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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Ledon lead Vinera through town to Senia's house. As they got close Vinera saw that Senia was in tears beside Milo's body. "Go get his parents." Vinny said before releasing Ledon's hand and going over to the other two. She knelt down beside Milo and used her Aura to scan his injuries as Ledon took off down the street.
Clint flies above the town. He sees the boy running. He flies down to him. "What happened kid?" Clint asks him. "Another boy got hurt, I got the healer but she says I need to get his parents." the boy says as he runs off. "I better go see what happened." He flies off looking for her.
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Inutsuki felt the cold breeze gently hit her cheek for around an hour or two, unable to sleep peacefully she eventually gave up and drifted into a semi-conscious state, only moments later she found herself being carried inside by the familiar feeling of Horatio's arms... it was strange, like you expected them to be warm like a Kemonomini's so your mind regards them as being such, but your body knows and feels there coldness.

She felt secretly happy as he covered her up and she wasn't sure, but maybe it was his voice, and the sensation of him gently stroking her hair... that led her to sleep... Inutsuki hadn't ever dreamed, she didn't know wether her lack of memories caused it, or the fact of her generally forgetting things in her sleep... but ether way, tonight was an exception.

A small light flashed in her mind giving her a feeling of familiarness, it was warm like before but just as distant and lost. //"come on Inutsuki... what are you doing you silly girl?~...// that voice... it was soft, almost angelic as it guided her mind, making her feel as though she had to follow the command, like it had power over her... who was it?. There was a woman playing with a small girl that seemed to be climbing a tree, the scene quickly changed to that of the same pair sleeping together. 'Who... is this woman?...' Inutsuki thought.

Abruptly she awoke from her dream-world to the now all-to-real feeling of her stomach sinking.... she knew what that meant. quickly she jumped off the couch and ran outside, swiftly emptying her stomach's contents before coming back in and flopping down rather pathetically, her tail curling between her legs and ears laying low to her head, her pale face making her look weak in the rooms dim lighting as the windows let in rays of sun coming in through the windows.

'That's right... it's Mate Day... what is that?... Arona and Fero kept going on and on as if it was something special...' she thinks before shrugging 'Whatever it is the weather is almost sickeningly nice today...' she continues, glaring out the window 'no pun intended.' she adds in her mind as the baby kicks, she lets out a small giggle.

Her eyes move slowly to Horatio next to her though, seemingly having remained asleep throughout her 'events' of waking up, she found her hand slowly but surely moving towards him, touching his head lightly on an area which she could only presume to be his skin, it felt cold as she expected, but somehow it still shocked her.... as if somewhere in her heart... she wanted it to be warm.

'Thank You... for-... giving me a place to belong... something more than I deserve.'

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Vinera sighed as she looked over the damage Milo had sustained from his fall. He had a few broken bones, which she quickly healed, but she was more concerned about the head trauma causing his unconsciousness. "It'll be alright. I'll heal him." She reassured Senia before turning her full concentration onto the boys head injury. It took a while but slowly she healed the trauma. She barely noticed when his parents showed up. Their emotional turmoil being the only indication she had of their presence while her Aura was concentrated on saving young Milo.
(I know I already posted this, but I just wanted to combine these post. @SirBlazeALot )

Megumi watched her hopefully soon-to-be mate intensely as he greeted his fellow members. She purposefully wanted to be greeted last in hopes of catching him at a good time. Hurry up. She thought, her tail swaying back and forth in anticipation. She was excited but at the same time nervous of being turned down by Zenario. As she continued watching, she noticed that he was walking down the stairs and towards the exit. He's leaving, I have to now! Megumi dropped the gift into her tail and rain after him. "Zenario, wait!"

Mao let out a small sigh as she stepped outside. It was mate day today, and once again for the 23rd year of her life. While seeing all of the couples made her happy for the others, it made her sad at the same time. 23 years in Gaia and I've never been able to find someone that I love. I'm hopeless. She thought sadly as she walked through the streets littered with with petals of roses. People cheered and danced all around her, and as much as she wanted to join in on the festivities, it would be awkward. Like dancing by yourself during a slow dance. "Maybe I should just go to that beach town." She thought as she walked, not sure what to do on a day like this.

"Ella, please! Take me back!" Aren rushed after a ram Kemononimi. "I swear, I've changed!" As he chased after the girl, he became winded, and fell behind. "Dammit. I hate Mate Day. This would have been the perfect time to get her back!" Oh well, no worrying about her now. He regained his normal composure. "Time to go back to the guardians." As he walks away, he raises his eyebrow quizzically. "Wait a second, who am I even talking to?"

