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Realistic or Modern The Dead Are Walking -Roleplay-

Tara holds on for dear life as they speed down the street "just call me Twitch, if we're still alive in a week or so I'll share my real name. I prefer not to get close to people cause these days they can die in the blink of an eye." Tara buckles herself in and then continues speaking "you can share yours if you want but if not I'll call you Spec for now since you seem like some kind of Spec ops or Tier One operator. Speaking of which, where did you come from? I assume the military was overrun and consumed by these flesh bags." Tara didn't really trust the strangers much but both of them had an opportunity to kill her and they hadn't took it so they must have been decent people. 

@Daniel reaving
Dayana lowered her pistol into her lap but didn't put it away. She looked back watching the dead scuffle behind as they got further and further away. She didn't say a word. But her mind was racing. The adrenaline from the escape was still rushing through her. 

Yana glanced down at the man driving as he fiddled with his leg and her eyes widened. This was her first time getting a good look at him and she saw that he wasn't itching his leg at all, he didn't have a leg! This made her curious, "One leg? Nice, less flesh for the dead to grab. Twitch..Yana.. You guys military? Well, great job on keeping the outbreak under control." She remembered the broadcasts in the first couple days of the outbreak after the plane crash, and how they told civilians to stay in their homes, that everything was under control Ha! Sarcasm spilled from her lips but she thought she was pretty funny.
Tara laughs "I was training to be a Ranger like my old man and then shit hit the fan. I'm not technically military and I had nothing to do with the containment effort. Luckily I know how to use firearms and I can defend myself." she looks at her bat and sighs as she sits back in the seat "sorry about the seat...Kinda got blood and brains on it"

@ragingfire @Daniel reaving
"Techniacly most of the military didn't even have a part in the containment." He said coldly as he drove. "When the plane crashed suddenly a new secret military organization popped up that was supposed to handle it. The government wouldn't let any other military branch help with containment so we helped in other ways. Shipping people off with the navy, distributing food and water for those escaping the dead. I am a spec ops soilder so my line was covert ops in other countries to figure out if they made the virus or not." He said to the girl coldly clearly unhappy by her rude comments about the military's clean up job. It's hard to fight an army that just keeps growing, an army that uses your fallen soilders against you. He knew many soilders had to kill there friends as they shambled after them wanting to rip them to shreds

@Katie Jensen

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"Look I didn't mean to offend... my step dad was in the military. Barely ever saw him.. but I know that he, and you, did what you could.. I'm not looking to blame anyone. Just my sense of humor showing in light of all that has happened recently... it's a survival tactic. If I couldn't laugh I might just wish I were dead.." she turned to look out the window. A grey veil was hanging in the sky like a backdrop as if all of this was fake. Even with the sun shining it looked dull. She took out one of her last water bottles and examined the amount she had left before taking a drink  "Where we headed?" 
Tara opens her bag and begins fiddling with lengths of wire, she untangles it and then begins stripping the rubber away using a pair of wire cutters "I hope it's somewhere quiet, I like quiet...I also like talking too, it's maddening when the only person you can talk to is yourself. I even tried helping with the containment...we got overrun so me and dad ran for it." she begins tying the exposed wires together and hums to herself

@Daniel reaving

Tara makes a cat's cradle with the wire and nods "I hope it has some electrical supplies, maybe some electrical cable too...I'm running low. Does anyone need water? I found a water supply truck a day back, it was filled with crates of the stuff so I took what I could" she grabs a bottle of water and offers it to both people in the front "must have been on its way to a hospital or something...y'know before we realised that the dead were coming back to life." 

@Daniel reaving

A safe house sounded good but she never got her hopes up anymore. She turned to Twitch, "Yes thank you. That's exactly what I needed." Dayana took the bottle of water she was being offered. The offer of water meant alot since she was literally on her last bottle. She had not met anyone so generous since the outbreak happend. Even Dayana herself lost track of her moral compass now days. Doing and considering things she would have never imagined.  And the last two groups she was with she might as well have been better off alone, except for one member of her last group, he had actually cared for her. They cared for each other. But none of that mattered now.

Yana stuffed the water into her backpack as she finished off what little was left in her own bottle. "Wonder who was shooting at us back there, or if they were trying to help. Do you all have any issues with survivors around here? I dont.. I haven't seen another person, alive, in weeks..."
"We can stop back at the truck after we check out the safe house." He said to them as he started for the military installation he had been talking about. "It's hidden in a park and we are almost there." He said to them as they neared the big park he was speaking of. Thinking it over on the shooter he shrugged. "I have no clue. For all we know the shooter could have been aiming for us and the dead. Meaning to come along and take our stuff after we were dead." He said to rhem

@Katie Jensen

Tara continues playing with the wires and then looks up "last survivor who tried to take my stuff ended up meeting the business end of my bat here...It's a bloodthirsty weapon...I guess you could say it's a vampire bat" she laughs at her own pun but then quiets down when she realises that the joke was probably in poor taste. "It's annoying to clean though, you get skin, hair and brain stuck on the barbed wire but it's a helluva weapon though. Maybe that sniper was only aiming for you Spec...I saw one bullet hit pretty close to you and I saw another hit a Deadhead...Maybe they intended to kill you and use me and Yana here for...things" she shudders as she even suggests such a thing but she knew it wasn't a stupid thing to say, plenty of other people had threatened her with the same thing but luckily she had always managed to outwit them and either escape or kill them.

@Daniel reaving

Yana chuckled at Twitch's joke about her bat. She thought about what the two had said about the shooter. Maybe he was aiming for them maybe he wasn't but as far as Yana knew, Spec, as Twitch called him, basically saved her life by letting her in his truck. But if someone was after him, they were now after her too and she had a feeling they hadn't seen the last of them. 'Who cares' she thought to herself. 'There's not much to be afraid of anymore, least of all death.'

