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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero sighs. "A freind is a freind, to me at least. When all you've had from people are beatings, you learn to embrace those who care about you." Then Inutsuki rushes out again. When she comes back, he seems worried... "Perhaps... I'll just make you some toast..." He says, getting up and moving back to the kitchen.
Teal stiffened at the words towards him, pausing slightly before taking his next bite. The shuffling beside him and the rustling off cloth gave Teal the impression that the kimonomimi adressing him was alert but inexperienced. ' A fight in the middle of the street? Maybe he is a target or someone who wants revenge." This thought alone excited him. He stood swiftly and turned to face the stranger.

" Who the hell are you?" He asked, tilting his head to the side and giving the stranger a puzzled if guarded expression.
Caius Amadeo Fauna

Malin's birthday had been, more or less, a complete disaster. And Caius wasn't used to disasters, nor was he particularly fond of them. Not only had Malin taken Mary's gift completely out of hand, but Caius himself had been so shocked by his little brother's horrid, ungentlemanly actions that he had found himself unable to console his sister until she had already wandered desolately away. So there was strike one. Strike two was the fact that, when he had finally re-composed himself and was deciding between going in and talking some sense to Malin or trying to comfort his poor sister (once he had the portrait in his hands, he realized how truly magnificent it was; his sister's hobby of painting was really paying off to make her a splendid little artist..he'd have to get her to do a portrait of the finest flower in the castle, himself, at some point), when Hidden had bust in and stolen the day from him in account of aiding Malin (though his brother, not knowing the damage that Malin had done to Mary, was much too soft on him, Caius thought, for lack of yelling to be heard through the door). Then when he had finally scouted Mary for lack of anything better to do, he saw her already cheered by her friend Leon.

Strike three was that, through it all, Caius hadn't even told his brother the amazing gift he had gone behind Hidden's back to purchase for him. And strike four laid in the matter of having actually waken up early and dressed in his finest for more or less nothing.

Caius had spent the rest of the day sulking around the library pondering these matters and trying to find some book to console himself with...Well, that, and since the library had, for whatever reason, one of the most ornate mirrors in the entire castle, he couldn't help making use of it as the almost the perfect frame for a perfect being such as himself. Even though it was needless, Caius channeled his Aura a few times just to admire the way they made his eyes glow in the mirror. A dangerous thing, less he injure himself with his own powers, but the opportunity cost of seeing his own form at its finest made that merely a small worry.

Still, the prince was quite sulky when he retired for the night, being more snippy than usual with his dressing servants in getting one of his nicer negligees so that he may at least have a peaceful sleep. He kept telling himself that if his family wanted to all fall in on itself that was no worry of his own...but the thought must have weighed heaver than he thought on his mind for he found himself awakening the next day at yet another ridiculously early hour.

After fighting to find a comfortable enough position to get back to sleep in, Caius, with a dramatic sigh, finally roused himself. He decided that he would get dressed and continue to wander around the palace until his siblings awoke, if indeed they were not already, and nip this discomfort in the bud before it started giving him wrinkles.

And so, just as he finally emerged through the usual curtain of dressing servants, he exited his quarters just in time to see a strange blonde-haired girl turning down the hallway.

Having made extensive use of the servants at his disposal, Caius knew that this girl was not one of them. Curious, he decided to follow her. While she grew further and further away as she was moving at quite a brisk pace and Caius made it a point never to run, he somehow managed to tail her, though at quite a distance, to the Spiritual Tree. She seemed to be...waiting for someone in a meadow of flowers. If he weren't suspicious of her, Caius would have to admit that she struck quite the picture surrounded by the flora in a nice town dress.

Maybe she's a spy...she infiltrated the castle and now she wants to rendezvous with whoever she's working for!

The thought was both exciting and intriguing, and the mere idea of exposing such a plot made Caius's blood quicken and he decided to put his fashion aside for once to hide in the surrounding forrest and try and discover who the mysterious girl was and what her plan may be.


