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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

As Charon approached the large gates leading to the inside of this city, the guards stationed at the gates backed away, an obvious expression of fear and anxiety on their faces. He had entered the Kingdom of the Kemonomimi. The place all seemed very medieval and not too technologically advanced. As people noticed him, it began to cause a fairly large crowd, though none of the people got too close to him. 'If this is a castle, it's sure to have a ruler or royalty.' He thought, seeking to speak to them if he could find them.

The people composing the crowd appeared to him like children seeing fireworks for the first time, or learning and seeing anything for the first time, really. Curious cats gathered around a machine built for war like birds waiting for the animal they've set their eyes on to die. Despite being a machine, a calm, calculated, and rational one at that, he still could not help feeling a little bit nervous at the large crowd that had gathered to watch him, station silently, with mixed expressions of fear, interested, wonder, curiosity, and awe. He supposed this was their first time seeing a machine. The animals parts seemed unnecessary to him, as he had not realised that they were, in fact, real.

The world has changed so much since he began his Sleeping Phase, that it was barely recognisable. If one were to point at a tree and ask him "What's the name of that tree?", he would be unable to answer as it was an entirely different type of tree than those that existed in the previous world. He decided he would try communicating with the Kemonomimi. "Where is your King? That is, if you have one." He asked them, loud enough for all of them to hear. His voice was slightly distorted and more robotic/android-like than usual, due to the effects that age took on his body. The crowd suddenly began to speak again in english, much to his surprise. "It spoke!" Said one of the Kemonomimi.
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Giss glared at Fero for a while longer. His long tongue licked the drool that was coming out of his mouth. Then he continued to glare. Silently.

When Arona removed Giss's hand from Fero's shoulder, it the rat finally regained his composure. "Ah? No, of course not. An expulsion is something for unmotivated members. As for you boy..."

He was lost in thought for a moment. Then he suddenly hit his fist against his palm "It's decided! I shall claim those eggs. Fu-fu."

Giss made several steps towards the building, but then stopped and turned around "As the reward I promote you to... to... Arona, what ranks do we have in the guild?"

@The Mythic Dragon
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When EI woke she knew in an instant what her guardians had done, as the signal was also a download so when she woke she knew what had happened to the world. At least where the local area was concerned, all the death and destruction, just another cataclysm there had been many in the past and compared to them the one that had befallen her makers was nothing. Still there could be survivors as according to the memories her guardians had given her there were humanoid beings that seemed to violate how natural selection should work.

EI put the remains of her last loyal guardian in the alcove that would be his tomb, she did not believe in things like spirits as they had never been proven to exist in any capacity that could be called scientific, still it felt right to honor his service by doing such on an emotional level. Ei would have to find any remaining humans, or whatever their successors were and share the knowledge she had been gifted. her father had made her to save the knowledge of humanity to guide the survivors back to the peak of human knowledge and skip all the less than efficient stages that had contributed to some of the cataclysm.

Others might view humans as destructive but EI knew better she had all their science, all their knowledge and she knew that if they had only had another one or two hundred years they would have finally freed themselves of their need to pollute to create power, though they would still need resources, but with power they could have started mining what they needed from space, if they had just lasted a little longer they would have done so much more. EI would tech these new inhabitants the sciences that could explain the world and universe for the most part, as there were holes in some theories, and they would rise above her makers thanks to the boost. first however she sealed the tomb they would return to the earth and provide iron in a few million years to some other race. With her guardians given their honor EI started to head though the dense vegetation she would have to find a tribe or city, or whatever organizations the humans or nonhumans might have made.
"We have no ranks in the guild Giss, remember? we just have members and you're our funny guild master" she said jokingly with a smile. "I believe he is a member now which means...." she sneakily slid her arms over Fero and quickly hugged him very tight. "I get to give you the Welcome to the guild HUGGGG!" she hugged him for a while and let go and returned back to dragging the Metal Statue. "Come on Fero! Once I get my metal statue up! I can show you around the place!" she said as she quickly dragged the 6 foot 5 inches statue across the floor and going back inside the Arkhaios guild.
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< @Zareh @SubSonicSausage >

Fero stands in stunned silence as the guildmaster walks away an basically declares him a member. He blushes, hugging Arona back lightly, and immediately jumps to help her get the statue inside."I'd like that." he says quietly to her.
"Is that so..." Arona's words surprised Giss. Considering that he had spent the past month without taking a single step outside of his house, he couldn't be called a responsible guild master. Giss showed a wide smile.

