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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Zareh said:
Horatio did not understand much as he looked at the silent acts of the two kemonomimi who both appeared to be in deep red. He wondered why they were blushing so hard and crazy. Horatio did a brain chemistry scan on both of them.

*On Horatio's HUD*










Horatio wondered why in the world, they would be excited for something like this. He seems to lack information on these kind of subjects and would probably need explanation on the topic. He turned torwards them and tapped Inutsuki on the shoulder who seems stunned by Arona's words. "Hello? What's wrong with both of you?" he asked confused "Is there something going on that I don't know?" Horatio thought of the situation to be a bit disturbing as well.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki turned, startled to face Horatio 'That!-... is, umm... we, it's called, err.... s-sexual... desire?...' she wrote in possibly the tiniest letters she could, still completely red 'Wh-when... someone.. feels at-attracted to someone else.' she finished, holding the notebook up for him 'Dammit! why do I have to like both genders!? why!! I mean, seriously. I'm being turned on by a girl I met in a cafe` shop earlier today who is OBVIOUSLY after another person! you idiot Inutsuki!?' the thought embarrassed.

@Zareh @The Mythic Dragon
Aine smiles and said, "Its take practice and learn to let go of fear when you do it....That way, I'm the star of the show!!!" She said it all proud. "Anyway, I headed out to get something to eat....say here live here, do you know a good place to eat around here?"

"I am doing just fine with my duties as a princess, but it does get a bit lonely here." said Mary, since that is one of the reasons why she leaves the castle when nobody is looking.

The another reason is that she likes to be outside of the castle, since the kingdom is very interesting to explore.

She then tilted her head when Leon ended up saying that Hidden brought a strange metal person to the castle.

"A strange metal person?" said Mary, since she didn't know what Leon meant by a strange metal person.

'What did Leon meant by a strange metal person, since no kemonomimis is made out of metal.' thought Mary, since she was confused by that.

"I will be careful about that then, Leon, even though I have no clue what you meant by a strange metal person." said Mary.

The sky had already been dyed red by the time three silhouettes showed up at the gates of the royal palace. Unaccompanied by guards nor servants they blatantly walked amongst large mansions of noble families. They were an odd bunch. One, a suspicious looking rat, would loudly talk about something and occasionally let out a creepy laugh. Another, a composed falcon, listened patiently but did not hesitate to throw in a word or two. The last one, would ask many questions in an unemotional, subtly echoing voice that made occasional strangers wonder if he was a ghost.

It was late night by the time they arrived to the guild. Giss offered Charon to stay at one of the storage rooms (the Junk room) until a better place could be found.

"Be careful. At the morning the guild will become very busy, and many of our guild members are somewhat... easy to impress" Giss said to Charon with a note of self-pity "If you don't do something about your appearance there will be an uproar. But I am sure someone like you will manage though"

He then turned to the commander "Ciel, right? Uhm, even though it's troublesome to have a guardian around here..." he took out a small torn piece of paper from his robe and quickly scribbled something on it with a piece of chalk "Here, if you happen to meet an annoying person, show them this"

I, evil and corrupted, guildmaster and wicked magician Giss Blackrat the vicious rat will inevitably find and punish whoever darest try to chase out the person holding this document out of the guilds house.

"Please find me tomorrow" he said before vanishing within the dark halls of the guild's mansion.

@Verdas @Unlucky

Time warp to the next morning.
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Charon nodded and headed for the "storage room", finding it shortly without any help. Inside of it was, much to his surprise, a large collection of human creations and machine parts. Though normally he would've ignored it and considered it as nothing more than junk, now that the previous world that he knew has now pretty much ended, anything from his time caught his eye. Machines had no need for sleep or rest, but temporarily "sleeping" would help to preserve his limited batteries.

He walked inside, closing the storage room door behind him. Picking a spot where there was the least junk, he sat down, leaning against the wall, and entered a "sleeping" state. "Sleep Mode activated. Will awake in 7:00." Said a robotic voice, different from his own. He kept his eyes open, of course. It would be able to automatically record anything that happened within his line of sight. @Unlucky @SubSonicSausage
Horatio looked at her notebook still confused by what she is saying but before he could say anything. The door to Arona's room opens and she stands in the darkness "Sorry to keep you guys waiting..." she says and suddenly she jumps straight from the top of the stairs to the bottom and quickly put different colored paper hats on Inutsuki, Fero and Horatio. She smiles joyfully and excitedly and appears to be wearing bright pink pajamas "SUPER SPECIAL SLEEPOVERRRRRR!" she announces loudly and excitedly. "I decided to do my special stuff and made you guys a bunch of paper hats!" she brings up a box full of paper hats and joke books. "Aw yeah....we're going to party hard tonight!" she said in a hyperactive and excited voice. "This is my specialty!" she smiled brightly.

