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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Verdas said:
Tabi stepped into the house without any permission, staggering from the blood loss. "Stupid red swarm..." She said as she began to weakly hit Charon and Horatio. Of course, this was also the effect of the blood loss. She wouldn't normally just charge in and attack with her bare hands. She quickly recoiled upon contact with the metal bodies of the machines, not because of the pain, but because it was unexpected. Her hallucinations showed nothing made of metal at all. This took her by surprise and made her come somewhat back to her senses.
(Writer's block >.>)
Inutsuki blankly watched the strange girl, half considering speaking to help her in her seemingly delusional state. ((Me too!! >.<))

@The Mythic Dragon

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Doll Agia

What kind of "friend" doesn't know their friend's name? Why was the fox lady being so kind to this creature? Was she just benevolent and just in general, or did she have some ulterior motive? Doll couldn't ask these questions out loud, as she normally would, fearful that the fox would have yet another blatantly flirtatious response that would fluster and torment her psyche. So instead, she just glared at her with her arms folded and her eyes narrowed, a sour pout resting upon her face. Secretly, she was hoping that "Alexander" or the guildie would ask the fox's name, seeing as she was too busy feigning disinterest to do so.

Rune's words merely caused the guardian to roll her eyes. She elevated her hover so that she would be "taller" than the man as she looked down on him. "I don't give a fuck about humans or their culture," she put emphasis on her foul word and continued, "All I care about is protecting the kingdom from any and all threats. Unlike this one, the last of these creatures I met had some fucking funny shit to say. It acted as if it could floss its teeth with our fucking spines AND he spoke these words to the King, no less!! So you'll have to excuse me if I'm not exactly ready to get FUCKING CHUMMY WITH THEM, SIR!" Charged language indeed. By the time she had wrapped up what could only be described as a "duty driven tantrum", a strange hooded figure had arrived. As a general rule of thumb, people who wish to conceal their identity are not to be trusted. Doll was already fired up, and so she aggressively snapped at the hooded figure,

"State your business!" but it didn't take long for her to correct herself. Such behavior was typically habitual when on the job. Assuming he was probably a human obsessed weirdo here to rent a useless book from the guild and glean knowledge about as useful as tits on a man, Doll landed to her feet and nodded her head toward Rune. "To him I mean." After all, such things are out of her jurisdiction.

@Pretzel Heart


@StoneyJr @MrLlama
Larentia Shikari

"Alexander! It' wonderful to formally meet you, finally!" Larentia giggled, leaning in and wrapping an arm around Alexander's arm, looking back to the ram boy, "I'm sure you'll treat him very well! But, of course you'll understand when I say I'll still be accompanying you..just in case. Can't be too careful, can you?"

As the ram boy looked and spoke to Dolerus, Larentia couldn't help but peak over her shoulder at the bee girl and giggle again. Somehow it was quite amusing to see her getting told off, especially in her already flustered state.

"I'm sure they weren't that bad Little-B, I was there after all and...you were the only one that seemed fired up. Heheh!" She was trying to hide her expression this time, one of...disgust, and whispered, "Not like the king's anything to get fired up over anyway.."

That's when everyone's attention was drawn to a hooded figure that simply made themselves a part of the group,

"Um...Excuse me?"

Whilst her attention was indeed on the figure, she didn't speak up as she didn't feel it was her place in this scenario.

@SirBlazeALot @MrLlama @Pretzel Heart @Leone
Horatio looked at the girl who appeared to be sick and drunk at the same time. Possibly from over consumption of alcohol most likely beer or wine of some sort. He gently took her hand and led her outside of the house. He looked at the scene and decided what to do "I'm going to lead this lady to a medical bay or somewhere she could rest...I'll be back in-" he was cut off by Arona who separated his hand from the drunk lady. She then quickly went back into the house and came back out with a book in her hand that is labeled "A Young Kemonomimi's guide to Aura" as the title, Arona placed the book in Charon's hands "This book should pretty much give you an introductory to Aura and it's origin. Since you wanted to know more about our "powers" so to speak, while you are at it. Can you please get this lady somewhere she can get help? I don't know anything about this "Red Swarm" but I'm pooped for today...I love going on adventures but this is WAY too much...even for me" she said in a joking and tired tone followed by a sigh. Arona looks up to see that the sun is beginning to set and drags Horatio back into the house with her and closes the front door but then she peeks back out and looks to Charon "Please return it to me once you are done!" she said while smiling softly and closes the front door again.