"Fero the wolf! From today and on forwards you may call yourself 'Highly Specialized Arkhaious member of the 5th category! The 5th!' No need to thank me boy for I always repay my debts!"

Giss let out a loud laughter and dissapeared within the building, leaving some other guild members staring in the couple's direction.

@The Mythic Dragon

((That's it for me today. Great characters))
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As Arona and Fero set up the Metal Statue for display, Arona showed Fero around the guild. She first showed him the library which were filled with countless giant bookshelves, books about all kinds of different subjects and 4 long library tables. It was surprising that Arona didn't get lost in here, she then showed Fero the rest of the Museum inside of the guild which displayed many different human artifacts from metal pieces to weird looking devices that made no sense and different colored boxes that look very strange. She finally showed the storage room which appeared to be filled with many uninterested human artifacts and junk. As Arona finished showing Fero the Guild, she stops and sighs as she sits down on the floor.

"So what do you think? Pretty Neat huh? I love this place, it just screams curiosity and adventure right in front of me!...of course you would already know that.." she said with a huge grin as she stood up and walked to the Metal Statue and touched it softly as she slowly moved her hand across the Statue's chest. She looks up at the face of the standing statue and closes her eyes. "I sometimes wish that I could meet someone who has lived in the human world...it would be amazing." she whispered to herself.

Suddenly a faint glowing white light emitted from the palm of her hand on the Statue's chest, Arona did not notice the light as it dimmed down and disappeared. She removed her hand and walked torwards Fero with a smile returning back to her cheerful self.
"Sooooo....what do you want to do now?" she said excitedly as she twirled around the Museum hall playfully. "Well it's almost time, I wonder how many people are going to be here today?....I'm so excited! People are going to dazzle in the presence of my awesome metal statue as usual! " she said while pondering excitedly.

@The Mythic Dragon
< @Zareh >

Fero follows Arona silently, looking with awe at all the different devices. He didn't understand most of it, but it made her happy to be around them, it seems. Eventually they return to where the statue was. He notices a faint light coming from Arona's hand, and that reminds him of something. As she walks over to him, he puts his hands behind his back. "Well, I don't really know what we could do..." He begins, focussing on the space between his palms. "But maybe just go outside and explore? That's always fun." He says, wagging tail betraying his happiness as he holds out his right hand, a perfectly detailed ice-sculpture of a lily in his palm. "For you."
Malin sighed, he shifted his weight, standing upright and turned to face the door. Before he opened up he took a few breaths, wiped his eyes, and sighed. Malin stuck his hand out and hesitated, but with a fake smile on his face he grabbed the knob and twisted, pulling the door open. "Presents?!?" He asked Mary. "OOO What is it?"

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(Hey just a heads up. I (personally) don't this this is a good post, and I apologize. I'm having some authors block at the moment, but I wanted to get a post in. I will get back to doing quality post tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience.)

Mao stepped outside of her home in utter joy. It was warm, sunny, and an all around good day. But the best part of all was that she had been assigned to the Guardians of Aura as a healer. This group of people honorable, popular, and cool. At least to Mao. And today was her first day on the job. She was told that one of her squad members would meet her outside of the Royal family's castle, where she would meet the people she would be working with. Quickly but calmly, Mao walked across the village and outside the castle gate. As she arrived, she noticed no one was there to great her. Oh. I must be here early. She thought, leaning up against the wall, waiting for someone to come.

@anyone on the guard not doing anything
The tower was now a lot closer to Alexander, or at least what he had thought was a tower. It turned out to be a castle and was a lot wider than he could have seen before. The entire thing was a kingdom build with the mountains surrounding it. A few objects floated in the sky. Where am I? He couldn't recall any places in the world that were like this, not mentioning the fact the architecture itself was very... toned down in terms of technology. He ventured closer and saw all sorts of people, or so he thought. These people weren't human. At least not entirely. They all seemed to have some weird changes to their body that resembled many animals he knew. The situation made absolutely no sense to Alexander. Unsure whether or not they could be trusted or even if his sensory inputs were working correctly, he decided it would be safer to go the less busy routes. He entered the kingdom with many giving him stares of wonder, or fear, while others ran off. It would be a bit hard to blend it when you're a robot bigger than almost everyone there. With a sprint, or at least what his version of a sprint would be with his currently lacking function, he ran off behind buildings. That might even draw more attention but he wasn't thinking about that. All Alexander wanted was to find was his master and this seemed like the next best place even with all the weird people around.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.1cba772ca48b9e4f14085be61a036027.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Lyre.jpg.1cba772ca48b9e4f14085be61a036027.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lyre pressed a soft kiss to his mother's temple, inwardly wondering if he was ever going to awaken before his mother did. She was busy stitching up the side of a new costume and he clasped his hands around her's, forcing them to pause and rest for at least a moment. She turned to smile up at him, finally giving him her full attention.

