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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Vera awoke with a groan. The sunlight filtering in through the window had shrunk her pool of water. Sitting up, she let her gaze drift over all the artifacts she was tasked with cleaning, tagging, sorting, and storing. Planning on finishing all the artifacts later, or trying it anyway. Swimming to the door, she controlled the water so it made a small stream to the center of the common area. Making her way there, Vera found her sister who appeared to have just work up as well. Controlling the water like a snake, the small shark wound their way up to her shoulder. The liquid's bottom hardening, creating a bowl like structure on Neha's shoulder, the water pooling in she greeted her sibling with an exhausted tone. "Good morning."

Mary noticed Caius arriving as soon as he started to talk to her, since she was waiting patiently for Malin to react towards the portrait of their whole family. "Good morning, Caius, and yes, this is the finished painting." said Mary.

She then heard Caius complimenting her on her painting, and she started to smile.
"Thank you, Caius." said Mary cheerfully.

Mary wondered what Caius's present would be, since if it's a beach house then Hidden might be mad, because he doesn't like to spent money on expensive things.

'I just hope that Malin is happy with these presents, since Hidden always upset him when he ends up talking bad about the commoners.' thought Mary, since she knew that Hidden wasn't going to help Malin, because he always upset him in the end.

@Pretzel Heart
Indigo was toying around with an ancient, ticking human artifact, known as a "metronome", when he heard the knock. The crow jumped slightly, stuffing the item into a hidden compartment in his desk drawer. The windows and door of his shop were kept closed, to keep prying eyes away from his stash of human technology. He straightened his clothing and took a breath before opening the door, expecting a customer. Oh. It was Zenario Zeid, the local medicine man (or, as some claim, witch doctor) and hidden leader of the Sapient Brotherhood. Indigo's father had always spoken very highly of the man, but ZZ had always given Indigo the creeps. Call it a crow's intuition, but he always felt that the butterfly thought himself more godly than the humans they worshiped. At the end of the day, however, he was Indigo's leader, and would be shown the utmost respect.

Indigo casually ushered Zenario in. "Good day," he greeted the other man amicably as he shut the door behind him. "Nice day we're having, isn't it?" Indigo had never been especially skilled at being unassuming (everyone seemed to think of him as a little odd), but most crows always seemed slightly off. As soon as the door was closed, Indigo gestured to the back room, where sound was less likely to escape. "How may I help you, brother?" he asked, eager to offer his assistance for the cause.

Leon continued to hold his katana up pointing towards the mechanical thing. Was there a person inside of it? Or was it purely mechanical. The thought intrigued the guardian but he didn't really fancy taking the strange thing apart, or try to at the least. Leon turned as he heard the voice of Hidden, the kingdoms king as well as Mary's brother. To show his respect, Leon bowed his head at the griffin Kemonomimi as he then spoke. "I'm not sure, your highness. This thing just appeared at the kingdom gates, I'm not sure what it is, but it is quite clearly not from our time. It might be a threat, so please stay back just in case." He smiled at Hidden and then turned back to face the robot that identified Charon, "I won't be answering your questions until I am certain you are not a threat to the kingdom, especially the royal family. All you need to know is that we are called the Kemonomimi, much like humans were called humans."

He kept his katana pointing towards the metal creature, just in case it tried anything.

@Verdas @SirBlazeALot @StoneWolf18
Charon sighed, checking how much time he had before his batteries ran out and he died. It still had a long way to go before getting low, fortunately. Sleeping Mode helped preserve the batteries so that hardly any was consumed. Still, the one armed with an eastern-style blade was wasting his time. At least it said some of use, mentioning the strange hybrid which he guessed was the King. "To think that small fry like yo-" He cut himself off from making a rude statement just in the nick of time. "I mean no harm. I just want to know... Are my creators, the humans, still thriving?" He asked, though he highly doubted it was possible.

For such a green land to have been born, with so many new and different creatures, it must have taken many years. From the scarcity of supplies and resources back then during the humans' downfall, he doubted a single one of them managed to make it through what many people believed was the end of the world. As he awaited the Kemonomimi's answer, he noticed how the creature used past tense. "Humans were called humans". This made him grow even more doubtful and depressed as he suspected that this was confirmation that all of his creators' kind was extinct.

