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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

It seemed that wonders never stopped here, as the bee wasps had proved to be exactly the same as bees in temperament; or to be specific they were the European breed of honey bee meaning they could be handled with bare hands and were very tame compared to old African honey bees. They also seemed to have taken and kicked the honey production into over drive, they were nearly perfect, the only issue would be their size but that was just a minor issue of resizing. There had also been a good mount of rust and copper wires brought back by the search priest and one had even gone to a nearby beach apparently and found some strange man.

Ei had gone out to see this stranger as it seemed to be the village leader's responsibility to look into threats and that was her now. What she found at the beach was another member of this diverse race , though he looked like a snake, or rather a cobra judging by the hood at the neck. She looked him over and guessed that he was tired, and most likely had not washed up on shore as his scales were dry and his body warm meaning he had not been in the cold water. What was more interesting with the staff he held, which to her was obviously human made by the slight connection she got from it. This man was worth investigating.

Ei bent down getting close to the man and grabbed his shoulder just to see how out of it he was, as there was no science in the test she was about to perform. " Child it is time to wake up , you are safe" She said in the most honeyed tone she could.
Karcen said:
It seemed that wonders never stopped here, as the bee wasps had proved to be exactly the same as bees in temperament; or to be specific they were the European breed of honey bee meaning they could be handled with bare hands and were very tame compared to old African honey bees. They also seemed to have taken and kicked the honey production into over drive, they were nearly perfect, the only issue would be their size but that was just a minor issue of resizing. There had also been a good mount of rust and copper wires brought back by the search priest and one had even gone to a nearby beach apparently and found some strange man.
Ei had gone out to see this stranger as it seemed to be the village leader's responsibility to look into threats and that was her now. What she found at the beach was another member of this diverse race , though he looked like a snake, or rather a cobra judging by the hood at the neck. She looked him over and guessed that he was tired, and most likely had not washed up on shore as his scales were dry and his body warm meaning he had not been in the cold water. What was more interesting with the staff he held, which to her was obviously human made by the slight connection she got from it. This man was worth investigating.

Ei bent down getting close to the man and grabbed his shoulder just to see how out of it he was, as there was no science in the test she was about to perform. " Child it is time to wake up , you are safe" She said in the most honeyed tone she could.
Raktos was moved. He couldn't figure out what moved him, but he'd been moved. He tried to open his eyes, but they were too heavy. And when he tried to sense blood moving in the thing moving him, there was none. How is there no blood? Raktos was stumped. Everything he'd met on his island had blood, but here the was something without it. And it spoke to him. It called him a child which was irritating, but alas, he could no t move or respond. His body refused to do anything. He found it hard to even maintain his own body temperature at this point. Dang. I may have pushed myself too much trying to get here. Raktos could only hope that whatever was holding him would let him rest and recover for a couple of hours. This would be the only thing that would help him back on his tail.
EI looked to the others who had stayed behind her while she looked over the stranger. " He is alive and I suspect in need of aid, the fastest of you prepare a warm room burn a fire high and find a small animal, but do not kill it " She said treating the man as she might a snake, thinking a warm place was best for a likely cold blooded being " Make it my home" She said though it was more the former mayors home but he could share. One of the villagers nodded and took off.

The rest fo you take him and carry him do not leave his tail to drag on the ground we would hate for out guest to get hurt while in out care[/b]" She said as a form of complement to the villagers as she knew them as kind people if a bit cautious; which was also good as science required one to be skeptical.

in the end it took four villagers to carry the snake man into the town and into her home. when they got int they left him in the large common room which had a large fire place which was blazing making the room very toasty as for the snack, well that hadn't arrived yet. Now she would wait and while she did , she would scan the staff, and see just what it was.
Karcen said:
EI looked to the others who had stayed behind her while she looked over the stranger. " He is alive and I suspect in need of aid, the fastest of you prepare a warm room burn a fire high and find a small animal, but do not kill it " She said treating the man as she might a snake, thinking a warm place was best for a likely cold blooded being " Make it my home" She said though it was more the former mayors home but he could share. One of the villagers nodded and took off.
The rest fo you take him and carry him do not leave his tail to drag on the ground we would hate for out guest to get hurt while in out care[/b]" She said as a form of complement to the villagers as she knew them as kind people if a bit cautious; which was also good as science required one to be skeptical.