"Good to see that you're finally awake, sleepy head." She teased softly.

"Not everyone is as crazy as you, mother, Rising before even the sun..." He sighed, shaking his head. "Breakfast?"

"I've already eaten but there is fresh fruit in the bowl, Take your pick."

Lyre nodded, humming happily to himself as he reached for something to fill his tummy. He made quick work of his breakfast before sitting down and beginning to help his mother until they completed the vest she had been working on. Smiling at her, he commented on how beautiful her choice of fabric was before leaving their tent to check on the rest of the circus. The sun was bright overhead at this point, warming the earth and Lyre's dark feathers. He stretched his wings slowly and yawned before grinning. It just felt like it was going to be a good day.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.07eec50fc21825401acab1b9c9f22e78.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Neha.jpg.07eec50fc21825401acab1b9c9f22e78.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Neha glanced out the window and blinked in surprise.

"Morning already?" She murmured, feeling fatigue wash over her as she realized she hadn't gone to sleep at all. She yawned heartily, jaw popping before she settled back into the chair, peering over her notes from the night before. She could tell where she had truly become tired for the things written didn't make coherent sense anymore. She sprinkled sand over the ink carefully to make sure it was drying properly before putting her quill away and standing. Her tail flicked with interest as she considered what she would do that day. She had just returned from another failed mission, having found no rescuable manuscripts or books of any type; she was really hoping to strike the jackpot of information one of these days. A safe that held important, facutal knowledge or a dirt pocket that's kept it safe.

Feeling the tinge of boredom being to creep up on her, Neha quickly left her room, seeking out her sister as well as the Guild Master to see if she had any new possible missions.



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"Awww...that's really sweet of you! Thank you! It looks so gentle and beautiful!" she gently held the Lily with both her hands as she amazingly looked at it in awe. "Where exactly do you want to go!?" she asked with a cheerful and excited smile but then an idea popped into her head. "Let's go to that cafe down the street! I heard it has been there for a long time and it serves great family orientated food! Let's check it out before all the good stuff is gone!" She exclaimed excitedly anxious grabbed Feros hand and rushed out the door to the outside street on a way together to eat delicious treats.

@The Mythic Dragon


"I sometimes wish that I could meet someone who has lived in the human world...it would be amazing." these words echoed through the void of darkness over and over again. As it continued...a mind begins to regain consciousness within the void. "What...wait...who...ugh..where am I?" it said as the voice continues to echo. Suddenly a new voice is heard but it appears to be some deep synthetic voice.





01001101 01111001 00100000 01010011 01101111 01101110 00101110

00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 01010010 01010101 01001110 00100001





"Wait...what....ugh...I feel...dizzy....need sleep...."


"I sometimes wish that I could meet someone who has lived in the human world...it would be amazing."...."Amazing....Amazing....Amazing...."

A tiny spark emits from the Metal Statue in the Museum Hall...


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EI seemed to be a distance from anywhere she was in nothing but the destroyed remnants of human society , it seemed that no one had tried to rebuild anything in the 50,000 years that had passed so it was unlikely anything had gotten too far, humans had existed for 10,000 years give or take a few thousand and they had achieved so much, those that had taken human's place apparently were not anywhere near humanities level, that was truly sad. She did notice a lack of aggressive animals on her path, a lack of nature seeming to bar her way as it normally would, in fact the fact that any of these buildings were still standing when by all reason they should have long ago collapsed to nothing attested to a hypothesis that EI was forming that the environment had mellowed. That was an interesting observation that would require explanation and testing to determine if it had mellowed and if so why as in all recorded history the environment had never been clam nature was harsh those that were fit survived, you were either adapted to the environment you lived in or you died that was a rule of nature only humans violated that rule, if nature had thrown out that rule anything could reach any state of development with ease. EI thought she saw some kind of village in the distance and started towards it hopefully she would find some inhabitants.
The breeze blew the curtains wide open, sunlight streaming directly onto Casper’s slumbering face. Unthinking, his mind tried to conjure a pair of closed curtains on top, though his sleepiness wouldn’t allow anything more than a sort of flickering chiffon. In fact, the very effort of trying to block out the light roused him to the point of not being able to fall back to sleep. Upon attempting to raise his head from the pillow, however, he’d noticed that he’d stuck his horn through his pillowcase in his sleep, again. He sighed in disappointment, as these matched some of his favorite bedsheets, too. Slipping his feet into his slippers, he shuffled over to the block of wood he’d drilled on the wall for the express purpose of headbutting and began to rub his horns against it to wake himself up. He made it to the bathroom, splashed his face, brushed his blunt teeth, and ruffled his hair a bit before deeming himself fit to start the day. Donning his uniform, he changed his pillowcases and double checked that his room was sufficiently tidy before turning on his heel and heading downstairs for breakfast.

