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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

"Of course, it would be my pleasure." Ciel said expressionless in truth the guild had always seemed strange to him and he had tried to avoid contact with them when possible now he would have to walk into their den with some strange creature. He couldn't help but think to himself that today was just not his day. The most important thing however was what the king wanted him to do, keep an eye on them. Without any more delay Ciel opened the door for Giss to exit the room when he was ready.

@Verdas @SubSonicSausage
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Larentia Shikari

Having disappeared into the crowd, Larentia had spent the rest of her day at one of the kingdom's finest forges. Was it the metallic creature she'd seen before that'd made her want to work with metal? Maybe. Who knew? She certainly didn't.

Nearing the end of her time at the forge, she finally took a seat and noticed just how dirty she was, even burnt in a couple areas when she'd accidentally taken a step backwards into one of the furnaces. Oh boy did she squeal at that!

"Aaand....done!" She yelped happily, placing a rather unique looking sword blade into a red padded box, "Who's this one going to?"

An older fellow by the name of Jeremiah looked over at the blade Larentia was pointing to, and smiled slightly, before looking back over at the tools he was sliding back into their homes.

"That wonderful piece will be delivered to a Mrs. Valentine." The old man chuckled, "Though it is quite an odd shape! I don't know how well it will fair in a fight. But then again, it is not my place to question the customers, simply to follow their instructions."

Larentia simply shrugged, and closed the lid of the fine box. She turned and picked up the items she'd left in the back, and strode off out of the forge, bidding Jeremiah a fond farewell. It didn't take her long to walk across the city, and soon found herself in the same area as she had been that morning, yet there still seemed to be a crowd?

She once again quietly made her way to the middle of the crowd, and found herself staring at the back of another metallic creature. This one had a distinctly different look from the first one, but no guards seemed to have seen it. With a brief glance, she saw many other onlookers questioning the poor thing, and even a couple cussing towards it.

Larentia pulled her staff from the strap on her back and started using it as a walking stick of sorts, walking up to individuals to try ward them off. Most people listened, were respectful enough to leave the creature be, and as such, the crowd dwindled. Though the onlookers that were cussing, and threatening the metal creature didn't seem to want to leave. So finally, she decided to address it directly, with a smile across her face.

"Are you okay, friend? Are you lost?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.be56ec6f27dcec1a19d8a9f8bb29ec13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78854" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.be56ec6f27dcec1a19d8a9f8bb29ec13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"You can never rule out someone being eaten." Lyre agreed, glad to have pulled a chuckle from his friend. He noticed when his friend looked a little less than happy, but didn't catch what had turned his smile upside down. It left him feeling guilty for what he had said, but confused on what exactly it was that had bothered Aaron. The bird shook his head when Aaron explained that it was his wonderful habit of having his head in the clouds, paired with getting into a small fight. Lyre wanted to question how small 'small' was but didn't really get the chance when Aaron apologized again before mentioning he'd be right back and going to change into the golden vest. Lyre was of the mind to stay put right where he was until he heard commotion with a crowd nearby... and it wasn't for something going on in their circus.

Lyre spread his wings and took smoothly to the sky to see an acrobatic act going on a short ways from the circus. He was both upset by the fact there were other performers so near them, and impressed by the performance itself. He had always admired those who would dare a tight rope without wings. If he didn't have wings he most certainly would have trained to be a tight rope dancer! But when you had wings... well the danger was less real. Unless they were tied or some such nonsense but Lyre would never stand for such a thing. Bending his feathers... what a terrible thing rope could be sometimes. He kept an eye out for Aaron while he watched the act taking place, waiting for his friend's return before heading back to the ground.

@T h e F o o l

Mentioned: @JessBeth

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.e07fb2566d799a2703086a81e780c021.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78855" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.e07fb2566d799a2703086a81e780c021.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I was greatly hoping Master Giss would have a new assignment for us so that we weren't still stuck exploring those old, ransacked caves. We've been through there again and again and have found nothing of interest and yet we are told to keep looking. Perhaps our superiors know something we don't." She mused after a long moment, before feeling a small growl come from her stomach.

