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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Charon stood right outside the door of Arona's house, his arm poised as though he were going to knock, though he didn't. There was no movement at all to be seen from him, that he actually looked like a statue. He didn't (don't) blink one bit as he thought things through. The Kemonomimi might be annoying like the King, but they were surely one of the easiest ways he could obtain information about the seemingly supernatural powers that the King had used. Was it some technology that even his creators had yet to discover? Or was it truly what one would call "supernatural", even though it's unscientific.

Finally, set on believing that this was the best course of action, he knocked three times. His metal hand making a louder noise than if an organic creature with flesh were to perform this action, it was almost certain to be heard from those inside. The binary that the once hostile machine he had fought contained... An apology. If not for that, he may have just either knocked the door down, or taken one of his Kemonomimi friends as a hostage. This is a clear example of the H.A.H.M.W.M.'s rational thinking. The H.A.H.M.W.M. models were built for war, and they were meant to kill, not sit around eating sandwiches with "friends". This isn't entirely true, however. Charon himself did this once with his creators who were almost like friends.
Arona hides her laugh but can't help but grin at Inutsuki's comment on children, she remembered something when Fero mentioned about tomorrow "Oh right! Tomorrow is Mate Day! I'm so excited! Love is going to be in the air and there won't be anymore crazy things happening....hopefully...." she said with some excitement in her voice. "What are you guys planning for Mate day?" she asked with curiosity. Horatio wondered about this "Mate Day" according to the reaction and conclusion of Arona's answer. He understands that it is some sort of holiday where Kemonomimi gather together and claim their love for one another, somehow this holiday felt very familiar to another one of human tradition.

His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of knocking on the door
"I'll get it" Horatio said. He walks up to the front door and opens it to see the same familiar human-like android that he fought earlier has appeared. "It's you, what are you doing here?" he asks.

@The Mythic Dragon

Charon takes a step inside, giving Horatio and the rest a look that seemed to say "May I come in?" The same Kemonomimi were there, no one else other than the ones he saw back at the palace. "There's no need to fear, for I mean no harm. I've come to speak with you all, you especially, Model 900." He said said, trying not to give out much of a sense of threat to earn the trust of these people and the machine. All he wanted was information, something to help his survive in his new world. Of course, he had already realised that for information, he should get on friendly terms with a Kemonomimi like the machine before him to more easily attract information.

@The Mythic Dragon @TheHappyPikachu


Tabi let out a sigh of relief as the Red Swarm King left, several scavengers coming to collect the bodies. Appearently the King had others that could fight for it, sending shivers down her spine as she recalled how easily the King took down her fellow guardians all on it's own. Things like these made her want to just go back to safety and fish where there's some peace and quiet. Not to mention, she was feeling a strong urge to tell a joke of some kind just to make herself feel better. This was the most unsuccessful so far, since she became a guardian. The red swarm was truly terrifying, despite how common the nests were.

The scavengers finally left. I say "finally", but it only took the scavengers a few minutes to get the job done. It is only from Tabi's own perspective that it took forever. Horatio doesn't have jets or wings, so time doesn't fly for her either. Easily getting off the tree, she landed with a soft thud, grimacing as one of the branches left a scratch on her tail. She began to walk to the city, tired, injured, and exhausted beyond belief. Besides the guardian that ran to bring help, she was the only survivor of the fight. This Great White's great might paled in in comparison to the red swarm king's. This certainly wasn't a great night for her.
Horatio looked at the android with a puzzled expression, he wondered what he wanted and welcomed him inside the house.

Arona stiffened at the presence of Charon entering the living room followed behind by Horatio. He entered the living room and sat down while grabbing another sandwich and shoved it into his consumption hole.

"Who are you...and why are you here?" She asked with suspicion as she glared at him. She begins to send Fero a telepathic message by using her Aura. "If he tries anything funny, freeze him...I don't trust this person...he harmed Horatio..." She telepathically told Fero. She looked at him and slightly nodded to prepare for the worst that might come.

Horatio looked at Charon as he finished his sandwich.
"So why are you here?..You said my model number so you remember the past?" Horatio asked eagerly and calmly, hoping that he would know something about the past that can aid him in his recovery of memory.

@The Mythic Dragon


< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu @Verdas >

Fero keeps his body still, watching the other machine warily. 'Of course, Arona.' He telepathically responds to her, as he began to gather his Aura so it would be ready in the case he had to use it at a moment's notice.

