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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

"I'm sorry princess, I really didn't mean to intrude." Vinera said, dropping into a low curtsy. She started to back away even as the desire to create a large commotion bloomed inside her. Biting her lip and looking down so they wouldn't notice the mischief sparking in her eyes. A light blush crept over her cheeks as she realized she was standing in front of royalty barefoot with her legs bare to the knee.

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7
As Arona and Inutsuki retreated back into the house, Horatio looked at the dead bodies and the guardians who are about to strike. Two guardians first charged at him using their swords to swing at him, they managed to strike them but in the process broke their swords from the clashing of steel against coltan-titanium. He punched them both using both fists and launched them backwards. Another guardian tries to stab him in the spear behind but it only tinted the metal a bit, Horatio countered with an elbow behind thrust which made the guardian clutch in pain. The commander saw this and began to call a retreat from fear of this metallic being.

As soon as they left, Horatio stood there silently while he stared at the pile of dead guardians. He went back into the house to check for any collateral damage...the outside was a mess but the inside didn't seem damaged at all...excluding the front door. He went upstairs to see Inutsuki, Arona and Fero clutching onto his shortsword in a defensive position.
"You're awake...is everyone alright?" he asked. "Everyone is alright..for now I suppose...what are we going to do? They already found her...and the dead bodies..." she said while clutching her head from the mental pain. Horatio looked at everyone as he tried to come up with an idea to resolve all of this. He grabbed his satchel and begins to head out "Fero...take care of the girls and see what you can do about the dead bodies...I'm going to pay the palace a little visit..." he said "Wait Horatio! Let me come with you!" Arona pleaded. He looked at her and squat down "No...you need to stay here, it will be too dangerous for you." "I've handled many dangerous missions before! Including getting your old body!" "Listen...I understand that you want to help but I won't risk it that you getting hurt and possibly killed." he said "I'm going to talk to the Royalty to handle this by any means necessary..by persuasion...or force....Inutsuki doesn't deserve this pain and I'm going to end her suffering once and for all..." he looks at Inutsuki and waves off as he descended down the stairs. Arona followed behind and says "But you could die out there! you don't have to do this! We'll find another way!" she said with tears coming down her cheeks.

"Arona....just remember this....machines can't die....we were never alive to begin with." he said calmly and heads out onto the streets.

"Horatio...." she said as her legs slowly fall to the ground while still crying with pain.

After a long walk to the palace....

Horatio arrived at the palace and fought his way through the guards protecting it....as he entered the throne room, he transformed his arm into plasma cannon and shot up towards the ceiling which made a huge explosion that can be heard from outside the palace, causing a lot of people to panic and run out of the palace screaming about a monster.
"I demand to speak to whoever is in charge of this place." he announced over the whole room.

*On Horatio HUD*




He looked around and wondered where the person in charge might be as he waited.

@The Mythic Dragon



@Pretzel Heart



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Fero grabbed the girls as he cursed at the situation "Damn it!" he went inside and barricaded the door with furniture and draws his short sword in a defensive position in case they come back to hurt them again. "I won't let them hurt you!" he said in an aggressive tone.
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Zareh said:
As Arona and Inutsuki retreated back into the house, Horatio looked at the dead bodies and the guardians who are about to strike. Two guardians first charged at him using their swords to swing at him, they managed to strike them but in the process broke their swords from the clashing of steel against coltan-titanium. He punched them both using both fists and launched them backwards. Another guardian tries to stab him in the spear behind but it only tinted the metal a bit, Horatio countered with an elbow behind thrust which made the guardian clutch in pain. The commander saw this and began to call a retreat from fear of this metallic being.
As soon as they left, Horatio stood there silently while he stared at the pile of dead guardians. He went back into the house to check for any collateral damage...the outside was a mess but the inside didn't seem damaged at all...excluding the front door. He went upstairs to see Inutsuki, Arona and Fero clutching onto his shortsword in a defensive position.
"You're awake...is everyone alright?" he asked. "Everyone is alright..for now I suppose...what are we going to do? They already found her...and the dead bodies..." she said while clutching her head from the mental pain. Horatio looked at everyone as he tried to come up with an idea to resolve all of this. He grabbed his satchel and begins to head out "Fero...take care of the girls and see what you can do about the dead bodies...I'm going to pay the palace a little visit..." he said "Wait Horatio! Let me come with you!" Arona pleaded. He looked at her and squat down "No...you need to stay here, it will be too dangerous for you." "I've handled many dangerous missions before! Including getting your old body!" "Listen...I understand that you want to help but I won't risk it that you getting hurt and possibly killed." he said "I'm going to talk to the Royalty to handle this by any means necessary..by persuasion...or force....Inutsuki doesn't deserve this pain and I'm going to end her suffering once and for all..." he looks at Inutsuki and waves off as he descended down the stairs. Arona followed behind and says "But you could die out there! you don't have to do this! We'll find another way!" she said with tears coming down her cheeks.