"Vera, have you eaten yet? I know I haven't..." She said, patting her belly forlornly. She may dislike water but she did like food... Well, she supposed she should rethink that. She disliked water when it wasn't Vera's water. "Also, why so many artifacts? Have you not been keeping up with your work or did they come across a new find?" She asked, brows furrowing that perhaps she hadn't been kept privy to new findings.




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Alexander didn't react to the words of the stranger who spoke to him. She had warded off a good portion of the crowd though a few rowdy ones insisted on staying. He didn't quite enjoy talking, especially to those he didn't know but he felt as though he owed the girl an answer, even if it was a short one. "No." Was all he replied to her questions about whether or not he was lost.

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As Aine finishes walk cross the laundry top, she hear am applause of the peoples. "Thank you! Thank you! If you wanna see more? Come to the circus called the "The Golden Acrobatics" where we do something impossible!!!" Aine shouts as she smiles at everyone as the peoples shoats and sound exciting. Aine walk away as she jump to roof to roof until she made to to her families , putting on the circus tents.

"Where have you been, young lady?" said her mother.

"I...went out...." Aine try to make-up excuses.

"Aine, you're here to help us put the tents, now go help you're brothers!!' said her father.

Aine do as he said as she help everyone putting on the tents.



Yin get pat on the head and start telling her to carry a knives with her. "Um....ok....um....I was wondering....is there a opening jobs around here?" Yin asked the question.

Indigo flew close to ZZ (double Z? Z's? The big Z?), stretching his wings to their full length. Crows weren't known for their flying ability, but their endurance was impressive; he didn't have to flap that often to keep his altitude. Indigo doubted that he'd win any beauty awards, however, which suited him just fine. He was too busy gazing longingly at shiny objects below to care about his appearance. Most of them were owned by other people, but this insignificant little fact escaped the crow's mind.

Indigo shook his head. He had to keep focused, wait for his brother to introduce him to the guild, and then observe what he could. For the glory of the immortal humans.
As Mao was sitting at the cafe, she heard tons of noise coming from not that far away. I wonder what's happening over there? She wondered, standing up from her chair and walking towards the noise. As she neared, there was a large crowd and what seemed to be someone doing tricks. Mao watched in awe as the girl did her thing, clapping when it came it an end. Come to the circus the girl said! A circus could be very fun. She thought, and decided that she would try to find it.

After much looking, Mao finally stumbled across the circus tent, or what was going to be it. "Hello?" She called out to anyone.

Charon shaked Giss' hand. "My creators named me H.A.H.M.W.M., however I also have an alternative name: Charon. You may call me what you'd like." He said to him, then turning his head to the "Commander of the Guardians". He didn't exactly know what these guardians were, but he believed that, judging from their name, protected something. He was more curious about the guild than these guardians, however. At least at the current moment. Unaware he was of the Guildmaster's thoughts, wondering whether he had just let a "weapon of mass destruction" into his guild. Coincidentally, this was true. H.A.H.M.W.M. was, as it's name implies, heavily armed with powerful weapons of... Well... Mass destruction.

Wondering what the other guild members were like, he was eager to find out more about this guild. He prayed to God, even though he didn't believe in it as it was unscientific and illogical, that not all of the guild members were exactly like Giss. It would be very hard for him to deal with all of the members wanting to dissect him, not to meant ion very inconvenient and annoying. "Let's be on our way then." He said, getting up from his seat, not like sitting down was necessary for a machine, and it ready to walk outside. @SubSonicSausage @Unlucky
Aina hear someone as she turn her head. "Well, hello there, fellow audience!" She smiles as she said, "We're sorry, but the show will not be open until tonight!!"