-Waiting hidden by the Spiritual Tree-

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"Sleeping Mode deactivated. Awaking." Said a robotic voice, once again seeming to come from within Charon. Immediately afterwards, Charon, who looked like a statue during the night, began to stir. He got up and walked to the door of the storage room, opening it and letting some light into the room. Going out in search of rat-like man, Giss, he began to walk around the guild, creating an annoying creaking and groaning noise wherever he went.

The place was large, yes, but not as much as most of the buildings his creators' kind had made. There was a delicious smell near him, spreading around the guild, but being a machine, he could not exactly tell. Even if his creators had made him or adjusted him with equipment that would allow him to catch, and distinguish, different scents, he probably would not be able to have kept it for long during the 50,000+ years.
The search for the Leader of the Brotherhood seemed hopeless to Megumi, as she couldn't seem to find him anywhere. That was a shame, as she wanted to talk to him, and maybe get a job from him. Staying in one place for too long, or not doing anything at all was something Megumi hated to do. Taking a seat near the entrance, she looked around at the other members, most males. She was the only female member that she knew of, and preferred it to stay that way. She felt special like this, and adding another female would take that away.

Zenario is probably out doing stuff. Megumi decided, letting out a sigh. Hopefully it's not other girls.
The Next Day...

Leon woke up on his sofa, startled, he jumped up hastily and looked at himself, facepalming as he did so. "I was so tired that I ended up crashing on my sofa... Great." With a sigh of annoyance, he quickly went into the bathroom and had a shower. After that, he proceeded to get a change of clothes and put them on, brushing his teeth and then going back into the living area to grab his katana and attach it to his side. He sighed and went over to his window, looking at the streets which were actually pretty empty. He smiled as he sorted out his hair and then put his shoes on. "I should hurry.. Mary is probably waiting for me. Again." He chuckled and then went out the front door, extending his wings and soaring off into the sky, heading towards the destination.

Leon wasn't using his Aura to accelerate, instead he was flying at a relaxed speed. Plus, he wanted to conserve the energy. The magnificence of the Spiritual Tree as it came into view was breathtaking, it always astounded Leon as the beauty was a marvel to him. Eventually, he got the the meadow that was a secret between him and Mary. Landing in front of her, he smiled and said, "That's a nice disguise, you went for the blonde look I see?" He chuckled slightly as he spoke to her, he then proceeded to tuck his wings in and lay on his back, looking up at the clouds. He had no clue that they were being watched, and didn't notice the person behind the trees.

@Blackrose7 @Pretzel Heart
Arona immediately jumped up to in front of Horatio to protect him and his identity. "No guys! hehehe...ehhh... you d-don't understand...y-you see! Horatio actually has a h-hobby of-" she protested but is cut off by Horatio who walked forward "It's alright Arona, there's no use in it anyways...if they can already smell me and know that I'm not one of their "kind" there is no point in keeping it a secret..." he said softly while patting Arona on the head. "Horatio...." she said with a small pout while looking at him with concern. "I guess you would want an explanation...I suppose?" he said as he walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. However he saw Inutsuki run out quickly and come back with a pale looking face, Arona got a warm cup of rosemary tea and offered it to Inutsuki "Here...this will help..." she said while smiling. "Alright...it all started when my old body activated and I was looking for someone to help me..." he started.