in the end it took four villagers to carry the snake man into the town and into her home. when they got int they left him in the large common room which had a large fire place which was blazing making the room very toasty as for the snack, well that hadn't arrived yet. Now she would wait and while she did , she would scan the staff, and see just what it was.
Raktos felt himself moved during his slumber. However, his exhaustion refused to let him wake. The next thing he knew was there was a great deal of warmth. He could completely relax and not worry about dying for the time being. He ease his control over his own blood and let the warmth carry him. Several hours passed and he finally woke from rest. "That was refreshing." He said as he pushed himself upright. "Where's my staff?" He looked around and found it. He grabbed it and felt calm again as he started using his power to bring down the extremely warm temperature his body had reached. That's when he finally noticed the being near him. "Hello." He said cautiously. He sensed no blood in this person and that was a good sign of trouble as far as he was concerned.
" Ah it is about time you woke up child, you took longer than I expected" She said holding the staff in her hands she had found that it was indeed human and that it was an energy to mass converter that required very certain criteria to activate. The converter was slightly less advanced than hers, but that was really only a .0253 percent efficiency difference in the conversion.

" Do not worry your … staff is just fine, I was analyzing it " She said holding the staff out for the snake man " What is your name and why where you at the beach?" She asked skipping pleasantries and going right to questions.
Zareh said:
Arona looked at Fero as he finished saying his words...she did not understand what he meant but it must have been important. Horatio slowly walked by her side and put his hand on her shoulder and looked at Fero together with Arona. "He will be fine, I analyzed him. Fero just needs some rest and his temperature will rise back to normal." he said. Arona sighs with relief as her muscles loosen up a bit "Thank...Gaia..." she said. "When will he fully recover?" she asked. "Probably by tonight or tommorow, I still don't understand why something like this would happen to him at such a random time." "Me either...this is really rare...usually if we overuse our Aura for long periods of time...sometimes accidents like this will happen but...we just went for a bath and he didn't even used his aura at all..." she said while trying to figure out what happened. "So it only happens when people overuse their powers?" Horatio asked "Not exactly, sometimes it might be other reasons, physical and emotional but again nothing really happened so why did he suddenly freeze up?" Arona went into the kitchen to prepare some warm water towels and some food.
Horatio looked to the other Sofa to see Inutsuki awake but appears to be tired, he walks up to her and takes out the maid outfit from his satchel to hand it to her. He then kneels besides her while taking a scan to confirm his suspicions about her condition and state.










Horatio is surprised by the results of the scan, he did not know what to say at the moment and realized he would only be adding more salt to the wound if he told something like this to Inutsuki. He decided to keep quiet about it for now until the time was right. "Inutsuki? What happened to you back there? When I found you, you were unconscious? Did something happen?" he asked with concern in his voice.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki got up again, smiling at Horatio and Arona... luckily they hadn't seemed to notice her accidental attempt at speaking and sudden pain attack. she grabbed the pen and began writing 'that... some of the other maids found me and lets just say that-.... we're not exactly on, 'good terms'..' she wrote, laughing weakly '...one, err... made a comment that... 'upset' me... I don't know what happened and next thing I know I slapped her and ten I got really confused and then I suddenly felt dizzy and next thing I know I'm lying on a couch.' she held it up, looking rather pathetic and blushing.

She sighed
'I don't know what's wrong with me... I would normally never act like that! like, Never!?... maybe I am sick.' she thought to herself before writing it out and holding it up, her tail wrapping around her stomach and ears flopping down in an innocent way, 'wait. what the heck are you doing tail!?' she thought blushing and trying to pry it off her stomach.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Karcen said:
" Ah it is about time you woke up child, you took longer than I expected" She said holding the staff in her hands she had found that it was indeed human and that it was an energy to mass converter that required very certain criteria to activate. The converter was slightly less advanced than hers, but that was really only a .0253 percent efficiency difference in the conversion.
" Do not worry your … staff is just fine, I was analyzing it " She said holding the staff out for the snake man " What is your name and why where you at the beach?" She asked skipping pleasantries and going right to questions.
"Analyzing it?" He took his staff and the golden armor reformed on his person after a brief moment. "What do you mean analyzing it? You didn't do anything to it right?" He examined his armor and the staff. "The magic is still good then." He smiled as he looked at the orb in its mouth. That was all that remained of the parents he adored. "I am Raktos Fortheren. I wound up on the beach after many years of sailing on a boat made of blood. Now who are you? And where am I?" His tone was aggressive, and yet respectful. He somewhat understood how to communicate properly with someone, just not everyone.
Arona stayed by Fero on the sofa, hoping that he will wake up soon. Meanwhile Horatio looked at Inutsuki trying to pry her tail off...he knew that she was carrying a baby inside of her but he felt like it would be a bad idea to tell her due to her traumatic past.

