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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Zareh said:
Horatio analyzed the lip movement of her mouth and realized that she was struggling to keep her smile up from the pain.
"Nice to meet you Inutsuki, I guess that makes us both memory less people...you are lucky, at least you can remember some parts of yourself...I can't remember a single thing about my past or even who I am." he said in a calm polite tone. He reached into his satchel and took out a spare notebook and a pencil. "Here, I believe this will help..." he hands her the notebook and pencil and imagines smiling if he had a face. "So care to tell me something about yourself Inutsuki? I would talk about myself but like I said before, I can't remember a single thing. I'm like an hollowed out shell." Horatio said.


Inutsuki gratefully accepted the notebook and pencil, quickly beginning to write as the chains faint glow faded and her pained expression eased back into a relaxed one, suddenly she stopped
'what can I write? I mean... there' s a lot I ether can't tell or can't remember... umm...' she thought before playing the pencil back onto the page, the sound of it's led tip scratching on the paper was peaceful in the otherwise silent environment, the crackling of the fire heard in the near background.

'Well, as you know my names Inutsuki. other than that-... there's a lot I can't tell you... Sorry for the secretiveness but-... If I were to explain it simply it's for your own safety.' she began lifting the pencil and holding it up briefly for him before going on 'I saw a REALLY nice tree today. I hope I remember it! I always seem to forget trees and I don't know why... it's kinda funny going to sleep and the next morning discovering a tree seemingly grew overnight! I, err... work as a Royal Maid at the palace, but I kinda.... ran away. It's not the first time ether... I have a, 'habit' of running away when I can't take things...' she laughed a bit as she held it up and blushed a bit.

Soon after her eyes widened at a sudden memory coming back to her
'wh-why is this happening now!? They're gonna think I'm a weirdo!' she thought frantically, the images rushing past her eyes quickly before settling on a scene, she slowly got up from the chair and started backing away against a wall, sliding down with eyes filled of pure terror, gazing at a seemingly non-existent person //"There she is! get her!" the mens feet could be heard hitting the path, a hooded figure with white hair was running away and went into an alley, most of the men pasted but two say her and followed without alerting the rest.

"Lookie here... a lonely little fox has found herself trapped." one said smugly, the other closed in on her more "you know what we want. why did you run away?~... All we want is to create another one of you. after all! your Aura is... 'very special' we simply want to use it to protect ourselves... and hurt our enemies. in case this time of Peace ever comes to an end we want to be ready... and your gonna help us." they both spoke with a hint of mockery, getting right up to Inutsuki's face "You're old enough now. and if you do... 'create' another like yourself we might even let you make some more 'friends'!" they slowly began to un-dress the fox girl, laughing all the while. *FADE TOO BLACK*//.

Inutsuki gasped after the vision had ended, looking at her trembling hands before back up at the Metal... thing. now noticing Arona around the corner, her eyes were darting around frantically and for the most part she seemed absolutely petrified, gulping once she moved her lips in one small movement

@Zareh (well. that escalated quickly...)
Before Malin could protest, Hidden rushed him, gathering his brother in a hug, his wings wrapping around him. He held him there for quite a while, his head resting aside his brothers before he took a step back. "Malin...can w-" his voice cracked violently as it was obvious that he was fighting back tears. "Can we just stop...fighting? I understand that you dislike me but that doesn't mean we need to be at e-each others throats all the time." Hidden cleared his throat before continuing "I do all this because I love you. Not because I have to, but because I want to. You are my youngest brother after all, heh." The griffin gave a weak attempt at a laugh, it just sucking the room dry of humor faster.

As the circus went on Mao watched intently, entranced by all of the tricks and dangerous stunts that they did. She couldn't think of a single other person in Gaia that could possibly cole close to doing what Aine and her family was doing.