Everyone sat in the living room as Horatio and Arona explained everything to them, from the accidental activation to his loss of memory, only being one day old in this world and other details that happened last night. Arona sighed a bit and looked at Horatio who seemed a bit tired. "and then...me and Arona left the guild building and went back to her house and found Inutsuki" he explained.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
Arona immediately jumped up to in front of Horatio to protect him and his identity. "No guys! hehehe...ehhh... you d-don't understand...y-you see! Horatio actually has a h-hobby of-" she protested but is cut off by Horatio who walked forward "It's alright Arona, there's no use in it anyways...if they can already smell me and know that I'm not one of their "kind" there is no point in keeping it a secret..." he said softly while patting Arona on the head. "Horatio...." she said with a small pout while looking at him with concern. "I guess you would want an explanation...I suppose?" he said as he walked to the living room and sat on the sofa. However he saw Inutsuki run out quickly and come back with a pale looking face, Arona got a warm cup of rosemary tea and offered it to Inutsuki "Here...this will help..." she said while smiling. "Alright...it all started when my old body activated and I was looking for someone to help me..." he started.
Everyone sat in the living room as Horatio and Arona explained everything to them, from the accidental activation to his loss of memory, only being one day old in this world and other details that happened last night. Arona sighed a bit and looked at Horatio who seemed a bit tired. "and then...me and Arona left the guild building and went back to her house and found Inutsuki" he explained.

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki nodded and drank the tea slowly whilst listening 'Ok.' she wrote blandly, holding it up with a smile, now looking slightly less pale 'I guess that's a reasonable explanation... I won't question it.' she finished, laughing a bit before turning back to Arona blushing 'so... about that bath?' she wrote, actually wanting to wash.

< @TheHappyPikachu @Zareh >

Fero, having brought Inutsuki her toast, sits and listens silently to Horatio. He nods once in a while, and cocks his head when confused, but seems to understand most of it. Finally, he speaks. 'So... you're a... robot? A metal man? and Arona woke you up?" Under his breath he mumbles "I always knew she was amazing" But before anyone could comment, he leaps up. "Well! That's fine! We're all friends here, I'm not gonna kick you away just because you're not 'like us'. I'd be no different than the guys who tried to kill me otherwise." He says, ears lowering a bit as he remembers. "I'm sure we can find something to do while the girls bathe! Perhaps even just talk?"
"Ni-hi-hi-hi. You say Aura can solve everything. Sure... Puff! And all problems are gone. Except there is no Aura that can solve foolishness."

Name: Giss Blackrat

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Rat

Aura: None. Couldn't use aura since birth.

Occupation: Arkhaios Guildmaster.

Rumored to be a wicked magician (he is actually something like a scientist or historian).


Guildmaster. Lots of weird rumors about him are going around the guild. Neither Guardians of Aura or Fauna Royalty favour him much, but received advice from Giss a number of times.


Giss is short and skinny, hence he is often mistaken for a kid. His messy grey hair is long enough to completely hide his rat ears. The eyes are bright red, they tend to ominiously glow in the dark. A large rat-like tail is attached to his body, It is about as long as Giss's height. He prefers to wear dark robes of rough cloth, always with a long black scarf on his shoulders covering everything up to the nose.

Overall he looks like an evil person.


You know how humans used to scare naughty children with bogeyman? For a lot of Kemonomimi, Giss is exactly that kind of existence. Although he wouldn't be chased away if he entered a town, he would still receive lots of piercing glares.

The first impression that Giss usually makes is... terrifying. Even if you forget that he looks like someone who could ambush you at night and steal your wallet, his manners are similar to that of a wicked magician. The way he laughs, the way he talks, everything makes him look scary. And yet, he has never hurt a fly in his life.

Giss prefers to avoid conflict. Normally he is not concerned about the matters of other people, but if he can save a life - he will do it.


For some reason, Giss was born Aura-less. He was inferior to other children. Giss's parents thought of him as a cripple. Perhaps, because of that young Giss became interested in the laws of nature. Even if Aura was out of his reach, he believed that the same results could be achieved without it. It was soon that others started to whisper behind his back "That rat is using the craft of Humans! The magic that once destroyed the world!". But they couldn't stop Giss. At some point Giss had to leave the town, even his parents became terrified of him.

Giss used to be quite a loner at that time, but he would always help there where Aura was useless. Treating rare diseases or making lands fertile again, his knowledge saved the lives of many Kemonomimi. But this much couldn't cure the reputation of someone who practised "evil" Science.

