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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Inutsuki nodded at the girl before going after the others, rushing after them as they arrived... she wasn't exactly fast. But as she arrived she heard the last few parts of what Horatio said '..idiot...' she thought, fists clenched... it wasn't in a mean way... tears began to form in her eyes again as she let the others run up to him, remaining behind a corner and allowing them to have their moment... after all. they seemed almost as if they were meant to be together.... where as she?... where did she fall into it?... 'it was always like that' she thought sorrowfully, remembering the hard and cold tiles of the room she was kept in, curled up into a ball... alone. 'I never had anywhere... not that I belonged in...' her thoughts continued to become more painful with each breath.

Then suddenly something in her mind flashed... it felt warm and loving... but-... at the same time long gone and cold... the thoughts from before seemed to scatter at the small spark of light, she wiped her eyes quickly and went over to the rest of her friends 'Hi!' she held up to Horatio before going over to him and flicking his head once playfully, she had to go on tip-toes because of the height difference, she gave him a cheerful and almost idiotic smile like a little kid 'Don't go running off like that again!~... you made me and the baby worry. if one of us goes so does everyone else! that's the rule.' she wrote, holding it up and poking her tongue out whilst gesturing to her stomach, blushing slightly '...what was that flash?...' she thought all the while.

@The Mythic Dragon

Horatio sees Inutsuki running up to him as she flicks him on the head "Oww?..." he said sarcastically while trying to pretend to feel pain. He looked at what Inutsuki and kneel down to her height level. "I couldn't allow that to happen Inutsuki" he said calmly "I couldn't allow you to be harmed due to the aggressive nature of the situation however I decided to do something so that you wouldn't be hunted down anymore." he brushed himself a bit and looked straight at Inutsuki and puts his hands gently on her shoulders "I volunteer to be your guardian so you won't be hunted down anymore or hurt...Inutsuki...you are free now" he said compassionately.

Arona who was watching the scene is filled with awe as the two looked at each other. She giggled a bit while still holding the sack of coins and jewels, given to her by Malin. She sneakily walks behind Inutsuki and whispers
"So....when are you two going to kiss?...I mean he did already see you nnnnaaaakkkkeeeddd....so I guess you could say that you revealed your "goods" to him..hehehe" she asked while giggling in a goofy and curious tone. Unfortunately Horatio heard Arona's whispering and falls down on his butt due to the shock of Arona's response "WAIT WHAT?!" he shouted out of embarrassment.

Arona starts to laugh really hard and loud from the whole entire scene unraveling in front of her.
"Geez...Arona, seriously...I think you almost gave me a heart attack....and I don't even have a heart" he exclaimed in a surprised tone.

@The Mythic Dragon


< @Kayzo @StoneWolf18 >

Fero, too far to hear Arona's whisperings (probably for the best, anyway.) walks over and smiles."Well, she does tend to have that effect on people, Horatio. But what Inutsuki said is right. We are all friends. If one of us has a problem, then all of us can help." He says as he tries to help the machine up. "And you are also our friend. We'd be sad if anything was to happen to you." He smiles at Horatio, at Inutsuki, and then at Arona.
Zareh said:
Horatio sees Inutsuki running up to him as she flicks him on the head "Oww?..." he said sarcastically while trying to pretend to feel pain. He looked at what Inutsuki and kneel down to her height level. "I couldn't allow that to happen Inutsuki" he said calmly "I couldn't allow you to be harmed due to the aggressive nature of the situation however I decided to do something so that you wouldn't be hunted down anymore." he brushed himself a bit and looked straight at Inutsuki and puts his hands gently on her shoulders "I volunteer to be your guardian so you won't be hunted down anymore or hurt...Inutsuki...you are free now" he said compassionately.
Arona who was watching the scene is filled with awe as the two looked at each other. She giggled a bit while still holding the sack of coins and jewels, given to her by Malin. She sneakily walks behind Inutsuki and whispers
"So....when are you two going to kiss?...I mean he did already see you nnnnaaaakkkkeeeddd....so I guess you could say that you revealed your "goods" to him..hehehe" she asked while giggling in a goofy and curious tone. Unfortunately Horatio heard Arona's whispering and falls down on his butt due to the shock of Arona's response "WAIT WHAT?!" he shouted out of embarrassment.

