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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu @SummerWolf >

Fero cannot help but smile. Arona was always so cheerful, and it made him happy. He was also quite interested in cake, but his attention was also brought towards the new fox-girl. He stood there silently, his head cocked curiously for a few seconds while he pondered what to do. Then the girl produced a sketchbook, wrote in it, and then sketched Arona. As he admired the drawing, his eyes noted her cuts and bruises.

That made him angry, remembering what his past was like. So he too approached the fox. "My name is Fero." He says softly, getting down onto one knee. "Do those hurt?" He asked, indicating her wounds with his right hand before pulling it back, palm up. "I can numb them, if you'd like... it's not much, but helping each other is what friends are for, right?" As he said this, several snowflakes appeared in his palm as he prepared to make his hand a cold pad.
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Yin, who is short of kind of trouble from the big, ugly boar as he looked at her, closely. "Hey, you pretty cute....' He smiles and show his ugly teeth.

"Um....I have to go...I'll be out of you're way....." Yin is about to walk away.

"Hold it, grille!!" That boar grab her arm. "Why don't come with me and have fun?" He said it as the breath of the brooze is strong.

"N-No thank you....please let me go....." Yin try to get the grip of her.

"No, I like you, come have fun with me....' He won't let her go.

"I said NO!!!" Yin hit his eyes with a empty can as when he let go, she run away.

"You!! COME BACK HERE!!!" That boar start to chase her as Yin yell someone to help.

"HELP!! SOMEBODY!!" Yin called for help.

[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [/size][/b][/right]

"That mean's you as well." He called over his shoulder to the bee. He knows some disliked him, and that was part of being king. But after trying so hard to not be like Malin suggested, it was still a bother to him. They neared the gates, nodding to the guards of a higher rank he opened the metal door and continued along the stone path to the front door. Normally this would just be used for official business and he would fly inside, but it was obvious that Charon didn't wings. The large, flamboyant door, was opened by a guard stationed at the door, he bowing his head and saying "Welcome home your highness." Nodding in response, he continued. Hidden wasn't that much a fan of formalities, but it was always nice to make a good impression on newcomers.

The griffin walked through many elaborate halls, paintings and carvings lining the elegant walls. This, again, for show. Then finally, arriving at a small little living room, one of many and not used as often anymore. Their parents used to throw the largest parties of the year. Gesturing to the seat across from him, Hidden then took a seat, crossing one leg over the other. "Now that we are no longer in public, how about you...tell me about yourself?" His tone, calm and kind, almost as if he was talking to a child. His tail softly thumping on the chair, its moment slow and intrigued.

< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero checks his stance, making sure his ears and tail stated friendly intent, and did not move towards the Fox. "Inutsuki, right?" He smiled disarmingly. "A friend is someone who cares for you and about you. Who is there for you when you hurt, and will give you their shoulder to cry on." He presses his hands together, and a soft blue glow emanates from between them. "My only friend right now is Arona..." he looks up at her, smiling (and blushing a bit) "But I'd like to be yours, as well. I know what it is like to be thrown out and beaten. That was my life before."

He holds out his hands, and in them are two figurines of ice. Arona, and Inutsuki. He takes one in each of his hands, and holds them out to the corresponding girls around him. "But now I have a friend, and I wish to extend that same kindness to you."

Alexander continued to charge down the road towards the large grouping of people he could see up ahead. He looked around, only wanting to find one thing. It wasn't in sight. He slowed himself down a little as he neared the crowd, not wanting to slam into any of them by accident. He was still a little faster than the metal that made him up would have preferred, as protested by the it's groan that increased with time. The thought of seeing this other machinery made him ignore the sounds.