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Mao frowned slightly, seeing as it wasn't open yet. "Darn, that's a shame." She said to Aina, but quickly turned her frown into a smile. "What time is the first showing? I'd love to be here."

"Well, well, someone here wanna to see that acrobatics show...." Aine giggle as she backflip and land on the big ball. "It will be 8:00 p.m!!'

Mao smiled brightly as she did her trick. "Wow, that's impressive! And 8:00? I'll be there." She said to the girl, looking around at the soon to be tent. "Also, do you guys need any help? I've nothing to do at the moment, and would love to help if needed."

Aine jump off the big ball and land on the floor. "Oh, no no, we won't let outsider help us.....but I can show you something....um...I don't get you're name.....'

Mao's fox ears flicked up when the girl said that she could see something. "Yes! I'd love to see something." She said happily, clapping her hands together. "And my name? It's Mao! Nice to meet you."

"Aine Golden, please to meet you, Mao!" Then Aine brothers carry lots of balls and headed there way. "Oh no, time to moved!" Aine take Mao hand and quickly run out of the tents as they are back ob the outside tents. "That was close...."

Mao squeaked in surprise as Aine took her hand, and she quickly ran after her, her large tail trailing behind them. "What was close? Death?" She asked, her tail finally catching up.

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"Nothing, just that if we stand on my big brothers way, they'll be mad and use us as fire practice dummy...."


Inutsuki watched the situation around her blankly, she was about to write a response to Fero before a guardian suddenly appeared, then the girl started... glowing?... and ran off and now they were going somewhere and Fero wanted her to come and she was still wearing a maid outfit and the sky is blue!?-... 'what, in the name of Gaia am I thinking!?' she thought to herself, currently looking around frantically and blushing slightly from her lack of understanding in the situation, 'I'm still hungry....' she thought, almost drooling at the sight of the cake and sad that it was going to be eaten later.

After a moment of looking from Fero to the waitress to the guardian and the door she suddenly burst out of her seat, following after the girl from before despite her legs still hurting and her blistered feet... she'd ether been too confused to do anything else in the situation or simply forgotten something again causing her to run off, trailing behind the girl quite closely but remaining hidden to the best of her abilities... which wasn't exactly easy when wearing a maid outfit.
'I wonder why she ran off... she glowed? is that normal? are people supposed to glow? am I weird because... I don't glow?' her mind was flooding with useless questions that would never get asked.

@The Mythic Dragon

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It is now 10:45 pm at Night. (Note that this time frame is from Arona's perspective, you are able to do a rp post before this happened or something that happened at the same time but at a different location.)

Important Events: None at the Moment.

It was late into the night for Arona, she had done what is needed to be attended to at her home in secrecy. She calmly walked into the doors of the Arkhaios guild building and hurried off into the library. She walked and into the library area, passed the metal statue however unknown to her..the optical sensors were dimming a faint red light.


She went over to the large desk where she left one of her books "The Statues of Humans" and sat down to continue reading "I guess it wouldn't hurt to stay another all nighter...alright! let's continue!" she said to herself with a bit of glee. As she continued reading about the different architectural ruins left across the land...her eyes drooped a bit and then a bit more and wham....she fell asleep again. It's surprising that she would yet sleep inside of a dusty old library than the warm comforts of her own home...quite odd but Arona is anything BUT normal. As her peaceful sleep continued, she knew that this would be just another day where-

*Thump....CLANK.....Thump.....CLANK.....Thump.....CLANK.....Thump....CLANK* could be heard from the museum hall.

"Huh?....what the?..." she said half asleep in a groggy voice but as the sounds of loud clanking and thumping got closer, Arona immediately went full alert and ducked down under the large table to hide while also seeing what was making that awful loud sound...as the sound got louder and closer....her eyes widened at the sight of what made it. A rusted metal statue moving it's legs and as the feet came down made a CLANK sound followed by a loud Thump. Arona gasped a bit and immediately covered her mouth to avoid further detection. The Metal statue walked around while moving it's head left and right with a whirling sound which was quite frightful. Suddenly it stopped and turned it's body towards Arona's position as it slowly walked over.