@SirBlazeALot @LeSoraAmari @StoneWolf18
Larentia Shikari


Larentia's eyes snapped open as her head crashed down against the floor of her room. A sudden searing pain flew across the right side of her face, as the realization that she'd fallen out of bed, hit her like a tonne of bricks.

She shook her legs and fumbled around until the rest of her fell out of the bed, then sat up, looking a little worse for wear, as a couple strands of her messy hair streamed down in front of her eyes.

"Damnit.." She hissed to herself, as she rose up to her feet.

It didn't take Larentia long to wash up and get dressed for the day ahead. As she walked towards the door, she grabbed up her trench coat, satchel and staff, before making her way out of the room.

A quick wave and a smile was all that was needed to greet the innkeeper, and soon she was outside wondering to herself where she'd be working today. She looked around briefly, quickly noticing a rather large gathering of people. Whilst it was normal for there to be alot of people in the middle of town on any given day, this was an extraordinarily large amount.

Intrigued, she walked on over to the crowd, ever so softly brushing people aside to gain a closer look at whatever everyone was making a fuss about.

And a fuss is just what this scenario deserved. Not only was there two guardians seemingly bullying...what looked like a metallic kemonomimi-oid creature? But this fuss had stolen the attention of the king.

Larentia's head ducked down slightly as she watched, and waited. There was no reason for her to interfere just yet, if at all. Though if either the guardian's or the king seemed to want to hurt the creature, or the creature tried to harm anyone else, she wouldn't hesitate.

@LeSoraAmari @SirBlazeALot @StoneWolf18 @Verdas
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Inutsuki woke up in the small room, falling out of the bed and getting up slowly, her arms and legs covered in bruises and cuts as she stretched, rubbing her eyes in a rather childish way as she lazily cleaned up the brooms and mops hanging about the room, it was about the size of a cleaning closet... because it was one. Ever since she had 'ran away' and been taken in here the other maids had been... 'unpleasant' to her to say the least. all because she was different, never the less she put on her usual smile as she checked her wrists for the chains, making sure each was firmly tightened before getting dressed and brushing her tail quickly, adjusting her hair as white and cold coloured as snow.

Once she was done she sighed once, exiting the cupboard and blinking at the bright light let in through the windows, she started to limp off, cleaning little things up here and there, keeping the same cheerful smile on all the while, going through the places she arrived at an area off-limits to her... because of her amnesia she had forgotten the 'off-limits' part and just wandered up, limping slightly from a particularly big cut on her right leg before walking past a door and hearing something.

Peeking in out of pure curiosity she noticed some of the royal siblings talking, one seemed to be giving a gift to the other, a painting of some kind... it looked amazing! apart from the fact of them being Royal she knew nothing about them... being locked up and all, quickly she hid behind the door, totally oblivious to the fact of both her tail and ears sticking out clearly through the doorframe, not helped by the fact of them being a colour completely separate from everything else making them practically impossible to miss, especially as they twitched, a deep, red blush consumed her awkwardly smiling face.

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Hidden's frown deepened as the thing spoke. It appeared human, though the way light was reflected off of its "skin" told otherwise. Along with that, it's artificial voice made his sensitive ears ring a bit. "Well...Charon was it? You are in the kingdom of Fauna, home to the various species of Kemonomini." He was cut short by one of the guards telling him to stay back. Rolling his eyes, he asked "I think I'll be fine, he hasn't harmed anyone yet." Giving a chuckle, the large griffin continued "Plus I'm a bit taller." (Assuming he is shorter than 6' 4") Extending his wings so one just barely hugged each of them, "You both can stand down, I think he doesn't pose much of a threat." Then, Charon spoke "Humans were called humans." His robotic tone a tad doubtful. "Yes, and those wretched souls nearly destroyed our planet. Thank goodness they're all dead."

Thinking for a moment, Hidden began to recall his studies as a child. 'Could it possibly be...? If so, a valuable source of information no doubt.' Looking to the guards and folding his wings, the griffin asked "Can you two fetch me some of those guild members? We'll be inside." And with that, he gestured with his wing for Charon to follow.