She looks at Inutsuki and Fero
"It's getting late, you guys should go home before it gets dark" she said in a concerning voice as she stretches "I seriously need to take a break from all of this...and tomorrow is Mate Day, One of the most romantic times of the year! I really want to do something special tomorrow..." She said happily with excitement and joy but still show signs of tiredness and fatigue however her eyes were shining bright like stars due to her fantasy of Mate Day. "Who knows...maybe I'll meet the man of my dreams tomorrow!...I hope he is handsome...and really adventurous..." she giggles and blushes at her own comment. Horatio looks at Arona with a bit of confusion and begins to lose a bit of hope due to most machines having memory lose in data, he wondered if Charon didn't know anything about who he is.....then who does? The answer is most likely no one...he begins to droop his head a bit at the sign of disappointment.

(Sorry @The Mythic Dragon

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero nods, walking to the door... but he stops and looks behind him. "Goodnight, friends. I'll see you later." And thus he walks out, going to wherever it is he stays... he has plans for tomorrow...
Zareh said:
Horatio looked at the girl who appeared to be sick and drunk at the same time. Possibly from over consumption of alcohol most likely beer or wine of some sort. He gently took her hand and led her outside of the house. He looked at the scene and decided what to do "I'm going to lead this lady to a medical bay or somewhere she could rest...I'll be back in-" he was cut off by Arona who separated his hand from the drunk lady. She then quickly went back into the house and came back out with a book in her hand that is labeled "A Young Kemonomimi's guide to Aura" as the title, Arona placed the book in Charon's hands "This book should pretty much give you an introductory to Aura and it's origin. Since you wanted to know more about our "powers" so to speak, while you are at it. Can you please get this lady somewhere she can get help? I don't know anything about this "Red Swarm" but I'm pooped for today...I love going on adventures but this is WAY too much...even for me" she said in a joking and tired tone followed by a sigh. Arona looks up to see that the sun is beginning to set and drags Horatio back into the house with her and closes the front door but then she peeks back out and looks to Charon "Please return it to me once you are done!" she said while smiling softly and closes the front door again.
She looks at Inutsuki and Fero
"It's getting late, you guys should go home before it gets dark" she said in a concerning voice as she stretches "I seriously need to take a break from all of this...and tomorrow is Mate Day, One of the most romantic times of the year! I really want to do something special tomorrow..." She said happily with excitement and joy but still show signs of tiredness and fatigue however her eyes were shining bright like stars due to her fantasy of Mate Day. "Who knows...maybe I'll meet the man of my dreams tomorrow!...I hope he is handsome...and really adventurous..." she giggles and blushes at her own comment. Horatio looks at Arona with a bit of confusion and begins to lose a bit of hope due to most machines having memory lose in data, he wondered if Charon didn't know anything about who he is.....then who does? The answer is most likely no one...he begins to droop his head a bit at the sign of disappointment.

(Sorry @The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki nods slowly, she picked up the pencil like she was going to write something for a moment before shaking her head and going outside, waving and giving them all a smile, she didn't go far though... in fact all she did was go out the door before sitting down, almost instantaneously falling asleep despite it being cold that night... as if she were used to it.

@The Mythic Dragon

Vinera lay in bed thinking of the two royals and the nice guard she had met that morning.. 'I should have gone with them..' She thought. 'I would've been able to see the kingdom.. And that guard was so nice.' She sighed and rolled over. Tomorrow was Mate Day.. Another year she would spend it alone. She drifted into sleep her thoughts turning to dreams of a day when she would have a special someone to share the holidays with.