Arona who was still hiding under the table, paralyzed and shocked from the metal statue's sudden life
"Oh gaia...how is this possible...it was dead! but...it can't be alive? can it? I'm so confused....oh no...I MUST HAVE AWOKEN THE DEAD....so that means..." she thought to herself and looked over at the metal statue... "I must have brought a ZOMBIE!" she thought with a bit of confusion. She had to think of an idea...she looked under table for the next best hiding spot she could find...and spot an opening behind a bookshelf.

The Metal statue which apparently suppose to be some-kind of Zombie in disguise approached the table where Arona is and ducked underneath.......there was nothing there...it stood up again and began it's search cycle. She started breathing quietly and heavily like this was some sort of horror film.
"Ok...I'll run as fast as I can as soon as it leaves the library..." she thought as she mapped out her plan. As she stepped back, she didn't realized that she accidentally tipped over the book shelf behind her which is now crashing on her. Arona looked up and screamed as the bookshelf came crashing down on her. She closed her eyes but realized she was not harmed..."alright...good...I better get out of here before..." she tried to get up but...she couldn't as she looked at her feet and realized that one of her legs is stuck under the heavy bookshelf which prevented her from leaving. "No...No...No...No...No..." she thought fearfully...but as she turned her head...the zombie was staring right at her...emotionless...stoic....her mind started to break down and she started to sweat.

*Thump....CLANK.....Thump.....CLANK.....Thump.....CLANK.....Thump....CLANK* it sounded like the footsteps of death himself coming to take her life away...the zombie got closer and closer...there was nothing she could do...nothing but to accept her fate....she closed her eyes with tears running down her checks with a scared expression
"Well....looks like this is the end for me....I guess I deserved it" she thought grimly. Expecting to there to be death or pain of some sort...what she felt was...relief.

Arona slowly opened her eyes to see that the zombie has helped her by lifting the bookshelf off from the ground thus freeing her grounded leg. As it positioned it back to a standing position, the zombie picked out the books and started to sort them out.
"It...can read?....but how? why?" she thought confused and surprised that it didn't attack her but instead helped her.

As it finished sorting out the books, the zombie/metal statue kneel down in front of Arona with one of it's legs and spoke.

"I apologize for making you feel frightened" it said in a raspy monotone voice "I was looking for help and I saw you come in...I didn't realized that you were so scared of me..haha" it held out a hand for Arona and began to stand up.

Arona still confused, bewildered and just supremely shocked from all of this, she rubbed her eyes and accepted it's hand which pulled her up.
"I....I...I r-really...have no...w-words to describe h-how I'm feeling right now..." she responded. Two years ago, she found this statue in the middle of death valley, now it's alive and speaking to her. The statue moved it's head left and right, analyzing the room. "Can you please tell me where I am exactly?" it asked. "You're in the Arkhaios Guild Building..." she said while trying to keep her composure "My name is A-Arona...who are you exactly?" she asked with a fake smile but she is still a bit terrified of him.

"I...don't know...I don't remember....who I am or...where I came from..." it responded while looking around. "Oh dear..." she said..."do you have any idea at all?" she asked now a bit concerned and less scared. "None really....however everything else seems @#$!@#$%^#@$" the statue starts to lose it's balance and collapses onto the floor. "Oh no! Are you ok?!" now devoid of fear replaced with concern and care. "I'm sorry...I'm not doing as well as I thought...my mental structure is fine but my body appears to be failing..." it said.

The metal statue appeared to be struggling to keep itself up. As it got up, it tried to stand
"Is there anything that I can do?" she asked. The statue stood with stability and responded "Is there anything that could help me?....perhaps materials? or anything at all?" he asked hopefully. Arona pondered and an idea popped into her head "I know a place! follow me!" she led the statue to the junk room where all of the uninteresting human artifacts were. "This is the junk room...most of the stuff here look boring so we just dump it here." The statue looked around and saw many useful parts...one in particular appeared to be another body similar to his.