"Um....is something wrong?" he asked pretending to be confused.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zenario Zeid

Zenario's motion to follow extended to Shion as well. Engineers were a very important part of the Brotherhood. After all, they were the ones who would recreate the human technology the cult revered. "And you, Sister Shion?" the butterfly asked as he lead the girls up the stairs and through a large corridor. The other members gave him a tiny bow as Zen passed by, to which he responded with a deeper bow. He lead the members down a corridor and into an conference hall. The acoustics of the room allowed his voice to cary.

When the crow arrived Zen began to explain what they'd seen in the guild. Zenario's typically soft voice became quite assertive and confident. "Good morning, brothers and sisters. May our eternal human lords bestow their enlightened blessings upon thee." He folded his hands in front of himself as he began to explain why he'd gathered them today. It was less about the robot, and more about the next step. "Brothers and sisters...we are standing at the dawn of a new age. Yesterday, Brother Indigo and I discovered what must be one of the humans' greatest creations. This new artifact could be limitless in potential...yet it has fallen into the hands of the Guild. Those who would do nothing to advance the enlightenment of our kind must be relieved of the device, for they are unaware of the great burden that rests on their shoulders. The Guild is to be monitored until the time is right...and then the statue will be ours." Zenario smiled softly and lowered his tone. "But even in our hands, the work of our immortal lords will be useless if we can't figure out how to wield such power effectively. It is pivotal that we continue our research and accrue all of the knowledge that the eternals left for us in secret. In my heart I know that we will change Gaia forever, in the name and image of our lords!" He opened his arms in a cross formation. "When we are finished, all people will know the great love and wisdom of the humans! By any means necessary! Eventually... they will all see the light!"

@Kayzo @kaito9049 @Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers

Doll Agia

The Guardian's eyes narrowed at the shifty red fox and the eerily silent bot. Satisfied with the removal of the seeds, the Guardian backed away a bit. She turned her attention toward the robot and poked it gently with the tip of her lance.

"Why're you so quiet? GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE!?" the bee put her face awefully close to the bot. It couldn't seem to keep her interest, and she turned back to the fox. "Alright FINE. I'll help you take it to the Guild, but NOT BECAUSE YOU ASKED!!...If that's where the other one was sent then that'll probably be the best place for this thing too." Doll landed on her feet once again, having leveled out to what counted as a civil temperament for her.

@StoneyJr @MrLlama @last post of the night might be kinds shite
Ei figured that she would go with the name she had given all the villagers, and the story she told them as none knew much of humans let alone their inventions , Raktos proved that though his own ignorance of what the staff really was. She quickly debated explaining it but that would be a waste for right now.

" I am called the sleeping queen and I am the last of the humans " She said expecting the word human to carry weight with Raktos like it did all others. " And I was finding out how your staff worked, or rather what activated it and if it still worked. I have asked the villagers to prepare a meal for you if you are hungry" She said generally going from subject to subject like it was a check list.
Megumi listened to the words of her leader, taking in the exciting news. If that artifact holds as much power as Zenario says, we could be immortal, just like the humans before us! And best part of all, I might be sent to get it! She thought exited lay, her tail resuming swinging back and forth. As Zenario finished his speech, Megumi cheered for him, his words filling her with hope and encouragement.

