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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Zareh said:
Arona eyes started to lit up as she saw Inutsuki remember everything "INUTSUKI YOU'RE BACK!" she cried happily as she hugged Inutsuki harder as she realized that her friend has returned. She notices that her wrists starts to bleed. "Oh no! Are you ok?!" she asks concerning. She notices that Fero has gotten some cloths to soak the blood, she helps her out and does her best to keep the blood from running "It's ok Inutsuki! I'm just glad that you are back!" she looks at Fero and Inutsuki and smiles "Everything is now back to....." she stopped and realized that Horatio has not come back since the past hour. "Horatio...he hasn't come back.....I wonder...will he be ok?..." she thought as her worried expression carried over her face.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki just blushed whilst sitting there, her wrists had stopped bleeding now and she took her hands out, placing them on her stomach gently and feeling the baby move again, blushing even brighter before releasing how long it was taking for Horatio to come back 'I wonder... is he ok?..' she thought, biting her lip out of concern.

@The Mythic Dragon

Malin watched as his brother jumped over the balcony. He followed suit, except instead of using his wingsm he manipulated the air around him, using his aura, to land safely. Malin stood in front of the two robots, and turned towards the one who ordered to speak to the guy in charge.

He stood in front of Hidden and spoke. "So whats to keep me from killing you where you stand?" Malin asked, the air in the room beginning to blow, shaking the flag of Gaia and various curtains. "Because I have a very good reason why I should." Malin said with a tough look.


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Horatio looked at the man who threaten to kill him, his left arm cannon still active as he pointed straight at Malin's face. "To be honest, you can never kill a machine even if you tried, we were never alive to begin with" he looks at the man with a cold intimidating stare "I guess you must be the man in charge around here, tell me something...why do you keep hunting my friend Inutsuki?...I want an answer now unless..." his left arm cannon begins charging more power "You want a large dose of plasma charges running through your systems" he says calmly.

@Leone @Verdas @StoneWolf18 @Blackrose7
'I'm deeply flattered that you think I could be the man in charge, but I'm not a man... and I'm not in charge." Malin giggled as the plasma cannon was aimed at him, "Nice toy." The boy said, obvioisly unphased by the cannon. "I don't have to kill you... dissasembling you will be way easier." Malin said. "Now... I suggest you surrender now, or I will have to make my threat your reality." There was a glint of red in his eyes as he said this.

Horatio looked at Malin with an emotionless face while he was staring at him and kept talking, his real intention was to secretly get a full body scan of him while keeping the conversation going.

*On Horatio HUD*












He looks at him, he appears to look confident in his abilities to take down a machine but he understand that he does not fully comprehend the situation.
"I guess you are absolutely right...you aren't a man nor are you in charge because you're nothing more than a little boy who thinks he can do a man's job...you might want to leave this place and let the real men do their jobs" Horatio said mockingly, hinting that he should back down and let Hidden and the guards do the negotiations and combat.

@The Mythic Dragon

@LeSoraAmari @OceanBunny
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Alexander simply watched Little-B, or Dolerus as he now had a real name to call her, as she fluttered with anger over his words. It was actually quite amusing. He loved the few seconds of shock on her face when he had first spoke. The other man had turned to face him and his eyes seemed to be going all over the place. His words mentioned what he guessed Alexander could be, a machine from the past. What does he mean from the past? I'm one of the latest personal models... And reawakening? I was only asleep for a little. Master was with me. The memory of his master 'asleep' in his arms replayed.

His eyes followed the man as he went up to the gate and managed to get the guards to open up for their passage. The man spoke more, Requesting him to talk about himself, and humanity for info about Kemonomimi. The more the man spoke the more puzzled Alexander became. He spoke as though humans were some long lost civilization that had never been seen for thousands of years. At least there was a name for these weird people. They must be some far off tribal-like community, at least in terms of being so far from advanced like everywhere else. Alexander kept his silence and instead walked through the gates with Dolerus buzzing in their ear, quite literally, to keep moving.