"What is this?" He asked pointing to the buff looking metal body laying on the floor with a cracked face.

Arona looked at the body and sighed
"That's the ugly figure, I found it about a few months back...I was really disappointed because of it's broken face so I dumped it here...it's a shame too" she said. The statue analyzed the broken figure..."It's an endurance unit model 900" he said while approaching it closely. "A Coltan-Titanium based alloy structured and Kevlar laminated...this unit is able to take a lot of hits...very strong in defense and durability. Iridium powered as well...looks like it's power cell still had 80 years left on it...enough to last almost a life time I suppose" She looked at him confused by the words it was using. "How did you know that?...." she asked while standing next to him. "I can analyze things and it tells me what they are" he stood up and looked at her "Thank you, I can work with all of this...but first.." it grabbed a hooded coat from a stand, a human book and some other pieces of hardware which alienated Arona. "I'll be working here, you might want to wait outside the Junk room." it said as it begins to work on the body. Arona leaves the Junk room and wait outside.

A few moments later....

Arona who is still waiting for the statue to finish...is struggling trying to keep her patience...the only thing that really keeps her from going nuts, is the sounds of clanking and whirling coming from within the Junk Room. Arona is both excited and tired but mostly excited to see what the statue is up to.
"Oh...this is so exciting....I wonder if....questions...so many questions! What should I ask first maybe I should calm down....nah! Forget that! I'm...with something sooooo cooooool!" she pondered about the possible questions to ask him and the things they could do together. Arona now struggling to keep her excitement in.

Suddenly the door to the Junk room opens up and what appears to be a new body activated while holding on to the old statue.

"So tell me something Arona..." a deep clear masculine voice asked "How do I look?" he asked as he stepped out of the room.


As Arona looked at him in shock...her excitement exploded in front of him
"You....look....Amazing! Incredible!" she rushed up to him and hugged him very tightly.....she lets go of him and blushes a bit "Sorry...it's just...you have no idea, how long I've been waiting to meet something as incredible as you...the face is fixed too, looks better than ever" she says with excitement. The statue looks at her..."Thank you...it's nothing really...I just did some heat melding and added some parts to the body." he said with appreciation in his voice. He takes out the old body with one hand and continues checking the book in his other hand "Just making sure I have everything in the right place" he says as he continues to look through the book. As he finished, he puts it inside his satchel and lifts his old body up. "Here's the old body, where do you want it?" he asked.

"Over here please!" she said and led him the display stand of the metal statue. He modeled it back to a straight figure. Everything looks the same as it used to be. "Say...how were you able to switch bodies?" she asked curiously. "Well...the body had a functional wireless receiver, so as soon as I fixed everything on the new body, I immediately transfer my data to the new body." Arona did not understand completely but it sounded really cool to her.

They made their way back to the library and sat on seats near the long library table together.
"I'm guessing you have no clue on how you got here then...well...I guess I'll explain it...it all started about two years ago..."

A long explanation later....

"And that's how you got here...still are you sure you don't remember how you got here?" she said while trying to catch her breathe. He thought hard, trying to think of anything but nothing came to him.. "I got zilch" he said in a disappointing tone... "I can't even remember my name..." he put his hand on his head trying to think of something that could help him. "Well...that's ok! Don't worry! why don't we give you a new name for the time being? I think it would be fun plus you get to start a new life for yourself" she said completely returning back to her cheerful and excited self. "Alright...where do we begin...I know!" she dashes over to one of the bookshelves and returns back with a book called "One Hundred Baby names" and opens up to a page. "Let's start right here..." she says and starts listing off names one by one as he listened.

100 baby names later...