"I haven't run into any men like that.. yet.. and they're lucky they haven't ran into me either. I would cut their shit off and feed it to a walker. I would stab their eyes out and slit their throat, I would slice them open and peel their skin off... I would---" She stopped as she noticed she was sounding a bit-- morbid. "Let's just say I'd mess them up..and after they better kill me, or never sleep again."
Tara laughs "you remind me of a girl I used to date, getting lost in the intensity of your threats. A few people have tried it on me and each one has ended up with half his skull missing, it was a hell of a mess each time though." she looks out the window while tracing a shape on the glass, she was with two strangers heading to God knows where

@Daniel reaving

Tara nods and looks out of the window as they pull up next to a maintenance building "this is your safehouse? How do you know it hasn't been raided? I know loads of people raided maintenance buildings for chemicals and tools..."

@Daniel reaving
"Used to date? What happened to her..." Yana looked out at the park and the maintenance building. There were a few walkers dragging not far behind, they were attracted to the sound of the trucks engine. "So this is it. Seems pretty untouched compared to everything else around here." Dayana finally put her pistol back in its holster and leaned forward in her seat.
"she panicked when it all happened...I saw her run into a horde of them and before I could do anything her insides were spread all over the pavement and they were fighting to get to her. I managed to get a clear enough shot to shoot her in the head and then I had to run like fuck before they got me..." Tara unholsters her pistol and looks at it "you guys ever wonder what the fuck happened? Why did the dead start coming back? Why do they take the ones we love but leave us behind to deal with the pain?"


@Daniel reaving
"I have no clue. Come on let's get inside." He said to them as he went to the door and opened it to a perfectly empty mantinence room then he walked over to a pipe and pulled on it making it come out like a switch as an area of the floor popped up
Tara shakes her head and gets out of the car "if this is a trap I swear you'll be speaking to the business end of my bat. I'm not saying I don't trust you but sometimes the friendliest of people have the worst intentions."

@Daniel reaving
"Damn... sorry. Sometimes I wonder. Maybe we just needed to be taught a lesson and taken out of here. There were some good people out here but humans suck in general. Maybe we deserved it.." Yana grabbed her machete as she stepped out of the truck and walked into the maintenence building after Spec and Twitch, closing the door behind her. "What the hell.." Yana said to herself as a portion of the floor opened up. "What exactly is this place?"
"It was a covert operations safe house. Meant to be much bigger it's original design was to be a bunker invade of nuclear fall out. Soilders would funnel civilians here to the bunker. But there was no way of building it quickly unless the public new and the government abandoned the project and changed it to a sort of safe shelter for spec ops soilders in case something happened on the home front." He explained as he opened it up all the way and immediately aimed his rifle into the hole turning the attracted light on as he started down slowly into the dark bunker


@Katie Jensen
Tara whistles "if it had been a bunker even if unfinished just think how many people might be alive in there now...The end of the world isn't just limited to nukes." Tara turns on the small flashlight she keeps on her and then rests her other arm holding the Five-Seven on top of it. She had left her bat and sniper rifle in the vehicle for now. "what are the chances that other spec ops guys got in here but were bitten and turned out there? I don't really like jump scares."

@Daniel reaving

"Highly unlikely. I'm more worried about finding bad people that somehow found this place." He said to the girls as he got to the bottom of the stairs and leaned against the wall and peaked at it to the door that lead to the bunker. "clear." He whispered as he quickly whipped around and moved to cover beside the door and peeked inside through the small slit at eye level. The bunker was fine which made him sigh in relief. "Come on you two." He said as he opened the door pulling

it open in which lights imeddietly

turned on revealing a rather nice room. The area was about the sixe

of the average living room in a nice house. It had a table with four chairs right in the center and to the left wall it had what appeared to be a shower and toilet but the shower was wide open and the toiled was to. To the other side of those there were two bunk bed and next to them what seemed like a closet. On the far wall there was a small kitchen type deal with a fridge and small stove and microwave.

@Katie Jensen

It wasn’t a quiet thud as the man fell against the truck that had not long since parked up, his shoulder taking brunt of the impact as he let out a small holler of discomfort. His dominant right hand stayed firm over the punctured wound that continued to seep that deep crimson liquid that flowed freely between his red stained fingers. Sliding down the passenger’s side of the door using his left hand to grasp upon anything to help keeping from laying upon the floor which so happened to catch the door handle.

The shuffling noise of the walking undead could be heard within the depths of the dark and he had no idea which way they were coming. He could only presume that they could smell the fresh blood that pumped from his gaping wound. Hauling himself upright to stand upon his two feet whilst allowing his back to rest upon the cold metallic door. Those brilliant innocent blue eyes would dart and strain to see if there was anything he could see. Some sort of indication on where to head and hopefully further away from the undead that stalked him.

And just when it couldn’t get worse. The truck alarm went off, a high-pitched siren and flashing indicators illuminating a brief area around him in flickering moments caused him to grumble past those dried lips. “Damn it.” He was fatigued and losing blood at an alarming rate with nothing around for him to be able to makeshift stitch and patch himself up. A small laugh escaped past the depths of his lungs, at first it was quiet and low before he began to roar with laughter as tears threatened to well up within those eyes. Borderline hysterical but with no doubt in knowing that he had no more fight or flee within him to muster. Unknown to him that he was near a group of survivors within some secret bunker. Whether or not they could hear the car alarm and attempt to retrieve what could be a waste of space or let the injured man face his peril in his laughter was a choice that only they could make.

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