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Realistic or Modern The Dead Are Walking -Roleplay-

Dayana stopped in her tracks as she followed the two down into the bunker. "Hey quiet." She said quickly, squinting her eyes and straining to hear. "Do you hear that?" She stepped back up a few steps...and then she heard it.

Dayana grabbed her machete. "There's a fuckin alarm going off in this place!" Thats going to attract all the dead around here!" She ran back up to the maintenance room looking for the source of the blaring alarm. It was coming from outside. "THE truck! You're truck is going off! Man you should of disabled that a long time ago!" Dayana shook her head angrily and her eyes widened as she heard laughter... It wasnt just walkers that could've set off the alarm; someone was out there.
"crunch, crunch, crunch" The man kept humming to himself, as he kept walking through the dense forest, content on finding shelter before nightfall. The stranger kept his pace, until he stumbled across a gas station, and what appeared to be a ghost town, "hmmm....doesn't seem like anyone survived...oh well, no fun for me then?" He thought, pulling out his knife and knocking on the gas station door. The building was quiet for a moment, and then the animal like sounds that came from those that had joined the rank of the undead had pierced the silence, " sorry chaps, but ill be staying here tonight" The man said, opening the door to 4 undead, and almost jumping towards the nearest, placing a blow to its skull and pulling the knife out and one swift motion "3.....2.....1, and done!" The man half shouted, as he wasted the other undead, and sat down on the station counter. The man, Colton, had just finished cleaning his knife with an old rag he had found, when a car alarm sounded off in the distance, stirring his and causing him to smile a wicked grin, "wouldn't hurt to check" He said, as he stepped outside. Colton considered running, until he spotted an overturned motar cycle on the road. "This could be handy" Colton said, as he was hotwiring the bike, and when he heard the satisfying hum of the engine he hopped on the bike and took off towards the alarm.
Tara turns and sighs "guess I'll have to shower later..." she follows Yana and draws her weapon, ready to kill anyone or anything that so much as blinks in a way she doesn't like, she shouts back to Spec "seriously though...does that shower have working water?" she listens out for a reply as she turns on her flashlight to sweep the area, her weapon ready to fire

@Daniel reaving @ragingfire @Decline
Colton was riding at a moderate speed, all while humming "highway to hell" in his head. Colton spots the vehicle and stops about  50 yrds away, shifting his eyes first at the injured man, then at the undead, about 16, heading towards the car from his east. Colton cant help smiling, "could let him die...but  then again, what fun would that be?" he finishes, replacing his smile with a wide eyed look of terror, something he has long since learned to fake. He lets the bike drop and runs towards the stranger, shouting along the way "hello!?!?", and when he reached the stranger, hovered over him and spoke, "look, ill try to help, ok?", and with that Colton took one of the medical bandages from his pack and started wrapping the wound, wary that the small horde was edging closer. "that should hold for now" Colton spoke, next taking his pistol from his pack and shooting towards the undead, hitting one in head, "1...2...".
It was hard to describe the feelings and sensations that surged through his mind as his laughter eased itself into soft guttering whimpers of discomfort. The sound of the alarm had dimmed and he had convinced himself that it was due to the battery of the truck. Though in reality his senses had actually dimmed and he found himself sat upon the cold concrete road whilst he leant against the rubber tyre of the vehicle. It was at that moment he decided to check his wound even though he was helpless to act upon it. As he began to peel back from the warmth of the wound, a steady flow of blood soaked itself further into the soft cotton fabric of his shirt. Those innocent blue hues would dance within the confines of his sockets as he tried to assess the damage. God he only hoped that he’d bleed out before the undead had reached him. Remembering the burning sensation as the pole had impaled him that had caused the traumatic wound. The tearing of the flesh as it stretched beyond its capability. A chant of cussing that did nothing but display his frustration as panic began to subside. The sound of shuffling grew near and he was beginning to accept his fate. 