When the circus ended, Mao shot up and started clapping, very glad that she made the decision to come down to the circus. As the people slowly filed out, Mao left in the back of the group, standing outside of the exit to see if Aine would come out. She didn't expect her to with all of these people around, but it was worth a shot. I'll wait for 10 minutes, and if she doesn't come out, I'll stay.

As he handed Inutsuki the book and pencil, he looked at what she had wrote:

"I don't blame you if you forget, it's just something natural that happens but I would be pretty surprised if a tree grew overnight...a maid? At the royal palace? I see...seems interesting, I'm sorry that you've been having troubles, I'm sure you'll get through those troubles. Nothing last forever..just remember that."

But as soon as Horatio finished his sentence, he noticed that Inutsuki started acting odd, she was backing up against the wall trembling with her hands. "Inutsuki? What is wrong?" he asked confusingly.

"Oh No Inutsuki!" she rushed over to her to comfort her "What is wrong?...Horatio...please help her...I'll get a blanket" she ran upstairs to her bedroom while Horatio stayed next to Inutsuki.


Horatio's HUD detected signs of Inutsuki's chemistry scan but he did not understand why she was having such a hard time...probably something bad she remembered. Horatio thinks about whether or not it's ethical to remember everything. Arona came back down quickly with a blue and white striped blanket and covered Inutsuki to keep her comfort.

"Here you go Inutsuki...now please tell me....what happened?" she asked in a concerned voice as she held her gently by the hand.

Horatio looked at the entire scene, still as confused as ever but knew it wasn't the right time to be snooping around.

@The Mythic Dragon

(You should jump in now!
:D )
< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu @LeSoraAmari >

Inutsuki just runs off after Arona, making Fero even more confused. He cocks his head, and then shakes it. Maybe he'd see her later.Still holding the cake in his hands, he goes about whatever business the Guardian had for him, which took the better part of the day and late into the evening.

Afterwards, he moves directly to Arona's house, a bit lonesome after being away from her most of the day. With the cake still in his hands, he walks to the door and knocks on it. "Arona? I'm home! And I brought the cake! I didn't think it'd be right to eat it without you... may I come in?"
As the day went on, Leon went on his usual patrol around the kingdom. He would keep an eye out for any suspicious activity and make sure nobody got into trouble. Luckily, everything seemed to be nice and calm so far, but he was bored. Very bored. Eventually his rounds took him to the castle, it was a grand looking building with interior to match. It truly was a work of art. Looking up at the huge building, he sighed and began to think to himself. Scratching his head he spoke to himself, "Perhaps I should go and see Mary... I haven't seen her for two days, and I'm bored." He huffed slightly and began to walk into the castle, nodding at the guards that were outside. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind. A surprise visit is nice after all.." He chuckled to himself as he entered the castle.

As he walked through the main hall, he was amazed at the beauty of the place. Although he comes to the castle quite often, he always finds the place breathtakingly beautiful. After a few seconds of walking, saw one of the maids and began to head over to her, his wings tucked in so the risk of him accidentally breaking something was reduced. The maid looked at Leon with a smile as she said, "A Guardian? Can I help you, sir?" Leon smiled kindly at the maid as he said, "If you could go and fetch the princess for me that would be great.." He smiled again at the maid as he put his hands behind his back and stood there awkwardly. The temptation to just bellow through the halls in order to capture Marys attention crossed his mind, but Leon knew that idea would be unwise. Very unwise. He also wanted to be considerate over the royals, since this was their home, and him screaming through the place would just be disrespectful. With a nod, the maid then left the area and headed to wherever the princess was. When she got to the princess she said the simple, "You have a visitor, your grace" and then left, heading back to her duties.


(And anyone else if you want~)
Zareh said:
As he handed Inutsuki the book and pencil, he looked at what she had wrote:
"I don't blame you if you forget, it's just something natural that happens but I would be pretty surprised if a tree grew overnight...a maid? At the royal palace? I see...seems interesting, I'm sorry that you've been having troubles, I'm sure you'll get through those troubles. Nothing last forever..just remember that."

