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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Arona still shutting both her ears and eyes to avoid the embarrassment of the situation however as soon as Horatio heard the sound of Inutsuki's voice, his HUD system and voice starts to malfunction for a few seconds and he falls down to his knees. "wWhhAaaAtT iszzs GgooinngG OnnN?! #*&1001" he says in a disorientated and techno voice. His body starts sparking a bit and his HUD starts flashing warnings however his systems return back to normal. Arona notices that Fero got back up just for a few seconds before collapsing which gave Arona relief. Horatio stands up to organize himself but starts to fall down again due to the sheer force of the voice. "Horatio!" Arona cried as she tried to help him up "No..don't worry, I'm perfectly fine, just a bit disorientated...Inutsuki? What happened?" he asked with confusion. Arona looks at Inutbuki with confusion as well "Inutbuki...I'm really sorry about this...but don't worry, like Fero said...we are here for you" she said calmly as she rubbed her on the back to comfort her.

@The Mythic Dragon
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon[/size][/b][/right]

Zareh said:
Arona still shutting both her ears and eyes to avoid the embarrassment of the situation however as soon as Horatio heard the sound of Inutsuki's voice, his HUD system and voice starts to malfunction for a few seconds and he falls down to his knees. "wWhhAaaAtT iszzs GgooinngG OnnN?! #*&1001" he says in a disorientated and techno voice. His body starts sparking a bit and his HUD starts flashing warnings however his systems return back to normal. Arona notices that Fero got back up just for a few seconds before collapsing which gave Arona relief. Horatio stands up to organize himself but starts to fall down again due to the sheer force of the voice. "Horatio!" Arona cried as she tried to help him up "No..don't worry, I'm perfectly fine, just a bit disorientated...Inutsuki? What happened?" he asked with confusion. Arona looks at Inutbuki with confusion as well "Inutbuki...I'm really sorry about this...but don't worry, like Fero said...we are here for you" she said calmly as she rubbed her on the back to comfort her.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki managed to move her mouth without producing a sound 'M-my.... Aura..' she mouthed, hoping they would understand as the chains kept glowing 'The..chains... cracking...stop. please.. dangerous..' she managed to finish mouthing before squeezing her eyes shut and biting her lip, it burned so, so much... '...I'm..gonna be a mum, huh?... I might... be a little more excited.. if I wasn't in excruciating pain...' she thought weakly, laughing in her mind through the pain.

@The Mythic Dragon

Horatio and Arona looked at each other in confusion and then back to Inutsuki "What do you mean? I don't understand? Is your Aura the reason you cannot talk?" she asked as she continued to rub her on the back to comfort her. "Perhaps it would be best if you started from the beginning and explain everything...including your Aura..and your chains.." he said as he sat on the floor to recover from the blow on his circuitry. He handed Inutsuki the notebook and pencil which fell on the floor.

@The Mythic Dragon
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Zareh said:
Horatio and Arona looked at each other in confusion and then back to Inutsuki "What do you mean? I don't understand? Is your Aura the reason you cannot talk?" she asked as she continued to rub her on the back to comfort her. "Perhaps it would be best if you started from the beginning and explain everything...including your Aura..and your chains.." he said as he sat on the floor to recover from the blow on his circuitrt. He handed Inutsuki the notebook and pencil which fell on the floor.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki grabbed the pencil with shaking hands still in pain but it had lessened to the point where she could sit up 'My Aura... is... 'special' yes. it's why... I can't talk... or rather don't talk. you see-... my Aura gives A LOT of power to my words... to put it in perspective?... all I need to do is say 'die'... and you'll-...' she cut off and tears fell down her face '...the reason... this baby... they want to-... try and make someone else with my Aura... so that-.... I don't know why...' she lied, not mentioning the fact of being locked up and running away 'The chains?... keep my Aura under... control. they stop me from talking but if they break-.. I-I don't know what might happen!-..' she wrote, more tears falling down her face as the chains continued to glow and crack.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Arona continued to rub Inutsuki on the back but Horatio remembers something very important...being chased down...for some reason...the feeling felt familiar...he slowly approached her and gave her a huge warm gentle hug "I know how that feels...you are not alone..I don't know who I am.it worries me...I have strength that I need to control too and I am scared I might crush one of you by accident ..if I keep quiet..it's because I sometimes feel things but I don't want to show them...you aren't alone...But I'm glad that I can relate to you" he says in a soft spoken voice. Arona was quite shocked from this...could it be that he is remembering who he is?