@Pretzel Heart @SirBlazeALot @StoneyJr
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Leon smiled at the bunny kemonomimi with a nod as he spoke, "I see. Well, I wish you luck in whatever it is you plan on doing. Just remember, that you are always welcome to join us in the future should you want to. Just come find us." He smiled again, sending it her way. His attention then shifted to the girl who identified as Mao Springs, smiling and releasing a sigh of relief, he looked at her and said. "I'll most likely need help getting the prince and princess back to the kingdom. Although, I plan to fly them there. If it's possible, do you think you could scout ahead and see what's going on in the kingdom? I need to know if it's safe enough for me to take them both back to the palace. It would be greatly appreciated if you could do this." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Of course, you don't need to do this. I don't have the authority to tell you to do stuff. But I'd be very greatful to you." He smiled at Mao before turning back towards Mary and Caius. Looking at the princess, he smiled slightly when she gave him a warm smile. He felt bad for today being, well...ruined. But he couldn't help it. "Alright, we'll just have to do something another day." With that, he moved away from the others slightly and looked up at the sky before saying. "Okay then. So, we should probably start getting ready to make a move." He spoke with happiness in his tone amd smiled brightly at everyone present. He then continued to look up in the sky, but at the direction of the kingdom as he muttered, "I hope nobody is hurt..."

@Kayzo @OceanBunny @Blackrose7

Inutsuki sighed, there was no point in worrying.... so instead she decided to do something about it. 'H-Hey Fero? can you... lower the barricade? I wanna go check on Horatio... it's my fault he's out there fighting...' she wrote, holding it up and blushing 'I should be fine... after all... as long as they can hear me I can deal with them easily!! even if I'm carrying this person inside me!~' she finished, holding it up with one hand and poking her stomach playfully with the other.

Her smile was so innocent... but behind that child-like tone in writing? lay a confidence that could almost send chills up your spine... and not for the fact of it being an exaggeration... no. because you knew full well... it was true.

@The Mythic Dragon

< @TheHappyPikachu @Zareh >

Fero puts down his empty plate and looks seriously at Inutsuki. "No. Not by yourself, anyway. If you go, we all go." His eyes are hard, but only because he is worried "It only would take one man with a gag to render you unable to speak. And beyond that, I worry that the pain your power causes affects your child as well." He sighs "But... I am worried about Horatio myself. So. We will all go check on him, okay?" He asks, standing from the table.
Arona stands up and agrees with Fero, she grabs her bag along with a spare dagger that she uses on her expeditions and runs downstairs "I'm ready when you are! I just hope that Horatio is ok....." she says in a concerned voice but stands up confidently with her dagger in her hand. "The palace should be the first place we look since that is where most of the guardians are! If we hurry...we might be able to help him..." she says in a serious tone.

@The Mythic Dragon
Rumdarjun Feynhardt

Hearing the fox girl speak made Rune turn to catch her winking at the bee.

Weren’t they just fighting?

Admittedly, he much preferred it that the bee had turned her yelling into dark mutters, but he wondered what could have made them change their minds so quickly. The words that accompanied the fox’s wink were equally cryptic...

She loves her feisty personality?

He was so confused over whatever was going on between the two girls that it even snapped his attention, momentarily, from the machine as he led the little group into the Guild. Unsure of where any of them wanted to go, or if they would even need his assistance, he walked casually through the main hall. Since it was still relatively early there weren’t many members about, though a few dedicated souls were scattered here and there reading tattered manuscripts or sorting through this and that. Rune’s group got quite a lot of stares, being accompanied by the giant machine as they were, and the ram kemonomimi hoped that a swarm of Guild members wouldn’t distract his new finds’ attention.

Thinking of the machine, Rune had been a little disappointed that it didn’t immediately respond to him. But he knew that the machine had responsive capabilities, and perhaps just needed some time to process. He himself would certainly be disappointed to find himself in the Kingdom of Fauna after going to bed in the perfect human society.

Is friendship something you can achieve with a machine?

With the human’s technology, it might be possible. Suddenly the thought of having the machine as a friend made him feel dizzy all over again. It could tell him all sorts of human stories, they could stroll through the ruins together, go to human worshipping meetings at the Sapient Brotherhood...