But as soon as Horatio finished his sentence, he noticed that Inutsuki started acting odd, she was backing up against the wall trembling with her hands. "Inutsuki? What is wrong?" he asked confusingly.

"Oh No Inutsuki!" she rushed over to her to comfort her "What is wrong?...Horatio...please help her...I'll get a blanket" she ran upstairs to her bedroom while Horatio stayed next to Inutsuki.


Horatio's HUD detected signs of Inutsuki's chemistry scan but he did not understand why she was having such a hard time...probably something bad she remembered. Horatio thinks about whether or not it's ethical to remember everything. Arona came back down quickly with a blue and white striped blanket and covered Inutsuki to keep her comfort.

"Here you go Inutsuki...now please tell me....what happened?" she asked in a concerned voice as she held her gently by the hand.

Horatio looked at the entire scene, still as confused as ever but knew it wasn't the right time to be snooping around.

@The Mythic Dragon

(You should jump in now!
:D )

Inutsuki accepted the blanket but just blankly stared at her surroundings, eventually she moved the hand that wasn't being held, shaking as she reached for the notebook and pencil again, she slowly began to write, eyes still wide and her mouth moved as she wrote on the page, the chains emitting a small, crimson glow to match the colour of her eyes as she went.

'I-I.... I'm sorry... s-sometimes... I get... flashbacks and that one... just-... wasn't a very nice one...' she held it up, trying to give the cake girl a weak smile in reassurance that she was fine, but in all honesty... she wasn't even sure she was. 'I-I didn't..want... anyone to see me like this...especially..not someone kind enough... to call me their friend...' she wrote quickly after, struggling with some letters because of the trembling pencil, she drew a small illustration of a smily face near it.

'I'm.... fine... now.' she finished, holding it up before hearing Fero, her ears perking up a bit 'I wonder... if he brought the cake?...' some part of her mind still focused on the thought of eating despite the situation she had found herself in.

@The Mythic Dragon

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As Horatio and Arona comforted Inutsuki who seemed traumatized, they heard a knocking on the door and a voice. "I'll get it..wait here" Horatio left the scene to get the door while Arona kept consoling Inutsuki. "Inutsuki..don't worry! as long as your with us, we will be there to help you! That is what friends are for!" she said with a comforting smile and starts ruffling her head again. "What happened in the flashback?..was it something bad?...I hope you can tell me but for now, just don't think about it ok?" she said and placed a cookie in her hand and smiled "Eating cookies always make me feel better" she said.

Horatio went to the front door and opened the door to see a young white wolf person standing there with a box, Horatio stared at him while also analyzing for a bit before saying anything
"Who are you? Why are you here?" he asked in an emotionless tone.

*On Horatio's HUD*





@The Mythic Dragon

Mary started to calm down by herself, since Caius wasn't going to respond to her. She was going to head back to her room with the portrait that Caius was holding for a few minutes, but a maid told her that she has a visitor.

'A visitor? At a time like this? *Sigh* Very well then, I will go see who is the visitor.' thought Mary, as she went to the main hall, since she didn't know that Leon was here.

Onces Mary had arrived at the main hall, she was surprised to see Leon there.
"Leon?" said Mary, since she didn't expect to see him here. "It's good to see you again."

Mary was happy to see Leon, since she hadn't escape from the castle for two days, because she has been working both day and night on Malin's birthday present.

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Instinctively, one of Fero's hands flies back to the hilt of his shortsword, ears down, tail erect, and teeth bared. "Who am I? Who are you? What are you doing in Arona's house!?" He almost yells. Thankfully, Arona's scent was there, and so was... Inutsuki? Suddenly, Fero realizes they might be hostages, and that one wrong move may hurt them. So he takes his hand off of his sword, cradling the cake once more, making his stance less aggressive, but still wary.

