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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Leon looked at the bunny kemonomimi and smiled at her, he then began to speak in a kind tone. "I'm sure you'd like the company. And besides, I won't take no for an answer." He chuckled deviously as his attention shifted from everyone present to the explosion he heard earlier. As Caius spoke about postponing the exploration trip, Leon nodded in agreement with the prince and said, "I agree. I wouldn't be too bothered had the explosion not come from the direction it did. If I'm correct, the explosion took place in the palace. Where though? I cannot tell. To find out I'd need to go there..". Turning to Mary now, he looked at her with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry to have gotten you so excited over nothing. But I can't ignore that explosion, as I'm sure you can't either.." Pausing for a moment, he noticed the other person present and then continued. "We need to go back". His usually happy-go-lucky demeanour had now shifted to a totally serious and protective one. As a guardian, he knew it was his duty to protect the kingdom, and if he ignored the explosion no matter how big or small it was, he'd be failing his duty.

Looking at the other person who had entered the meadow, he let out a warming smile. "Another one, who are you?" He spoke with a sigh, now this place wasn't a secret between him and Mary. Leon would have to go looking for a new place now. Leon, once again fixed on the current situation, turned to Mary and Caius as he said. "If we do plan on going back, we'll need to do so quickly. I don't know if the explosions means there is danger lurking in these parts nor do I know if it is the start of something bigger... Badder. So, in order to return quickly I'm going to use my Aura to get us there in a moments notice." He paused before continuing, "And being who you are... You two are my top priority, and right now, I have to ensure your safe return to the kingdom. So I'm going to carry you back, both of you. I'll have enough strength to do so." Now turning back to Vinera he spoke with a smile, "I apologise for this, but I'm sure you understand the situation I am in. You could always meet us at the kingdom should you want to?" Then, he glanced back to the stranger that just appeared, he could tell she was a guardian. This was a good thing. "I'm sorry to bounce this on you suddenly, but I may need your help.". The guardian was quite clearly stressed out. And this was a first.

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"It's okay, I should probably stay here." Vinera said to the nice guard. "I have to help get ready for tomorrow." She smiled at the two royals and their guards.
Mao blushed in embarrassment at her squeak, bowing her head so no one would see. "My name is Mao Springs. I'm on the guard." She said, adding that last bit to hopefully tone down any punishment that might be dealt to her for disrupting the royals. Oh, two royals? And this man has weapons, he must be on the guard too! Lifting her head up at his request, she nodded quickly. "Yes, what do you need?"

@Blackrose7 @LeSoraAmari @OceanBunny
Verdas and Zareh's Epic robot fight Collab!


*Cue Epic battle music*

The two machines stared at each other in a intimidating emotionless way,
Horatio aims his plasma arm cannon and starts firing at a constant rate. Charon charges in with his laser blades, deflecting the plasma blasts that are heading his way while also dodging quickly. Horatio stops shooting Charon and transforms his plasma arm cannon back to a regular arm, he rushes in with both his fists and punches Charon causing him fly backwards crashing against the wall. He gets up and charges in with his laser blades, trying to get a hit on him however Horatio grabs both of his hands to avoid getting cut by the laser blades. Charon uses this opportunity and kicks Horatio making him stumble and fall onto the ground. He keeps slashing Horatio with his laser blades multiple times however as soon as he tries to land another slash, Horatio grabs his arm pulls him to the ground while he got up thus turning the tide, Horatio decides to pummel Charon's head into the ground. However as Horatio is striking him, he quickly swings his arm which made Horatio jump back in order to dodge it and both his arms transform into plasma arm cannons as he aimed both of them at Charon. He managed to get up while maintaining a battle stance, realizing that this battle would not end as quickly as he thought. It was a stalemate between the two machine titans, both had strengths and weaknesses that would counter each other. Horatio and Charon decided to charge in again but then is suddenly interrupted by a group of guardians appearing at the scene.

Arona woke up to the smell of spaghetti, for some apparent reason...she felt something bad was about to happen but didn't have the energy to get out of bed...

"I wonder how I got in bed...maybe it was a dream?...I really need to see a doctor if I keep having these weird dreams...why do I smell spaghetti?" she thought.

@The Mythic Dragon
@StoneWolf18 @Blackrose7 @Pretzel Heart @Leone

Zareh said:
Verdas and Zareh's Epic robot fight Collab!