Karcen said:
Ei figured that she would go with the name she had given all the villagers, and the story she told them as none knew much of humans let alone their inventions , Raktos proved that though his own ignorance of what the staff really was. She quickly debated explaining it but that would be a waste for right now.
" I am called the sleeping queen and I am the last of the humans " She said expecting the word human to carry weight with Raktos like it did all others. " And I was finding out how your staff worked, or rather what activated it and if it still worked. I have asked the villagers to prepare a meal for you if you are hungry" She said generally going from subject to subject like it was a check list.
"What's a human?" Raktos didn't know of humans. He knew of basilisks, dragons, kraken and many other creatures, but humans? That was unknown. "And so you know how this thing works then?" Raktos held the staff and moved it around haphazardly. "I thought it was some magical stick, but you're saying that it's not." His stomach roared at the word meal. "That would be appreciated." He wasn't going to lower himself to another being. "So, do all humans not have blood?" Raktos questioned her seriously. This was something that greatly bothered him. If all humans didn't have blood they were a danger to himself. And although Ei did jump around a lot, Raktos kept up easily.
Zareh said:
Arona stayed by Fero on the sofa, hoping that he will wake up soon. Meanwhile Horatio looked at Inutsuki trying to pry her tail off...he knew that she was carrying a baby inside of her but he felt like it would be a bad idea to tell her due to her traumatic past.
"Um....is something wrong?" he asked pretending to be confused.

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki nodded, blushing 'stupid... tail.... what the hell are you doing?!' she thought before sighing and giving up 'my tail won't get off my stomach...' she held the note up weakly, her ears twitching slowly, slightly suspicious at his tone and way of reaction.

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"I see.....maybe your tail is trying to tell you something?" he said in a somewhat embarrassed tone. He knew it but he still didn't feel like it was a good idea to tell her, looking at her struggle like that was quite amusing to Horatio but he couldn't help but feel somewhat terrible for this guilty pleasure. Horatio sits next to her on the couch and massages her from behind, trying to make her feel relaxed. "Say Inutsuki....do you feel anything at all right now?" he asked.

@The Mythic Dragon
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Ei tilted her head someone who had not heard of humans that was odd, he could not be form a normal community of these children, perhaps a wild child or one from a different land or nation he had sailed in a boat after all , she ignored the blood part as that sounded like an exaggeration or metaphor.

" how odd I would think all would have heard of my people. We were a race that used only science to dominate the world we ruled it and used its resources to understand it and the stars above. however a series of disasters 50,000 years ago rendered them all but dead I am the last. Your staff is an artifact of my people and uses very advanced science to make your armor.[.b]" She explained leaving the staff vague on how it worked because that was for the best " How is it you did not know of humans they are part of this nations system or worship?" She asked though as she asked a man brought in a life but silent chicken as it had been gagged " I did not know if you preferred to eat them live or dead so I went with those that were no doubt your ancestors preference."
Zareh said:
"I see.....maybe your tail is trying to tell you something?" he said in a somewhat embarrassed tone. He knew it but he still didn't feel like it was a good idea to tell her, looking at her struggle like that was quite amusing to Horatio but he couldn't help but feel somewhat terrible for this guilty pleasure. Horatio sits next to her on the couch and massages her come behind, trying to make her feel relaxed. "Say Inutsuki....do you feel anything at all right now?" he asked.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki stared at him blankly 'Huh? t-tell me... something? whadda' ya' mean?...' she wrote, holding the paper up before trying to once again take it off... to no avail. As she was massed the tail finally came off and started wagging as her ears twitched happily 'Feeling?... umm... kinda. it's a strange feeling.... I'm not quite sure how to describe it.' she blushed 'it kinda feels like there's something inside me... moving around.' she said embarrassed.

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Karcen said:
Ei tilted her head someone who had not heard of humans that was odd, he could not be form a normal community of these children, perhaps a wild child or one from a different land or nation he had sailed in a boat after all , she ignored the blood part as that sounded like an exaggeration or metaphor.
" how odd I would think all would have heard of my people. We were a race that used only science to dominate the world we ruled it and used its resources to understand it and the stars above. however a series of disasters 50,000 years ago rendered them all but dead I am the last. Your staff is an artifact of my people and uses very advanced science to make your armor.[.b]" She explained leaving the staff vague on how it worked because that was for the best " How is it you did not know of humans they are part of this nations system or worship?" She asked though as she asked a man brought in a life but silent chicken as it had been gagged " I did not know if you preferred to eat them live or dead so I went with those that were no doubt your ancestors preference."
Raktos felt slightly insulted as they brought in the chicken. "Several things. Firstly ive lived on my own for thirteen years on an island full of things that have tried to kill me. That was after my parents died when i was twelve. They never mentioned humans. Secondly, science? What is that? Because it sounds unbelievable. Knowing the stars and all that is crazy." Raktos sighed before looking at the chicken. "Poor creature let me ease your pain." Raktos took control of the creature's blood despite not wanting to and painlessy killedthe creature by stopping its brain and heart simultaneously by piercing through them both in many places. The chicken fell over dead and Raktos turned to Ei. "Also, assuming im like a snake just because i look like this is frustrating. I dont enjoy killing."
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" Noted but do you want the chicken if it is cooked, if not it is bad to kill what could have been returned to its group and continued to produce. " EI said only seemingly annoyed that the death might go to waste.