A few members of the crowd had shifted though only for a moment. That small moment was all it took as Alexander had spotted the other being. It was humanoid looking, except for the obvious spots where it's inner machinery was showing. He slowed down his speed so that it was more of a walk as he got closer. No one had noticed him yet as they were still focused on the other creation as it walked off with a man through gates and beyond. He cursed to himself. That was possibly his only chance to communicate with the being for a while. He pushed his way through the crowd trying to see if there was any way to speak with it but it was long out of sight. It took him a second to realize but all the eyes had then turned to him. One such robotic machine had been odd enough for the people, but all of a sudden another had appeared. The only difference was he didn't look anything like the other did. His design was a bit more blunt about the fact he was a robot. He stood there in silence as the many eyes stared.​
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The cafe's usual patrons slowly trickled in, as did the few employees hired to help. The small teenager moved from table to table alongside other waiters, taking orders. By the time noon hit, the cafe was at it's busiest, though quality and speed didn't slow. As the noon rush slowed down, Ryke made her way into the kitchen to help out, and was nearly there, when a loud voice called her back to the counter. "I DEMAND YOUR FINEST CAKE!" Another girl exclaimed as she entered the cafe, tailed by a wolf boy. The mouse girl nodded, hurriedly stepping up onto the stool placed by the counter for her to be able to actually see over it. A small laugh escaped her lips when the boy asked what cake was, and the giggling grew louder as the girl responded to him with a wide eyed, shocked face. "One Chocolate and Vanilla cake please!" The order, placed by the girl, stopped Ryke's laughter, and she nodded quickly. She gathered the coins placed down, and hurried away, pausing slightly to listen to her mother as she chewed out the other waiters for ignoring a few of their patrons.

With multiple years of practice, and lot of past plunders, under her belt, the young teenager moved to the cakes stored behind the counter, where guests could view, and cut a slice of Chocolate and Vanilla. Once complete, she situated them on plates, and added a few finishing touches before walking out from behind the counter, cake in hand. The pair from earlier had taken to chatting with a white fox girl, who had been there a while. The teenager shot a glance towards the kitchen, realizing this girl had been one of those treated rudely. Ryke came to a stop nearby, watching as the boy tried to help the white fox girl, dressed as a maid, though she didn't judge the girl. She smiled, as the exchange continued, leading up to a rather sweet gesture towards the fox girl and the girl he had entered with. She said nothing for the time being, not wanting to interrupt.

"Your cake is ready. You can take a seat if you'd like." She spoke, after they had finished, and directed the duo to an empty table, before setting the cake down and quickly turning to the fox girl. "I'm sorry for my companions rude behavior. They shouldn't have been ignoring you." She apologized rather swiftly, a quick bow added in. "Would you like something to eat?" The girl added, after standing full again.

@The Mythic Dragon @TheHappyPikachu
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Charon appeared to be unimpressed by what he saw, the paintings, the walls, the elegant decoration. The technology and culture was certainly medieval, though if they harnessed the lost human technology somehow, they would gain a great boost. He continued to follow the King into a small room, in which he took a seat. The King wanted him to tell him about himself. Giving others information about yourself was disadvantageous, and could be used against him... However, since that would be the only options available to him to gain the King's trust, he decided to do as he was asked.

"Understood. Don't tell me to explain anything you don't understand, however. I wont't bother to explain." Charon said to the King casually, despite how the King was practically the ruler of this kingdom. "As you know, I am a creation of the humans. I am a machine built for war. There are, or rather, were many others like me. According to my data, that was approximately 50,000 and more years ago." He said, beginning to speak more like his usual self, the way he would to his creators when they asked for a report of something. "Not all of us machines having a human exterior. Some are purposely large, bulky, and metallic, although those are less advanced, and thus, not as efficient as the humanoids such as myself. So you may want to reconsider thinking of me as not being much of a threat." He added.