"My name is Fero. Fero Kilan. I am a friend of Arona, who's house this is." He says carefully. "I'm here because this is where I stay sometimes... and also so we can eat the cake she bought for us... who are you? Why are you here?"
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Zareh said:
As Horatio and Arona comforted Inutsuki who seemed traumatized, they heard a knocking on the door and a voice. "I'll get it..wait here" Horatio left the scene to get the door while Arona kept consoling Inutsuki. "Inutsuki..don't worry! as long as your with us, we will be there to help you! That is what friends are for!" she said with a comforting smile and starts ruffling her head again. "What happened in the flashback?..was it something bad?...I hope you can tell me but for now, just don't think about it ok?" she said and placed a cookie in her hand and smiled "Eating cookies always make me feel better" she said.
Horatio went to the front door and opened the door to see a young white wolf person standing there with a box, Horatio stared at him while also analyzing for a bit before saying anything
"Who are you? Why are you here?" he asked in an emotionless tone.

*On Horatio's HUD*





@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki smiled at Arona, liking the sound of having 'friends' 'it has a nice ring to it.' she thought aimlessly whilst taking a bite of the cookie and freezing as the girl brought up the flashback, her face going completely red and she coughed, chocking a bit before blinking at Arona 'that...' she began to write but her face just kept growing redder 'it was-... bad. yes.' she eventually wrote, holding it up innocently 'how do I explain!? I mean, to do it she would probably ask why I was running away and why they wanted to-... 'b-breed' more of me and!?-' she thought, sighing, her ears and tail flopping down lazily as she shuffled uneasily trying to work it out.

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Leon waited for a few minutes before Mary finally appeared, upon seeing her, he grinned widely, a smile perked on his face. He was happy to see her, two days was a long time for them not to see each other, but Leon knew that the reasoning behind this was good. She was making a present after all. After Mary finished speaking, Leon went over to her and began to speak. "I got bored so I thought I'd come and see you, it's been 48 hours since I saw you last you know.." He paused for a little before continuing, one hand behind his back as he scratched his head with the other, "Is this a good time for me to be here? I thought you'd all be celebrating the princes birthday or something. I can come back later if that is the case?" He smiled at the princess before putting his hands in his pockets, looking down at the hilt of his katana and stretching his wings out slightly before tucking them in again.

Horatio looked at Fero for a few seconds before responding "Horatio, I'm here for no reason at all" he said calmly and emotionless as he walked back inside followed by Fero.


Arona looked at what Inutsuki and smiled
"Don't worry it's over now...just enjoy your cookie! I have a lot of stuff that can cheer you up!" she said in a cheerful tone and looked at Inutsuki while still being a bit confused of why she was blushing then she saw Horatio and Fero enter the living room from the front door. "Oh! Heya Fero!" she said cheerfully "I'm sorry that I ran off earlier today but what brings you here?" she asked and saw the box which meant "Oh yay! You brought the cake! sweet! Now we can all enjoy it together! Come on Inutsuki join us! I'll get the tea and cookies!" she said in an excited voice while also drooling a bit from the thought of cake and headed off into the kitchen to get the other things.

Horatio helped up Inutsuki to stand and they all sat on the sofas while waiting for Arona to get the things. Horatio stared at Fero emotionless while trying to analyze what is going on with this person. He saw Arona bring 4 white ceramic cups and a rainbow colored teapot out and placed them on the table while also placing a plate of home baked cookies and pouring rosemary tea into everyone's cups .
"Yay! Everything is in place now! This looks like a great set up!" she said cheerfully and begins to sit next to Horatio. She looks at him and back to Fero which she notices that he is staring at Fero

"Oh! That's right! Horatio this is Fero and Fero this is Horatio! Fero and I have been friends for a while, he's a really nice guy"
she introduced him to Fero."Oh ..I see....we kind of already met.." he said unsure of what to think. Not saying much, Horatio just grabbed a cookie and stared at it but then suddenly a little gap opens where his mouth would have been and shoves the cookie down the gap. "Sweet..." he said calmly.