@Everyone <3
Mao let out a sigh of frustration. Mate day was tomorrow, and once again she would be spending it alone. While everyone would be with their special someone, Mao would be the third wheel, watching awkwardly as everyone kissed and hugged. "Maybe I'll just act as if I forgot the date, and go one normally." She mumbled to herself, deciding that was what she would do.

Megumi purred in excitement as she lay in bed. Tomorrow was Mate day, and she planned to finally confess her feeling a to Zenario. She didn't exactly have a plan on how she would do it, but decided that whatever happened, she would go along with it. She glanced over at the little gift she found for her crush, hoping that he would like it. She found it adventuring for the brother hood, and knew that it would make a great gift. After laying awake for a few minutes, she finally closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Clint sits up in his bed. Another sleepless night he thinks to himself. He looks out of his small window at the tree. He knows what tomorrow is. The day that everyone confesses their love. But how could he to her. They hadn't even spoken a word. He passed her every day and never got the nerve. Then his father's voice came to his head, reminding him if he wanted something he needed to take it no one was handing it to him. But what could he even offer a beautiful girl like her, he was nothing just a guard-in-training. Why did he feel this way, he was always so controlled, so sure of himself. He couldn't understand the spell she had put on his heart without a single word
As Arona waved happily as everyone left, she shuts the door and slumps down to the floor and sighs. Horatio joins her and the two sit on the floor together with tired bodies. "Man....so much happened today...can you believe it?...I hope that tomorrow won't end up like this...I hope we don't run into those jerks again..." she said with a tired expression but her face then shifts to a more annoyed look "Especially that Metal Garbage jerk...I mean SERIOUSLY! What is wrong with him?! It's like he doesn't give a crud about anything at all with his smart mouth remarks! What the heck?! Even his Face! HIS FACE is like someone dipped his head in cold water and it became a face that is all frozen! Arrrgghhh! He just annoys me soooo much!" she exclaimed with a bit of anger and annoyance.

Horatio turned his head and looked at her
"But you gave him the book right? He will come back eventually to return it" he said. Arona's cheeks start to puff as she begins to rant again. "I really couldn't care less if he brought back that book or not, I have like five more copies of that book. I just really hope we don't run into him again! Why are all stupid metal thingies so rude, heartless and emotionless! It's like his parents didn't teach him crud! MY GOSH!...I'm starting to wonder why humans would create such piles of garbage in the first place..." she finished ranting and takes a deep breathe.

Horatio lowers his head as he begins to feel guilt, Arona looked at him and realized what she said.
"Oh...I didn't mean...that you..." she said in a soft voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that about you....I mean your different in a good way! Even though you both are metal thingies....you're not like him....you're not garbage...I'm really sorry for saying that..." she apologized after everything that he did for them.

"It's alright, don't be sorry. I completely understand what you mean...it's really hard to grasp the concept of machines." he said and faced towards her "There's a reason why he's like that Arona, he's a machine and machines are based to do logical and rational reasoning...we can't feel emotions like you do...machines can't be happy or sad or angry...it's just the way we are built to be...so please don't blame him...he was built like that..he cannot help it..." he explained.

"So...he doesn't have a Mother or Father?...I don't quite understand how it works...I mean you can walk and talk so doesn't that mean he is alive and everything that is living can feel....right?" She asked. Horatio stands up and begins to walk into the kitchen, he brings out a metal pot and places it on the floor. "Like I said before, robots cannot die...we were never alive to begin with...we are merely just imitations of life, built into this world to follow our duties that our creators meant us to do. Like this metal pot...you see...this metal pot is built for a purpose...and it does it's purpose but... imagine that pot with arms and legs...it can also talk and think like you..that is what a machine is..." he explained.

Arona poked the pot and looks back to Horatio
"So...you guys are all walking talking pots?" she asked innocently. Horatio sits down next to Arona and let loose some steam from his mouth...literally "I guess you kind of got the right idea but we aren't pots...however we are made out of metal." he explained. "But...if you say machines aren't alive...you seem happy and sad especially surprised when I told Inutsuki about that little special talk..." she giggled "But seriously though, do you like her? I'm just wondering...don't worry...I won't tell her...I promise!"