@The Mythic Dragon
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Zareh said:
Arona continued to rub Inutsuki on the back but Horatio remembers something very important...being chased down...for some reason...the feeling felt familiar...he slowly approached her and gave her a huge warm gentle hug "I know how that feels...you are not alone..I don't know who I am...I have strength that I need to control too and I am scared I might crush one of you by accident ..if I keep quiet because I sometimes feel things but I don't want to show them...you aren't alone...But I'm glad that I can related to you" he says in a soft spoken voice. Arona was quite shocked from this...could it be that he is remembering who he is?

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki accepted the hug and nodded, her throat finally stopped burning enough so that she could stand up, even if she was wobbling a bit 'What.... what if I hurt them?... I know that they care for me but-... if I stay here... they could be in so much danger and-... what should I do?..' she thought whilst taking a step towards the door, her footsteps felt heavy '..should I run away?... I always end up running away from things that I can't handle... if I stayed this time... just maybe!-' her thoughts were cut off as she heard knock on the door and instantly recognised the voices.

"Let us in! we are under the belief that you have a certain 'person' who belongs to us in your custody! we demand you return her immediately or suffer the consequences!?" they yelled, Inutsuki's fist tightened 'WHY THE HELL ARE THEY HERE NOW!?' she thought, biting her lip as she looked back at her friends, giving them a forced, reassuring smile before walking up to the door, she opened it smiling with closed eyes and the men went to grab her... a note dropped to the ground near Arona, Horatio and Fero 'cover your ears' it read simply.

Inutsuki opened her mouth and whispered something
"...die..." desperately hoping her friends wouldn't hear... until now she had run away.... until now she had let people push her around, and that was fine. but if they even tried to play a finger on her friends?... she wasn't going to hold back. The chains around her wrists cracked to the point of almost being shattered as the men dropped to the ground... not breathing, Inutsuki smirked, ignoring the throbbing in her head and burning throat as she heard more running towards her.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Arona smiled as the two hugged...however she heard people at the door who were demanding to have Inutsuki. She and Horatio watched Inutsuki walk up to the door and noticed the note. They both covered their ears/sound sensors. They looked up to see Inutsuki completely unharmed but that wasn't the end of it. More men came after her...Horatio stepped in front of Inutsuki and begins punching and kicking the men down. He signaled off to Arona to protect her and Fero as he continued to deliver punishment on those men. "I'll handle them! Run!" he said as he continued to fight the guardians.

"Go upstairs! I'll grab Fero!" She said as she rushed to the living room and carried Fero followed by Inutsuki to the upstairs bedroom. Horatio continued fighting the men with his bare hands while all of them carried weapons. He hoped that he would be able to fend them off and keep everyone safe.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
Arona smiled as the two hugged...however she heard people at the door who were demanding to have Inutsuki. She and Horatio watched Inutsuki walk up to the door and noticed the note. They both covered their ears/sound sensors. They looked up to see Inutsuki completely unharmed but that wasn't the end of it. More men came after her...Horatio stepped in front of Inutsuki and begins punching and kicking the men down. He signaled off to Arona to protect her and Fero as he continued to deliver punishment on those men. "I'll handle them! Run!" he said as he continued to fight the guardians.
"Go upstairs! I'll grab Fero!" She said as she rushed to the living room and carried Fero followed by Inutsuki to the upstairs bedroom. Horatio continued fighting the men with his bare hands while all of them carried weapons. He hoped that he would be able to fend them off and keep everyone safe.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki nodded, in shock from the whole experience still and ran upstairs as ordered, still smirking as she sat in a corner holding her head in her hands 'I killed them... I-I really killed them... ok. that happened. keep calm...' she thought to herself, staring up at Arona with worry as she suddenly noticed the damage to her chains.

The men kept charging at Horatio, eventually they called a retreat
"We'll be back! that girl is ours..." one called out that seemed to be the commander.