Charon gave away some information about himself and his kind, however he didn't want to spill it all out. "Now, I've told you a bit about myself, as you asked. How about you also tell me about yourself and a bit more about the world as it is now? There are many species that I do not recognise, and none of them are stored in my memories and database." He said to the King, once again using the words that only humans used, something that these creatures may not understand. @StoneWolf18
Zenario Zeid

A gentle smile curled onto Zenario's lips. It was easy to tell that the crow was terrified. What mattered was his diligence in the face of fear. Zenario placed a gentle hand on Indigo's shoulder. "Our immortal lords have blessed us to see what others can not. Surely, they smile upon us today as well," he reassured the crow and gave him a soft pat before releasing him. "I have maintained cordial relations with the Guild for quite some time now. They will suspect nothing of our little visit. All you need to do is express interest in joining. That should prompt a tour. Locate the statue, and study it as much as possible. As for our brother on the inside...he will assist us in extraction if you deem the statue significant. Now then," Zenario brushed off his robes and ran his fingers through his hair. "time is short Brother Gorne."


Doll Agia

The warrior glared at her king as he forcefully dismissed her. "What an idiot," she grumbled under her breath. She refused to accompany Leon on a job that was capable of being accomplished by one person. Praying for the best, she took to the skies to simply continue her patrols. The rapid batting of her wings propelled her through town until she came across a young girl with a curly pig tail in distress. The rapid buzz of her wings intensified as she landed in between the girl and the boar. "HALT! Guardian on duty! What the hell is going on here, HMM!?" she pointed the tip of her lance at the boar. "Who are you and what is your business with THIS..." she grabbed Yin's wrist roughly with her free hand, "girl!? Has she stolen from you, HMM!?" Doll turned to Yin and repeated the question, "Have you stolen from this man, OR!" she turned back to the boar and narrowed her eyes. "Are you just some kind of PERVERT?! HUH!? Are you a PERVERT!? Do I have a PERVERT on my hands or a THIEF!?"

"Ni-hi-hi-hi. You say Aura can solve everything. Sure... Puff! And all problems are gone. Except there is no Aura that can solve foolishness."

Name: Giss Blackrat

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Species: Rat

Aura: None. Couldn't use aura since birth.

Occupation: Arkhaios Guildmaster.

Rumored to be a wicked magician (he is actually something like a scientist or historian).


Guildmaster. Lots of weird rumors about him are going around the guild. Neither Guardians of Aura or Fauna Royalty favour him much, but received advice from Giss a number of times.


Giss is short and skinny, hence he is often mistaken for a kid. His messy grey hair is long enough to completely hide his rat ears. The eyes are bright red, they tend to ominiously glow in the dark. A large rat-like tail is attached to his body, It is about as long as Giss's height. He prefers to wear dark robes of rough cloth, always with a long black scarf on his shoulders covering everything up to the nose.

Overall he looks like an evil person.


You know how humans used to scare naughty children with bogeyman? For a lot of Kemonomimi, Giss is exactly that kind of existence. Although he wouldn't be chased away if he entered a town, he would still receive lots of piercing glares.

The first impression that Giss usually makes is... terrifying. Even if you forget that he looks like someone who could ambush you at night and steal your wallet, his manners are similar to that of a wicked magician. The way he laughs, the way he talks, everything makes him look scary. And yet, he has never hurt a fly in his life.

Giss prefers to avoid conflict. Normally he is not concerned about the matters of other people, but if he can save a life - he will do it.


For some reason, Giss was born Aura-less. He was inferior to other children. Giss's parents thought of him as a cripple. Perhaps, because of that young Giss became interested in the laws of nature. Even if Aura was out of his reach, he believed that the same results could be achieved without it. It was soon that others started to whisper behind his back "That rat is using the craft of Humans! The magic that once destroyed the world!". But they couldn't stop Giss. At some point Giss had to leave the town, even his parents became terrified of him.

Giss used to be quite a loner at that time, but he would always help there where Aura was useless. Treating rare diseases or making lands fertile again, his knowledge saved the lives of many Kemonomimi. But this much couldn't cure the reputation of someone who practised "evil" Science.

A portion of those whose lives were saved by Giss came to believe that the source of his wisdom were the texts of ancient Humans. Gradually more and more Kemonomimi embarked on the search of the artefacts of the all-mighty ancients. Thus, "Arkhaios Guild" was formed with Giss Blackrat as its center. Even though the latter denies ever agreeing to this matter.