Horatio looks at his own hand back and forth "I don't see her as romantically attractive if that is what you are asking, I just feel like I can relate to her because I too have forgotten my past....and sometimes I wonder if I even had one to begin with...maybe someone threw me inside a cave because I was defective...a defect with the ability to feel and wonder...." he said sadly.

Arona pats Horatio on the back and smiles brightly at him
"Don't worry about it! To me I think you're really amazing and special! Don't care about what others say about you! You have a kind and brave heart...you even helped Inutsuki and that's proof to everyone right there!" she says encouragingly. "You should get some rest! Tomorrow is Mate Day! and we will have lots of fun and romance! Even if I am single with no mate. Love will be in the air...and I get to stalk some cute bird guys..." she said while laughing a bit as she went upstairs. "Good Night Horatio! Sweet Dreams!" she says happily as she goes upstairs to her bed room.

"Good Night Arona"
he said calmly as the night settled in...

An hour has passed and Arona is fast asleep, Horatio is sitting on the couch analyzing his hands and body hoping to find clues...but so far....nothing.
"What am I?" he asked himself. Realizing that he would get no answers decided to take a short rest to conserve power.

The Dark Void....

An endless abyss of darkness....Horatio wakes up to find that he back in this depressing place "Back here again..." as he drifted across the void, he begins to hear a voice...at first he thought it was Arona but this was a different voice..of a woman.

"Don't look back....whatever you do...don't look back.....just......run....run!.....RUN!!!"

Sounds of gun shots, men shouting and flying choppers fill the scene as the dark void grows more louder and louder...it begins to hurt...like something was trying to drag him down....close to the darkness...the void of ignorance....the loneliness...the pain....

Horatio reactivates immediately from shock...he remembered something but one answer only leads to a thousand questions. He did not know what to do but at least he remembered something important. He ponders...who was that woman? why were there gun shots? why did he feel so much pain? All these questions...not sure if he would be able to solve them...

He decided that the best thing would be to take a walk in the night...after all, no one would probably be around and he can roam the town freely without anyone noticing him. Horatio walks to the front door and opens it....however what he saw did surprise him. He sees Inutsuki sleeping on the sidestep of the door. It all makes sense now...the running ....the power.....the sadness....Horatio now understand that Inutsuki has no other place to go to besides here which she feels the most comfortable where she has friends to be with. He felt guilt and sadness....he did not understand why he would be able to feel these emotions but it did not matter. What matters is that Inutsuki is safe and sound because he vowed to protect her and keep her safe.

Horatio carries Inutsuki without waking her up and walks back into the house. He lays her on the sofa while covering her with a blanket that he had from last night. He walks over to the fireplace and lights it with some flint and steel...bringing in that cozy warmness that is welcoming to Inutsuki's cold body. Horatio looks at her....he begins to gently and slowly glides his hand on Inutsuki's hair, comforting her and making sure she felt welcomed.

"It's alright....don't worry....you are safe now...you can rest peacefully" he said in a soothing voice as he watches her sleep.


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Day 3
?Mate Day?

A Romantic Holiday

Today is Mate Day! Time to get your love game on! Flowers, Fruit and lots of Sweets for the one you truly love! As love fills the air, you'll be planning your strategy to win the love of your life! Better hurry because time waits for no man or woman! But I guess it might apply to you lovey dovey Kemonomimi people......Good luck to you lovers!


Sakura Tree of Love

< @Zareh >

Fero had worked through the night to get everything perfect. He walked down to Arona's house and slipped the note he had written under the door, before cradling the box he held and running off.

Arona, please meet me down at the lake.


And so, Fero arrived at the lake and set up a picnic for him and her, laying down a cloth and putting the box down in the middle of it. The setup wasn't fancy, but he had spent almost all of his money on what was in the box, and he hoped... Gaia did he hope... that it would be enough.