A portion of those whose lives were saved by Giss came to believe that the source of his wisdom were the texts of ancient Humans. Gradually more and more Kemonomimi embarked on the search of the artefacts of the all-mighty ancients. Thus, "Arkhaios Guild" was formed with Giss Blackrat as its center. Even though the latter denies ever agreeing to this matter.

Sexuality: Straight. Probably, not the type to easily fall in love.

Other: Combat is not his forte, but being a rat makes his legs quite powerful. Probably useful for running away.

The guild reception hall has always been a serious place. There existed an unspoken rule to keep the pointless chatter outside this place. But on that day there was a commotion in the center of the hall. Something, or rather someone has been sleeping on the floor ever since the morning. The person's pose was almost as if he was prostrating, except his arms stretched along the body and his chin rested on the ground.

Giss suddenly opened his eyes wide. He looked at his left and a part of the crowd stepped away. He looked at his right and the other part of the crowd moved away. Good, it seems none of the important people were present. It would be disastrous if the yesterday's efforts were wasted...

He yawned, stood up and brushed the dust of his robe. It seemed... On the previous night Giss had passed out in the middle of walking. Come to think of it, the only reason he had left his home yesterday was that he had run out of coffee. Duh.

Annoyed, as every other morning, Giss turned around and shuffled his feet through the gap in the crowd. He needed to tell that commander to keep his eyes on the robot... And there was something he needed to find out from Charon. Giss couldn't shake off the feeling he forgot something important.

((bump into him or something))
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"Good morning, and thank you, Leon. I was thinking of picking the black wig, but I ended up picking the blonde one, because it fits with this town dress look a bit more." said Mary, since she has a bunch of different town dresses, and wigs in her room, since she likes to change her outfits when she end up escaping from the castle in her disguise.

"Now then. Shall we explore the kingdom together, Leon, since I want to have a fun time with you today." said Mary, since she is excited to explore the kingdom with Leon, because most of the time, she is just hanging out at the cafe by herself.

"You will call me: Rosa Collett when we are in public, Leon, so lets go have some fun." said Mary cheerfully, since she still has no clue that Caius was watching them.

@LeSoraAmari @Pretzel Heart
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Arona smiled at how acceptable they were and the explanation was not confusing or crazy for them but Horatio was not convinced by how easy they accepted it like that without any questioning at all. It made him both curious and suspicious at the same time but he kept quiet and just accepted it for now. "Well...I guess since that is done! We should now take a bath together" she said while nudging Inutsuki "To the bath!" she shouted victoriously a she grabbed Inutsuki by the hand and led her to the bathroom.

Horatio turns his head to look at Fero, still confused by how he could adapt to change so easily
"I guess..I don't really have anything to talk abo-" he was interrupted by Arona who was dragging him by his arm. "Come on Horatio, I need you to take a bath too! I don't want you to smell like clunky metal all day..I got appplleee shaammpoooo...and besides...for the past two years, I've been washing your old body...now I get to wash your new onneeee!" she said in a silly and cheeky voice "Wait..what?..huh?..I don't need to-" "No arguments! You need a bath right now young man!" she interrupted Horatio as she dragged him away from the living room. "Don't worry Fero! You can use the bath too once me, Inutsuki and Little Horatio here get done bathing together" she said as she went off.

In the bathroom, there was a giant bath tub shaped like a small square swimming pool along with a variety of shampoo jars and bottles lied on the floor next to the bath tub with a port for hot and cold water. It seemed very peaceful looking. It was also very large with enough space to walk around.


"Alright you guys! I'll get the water started! You just undress and enjoy yourselves!" she said with a happy smile and starts to take off her clothes to enjoy the nice warm water. Horatio begins undressing himself by taking off his hooded coat which revealed a robust metallic body. He examined the different kinds of shampoo and begins to clean himself from the dirt of this 50 thousand year old body.

"Hey Inutsuki! I'll scrub your back if you want!" she said while pouring some shampoo into her hand.