"So...which one do you pick?" she said with excitement in her voice. "Do you ever get tired from doing things like these?" he asked with bewilderment in his voice. "Nope! Never! Unless...it's one of those really REALLY boring tasks...then I just flop down and sleep..ehehe" she said while blushing a bit from embarrassment. "Well...from all of the names so far...I think I'll go with......Horatio...I guess, the name sounds familiar to me in someway..I don't know why but it just does." Arona looks up the name in the book and points it with her finger. "Here is the name! It means...Time Keeper. I think it really suits you since you must be really old...haha" she said playfully while giggling a bit. "I guess so....I mean I don't feel old..." he looks outside the window of the library, the moon shines bright as ever. "So what do we do now? I don't really know where to go from here" he asks.

Arona jumps up and packs some books into her bag
"Let's go back to my place! Maybe if we go there, I can show you some things and maybe you'll remember something!" she says excitedly and gets up ready to leave. "Alright...lead the way Arona." he said with relief in his voice.

The dynamic duo leave the guild building together and head home but little did they know of what adventures await them in the future....


Inutsuki had followed the girl to her house but waited outside, later on the girl had left and she just remained at the house... all alone. it was late now... the moon shining in the sky captured her attention 'it's... beautiful...' she thought aimlessly, a small smile settling on her face 'I never really got to see it before... I mean, I was ether locked up or in that cupboard...' she sighed, sliding down a wall into a sitting position and lazily resting a hand on her leg, a single tear falling slowly down her cheek, glistening in the moons rays, as she noticed the familiar wet sensation on her face her eyes widened slightly in startle 'wh-why am I crying?... I'm happy. really, I am... I'm not locked up anymore! I'm free! so... why?' she asked herself within her mind, her small smile turning to a frown as she buried her face in her knees, bringing them close to her chest.

She sighed slowly, starting to hum a tune, being careful to not utter a word, not that she could anyway, each hum stung and brought more tears to her already wet eyes, falling onto her cut up and bruised arms, the saltiness hurting even more... every hum exhausted her but there was nothing else she could do, moving her arms slightly the chains made a small clinking noise
'..is that why I'm sad? is it because... I'm never really going to be free... am I?... I mean, I escaped but they're looking for me... they're gonna find me... and even where I am now nobody really wants to be around me... and these chains... my voice... everything is keeping me locked up...' she thought, resting her head against the house's door 'Fero... said he would be my friend.... and that girl... but-.. if they knew the truth... would they-... never. they would-...' her eyes gently closed and her pale skin and white hair reflected the moonlight giving her the innocence of a small child.


(The song she's


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Arona and Horatio walked together where the moon is shining bright on them. Arona who is still completely excited, hypactive and most of all interested in Horatio. She wonders millions of things about him, and wondering why he would be missing memories of his past. All these questions might be answered in due time but she still could not contain her excitement.

Horatio on the other hand, continued reading the book titled "A History of Fauna and Aura" which described many different events, fighting techniques, cultures, etc. He still did not understand them completely but didn't question it because it didn't seem

necessary. As they walked, they reached the house of Arona Iris.

"Here it is! Home Sweet Home! There's no other place like this!" she said proudly "I've been living here my whole life and it's always a cozy place to me!" she said joyfully.

Horatio looked at the house, it seemed fairly normal and nothing out of the ordinary...except there was something odd.

"This is a nice house but..." he pointed to the girl who is leaning on the girl humming a tune "Who is that? The girl there? Do you know her?" he asked silently so to not alert her.

Arona looked at the girl who was sitting there and smiled widely
"Oh that is Inutsuki! I met her today at the cafe!" she imediately rushed over to Inutsuki and ruffled her on the head to get her attention. "Hiya Inutsuki! Whatcha doing here?...you seem really lonely and cold" she asked her with a cheery concern. "I know! Why not come inside with me and my other new friend Horatio! It's really nice and warm inside plus we can have tea and biscuits" She pointed to the stoic metallic coated man with the book and looked back to Inutsuki with a warm smile, she opened the door to welcome her and Horatio. She stepped inside the welcomed home.



