards where the rest of everyone else went. "they don't trust me....yet, thought I DO plan on killing them" he thought, turning around to look through the long corridor that led to here. The injured was laying sprawled on the grown, unconscious, and the door from which they entered was at the end of the hallway, accompanied by a poorly boarded up window (that left one slit open, for looking outside), and that was it....except for a door that had been unnoticed by him before, "a store room maybe" he thought, striding towards the door, and facing it with curiosity, "wouldn't hurt to look", but when he went to turn the knob, he let out a low growl as he discovered it was locked, "damn". Colton then proceeded to walk out the front door, getting a good look of the outside surroundings, as he passed quickly by them the first time around. There were an assortment of different cars, some military, all looking as if they had seen better days, he also saw that this place seemed to had been an outpost of some sort, as there were sand bags tossed around over on his right, "or maybe they had tried to make one before it went to shit" he thought, standing outside for a while longer, lost in thought.

@Katie Jensen


@Daniel reaving

Tara enters the store room and draws her pistol, she pushes her way past Colton and sweeps left and right to make sure everything was safe. She then proceeds to walk over to the car and opens the back door. She holsters her pistol and grabs her sniper, slinging it over her shoulder, she then grabs her bat and smiles "I couldn't replace you, we've knocked in way too many heads together." She turns around and realises there are two new people. One of them is passed out and the other one was outside too "um...Hello...I wasn't talking to the bat...I was...talking to myself...Yeah..." she speaks quickly, obviously embarrassed that someone might have heard her talking to her weapon.

@Mitch Neon 
Colton, lost in thought, didn't even notice the girl when she pushed past him and only snapped back to reality when she spoke to him, "yea...oh-um, yea, my bad" He says, putting on his friendly smile, "i don't believe iv spoken to you yet, so hi, my name is Colton, and yours?" he finished, still half lost in thought, as he looked towards the sky, eyes only so to not draw the girls attention, and saw the 4th plane fly by, thinking to himself that if those people have enough resources to spend on plane fuel, then its a force to be reckoned  with.

@Katie Jensen
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Drake set the stuff inside the hidden underground corridor to the safe house then went up the stairs to the actually room and looked around it. "Alright colton the hallway down the stairs has all the things you guys will need ok." He said as he gently pushed past them man and opened up the back of the truck and grabbing something then tossing a granola bar to Colton and twitch. "It will be dark soon so we should get inside." He said to the two 

@Katie Jensen

Drake set the stuff inside the hidden underground corridor to the safe house then went up the stairs to the actually room and looked around it. "Alright colton the hallway down the stairs has all the things you guys will need ok." He said as he gently pushed past them man and opened up the back of the truck and grabbing something then tossing a granola bar to Colton and twitch. "It will be dark soon so we should get inside." He said to the two 

@Katie Jensen


(why did you tag rage and not Katie, bc katies the one out here XD)

(also where is my "room" in comparison to everything else?)
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(why did you tag rage and not Katie, bc katies the one out here XD)

(also where is my "room" in comparison to everything else?)

(Whopps meant to tag you sorry xD  and I'm putting up a sprt

of explanation post on the hole safe house deal because it seems I might have confused one or two people on it XDD)
(Hey guys. So I'm guessing that I didn't explain the secret house thing good enough because of some things I saw so I'll put a more detailed rundown here ok! Alright so the entrance to the safe house is in a shed like building in the park


the shed is empty because of people taking things so there isn't anything but old racks in there and some water pipes that run into the ground. Then there's a secret door in the floor of the room that's like this

but just concrete and metal that when closed is perfectly hidden and such that leads under ground to a fully concrete hallway with no doors besides the door leading to the safe room


just not as long, no where near that long XDD. And at the end of the hall there's the door to the safe room


which can be locked from the inside. @Mitch Neon you and @Decline characters will currently be sleeping in the hallway mostly because of trust issues with the group and such while the others sleep inside the door. Hope that helped guys ^-^)
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Tara inspects the stranger "call me Twitch." she adjusts the strap on her tanktop and does the same to a strap on her bra. She catches the granola bar and happily smiles at Drake "thanks Spec, I'll find a way to repay your kindness" she opens the granola bar and begins eating as she walks back inside and makes her way back to the bunker, as she enters she quickly glances at Colton and then looks away. She didn't trust him, there was something slightly unnerving about him...

@Mitch Neon @Daniel reaving

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