With a new determination he stopped walking. They were still in the main hallway, which branched off into several other hallways and antechambers here and there. Because of the high windows matching the rise of the morning sun, just enough light filtered in to illuminate the Guild’s rich carpeting and intricately tiled floors. It was amazing how a few people following a rat had somehow banded together to create all of this. But more importantly...

“So, was there something that any of you needed? Like I said, I would be more than willing to accommodate you---” Here he trailed off, focusing on the machine, “uh, do you have something you’d like to be called?”

He really couldn't care less about the two females, but he thought he'd include them just to be polite, and hopefully get them to direct their attentions elsewhere, leaving him alone with the machine. Rune had also half hoped to find a similar buzzing around the other machines rumored to be in the Guild somewhere, but as he couldn’t see any such hubbub he was more than content to focus on the one in front of him and track down the other(s) later.

@SirBlazeALot , @MrLlama , @StoneyJr , @Anyone else inside the Guild right now

Inside the Guild
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[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [/color][/font]

Inutsuki nods slowly 'O-ok...' she writes, bushing a she held it up before standing, she didn't have anything to take with her... 'I'm happy.... that I have such amazing friends... I couldn't ask for anything more.' she thought smiling cheerfully.... this was probably the best moment in her whole life from what she could remember, them.. together. she wanted it to never end... a foolish delusion that generally only resides in the mind of children..because the harsh reality is... nothing lasts forever.

@The Mythic Dragon

Caius Amadeo Fauna

Not wanting to know what Mary's ominous words about her bag could mean, Caius left well enough alone. He was glad, however, that Mary had done what he would have expected of her, knowing how generous his sister tended to be towards the commoners. Once the bunny girl had shoes on, Caius subconsciously relaxed. The order of fashion had been restored, and all was right with the world. Mary's slide after-remark did not go unnoticed by him, but since he felt that he was already walking on eggshells with her he decided to keep his retort to himself.

All he had wanted to do this morning was try and clear the air with his siblings...and it seems as if he had just ended up making it worse. Well, it was Mary's fault for never telling him that she liked to dress up like a commoner and sneak out all the time. It's not like he would have bothered her about it had he known, and then he would have never felt the need to track her to her apparently "secret" special place.

While Leon talked about returning them to the palace, a new guard had appeared. While Caius usually didn't pay much attention to the guards (outside of Leon, Ciel, and Casper...being as they were the three most relevant to his life), he was sure that he had never seen this girl before.

And of course, Mary continued to blame
him for "attracting" these intruders.

Well, if I did have something to do with them coming here, it's only because they couldn't resist admiring my beautiful self.

After all, tomorrow was Mate Day, as the bunny kemonomimi had reminded him by mentioning that she needed to "get ready." You couldn't blame the commoners for getting their hopes up. Caius of course didn't have anyone special in his life, and he would probably be content to spend Mate Day in front of his own mirror, but sometimes he'd summon someone particularly beautiful or handsome he had spied to come spend it with him. A great honor for them, he was sure.

"If you're determined to carry us back, Leon, just make sure you don't mess up my clothes."

Caius considered himself a higher priority, seeing as Mary was wearing a disguise, anyways. She could afford to deal with the fallout of whatever happened when one moved at super speeds.


Meadow near the Spiritual Tree

Blackrose7 said:
( Mary's another hobby is making wigs, clothes, and shoes, since she is extremely bored in the castle.

She also never tells Caius about that hobby, since he is way too addicted towards fashion, and he will end up being a fashion magnet towards her.
xD )
((Wait no that's cute .... new RP goal to have him somehow find out))

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Somewhere within the lands of the Kemonomimi Kingdom, not far from the city itself, there was a great ongoing battle between the Aura Guardians and a Red Swarm King (most powerful of the red swarm. Will be explained later.) which was far too close to the city for it to be safe. It even preyed on a few people before heading off again, provoking the Aura Guardians to attack and bring it down.

Unfortunately, the only result was a bunch of wasted lives and heaps of dead bodies, some torn to pieces, while others were swollen and bloated, being of an unusual color with a large hole somewhere on their bodies. This Red Swarm King was one of the older ones, being more experienced and powerful than average, explaining why the Aura Guardians failed, despite attacking with a large number.