@Verdas @LeSoraAmari @SirBlazeALot @StoneyJr
Charon narrowed his eyes at the king's mention of his creators being "wretched souls". He chose not to take any action, however, as there was no point in arguing over something as trivial as that. Still, he was annoyed by how this King thought of his creators. "Whether you're a king or not, you should still watch what you say. Should I still have my full Arsenal, I would've blasted your tongue-" He cut himself off yet again, although he was certain that he said enough for them to have an idea of what the rest of his sentence would be.

These creatures, though human in appearance, use of language, and many other things, were nothing like the humans he knew. They were annoying and got on his nerves, especially the King and the two armed Kemonomimi. They insulted his creators while in the very presence of one of their still-functional creations. He wondered about the "guild members" that this King mentioned. 'I sure hope that not every single one of these Kemonomimi are like these three...' He thought. Of course, they were nothing in comparison to those he usually eliminated in the humans' wars.

@StoneWolf18 @SirBlazeALot @LeSoraAmari
Leon listened to his king telling him that he'd be fine, although Leon did believe his kings words and had total faith in him, he was still concerned by this "Charon" as he didn't know what exactly the robot could do. Staring at the mechanical construct, he obeyed his king without question and sheathed his katana. He stood there quietly as Hidden spoke to Charen, telling the robot to follow him. Leon then nodded when Hidden began to speak to him and the other guardian with them. "Certainly." He said with a bow of his head, "I'll find some and bring them to you right away." He then looked back at the robot that was still with them, the remark made by Hidden had seemed to annoy the metal construct, as it began to hurl some kind of threat towards the king but stopped itself midway, Leon had a rough idea as to how the rest of the sentence would have played out. Leon looked up at the robot and said, "It should be you that watches what they say. You are in the presence of a king and you dare threaten him? If I wasn't told to stand down I would have cut you into pieces." He sighed as he twitched and extended his wings. "Ooo the audacity, that really ruffled my feathers! Were all humans as rude as you?" Leon sighed again, as he began to walk away from the area, and search for any of the Arkhaios guild members.

@Verdas @StoneWolf18 @SirBlazeALot
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Aine Golden, a spirited young monkey is traveling around with her big families. Being a performer acrobatic, it was hard-work yet fun at the same time. She and her families headed to the next town or city to do a show.

Yin Shui, a young pig girl is walking in the road, looking around to find a city. She wanted to go to the city to have a job there. "Oh. I hope they will hire me....I need the money to support my mother....." She signs as she keep walking down the road.
Zenario Zeid

"Beautiful morning indeed, Mr. Gorne," Zenario replied to the crow with a soft smile. He took note of Indigo's effort to remain inconspicuous. Of course, the beauty of Indigo's mannerisms is that many people thought he was an oddball to begin with. If one is expecting him to behave oddly at all times, it'd be hard for anyone to peg him as suspicious. Indigo's a bit of an oxymoron, an honest disguise, if you will.

He followed Indigo into his back room, and regreeted him, "Good morning brother, I hope you're faring well. It would seem that yet another of our immortal lords' creations has fallen into the hands of the Guild. " Zenario was generally soft spoken, so both men could be fairly confident that nothing would leave this room. "I do not suppose you've heard the rumors of a...metal statue that appears as if it were made for mobility? I wish to investigate the matter, and you are the Brotherhood's leading expert on human engineering. We must observe this 'statue' and determine its worth to the Brotherhood. If you deem it useful, then we'll have to remove it from the Guild's inventory."


Doll Agia

(I'm gonna be doing a lot of retro posting for her so bear with me on things, okie dokie? Okie dokie)

This weird metal thing had a voice unlike any voice she had ever heard. Doll was mostly ignorant to human history, as she considered most of it to be irrelevant to her duty. She was now beginning to realize this was a mistake, but then again, knowledge of the world before Gaia was why the eggheads at the Guild were around. When Leon joined her in apprehending the bot, she replied to his greeting, "Glad I'm not the only Guardian around here with a pair of balls." Of course, she meant this figuratively. The creature didn't do well enough to answer her questions, and her intuition told her that it was becoming frustrated. She was ready to rip this thing a new asshole and go about her day when wouldn't you know it, here comes the great big jackass she has to call "My King."