Inutsuki's ears perked up at the sound of them running away, she gave her friend a smile that said 'we're safe!' before suddenly feeling the baby move again and blushing, gently putting a hand on her stomach, slightly hesitant as the thought finally settled in '..th-there's really.. something... inside me?.... isn't there...' she thought slowly.

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< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

As Arona carried Fero up the stairs, she could feel him shaking... this time in rage. "Damn it..." he whispered. "Why?" When they reached the room, he stood on shaky feet, holding his sword as he stood swaying by the door. "I... can't let them hurt you... any of you..." he growled. He stood even after Inutsuki said they were safe, awaiting Horatio to return, sword in his grip all the while.
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Caius Amadeo Fauna

The prince was still trying to figure out what would be the best course of action when it seemed that the Guardian had finally picked up on his presence. Since Caius retreated when Leon began to look around the glenn for him, he once again was out of earshot. Never did he take his eyes off of his sister’s supposed friend however, since his eyes were the source of his Aura and the only way he had of defending himself. In order to stay hidden, he carefully used the slightest amount of neural manipulation, so that someone unused to his powers would certainly be unable to detect it, but would give just enough “pain” to keep Leon subconsciously reluctant to come anywhere near him. Luckily it worked, and Caius was undiscovered. When he looked back to the blonde spy, however, she was darting behind the tree. It was only then that Caius realized he himself was being directly addressed.

With a sharp, annoyed intake of breath, he decided to finally make his presence known. He was the prince, after all, and with his Aura, more than prepared to take care of himself. Also he wanted to hurry up and find out what was going on rather than sneaking around in the shadows, and his anger with Leon at betraying his sister and his family at this point was great enough to give him confidence and drive. Rolling back his shoulders, standing up and straightening out his clothes, Caius stepped out from the bushes where he had been hiding.

“It is I, Caius Amadeo Fauna, second prince of the Fauna Kingdom. And you, Sir Leon, have yourself a lot of explaining to do. The spy behind the tree as well, but I’ll deal with her later.”

Caius’ tone was firm and tinted with irritation. While he continued to keep his golden eyes focused on Leon, in hopes of freezing him to his spot, he didn’t actually think it time to use his Aura. Yet. But he knew that Leon’s Aura gave him super-speed, so he had to be extra careful. If only he had some way of summoning someone from the Guard to help him wrap this up. If he somehow lost control of his view on Leon, it could lead to his clothes getting messy.

@Blackrose7 , @LeSoraAmari

Meadow near the Spiritual Tree

A clear, confident voice rang out in response to the earlier question. 'One of the princes is hear.' Vinera thought giddily. She was very excited to see royalty up close. Moving forward she slipped silently into the forest and moved towards the voices. Nearing a meadow she had never found before Vinera smiled and climbed a tree. She perched on a high branch where she could see into the meadow but was still hidden from sight. There where two boys facing each other. She waited, watching and hoping they wouldn't cause harm to one another.

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7
Rumdarjun Feynhardt

Because he had kept to himself for the past few days, Rune knew nothing of the meeting Zen had called. Just another coincidence of unluckiness. But he had other pressing matters to look into, and though he was missing the meeting, he had certainly not stopped working for the betterment of his brothers.

And he had made it to the Guild in record time today. Mostly because curiosity and excitement had Rune's little legs moving quicker than usual, though if someone had questioned him about his brisk pace, he would have been unable to explain the phenomenon himself. While he sped along, Rune had been deep in thought, barely taking note of the city around him as he traced his way from the outskirts towards its center. Whatever was waiting for him in the Guild, he had to find some way to inconspicuously take it and bring it back to Zen. While the rumors shouted through the streets outside his house had been contradictory, at best, and he had only been able to catch little snapshots before the speaker was too far away to understand, it seemed as if some great, lost piece of human technology had been discovered. Or rather...shown up, of its own free will. That's what they had made it sound like, at least, though Rune himself had no idea how anything like that could come to pass.

He was so deep in thought that only a sudden bout of shouting jerked him back into the streets of the Fauna Kingdom...this time standing only several yards from the Guild's gate. But what he saw standing there thrust him right back into a frozen, unresponsive state. His dark eyes, already stark against his pale skin, grew even larger as he tried to take in just what he was looking at.

It's a human...