@The Mythic Dragon

Once EI had introduced the idea of renewing resources as you gathered them rather than letting nature dictate how much you took she had another plan, something that was a sign or advancement that would show any who saw what could be done with a little science. That would lights, Lights were what let people work at any hour they eliminated the need to work during the day and sleep during the night or to work only by the light of candles or fires. This of course meant that she needed power and wires to carry that power. While she could easily power a village with the reactor inside her, she would instead build this races first power plant. She had looked over the village and determined that wind power was not suitable for this location but she could use the river. She would also need light bulbs but she could have those made, or rather show others how to make simple ones. While this would be nothing compared to what humans had made, it would be a step in the right way, she would show these children the path to being adults and she would make those adults into the proper successors of humans. Where humans had been made to rely on fossil fuels as they were the most useable of resources not only for power but for just about everything in life she knew the solutions to those problems that came too late to save her makers.

I have drawn up the blue prints for the water mill we will build, this basic idea is like any other, but instead of spinning a wheel to grind grain it will spin a magnet around a coil.” She explained. “ The required metal can be found in the ruins, namely in the walls of the buildings and along the poles.” She continued as the villages wood workers looked over the specifics of what the wheel would need. They had made a water mill before this was nothing new but to make electricity was something new. They nodded and she left their shop, by now none really questioned her, they saw wisdom in her words and ideas and promised by now the village was hers and surly it would be better for her leadership.

With the production of the wheel set she could easily trust the work to those that had skills in such things she had to organize the parties that would enter the ruins. It was almost ironic that because this city was a back water forgotten by all they did not always ask for payment, they had little themselves and had nothing to trade but dark artifacts caravans had long forgotten them meaning they had to barter for goods with little contact with the outside world, this all worked in her favor so that EI didn’t have to worry about importing anything or worry about foreign contaminants disturbing her work.
The teacher looked at the students with a menacing look. Shion wasn't sure what it was about, but she looked intensly at him. Knowledge was always welcome.

-It seems like
someone stole the test sheets for the exam today, he said, giving a girl in the back of the class an angry look.

-Now, I won't say any names, but because of this I've had to rewrite the test. It
shouldn't matter to most of you though.

All students looked over at the girl in the back of the class. A few benches away, a boy whispered something to his comrade.

-Told you she wasn't reliable, he said.

Shion was happy over this turn of events. In the past, justice had always been sublte, yet swift and merciless. Like it should.

Shion blinked a little, perplexed. It seemed like she had been dragged back into the wrecthed world of kemonomimi. She looked in front her of her. She was in the halls of the Brotherhood. She wasn't sure as to what she was doing there, but then again, she wasn't even sure why she was in the world of kemonomimi in the first place. She decided to go to the Brotherhoods collection of human books and manuscripts. Shion never grew tired of reading the writings of her ancestors. As she walked by the entrance, she saw a cat kemonomimi by the door. She had seen this one before, however, they had never talked. Shion decided that a conversation would be nice.

-Hello, have you heard about the metal found by the guild a while ago? It seems rather interesting to me, she said.

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero watches them all go, seeming a bit forlorn. Eventually, he sighs. "Ah well, time to cle-" Suddenly, he feels cold. Too cold. his fingers and toes go numb, and he can barely move. "P-p-p-p-p-perhaps a n-n-n-n-nap, insssssstead..." He says, stumbling over the coffee table on the way to his bedroll and curling into a ball, wrapping his tail around him as he began to freeze from the inside out, barely able to move. "Arona... someone... help... me..." He says, teeth chattering as his mind begins to go to dark places, remembering his times, laying on the stone, beaten and hated.
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Ciel was dragging his feet through the Arkahaios guild trying to find Giss where ever he might be. If only he didn't have to look after that Charon he could have gone home and slept in his bed instead of this bizarre place. He couldn't help, but plan how he was going to leave today the guardians should be ok since Casper was there, but he didn't feel comfortable leaving his people on their own. "Hopefully I can find that rat soon." He mumbled to himself unaware that someone had stepped in front of him. In the next moment Ciel had ran straight into Giss the same person he had been looking for.