Hidden's direct interference irritated the bee. She didn't want to lower her weapon, but reluctantly did so after Leon sheathed his blade. A stubborn pout and glare sat on her face as Hidden spoke with this "Charon" thing. If the humans had created such a creature that could think for itself to this degree, then it's no wonder why Nature decided to ice their asses. Her eyes widened as the king told her and Leon to fetch members of the guild. The diction was not only condescending, but it was an asinine idea. To leave the king alone with such a creature?! Doll ain't havin' nonna that.

"Your highness, it'd be ill-advised to go anywhere alone with Shiny over here!" Then came Charon's threat. That does it. Doll stood behind Charon and raised her lance, pointing the tip to the center of the robot's back. "You see your highness? This bastard's a danger to not only you, but more importantly, the citizens of Gaia. I will accompany you in case it tries anything. Besides, how many messengers does the Guild need?" Doll was known for insubordination. It had landed her in heat more than a few times.

@Verdas @StoneWolf18 @LeSoraAmari
It is now 12:33 pm in the Afternoon.

Important Events: None at the moment.

Fero and Arona continue down the street to the Cafe which they have heard about. "OPEN" it said on the window door which gave Arona another burst of excitement from the thought of delightful treats
"Come on Fero, I wonder what they have inside!" she enters the cafe with a huge smile on her face. As she went up to the counter, she wide eyed looked at them and shouted "I DEMAND YOUR FINEST CAKE!" in a hearty cheerful voice. Little did she know that she was unintentionally drooling a little bit.

@The Mythic Dragon

< @SummerWolf @Zareh >

Fero follows Arona inside the cafe, ears and tail up, and he looks around the shop. He had never had very much in any way, including sweet treats. The only things he had that were his were his clothes (which he had taken from a dumpster originally) and the shortsword sheathed on the back of his waist. So he quietly followed her up to the counter, looking at her and wiping some drool off her face. "Uhm, Arona? What's a cake?" He asked, blushing a bit from what he thought was a stupid question.
As Aine is planing for her new tricks, suddenly her father shouted. "We're here, everyone!!!! Welcome to Kingdom of Fauna!!!" Aine look up and see the kingdom. "Wow!! This is cool!! I wanna exploring the kingdom!!!" she said as she jumping around. "No can't do, sweetheart, remember stay together while we're traveling together..."said her mother. "....yes Mom......" Aine nodded as she go back to her set.

Away from the Kingdom of Fauna, Yin is taking a break from walking a lots as she munch on her lunches. She was hoping that she not lost in the way, until she saw a signs that said 10 miles of Kingdom of Fauna. "Kingdom of Fauna?! Oh, I bet I can have a good job over thee...." She finish her last lunch and headed toward the Kingdom of Fauna.

Alexander made his way hidden behind the buildings within the kingdom. He had noticed that the further along he went, the less people that were present. The few that he did see were all headed towards the same direction. They must be having some sort of celebration. Maybe... Alexander paused for a moment. A group of the strange humanoid creatures were talking just barely loud enough for him to pick up a word or two. For the first time since he had been there he realized he was able to understand them. Earlier he was too focused on getting away to really process what the people around him were saying at the sight of him. How...? They speak English. He inched around the building to get close enough to hear most of what they were saying. They mentioned something about a big walking metal contraption that had just walked right in. Are they talking about me? Some people did spot me, after all, yet they were going in the opposite direction. Perhaps he just managed to sneak away with enough skill that he made them completely lose the trail. That, or they were just a daft species even with all the architectural designs and structures around that he assumed was built by their people. He quickly realized it wasn't him when one of the people had said that they were told it appeared to have flesh like their own but that it was also missing in places and a black mechanical design was found in those spots. That description certainly was not describing Alexander. He was definitely not covered in skin nor was he made of any black metal. He was covered in blue, gray, and silver, with red accents.

He stopped for a moment.

Black mechanical design.

Could it be? No... But what else could it be? It obviously wasn't something natural to their kind if they were all flocking to see it. What are the chances of it, though? That I'm not the only one here?

It was surprising to him to think that there was possibly another like him. He hadn't seen any others since he had awoken and thus believed that he might have been the only robot around. With any luck, it would be something familiar to him and not as odd as the people in the area were.