'Arona... Gaia, I love you so much...' He thinks as he settles down to wait. Finally... finally he would tell her. It was so exciting that he paced up and down while he watched for her to arrive.
When the kemonomimi that gave him the book asked him to take the shark-like kemonomimi to a medical bay or something, he honestly didn't want to waste valuable time and battery life on what appeared to be a drunk person, however he did it anyways since there were other kemonomimi that might find it suspicious if there was a corpse left off somewhere, especially when a machine was last scene with them. The others in the house also knew, meaning to avoid trouble and inconvenience, he had to do this.

By the next day he had already read through the book he was given, and re-read it several times in order to fully, and thoroughly, store every single bit of information written to his memory and data storage. Of course, if it was somehow damaged, there is a chance that he might lose all of this, however for now, this was good enough. Apparently these creatures had obtained a power known as "aura", which allowed the use and control of many different elements, but also had more unique ones such as illusion aura and so on. It didn't have anything to do with technology or science whatsoever from what he saw, and he was baffled by this mysterious and seemingly supernatural ability of theirs.

He was inside the Arkhaios Guild's storage/junk room again, and all was dark and quiet in that junk-filled room. When he went outside, there were many Kemonomimi that seemed excited or happy. Something must've happened, although he did not know what. There was just something particularly different about this specific day...

The next morning Megumi woke up bright and early, taking extra time to make herself look the best she could. She wanted to impress Zenario with her looks, hoping that it would help woo him. Putting on the most relaxed yet good looking clothes she could find, she decided that it was finally time. If Zenario isn't awake right now, I'm going to be very disappointed. That means more waiting! Megumi thought as she grabbed her gift from the small dresser in her room and left, searching for the man she was in love with.


(I might edit that post to add more details, I just pumped it out during school, so it might not be very good.)
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Clint sits straight up. "Oh no I'm late for training!" he shouts as he runs trying to get dressed. "Mate day of all days to be late." He says as he runs out the door grabbing his spear and headed toward the tree.
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After the events of the day, Leon left the palace after a thorough inspect of the building and it's grounds. He wanted to be sure that nothing would explode in his absence, as the idea of a hige hole being formed in the walls frightened him slightly. It would be a route for thieves and thugs to sneak into the palace, not to mention if it rained... By Gaia, that would be a disaster. On his way home, thoughts spiralled in his head. He was questioning his life, it wasn't as deep as it sounds however, he was only questioning one specific part of it. Facepalming at the thought as his cheeks began to turn red with embarrassment, he made it home, jumped into bed and slept. Unaware of what tomorrow would hold, or rather; what it was.

The next day... 'Mate Day'

Leon awoke nice and early, the golden rays of the sun shining through the window and into the tiny house, illuminating the place and turning away the darkness that was present. This stopped when Leon got out of bed and opened the curtains, as well as the window. The young Guardian poked his head out of the window as he took a breath of the fresh, crisp air. Looking down at the streets, he could see the villagers traversing the square and they seemed very happu. Especially the women. Pink was ever present and Leon could swear that the house across from him had pink bunting all over it. "What on earth is going on?.." He let out a sigh riddled with confusion when suddenly he heard laughter. Looking down, he saw a teenage boy looking at him. Leon would have given the boy the "Why are you looking at me like that?!" Scream of hate when it clicked. Leon wasn't the most...covered of people, his wings extended at their fullest, . His face now bright red with embarrassment, he closed his eyes and quickly slammed his window shut and closed the curtains, before headbutting the nearby wall. "What is this... Am I losing my mind or something? For some odd reason everything is pink. And some pubescent kid laughed at me for... Why me?" Sighing, he scratched his head and clothed himself before continuing, "Hopefully no one else saw that sight, my reputation would go downhill. That's just what I need.."