Sexuality: Straight. Probably, not the type to easily fall in love.

Other: Combat is not his forte, but being a rat makes his legs quite powerful. Probably useful for running away.

Withered and cold scrambled eggs would make any normal person think twice before eating them. But a certain rat couldn't be concerned by such trivial matters. Giss was sitting on the floor of the guild's library. A plate of scrambled eggs on his right, a still-in-translation book on his left. Not a very mature way to behave in the library, but then again, a rat is a rat. No matter how old and wise a rat may become, etiquette will always be the same as quantum physics to them.

"Is sir Giss Blackrat, the Arkhaious Guildmaster, currently present here?" a loud voice shook the library like thunder as four heavily armed guards entered the library. Each of them was at least twice as tall as Giss and owned a rigid square jaw as one of the job requirements.

Giss choked on his food. He hurriedly jumped on his place. Before he could run away one of the guards grabbed him by the collar and lifted him slightly above the ground. Giss felt a cold blade being pressed against his back.

"I don't know why his majesty trusts a disgusting creature like you..." the guard whispered "But one of these days you will get what you deserve, the admirer of humans!"

Giss gulped. The hate only seemed to be directed at him. Around such people it was better to keep the mouth shut. Gis was then taken outside of the guild, and in less than half an hour he found himself standing before the entrance to the one of the countless rooms of the royal palace. "The guildmaster is here, your highness"

@StoneWolf18 @Verdas
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Having left the area, he began to walk through the streets with both of his hands placed in his pockets. The crowds of people walking past him had got much bigger than earlier, yet he retained a happy smile on his face. He was enjoying the day so far, even though that rust bucket strode around threatening royalty, just the reminder of it annoyed Leon. "Man... That thing was weird.. Luckily I get to find out more about it. Although it annoyed me, I can't deny being interested by it.." Speaking to himself, he continued walking, and eventually got to one of the many cafés in the kingdom. This one, was getting very busy, and he could hear the chit chat of people coming from inside. So of course, he entered the café hoping to find some of the guild members inside.

When he entered the building, he scanned the room for anyone that would seem like they were in the guild, eventually, his eyes focused on one group. He approached them. With a smile, he spoke to them, scratching his head. "Uhm, I'm sorry to interrupt on your conversation.. But could you all please come with me? The king requested I come find some guild members. Some robot was found and I suspect your knowledge is needed..." He stood there awkwardly, awaiting a reply. He looked at the maid that was with them and shot her a smile too, he didn't want to seem rude by blanking her.

@The Mythic Dragon @Zareh
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Understanding....some of what Charon said, Hidden nodded. "Well, the only reason I don't see you as a threat is if it has been 50,000 years since the last humans, you must be a bit frail. Anyway, I am Hidden Fauna, a griffin kemonomimi. Ruler of this kingdom. Now, formalities aside, the world is..." He paused searching for the right word. "A better place now. Only knowing what has been passed down after all those years, I would say that all that horrid technology the humans used has long since been lost. Thank goodness it has been though, our world has had time to repair itself, with the assistance of Gaia of course." He was about to continue when a guard announced that the guildmaster had arrived. Turning to face the pair, he nodded in welcome. "Ah, yes thank you. Now leave us be, these are....sensitive matters." The guard bowed his head, turned on his heel and left without another word.

Gesturing to the seat that was on his left and the robot's right, Hidden addressed Giss. "Please take a seat. This matter requires some of your expertise on human culture, history, and other things. You see, Mr. Charon here is one of their...constructs" He chose his words carefully.

@Verdas @SubSonicSausage
Ciel's nice peaceful morning had become so chaotic the king had apparently brought in some interesting visitors some even said that the king had discovered human, and brought it into the castle. However, Ciel didn't care if it was a lost member of the human race or a new species of Kemonomimi, Ciel considered whatever this thing was to be a potential danger and made sure to send messengers to high ranking guardians including his second, Casper, as soon as he found out about this visitor. Ciel was practically flying through the halls trying to get to where the king was he woudln't barge in but he knew he needed to be nearby just in case. On top of this new problem Ciel had been dodging casper all morning since he absolutely refused to wear that sweater, but at the same time couldn't say that to Casper's face.