No, not a human. That was silly, he had seen pictures of humans in records before, and they looked relatively normal, though lacking any animalistic attributes. But it looked...vaguely...human. If humans were large and covered in metal panels. No, what he saw before him was clearly a machine, but as he continued to watch, unable to take in anything but the magnificent machinery, he could see it moving,
responding, talking to the kemonomimi around it.

Taking note of these surrounding kemonomimi jerked Rune back to his senses. Whatever was going on it looked like a commotion, which he didn't like very much. Too much sensory overload. But as his wonder at the machine drew him closer, the fighting seemed to calm itself down.

"Alright FINE. I'll help you take it to the Guild, but NOT BECAUSE YOU ASKED!!...If that's where the other one was sent then that'll probably be the best place for this thing too."

It was a little bee kemonomimi speaking, possibly a Guard by the way she held herself and the weapon she was wielding...hopefully a Guard, otherwise a bandit. But Rune didn't think that a bandit would be stupid enough to try and commandeer the largest thing in sight in the middle of the day in full sight of several witnesses. So that meant that this was his chance! He could get closer to the machine, and, if what the bee had said was true, and there were more like it

The possibilities made Rune's head spin as he finally finished closing the distance between himself and the little group. He tried not to smile too much, since his smiling ended up having an adverse effect, but he otherwise tried to make his body language as trusting and open as possible, based on the social cues he had been memorizing for years.

"If it's Guild access you need, then you're in luck. I was just on my way inside myself."

@SirBlazeALot , @MrLlama , @StoneyJr

In front of the Guild
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Leon stood there as he kept his grip on his katana firm, he was ready to draw his weapon at any time. But really, he wished that he wouldn't have to, but if this person was here to cause trouble or more specifically, harm Mary should they find out about her, then he wouldn't hesitate. When Mary ran behind a tree, a sigh of relief escaped his mouth and a smile formed on his face. However, when the person revealed themselves, the smile changed to a look of shock. "C-Caius?" He mumbled, a slight look of concern on his face, he quickly turned towards the tree where Mary was hiding and gave a look of concern. Leon had hoped that she was followed by a villager, or perhaps another guardian but no, it had to be her brother, the prince. Turning back to face the prince, he let go of his katanas hilt and brought himself to one knee before standing up again. Looking at Caius, he let out a smile as he scratched his head. "Me? Explaining? But nothing has happened..." He let out a sigh as he heard the word 'spy' come out of the princes mouth. He thought Mary was a spy, this was even worse, there was no way he could cover for Mary for long. Tucking in his wings, he looked at Caius again before saying. "I take it you were responsible for that jolt of pain I felt earlier?" He had a kind tone yet an air of sincerity was within it, he knew about Caius' aura an it would undoubtedly be a tricky thing to handle. Hopefully this whole thing wouldn't blow out of proportion. Even if things got ugly, Leon wouldn't strike back. He couldn't, this was the prince, and Leon wanted to retain his honour. During all of this, Leon was unaware of the other presence in the area. He was too focused on the two royals he was with.

@Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7 @OceanBunny
"CAIUS!" said Mary, since she didn't expect for him to follow her.

She come out from behind the tree, since she was extremely angry that he ended up ruining their moment together.

"Seriously Caius, you just had to ruin our moment of having a fun time in the kingdom together, just because you think I am a spy." said Mary, as she took off her wig. "It's me, Caius, and I am sick and tired of this bullshit from yesterday, and now today."

Mary was extremely angry at Caius that she was thinking of taking out her her little secret surprise, but she decided against it.

"Just go away, Caius, since I... *crying* Why does anything have to mess up in the end? Why?" said Mary. "First was making Malin's birthday worst by giving him that portrait, then meeting with Grey Hound last night, and now this. Gaia just wanted to punish me badly."

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart

( Mary:
I said screw it, since there is no point of hiding it from Caius if he thinks that I'm a spy. )
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Vinera gasped in surprise as the princess walked into the meadow. 'Two of the royal family are here.. and a guard. But the prince thought they were spies.' She thought, 'This is getting pretty interesting, though it doesn't look like anyone will get hurt after all.' Curiously she leaned forward, as she did so she lost her footing falling from the tree. "Ouch." She mumbled, landing on the ground with a soft thump.