Arona starts to laugh really hard and loud from the whole entire scene unraveling in front of her.
"Geez...Arona, seriously...I think you almost gave me a heart attack....and I don't even have a heart" he exclaimed in a surprised tone.

@The Mythic Dragon


@StoneWolf18 >

Fero, too far to hear Arona's whisperings (probably for the best, anyway.) walks over and smiles."
Well, she does tend to have that effect on people, Horatio. But what Inutsuki said is right. We are all friends. If one of us has a problem, then all of us can help." He says as he tries to help the machine up. "And you are also our friend. We'd be sad if anything was to happen to you." He smiles at Horatio, at Inutsuki, and then at Arona.

Inutsuki smiled at him, hugging him before leaning back and smiling '..if only...' she thought 'Thanks!!' she wrote, holding it up.

As Arona whispered in her ear her face went bright red and she jumped back in a ninja-like position, her mouth open and moving in movements similar to Wha!? she moved out of the position slowly and went over to Arona, plotting revenge, she wrote something quickly before passing a note to her
'How bout' you and Fero?... I mean. he hasn't seen you naked but!-' she teased, smirking before hiding behind Horatio in case she gave of another spontaneous reaction, still blushing.

@The Mythic Dragon

Arona looked at her expression and starts laughing again really hard and looks at the note while she suspiciously smiled, her eyes looked devilish with intention in her eyes "Oh...please don't tell me that you aren't the slightest bit jealous of that? And besides...I think of Fero more as a close young brother to me..." she said smiling "I'm sure that he thinks of me as his older sister, I don't think he has any...well....feelings for me..." she blushed a bit but turned to look at Inutsuki with an embarrassed smile on her face. "N-Not l-like I-I have any feelings at all! I-I mean it's just a C-Close relationship between a B-Brother and S-Sister!" she said while struggling to complete her sentence. Arona returned back to normal and looked up to Horatio "Can you please move over there? I just need to have a little foxy talk with my "sister" here" she said giggling. Horatio did not understand what Arona meant but calmly walked next to Fero.

Arona again whispers in her ears
"I think he llllliiiikkkeeeeesssss you" she says sneakily. "I mean think about it....he carried you back to the house when you were unconscious, hugged you and made such a lovely speech when you were crying and risked his life for your freedom....I think he's just trying to hide it....and he's hiding it pretty well.....and now he's volunteering to be your guardian...I think it's a sign that he wants to spend more time with you." she says while giggling uncontrollably which led to a quiet laugh.

Horatio felt a chill up his metallic spine as he had a gut feeling that something felt exposed, he looked down but only saw his body with some minor injuries and his coat which had a few slashes on it.

@The Mythic Dragon


< @TheHappyPikachu @Zareh @Leone @StoneWolf18 >

Fero, hearing what Arona says, suddenly feels a pain in his chest. His ears and tail droop, and he turns away. "So... she doesn't see me that way?" He says dejectedly, quiet so that only Horatio might be able to hear. "But... tomorrow I will tell her." tears begin to stream down his cheeks unbidden, but he quickly tries to wipe them away. "Tomorrow... Mate Day... I promise I will tell her... Arona... more than as a brother..." his voice drops to a whisper, but Horatio, if he was listening, might still hear. "I love you..."
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Hidden just wanted to go to bed, he was exhausted and felt a sight pain begin to arise in his the back of his mind. "Look, the guards who did that will be punished and replaced. I'm sorry about your friend, if they would come over I could...heal them." He stumbled a bit there as the pain free a bit sharper. Dizziness swamped the Griffin as he extended his wings to balance himself, his tail wagging wildly. Closing his eyes, the king murmured "Just...give me a second..."