It hadn’t taken long for him to reapply pressure upon himself despite wishing to bleed out before being gnawed upon coherently. It was habit and his medical training kicked in as an extra set of senses. The sound of a motorcycle shattered his train of thoughts and the sound of voices that he convinced himself caused by his slight delirium didn’t seem so crazy after all. Everything seemed to happen quickly in broken segments as the sound of the bike engine disappearing with a metallic thud as it hit the ground causing the engine to cut out. The voice of the man startled him, using his left hand to shield his eyes from the invisible glare and flashing indicators. “Please make it quick.” It surprised him at how defeated his own tone sounded but he presumed the male had intended to rob him for anything worth value.

True to his word, he was leant over as the man wrapped around the tight bandage to help with pressure. The wounded unknown man could only thank him for helping. However it was short lived as the sound of the pistol erupted through the night’s silence alongside the truck alarm. He was paving a way for them both, he used this opportunity to unsteadily get to his feet. Even with the bandage secured around him, it deepened with blood and he could not help but keep his right arm wrapped around his torso as his hand stayed firmly over the wound. 
"Militart vehicles don't have car alarms dumb ass!" He immediately yelled back at her in frustration as he quickly climbed the stairs grabbing her when he got there and practicality throwing her back into the building. He knew for a fact that his car did not have a single alarm on it. It was a damn military vehicle that under normal sircumstances would 95% of the time he locked up in a military base. Why would the damn thing need an alarm, that was just an unneeded accessory in which his jeep did not have. Looking around swiftly as he held stuck his hand behind him to have the girls stay in there he looked around for the real car with the alarm 

@Katie Jensen

Tara looks around "fuck! I hear gunshots...Whoever they are they're drawing more around this area. Maybe they're raiders? They draw em in so we get overwhelmed and killed and then they move in to take our stuff?" Tara wasn't happy with that idea, if someone had learnt to herd the dead it would mean trouble for everyone because they'd have a merciless army that couldn't be killed like normal people marching over everyone and everything.

@Daniel reaving @ragingfire
Colt kept shooting, head after head, until he ran out. "they keep coming" Colton said to the man, who was now standing on his feet, unaware that getting the undead here would only urge the man to follow his instructions, "we need to leave". Colton flipped the gun, butt end, and smashed the window of the van, putting his hand through, he unlocked the vehicle and opened the back side, "get in".

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Dayana fell back onto the hard cold concrete floor and her eyes flashed red. "I'm gonna kill you" she said as she sprang back up and ran full force into Spec tackling him and crashing  him into the door. ,"Dumbass!? Says the guy with a car alarm and one leg! Don't you ever fuckin touch me!" She backed off of him and took out her pistol. "Move or I'll blow your head off". Behind the door she could hear gun shots going off. She didn't know if she wanted to open the door or not, but she moved toward it without thinking, instinctually. She pushed past Spec and cracked the door open. It was dark out but she could see two figures out by the truck. One was standing and shooting at the herd that was swarming them. The other was kneeling on the side of the truck barely standing. He looked as if he was bit or hurt. "Fuck it" she said as she stepped out. Raising her pistol she shot a walker and ran over to the kneeling man. "Have you been bit?" She asked quickly surveying his appearance, he was bleeding pretty bad from the shoulder. Without waiting for his answer she turned around holstered her gun and pulled her machete out in one swift motion. Marching up to the walkers coming their way she swiped her blade right at the neck of one. The walkers head fell to the side barely hanging on by a piece of dead flesh that failed to sever. As the walkers body fell to the ground with a thud she was already impaling the next.
Drakes face went dead cold as the girl tried to tackle him instantly reacting by hitting her in the gut a couple times before she got off him. "You bitch. Go save them if you wan!." He said in a stone cold tone before he moved quickly outside after her to his own truck and opened the door graving a big box of water and food then quickly moving it into the safe house then another and another before it was all down there then he closed the door and lovked

it after he grabbed the silenced pistol. "Switch!" He called into the safe house. "I'm gonna go help alright. And yes the shower does work. I suggest you take it now before we get back." He called into the bunker before closing the door quietly and running off as he unscrewed the silencer from the pistol and reattached it to the rifle barel really happy it was interchangeable between guns as he got there and immediately kneeled by the injured mans side aiming down and shooting dead after dead in the head the only sound coming from his gun was a tinny pew pew with each shot

@Katie Jensen


@Mitch Neon

Colton was a bit shocked as a girl came up to them, spoke to the injured man, and started cutting through the undead with her machete. Colton raised his gun, the woman's head in sight...and then stopped, "no, could be more, not yet", then he aimed his gun at a couple of undead coming from the south, shooting them without hesitation, "if I can find out where she came from, and if there are more, then I could finish the job" he thought, shooting another undead in the temple. Colton decided to stop wasting his ammo, as another survivor, a guy, came from the general direction that the girl came from and had started shooting as well. "we need to get this man in the car and leave, unless you have a place?" Colton finished, pulling out his knife and getting ready to head towards the horde.