Aren plodded onward, determined not to let his 3rd rejection of the year end him. Every time he got seriously involved in a relationship, his stern look would always break. I'm just not a romantic... As he was walking, be bumped into a girl, with a downcast look. Another Mate Day tragedy, eh? "Uh... Sorry about that. I wasn't looking in front of me."

Mao squeaked in surprise as she felt a sudden force hit her body. Her bushy tail smacked into the ground, balancing her and stopping her from falling down. After quickly recovering, Mao looked up at the man who happened to bump into her. "No, I'm sorry. I was too busy looking up at the ground to see you."

"Uh... I guess I'll be on my way then." Aren quickly turned around, confused at the recent turn of events. However, as he walked away, his antlers got caught in a tree. The magic around them faded, and he as he pulled harder, the branches stuck even more. "Hehe... crap." He turned his head slightly, to face the woman he's just bumped into. "Uh... sorry to ask, but could you lend me a hand?"

Mao watched as he walked away. That was short lived. Suddenly the antlers on the man appeared, and he got caught up in the tree. Her eyes widened a little as those events unfolded, and she nodded slightly. "Yes, I'll help." She said, running up to Aren and stared pulling the branches off of his antlers. Where did they even come from? She thought as she worked, eventually making it so that the man could get out.

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Zenario Zeid

The butterfly turned attentively to the urgent call of his name. "Hm?" he muttered as he faced the source of the call. "Sister! A blessed morning to you!" he called to her. His stomach dropped as he realized what she was calling him for. It didn't take a super genius to figure out what was happening. Zenario was an expert at reading people, and he could tell Megumi's admiration extended beyond your typical cult member. And today was Mate Day. Zenario masked his apprehension. Of course, Megumi's feelings for him could be utilized greatly. But they could also come at great detriment. Yet his smile remained warm, his demeanor opening and welcome.

Megumi stopped abruptly a few feet in front of Zenario, smiling up at the taller man. "Yes, good morning and happy mate day!" She said happily. On the surface she looked calm and ready (to drop spaghetti), but inside she was very nervous. Zenario never seemed like the type of guy who would want to be in a long term relationship, but that wouldn't stop her from trying. "I have a gift for you." Megumi said, shuffling her feet nervously. Taking it from her tail, she held it out to him.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.96f7fab37698ab139146efdd0eb4d5fd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="80316" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.96f7fab37698ab139146efdd0eb4d5fd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"When I was out exploring, I found this poor guy's head. I knew how much robots interested you, so I figured I'd give it to you." She explained, her tail flicking back and forth. I hope he likes it...




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Horatio had went into hibernation, he waited for his systems to be rebooted as the software and hardware checks went into position. He wanted to get a scan on his systems due to the fight yesterday, he knows that he must have taken damage somehow. It's a good thing that Horatio knows how to self repair himself.

*On Horatio HUD with optics offline*


















Horatio did not understand why he keeps having memory failures, he's been trying to recover but something is preventing him from doing so but that voice....wasn't that a memory as well? Horatio is not sure. As he begins to re-activate, circuits start to beep and the cells begin to rupture once again creating the sounds of whirling and cranking began as the hydraulic systems sends fluids across the body. His optic sensors awaken as he scans the room around him, nothing out of the ordinary however he did notice that something light on his head. He turned to see that Inutsuki is groggily awake and seems to be a bit pale.

"Good Morning Inutsuki, how are you?" he greeted her in a calm voice while still lying on the ground next to the sofa. He stares at her for a minute and stands up "I found you sleeping near the door yesterday, was there something wrong? I thought you went home?" he asked her with concern while hiding the fact that he is aware of her condition. "Stay here, I'll be back" he said as he walks to the kitchen to prepare some rosemary tea. He comes back with a cup of tea and offers it to Inutsuki. "This should help you recover, take it easy...it's not healthy to sleep in the cold." he says politely.

