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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Doll Agia

Poor Doll was going through the strangest blend of feelings. Oh man, first of all, there was her default impotent rage. The ornery guardian does not take shit like this. Homie simply don't play that. Being short, petite, female, and the distant ancestor of an insect garners about as much fear from your average delinquent as I garner attention from Ariana Grande. That is to say, little to none at all. She was used to this, and considered her violent methods to be necessary to establish any sense of authority.

And normally, she would've been wacking the fox upside the head right now for her smug demeanor.

But there was another foreign feeling present in her heart. Doll's confliction was caused by vague feelings of attraction. The charming fox's cheeky teasing had awoken an inner nervousness that was deeply unusual. So much so that it overruled her violent nature. She'd noticed the fox had mouthed something to her, causing the bumblebee to don a look of bewilderment. Then came,

"Don't worry... I love it,"

The bumblebee's heart and wings beat rapidly and she stuttered for words. It was then that she finally deciphered the red fox's secret message. Cutie. "Sh-shut it Foxy!! B-before I shut it for you!" Of course she wouldn't how could she ruin that beautifully mysterious fa-- WAIT, NO!! I COULD EASILY RUIN HER FACE!! It'd be a shame though...BUT IT WOULD BE NECESSARY!!

"J-Just get a move on!!" the flustered bee ordered pointlessly as she buzzed behind the already mobile group. She could read that none of them were taking her seriously, and unfortunately for her, the confused emotional state she was in prevented her from doing anything to remedy the problem. She simply shouldered her lance and folded her arms mumbling profanity and idle threats with a sour look on her pink face. As the group entered the guild hall, she studied the interior of the building. In all her years, she'd never visited the place due to a lack on interest in human culture. Though she doubted their existence, she'd never entirely placed it outside of the realm of possibility.

When the ram inquired of her what they needed, Dolerus piped up. "I wanna know what these things are and if they're dangerous! And just WHERE is the other one hmm!?"

@Pretzel Heart @StoneyJr @MrLlama
Arona follows behind Fero and Inutsuki, hoping that Horatio will be alright, she continued on the path to the castle. Until they bumped into another person who appeared to be an acquaintance of Inutsuki. "Who are you? Inutsuki do you know who she is?" She looked at her, she appeared to be a royal maid just like Inutsuki. "We are heading over there too! I'm afraid that something REALLY bad has happened! Come on guys!" She rushed up ahead and ran. "Please be ok...." She said to herself

@The Mythic Dragon



Horatio unfazed and did not flinch at the incoming twister as it swept through him, he simply turned his head from Malin and looked at the king who was preparing an attack. He now can conclude that the man commanding the guardians is in charge of the whole operation. He looked around him, he seemed that there was a slight chance that he might be able to survive but fighting is not the reason why he came here.
"Very well...I'll stop fighting if you can answer a few of my questions.." he lowered his plasma cannons and transformed them back to regular arms. "Why are you hunting down my friend Inutuski...earlier today, we were attacked by your men for no apparent reason except for the fact that they want her. I need an explanation now" he said in a calm voice.



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Mao nodded at the third person, who was a girl. What do these people have to do with what's going on? Are they apart of the guard too? These thoughts appeared in her head as she followed the group, curious as to who they were and what their intentions were.
Hidden frowned "I don't know an Inutuski. But whatever the case they either must have done something that would provoke the guards or-..." He trailed off, now remembering who this was. "She...her Aura cannot be controlled, and until she learns to do so, she is considered dangerous. My guard has strict orders not to harm or do anything of the sort to her but if she purposefully ran away, they have every right to peruse her. Assuming no weapons are used, of course." The griffin flicked his tail in a way that told his guards to stand down before continuing. "She isn't being arrested if that's what you think. Its for her good to be watched, what would she do if she anciently commanded someone to kill themselves or worse when trying to use sarcasm?" He knew he was being reasonable, and the king also knew that there was a reason she ran away. "The guards that caused her to run will be replaced and punished for their actions."

Larentia Shikari

Larentia was taking in the sights as the group walked through the gates and into the guild. She'd never been beyond the gates of The Kingdom Of Fauna, and of course she was curios.

It was quite an interesting place, like a museum almost. She'd never much thought about humans, or whether they existed or not. Well obviously they did, but it was just never an interest of hers, she didn't like them, nor did she dislike them.

"Sh-shut it Foxy!! B-before I shut it for you!"

Larentia turned to Little-B with her grin firmly in place, and slowly raised her hands to her lips, 'zipping' them shut.

"J-Just get a move on!!"

She turned to carry on walking, when the boy who was leading them finally decided to speak up.

“So, was there something that any of you needed? Like I said, I would be more than willing to accommodate you---" His voice seemed to trail of as his gaze fell once more on the metallic creature she'd seemed intent on following, “uh, do you have something you’d like to be called?”

Before the creature had a chance to speak, she wanted to tell the boy just why she WAS there, and make sure her point was made very clear.

"My friend here hasn't been treated very well by the people outside of the gates, and I don't like it. So I will be making sure no one else...mistreats him." She flashed her slightly oversized canines in a wider, much more devious grin along with a quiet, yet deep growl that echoed in her throat, "But you do ask a good question!"

Larentia's attention turned to the creature,

"What IS your name my friend? I would very much like to know!"