Inutsuki looked up as her head was ruffled, she opened her eyes slowly and blinked at her surroundings, her vision still blurred from crying as she got up, for a moment she went to open her mouth in reply but stopped, her reached out hand dropping to her side as she reached up to her throat once, her eyes seeming slightly fearful 'd-did I... nearly just try to talk!?' she said freaking out slightly 'how much of an idiot can I be!? If I!- what if the chains hadn't worked! then!?-' she cut off her trail of thought and took a deep breath, adjusting herself into a obviously forced smile but hiding her pain.

She'd always been good at hiding her pain... even if the wet trails on her cheeks remained she didn't need to show the pain. She nodded realising she'd been standing there for a good two minuets without making any movement, lowering her hand from her neck she followed the girl, her ears twitching slightly as she quickly pulled her sleeves over the chains so the girl wouldn't notice... well that and to make sure they were on tight enough as she stepped inside she looked around, seeming a bit too amazed at the house
'is this where people normally live? it's huge!?' she thought, eyes almost sparkling.

Arona, Inutsuki and Horatio all stepped inside the house, being greeted by the warmness of the house from the fire in the living room.

"Alright! You two should introduce yourselves to each other while I go make us some tea and biscuits, you can sit in the living room! It's very warm and cozy! I'll be right back!" she said giggling as she sneakily head into the kitchen. The living room has 2 pink sofas facing each other and a large glass table in the middle. There was a fire place which is working very well and on top of the fire place is a painting of a grassy meadow field with blue skies.

Horatio took a seat on the sofa opposite of where Inutsuki was seating. He decided to put his book away and started analyzing Inutsuki for a while by staring at her without saying a word.

*On HUD of Horatio*














Horatio did not understand why a pair of chains would be so dangerous and why Inutsuki would be hiding them but he decided to keep it to himself so that he wouldn't make a bad impression of himself to her.

"Horatio, how are you? I guess you must be new around here?" he asked in a polite manner while extending his mechanical hand. He would have smiled if only he had an expressible face. "I really don't remember much about myself but it's nice meeting you"

Meanwhile Arona was watching from a the kitchen with her apron on with a cheeky face while preparing tea and biscuits.


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Inutsuki took a seat gratefully and nodded at Arona, shaking the... Metal.... Things? hand, her chains becoming obvious again as her sleeves crept up her arm at the wrist movement, she sighed, not bothering to cover them this time, she went to get her sketchbook but face-palmed upon realising in her rush after the Arona she had forgotten it 'that's right.. why was she glowing?-... never mind.' she thought briefly but shut off the thought quickly as she started frantically making hand movements in an attempt to explain her situation, blushing whilst doing so and failing completely, eventually she started mouthing words, although the movement of her mouth hurt, even without producing the sound, M-my name, is Inutsuki... I'm.. new. Nice... to.. meet.. you too?... Sorry, I don't... quite understand.. what... that means. and... don't worry... about it, I have... a form of amnesia... so sometimes, I forget stuff... I can't.. even remember anything... before I was nine.. so... yeah.

Her face was obviously pained at the movements and she could only hope he understood. She tightened her hand into a fist in attempts to keep her smile up, the chains seeming to glow slightly at the movements as if restricting something, her crimson eyes fixating on the Metal... things emotionless face.

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Horatio analyzed the lip movement of her mouth and realized that she was struggling to keep her smile up from the pain.

"Nice to meet you Inutsuki, I guess that makes us both memory less people...you are lucky, at least you can remember some parts of yourself...I can't remember a single thing about my past or even who I am." he said in a calm polite tone. He reached into his satchel and took out a spare notebook and a pencil. "Here, I believe this will help..." he hands her the notebook and pencil and imagines smiling if he had a face. "So care to tell me something about yourself Inutsuki? I would talk about myself but like I said before, I can't remember a single thing. I'm like an hollowed out shell." Horatio said.


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