@wizard nibblers @StoneWolf18 @Verdas
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Aaron woke up, rubbing his eyes, he glanced at the clock ,9:05 AM, blinking twice as he wasn't sure if he was reading that correctly. "Ah god, hopefully none of them will kill me for being late." He said to himself since the morning practice was a few more minutes from now. He walked towards the next tent which held his father, "Oi dad, why didn't you wake me up? " He said with a fake smile as he didn't truthfully mean that, after all this wasn't his fault. "Well you are in charge now, you don't need me anymore." His father stated to him as he gave a sad smile. "I rather doubt it, I quote your words all the time." The new-ringmaster replied running out of the tent before his father could say otherwise, his smile clear on his face as usual.

He started walk back into his own tent, grabbing his hat and suit to change in for the circus, hearing a loud grumbling sound for his stomach. He gave a embarrassed laugh and smile, although he was alone in the first place. He quickly grabbed a bite from a nearby restaurant for his breakfast, getting it in a few minutes (Thankfully), it was a pleasant enough meal for the Bunny Kemonomimi, considering first off it was a carrot, if anything it was a little small. He started to run back to the main circus, hoping he didn't miss much, before a loud shouting came from three people, one apparently a guardian shouting Thief and Pervert. He covered his bunny ears against his hat. He didn't dislike loud noises, considering that he had to do that himself when he was announcing acts, it was more like the tone the guardian used. He walked towards the scene, looking rather weird considering he had a carrot in between the side of his mouth and was wearing a suit and a top hat in the morning.

@JessBeth @SirBlazeALot
EI wandered until she found the village she had seen in the distance, her progress had been hampered by her taking samples of various plant life, and analyzing them, her father had made sure that when she woke up she could not only share the data but analyze new things as life would have changed and he had been right so the walking archive and lab that she was, was very useful in determining the differences in the environment. Her work had revealed at least on the local area that air quality was good, and that the soil was rich enough to be worked. She had wondered why the inhabitants would not have gotten to using such land until she found the village. It looked like something from her historical records a medieval village meaning that they had not advanced much in the technological scale, though this was somewhat surpassing considering how passive nature in the area seemed to be as the harshness of nature had been what hampered humans, lack of resources, sickness, predators, all had hampered humans and all seemed to be minor now.

When she arrived she found that despite being far from any major forces the village did not have a defensive wall so the inhabitants were peaceful, the world it seemed had become like a playground. The best she could think of was that where nature had treated humans and life before this as adults a constant fight for survival these seemed to be coddled and treated like children. Still they had guards who babbled in some language EI did not yet know but the translation program which her father had included for obvious reasons kicked in and started slowly decoding the wording. Still a test for these beings to prove their intelligence she held out her hand and a tiny heliolithic projector kicked in flashing a series of patterns before the two guards that stopped her. It took several repetitions before the guards figured out the test and completed the pattern she had showed them and passed the test they were as intelligent as children at least.

I am….” She started to say not sure if they would even understand her designation and acronym so instead she felt she should use a title they might understand. “ The sleeping queen ” She said without having a better name the one her guardians had given to her would do. The guards chattered between themselves. They seemed to know the name no doubt for her guardians fighting these locals when they had raided her dwelling place. “ I have woken and require answers find those that are known as scholars in your village and bring them to me.” She said with an odd authority that might come from having taken the title of queen and from being revered as one, but the guards it seemed were willing to follow her instructions or at least find someone one that could talk to the strange woman who called herself a queen.
Mao let out a sigh of frustration, as she had not seen anyone coming to greet her. Maybe it is on another day. I'll just take the day off. She decided that was the best plan as of now, and began to walk away from the gate. "What a great start to the day." She mumbled, walking into the busy village. "I could go for something to drink."