Zareh said:
Arona smiled at how acceptable they were and the explanation was not confusing or crazy for them but Horatio was not convinced by how easy they accepted it like that without any questioning at all. It made him both curious and suspicious at the same time but he kept quiet and just accepted it for now. "Well...I guess since that is done! We should now take a bath together" she said while nudging Inutsuki "To the bath!" she shouted victoriously a she grabbed Inutsuki by the hand and led her to the bathroom.
Horatio turns his head to look at Fero, still confused by how he could adapt to change so easily
"I guess..I don't really have anything to talk abo-" he was interrupted by Arona who was dragging him by his arm. "Come on Horatio, I need you to take a bath too! I don't want you to smell like clunky metal all day..I got appplleee shaammpoooo...and besides...for the past two years, I've been washing your old body...now I get to wash your new onneeee!" she said in a silly and cheeky voice "Wait..what?..huh?..I don't need to-" "No arguments! You need a bath right now young man!" she interrupted Horatio as she dragged him away from the living room. "Don't worry Fero! You can use the bath too once me, Inutsuki and Little Horatio here get done bathing together" she said as she went off.

In the bathroom, there was a giant bath tub shaped like a small square swimming pool along with a variety of shampoo jars and bottles lied on the floor next to the bath tub with a port for hot and cold water. It seemed very peaceful looking. It was also very large with enough space to walk around.


"Alright you guys! I'll get the water started! You just undress and enjoy yourselves!" she said with a happy smile and starts to take off her clothes to enjoy the nice warm water. Horatio begins undressing himself by taking off his hooded coat which revealed a robust metallic body. He examined the different kinds of shampoo and begins to clean himself from the dirt of this 50 thousand year old body.

"Hey Inutsuki! I'll scrub your back if you want!" she said while pouring some shampoo into her hand.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki follows into the bathroom, not really concerned by Horatio's presence, In fact it made her feel a bit safer. She slowly began to remove her clothes and smiled at Arona 'sure!' she wrote, cheerfully smiling at her friend, as she finished taking them off she looked down at her stomach 'Did I... gain weight?...' she thought, blushing as she looked at it.

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So he doesn't know.

Ren casually answers the stranger in front of him, "I'm just a mere wanderer. Tomorrow will be an auspicious day with the Blessings of Gaia upon us. I'll be on my way then to make preparations."

He begins walking away, intent on on arriving at the Spiritual Tree before nightfall.

Caius Amadeo Fauna

Although he had said to himself he would throw away all care for fashion in order to keep himself concealed, in truth Caius had been unwilling to take too many risks in his hiding place (after all, the lace used to line his waistcoat wasn't exactly easy to produce), so where he had ended up put him in perfect view of the blonde girl ,but just out of an ideal hearing range. This was something he didn't notice until it was too late.

For, at first, the girl continued to sit quietly...and then a second figure appeared.

A-ha! This must be the person she's working with...trying to steal our family's secrets!

That person, Caius was shocked to find, was actually someone he knew relatively well. It was Leon, Mary's friend from the Royal Guard.

It can't be! Leon's a spy!

No, no...Mary had put her trust in him! Caius had never fought a battle before in his life, but if it was for his sister's honor, he considered slapping his glove down in from of the young knight right there and then. He had heard from the Guild that that was some ancient human cue for wanting to duel. But wait...maybe Leon wasn't here to gather secret information from this girl. After all, with his close bond with Mary, if he really were such a dastardly lout he could, admittedly, rather easily manipulate it from her right under her unsuspecting nose. So maybe this meeting had a different purpose. Maybe...he was out looking for a mate.

That idea also struck Caius as odd, given that he had always felt the spark of romance between the knight and the princess, and might have considered telling Mary to just 'hurry up and go for it,' were it not for the fact that he scarcely desired to imagine his sister in any of the situations such boldness could lead to. Still, maybe he had been wrong this whole time, and the two were just good friends that happened to leave behind the linger of romantic tension whenever they met. Or maybe Leon was playing her.