Inutsuki had left the room to go.... 'empty her stomach' and when she came back saw a metal-thingy like Horatio in the room 'Huh?' she thought blankly, walking over slowly, her tail and ears both stiffened and pointing upwards causing her to look rather ridiculous , she went over behind Horatio, who quite frankly she had seemed to be using as a shield lately.... she peeked over his tall stature and looked at Charon curiously, her tail relaxing a bit but ears still straight.

After a minuet she came out and went up to him, poking him once for no real reason besides curiosity, tilting her head slightly before rushing back behind Horatio, her tail swaying from side-to-side and making her look rather similar to a cat.

@The Mythic Dragon

Horatio turned behind looked at Inutsuki' who seemed curious about Charon. "Inutsuki? Is something wrong?" he asked and realize that she might be as curious as he is. Horatio moves closer to her ear "I know you must be curious but he knows about the past which means he might have information on something that can help me remember who I am." he whispered. He returns back to his seat on the sofa and eagerly awaits Charon's response.

@The Mythic Dragon

Zareh said:
Horatio turned behind looked at Inutsuki' who seemed curious about Charon. "Inutsuki? Is something wrong?" he asked and realize that she might be as curious as he is. Horatio moves closer to her ear "I know you must be curious but he knows about the past which means he might have information on something that can help me remember who I am." he whispered. He returns back to his seat on the sofa and eagerly awaits Charon's response.
@The Mythic Dragon

@The Mythic Dragon
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Charon wasn't too bothered by their untrustfulness of him. It was natural, he supposed. "I came here for information. I have memories of the past, and you have knowledge of the Kemonomimi and their powers. It would benefit is both if we shared our knowledge would it not?" He said to Horatio in a voice so calm and emotionless, that it was creepy. "As for why I attacked... 'Horatio', which I believe is Model 900's new name, he attacked me first. I was simply exploring the palace in hopes of obtaining some more knowledge about you creatures, however, he appeared and made a mess of things." He replied to Arona, seeming to glare at her for a moment, though that was just an illusion formed by his robotic eye's appearance, it may be true that he wanted to glare at her for believing that he would simply attack another machine despite how few they were unless necessary or to his benefit.

A fox-like girl appeared and poked him. The other machine seemed to know her. He tried to analyze her. Now, many machines, if not all, have the ability to analyze things, including the H.A.H.M.W.M. Charon's analysing, however, is somewhat damaged, making it less efficient than usual, though it is admittedly advanced. The girl seemed... Pregnant. "Is it normal for you Kemonomimi to have a child at this age? Perhaps your laws and traditions differ from that of our creators." He asked, making a big misunderstanding.

@The Mythic Dragon
Arona looked at Charon for a moment and wondered what to do. She looked at Fero, still on high alert as usual in case something bad happens. She looks to Horatio and back to Charon. "Alright...We'll talk but first I want to know what is your name, why would you want to know about our Aura and....what exactly are you? You look like a Earless Kemonomimi but..you seem to have metal parts sticking out and you smell like metal...are you a human?" She asked in a stern and seriously voice while pointing to the exposed parts and secretly hiding her excitement. She nodded to Horatio so that he could ask his question.

"If you have all your data from the past then tell me something, do you have data on the A20-Y Droid series? Do you know who created that series line?" He asked hoping that he would give him an answer.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Verdas said:
Charon wasn't too bothered by their untrustfulness of him. It was natural, he supposed. "I came here for information. I have memories of the past, and you have knowledge of the Kemonomimi and their powers. It would benefit is both if we shared our knowledge would it not?" He said to Horatio in a voice so calm and emotionless, that it was creepy. "As for why I attacked... 'Horatio', which I believe is Model 900's new name, he attacked me first. I was simply exploring the palace in hopes of obtaining some more knowledge about you creatures, however, he appeared and made a mess of things." He replied to Arona, seeming to glare at her for a moment, though that was just an illusion formed by his robotic eye's appearance, it may be true that he wanted to glare at her for believing that he would simply attack another machine despite how few they were unless necessary or to his benefit.
A fox-like girl appeared and poked him. The other machine seemed to know her. He tried to analyze her. Now, many machines, if not all, have the ability to analyze things, including the H.A.H.M.W.M. Charon's analysing, however, is somewhat damaged, making it less efficient than usual, though it is admittedly advanced. The girl seemed... Pregnant. "Is it normal for you Kemonomimi to have a child at this age? Perhaps your laws and traditions differ from that of our creators." He asked, making a big misunderstanding.