"Arona....just remember this....machines can't die....we were never alive to begin with." he said calmly and heads out onto the streets.

"Horatio...." she said as her legs slowly fall to the ground while still crying with pain.

After a long walk to the palace....

Horatio arrived at the palace and fought his way through the guards protecting it....as he entered the throne room, he transformed his arm into plasma cannon and shot up towards the ceiling which made a huge explosion that can be heard from outside the palace, causing a lot of people to panic and run out of the palace screaming about a monster.
"I demand to speak to whoever is in charge of this place." he announced over the whole room.

*On Horatio HUD*




He looked around and wondered where the person in charge might be as he waited.

@The Mythic Dragon



@Pretzel Heart



Inutsuki walked over to Arona, placing a hand on her shoulder reassuringly, holding up a note '...He'll be fine!...' it read, a smiley face drawn at the end 'This is-... all my fault... all of it... if only I wasn't so selfish! I should've just gone with them!? now Arona's sad... and Horatio's in danger... and!-... no, stop it. your not allowed to cry! please... inutsuki... stay strong.' she pleaded to herself in her head, fighting back tears with all her strength, causing her hand to tremble.

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Larentia Shikari

Larentia's smile switched from that of slyness, to one of a more genuine nature now.

"Awh thanks Little-B!" She giggled, slipping the rest of her seeds into her pocket with the confidence that she'd defused the situation, "Let's get goin' the-"

That's when a young man walked up to the trio.

"If it's Guild access you need, then you're in luck. I was just on my way inside myself."

Larentia wasn't quite sure what to make of the newcomer, he looked almost as cute as the bee girl, but much, much more innocent.

She looked over at the bee girl with a raised eyebrow, then back over at the boy, quite unsure of what to say next. She didn't much care who opened the gates, as long as they did so relatively soon. With that thought in mind, her foot started tapping slightly without her noticing as she kept looking between the two younger Kemonomimi.

@MrLlama @SirBlazeALot @Pretzel Heart
Doll Agia

The tiny girl's eye twitched at the use of the word "little" yet again. "I'm pretty sure I told you not to call me LITTLE!!" she shouted angrily at the fox, breathing heavily and causing her face to glow red with both wrath and embarrassment. It was kind of funny because she looked and sounded an awful lot like a child throwing a temper tantrum as she raged at the girl. She calmed immediately as the guild member approached.

"Finally one of you weirdos shows up! Thank Gaia. You!" she pointed at the horned member in a confrontational manner, as if she were about to challenge him to a dual, or perhaps a dance battle. "Have you guys figured out what the hell these things are!?" her finger swung from the ram and to the robot. Before he could even answer, it would appear that the bee was already on the case. "I demand to know everything you people know!"

@Pretzel Heart @StoneyJr @MrLlama
Arona sat there wondering why this would happen to her...after everything, what could she possible done wrong to deserve something like this. She sat quietly in the room without saying a word and hoping that Horatio would be alright as she took a simple cup of tea and Fero stood guard at the door to make sure no one nothing would get pass him. She started crying softly while putting both her hands on her face.

@The Mythic Dragon
Charon froze in his place, listening intently to the robotic voice that he heard. It was the voice of another machine, he was certain of it. He had not really gotten far into the palace, but he was still fairly close to the throne room. He ran over to the location of the explosion, his body once again protesting with groans and creaking.