*Cue Epic battle music*

The two machines stared at each other in a intimidating emotionless way,
Horatio aims his plasma arm cannon and starts firing at a constant rate. Charon charges in with his laser blades, deflecting the plasma blasts that are heading his way while also dodging quickly. Horatio stops shooting Charon and transforms his plasma arm cannon back to a regular arm, he rushes in with both his fists and punches Charon causing him fly backwards crashing against the wall. He gets up and charges in with his laser blades, trying to get a hit on him however Horatio grabs both of his hands to avoid getting cut by the laser blades. Charon uses this opportunity and kicks Horatio making him stumble and fall onto the ground. He keeps slashing Horatio with his laser blades multiple times however as soon as he tries to land another slash, Horatio grabs his arm pulls him to the ground while he got up thus turning the tide, Horatio decides to pummel Charon's head into the ground. However as Horatio is striking him, he quickly swings his arm which made Horatio jump back in order to dodge it and both his arms transform into plasma arm cannons as he aimed both of them at Charon. He managed to get up while maintaining a battle stance, realizing that this battle would not end as quickly as he thought. It was a stalemate between the two machine titans, both had strengths and weaknesses that would counter each other. Horatio and Charon decided to charge in again but then is suddenly interrupted by a group of guardians appearing at the scene.

Arona woke up to the smell of spaghetti, for some apparent reason...she felt something bad was about to happen but didn't have the energy to get out of bed...

"I wonder how I got in bed...maybe it was a dream?...I really need to see a doctor if I keep having these weird dreams...why do I smell spaghetti?" she thought.

@The Mythic Dragon @The Mythic Dragon
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Arona looked at the scene with a bit of disbelief, looking groggy and a bit relieved...she slowly walked downstairs and immediately hugged Fero and starts crying "Fero...I-I was so worried a-about you...p-please...never do something...l-like that again...I-I w-was s-so scared that I would lose you..." she looked up to him and saw that he was completely healed head to toe "H-How were you a-able to h-heal yourself?..." she asked in a surprised and sad tone.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
Arona looked at the scene with a bit of disbelief, looking groggy and a bit relieved...she slowly walked downstairs and immediately hugged Fero and starts crying "Fero...I-I was so worried a-about you...p-please...never do something...l-like that again...I-I w-was s-so scared that I would lose you..." she looked up to him and saw that he was completely healed head to toe "H-How were you a-able to h-heal yourself?..." she asked in a surprised and sad tone.
@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki flopped down 'totally ignored...' she thought to herself, weakly laughing before hearing the next part and sighed, holding up her almost completely shattered chains, still cutting into her skin to Arona, hoping she'd understand 'me.' she wrote, holding up the paper before hugging both of them 'I'm so happy your both ok!~' she wrote after finishing the hug, smiling.

A moment later she turned to Arona
'what's it like having a mum?...' she held up, the question had been nagging her ever since she asked Fero.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Silver pondered whether or not the princess was actually going to meet him later at the warehouse..... He had bought a couple apples as he walked towards the warehouse. He walked inside and nobody was there yet except for the movement of his guild who of which are guarding the entrance and also watching it. He walked into a room where his thief clothing was and as he starts to put them on he has some feeling that she might bring others but it's just a feeling though. He pulled out two chairs setting one in the middle of the big open space and one slightly back but facing his chair. He sat down on his chair and sat with one leg on the ground and his other on top. A slight yawn escapes his mouth as his eyes stared lazily towards the entrance, he wondered that if he hadn't worn his clothes that in public she might've recognized him by his two different eye colors....... If they were to meet, he's gotta try harder to make sure his identity isn't found out....

@Blackrose7 ((Mary isn't here yet but I'm tagging Back because I'm preparing a meeting of our two characters.))
< @TheHappyPikachu @Zareh >

Fero hugs Arona back, squeezing her gently as he rubbed her head. "Sh... it's okay... Actually, Inutsuki healed me." He said, holding her close. "And I will never let anything hurt you. No matter what." He pulls his head away, and gazes into her eyes. "Arona. I owe you everything. I would have died without you. So... I belong to you."

Just say it! He thinks, even as he smiles But... it isn't Mate Day... Who cares!? You love her, damn it! Does it really matter when you tell her!? But... if I don't tell her then- If you don't tell her now you'll lose her!

Kai leans forward and kisses Arona on the forehead before releasing her. "I really care for you, Arona. Anyway, it's dinner time! I made spaghetti! Eat up!"

You're such a coward... No. I'm a romantic.
Arona imediately hugged Inutsuki after she heard that she was the one who healed Fero. "T-Thank y-you so much! I-I'm so g-glad I have friends like you, you have no idea how much this means to me.." she said to Fero and Inutsuki with a relieved smile while still hugging Inutsuki and Fero as well until she noticed Inutsuki's note "Having a mom is great! She cooks, cares, cleans for you!..but I'm living all by myself! My parents actually live in Beach town! but sometimes I miss them...and speaking about cooking." she says in a cheerful and excited tone, her face returns back to the usual cheerful and goofy look as she drools over the smell of spaghetti "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! LET'S EAT!" she says in a rushed and hyperactive voice as she grabs a plate of spaghetti and starts chowing down. "This iz so guud Furo!" she says in a cheerful tone, all of her energy returning back to her.