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki turned bright red and temporarily stopped trying to get her tail off her stomach, stiffening before going over to Arona, giving her a face that said 'Help me explain!~' pathetically, before turning to Charon and awkwardly laughing, her tail still firmly wrapped around her stomach.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Arona looked to Inutsuki and smiled with a face saying 'I got you covered' she looks back to Charon with a stern face "It is normal for her to have a child at this age" She said "But that is not important right now, we asked you questions and in return you can ask." Arona finished speaking and secretly winked at Inutsuki with her right eye.

@The Mythic Dragon


Zareh said:
Arona looked to Inutsuki and smiled with a face saying 'I got you covered' she looks back to Charon with a stern face "It is normal for her to have a child at this age" She said "But that is not important right now, we asked you questions and in return you can ask." Arona finished speaking and secretly winked at Inutsuki with her right eye.
@The Mythic Dragon

@The Mythic Dragon
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Charon pondered over the question. "The A20-Y Droid series... I certainly do have some data about the models in that series of machines... However after the thousands of years that I have been inactive, my data and memory storage has take some damage and has lost some important memories." He answered. The Kemonomimi still seemed weary of him, but when one of them asked if he was a human, he almost laughed. "No, I am not human. I am designed to have the appearance of a human, however without this exterior which has the appearance similar to the flesh and skin that organic life forms such as you have, I am fully composed of metal, and other materials." He said, possibly saying some words that the others couldn't understand.

Glancing at the fox-like girl once more, he said "I see. So he must be one of those." He said, heavily implying something that he didn't think was a good idea to say out loud. Having no intention of being rude, said the last part of his sentence in a much quieter tone. Facing the Endurable Model 900 once more, he decided to ask him a question of his own. "Now, I'll return to you a similar question. Do you know my model, the H.A.H.M.W.M.?" He asked him, waiting patiently for a reply. The machine had lost it's memories, but it will at least be of some use if it comes to knowledge about the Kemonomimi.

@The Mythic Dragon
Verdas said:
Charon pondered over the question. "The A20-Y Droid series... I certainly do have some data about the models in that series of machines... However after the thousands of years that I have been inactive, my data and memory storage has take some damage and has lost some important memories." He answered. The Kemonomimi still seemed weary of him, but when one of them asked if he was a human, he almost laughed. "No, I am not human. I am designed to have the appearance of a human, however without this exterior which has the appearance similar to the flesh and skin that organic life forms such as you have, I am fully composed of metal, and other materials." He said, possibly saying some words that the others couldn't understand.
Glancing at the fox-like girl once more, he said "I see. So he must be one of those." He said, heavily implying something that he didn't think was a good idea to say out loud. Having no intention of being rude, said the last part of his sentence in a much quieter tone. Facing the Endurable Model 900 once more, he decided to ask him a question of his own. "Now, I'll return to you a similar question. Do you know my model, the H.A.H.M.W.M.?" He asked him, waiting patiently for a reply. The machine had lost it's memories, but it will at least be of some use if it comes to knowledge about the Kemonomimi.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki's ears perked up 'One of.. what?...' she thought innocently, eventually standing up again and her tail finally released, she seemed slightly more calm about the situation and guessed that's what caused it.

She was working through what he said before and gave up on understanding, she would leave that to Horatio... as he said the model name the only thing she could think of was food
'Ham?...' she wrote, holding it up to Charon before getting closer to him again and inspecting him, poking him once more and raising an eyebrow before looking back at Horatio, seeming to be comparing them 'Metal-thingies are confusing...' she thought blankly.

@The Mythic Dragon @Verdas
Horatio looked a bit disappointed from the lack of answers. "H.A.H.M.W.M stands for Heavily Armed Humanoid Military War Machine. Its an acronym for this model, Inutsuki and I don't believe he has anything to do with pork. I got a scan of your whole entire body before we engaged in combat but I do not have any other data besides that...unfortunately I cannot remember anything. " He explained to Inutsuki and Charon.

Arona was a bit offended from Charon's comment on Inutsuki. She glared at him with a menacing look unlike her cheerful self.
"If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it." She said in an annoyed voice.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
Horatio looked a bit disappointed from the lack of answers. "H.A.H.M.W.M stands for Heavily Armed Humanoid Military War Machine. Its an acronym for this model, Inutsuki and I don't believe he has anything to do with pork. I got a scan of your whole entire body before we engaged in combat but I do not have any other data besides that...unfortunately I cannot remember anything. " He explained to Inutsuki and Charon.
Arona was a bit offended from Charon's comment on Inutsuki. She glared at him with a menacing look unlike her cheerful self.
"If you have nothing nice to say then don't say it." She said in an annoyed voice.