Horatio looks at the box and wonders what a sleepover is but probably where a group of people gather together and sleep together.

@The Mythic Dragon
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Zareh said:
Horatio looked at her notebook still confused by what she is saying but before he could say anything. The door to Arona's room opens and she stands in the darkness "Sorry to keep you guys waiting..." she says and suddenly she jumps straight from the top of the stairs to the bottom and quickly put different colored paper hats on Inutsuki, Fero and Horatio. She smiles joyfully and excitedly and appears to be wearing bright pink pajamas "SUPER SPECIAL SLEEPOVERRRRRR!" she announces loudly and excitedly. "I decided to do my special stuff and made you guys a bunch of paper hats!" she brings up a box full of paper hats and joke books. "Aw yeah....we're going to party hard tonight!" she said in a hyperactive and excited voice. "This is my specialty!" she smiled brightly.
Horatio looks at the box and wonders what a sleepover is but probably where a group of people gather together and sleep together.

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki stares blankly at her for a moment before actually falling over '...I'm an idiot. it's Arona we're talking about...' she thought weakly laughing to herself, sitting up she inspects the hat briefly before staring at Arona again 'even dressed like that she's still kinda-... stop! just. stop!?' she thought, doing strange hand movements and blushing again 'sl-sleepover?...' she wrote, holding it up 'I think I understand... but-... this isn't good. I feel Sorry for Fero... and she does realise he's a male.. right? you're having a male at a sleepover... heck, she's having me at a sleepover!?' she thought frantically 'innocent thoughts... Inutsuki... innocent thoughts.' she repeated in her head.

@The Mythic Dragon

< @TheHappyPikachu @Zareh >

Fero smiles at Arona as she puts the hat on his head. "Thank you." He says simply, still blushing slightly. "But... are you sure you want me here? I mean... well..." He looks down, blush deepening. "I'm... I'm a male..." He says quietly, shifting side to side. "A-and... well... I mean... I li-" Suddenly he shuts himself up, trying to be as small as he can.
Malin stood there in shock as his brother hugged him. This was one of the few times he had hugged him in his entire life. Once their parents died Hidden had assumed the role of king as well as father figure, refusing to allow someone else to watch over his siblings, so he never had time for Malin, and that's why the hug was so shocking, yet... he enjoyed it.

After the initial shock past, Malin layed his head on Hidden's chest, and hugged him back, but once he stood back Malin was left shocked. He listened to what his brother said and smiled. "I don't dislike you... I love you. You're my brother, and family argue. There was no one else to raise me when I was younger. I didn't get to be raised by mother and father like you guys... All i had was you. You're as close as it gets to a father, but maybe we can stop arguing... for today at least." Malin held his arms out for another hug.

Ciel decided he would continue to explore the guild halls this place was completely strange to him it almost felt terrifying ad the note that Giss handed him didn't make him feel any better about it. Still it would be good to get a better idea of his surroundings if the people in the guild were as strange as he thought. "How am I suppose to rest easy in a place like this he." He mumbled, but despite his doubt he did eventually decide to sleep. He hoped that when he woke up he would still have all his belongings.

@Verdas @SubSonicSausage
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Mai's eyes lit up, and her tail swayed back and forth quickly. I might get to eat with someone super cool! She nodded her head and smiled. "Yes, I know quite a few great places, however some or more expensive than others. I should manage though." Mao said to Aine, hinting that she could pay for them both.

Leon looked at Mary and spoke, a tone of happiness throughout. "I'm glad you are well, Mary. It's a shame that you feel lonely a lot though." He sighed as he pit his hands in his pockets and then said, "I'll tell you what. How about I come and visit you here more often? More than I usually do. That way you might not feel as lonely..." He paused for a moment before continuing, "Or, we could go and see what's out there... We could explore? You deserve to let your hair down if not for a moment" He nearly jumped in anticipation at the thought but contained himself, and then said "Or not, I don't mind" as he realised that he might have been asking for too much. Smiling again, he spoke again, "I guess a strange metal person does sound quite strange, but it really was strange... Like, it was out of this world!". He extended his wings slightly as he looked outside through a nearby window. "It seems to be quite late, perhaps I should head off now, leave you in peace." He said with a small burst of laughter.

Horatio walked up to Arona and offered to carry the box to the living room table. "Well...I guess if you guys don't want to do the special sleepover thing..that's fine with me.." she said in a somber tone with an adorable pouting face. She looked at Fero with a smile and ruffled him on the head "I don't mind if your a guy or a girl or something else! Sleepovers are just sleepovers which means...we just get to have fun together! Plus I know some fun ways to pass the time! " she said softly and imediately threw confetti onto Fero and Inutbuki then she laughed a bit from the surprised confetti barage, Horatio was lining up the hats on the table just for decoration while wondering why she would enjoy a hobby like this. He also set some pillows and blankets for Fero and Inutbuki since it was a sleepover however Horatio doesn't need sleep.