@The Mythic Dragon

Zareh said:
Horatio looked at Fero for a few seconds before responding "Horatio, I'm here for no reason at all" he said calmly and emotionless as he walked back inside followed by Fero.

Arona looked at what Inutsuki and smiled
"Don't worry it's over now...just enjoy your cookie! I have a lot of stuff that can cheer you up!" she said in a cheerful tone and looked at Inutsuki while still being a bit confused of why she was blushing then she saw Horatio and Fero enter the living room from the front door. "Oh! Heya Fero!" she said cheerfully "I'm sorry that I ran off earlier today but what brings you here?" she asked and saw the box which meant "Oh yay! You brought the cake! sweet! Now we can all enjoy it together! Come on Inutsuki join us! I'll get the tea and cookies!" she said in an excited voice while also drooling a bit from the thought of cake and headed off into the kitchen to get the other things.

Horatio helped up Inutsuki to stand and they all sat on the sofas while waiting for Arona to get the things. Horatio stared at Fero emotionless while trying to analyze what is going on with this person. He saw Arona bring 4 white ceramic cups and a rainbow colored teapot out and placed them on the table while also placing a plate of home baked cookies and pouring rosemary tea into everyone's cups .
"Yay! Everything is in place now! This looks like a great set up!" she said cheerfully and begins to sit next to Horatio. She looks at him and back to Fero which she notices that he is staring at Fero

"Oh! That's right! Horatio this is Fero and Fero this is Horatio! Fero and I have been friends for a while, he's a really nice guy"
she introduced him to Fero."Oh ..I see....we kind of already met.." he said unsure of what to think. Not saying much, Horatio just grabbed a cookie and stared at it but then suddenly a little gap opens where his mouth would have been and shoves the cookie down the gap. "Sweet..." he said calmly.

@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki smiled and nodded at Arona, finishing off the cookie but still blushing at the thought... her mind being completely distracted by the mention of cake though. After Horatio had helped her onto the couch she sat staring at the box, her tail wagging and ears perked up like a dog, once Aona returned she laughed the sound produced from her mouth let off small waves of power in the close area, seeming to make people happy almost sub-consciously, tears flowed from her eyes though... it hurt so much to laugh! but-... she couldn't help it. she was just so!~... Happy? 'I guess you could... call it that.' she thought wincing slightly as she eagerly awaited the cake, her chains glowing brightly.

@Zareh @The Mythic Dragon
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"No. You came in a great time, Leon." said Mary, since he doesn't know what happen between her and Malin. "Well. We were celebrating Malin's birthday, but..." said Mary, since she didn't want to talk about this, because Malin did upsetted her badly, and she might start to cry.

"Anyway, how's your duty as a guardian been?" said Mary, since not only did she wanted to change the topic, but she wanted to know what Leon has been doing lately.

'...I forgot to put the portrait away, haven't I.' thought Mary, since she was still holding it in her hands, because she didn't put the portrait in her room yet.

She knew that Leon was also going to end up talking about that, since she still has it.

'Malin...why would you treat me like this?' thought Mary, since she was still feeling guilty about showing that portrait to him.

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero walks in silently, confused by the thing called Horatio. But, of course, none of that would compare to seeing Arona again. He smiles all the while, nodding to inutsuki. "Hey! It's nice to see you again!" He says, laughing a little with her as he places the cake on the table and opens the box. He then sits down, takes a cookie and piece of cake, and sips his tea. "Delicious as always, Arona." He compliments her, blushing, as he takes a bite of the cookie.