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki was too busy drooling over the thought of food to hear most of what Horatio said but nodded anyway as she snapped out of it, still in her childish manner she tilted her head at Arona, completely oblivious as to what Charon and they were talking about 'What?...' she wrote, holding it up... being locked up had made her rather... 'innocent' to say the least.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Rumdarjun Feynhardt

Rune's eyes practically glowed at the machine's--- no, Alexander's response.

He? I guess, has such an ordinary-sounding name...

It kind of surprised him, but it also made Alexander seem that much more human.

There was one thing that bothered him, though. The fox girl kept referring to Alexander as her friend. If she had gotten to him first, then that would make things harder for Rune trying to bring Alexander into the Brotherhood. He didn't thing Zen needed an argumentative fox girl about. Certainly not if she continued to get friendly with the Guardian.

"I'm sorry that you haven't been treated well," Rune began, still looking at no one but Alexander (though subconsciously), "I can assure you that we here at the Guild are much more tolerant about human issues." He almost smiled here, thinking about the other side of the Guild...the one that operated in the shadows in the human ruins, dedicating themselves to the true study of humanity.

"Maybe it would help if you didn't use such ah- charged language, Ms. Guardian." This last part Rune finally directed at someone other than Alexander, turning to face the Bee. Since he had been talking to the gate keeper when she had said her name, he had no idea what to call her without inciting more shouting and waving things around, "We shouldn't be thinking of these machines as 'dangerous,' but rather a chance to finally bridge our cultures and discover our true history." If he had been with his brothers, he would have been practically singing that last part.

Just when he was about to ask about the other machine, as the Bee girl had, a new member strode into the room. He was wearing a cloak to obscure his face, which automatically put Rune on edge. Usually people only had one reason to be sneaky around the Guild: They were in the Brotherhood. But something seemed off here. He couldn't place it, but Rune was sure that wasn't the reason. So who was he? Perhaps he knew that the Brotherhood had a spy in the Guild---! No, that was impossible. Even knowledge of the Brotherhood itself was wrapped in secrecy.

Just play it cool.

"Uhm, yes, sir? Do you need something?"

His first day back at the Guild and suddenly he was the official tour guide. Weren't there people better suited to this type of thing? Where were they?

It'll be worth it when I finally get a chance to talk to Alexander, and then hopefully bring him to meet Zen... It was his only, but no small, comfort.

@SirBlazeALot , @MrLlama , @StoneyJr , @Leone , @Anyone else inside the Guild right now

Inside the Guild
Tabi arrived at the city in what felt like forever, but in reality, it only took her a few minutes to get there. She wandered the city for a place to stay or rest. There were open wounds on her tail and arm, dripping steadily and leavening behind a trail of blood. At least it wasn't the nose-bleed of a certain blue fish with short-term memory loss. The loss of blood, combined with hunger, thirst, and exhaustion, led her to hallucinate. She smelled the scent of food nearby, sandwiches specifically. Following the smell, she arrived at a house. Unfortunately, her hallucinating led her to believe that the house was a red swarm King, which made her look like a drunk or crazy person as she weakly began to punch and bang on the just-repaired door.

@The Mythic Dragon


Charon nodded in understanding. "It is unfortunate that you lost your memories. If our creators' technology were still here, we could've done something to fix that, however they've all been lost it seems." One of the Kemonomimi seemed to understand what he meant by "that", and was clearly offended. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it... Huh? If that's the case, then why did you speed just now? It isn't very nice to tell someone to shut up, either directly, or indirectly, is it not?" He said to the girl. Sensing an oncoming fight, he decided to quickly apologise before things got inconvenient for him. "I apologise. I won't be mentioning that again." He said, although his voice was still emotionless to the point where one couldn't tell whether he meant his apology or not.

He heard banging noises outside the house and tightened his right fist as if preparing to hit someone with all his might. "I hope it isn't that rat." He muttered, saying this even though he knew it may not be possible... But at the same time there was a possibility that Giss was using this "aura" power to watch him and/or track him. He couldn't tell whether the world has become better, or worse. A random person banging on the door of another's house, maybe even punching, judging from the sounds made, was certainly not one of the pros in this new world.