Alexander began to walk out from his spot while looking around for any signs of the species. There were none in sight and so he began to make his way in the direction he saw all the others heading. Something stopped him in his tracks. The memory, one of only few he was still able to currently use, of his master laying in Alexander's arms came up again. His purpose, his duty, was to find him. His loyalty to him halted him in his track. Even though he wasn't abandoning that duty he still had the feeling that it was the equivalent of doing so by going to see this sudden wonder instead of continuing to search. It could be time spent looking.

Hesitantly, Alexander turned around. He disliked the fact he even thought of doing something other than search. To him, that was a failure. A failure to his master and himself. The one thing he was bound by was the one thing that brought him great displeasure when he wasn't able to uphold it.

He slowly began to walk off when a thought came to him. If this mysterious thing was another robot maybe it would be able to assist me, or at the very least tell me if it's seen him. That'll work, and I bet it'll help quicken this search! He turned yet again, though this time he was fore sure about where he was heading and had no doubts to go the other way. This would allow his loyalty to the man to continue to be upheld strong in his mind, while also allowing for discovery of this other creation.

Alexander head off as fast as his rusted and worn out machinery would allow, except this time he had a more uplifted attitude.

He would find his master, one way or another.​
Charon would've laughed if he were not a machine. The ignorant creature said he'd slice him to pieces. "Slice me to pieces? With that metal stick? It's true that you might be able to do that. You might. We, who were built by our creators to be able to withstand weapons with far more destructive power than that silly thing, will not so easily be cut up." He said to the Kemonomimi. Though what he said seemed arrogant, it was true. The machines built for war were required to be extra tough and durable, able to withstand multiple bullets, explosions, and others in order to be of use, as otherwise, they'd be nothing more than more expensive versions of regular soldiers.

The threat he made earlier seemed to anger the female Kemonomimi, as she pointed her lance at him. He ignored her, knowing that the King wouldn't just let his subordinates harm someone they bothered to make them follow. and followed the King who had beckoned to him to follow with his wing. 'This King seems to have some Hidden power. No one could be stupid enough to judge the difference in strengths by size alone.' He thought as he followed the Kemonomimi King. Then, realising he unintentionally made a pun, was somewhat cheered up as he remembered one his creators, the one who programmed him to make these puns and jokes for her own entertainment.

@StoneWolf18 @SirBlazeALot @LeSoraAmari

Inutsuki snuck away from the door, hopefully un-seen, her tail still twitching as she quickly rushed off back downstairs towards the kitchen, her stomach growling and causing her to blush once more, as she got close though she heard the voices of the other maids, "That new girl is a real idiot. I mean, just yesterday I told her to do the same thing five times before she got it done!" one spoke harshly "Yeah, and did you see her strange tail and ears? who's heard of a 'White Fox' she must've dyed them or somethin'! I'm telling ya'! She's not good news. we should just kick her out! throw her onto the streets where she belongs." another stated, a sneer clearly laying dormant within her tone.

Inutsuki sighed, tears beginning to form in her crimson red eyes... she never was good at holding back her real feelings... she was stubborn that way. And this same stubbornness is what led her to run out of the place, her tail flailing around as she ran for who knows how long with her eyes firmly shut and fist's tightened, once she was to exhausted to go any further she semi-collapsed to the ground, catching herself and standing up but stumbling as she walked on her now blistered feet, looking around she noticed a Cafe` and decided to seek shelter inside for now... she would have to go back later... she didn't have a choice, but-... first she needed to calm down.

Nodding her head in foolish ignorance at her own
thought, an idiotic grin took hold of her face shortly followed by a blush as her stomach growled again, causing her ears to twitch ever so slightly as a blush took hold of her face once more, suddenly hearing a girl yell out something about cake she was almost drooling on the spot, going up to the counter she examined the menu carefully before trying to get someones attention, but everyone just walked by 'Dammit! none of them are noticing me!? oh, well... it's to like I have any money to buy anything in the first place.... and to top it off I'm still dressed like a maid! how embarrassing...' she thought uselessly as she sighed and flopped down in a chair, starring at the 'cake fairy' girl as she had nicknamed her from before blankly before starting to Sketch in her book, looking up at the girl every so often whilst trying to capture her image.