" On to science, it is a method for understanding the natural world, and explaining how and why things in nature work the way they do then applying that to what we wanted. For example what you see as magic " She said holding her palm out and activating a hologram emitter which displayed scrolling equations and laws " I know as science and I can explain it and why it works other than it is magic" She said closing her hand " your staff works on the exchange of energy like the lightning of a storm and what makes up your armor exchanging the two on demand I can do similar things " she explained opening her hand and producing a small dagger
"Ok...I see..." Horatio said, he stops massaging her and goes over to Arona "We need to talk..." he says with embarrassment. "What is it?..." Arona asks however is still troubled by Fero's unconsciousness and low heart beat. Horatio sits down and starts whispering into her ear *whisper* *whisper* *whisper* as soon as he finishes whispering to Arona, her face immediately goes deep red "Whhhhhaaaaattttttt?!?!" she says in a really high voice. She starts shaking Horatio by the shoulders rapidly "T-T-That's i-impossible...there's no....way!" she managed to finish her sentence. Horatio says nothing but nods in agreement and starts whispering again into her ear. She stares at Inutsuki blankly with wide eyes while her face is still deep red, fox ears starts twitching and she immediately curls up into a ball. "Oh my gaia......what are we going to do Horatio?..." she asks. Horatio looks to Arona and then to Inutsuki and back to Arona. He shrugs as a sign for "no idea" and tries to figure out a solution. Arona starts panicking with embarrassment and rolls back and forth on the floor.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
"Ok...I see..." Horatio said, he stops massaging her and goes over to Arona "We need to talk..." he says with embarrassment. "What is it?..." Arona asks however is still troubled by Fero's unconsciousness and low heart beat. Horatio sits down and starts whispering into her ear *whisper* *whisper* *whisper* as soon as he finishes whispering to Arona, her face immediately goes deep red "Whhhhhaaaaattttttt?!?!" she says in a really high voice. She starts shaking Horatio by the shoulders rapidly "T-T-That's i-impossible...there's no....way!" she managed to finish her sentence. Horatio says nothing but nods in agreement and starts whispering again into her ear. She stares at Inutsuki blankly with wide eyes while her face is still deep red, fox ears starts twitching and she immediately curls up into a ball. "Oh my gaia......what are we going to do Horatio?..." she asks. Horatio looks to Arona and then to Inutsuki and back to Arona. He shrugs as a sign for "no idea" and tries to figure out a solution. Arona starts panicking with embarrassment and rolls back and forth on the floor.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki stares at the pair blankly with an awkward laugh 'W-what the hell did he say to her!?....' she thought, blushing, her tail swaying from side-to-side uneasily 'Umm... what's going on... Horatio you've been acting odd ever since we came back and now Arona is acting weird?... what are you guys hiding.' she held up the note blankly, feeling the strange sensation again she blushed 'what is that!?' she thought shivering, staring at Arona she held up a note giggling 'by the expression on your face it looks like he just told you that you were pregnant!' she continued to look at the strange pair, smiling.

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Arona's face went from deep red to deathly pale as she tried to grasp the reality of the situation. It looked like the life was sucked up from her...."I guess we can't hide anymore huh?..." she said in defeat and agony. Horatio stands up and looks at Inutsuki with a straight face. "Alright...Inutsuki...I'm going to be frank with you...while you were unconscious, I scanned your body which led to the conclusion of...you...being..." he stopped for a second and looked back to Arona who was signaling to Horatio with her hands and head saying DON'T SAY IT! DON'T SAY IT! in really broad terms. He turned his head back to Inutsuki and says "very very special and impressive by the fact that you work as a maid in the Fauna Royalty according to my analysis." he says in a calm and sleek voice. Arona's skin returns back to normal and realize what Horatio is trying to do "That's right! You know I'm just really REALLY embarrassed that you have so many more talents than I have, that would allow you to be a part of the palace personnel. I am nothing compared to you, I should be ashamed of myself." she says while trying to act embarrassed and ashamed.