The entrance to the throne room was open and there was a figure inside. The ceiling was greatly damaged and destroyed by the explosion, most likely caused by the machine. It looked familiar, resembling something that he may have fought before; an endurance model 900. "You." Charon called out, the two laser blades in his arms coming out as he prepared for a fight. The machine did not seem very friendly. "Are you a machine?" @Zareh (brb)
Zareh said:
Arona sat there wondering why this would happen to her...after everything, what could she possible done wrong to deserve something like this. She sat quietly in the room without saying a word and hoping that Horatio would be alright as she took a simple cup of tea and Fero stood guard at the door to make sure no one nothing would get pass him. She started crying softly while putting both her hands on her face.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki sighed, taking her hand off Arona 'Hell the irony of how much I wanna say something comforting right now...' she sighed, face-palming for a moment before resting hand on her stomach 'I apologise in advance for the fact of your mum being an idiot... please forgive me...' she thought blankly with a sigh, her ears listening for any attacks but heard nothing.

@The Mythic Dragon

@Zareh @TheHappyPikachu

Fero, ears up and tail erect and still, doesn't take his eyes off the door for a moment. But he hears Arona crying, and he cannot just let her be sad.

"Arona... Please don't cry. It doesn't suit you. You're always so cheerful and nice... Please don't lose that."
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Kayzo said:
Megumi listened to the words of her leader, taking in the exciting news. If that artifact holds as much power as Zenario says, we could be immortal, just like the humans before us! And best part of all, I might be sent to get it! She thought exited lay, her tail resuming swinging back and forth. As Zenario finished his speech, Megumi cheered for him, his words filling her with hope and encouragement.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.7894364c71840228520f4b99911c25df.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79268" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.7894364c71840228520f4b99911c25df.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Technology from the humans has actually been found? Lyre thought with astonishment as he listened to his leader speak. He had to admit, although he had believed in humans for as long as he could remember, he hadn't been quite as sure in the so called 'technology' they possessed. Of course it fascinated him; the concept of it. But it had never truly occurred to him that such a thing could truly exist. And that the Guild had it... well what were they going to do with such a thing? He had always thought of the guild in a... well respectful light was pushing it because though they knew of humans and believed in them, they didn't give them the proper love and devotion humans deserved. Still, he had never thought badly of the Guild truly but that opinion was beginning to change at the thought that perhaps they were withholding information. If they had found human technology; this amazing artifact their leader spoke of... well surely they would come to see that the Sapient Brotherhood had been right all along, right?

Lyre stood quietly in the crowd, clapping quietly for his thoughts were too busy rushing through this information to allow any real enthusiasm to show on the outside. He wondered what his mother would think of this... she had not been feeling well the night previous, and had gotten worse that day and so had been unable to make it to the meeting. Which is why Lyre was here... he had come to a few but his mother was the true devotee. But she had needed to know what she had missed... Lyre was sure she would find the information fascinating. He continued to observe those around him in wonder, small smile of wonder adorning his features so he didn't seem completely out of place.

@Kayzo @kaito9049 @Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers @SirBlazeALot (just putting this here so people know my character is at this meeting as well :) Not tagging because he attempted to interact with anyone)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.8e76fdd1e802bf6890b4475b6d3d82ae.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79270" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.8e76fdd1e802bf6890b4475b6d3d82ae.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Neha's tail flicked irritably as she again failed to find Giss. What could the rat be up to to be so difficult to find? Perhaps he had gone on a secret mission of his own. Well she didn't find that fair in the slightest and was wondering about setting up her own expedition. She had heard of some older ruins... or at least heard rumors of them... that was far off the beaten path in some of the more dangerous areas of their world. But then Giss would most likely be of the mind of sending a small group and not her alone. She sighed as she thought of this, knowing it to be the truth. And even still, he might know if the rumors are true or not.

"I suppose it would be best to wait to find out... and in the mean time I can continue to make copies of the more important manuscripts." She said; hopefully if anyone needed to get a hold of her they'd know to look in her room. She decided she'd continue coming out periodically to make sure she didn't miss out on a wonderful adventure; in case such a thing was in fact in the making.