@The Mythic Dragon

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< @Zareh >

Fero slowly gets up and walks around behind Arona. "This is all for you, Arona. And only for you." He says softly, sitting down next to her with a smile, tail waving softly. "Perhaps no one has told you such before, but I find you beautiful." He reaches up to stroke her cheek. "And I love you because you are who you are. You are a friendly, cheerful girl who is always happy to lend a kind word, or a hand... or more. You are special for that. Perhaps not in a way that makes everyone notice you, but you are special." He tilts his head very slightly "But please.... never doubt that I love you, Arona. You are the one I love, deep in my heart, for now, and forever. I promise."
Arona looked at Fero as he said those words, she did not know what to say or think. Still paralyzed from the fact that someone in this world would truly accept her for what she is and not be freaked out by her interest in humans like most others have in the past years. Her face still filled with tears but her mind is filled by feelings that she did not understand...her senses are being overloaded by different thoughts. She couldn't speak or move...like a statue frozen in place. However with all the strength she had left inside of her, she slowly moved her arms and stands up from her seat.

"N-No one....h-has ever did s-something like t-this f-for me....I-I'm not s-sure if I'm ready...t-to b-be i-in a relationship....I-I n-never thought of y-you a-as w-well...y-you k-know..." she said anxiously while blushing deep red however as she looked into his eyes. She sees how much kindness and love he has put into all this...keeping it his feelings hidden until this very day. She slowly looks at him, feeling more confident and cheerful...she stops shaking and her eyes starts to light up. Arona slowly closes her eyes as she faces Fero and pulls him closer to her and finally after long last...

She kisses him

As they separated their faces from each other, Arona smiled at Fero like she never did before, it was a smile of pure love.

"You're my first one...I am in your care....my wolfie darling" she whispers into his ear as she embraced him passionately.

@The Mythic Dragon
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Inutsuki accepts the tea as it was handed to her, blushing, which quite frankly showed up extremely clearly from her paleness, purely hoping the he hadn't noticed her touching his head, quickly she grabbed her notebook and began to write 'Morning! I-.. umm.. okay?... I guess... I was-... I mean, I was so tired yesterday and you know, the palace was so far away a-and t-that doorstep looked REALLY comfy so I was like, you know... why not sleep here? I mean... it wasn't that cold!' she wrote, holding it up, her ears low to her head again and tail wagging around frantically from embarrassment 'T-thanks for carrying me inside! I-I mean, It's not like I know you carried me! it, errr.... I could have sleepwalked or something! Yeah!? and you just happened to see me sleepwalk! and you didn't touch my hair or anything!' she continued.

She flopped down, sighing 'I'm pathetic...' she wrote, placing the notebook and its frantic scribbles beside her and slowly putting a hand on her stomach 'your mom is pretty useless, kid.' she thought blankly, completely embarrassed and confused by the whole 'ordeal' that just occurred, a small movement was felt and she took that as a 'yes'.

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< @Zareh >

When she kisses him, Fero slowly, hesitantly, wraps his arms around her, as if he was still unsure how such a gesture would be taken. Even so, he opens himself up completely in that moment, allowing his feelings, his heart, his soul, everything out, so that Arona could feel them, feel his honest, pure love for her.

Finally, she pulls away and Fero gazes into her eyes. He had finally bared his heart to the woman he loved, and as she embraces him and whispers in his ear, he knows, finally, that Arona loved him back. He nuzzles into her neck, whispering back to her. "Of course, Arona, my love. I will be with you, forever..."
"Oh deer god, that was close." Aren wiggled his antlers out of the tree. "Well, thanks for the help ma'am. My name's Aren, and I really owe you one." He was about to walk away, but he suddenly noticed all the passerby just staring at him. Oh, right. The antlers. He turned to the woman. "Sorry to ask you again, but could you help me out here? Just come with me real fast, I'm going to try and cover these antlers."

Zenario Zeid

Zenario stared at the robot's head in amazement. He slowly reached out and took the head in both hands. Lifting it to his eye level, he studied the old rusty thing, imagining what purpose it could have possibly served in the past. Holding a piece of history like this felt incredible. He'd never felt closer to the humans than he did now. "Megumi, I don't know what to say...Except...thank you it's beeeautiful!" he said in a breathy tone with genuine astonishment. Looking around, he noticed that he and the cat had caught the attention of several brothers. They looked away as he spotted them. Zenario smiled warmly and told Megumi, "Come with me. Lets find a place in my quarters to put it," he carried the head back to his room and placed it the center of his mantle which was also lined with mundane human artifacts, such as old cell phones and decommissioned firearms. When Megumi entered, he closed the door behind her and locked it. He leaned against his desk and gave her a soft smile and a lighthearted giggle. "Is there something you'd like to tell me, Sister?" he asked of her.

"I'm glad that you liked it." Megumi said, and made a mental fist bump when she saw Zenario take the gift, looking at it in wonder and amazement. Yes, this is going according to plan! She thought to herself as they walked to his room. It was a strange room indeed, so many artifacts showcased around, yet at the same time it was very interesting and very human. Megumi didn't think of this for long however as there were other things that caught her attention like the man in front of her. Oh man, here goes nothing. Taking a deep breath in, she finally began.