A Few Fun moments later...

Arona fell asleep on the couch however Inutsuki and Fero still seemed pretty awake but tired after the joke books, throwing of hats and just simple chatter. Horatio who did not say a word, walked over to Arona and used both his arms to carry her upstairs to her room.
"It's getting late, you should probably get some rest you two, I'll see you tomorrow." he went upstairs with Arona in his arms and closed the door behind him.

Horatio tucked Arona into bed and sat on the chair which is near a desk right next to her bed. He sat down and peacefully watched Arona but then...

"I sometimes wish that I could meet someone who has lived in the human world...it would be amazing." she mumbled unconsciously in her sleep.

Horatio a bit surprised by what she said, couldn't help but feel warm and safe
"So, you're the one who has awoken me....I should have known...Thank you Arona" Horatio said with grattitude. He looks at his hand back and forth.

"I guess your wish sort of came true huh..."

@The Mythic Dragon

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero enjoys himself during the festivities. How could he not? He was quite tired when Horatio started to carry Arona up to bed, so he himself climbs into his blankets, curling up beneath them with a pillow to rest his head on. "Goodnight, Inutsuki. Goodnight, Horatio. Goodnight, Arona... I love you..." he says, drifting off quickly to sleep.
"I would love to be with you more often, Leon, and exploring outside of this castle would be great, since you do know what I intend to do a lot." said Mary, since she does intend to escape from the castle a lot, and nobody seems to know about that besides Leon.

She then heard Leon saying that she should let her hair down, so she ended up deciding to let her hair down just for him.

"Happy?" said Mary smiling, since she was going to do this anyway, because she always sleep with her hair down.

Mary heard Leon talking about the strange metal person, and she was a bit curious about this.
"I'm usually not interested with strange things, since Caius is usually the one, who is interested with that, because he like clothes, but seeing as this strange metal person is in the castle right now got me a bit interested." said Mary.

Leon then said that it was getting late, and Mary didn't even notice that, since she enjoys having a good conversation with someone.
"Oh dear gaia. It's getting late, and you should indeed be heading off right now, Leon." said Mary. "I enjoyed the conversation, and I hope to talk to you some more tomorrow. Until then, goodnight and farewell, Leon."

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Leon smiled widely at her words, "It's settled then. I'll come here more often and we'll go out exploring somewhere." He chuckled slightly, "You might get fed up with being around me so much, but what can I say? It will be worth it." He smiled at Mary as she began to take her hair down and utter the word, 'happy'. A smile on her face. Leon looked at the princess with a slight gaze, but then chuckled, "I didn't mean it literally, I meant it in the context of you deserving to relax." He sighed as he scratched his head, "But yeah, I'm happy... You look kinda nice I guess.." He sighed, looking away as he felt slightly awkward. After that little episode was done, Leon turned back to face Mary, listening to her talk before he then said. "I enjoyed the conversation as well. Even though it only lasted a few minutes, but it was necessary." He smiled at Mary as he began to head towards the door, before he left, he turned around to face her again as he said. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight Mary, remember, if you need me just send the word and I'll be here in a flash. Farewell." With that, he turned again, and headed out the door and back into the streets. Leon extended his wings and flew towards his house at full speed. Getting to the front door, he opened it and headed in. "Ah~ it sure is good to be home." He said to himself with a smile, before collapsing on his sofa due to how tired he was, and falling asleep.

in just a day EI had made many changes to the village, while at first many had feared her after she had decided to explain she was a human, as she doubted they would even have the barest grasp of machines lets alone something like her, they had come to grudgingly accept her after she had made a little medicine for a few sick villagers. The medicine was really just some herbal remedies, but with the effective ingredients extracted using an impromptu chemistry set. They feared her for what they ignorantly blamed humans for and claimed wrongly that the world was batter for their loss. Still she could not blame these children they did not even understand how the weather worked how could they even think to understand just how minor the impact human had made was in the long term. They could only truly think in maybe a few hundred years before everything simply lost all meaning and they stopped really grasping numbers and she spoke in billions and millions of years.