Horatio noticed the guardians coming in, he points one of his plasma arm cannons at Hidden and his guards to send them a warning to not come near him
"Who are you? I'm not here to play around, I demand to speak to the person in charge of this palace." he said in a calm emotionless voice. He noticed that the two men behind the guards must be in charge...possibly the royalty of this kingdom.

@The Mythic Dragon
@StoneWolf18 @Blackrose7 @Pretzel Heart @Leone
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Zareh said:
Arona imediately hugged Inutsuki after she heard that she was the one who healed Fero. "T-Thank y-you so much! I-I'm so g-glad I have friends like you, you have no idea how much this means to me.." she said to Fero and Inutsuki with a relieved smile while still hugging Inutsuki and Fero as well until she noticed Inutsuki's note "Having a mom is great! She cooks, cares, cleans for you!..but I'm living all by myself! My parents actually live in Beach town! but sometimes I miss them...and speaking about cooking." she says in a cheerful and excited tone, her face returns back to the usual cheerful and goofy look as she drools over the smell of spaghetti "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! LET'S EAT!" she says in a rushed and hyperactive voice as she grabs a plate of spaghetti and starts chowing down. "This iz so guud Furo!" she says in a cheerful tone, all of her energy returning back to her.

Horatio noticed the guardians coming in, he points one of his plasma arm cannons at Hidden and his guards to send them a warning to not come near him
"Who are you? I'm not here to play around, I demand to speak to the person in charge of this palace." he said in a calm emotionless voice. He noticed that the two men behind the guards must be in charge...possibly the royalty of this kingdom.

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero sighs, and puts down his forkful of spaghetti. "Inutsuki... my name is Fero. This is Arona. We're all friends. I just cooked us some food. You need to keep your baby fed, right? Please... remember... some things... you just don't forget..." He says sadly.
The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
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Charon's laser blades were still out as he couldn't predict what move the other machine would make next. For now it seemed as though it's attention was focuse on the guardians that had arrived at the scene of the battle. Since it was a stalemate, with both of them having weaknesses and advantages countering each other, as well as the fact that they were both in similar shape and were models built with similar goals, it was just like two kings on a chess board trying to kill eachother. He deactivated his laser blades, calmly getting out of his defensive position, but still fully alert and ready to respond.

Back then, when his creators were still alive, that is... He could beat the Endurable Model 900 with the weapons he was armed with, however, now, after all those thousands of years, he had become so weak. Truly, the machines resembled the elderly now, once having been so strong, so powerful, so capable and reliable, now... Nothing more than barely functional metal dolls that were once feared as war machines. These thoughts did little to distract from the current situation, as he was calmly analysing the situation. Within the group of Guardians, he saw Hidden, the King he had spoken to the day before. @Zareh @StoneWolf18
Arona could not believe it, Inutsuki has forgotten about everything they have been through. She slowly approached Inutsuki with a concerned look "Inutsuki? Don't you remember us? We are your friends remember?" she looked at her and her face started to show a bit of gloom from the shock of Inutsuki forgetting everything. She grabs a note from her pocket that says 'Thanks!~' from earlier when she gave Inutsuki her red button dress which she is still wearing right now "Inutsuki...this is the note you wrote to me because I gave you that nice red dress, don't you remember?" she pointed to the dress that Inutsuki is currently wearing and whispers to Fero "What happened to Inutsuki? Did she...completely forget?...." she asked in concern.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
Arona could not believe it, Inutsuki has forgotten about everything they have been through. She slowly approached Inutsuki with a concerned look "Inutsuki? Don't you remember us? We are your friends remember?" she looked at her and her face started to show a bit of gloom from the shock of Inutsuki forgetting everything. She grabs a note from her pocket that says 'Thanks!~' from earlier when she gave Inutsuki her red button dress which she is still wearing right now "Inutsuki...this is the note you wrote to me because I gave you that nice red dress, don't you remember?" she pointed to the dress that Inutsuki is currently wearing and whispers to Fero "What happened to Inutsuki? Did she...completely forget?...." she asked in concern.
@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki backs away from the girl after grabbing the note... it was her handwriting.. that was for sure but!-.. she couldn't remember!? she couldn't remember any of it! she shook her head frantically, rubbing it as she looked up and tried to remember... she really tried, tears started forming in her eyes, they fell to the ground and she stared at them blankly 'wh-why am I crying?...' she thought to herself 'am I sad?... I don't think so...' she continued, more falling down her cheeks 'then why?...' she asked herself in her mind.