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Karcen said:
" Noted but do you want the chicken if it is cooked, if not it is bad to kill what could have been returned to its group and continued to produce. " EI said only seemingly annoyed that the death might go to waste.
" On to science, it is a method for understanding the natural world, and explaining how and why things in nature work the way they do then applying that to what we wanted. For example what you see as magic " She said holding her palm out and activating a hologram emitter which displayed scrolling equations and laws " I know as science and I can explain it and why it works other than it is magic" She said closing her hand " your staff works on the exchange of energy like the lightning of a storm and what makes up your armor exchanging the two on demand I can do similar things " she explained opening her hand and producing a small dagger
"Ok, so science is something that's interesting enough to say the least." Adapting was one of Raktos's specialties so it didnt take hime but a simple explanation to really understand this "science" thing. "And i do plan on eating it, but first..." He raises his hand and spread his fingers, his eyes shimmered crimson as the blood left the chicken's body andturned into a sphere much like the one in his staff. He changed it into a blade that switly took aprat the chicken into pieces and removed the feathers. He then began to enjoy each part of the chicken in turn, leaving the giblets and other internal organs off to the side, he didnt exactly enjoy the taste. "There we go. Its been a long time since ive eaten anything but fish." The blood from the chicken was once again an orb floting around Raktos's head.
Arona stopped crying for a moment but couldn't think of anything positive to cheer her up, today has been nothing more than a wild run of bad events...she didn't know how this could get any worse.

"I-I...just don't k-know what to do....Horatio's could be danger....I-Inutsuki is being hunted.....and you....your aura...it's been unstable...a-and there's nothing I can do..." she says as her head looks down to the ground with a sad and worried expression.


Horatio looked at the man who called out to him, he appeared human however....his body appears to half cybernetic as well, showing parts of a dark metal endoskeleton. He simply looks at him and starts to take a scan of his body.









"I'm looking for the person who is in charge of this place and I don't need to explain anything to you."
he said calmly and aimed his plasma cannon straight at Charon. Still he looked at him and wondered...are there others like me that are out there? He wondered as he is preparing to attack.

Horatio aims and begins firing at Charon using his plasma arm cannon.

@The Mythic Dragon



@Pretzel Heart



*Battle commences*

When the other person revealed herself, he gasped slightly and quickly sheathed his sword. Going over to the female kemonomini he smiled at her. "I'm sorry for drawing my blade at you so hastily. You see, I had to take a precaution since I am with two members of the royal family.. But it seems that precaution was unnecessary. The names Leon, it's a pleasure to meet you." Bowing his head at the stranger as a form of respect for the woman, he smiled once more before turning back to Mary and Caius. Looking at Mary, he spoke as he said, "So Caius is coming with us? I'll have to be extra alert then." He let out a sigh as he brushed his hand through his hair. Turning back to the other girl present, he looked at her and said, "Hey, if you want, you are more than welcome to join us." Pausing for a minute, he then continued. "We'll have to head back to the palace before dark. Me being the only guardian here with two royals, it isn't exactly... Ideal." With that, he would have continued speaking had he not heard an explosion in the background. "Hm? What in Gaias name was that?" Although the explosion was quite far away, he heard it quite clearly to the falcon part of him. Confusion consumed his face. Judging by the direction of the strange exosion, it was coming from the kingdom. More specifically the palace. "Today just keeps getting more interesting by the minute..."

@Blackrose7 @Pretzel Heart @OceanBunny
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EI did want to know how it was that things that defied what had been known about reality worked, as what many of these children did was something no human could do and the best explanation was some nonsense about Gaia. Gaia was just a pseudoscience or rather a new age religious belief from the reinterpretation of ancient druidic rights during the 1950 and 60's it was not based on fact, it was not based on old religion it was something people made up when they felt they were out of tune with nature, whatever that meant as the more out of tune humans had been the better they lived which was the goal of all live.

" You do not seem to be indoctrinated into this countries, so perhaps yopu will have a better answer, the powers that many of you children display what is their source, all I can get from these villagers is that it comes from a deity whose existence is unproven, and without any form of evidence except the words of the believers ?" She asked doubting she would get a very useful answer.
Zareh said:
Arona stopped crying for a moment but couldn't think of anything positive to cheer her up, today has been nothing more than a wild run of bad events...she didn't know how this could get any worse.
"I-I...just don't k-know what to do....Horatio's could be danger....I-Inutsuki is being hunted.....and you....your aura...it's been unstable...a-and there's nothing I can do..." she says as her head looks down to the ground with a sad and worried expression.