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7
Caius Amadeo Fauna

Caius was more than confused when Leon knelt before him. Well, he shouldn't be confused since that was Leon's place, after all. But it irritated him that the Guardian could think that everything was peachy between them when he had so grievously insulted the royal family.

And then the spy came out from behind the tree, changing everything. As soon as he heard her speak, now in perfect hearing range, he realized just how familiar that voice was...

"What!? M-M-Mary!?" Caius immediately lost his composure as the girl swept off her wig, revealing the dragon kemonomimi he knew all too well. His long snake-like tongue flew out in the most ungentlemanly like manner in his surprise, though at first he didn't notice it. "What on Earth are you doing dressed like that! Well, not to say that it doesn't suit you--"

But then Mary started to cry, and instantly Caius sucked his tongue back inside, and ran over to his sister. Finally he could redeem himself from yesterday in comforting her. He hastily tried to wipe her tears with a lace-lined handkerchief, speaking in an uncharacteristic soft and caring tone:

"No, no Mary, you have it all wrong. Oh Gaia please stop crying! I'm not mad! Just surprised! I didn't know that it had gotten so serious between you and Leon---"

Again Caius was interrupted by the sound of a heavy crash nearby. He wanted to give Mary his full attention, but he still couldn't help whipping his head around to try and find the cause of the noise.

"Now what?" He snapped rather irritatedly. Had someone been spying on him spying on the spy?

@Blackrose7 , @LeSoraAmari , @OceanBunny

Meadow near the Spiritual Tree

IceSolstice said:
Let's take the necessary precautions.

Ren saunters casually until he reaches an abandoned alley and sneaks quickly into it. Checking to see if anyone was watching, he rapidly shifts into a bumblebee and zips away as fast as he can to the outskirts of the Kingdom. Upon reaching it, Ren shifts into a peregrine falcon and flies, feeling the warm thermals under his wings. Ren planned to walk a portion of the way there in disguise later.

I hope that shook off anyone who noticed me in town. I can't wait to see my family again!

@Marcel Alexandross
It only took few seconds upon reaching an abandoned alleyway that Teal realized that his prey had dissapeared. But he like everyone else knew what was going to be happening soon. " I guess it is time to head off to that the grand ole tree." He muttered to himself. If his quarry was just as festive as everyone else, then he will be here in town for a while.
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Leon stepped out of the way when Caius came running over to Mary, who was now crying over the whole ordeal. Leon looked away, as he didn't like seeing her upset. Sighing, he turned to the two royals and spoke to Caius. "You thought Mary was a spy, so does that mean you thought I was selling information or something?" He sighed with a slight huff, "You should know I would never betray the kingdom, especially the royal family, your grace." He then turned to Mary and smiled at her, "Please don't be upset... I'm sure Caius is sorry. It's not his fault, I'm sure he didn't mean for this to happy." He paused for a moment before continuing, this time turning to the prince once more, "I apologise for all the confusion and sneaky business. Mary has to put disguises on so people won't recognise her, we meet here and then we usually go off and explore. It's what she likes doing... What we like to do, it's fun." He spoke with a smile, but as soon as he heard a loud thud he unseathed his katana and went on full alert. He couldn't take any chances when two of the royals were with him. With a slight sigh of annoyance he spoke to whomever was there. "Whoever you are come out, or I'll come and find you myself." He awaited for a response from the othe person. He was quite curious as to who it would be.

@Blackrose7 @Pretzel Heart @OceanBunny
The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
Vinera sighed as the guard called out for her to show herself. A spike of pain shot through her ankle when she went to stand causing her to yelp. Concentrating her Aura she healed the sprain. As she got up again, painless this time, she brushed off the skirt of her black dress and adjusted the ribbons in her hair. With a small smile she moved towards the two royals and their guard. "I'm sorry, I heard yelling and was concerned someone might get hurt." She said quietly, "I didn't mean to intrude."

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7
"Serious... Serious! I just wanted to have some fun with Leon by going to the kingdom today. Like seriously, I have been doing this when you guys aren't looking, since I knew that something like this might happen." said Mary angrily. "I am dress like this, so people won't know that I am princess, but no...you just had to think that I was a spy, didn't you, Caius. You never even bother to look for me, when I am gone from the castle, since you think that I was painting in my room. What kind of brother doesn't check on me?"