Bristling at the thought, Caius couldn't help but stare daggers at the knight. Unknowingly activating his Aura, he was sure that Leon would at least feel a jolt of pain. Not wanting to be discovered due to his persisting curiosity about the blonde spy, Caius got a hold of himself and stopped channeling his Aura immediately. Maybe the knight would think it just a minor fluke.

It was then that he finally realized the flaw of his hiding spot, being able to only catch a few words that the spy spoke to Leon, "thank you" --- "black" ---- "town" ...What could it all mean? He edged a tiny bit closer... "I want to have a fun time with you today." He heard that part quite clearly, and his former suspicious about Leon were reignited. It seemed that the couple were getting ready to leave, and Caius wasn't sure if he'd rather try and trail them or just waltz up and slap Leon immediately.

@Blackrose7 , @LeSoraAmari

-Waiting hidden by the Spiritual Tree-
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Megumi looked down at the smaller girl, the feeling of being special almost immediately going away. How have I never seen her before? Is she new? "Metals? Yes, I do believe I recall learning about those, but I don't know much about them. Are they new or something?" She asked, wrapping her tail around her waist, keeping her eye on the door, not wanting to miss Zenario.

@SdrawcabDaer @
Giss's small body got pushed away because of the sudden impact. When he regained his posture he sullenly glared at the person he had bumped into. A wave of bloodthurst emanated from his eyes. "Youuu..." several passing by members heard a hiss.

Oh it's just you Ciel. I've been searching for you but I guess you've found me first. Ha-ha." The tension felt flat when Giss suddenly said that in an unusually friendly tone accompanied by a forced smile. His face didn't look like it was used to making such expressions "Good morning! Would you give a minute of your time?"

Giss put his hand onto the young commander's shoulder and trailed off towards the room with less people. "You see..." He began in an overly archaic manner "...every guardian of the law eventually meets a situation where his duties would tell him to do one thing while he should actually do the opposite..."

He then continued with a long speech about how the law isn't always right, and how sometimes it is perfectly acceptable to 'just forget it about it for a moment'.

"...and that's why I would like to ask you to, khm"
Giss looked around and whispered "...I would like you to let me take a look at the Royal Library of Forbbiden Manuscripts."

Giss was sure that Ciel wouldn't agree right off the bat, but he was prepared for anything. What would it take to convince Ciel to go against the codex of the Gurdians?

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As Arona rubbed Inutsuki's back with the shampoo but she also notices that her belly appears to be little bigger than expected. She blushed a little at the sight of it "You must have been enjoying yourself with all the cake, cookies and other food....haven't you?" she whispered in her ear with a slightly giggling voice hinting about her stomach and started to rub her stomach from behind her as she continued to clean her body. Horatio looked at the girls cleaning each other, seeming to be enjoying the bath while he continued to clean himself and wondered why they would have such fun at a time like this.

After the bath, Horatio dressed himself back with his hooded coat and satchel while the girls went upstairs to the bedroom to get changed. Arona was searching her drawer for clothes that could fit onto Inutsuki.
"Here! I got some clothes for you!" she said happily as she laid down a dark red button dress along with white undergarments. "I think these will look great on you!" she said as she returned back to her regular outfit. "Don't worry about returning them, I got a lot of clothes here!" she said with a smile and laughed.


Horatio is waiting downstairs for the girls to be finished with the outfitting, he went into the living room and saw Fero who seemed to be shivering from something.

*On Horatio HUD*





he shouted trying to get their attention from upstairs. Arona and Inutsuki rush downstairs to the living room and see Fero shaking with cold. "What is wrong with Fero? Fero? What is wrong?" she said while shaking him and scared of the fact that he might be in danger.

"He has a problem with his body temperature...he is at low heat." he said in a worried voice. Arona felt his hand and looked back to Inutsuki and Horatio. "He's having problems with his Aura, it's too much! We need to get an Aura Stability potion" she said in fear. Horatio looked at him trying to figure out a possible solution "Where can we get one of those potions?" he asked Arona.