Mao walked into the nearest cafe, ordered a drink, and took a seat, alone.
"My greetings, your majesty" Giss seemed to be somewhat displeased but... "Constructs?" when he noticed the person sitting in front of the king, he suddenly forgot about his concerns. Having unintentionally ignored the king's invitation to sit beside him, Giss approached the strange person and looked at him from one side, and then hurriedly ran around to look from the other side.

A human? No, obviously not. But not a kemonomimi either. Giss wanted to investigate further.

"Sensetive matters, indeed" he muttered and took out a scalpel from his robe. "May I? It would be easier for me if you lied down"


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Charon looked at the newcomer, a man that the King called "Giss". The man resembled a rat very much, not only because of the tail, but also his face and overall appearance. 'Is this one of those guild members that the King spoke of?' He thought as he continued to observe, watching what he will do. His partially exposed left eye's mechanical eye made noises as he watched unblinkingly. His creators had always made jokes of the fact that he never blinked, even bothering to get into staring contests with him. Immersed in the memories of his creators, he nearly forgot where he was and snapped back to attention.

The man took out a scalpel, telling him it would be easier if he lied down. He guessed this was one of... 'Those' types of people. Back then, there were people who wanted to disassemble him just to see how he worked, curiosity clearly showing on their faces. "That scalpel won't do much than scratch. Even if it could do more, that would be a very ineffective, and inefficient way of looking into a machine. Besides, I wouldn't let you do something like cut me open even if I were an organic life form." He said to the rat-like man. @StoneWolf18 @SubSonicSausage
Arona still being the happy and cheerful, Inutsuki introduced herself by writing in some sort of sketchbook which confused her a bit but is still pleased to meet such an adorable person. She was even more surprised when Inutsuki made a drawing sketch of her so quickly "Oh my gaia! This is so beautiful, you're such a talented artist!" she complimented her with some soft clapping and a big smile. She backed off a little bit so that Fero could introduce himself to her name friend. She smiled and thought how kind Fero is being by providing Inutsuki with a cold pad. She was impressed by Fero's ice abilities when he made two figurines of them, perfectly sculpted. "Yes, we extend the hand of friendship to you" she said with a smile while also holding the figurine. But then suddenly her ears starts twitching rapidly when she heard the call of her food prepared.

"Yessss! Food! Come on Fero, let's dig in! Inutsuki, you should join us too!" she said with an encouraging voice and gesture. As Fero and Arona sat at an empty table. She looks at the cakes with glazed eyes and a drooling mouth. "Alright Fero...it's time we experience one of life's greatest ple-" before she could even finish her sentence, she was cut off by a man who appeared to be a part of the Aura Guardians asking for the guild members of the Arkhaios guild. She looked a bit disappointed and upset about not able to consume this delicious cake and stood from her table while looking at the Guard.

"Our expertise is needed? Wait...what happened?" she asked confusingly "and what is a ro-" again

interrupted, a small faint light starts to emit from her hands again causing her expression starts to change from a cheerful and confused look to a worried face, she didn't look as happy as she used to be. The light fades away and Arona starts to whisper to herself.

"I'm sorry sir guard but I have to leave immediately. Fero please go with this Guard to whatever matters is going on...there's something I need to attend to." she said in a hurried pace. "Also..." she said with some disappointment and regret in her voice "The cakes are all yours" Arona said as she looked over to Fero who was still sitting before she quickly exited out of the cafe back onto the street on her way back to her house.


Back to the Darkness....before the birth of the Earth...before the birth of anything...that is what the void is...

"Where I'm I?....." the voice asked itself "I can't....see....anything?" confused and bewildered by everything just like a young infant trying to understand the world itself. All that can be heard is the sound of gun shots and dogs barking...the sound of flying choppers and running....all it can remember is running...darkness....







"That...voice....must...fi....n....d....t...h..at.....v..o..i.ce.." it said in a deep synthetic monotone voice.