After that little episode, he rushed to the bathroom and washed himself and brushed his teeth. He also sorted out his hair and then headed back to the living room. His eyes were fixed onto a calendar of sorts, he was told by the Arkhaios Guild that humans kept records of key dates in things they called calendars, so before the beginning of the uear he crafted one himself. Flicking through the dates, he was most definitely not ready for what he would see. Today was Mate Day. "O-Oh.... Well, that explains the pink bunting..." He let out a sigh, Leon never liked Mate Day, especially after the death of his sister. It was her favourite time of year after all, and he is known to not exactly be the happiest of people during this meant to be happy time. Which is unusual, since Leon is probably the happiest person one could meet. But Mary would always make him smile and that was all he needed, in truth, he wanted to thank her for just being there, for being his friend for this long. And apparently today would be the right day to do just that.

Leon then sighed as he made his way towards his table to grab his katana, before heading out the door. Using his aura he began to fly to the castle at his maximum speed and waited outside, he was waiting for Mary by the palace gates, flipping a coin as he did so.


@Anyone else~

I like cake
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Vinera smiled as the warm sunlight filtered through her window. Opening her eyes she stretched before realizing what day it was. 'Mate Day.. Great, another year to watch other people be happy..' She sighed and rolled over, 'Though watching people get rejected can be fun..' She giggled and climbed out of bed. After getting dressed she grabbed an apple before heading out the back door. She followed the well worn path between her home and the Spiritual tree as she hummed to herself. 'I wonder what kind of chaos today will bring.. I hope something big happens.' She thought gleefully before the guilt hit her. 'I shouldn't be wishing catastrophe on the world.. even if i can heal the damage caused to others.' She scolded herself with a sigh. A bright smile spread across her face as the Spiritual tree came into sight. Climbing up to her nook she crossed her legs and closed her eyes. 'Gaia forgive me for my nature.' She prayed as she enjoyed the peace and energy of the tree. 'I will devote my life to the healing of others, as the spiritual healer before me did. I shall accept my desire for chaos as a part of me and know that it is not wrong. My choices define me and who I am. I choose to heal and create balance. I choose to enjoy the chaos as I bring peace to others. I am a spiritual healer and my path is my own.' She continued with her daily meditation to the sounds of the early morning.
Clint arrived to the area he had set up his targets for practice not far from the tree. He watches her walk by. Oh no i forgot flowers he says as he throws his spear at the first target. I hate this day.
Mary quickly changed into her pajamas, onces she had arrived at her room, since not only did she wanted to be ready for going on a date with Leon, because tomorrow is mate day, but she wanted to see if something bad happened in the castle properly, since she doesn't know that the explosion happen here.

Next day,

Mary was extremely surprised/shocked when she saw the hallway being badly damaged.
"What happen here yesterday?" said Mary, since she doesn't know about the robot fight from yesterday.

She just stared at what happened here for a few minutes, since she was thinking that someone ended up attacking Hidden and Malin, when she and Caius wasn't here.

'Ok...I am definitely going to bring Leon into the castle, since he needed to see this, plus I hope Hidden and Malin are ok.' thought Mary, since she was worry about them.

She then ended up seeing Leon at the castle's gates, so she jumped out of the hallway's window, and started to fly towards him, since she really needed to talk to him.

"LEON! Someone ended up damaging the hallways from yesterday."
said Mary, since he needed to know that the explosion was in the castle.

Arona woke up, she felt quite bubbly today due to the special event that is going on....Mate Day. A time for love, romance and a lot of stalking, this was Arona's daily routine during this time of the year. She never been in a relationship before and would love to find someone really special by any means necessary including stalking. She jumps out of bed pumped up and excited "A New day! A New adventure!" she says with a grin as she changes from her pajamas to her regular clothes. She grabs her bag which contained a telescope for scoping out guys who might be single, a sketch book and a pencil to write down the observations. She heads downstairs to prepare and to greet Horatio "Good Morning Horatio!" she says with a smile as she approaches him. However she sees that he has fallen "asleep" on the ground next to Inutsuki who is apparently on the sofa sleeping? "Inutsuki? What is she doing here? I thought she went home?" Arona wondered but decided to leave those two alone....for now. She giggled a bit at the sight of them together. "Sleep tight you love birds...hehehe" she said as she leaves the living room and heads for the door, she notices that someone has left a note which she picks up to read it.