'I-I don't know who you are but-... I think.. your important to me...' she wrote, holding it up 'O-Otherwise... why would my heart hurt so much from just not remembering... from looking at you...' she finished,falling to her knees with firmly closed eyes, desperately rubbing the in an attempt to stop tears from flowing.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Arona imediately went up to her and hugged her, she did not know what words to say since Inutsuki did not remember anything but she kept close to her and patted on her head to give her comfot. She didn't know what to do, will this always happen to her where she will keep forgetting things? She wondered while holding on to Inutsuki tightly.

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero looked on sadly, himself unsure that to do. "I... don't know. She didn't forget about her child, like she was afraid of... so I hope we're still in there... somewhere..." Suddenly, he gets up and kneels over near her, hands together. "Inutsuki... please... remember us..." Hs says, unfolding his hand to reval a picture-perfect sculputre of the three of them and Horatio, holding hands and smiling. "Please... don't you remember the cake we shared? Horatio? Do you remember the song you sang? The one that kept me from dying?"
Zareh said:
Arona imediately went up to her and hugged her, she did not know what words to say since Inutsuki did not remember anything but she kept close to her and patted on her head to give her comfot. She didn't know what to do, will this always happen to her where she will keep forgetting things? She wondered while holding on to Inutsuki tightly.
@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki accepted the hug and slowly her eyes regained some colour, as Fero came over she stared at the statue 'Hora...tio?...who... WHO ARE THEY!?' she yelled in her mind as he kept talking her heart began to hurt more and more 'why?...' she thought weakly before making a decision.

'if they're really that important to me then!-' she cut off the thought and instead started to move her mouth moved in a small pattern, it hurt but she had to say it... she had to... "remember." the words echoed around the room and Inutsuki fell to the floor in pain, the chains digging into her skin to the point where her wrists were dripping with blood.

As she looked up she smiled weakly at Arona
'that's right... your.. my friend...' she thought, hugging her, the blood dripping onto her friends clothes so she quickly pulled her hands away 'I-I'm sorry!' she wrote, bowing to them.

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero smiled lightly when Inutsuki remembered them, quickly standing to get some cloths and put them over her chains to soak up the blood and used his Aura to dull the pain. "There's no need to be sorry, Inutsuki. We're friends. We'll always be there for each other." He says, smiling as he works on her wounds.
The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:

Mary's sad song



Mary just glared at Mao, since she wasn't supposed to be here. "Thanks a lot, Caius, since this meadow isn't a secret nor special anymore." murmured Mary, since she wasn't happy that her special secret spot was ruin, thanks to Caius following her.

"I wanted to go back to the castle anyway, Leon, since Caius just keep attracting more unwanted guests here." said Mary, since she is extremely sad that both her and Leon can't visit this beautiful meadow anymore.

'I am seriously going to talk to Caius when we get back to the castle, and find out where that explosion came from.' thought Mary, since Caius really needs to know about that meadow being extremely important to both her and Leon, because they first met each other there.

As Leon then apologized to Mary for making her excited over nothing, so she gave him a warm smile.
"I can always wait until next time, Leon." said Mary, since she can't become angry when he is talking to her, because Leon understands her feelings the best.

She then took out a long coat with a hoodie from her bag and put it on, since she doesn't want her people to end up seeing her with her disguise still on, because they will automatically know that she is a princess if she doesn't do this.

"I want Leon to carry me back to the castle, since I still want to have some time to be with him, even though it wouldn't last very long." said Mary, since she wants to hug Leon while he is flying her back to the castle, because they can have a few minutes to talk to each other, plus being with Leon calms her down.

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Arona eyes started to lit up as she saw Inutsuki remember everything "INUTSUKI YOU'RE BACK!" she cried happily as she hugged Inutsuki harder as she realized that her friend has returned. She notices that her wrists starts to bleed. "Oh no! Are you ok?!" she asks concerning. She notices that Fero has gotten some cloths to soak the blood, she helps her out and does her best to keep the blood from running "It's ok Inutsuki! I'm just glad that you are back!" she looks at Fero and Inutsuki and smiles "Everything is now back to....." she stopped and realized that Horatio has not come back since the past hour. "Horatio...he hasn't come back.....I wonder...will he be ok?..." she thought as her worried expression carried over her face.

@The Mythic Dragon
Raktos moved throughout the ruins. His mind open, sensing for the blood of other beings, but he couldn't sense any at his max range and eventually dropped the sense and just hoped to see anyone along the paths. He admired the humans' creations, but felt terrified by the scope of them. They were large and spacious, it was almost wasteful to Raktos. Why do you need such large structures if you're no bigger than I am? Raktos based the assumption off of his encounter with Ei. His time in the world of the humans was growing more and more strenuous without conversation. "Hello?" His voice rang out into the night. "Is there anybody out here?" Unknown to Raktos, he was in the Sapient Brotherhood's territory and through the entirety of his journey he felt like he was being watched and recorded as if he was a test subject.

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