Mary got even more piss off when Caius started to look for the real spy.

'Caius is pissing me off right now, and just great, we have a real spy here.' thought Mary, since she was extremely angry to deal with the spy.

"Ignore the real spy, Caius, since Leon can handle that. I just want you to leave, and forget that this has ever happen between us, since you shouldn't be here to begin with, Caius." said Mary.

She then looked at the real spy, and face palmed her. "Can you please leave, since I am dealing with my nosy brother here." said Mary.


@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart @OceanBunny
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Caius Amadeo Fauna

Seeing that Leon was taking care of the bunny kemonomimi that had just fallen out of the tree, Caius didn't need Mary's reprimand to return his full attention to her.

"I...I just don't want to interrupt your painting time!"

His tongue was beginning to flap out again because of his sister's stinging words. How cruel to yell at her brother like that, after all he hadn't been the one to act like a complete brat the day before and try and throw away her birthday present. Though, Caius admitted that it was partially his fault for being unable to console his sister back then.
He had to handle this manner very delicately as Mary had now turned from tears to full-on anger. Thus, Caius refrained from pointing out that it was these exact anger spells that made him reluctant to disturb her when she wanted "alone time" in the first place. But suddenly it all made sense...the strange sense of a shared secret between her and Leon, the long hours of the day that Mary would sometimes be missing...

Well, Caius didn't usually bother himself about that because he himself spent those long hours having tailors construct new clothes for him, or just trying on different outfits to gaze longingly at himself in the mirror. But he had been a bit curious why his sister would spend so much time to herself.

"Look, I'm not going to tell Hidden on you, but I can't just forget this ever happened. At least you're taking Leon with you on these excursions, I trust, so you're always in good hands?"

Now that Leon had been proven to not be a spy at all, as Caius had listened understandingly to his words and grasped his mistake in an instant, he had proven himself a most trustworthy friend to the royal family in the past, closer to them than even the Commander or Second in Command, at times, due to his close relationship with Mary.

"If you want to explore why don't we all just go together?"

He knew that his sister wanted to be left alone, but after all this Caius was hardly in the mood to merely return to the palace. Well.....he
could use a bit of freshening up.......a change of clothes..........no, no. He was going to spend time with his sister to make up for the catastrophe of the day before, whether she liked it or not.

@Blackrose7 , @LeSoraAmari , @OceanBunny

Meadow near the Spiritual Tree

Charon, seeing as the rat-like man wasn't around, decided to pay a visit to the palace. According to the "commander of the guardians", which he still did not understand, the king had given him are reign. This was an opportunity for him to check out the rest of the palace and explore. There might be something that could give him a better understanding of the world now. He walked to the palace quickly, not wanting to waste a single day on trivial and pointless actions since his battery was going down for every hour that he wasted.

Even though yesterday was his first visit to the palace, and he only walked from the palace to the guild once, he easily traced his way back, following the same route they came from. Most machines could do this, so it was nothing to be impressed about, however since he was greatly damaged through age, anything was impressive considering his current state. The palace was soon in sight thanks to his fast walking and accurate back-tracking, though his body did groan and creak a bit if he went too fast.
"I don't mind that at all, Caius, since Hidden and the maids does that a lot, so I mostly just ignore them, since I am way too focus on my paintings to notice/hear them. Just don't touch me, and you will be just fine." said Mary.

She then heard Caius talking about not telling Hidden about this, so she ended up putting a evil grin on her face.
"Good, because if you don't. I will do something to the clothes that you like." said Mary, since she wasn't joking about this, because if he ruin the thing that she likes to do the most, then she will do the same thing to him as revenge.

Caius then said that he wanted to explore the kingdom with them, and this just made Mary glare at him, since he didn't want to leave.

"Fine, but you are going to wear the wig color that you don't like, and you are also going to wear the clothes that you don't like either, since I don't want you here, and you can't wear your prince outfit in public, since it would end up bring too much attention towards us."
said Mary, since she always prepare for everything.

She gave Caius: the town clothes and the wig, since she already carries around a bag filled with stuff that she might need in the future.

@Pretzel Heart @LeSoraAmari @OceanBunny
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