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo @LeSoraAmari
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Zareh said:
Arona looked at her expression and starts laughing again really hard and looks at the note while she suspiciously smiled, her eyes looked devilish with intention in her eyes "Oh...please don't tell me that you aren't the slightest bit jealous of that? And besides...I think of Fero more as a close young brother to me..." she said smiling "I'm sure that he thinks of me as his older sister, I don't think he has any...well....feelings for me..." she blushed a bit but turned to look at Inutsuki with an embarrassed smile on her face. "N-Not l-like I-I have any feelings at all! I-I mean it's just a C-Close relationship between a B-Brother and S-Sister!" she said while struggling to complete her sentence. Arona returned back to normal and looked up to Horatio "Can you please move over there? I just need to have a little foxy talk with my "sister" here" she said giggling. Horatio did not understand what Arona meant but calmly walked next to Fero.
Arona again whispers in her ears
"I think he llllliiiikkkeeeeesssss you" she says sneakily. "I mean think about it....he carried you back to the house when you were unconscious, hugged you and made such a lovely speech when you were crying and risked his life for your freedom....I think he's just trying to hide it....and he's hiding it pretty well.....and now he's volunteering to be your guardian...I think it's a sign that he wants to spend more time with you." she says while giggling uncontrollably which led to a quiet laugh.

Horatio felt a chill up his metallic spine as he had a gut feeling that something felt exposed, he looked down but only saw his body with some minor injuries and his coat which had a few slashes on it.

@The Mythic Dragon


(I Feel bad for Fero... xD )

Inutsuki smirked at Arona, holding up a note and looking extremely smug 'Sure!~... 'siblings'...' she teased, as her 'protection' A.k.a horatio moved away she stiffened slightly, at Arona's words she blushed bright red again 'n-no! anyway!... h-he's a metal thingy!? I don't think they have feelings... not that I would want him to have feelings! it's just that!-... a-anyway!!-' she stopped writing, releasing she was about to reveal something she shouldn't before holding it up, going over to Arona she flicked her on the noise, raising an eyebrow and looking rather sassy 'And yes. 'just siblings' totally hang around with you 24/7, make you every meal and blush every time you hug them.' she then wrote, sticking her tongue out.

@The Mythic Dragon

"Hidden... Are you okay?" Malin asked hugging his older brother and trying to help him keep his balance. "Guards, go get a medic!" He ordered, and they complied, bringing a medic to check on Hidden. Malin looked on worriedly as the doctor questioned him. The only thing that kept him from getting too worried was "Mate Day". Malin had spent all of his mate day's with girls who just wanted a prince with a lot of money to hang out with, but he wanted someone special to be with this time. "No... I can't focus on that right now. I need to find out more about these robots... I dont trust them." Malin thought as he silently snuck off, making his way towards the only place who would know anout the robots... The Arkihios guild.

Malin stood outside of the guild looking up at it. He had been there once, and the memory escaped him, but the place didnt. He walked in to a fairly empty guild hall and made his way to a group of four... people? No... 2 girls... A ram boy, and a robot. He was bound to know what was going on. Malin walked up to them, the hooded cloak he was wearing, casting a shadow upon his face. "Um... Excuse me..." He said going up to the group.


Back at the castle the medic continued asking Hidden questions. "Sir, what about your body is hurting?" He asked.

@StoneyJr, @MrLlama, @SirBlazeALot, @Zareh, @StoneWolf18
When Arona got flicked on the nose, all she could say was "Ow" She looked at her with a confused expression after reading the note "What? But me and my older sister use to do all of those things together all the time back in Mari Usque! She was always so funny with things!" she said while smiling brightly in a hyperactive voice but then she begins to tease her back "At least I wasn't the one who spoiled all the "goods" to the man who has a crush on you...why don't you guys do something really "special" on Mate day tommorow...fufufu " she said jokingly as her eyes hover towards where Horatio and Fero are standing and she begins to run towards them "Since you don't believe me, I'll go ask him myself" she said while sticking her tongue out at Inutsuki playfully.

Horatio looks over to see that Malin has began to leave and the King appears to be sick, he did not know what to do but it's best that they head back home.
"We should head back, it's getting late." he said to Fero and waved to the two girls to come back. He then looks at Charon who was still standing there while looking at the scene, Horatio begins to send a binary message to Charon on the subject of apologizing to him "01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01110011 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101000 01110101 01110010 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101" he messaged and begins to head back. However Arona immediately runs up next to him and begins to ask "Heyyyy Horatio....I gotta question to assskkkk you..." she said with a mischievous smile.