"Hello, Horatio. Are you a new friend?" He asks when he learns of the things name. But, alas, his mind was tired, and his eyes wander back over to admire Arona, even as he takes a bite of his cake. "This..." he starts, before polishing off the piece of cake in record time. "This is amazing, Arona! Thank you! Thank you for treating me to this!" He says, blush growing a bit deeper.
The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
Horatio looked at Fero "I guess you could say that...there's not much to say..." he looked to Arona who was enjoying herself with the cake, savoring every bite of it slowly and delicately. Horatio sips a bit of the rosemary tea while looking at Inutsuki and Fero. "Aw thank you Fero, that's very kind of you. I'm glad you like my cookies" she smiled while continuing eating the cake. "Of course Fero! I'm really happy that both of you are here! I would be happy to treat you anytime" she said excitedly and proudly for making such great home baked goods.

Arona noticed that Inutsuki rushed out of the house and returned deathly pale, she comforted her by rubbing her back slowly
"Hey Inutsuki, take it easy you silly billy, is the cake too much for you?" she asked jokingly concerned. The night was young as the group continued talking and enjoying themselves...however Horatio kept quiet to himself as he watched everyone. When all the cake and goodies were gone Arona did the only thing she could do "BUUURRRRRPPPPP" she belched "Exccuussse me, I'm sooo stuffed from that goodness" she said blushing herself while patting herself on the stomach. She looks over to Horatio who seems to be a bit depressed over something. "Horatio? Are you ok?" she asked while poking him on the arm "Huh?...oh yes, I'm completely fine" he said confirming her thoughts.

"Alrighty then! I guess it's time" She said as she got up with a smirk on her face. Horatio looked at her in confusion on what she is talking about. Arona looked at Fero and Inutsuki with a devilish smile "It's time...for that "special" thing I promised since little wolfy and foxy here decided to stay here for the night" she winked at them as she went upstairs into her room

"Be right back~ Going to slip into something a bit more...
appropriate for the situation...." she said in a somewhat seductive tone as she went upstairs into her bedroom again.

Horatio looked as Arona went upstairs to her bedroom to get changed. Completely confused by what she said, he turned to them.
"What was that all about?" he asked.

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero looks worryingly at Inutsuki, but is unable to say anything, instead passing a note to her 'Am I that obvious?'

And then Arona speaks in such a seductive tone, with such words, his face turns a full red, and one could swear that his heart could be heard beating in the room. His mouth was dry and his palms were sweaty.
Leon looked at Mary with a smile, chuckling slightly as he said "Oh, that's good then!". He looked at the princess, Leon could tell that she wasn't exactly...happy, right now. But he didn't intend on questioning her about it as he didn't want to make her even more upset, but The fact that she said they 'were' celebrating the princes birthday was what made him know that something had happened. Leon looked at Mary and smiled, dismissing the thoughts in his head as he didn't want to say anything that would upset her. When she asked him about his time as a guardian, Leon said, "It's going well, I really like helping people so this is a good job for me to be doing, plus its fun." He smiled at her as he then remembered earlier events, "We came across some strange metal person in the streets, from what I understand, the king brought it into the castle." He let out a sigh, "It's still a mystery.. But my god is it intriguing, however I don't know what it's capable of, so please be careful when your walking around the castle. Just in case." He let out an awkward sigh. "Ah forget that, I'm just being paranoid." He chuckled as he then added, "But that's enough about me. How is the princess? Are you well?" He looked at her as he then looked down at her hands, she was holding a painting and it was beautiful. However Leon was aware of the painting Mary was crafting for Malin, and assumed that this was it. Sighing he said nothing of it, as he didn't want to upset her. Also, it wasn't his place to do so.