Horatio looked at the man who called out to him, he appeared human however....his body appears to half cybernetic as well, showing parts of a dark metal endoskeleton. He simply looks at him and starts to take a scan of his body.









"I'm looking for the person who is in charge of this place and I don't need to explain anything to you."
he said calmly and aimed his plasma cannon straight at Charon. Still he looked at him and wondered...are there others like me that are out there? He wondered as he is preparing to attack.

Horatio aims and begins firing at Charon using his plasma arm cannon.

*Battle commences*

@The Mythic Dragon

@The Mythic Dragon

Charon deflected the first blast of plasma fired at him, narrowly avoiding the rest as he ran towards the hostile machine. It looked like this was going to be quite a fight. They were both models built to last, meaning both were extremely durable with high endurance and defense. Along with that, both of them had an "energy" weapon. Though the fight might last a while, he didn't consider it a waste of batteries and/or time.

Considering how the other machine had a plasma cannon, as well as some good parts, if he could somehow take the hostile machine apart after he defeats it (that is, if he can), then it would benefit him greatly. Besides, he could also let Giss examine and take a few parts of this machine to gain his trust. His body was groaning as he ran, however he was sure that the other machine had similar problems. @Zareh

Alexander continued watching the girl as she went through her various emotions over the entire situation. He wasn't sure if she really would be letting them in any time soon but, as if meant to be, another voice came out telling them they would be able to let them in. Do any of these people appear normal? He mentioned upon seeing the newcomer. 'Little-B' or so she was called by the other girl claimed him to be some sort of guild member. That obviously made him their best shot at getting in so he hoped it went smoothly. Little-B suddenly started her little 'guard-shouting' again and her finger was now pointing at Alexander. He wasn't listening for most of what she was saying but did catch "everything you people know!". He certainly had nothing to go off of for reasonings to speak to her and she definitely wouldn't be doing much harm through his armored exterior with that weapon of hers so he felt no need to respond. At least, not to her question. Instead he simply let out what he now came to call her as well. "Little-B!" The words came out through his speech processor in a melodic tune.

@StoneyJr @SirBlazeALot @Pretzel Heart
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[QUOTE="Marcel Alexandross]It only took few seconds upon reaching an abandoned alleyway that Teal realized that his prey had dissapeared. But he like everyone else knew what was going to be happening soon. " I guess it is time to head off to that the grand ole tree." He muttered to himself. If his quarry was just as festive as everyone else, then he will be here in town for a while.


After flying around and scouting the area, Ren lands in the shadow of a tree. He transforms back into his original body and unslings his pack. Pulling out a set of standard Kingdom clothing, Ren quickly undressed, shapeshifted into a female carcal kemonomimi, and deftly put on the new clothes.

No one will be able to recognize me now.

Ren continued to traverse the land steadily in a brisk but unhurried pace.

How should I greet my family this time around...?
< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero still watches the door, but his heart begins to hurt... it feels cold again. "Please, Arona... it isn't your fault. But there is something you can do. Just keep being yourself." He turns back to smile at her. "When I see you smile, I feel like I could do anything. And to see that smile again... I will do anything." Suddenly, the door begins to get knocked on. Someone was trying to get in.

"Arona, Inutsuki! Get to the bedroom, now! Block the door and don't let anyone in!" He yells, turning back to the door as the girls ran to blockade themselves in. "Now... it's my turn. Stay safe, you two..."

The door explodes in a ball of flame, obviously some sort of aura effect. But Fero doesn't flinch, readying himself for a fight that could very likely cost him his life. Five guardians come striding in, spotting the white wolf in front of them and smirking. "Tell me, boy... where is that whore of a maid-fox?" Fero spits at the leader's boots "Get lost, bastard. You aren't getting to them!" He simply walks up and backhands Fero, sending him spinning towards the stairs, as he yells to his men "Rip the place apart! Find her!"