"Arona, please meet me down at the lake."


Arona did not know why Fero would call her to meet him all of a sudden, it did not make any sense. She had plans to do her daily routine of stalking guys but perhaps maybe going seeing him would be a nice change of pace. She puts the note inside her bag and walks outside. Many people were celebrating and dancing, there were rose petals everywhere and decorations of red and pink. Couples being together...she could swear she saw some couples making out in public which made her blush a little bit but everyone was enjoying themselves and the atmosphere is nice.

She reached the lake and saw that Fero has set up a picnic table by the lake, Arona did not understand what was the occasion but it seemed very peaceful. She walked up to Fero and smiled cheerfully and bright as usual "Heya Fero! I got your little message!" she pulls out the little note and waves it in front of Fero playfully and giggles a bit. "So...what's going on? and what is with this nice picnic table? Are you inviting some friends over?" she asked curiously.

@The Mythic Dragon

< @Zareh >

Fero blushes when Arona runs up to him. When she brings up friends, he shakes his head. "No... just us..." he says quietly, leading her to the table and sitting her down, before taking a seat across from her, the box in between them.

"Arona..." He begins, unsure what to say. He stays quiet for a bit, before deciding to open the box. Inside is a cake that he baked himself, Red Velvet with a cream cheese icing on top, in the shape of a heart.. Surrounding it were a number of flowers, red roses, white tulips, and others.

Looking at her reaction, he begins again. "Arona... I still remember that day you saved me. You gave me kindness and nursed me back to health. If it wasn't for you... I'd be dead. I owe everything to you, and... well... more than as siblings... and friends..."

"Arona... I love you..."
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"Vinny! Vinny!!' Startled out of her meditation, Vinera looke down to see on of the young boys from town at the base of the tree. "Whats wrong?" She asked as she dropped to the ground beside him. He was out of breath and holding a bouquet of mangled wild flowers. "It's Milo.. We were competing to get Senia's attention.. He fell off the roof.. Please help him." The boy explained in a rush between breathes. "Calm down, it's Ledon right? I'll come with you, everything will be alright." Vinera told the boy in a soothing tone. She took his hand and started walking towards the town. She kept her tone and demeanor calm so as not to frighten him. On the inside , however, she was excited that the day seemed to be getting interesting so early.
Clint watches from his training area as another boy runs up to her. He had a bouquet of flower. He saw them talk and then she took his hand and walked towards town. I knew i should have gotten flowers. He throws another spear and it goes through the target, shattering the tip. "Damn! I cant afford to fix this again." He says picking it up. He looks down discouraged. "I guess i have no choice but to go to town and see what it'll cost."
Zenario Zeid

Mate day. Mate day? Zenario cursed to himself in the morning when he woke up. The foolishly blind people of the kingdom had all of their priorities backward. There was a whole world of human technological advancement sitting in front of their face and his people were out and about acting like love struck tweens. Normally on Mate Day, Zenario would find a lonely lass without a lad, take her out for dinner, slip a little powder in her drink, and bam, a fun Mate day for him. But now, what with the robots rising from the depths of human history, the entire concept seemed foolish and overblown. He'd spent the night in his quarters in the guild, a rarity as he preferred to keep a public appearance. He groomed himself for the day and left his quarters with a bag packed and ready to fly back out to the Fauna kingdom.

He bowed to his brothers and sisters and greeted them appropriately as he descended down the main steps to exit.

@Kayzo Go get him tiger

also I'm gonna be gone for about two and a half hours, I have class.
Megumi watched Zenario closely as he began to talk to his fellow brothers and sisters. She stayed out of his way for the time being, wanting to be the last one to see him. Hurry up. She thought, her tail swaying back and forth in excitement. She was nervous yet anxious to confess to him. As Zenario finished talking, Megumi noticed that he was heading towards the exit. He's leaving! I must act quick. Her tail wrapped around the gift and she quickly ran after him, running down the stairs. "Zenario, wait!" She called out to him.

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