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo
@LeSoraAmari @Verdas
< @TheHappyPikachu @Zareh >

Fero simply nods sadly to Horatio. "Yes... we probably should head back..." He says, watching Arona run up to them, blush still coming on. But when she begins to speak to Horatio, he says sadly: "I'm going to go back. We'll probably need a second dinner after all this." And, unless someone stops him, he returns to Arona 's house to make some quick, cold cut sandwiches.
Zareh said:
When Arona got flicked on the nose, all she could say was "Ow" She looked at her with a confused expression after reading the note "What? But me and my older sister use to do all of those things together all the time back in Mari Usque! She was always so funny with things!" she said while smiling brightly in a hyperactive voice but then she begins to tease her back "At least I wasn't the one who spoiled all the "goods" to the man who has a crush on you...why don't you guys do something really "special" on Mate day tommorow...fufufu " she said jokingly as her eyes hover towards where Horatio and Fero are standing and she begins to run towards them "Since you don't believe me, I'll go ask him myself" she said while sticking her tongue out at Inutsuki playfully.
Horatio looks over to see that Malin has began to leave and the King appears to be sick, he did not know what to do but it's best that they head back home.
"We should head back, it's getting late." he said to Fero and waved to the two girls to come back. He then looks at Charon who was still standing there while looking at the scene, Horatio begins to send a binary message to Charon on the subject of apologizing to him "01001001 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01110011 01101111 01110010 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101111 01110101 01110100 00100000 01101000 01110101 01110010 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101" he messaged and begins to head back. However Arona immediately runs up next to him and begins to ask "Heyyyy Horatio....I gotta question to assskkkk you..." she said with a mischievous smile.

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo
@LeSoraAmari @Verdas
Inutsuki stares blankly at her before hearing the rest 'I-I! he's not a kemonomini!? s-so! I! you were the one!?~' she wrote, blushing at the next part 'I-I'm already pregnant you know!?' she wrote embarrassed before hearing the next part and freezing, running after her and tripping over her own feet, she got up slowly and rubbed her now red face from the fall, moving her mouth in the 'ouch!' movement glaring at Arona, by the time she got up Arona was already beginning to speak, she quickly went after her and before she could stop herself had said "Be quiet!" at a distance away where only Arona would hear.... so thankfully not affecting everyone in the throne room but she almost doubled over from the pain, tears in her eyes as she came over slowly, the chains once again cracking 'S-Sorry... I-...' she began to write... realising Arona may not be able to speak se blushed 'I-I'll fix it as soon as the pain goes away! I promise!' she then held up quickly and bowing, wincing again.

Charon simply observed the scene now that the danger had disappeared. It was such a shame that he didn't get to finish off the machine in time before the king came. If he did, he would have better, working, and more usable parts to adjust, and possibly to repair himself. The machine seemed to be on friendly terms with the Kemonomimi, which took him by surprise, and even seemed to feel the more human kind of emotions, something that he lost after the apocalypse began.

Despite how he lost the opportunity to obtain parts of another functional machine without getting into trouble or provoking anyone, he decided that the machine being unharmed could also work to his advantage. The other sentient machine may have useful information. He began follow the group, mainly being interested in the machine, which was the only reason he came into the throne room this early, as well as the only reason he was now following them. The Kemonomimi themselves interested him little, as they did not have the technology and knowledge to be able to heal him. The powers that the King and the boy named Malin used, however, interested him. The King annoyed him, so he thought it would be better to ask Giss, but Giss too was unavailable as he had not seen him the entire day, nor did he know where to find the rat. @The Mythic Dragon
Mao was just sitting the back of the group. She had no clue on what the hell was going on. All of these strangers seemed to be friends, and there was no more current danger at the scene. "I'll be heading out. It was nice to meet you." She said before turning around and walking off, wanting to report back to the guard and the royalty.
The medic asked him what hurt and Hidden replied through clenched teeth "I'm fine...just a little headache is all..." He attempted to use his aura but that just made it worse, letting out a groan, the medic grasped the Kings arm to try and steady him, it looked quite odd considering Hidden's height. "Come your majesty, let's get you inside." The medic ushered him inside. The Griffin let himself be lead through the halls and into his eleborate bedroom. Dressing into his night gown, he climbed under the sheets. The medic just told him to try and get some rest and that he'll check on him in yh morn. Nodding and wishing him a good night, the king fell into a shallow sleep.
A Komodo Dragon Kemonomimi (just chose random for this one) ran to the palace at great speeds, clearly tired from all the running, though he didn't stop to rest and would not do so until he found any other guardians, or the King himself if he's lucky. He was injured with a large, bleeding cut, implying that he had just been in a fight. It hasn't been too long since a group of Aura Guardians were dispatched to deal with the Red Swarm King, so it was most likely still lingering about, finishing off every still-living guardian there was to bring them back to it's Nest.