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As the Acrobatics family went in the Kingdom of Fauna, Aine is amaze to see the town, food stand and lots of Kemonomini. "Wow, look at this....I never seen so many of Kemonomini here...." She look at her parents and the other families, who they seem busy looking around. Aine wanna to check out the town as she see at cart headed the other detraction. She jump to the cart and another and jump on the window and slowly climb down. "Now time to see the city....." Aine start to walk around.

Yin is made it to the Kingdom of Fauna, she signs as she go sit down on the bench but then, "Hey!! That's my seat you're sitting, little girl!!!" A ugly boar shouted at her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry...I didn't know about it...." Yin didn't look at him as she know that he is scary and he smell of brooze.
Indigo hesitated. Finding a mechanical artifact, possibly a mobile device, from the human age would be extremely beneficial to their c ause. But infiltrating the Guild was risky. If they were caught, their existence could be made public. Most of their kind still avoided any semblance of the humans; the brotherhood would be ostracized, or worse. But the gods did not reward cowardliness. No, surely this was a sign, a gift from their lords. They had only to accept it. "Very well," the crow agreed. "Y-yes, I'll do it. But we must be careful. The Guild would be a-a powerful enemy. Is there a way we can complete this operation with as little chance of backfire as possible? Is there an excuse we can use, or a hidden agent that can help? I'll have to at least see this statue to get a rudimentary guess at its function.

Arona looked at Fero with shock as her eyes widened and her mouth dropped wide. "Whaaaattt? You never had cake? T-That's impossible! No! This will not do at all! How can you go on living without experiencing one of life's greatest creations?" She looked to the Counter and ordered, "One Chocolate and Vanilla cake please!" she said with a cheerful outgoing smile as she laid down twelve golden coins, as she waited for her pastries, she spots another young fox girl who appears to be waiting in vain. Curious and intrigued to help her out, she walked over to the white fox girl and smiled at her.

"Heya there! Are you alright? You seemed to be in a pickle." she said with the usual cheerful demeanor however the White fox girl looked at her and did not seem to talk. "My name is Arona! Nice to meetcha!" she extended a hand of friendship while keeping her usual smile.

@The Mythic Dragon


Malin saw the painting and just stared at it. He glared expressionlessly at the painting. "So that's what she looked like." He thought. "We do all look like her." At first thoughts like these were all he began thinking, but they eventually subsided, thoughts of guilt and grief overcoming the boy. His eyes began to water, a couple tears dotting his cheeks as he tried to blink them away. "It's nice and all but... I don't want it." Malin said, looking up at Mary. "Please... Get it away from me... I... I don't want it." Tears began to stream down his cheeks. "I don't wanna see her."

@Pretzel Heart

Zareh said:
Arona looked at Fero with shock as her eyes widened and her mouth dropped wide. "Whaaaattt? You never had cake? T-That's impossible! No! This will not do at all! How can you go on living without experiencing one of life's greatest creations?" She looked to the Counter and ordered, "One Chocolate and Vanilla cake please!" she said with a cheerful outgoing smile as she laid down twelve golden coins, as she waited for her pastries, she spots another young fox girl who appears to be waiting in vain. Curious and intrigued to help her out, she walked over to the white fox girl and smiled at her.
"Heya there! Are you alright? You seemed to be in a pickle." she said with the usual cheerful demeanor however the White fox girl looked at her and did not seem to talk. "My name is Arona! Nice to meetcha!" she extended a hand of friendship while keeping her usual smile.

@The Mythic Dragon


Inutsuki took the girls hand hesitantly and shook it, bringing up her sketchbook and beginning to write in it, 'Hello. my names Inutsuki. Nice.. to... meet you too?' she wrote blushing a bit obviously clueless as to what the greeting meant, her sleeves falling down a bit and revealing the bruises and cuts, she winced once as she felt her leg throb, still in pain from running so far but only now feeling the full affects it had made on her, trying to distract herself she quickly started sketching the girl, capturing her image almost perfectly and smiling as she held it up.

@Zareh @The Mythic Dragon

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