Still by the next morning She had earned the respect of these simple village people. Their faith in the doctrine of humanities evil was no doubt weaker than others due to their proximity to the ruins and their distance from the capitol which also no doubt held the center of their religion, or at least that was what the data suggested. She would teach these children and make them into the adults that her father had made her to teach. She was no real queen but now many had taken to calling her such many thinking her projections were magic despite her protests and thinking her chemistry was some dark witchcraft despite her explanations . She had a long road to walk before even this village was educated enough to receive her real information.
As night approached so did the shadowy footsteps of two or three people. They came clad with black garb and hoods covering their heads as their mouths and nose was covered by a cloth hiding their faces. There was a female who was the shortest, a male who was slightly taller was next to her and a third man who towers over both of them stood in front looking at the castle and different ways of entering. He nodded towards them as they both pulled out a grappling hook and swung it above their heads in circles and finally they threw it. It hit its destined target which was the rooftop or at a balcony and soon the tall man began to slowly climb his way up to the roof and the other two were close behind once he made it safely at the top. Once each of them was on top the balcony he ordered the female one to lock pick the door as he made mental notes on escape plans if they were to be caught. His attention was soon caught by the familiar "Click" sound as the door was opened. They made their way inside, checking if the coast was clear they went into the hallway. He saw patrols walking about in the castle but they were ways off, he motioned for the other two to follow him as they made their way to the castle's treasury. So far so good, nothing had thrown the plan off track yet and there was no complications at the moment. They went deeper into the castle stealing what they could and stuffing them in bags to which they carried. They took things from rooms such as Necklaces, rubies, and all other valuables. They continued their plan inching closer and closer to the vault with each step but that would still be far off and being a thief wasn't a very easy or fast task, it took a long time to pull off these heists and even longer planning. Though the large man didn't complain, he found it fun and rewarding but as very bad if he got caught, punishment of course would be death.

@Anyone who's in the castle can ruin the plan of stealing stuff made by The Grey Hound ((AKA Silver))
Day 2

It is now currently 7:00 am in the Morning.

Important Events: Mate Day is tomorrow.

(Made a change since everyone wanted love to be in the air)
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Hidden gathered his brother up in a hug once more. It was like music to his ears, Malin saying that he didn't outright hate him. This time, he couldn't hold his composure any longer. Tears began to spill from his eyes, showering down onto his bother's head which was rested upon his chest. His wing wrapping them in a feathery cocoon once more, he wept like a child who had just lost their parents, like a child who had a giant responsibility thrown on their shoulders, like a child who thought he was alone in a world brimming with life. And as he wept, he murmured things such as "I love you." And "I'll never yell at you again." in a shattered tone, the tears flowing even harder now. Hidden soon began to rock a bit, back and forth as if Malin was nothing but a babe in his arms, he had raised this child since birth but he had really never been that close to him until now, and he loved every moment of it.

@Leone (Ah, the feels right now.)
"I don't really mind, Leon, since I finally don't have to sneak out of the castle with a disguise on." said Mary, since that is the only way that she will able to walk around in the kingdom without anybody bugging her.

Leon then said that she literally didn't need to put her hair down, since he wanted her to relax.

"I know, and I was going to do this anyway, since I sleep with my hair down." said Mary.

She started to wave Leon goodbye as he headed out the doors.

'Ok. Time to check the treasury to see if there is any thieves there, and then to head towards my room, since I need to sleep, plus put this portrait away.' thought Mary, as she headed towards to the treasury, since she knows that theives love to steal the expensive stuff there when it's night.

Onces she arrived at the treasury, she noticed that there was someone stealing all of the stuff at the treasury.

"Um...excuse me, but can you please put all of that expensive stuff back, since I have been using the treasury to help the poor out." said Mary, since she was still in a good mood right now, thanks to talking to Leon.

@LeSoraAmari @Archdemon

( Princesses and Princes can also use the money in the treasury: played long live the queen. )
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The next day Mao woke up bright and early. She knew for a fact that this was the day that someone from the Guard would be there to greet her and accept her in. She anxiously got ready, trying to make herself seem as good and professional as she could. As the time came, she left her home and made her way back up to the castle gate. By the time she arrived, no one was there, but then again, she was early. I'll just wait it out.



The doors the the Brotherhood swung open, and in walked Megumi. She came around this time everyday to say hello to the other members, and see if anything needed to be done. After greeting a few people, she looked for the head of the brotherhood, hoping that he had something for her to do, not even knowing if he was there or not.

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The large man sighed as the other two jumped in surprise at the sudden appearance of Mary, one of the royals though oddly enough she hasn't called the guards and isn't mad which if you think about it, is quite odd. The first to speak is obviously the large man who addresses Mary "Ah, this puts a dent in my plan a bit.... Sorry young lady but I cannot give you all this back, this rightfully belongs to the poor people of this nation who you've been neglecting. And I know you royals don't help the poor since I've seen the condition and states they're in. I think you would know me by now but in case you don't I'm The Grey Hound and if you truly want to help the poor then please allow us to safely deliver these items we gathered to the poor citizens." If she did want to help the poor people then she should know that she and him have similar goals, hopefully this little chat can persuade her but if it doesn't he could always use his Aura to escape, the other two will follow the escape route.


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