'We tried to swarm it, but I guess it failed.' Tabi thought as she hid on top of a tree, hidden by the leaves and branches. Her tail was being a pain with all the leaves and branches scratching it. Even now, in a dangerous situation, being one of the very few survivors of the quick fight, she was joking around. One of the Aura Guardians had already ran to the city in order to let the other Guardians know. Unfortunately for them, the other Guardians were most likely preoccupied with the machines within the throne room of the palace.

Despite being so near the city itself that one could walk there within a short amount of time, the very fact that the Red Swarm King still remained nearby made it risky and dangerous. Even if they couldn't catch up, their stingers had a far reach, great flexibility, and stretching abilities which would make it hard to escape and run outside of it's range of attack. @anyone within the kingdom
< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero nods, and goes to the ice over the door, touching it. It doesn't melt, rather it shatters into snow, which falls and piles onto the ground. "Let's go, then." He says, leading the way to the palace.
The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
Malin frowned. "How... Dare you?" He asked. "How dare you call me a litlle boy... HOW DARE YOU!!!!" Malin used his control over air to give him unbelievable speed. He launched himself in the air, and simultaniously began spinning. He began picking up speed, and this motion combined with his aura, led to the creation of a strong twister, which he launched towards Horatio. "I AM A MAN!" He yelled.


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The cold glare of the princess sent shivers Mao's spine. I guess j am not supposed to be here. She thought, her ears flattening. It was one thing to be glared at by someone, but a royal? That was shameful and embarrassing. "Don't worry princess, I'll leave right away." She said quietly, loud enough for Mary to hear. Then she turned her attention back to the other guard. "No, don't worry. I will get right on it." She said, turning around, wanting to get out of the meadow as quick as possible. Mao quickly rushed out, running as quick as she could, her bushy tail rushing behind her. Pushing through the people, she ran out of the great tree and towards the castle.
Hidden sighed as Malin ran at the "machines". "Kid you have to control your anger..." But looking to the hunks of metal, he spoke to them. "If you wish to fight, please take it outside of the kingdom. I would hate for anything to be damaged." As this was said in a calm tone, tons of guards spilled into the streets, srounding them. Charging up their aura, most of them heat and just raw energy, it was aimed at the two of them. "Don't and well..." He chuckled "I guess Giss will have something to study after all."



Lila walked aimlessly, elegantly swishing her tail from side to side. "Now what shall I do today..." She thought aloud. @AnyonePlease!
Kayzo said:
The cold glare of the princess sent shivers Mao's spine. I guess j am not supposed to be here. She thought, her ears flattening. It was one thing to be glared at by someone, but a royal? That was shameful and embarrassing. "Don't worry princess, I'll leave right away." She said quietly, loud enough for Mary to hear. Then she turned her attention back to the other guard. "No, don't worry. I will get right on it." She said, turning around, wanting to get out of the meadow as quick as possible. Mao quickly rushed out, running as quick as she could, her bushy tail rushing behind her. Pushing through the people, she ran out of the great tree and towards the castle.
As they continued to walk, Inutsuki, Distracted by the tree's that she had quite obviously forgotten about suddenly fell over as a Girl crashed into her, rubbing her back she slowly got up before extending a hand to the person who seemed to be running away, she blushed, laughing awkwardly 'Hi! ... umm, my names Inutsuki... Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going...' she wrote, holding it up in the other hand shyly and looking extremely embarrassed.

@The Mythic Dragon @Kayzo

Mao wasn't paying any attention to what was in front of her. She was so focused on getting to the castle that she didn't notice the poor soul in front of her, who she ran into. Falling back, her tail softening the blow, she landed in a sitting position. "Oof! Oh no, I'm so sorry!" She said, blushing in embarrassment and standing up. "Inutsuki? I'm so sorry."
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Mao shook her head, having an important task at hand. "I'm afraid I can't join you. I must get to the castle to make sure it is safe!" She said, flicking the dirt off of her tail. "Unless that is where you are headed, I can't come."

@The Mythic Dragon @TheHappyPikachu

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