@Daniel reaving
"We have a safe place. But let me warn you if I think your going to hurt any of us I will put a bullet into your head." Drake immediately said to the man as he looked up to the guy adjusting his helmet a little before going back to shooting the dead. "Hey get

over here!" He called to Dayana as a plan started to form in his mind


@Mitch Neon
Colton listened to the man, and nodded " don't plan on it...iv seen to many deaths since this shit started" he finished, secretly smiling at his own cleaver trickery, and lunging his blade towards the head of a zombie who had gotten too close for his liking, "we need to hurry this man out of here, where is your place?" Colton said again, pushing the body of the undead into a cluster of three more, knocking them over, "we don't have much time, either we leave or we die!".

@Daniel reaving
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Dayana looked over through the commotion to see Drake carrying water and other supplies into the bunker. She didn't see Twitch and hoped she was still inside safe and hadn't ran out and now was laying dead somewhere. "Doubt it." She turned to Spec as he yelled out to her. She wanted to say 'Don't tell me what to do.' When he told her to come over but that would be pointless and there was no time for her to hold onto their petty quarrel. She ran over to his side, slashing a walker in the skull as she got closer to him. "We've got to get back inside now! C'mon get up." she said to the man kneeling near them. Yana knelt down beside him and put the man's good arm around her neck, she stood up grunting under his weight. All the while in her mind she was wondering why the hell she was even helping him. 'One more alive is one less Zombie right? Yeah except sometimes the alive can be worse than the dead' She cursed as even more Zombies loomed closer. 
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Colton scurried to the other side of the injured, copying as the girl had done, and spoke, "where are we taking him, because it looks like to me we might have a problem if we stay here any longer, no?" Colton claimed, as he spotted a horde coming from the south, about a hundred yards away. "shit, this is worse that time the police had shut down the roads and blocked traffic for 6 hours....lets go!"
"Get him inside!" He yelled at them sternly as he opened the van door and turned it on and maneuvered it to were it was facing away from the horde then quickly he grabbed a long plank and wedged it to the steering wheel and the head rest setting its horn off before he put the van into drive and put a heavy rock on the gas sending the screaming van with its horn going off flying down the street as he quickly made his way to the others but also did it silently
She started walking back towards the maintenance building entrance helping to carry the man. She looked back as she heard loud honking and saw a van speed off in the opposite direction, the herd of the undead turned and began following after the van mindlessly. "Hm that was pretty smart.." she said to herself. They neared the building door, and she turned the knob pushing it open with her shoulder. 
Everything had been happening far too quickly for him to be able to understand fully of what was going on. The man that helped dress his impaled wound upon his lower left abdomen had been popping shots that illuminated the odd lifeless face that began to surround them. Regret and guilt had taken over him, what if this man dies trying to protect him? What if he was taken by surprise and chewed on like some sort of unloved dog’s toy that was shredded to pieces out of disgust. His voice was hoarse and strained with pain as he spoke loud enough to be heard but not enough to cause his body any further pain as he continued leaning on the truck for support. “Go, please! Go!” It was hard to construct sentences fully while his mind failed to aid him.


The sudden appearance of a woman had startled him as he had not seen her for trying to get the man who was risking his life to leave him behind. “What?” Was all he could croak out at her simple question that caused him little to no effort in confusing him. Was he bitten? What difference would that make? More shots and sounds of gurgling noises caused him to stare beyond her. Those pale blue irises were watching a movie unfold within his mind. As if it was his mind’s last attempt in rebooting and helping him to answer the woman. The screaming of the young woman who had been trapped within the burning vehicle that laid upon its roof. Her hands gripping firmly upon his as she begged for him to help her, she had been pinned by the crushed vehicle. Despite the unbearable heat, he refused to give up on her. He was a doctor, it was his job to save lives and she had been no exception.