Fero grimaces, blood dripping from his mouth as he forces himself up. "You... have to kill me first!" He yells, running to the first guardian and stabbing deep into his leg. "Gurg... damn kid!" He yells, drawing his own sword and grazing Fero on the chest as he leaps back to the stairs. "You aren't getting past me!" He yells, the other four advancing on him. A thick ball of ice hits one of them in the head, apparently knocking him out as the other three charge, Fero leaping over them, only to get his leg caught and get thrown back onto the stairs.

"Step aside, runt." Smirks the leader, stepping over him with the other two and walking to the bedroom door. "So, they're in here, eh?" he says, snapping his fingers as the door once again explodes, exposing the two girls. Fero watches in horror, forces himself to his feet, and runs to block the door. "You WON'T get them!" he yells. The leader then takes his sword, and runs Fero through, stabbing him straight through the stomach.

Fero's eyes go wide as he stumbles backwards, staggered as blood pours out of the wound "No..." He says quietly, his tail and ears once again encased in ice. "You..." Suddenly, the room gets freezing cold. "Will... not... touch them!" He roars, a wave of snow and ice emanating out from his front, a frost nova pushing the leader into the outside wall and the resulting ice blocking the doorway once again.

The leader quickly gets up, and snaps. But nothing happens. "Damn... can't affect aura." He says quietly. "We'll be back... after that boy is dead. You hear me!? He's going to die!" He finishes, laughing as he and the others leave.

Fero, ice no longer encasing his body, turns and smiles at the girls, even as his wound bleeds. "I... will keep you safe... I promise..." He says weakly, falling to his knees from pain, exhaustion and blood loss.
Karcen said:
EI did want to know how it was that things that defied what had been known about reality worked, as what many of these children did was something no human could do and the best explanation was some nonsense about Gaia. Gaia was just a pseudoscience or rather a new age religious belief from the reinterpretation of ancient druidic rights during the 1950 and 60's it was not based on fact, it was not based on old religion it was something people made up when they felt they were out of tune with nature, whatever that meant as the more out of tune humans had been the better they lived which was the goal of all live.
" You do not seem to be indoctrinated into this countries, so perhaps yopu will have a better answer, the powers that many of you children display what is their source, all I can get from these villagers is that it comes from a deity whose existence is unproven, and without any form of evidence except the words of the believers ?" She asked doubting she would get a very useful answer.
Raktos shrugged. "I was born this way. I was in an environment that was unstable. My parents said i adapted to be the best of my siblings. Ive always been able to control my body temperature and the blood in my body. As ive grown ive learned to control and sense the blood in others. Ultimately i adapted to be strong enough to survive in my environment. Nothing more, nothing less." Raktos turned the blood orb into a tooth pick and cleaned out the bits of chicken in his fangs.
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Nature never ceases to amaze me, thought Ren as he appreciated his surroundings.

The trees and flowers were vibrant with life, and the grass beneath his wooden sandals felt lush. A warm gentle breeze ruffled his long, golden brown hair while the clouds moved lazily above him against a clear blue sky.

This is the life. Ren sighed contently.

Before long, he spotted a group of travelers headed in the same direction as he was.

Ren smoothly made his way over to them and introduced himself, "Hello fellow travelers, my name is Felicia. May I join your group? I had to venture by myself all the way here and I would love to travel with you guys."

Ren swayed his tail seductively and coyly revealed one of his sharp fangs as he waited for a reply.

It'll be better if I traveled with a group so anyone after me asking for a lone kemonomimi that arrived at the Spirtual Tree would be misled. While there are many others that travel alone, this is the safest option.

The male kemonomimi were charmed by Ren's antics, while the females were shooting him dirty looks. Overall, they agreed to let him travel with them.

"Thank you!" Ren replied graciously and began to familiarize himself with the entire group.
That was not the answer that EI wanted she would have liked a better explanation than I just can, though it did confirm that it was a natural born talent rather than something learned. Still she needed to understand the source of this energy as she doubted there was some extra organ that allowed such energy creation. Well she would figure it out first she would have to deal with this snake man, she did not know local customs for dealing with foreigners but she guessed being generous was good.

" Very well, I do not know the customs of this land but you are welcome to stay here to recover before you depart for whatever destination you have in mind" EI said figuring she got all the information she needed " I however must return to directing the villagers, I have started multiple projects with them and I must make sure the lights are made properly." She said as she started towards the door.

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