The Komodo Dragon Kemonomimi soon arrived at the palace, heading straight for the throne room. The idea of the Red Swarm King still being there bothered the kemonomimi so much, that he didn't pay too much mind to the two machines that he spotted as he entered, though they did leave by the time he had arrived through the already open doors. The King, Hidden, and several others were there. The amount of destruction and damage within the room surprised him, but there was always time to ask about that later. "Your highness! There is a Red Swarm King near the city. Many of the guardians have been slain and only a few remaining, including me. We need more Guardians."

Leon stood in the meadow, now silent. He was building up as much aura as he could so that he would be able to successfully carry both royals at a speed that would ensure their arrival pronto. Extending his wings to their fullest, he turned to both Mary and Caius, smiling he spoke. "I'd hold on tightly, I do fly very quickly. If their is an opening directly into the palace we'll enter through there. But if not then I'll just have to fly us to the gates of the palace. Instead. So. Let's see what's been going on.". With that, in a flash he grabbed both of the royals and gripped onto them tightly, his arms round them both so that they wouldn't fall. Whilst in the air, he muttered the word "Accelerate" and took off at an incredible speed.

They got back to the kingdom quite quickly and Leon entered the palace through the hole in the palace roof. Letting go of Caius and Mary, he tucked in his wings and began to look around.

Seeing the people inside he chuckled slightly and said, "I apologise for the rather... Sudden, appearance." He then turned to Mary and Caius as he said, "Are you two alright?" He smiled, he hoped that the journey didn't make them feel sick or something.

@Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7 @Anyone else located at the palace
Arona is quiet.....too quiet. Like someone slapped duct tape on her mouth which prevented her from speaking, everything was still working but she seemed deathly quiet.

"What is the question?" he asked but Arona just signaled him to go back to the house. He simply nodded and went ahead to find Fero as well. Arona walked up to Inutsuki and helped her up onto her feet and starst ruffling her on the head, she then took the notebook and begins writing down her own words as she showed the page, her expression shifts to adorable puppy dog eyes and pouting.

'I'm sorry! I didn't realize about your feelings as well! Please forgive me! You don't have to be sorry! It's my fault!' she wrote in regret but then she starts to write down again 'Hey! I realize this isn't bad! We are like notebook sisters now! But I would like my voice back please!' she wrote next to a smiley face expression.


Horatio arrived to Arona's house, it seemed that the dead bodies and the damages have been repaired including the door, he went inside the house to see Fero making sandwiches. He takes one and slots it into his energy hole.
"Fero....I don't understand girls sometimes, why do they act in such a weird manner?" he asked calmly wondering why everything has been happening so quickly today.

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo
@LeSoraAmari @Verdas
As Mao made it back to the meadow, she saw that the guard had already flown the royals away, and that she had walked all that way for nothing. Letting out a sigh of frustration, she decided that it would be nice to just go home and stay in bed the rest of the day. Besides, she had nothing else to do anyways. Quickly stretching, Mao began her walk back home. They should've told me they had left! I was sure that they would've seen me when they were flying! She was a little flustered about the situation, but it wasn't that big of a deal. Making it back home she kicked off her shoes and went upstairs, wanting to relax the rest of the day.
< @Zareh >

"I... don't know, Horatio." Fero says sadly. "I don't think we are meant to know, anyway." He tries to smile, but fails. Something was quite obviously bothering him, but it was as if he didn't want to bother his friend anymore. But he still did what he said he would, slicing the meats and bread.
Mary had a big grin on her face when Leon took both her and Caius back to the castle at extremely fast flying speed, since she always wanted to ask Leon to do this.