The car exploded and everything had been a haze as his eyes opened to the ungodly sight of fire and flames upon the multiple car crash. But there was a foreign pressure within his abdomen and he couldn’t move; as if he were in the young woman’s position that had been moments earlier. At that moment, he had looked down to see that he had been impaled by warped iron spike that belonged to a metal fence. He could only guess on how he ended up where he was now. Finally, reality snapped in and his innocent blue eyes locked upon the woman who had asked him if he had been bitten, he shook his head and replied confidently and coherently. “No, I haven’t been bitten.”


It was hard for him to try and wrap his head around what was going on. But another man had come out with a determination that had been fierce. A man with a mission and focus that Micah, the injured doctor could not break to thank him. It would need to wait. His thoughts were stolen as the woman wrapped his arm around her neck and hauled him upright to his feet as she tried to motivate him the best she could. Goosebumps had raced over his arms at the warmth of the woman, reminding him of how cold he had been due to the loss of blood. The wound upon his shoulder had gone unnoticed to him in comparison to the impaled torso that first male managed to bandage in time before the walkers reached them. He’d speak to the woman who had stuck by him, trying to haul him frantically to safety. Fingertips gripping firmly upon the fabric of her top. “I’m sorry,” he repeated this a few times. “I never meant to endanger anyone.” He was ridden with guilt at those who risked their lives for him. “I’m a failure…” His mind reminding him of how he failed the young woman who died and not being able to help her whatsoever.
Tara hadn't properly showered for a long time, she had used scavenged water to clean herself but besides that she hadn't showered for a long time. She turns it on and lets the water run for a while before she takes off her clothes and steps into it. Tara begins laughing excitedly as the water hits her I'll never take showers for granted again or good food..she laughs louder and then looks at the shower floor, the water was washing away blood and dirt as she begins talking to herself "they'll call me a coward or just get angry but in this world you can't take chances. I won't risk my life for strangers until I know I can depend on them." For a while Tara stands there and then she looks into the water stream and pushes her hair back put of her face
Colton had helped steer the injured man into the building, looking back in time to see the van take off with the horde following, "smart cookies, are we?" Colton thought, smiling to himself, then speaking to the woman, "where are we taking him, we need to replace his bandage, but not before treating his wound". As Colton kicked the door close behind him, he could hear water running somewhere else, but it was of little importance to him. "all I really need to do is scope this place out...but gaining these peoples trust is first" he thought, still waiting on the woman to steer the injured to a safe place for medical operations.

@Katie Jensen



@Daniel reaving
Drake quickly followed them in closing the door quietly and locking it before he pushed past the man to the secret entrance in the floor and opened it leading them down to the hallway that led to the door. "Dayana wait here with them alright. Switch is in there showering real quick. When she's done you can go shower as well ok. I'm gonna go get bandages real quick." He said to her placing his hand on her shoulder with an apologetic look for what happened between them earlier. Then he made his way to the massive metal door gently nocking on it before slowly opening it. "Switch I'm coming on real quick alright. Don't freak out I'm just grabbing some bandages alright. Dayana probably wants a shower to so if you could hurry up slightly she would probably appreciate it." He said as he quickly moved through the room his head turned from her the hole time as he grabbed a first aid kit then headed back out to the others closing the door behind him once more and rushing over to help the injured man

@Katie Jensen



@Mitch Neon
Dayana looked toward the man she was helping to carry, he struggled to speak as they brought him in "Shhh it's okay don't be sorry..Don't speak preserve your energy..." Yana said as the door shut behind them and she layed the man on the floor. Spec began to speak and she looked at him puzzled for a moment wondering why in the hell he thought he had the authority to tell her to come, stay put, or to shower. He then placed his hand on her shoulder; They made eye contact and she could tell that he was sorry for what had happened between them before. A bit of the grudge she was holding dissipated and she nodded in response. As he returned with bandages and a first-aid kit she moved out of the way to allow room for them to treat the man. 

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