@SirBlazeALot @MrLlama @Pretzel Heart
Arona and Inutsuki, now who's the guy? She asked herself as they continued making their way to the castle. As they got closer, the sound of guards and large metallic, strange noises could become more clear and audible.
Horatio looked at the king with an emotionless stare, he calmly walked close to him possessing no intention of harm. His eyes begin to make a whirling noise and a holographic picture begins to generate from his memory. It showed a video of the earlier fight where the guardians charged at him with swords, axes and spears while demanding to have the girl back into custody, threatening to return with vengeance and to kill those who stand in their way. The holographic screen begins to fade away as the memory video ended. "According to what you have seen, some of your guardians have tried to deliberately harm others while trying to "return" Inutsuki back to the palace. I don't think she ran away but like you just saw, she was being hunted like a dog...I don't understand why your guardians would do that but I suggest you keep your men a lot more closer under your watch because from what I've seen, this appears to be an underground scheme they are pulling." he said with a bit of anger and annoyance in his voice.

"I've only been with her for two days and I can tell you that she has done absolutely nothing wrong. She just wanted to get away from the palace for a while due to the treatment that she has been getting from the other maids and guardians. She also told me how she has been locked up , tortured and chained just because of her Aura. I've seen her crying because she just wants to be free and happy and not to be locked up like a slave."
he said compassionately.

"I understand if you need someone to keep a close look on her which is why...I will volunteer as Inutsuki's guardian..I can keep an eye on her at all times since I really have nothing better to do...I am also capable of defending her and myself as seen by the collateral...damage....which I apologize for immensely." he said a bit shocked as he scanned the throne room, there were cracks in the ground, ceiling and in the wall from the constant throwing and bashing. Surprising the only thing that wasn't damaged is the throne itself ironically, he looked back to the king while feeling a bit of guilt until he remembered something. He grabbed the sack of golden coins from his satchel which Arona gave him earlier and handed it to the king, surprisingly it contained about 143 golden coins inside which made Horatio wondered how rich is Arona?

"This is for the collateral damage, I hope this will be good enough to repair everything" he said in a concerned expression. "But I ask you that you let me be her guardian...please, I don't want to see her locked up because of the power she posses, I've seen her try so hard to keep it under control but it will keep getting worse if you keep suppressing her...all I ask her is for her freedom while I be her guardian so you don't have to worry about anything at all." he says in a soft tone, Horatio turns his head to Charon "I'm sorry about damaging your figure, I guess we aren't as good as we use to be." he says.

"HORATIO!!!!" Arona screams as she runs to the scene and stops to catch a breathe. "Arona?....what are you doing here?" he asked in confusion.

@Kayzo @The Mythic Dragon
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Dresden was enjoying his meal at the café he always went there but there was a maid that. He always would ask for to get his food she was a hard work and he liked when people take there job seriously no matter what they are doing but he was upset at himself. Cause he never asked her name well today he was going to at least talk to her and get her name.

< @Kayzo @StoneWolf18 >

Fero comes up behind Arona, but moves to the front, making sure to keep himself between the two girls and any potential threat. "Horatio! We came to make sure you're safe!" He called, eyeing the guardians all around. "I mean, we're friends... and it didn't seem right to let you do this all on your own." He then scoffed. "Besides, we were having trouble being safe." He looked at the regal figures around. "If the king is here, I wish to make it known that his men invaded Arona's home. Again. And they almost killed me. Would have killed me, if it wasn't for Inutsuki. And I won't let you take her! She's my friend, and she deserves to be happy!"
Mao stood in the back of the group and listened to everything they said. What a poor girl. Tortured, had her home invaded? And all because of her aura? That must be very unique. Mao let out a quiet sigh, and folded her hands in her lap, waiting to see what would happen next.
Horatio walked up to Arona who was still catching her breathe and Fero. "Don't worry, everything has been sorted out I believe...however no one got hurt except for...well...this room..." he said a bit unsure of what to do. He looks at the king, hoping that he would resolve this situation and make sure everything returns back to peace hopefully. "So what do you say?" Horatio asked the king on the subject.

@Kayzo @The Mythic Dragon

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Amber saw the man who always came to see her she just smiled a little" anything i can get you sir" she say to him as she smiled to him" any drinks " she say saying the special for today
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Malin stood and ran over to Horatio separating him and Hidden. He had heard the story and was completely appalled by what he has heard. "I'm sorry this happened and... I'm sorry for trying to hurt you... but you pointed a weapon at me." Malin took the satchel of coins and pulled his own out, dumping its contents(a few jewels included) into the satchel, which he then handed to Arona. "Being royalty isn't about money." He said, rephrasing his older brothers previous statement. "Now, the rest is up to my brother." Malin walked over to Hidden and hugged him, resting his head on his chest. He had over pushed his bounds with his aura and was significantly weakened at this point.

@The Mythic Dragon
Amber lookes at him" my name is Amber just amber" she say giving him sad eyes she wanted to leave her master but couldn't
Amber looked at him" whats your name" she asked him as she smiled poking his head a little she liked his hair
'It is Dresden nice to meet you' he looks at her ears ' you have very nice ear's' he wonder's why someone would keep there workers trapped
'Sure what can I do to help you Amber" he looks at her wondering why would someone keep his employs like that maybe I should ask someone about that

Alexander listened to the man as he talked, asking what he'd like to be called along with his first companion. A simple enough question to answer, he supposed. "Alexander." He looked around at the few people here and there, a few staring. Hopefully the looks of awe, fright, or whatever else type of look there was would end soon over his sight. His systems let out a small beep and words flashed across his sight.




5% complete

It had already been a day, including sleep mode where his systems would recover the best, and yet only 5% of his damaged memory had been repaired. It would be quite a while before anything of use was found, he assumed.

@Pretzel Heart @SirBlazeALot @StoneyJr

(Sorry for the bad response, I'm like half asleep. o3o)


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