She was hugging Leon during the whole flight, and she had quickly whispered
"I will miss the secret special meadow too, and please don't invite Caius to come with us." in one of Leon's ears, since she doesn't want Caius to come with them, because Mary won't be acting like her normal self if he is there, since she would be trying to get Caius to leave, because this is only meant for them, since she wants to be with Leon whenever it's possible, because he is extremely busy when he is doing his guardian duties.

"I'm alright, Leon, and please do that again next time."
said Mary, since she is already use to flying around, since she is a dragon, plus she always wanted to know what is it feels like to fly that fast, because she already knows about Leon's aura, but he never use it, since he doesn't know what she would end up reacting towards doing that.

She then looked at Caius, since he was probably going to feel sick from flying that fast, since he is a snake after all.

'At least Caius gets a mini punishment, since he needs to learn not to ruin someone's secret, because it maybe important to them.' thought Mary.

She waited for Caius to leave, since she wanted to talk to Leon before he leaves, since he doesn't know that mate day is tomorrow.

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart
Zareh said:
Arona is quiet.....too quiet. Like someone slapped duct tape on her mouth which prevented her from speaking, everything was still working but she seemed deathly quiet.
"What is the question?" he asked but Arona just signaled him to go back to the house. He simply nodded and went ahead to find Fero as well. Arona walked up to Inutsuki and helped her up onto her feet and starst ruffling her on the head, she then took the notebook and begins writing down her own words as she showed the page, her expression shifts to adorable puppy dog eyes and pouting.

'I'm sorry! I didn't realize about your feelings as well! Please forgive me! You don't have to be sorry! It's my fault!' she wrote in regret but then she starts to write down again 'Hey! I realize this isn't bad! We are like notebook sisters now! But I would like my voice back please!' she wrote next to a smiley face expression.


Horatio arrived to Arona's house, it seemed that the dead bodies and the damages have been repaired including the door, he went inside the house to see Fero making sandwiches. He takes one and slots it into his energy hole.
"Fero....I don't understand girls sometimes, why do they act in such a weird manner?" he asked calmly wondering why everything has been happening so quickly today.

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo
@LeSoraAmari @Verdas

Inutsuki giggled weakly 'Y-Yeah... I guess.' she wrote slowly, holding it up 'j-just a minuet... it still hurts.. a little...' she winced dropping the pen once before showing Arona and trying to give her a smile, intentionally talking was hard... it was as if she volunteered to jump off the side of a cliff... she giggled slightly at the thought she just had before coming back to the situation.

She took a deep breath before almost muttering
"Voice" she'd been trained, while held captive and figured out which words did what for the most part... she smiled at her friend for a moment before suddenly falling to the ground again from the pain, clenching Arona's clothes tightly as her hand had been on her friends shoulder, the other hand on her stomach as if protecting the baby.

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Arona and Inutsuki walked home together and saw Fero and Horatio sitting down eating the sandwiches, she sighs from the craziness of the day and begins to lay back on the sofa and nibbles on a sandwich.

"Today was a really really crazy day huh?" she said with a relieved and tired voice as she begins to stretch her arms.

@The Mythic Dragon @TheHappyPikachu
Zareh said:
Arona and Inutsuki walked home together and saw Fero and Horatio sitting down eating the sandwiches, she sighs from the craziness of the day and begins to lay back on the sofa and nibbles on a sandwich.
"Today was a really really crazy day huh?" she said with a relieved and tired voice as she begins to stretch her arms.

@The Mythic Dragon @TheHappyPikachu
Inutsuki nods, not grabbing a sandwich but flopping on the couch 'never have kids.' she wrote as her stomach growled 'There are no words to describe what I want eat right now whilst I also feel that if anything even touched my lips I would loose my lunch...' she held it up before sighing, poking her stomach one and thinking 'I blame you.' aimlessly, glaring at it.

@Zareh @The Mythic Dragon
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