"They are royal potions only...made by members of the royal healers and can be found nowhere else.....those are hard to get and really expensive plus we don't know anyone who is a part of the Fauna Royalty...not even someone who even works there..." she clutched onto Fero's hand tightly as some tears flow down her cheeks. "Please stay strong Fero..." Arona says in a worried sad voice.

@The Mythic Dragon

--Fero runs down the street, looking behind him in fear, hearing the voices still so close. Suddenly, he trips, falling flat on his face. "Ooowww..." He says, before hearing: "Hey! There he is! C'mon boys, let's get him!" Scared, the young white wolf dashes down an alleyway, only to see that he had boxed himself in. He tries to turn back, but his pursuers have already caught up.to him. He falls on his butt, and scoots as far back as he could, snowflakes beginning to fall around him. "You think that you can just take some of our food and get away with it!? Huh!?" Fero winces, the cold around him beginning to become all-consuming even as the three advance on him... Suddenly, there is a warmth on his hands...--

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero opens his right eye, his left frozen shut. "A...ro...na..." He says quietly, clearly weak. "So... cold..." Indeed, his tail and ears were beginning to gather frost, as was his hair. "Ple...ase... d-d...on't..." He doesn't finish, a violent spasm wracking his body. "Y-your... hand... so... warm..." He was oblivious to almost everything around him, focussing only on Arona's face.
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Leon smiled at Mary as she discussed her reasoning as to why she had chosen the wig. Letting out a small chuckle, he said "Well, it's weird seeing you in a blonde wig... But I guess the wig matches the dress, no one would suspect a thing. But let's go! I wonder what we'll find." He smiled again before getting up from the ground as he continued. "Speaking of which, did anybody see you? We wouldn't want them finding out about you know would we... 'Rosa Collete'". He burst into laughter for a minute before containing himself. Instantly, his demeanour became more serious, and his animalistic instincts were kicking in. "Mary... I have a strange feeling that someone else is here, it's just me being paranoid. Are you sure you weren't followed?" He quickly looked at her before looking away, and resting his hand on his katana and extending his wings, just in case he had to use his Aura to get him and Mary out of the area. Leon looked around the perimeter, keenly looking at every gap, every shadow and any form of movement be it from the leaves or just the wind brushing against the grass. With a sigh, he was about to let go of his katana hilt when all of a sudden he felt a jolt of pain go up his chest and up his arm. It wasn't harmful, and it most certainly was not random. Leon knew the difference between that of an Aura and natural pain. This only confirmed his concern.

Leon gritted his teeth slightly, he turned to Mary as he said, "Someone's here. I don't know who it is, though." He sighed, after contently looking in the direction of the Spiritual Tree for at least three minutes straight. The guardian gripped his katana tightly before speaking loudly and clearly. "Whoever you are, show yourself. I won't ask again!" His eyes were sharp and his tone sincere, he then turned to Mary as he said, "I'm not sure who it is, but if it's someone... Known to us, and if it could compromise your identity. Well, you know the drill. If things get ugly you will need to go and leave it to me, although, I doubt that will be the case." He sent a kind smile towards Mary, before averting his attention back to that exact location.

Leon would not be ready for the shock that awaited.

@Pretzel Heart @Blackrose7
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After Giss was moved into the less crowded room with Giss who was shocked to find out what the old rat was suggesting "Why should I let you, someone who is more interested in a dead race than his own people, into a place you would never be allowed in?" Ciel wasn't opposed to breaking laws if that was what needed to be done to protect the kingdom he was charged with guarding, but he doubted Giss felt the same way. More than likely Giss just wanted to use it to find some information that he shouldn't have, and unless he showed some evidence that this wasn't the case Ciel wouldn't let him near that room. At that moment Ciel decided that the second he returned to the castle Ciel would assign more guards to that area; Giss is lucky that he doubts the rat would try to purposely harm the kingdom or else he would have him dragged off to a cell as well.


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