"Yes Zenario, there actually is. I'm not as good with words as you are, but I'll give it my best shot." She said and fell silent for a few moments, trying to calm herself down.

"Well, I don't know if you know this, but I have feelings for you. I don't know how long I've felt this way towards you, but I know that they are true. I want us to be more than just guild members, I want us to be something more, something special. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you Zenario Zedd, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you!"

"Oh? I suppose so." Mao said, walking up to him. Why does he have to hide his antlers? Is it just a hassle, or do people not like it? She thought looking up at Aren's antlers. (Short post, have to get ready. Only 3 hour school day so I'll be out fast. Just need to take some test.)
Silver waited till nightfall for the princess but she did not come. Sighing, disappointed at the fact that she wasn't here he put away all of the chairs and undressed as he went to bed...


Today was Mate day and all over town others were confessing their love for one another. Silver doesn't have anyone he'd consider his mate since well he considers his guild of thieves family and they in turn consider the same, and he doesn't really socialize in public either but it might be a good thing to try and seek out the princess and we'll make sure she remembers to meet him. Although this is an awfully stupid idea cause she could easily have him arrested he feels that she genuinely wants to help the poor and if he has a member of the royal family as an ally then he could help the poor twice as much then what he does. He didn't dress in his thief garb as he wore simple clothes as he headed outside, heading towards the castle.
Zenario Zeid

Zenario calmly and gracefully listened to her little confession. Outwardly he was smiling thoughtfully and sincerely. But on the inside, he was plotting the ways in which this could work to his advantage. It didn't take long to figure out how to play this. If her feelings were this deep, then he could dangle the carrot in front of her for an eternity with no intention of following through, but he would have a soldier that would follow any order and a sexual plaything whenever he desired. His commitment was to relieving the world of their hefty ignorance toward human ingenuity, not love. This was something Megumi didn't understand, but she didn't have to. All he wanted from her was to play her part. And blowjobs. And now...she'll play her part better than she ever would before.

The butterfly took her hands in his and smiled widely. "That was very brave of you sister...Megumi..." he looked away shyly and bit his lip before he gently lifted her chin and leaned over to kiss herher lips. "I'm honored that you feel so passionately about me..." he brought the cat into a hug. "But we can't be together. Not yet. Not until we've saved our people from their pain and suffering...our almighty lords need us to do their bidding. And..." Zenario paused momentarily, his soft voice trailing off. Finally he said, "I'll need time to develop feelings for you that are as unbreakable and devoted as yours are for me." He released her from their hug and placed his hands on the cat's waist. "Would you like to spend the day together?" he asked her at a volume barely above a whisper.

Horatio looks at Inutsuki with a bit of confusion as he scanned her actions. "Well if you would like, I can accompany you back to the palace....hopefully it isn't still devastated by that fight yesterday..." he said calmly. "After all, I am assigned to be your guardian...where you go I will always follow" he said with a stoic figure.


After continuously flipping the coin whilst he waited, Mary finally came. Flipping the coin one last time before catching it and stuffing it into his pocket, his gaze met the dragon kemonomimi. Smiling at her as she began to speak he quickly adjusted his katana sword as he listened contently. Leon sighed at the mentioning of the hallway being damaged, accompanying the sigh with a look of shock soon after. "But... I thought I did a thorough check of the palace? Damn, I must've been too tired. How unbelievable" He sighed again, before pausing for a few moments before continuing. "So... What do you plan on doing today? Anything in particular?" He sent a warm smile her way, yet his thoughts were on other things. Leon knew that Mary would want to do something, yet he was curious as to what this would be.

Zareh said:
Horatio looks at Inutsuki with a bit of confusion as he scanned her actions. "Well if you would like, I can accompany you back to the palace....hopefully it isn't still devastated by that fight yesterday..." he said calmly. "After all, I am assigned to be your guardian...where you go I will always follow" he said with a stoic figure.

Inutsuki frantically shook her head 'n-no!' She quickly wrote, laughing awkwardly afterwards 'I mean, no thanks... There's no work today anyway... Mate... Day?.. Something like that, a holiday of some sort.' She writes, shrugging before looking down at her stomach and sighing 'I feel fat.' She thought blankly, poking of once and blushing 'also for some strange reason I really feel like eating pickles and cheese...' She continued.

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