@The Mythic Dragon


(I won't be responding to anyone for now...until then! Keep on Rping without me!)

It's now 5:15 pm in the Evening.

Important Events: None at the moment.

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Mary was sad that she ended up making Malin cry, since she just wanted him to be happy, because he finally gets to know what their mother looks like. "Caius, can you please hold the portrait for me." said Mary, as she gave Caius the portrait.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, Malin, since I just wanted you to be happy." said Mary, as she started to hug him. "I am so sorry."

'I felt like I did something wrong, since I just wanted Malin to know what our mother looks like, because she and father are very important to us.' thought Mary, since she felt bad about this.

@Leone @Pretzel Heart
"Hmm? Oh. Uh, pardon me" Giss blinked twice and quickly hid the scalpel in his robe. "I let emotions get the best of me"

So it seems he still lacked self control. Giss had to remind himself that sentient humanoid beings were outside of his reach. Otherwise he would prove that those who hated him had a just reason for it. Giss sat down without turning his eyes away from the creature. He then said while trying to maintain composure:

"Um, so..." he glanced at the king for a moment "My name is Giss, I believe I could help us reach... a better understanding of the situation."

He folded his hands and looked into the eyes of the creature "Ma-chi-ne? May I ask how is a 'machine' different from other beings?"


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As Yin running away from the boar, suddenly she saw girl come between her and the boar. She look at her as that girl said Guardian on duty. Yin about to speak when

that girl grabbed her wrist roughly. She is asking a lot of question and Yin is scared as she shaking.

The Boar is snorts out as he said, "I just wanna have fun with that girlie here....but she refuse my kind offer and hit me!!!"

Yin is scared as she wanted to be away from him.​

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"No." Malin said as he held both hands up, creating distance between himself and Mary. "I don't want your hugs, I don't want your presents, I just want you to go. Get out! Just leave me alone!" Malin said raising his voice louder, tears beginning to stream even more than before. He waited, and then held up a finger at the first sign of protest. "You know what... I'll leave." He said walking past Caius and Mary. Malin stopped in the doorway and turned around. "Thanks alot for making this the best birthday ever." He said sarcastically before he ran off crying. Between Hidden, and the present, Malin was ready to leave.


@Pretzel Heart
Time passed and by the time the few learned individuals, those few who had been taught to read and write she suspected as, during human times only those that had money had been taught to read and write during the medieval days she expected this to be no different, though humans had reasons for the illiteracy as all hands had been needed to work fields and defend boarders so only those that could afford to spend years learning could. Still with this current climate these children as she had found herself thinking of them might have more free time than humans. EI was surrounded by just about everyone in the village, she had decided to continue the tests and learn what the commoners knew before she would learned what scholars might know.

What she had learned was that these beings knew next to nothing it almost surprised her that they could make tools with how they seemed to scorn advancement; hypocrites it seemed had survived the cataclysms. She also learned religion had survived the end of humans, how sad it was just a waste of time but apparently these children had plenty of time to spare.

I have spoken with your people and I have found their knowledge lacking in all significant areas” She said in a tone that did not allow for questions from the elderly men who were apparently the best that could be found here “ Your people do not understand the world about them except though the lens of dogma” She said sounding like a disappointed mother “ But you are children so tell me you wise men what do you know of this world” She said rather than asked the people were either to interested in seeing the odd queen or to scared of the ancient technology to try to speak against her as they might in a big city.
Finally Ciel thought to himself as he arrived where his lord had taken the mysterious creature to as he approached the door he took a second to calm himself down it would be disrespectful to bust into the room. With a deep breath Ciel stepped forwards and knocked on the door "Your majesty it's Ciel would you allow me to come in?" He wasn't sure if he would be allowed entrance, but his king tended to be understanding so it couldn't hurt at most he would stand guard at the door to be in a better position to protect his king should anything go wrong.

@StoneWolf18 @Verdas @SubSonicSausage

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