Zareh said:
Horatio looked at Fero "I guess you could say that...there's not much to say..." he looked to Arona who was enjoying herself with the cake, savoring every bite of it slowly and delicately. Horatio sips a bit of the rosemary tea while looking at Inutsuki and Fero. "Aw thank you Fero, that's very kind of you. I'm glad you like my cookies" she smiled while continuing eating the cake. "Of course Fero! I'm really happy that both of you are here! I would be happy to treat you anytime" she said excitedly and proudly for making such great home baked goods.
Arona noticed that Inutsuki rushed out of the house and returned deathly pale, she comforted her by rubbing her back slowly
"Hey Inutsuki, take it easy you silly billy, is the cake too much for you?" she asked jokingly concerned. The night was young as the group continued talking and enjoying themselves...however Horatio kept quiet to himself as he watched everyone. When all the cake and goodies were gone Arona did the only thing she could do "BUUURRRRRPPPPP" she belched "Exccuussse me, I'm sooo stuffed from that goodness" she said blushing herself while patting herself on the stomach. She looks over to Horatio who seems to be a bit depressed over something. "Horatio? Are you ok?" she asked while poking him on the arm "Huh?...oh yes, I'm completely fine" he said confirming her thoughts.

"Alrighty then! I guess it's time" She said as she got up with a smirk on her face. Horatio looked at her in confusion on what she is talking about. Arona looked at Fero and Inutsuki with a devilish smile "It's time...for that "special" thing I promised since little wolfy and foxy here decided to stay here for the night" she winked at them as she went upstairs into her room

"Be right back~ Going to slip into something a bit more...
appropriate for the situation...." she said in a somewhat seductive tone as she went upstairs into her bedroom again.

Horatio looked as Arona went upstairs to her bedroom to get changed. Completely confused by what she said, he turned to them.
"What was that all about?" he asked.

@The Mythic Dragon
Inutsuki has stayed... quiet for most of the time, suddenly at the end of the discussion upon hearing Arona's words she blushed again, 'T-they...s-sh-she couldn't mean!? th-that!! what the!?' she thought in her head, eyes almost spinning 'I mean-... what am I thinking!? bad Inutsuki. bad. you know you can't-... bad. don't think that!!' she thought desperately, imagining all sorts of-.. 'inappropriate things'... not helped by the fact of her not really caring for gender and therefore leading her to see Arona as 'slightly sexy' to say the least, at this point she actually gave Fero a small glare '..Lucky wolf...' she thought stubbornly, still blushing.

@The Mythic Dragon

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Kayzo said:
As the circus went on Mao watched intently, entranced by all of the tricks and dangerous stunts that they did. She couldn't think of a single other person in Gaia that could possibly cole close to doing what Aine and her family was doing.
When the circus ended, Mao shot up and started clapping, very glad that she made the decision to come down to the circus. As the people slowly filed out, Mao left in the back of the group, standing outside of the exit to see if Aine would come out. She didn't expect her to with all of these people around, but it was worth a shot. I'll wait for 10 minutes, and if she doesn't come out, I'll stay.

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Horatio did not understand much as he looked at the silent acts of the two kemonomimi who both appeared to be in deep red. He wondered why they were blushing so hard and crazy. Horatio did a brain chemistry scan on both of them.

*On Horatio's HUD*










Horatio wondered why in the world, they would be excited for something like this. He seems to lack information on these kind of subjects and would probably need explanation on the topic. He turned torwards them and tapped Inutsuki on the shoulder who seems stunned by Arona's words. "Hello? What's wrong with both of you?" he asked confused "Is there something going on that I don't know?" Horatio thought of the situation to be a bit disturbing as well.

@The Mythic Dragon

Mao was a little surprised to see that Aine actually came outside. She gave her a big smile and clapped her hands. "Oh, it was amazing! I don't even know how you managed to pull all of that off. I surely would've fallen down." She said, her bushy tail waving around in excitement.

Ciel had arrived at the room he told Charon he could use while staying at the castle; after all the time they spent wondering the guild with Giss he assumed his charge would need some rest. Acting under the assumption that Charon might try to run away Ciel had ordered some guardians to patrol nearby and to alert him if they saw anyone suspicious in the area. With a knock on the door Ciel had hoped to see his king's guest still in his room and planned to show him around the castle or kingdom if needed. As he thoguht aobut this Ciel couldn't help but sigh a little when did he become a guide instead of being a commander.


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