@The Mythic Dragon
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Zareh said:
Arona's face went from deep red to deathly pale as she tried to grasp the reality of the situation. It looked like the life was sucked up from her...."I guess we can't hide anymore huh?..." she said in defeat and agony. Horatio stands up and looks at Inutsuki with a straight face. "Alright...Inutsuki...I'm going to be frank with you...while you were unconscious, I scanned your body which led to the conclusion of...you...being..." he stopped for a second and looked back to Arona who was signaling to Horatio with her hands and head saying DON'T SAY IT! DON'T SAY IT! in really broad terms. He turned his head back to Inutsuki and says "very very special and impressive by the fact that you work as a maid in the Fauna Royalty according to my analysis." he says in a calm and sleek voice. Arona's skin returns back to normal and realize what Horatio is trying to do "That's right! You know I'm just really REALLY embarrassed that you have so many more talents than I have, that would allow you to be a part of the palace personnel. I am nothing compared to you, I should be ashamed of myself." she says while trying to act embarrassed and ashamed.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki stared at the two blankly again, shuffling away slightly before getting up and feeling Arona's forehead 'are you ok? you don't seem to have a fever...' she writes, holding up the note before turning to Horatio 'seriously guys... what's wrong?' she held up, giving them big, innocent puppy eyes, her tail curling under her and ears going back into a submissive position.... which worked briefly before she suddenly rushed outside gain, covering her mouth and turning pale, throwing up once more and coughing a couple of times.

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Horatio felt like hiding it would not do any good and rushed outside to comfort Inutsuki while Arona stayed inside hoping that everything will work out fine and that Inutsuki wouldn't freak out over something like this. Horatio rubbed her back as she continuing coughing "Alright....come inside...you should drink something." he said and led inside back to the living room where Arona returned to holding Fero's hand while sitting on the floor. He offered Inutsuki a warm cup of black tea and sat on the floor next to Arona "No more playing around Arona...I'm going to tell her the truth..." Arona nods in agreement and close her eyes and ears to shield herself from the embarrassment. "Inutsuki...you're pregnant...you have a child of 2 months development inside of you." Horatio told her frankly in a serious calm voice. "That's why you've been vomiting, feeling sick, your tail keeps attaching to your stomach , different mood swings and a lot of weird things has been happening to you because of that. I didn't want to tell you because I was worried that you would freak out but the symptoms are getting worse and I was left no other alternative." he said.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
Horatio felt like hiding it would not do any good and rushed outside to comfort Inutsuki while Arona stayed inside hoping that everything will work out fine and that Inutsuki wouldn't freak out over something like this. Horatio rubbed her back as she continuing coughing "Alright....come inside...you should drink something." he said and led inside back to the living room where Arona returned to holding Fero's hand while sitting on the floor. He offered Inutsuki a warm cup of black tea and sat on the floor next to Arona "No more playing around Arona...I'm going to tell her the truth..." Arona nods in agreement and close her eyes and ears to shield herself from the embarrassment. "Inutsuki...you're pregnant...you have a child of 2 months development inside of you." Horatio told her frankly in a serious calm voice. "That's why you've been vomiting, feeling sick, your tail keeps attaching to your stomach , different mood swings and a lot of weird things has been happening to you because of that. I didn't want to tell you because I was worried that you would freak out but the symptoms are getting worse and I was left no other alternative." he said.
@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki took a seat and sipped the black tea but nearly spat it out as she heard what he had to say "WHA!?-" a word almost made it out of her mouth and she suddenly fell onto the floor clutching her throat, the chains glowing bright crimson around her as her face was obviously pained, she curled up into a feeble position 'D-Dammit!?...' she thought 'they got me... they really.... but I'm just seven-teen! and if the find me now?...nononono!! I shouldn't be thinking about this right now. get your Aura back under control' one of the chains had a small crack forming on it as she continued to struggle on the ground.

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< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Slowly, Fero got to all fours and crawled over to his shocked friend, tapping her before collapsing next to her, his tail having already began to thaw. "Inu...tsuki... A new life... is beautiful... don't be... afraid..." He managed a weak, shaky smile. "We'll be here... for you..." In fact, he tries and fails to get up, but manages to put a hand on her shoulder, already beginning to fade again.

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