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Realistic or Modern The Dead Are Walking -Roleplay-

Colton snapped out of thought, "yes, I should go inside". He started walking in behind the girl who introduced herself as Twitch, "strange name, but it wont matter" he thought, as he sat down on the cold hallway floor, watching as Twitch stepped into the safer area, and watching for the other guy, "he doesn't trust me at all...which could make things hard if I want to do what must be done...but on the other hand" Colton finished, thinking back to a couple of minutes ago when he saw the planes fly by... "could cause trouble...that much fuel, there's no telling what they have" he said, a little to loudly than he wanted to, not thinking of what anyone who could have heard him would think.

@Katie Jensen

@Daniel reaving
"The hell are you talking about?" Drake asked him coldly as he walked by him confused on his words. This man was strange and drake couldn't help but feel that if he kept him around he would try to kill them sooner or later. Glaring at him a little he pointed to the two sleeping bags and heating lamps and some food and water. "There is all you'll need for the night." He said eyeing him suspiciously before he turned for the bunker door and nocked on it not wanting to barge in on yana if she was changing

@Katie Jensen


@Mitch Neon
"oh, nothing important" Colton said with a smile, glaring at the man when he turned towards the bunker door, "i need to finish this quickly, so I can head north towards the direction of that plane...it was flying low, so I'm surprised no one heard it, but that also means that it wont be going oversees any time soon...which means I can reach its location" Colton thought, then an idea occurred to him that hadn't before, "what if I keep them around, really earn their trust, and get them to take me there....it would be perfect" He thought, smiling and speaking, "thanks for the bags, though I have plenty of water, I appreciate the offer" He finished, going to the opposite side of the hall to where the surprisingly cozy looking sleeping bag lay, and sat on it, taking one of the granola bars left near the water, and eating it.

@Daniel reaving

(also, if @Decline doesn't reply soon, should we kill him off?)
(I say give him another day to respond and if he doesn't we can just say he died in the night. But if he comes back and asks why we killed his character off we will just like. Not have him be dead and say we dragged his unconscious body along XD)
(Well if he comes back he will undoubtedly be mad that we killed his character so we should just say his character didn't die if he does come back)
Tara is leaning against the door, she looks at Spec and then whispers "that guy is hiding something. He's suspicious to say the least. I mean an injured guy shows up and he just happens to appear too? Maybe I'm just paranoid but I think he's gonna try killing us, either that or steal our stuff and run away" she shifts uneasily, something didn't sit right with the new guy and Tara wasn't looking forward to finding out either

@Daniel reaving @Mitch Neon
(you guys read my characters bio, right....bc if you didn't, then you probably should before having your characters confront me...just saying....could be a tad bit dangerous)
"Agreed." Drake immediately said to twitch as he quickly glanced back at him then away. We need to be careful alright. I want you and yana to be constantly armed while around him alright. If he makes even a single move. Kill him." Drake said knowing twitch would know what he meant by move. Drake was being cautious and even though he rarely knew the two girls he knew they were trust worthy. He just hoped they felt the same about him

@Katie Jensen

@Mitch Neon
Tara nods as she swings her bat around "My bat's always ready to pop some heads so don't worry about it. What about the injured guy? We havent had time to talk to him so he could be a threat too..." 

@Daniel reaving
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The sound of the woman attempting to smother his guilt like the oxygen from an uncontrollable wild fire had been comforting. It was hard for him to focus, as every time his eyes closed and opened he’d be in a different location. Micah had been fatigued and slipped in and out of consciences but became aware when Drake had removed the previous bloody bandage that Mitch had secured on him earlier to stop him from bleeding out. Micah observed as Drake began to treat his wounds, bringing in a sharp breath of air as he began to wash out the wound with a saline solution before stitching up the gaping wound. Those blue eyes would watch over his handy work before speaking in a coarse voice. “Thank you…”

Even though he knew none of those that risked their lives to help and get him to safety including the one that did not. He did not feel that he was in danger by any of them and perhaps that wasn’t a wise decision on his behalf. But for the time being he slept in order to gain his strength. It wasn’t in his nature to question others motives and to him life was far more important than items that could be replaced. Hell, Micah hadn’t even been armed through-out the whole epidemic but instead tried to help those that he could up until his accident. Oh, how the woman screamed…


Lids shot open and his eyes stared at steel pipes above him. Slowly pulling himself upright he used the moment to look around at his surroundings which wasn’t much to take in. But he checked out his wound that had been stitched and bandaged, hardly any blood seeped through which was a good sign that the stitch was enough and nothing internal had been ruptured. He caught sight of Mitch, the man who first came out to him when he had given up and presumed that he had met his fate. “Hello,” he felt stupid using such a basic greeting for the man who risked his life to help him. “thank you for helping me out there. I thought my number was up.” He gave a little bit of a soft laugh before realising it hurt and stopped.

(( Out of Character: I apologise that I do not post quick enough for some of you, I do try my best to keep up with what's going on. And as you guys can gather I tend to always post descriptive. If a situation happens and that people are waiting on my character I would appreciate it if death would be the last resort. Thank you @Daniel reaving for opening the option of just playing my character as unconscious rather than dying. If anyone needs to get a hold of me, please don't hesitate to send me a message! Once again, I offer my sincerest apologies for not being as quick as others. ))
Tara nods "okay then, it's just the other guy we have to watch out for. Yana must be really enjoying the shower huh? I'd just enter but I don't think she'd appreciate me just walking in" she laughs as she knocks on the door again to make sure it's okay to enter and then waits.