@The Mythic Dragon
Caius Amadeo Fauna

Caius was a bit shocked at the abruptness with which he was grabbed and transported to the palace. It felt like he blinked and it was over. A bit too fast, really. While there had been a time when Caius was jealous of the rest of his siblings' ability to fly (Mary and Hidden with their obvious appendages, Malin with his elemental skills), he now saw that the whole affair was rather overrated. And his eyes were spinning inside his head. Well, the floaty feeling had been nice, and at least they were here...

As Caius straightened out his clothes, relieved to see that nothing had sullied them in the flight, he replied to Leon's question,
"Yes, yes, I'm quite fine, but---"

He was about to say that he'd prefer never doing that again, as King of the Snakes, he had no shame in staying close to the ground, after all, when he happened to look up. Biting his lip to keep his tongue from flapping out in rage, he could only glare at the wreck that was his once near-perfect home.

"I demand to know what in Gaia's name is going on here! Who...Who did this!?"

There were cracks all throughout the
expensive marble, the intricate tiled floors. Wall drapings and curtains hung crooked, priceless paintings flecked with debris. Many of these items had been passed down through the Fauna royalty for generations. At least the throne, the symbol of his family's power, remained unchanged. Caius had to put his hands over his brilliant eyes.

"I...I'm not seeing this. I'm not seeing this!"

Maybe he'd look up again and find he'd hallucinated the whole thing, for that was really the only reasonable explanation he could find.

@Blackrose7 , @LeSoraAmari

Royal Fauna Palace

Verdas said:
Tabi arrived at the city in what felt like forever, but in reality, it only took her a few minutes to get there. She wandered the city for a place to stay or rest. There were open wounds on her tail and arm, dripping steadily and leavening behind a trail of blood. At least it wasn't the nose-bleed of a certain blue fish with short-term memory loss. The loss of blood, combined with hunger, thirst, and exhaustion, led her to hallucinate. She smelled the scent of food nearby, sandwiches specifically. Following the smell, she arrived at a house. Unfortunately, her hallucinating led her to believe that the house was a red swarm King, which made her look like a drunk or crazy person as she weakly began to punch and bang on the just-repaired door.
@The Mythic Dragon


Charon nodded in understanding. "It is unfortunate that you lost your memories. If our creators' technology were still here, we could've done something to fix that, however they've all been lost it seems." One of the Kemonomimi seemed to understand what he meant by "that", and was clearly offended. "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it... Huh? If that's the case, then why did you speed just now? It isn't very nice to tell someone to shut up, either directly, or indirectly, is it not?" He said to the girl. Sensing an oncoming fight, he decided to quickly apologise before things got inconvenient for him. "I apologise. I won't be mentioning that again." He said, although his voice was still emotionless to the point where one couldn't tell whether he meant his apology or not.

He heard banging noises outside the house and tightened his right fist as if preparing to hit someone with all his might. "I hope it isn't that rat." He muttered, saying this even though he knew it may not be possible... But at the same time there was a possibility that Giss was using this "aura" power to watch him and/or track him. He couldn't tell whether the world has become better, or worse. A random person banging on the door of another's house, maybe even punching, judging from the sounds made, was certainly not one of the pros in this new world.

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki, hearing the punch/knock on the door went over and opened it, taking a step back from the seemingly drunk girl and awkwardly laughing, hearing 'Ham' (Her knew name for Charon) apologise she just got more curious 'what exactly is... 'that'?' she thought blankly, suddenly she went pale again and rushed away from the door, emptying her stomach before coming back to the living room 'That's it... can someone else take this baby??... I don't want to be sick anymore..' she wrote sarcastically, holding the note up, as if they'd read her mind the baby kicked and she blushed.

@The Mythic Dragon

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< @TheHappyPikachu @Zareh @Verdas >

"Why don't we all just calm down!?" Fero yells, snow beginning to fall around him. "Arguing will get us nowhere!" He was pissed. So many things had gone wrong today, he just wanted to sleep and hope that tomorrow was better. His body shook, but that slowly subsided as he forced himself calm.

"I'm sorry... I may have overreacted..." And then the punching began. "Another..? I'll get it, Arona." As he opens the door, he sees what appears to be a drunkard. "May I... help you?"
Tabi stepped into the house without any permission, staggering from the blood loss. "Stupid red swarm..." She said as she began to weakly hit Charon and Horatio. Of course, this was also the effect of the blood loss. She wouldn't normally just charge in and attack with her bare hands. She quickly recoiled upon contact with the metal bodies of the machines, not because of the pain, but because it was unexpected. Her hallucinations showed nothing made of metal at all. This took her by surprise and made her come somewhat back to her senses.

(Writer's block >.>)

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