@Daniel reaving @ragingfire
"Yeah. She must be." He said with a chuckle as he waited with twitch. Leaning back against a wall he slowly slid down it to a seated position and then proceeded to mess around with his prosthetic 

@Katie Jensen
Colton was startled to see the man rise and thank him, thinking that the poor guy would have either turned, or just plain died of blood loss, "No problem, and what's your name by the way, mines Colton" he finished, smiling at the man, "oh, but pardon my manners, you much be thirsty" Colton finished, taking one of the bottled waters out of his pack, and holding it out to the man, "i also have food to spare, but I suggest hydrating first" he finished.

Tara looks at his prostethic and then looks away, she didn't want to upset him "uh...how did you lose it...I mean your leg?" she covers her mouth and looks at him "I didn't mean for that to come out like that"

@Daniel reaving
"No need for apology." He said immediately as he smiled at her. "I was in Iraq at the time. Me and my team were designated to get the Iraqi prime minister out from a danger zone near the Iraqi Iran border. We picked him up in a small caravan of three heavily armored trucks. I was in the middle one with the prime minister..... as we moved through the town we were in we knew they were watching us. We even saw them but were under orders not to Engage unless engaged. Then it happened..... Three rockets all at once hit the front vehicle sending it flying as they all opened fire around us. We weren't far from the randevou point which had plenty of support.. all we had to do was get there. So I ordered that we move on foot. Luckily we were all still alive so we surrounded the prime minister and started to move through the side streets and back ways of the town constantly firing. I even got hit once or twice." He said pulling his shirt up to show a bullet scar on his left hip then moving his shirt to show another bullet scar on his right shoulder. "Luckily we made it through the town. All that was left was an empty field. We could see the randevou point. Five tanks at least a hundred men. All were firing back at the town now. So we ran... then the prime minister got hit in the leg and fell down. My men picked him up as I provided cover fire from a small hole where a rocket had landed. And when they got him to the randevou I quickly got up... but my first step out of the hole I stepped straight on an IED and was sent flying. My team quickly grabbed me and got me to the randevou where I was put on a heelo and flown back to our air base. The doctors said it's a miracle i didn't lose more of my leg" he said as he looked up at her then away again as he remembered it all As if he he were reliving it.

@Katie Jensen
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Tara nods "from one Hell to another...Must be tough for you. I'm sorry. Since you shared a personal story with me I'll share one with you. My dad used to love hunting and he'd take me along, you know to teach me survival skills and the sort. Anyway we were tracking this stag one day and we come across this small camp, obviously it was recently made cause the fire was still smoking so we called out to whoever was around to see if they wanted to join us. At first we heard a rifle shot and thought nothing of it until I turned around and my dad began panicking...I'd been hit in the abdomen and was losing blood fast but all I remember is feeling cold as darkness swallowed me up. I woke up two days later and heard.my dad crying and talking about how he lost his friends in the middle east and didn't want to lose me too. I realised two things that day. I learnt that hospital food sucks ass and I also learnt that even the toughest looking soldiers have experienced heartbreak and sadness. My dad couldn't bear to think about life without me. He'd be distraught. The same goes for you with your leg. It may not be a child but it's part of you and to lose that must be devastating but yet you push on and overcome like a true warrior." she smiles at him "even though there's not much left of it, thank you for fighting for this country. My real name is Tara and if I can ever be of any use to you then I'm at your side." 

@Daniel reaving
Dayana finally stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel Tara had layed down for her. She breathed in the steamy air deeply enjoying it as if this may be her very last shower, she didn't know. Walking over to her clothes she reached out to feel them. They were still pretty damp, she hadn't expected them to be dry that quickly anyway but she didn't know what she should do as far as clothing.. she looked around and shrugged taking her clothes off the top bunk and slipping them back on. They were cold and the dampness made them cling to her body. Well it wasn't the first time she had worn totally wet clothes since the outbreak. She walked up to the bunker door and opened it. In the hall were Tara, Drake, Colton and  now the man who was unconscious was awake.. "Sorry took so long.." she said to them as she walked through the large door.
Tara grabs Yana and drags her back inside "no way. You're not wearing wet clothes. You'll catch your death. Luckily I have another set of clothes. How do you feel about leggings and a green checkered shirt? It must be better than wet clothes." Tara walks over to her pack and begins rooting through it "you'll have to use your own underwear obviously but here..." she holds the clothes out in front of her

Dayana drags behind Tara and smiles as she pulls out some clothes from her bag. They looked new, and cute too! "Thank you", she laughed, "Where'd you snag these. Every place I went into either didn't have clothes or they were ruined, other places were just too over-run" She stood up and turned around as she peeled her wet shirt off and put on the new shirt. She turned back around and grabbed the leggings putting those on. "Man thank you so much. This feels so much better." She rubbed her arms and warmed them up slightly. "So he just wake up, up there? Didn't know if he was going to make it" Yana said referencing the unconscious guy. "Wonder if they're going to stay around or just passing through. Well I doubt they'd want to leave a bunker like this.. Right? Pretty secure even if a herd came we would be safe here as long as we put enough supplies back."
Tara shrugs "not sure, he was still out like a light when I walked past. I got these clothes from a small clothing store, very lucky if you ask me" she smiles as Yana puts them on "they look good on you too so no need to thank me, we gotta stick together right?"

(oh no, I have lock stepped myself, as in I have started a conversation with someone, and cannot reply until they do, noooo xD  )

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