He pulled out a small flowerpot of fresh grass from the windowsill and sat down in his armchair, decorated with a hideous afghan made by Casper himself, to cast off the final sleeve of the sweater he’d made for Ciel. Like all his sweaters, it was an atrocious looking thing, with red and yellow stripes, sporting a deformed-looking bird with two different size eyes and a scrawny beak along with the phrase “I’m TALON you, I’m in a FOWL mood!”. Casper thought it was charming. It even had little slots in the back for his wings. Finishing off the pot of grass and the sweater, he slipped the completed garment into his bag and set out for the report in to the commander for the day.

{@Unlucky u ready to be sweatered}
< @Zareh @SummerWolf >

Fero smiles and his tail wags when he gets praised for his creation, and they don't stop when she grabs his hand and starts pulling him, apparently towards a cafe.

[Linking my post to @SummerWolf next one, when we appear, I assume]
Zenario Zeid

Dawn was Zenario's favorite part of the day. The rising of the sun was symbolic of his life's work. He found it cathartic and pure that after the darkness of night, the sun would always rise, and enlighten the world. And where would we be in eternal darkness? We'd be stubbing our toes against furniture and accidentally touching each other's butts! And that would be painful and awkward for everyone! Zenario had been up since the first ray of the sun could be seen. He'd spent the morning mixing several powders for sale later on that afternoon, and he'd also taken a walk...or a fly around town. During his fly about the kingdom, he'd greeted a few other early risers with a cheerful "Good morning!" and a polite, "Are you well?"

When he'd returned home he'd began reading a book from his secret collection about the humans. He'd been searching for something that could explain the rumors he'd been hearing. Rumors of strange metal statues of the human era. Unlike most statues of the human world, these had joints, and seemed as if they were once capable of movement. One was said to be in The Guild, and so Zenario decided he was going to pay them a visit. As an alumni member, his stopping by was not uncommon.

First, he'd require the assistance of one of his brothers. No, not a biological sibling, these two shared a bond deeper than blood. Indigo Gorne had a vast understanding of mechanical devices. He'd be the one to tag along with Zen. If the rumors were true, he'd need someone of his expertise. As the morning began to settle in, the tall man left his home, and fluttered toward Mr. Gorne's repair shop. Ever the gentleman, he knocked on the door and folded his hands in front of him.


Doll Agia

Today is no different than any other day. Doll had been up early, before the sun came out, to get in a little workout. It's important for a woman of the Guardians to keep in shape you know. You never know when chaos could erupt and someone might have to be sodomized with her lance. Her workouts consisted of both running, and flying, in a form similar to doing suicides on a basketball court and alternating between the two modes of movement. While exercising, she kept an eye out for suspicious characters. Anyone out this late, or early, was surely up to no good. Her eyes shot about her environment, searching for someone, anyone, who might be breaking the rules.

Unfortunately, there was not a single soul to be found. It was a shame, she was hoping she'd get in a scuffle this morning. But no. Not a single thing happened. So when she returned home, she bathed and dressed for work. She knew she was supposed to meet the rest of the guards, but once Doll had her orders, she rarely ever showed up to regroup with the others. The bee just couldn't see the point. Danger could be right around the corner, and she saw the meeting as a waste of time. So as soon as she was dressed and had eaten a healthy morning breakfast, she was out the door and doing her rounds.

There was a sour and pissed off look on her face as she scanned the city for delinquents and suspicious activity. A commotion began to form around the gate. Doll narrowed her eyes and buzzed over to the crowd. The bee landed and she cut and shoved through the citizens, obnoxiously announcing her presence. "Guardian on duty, get outta the way! Guardian on duty!!" Finally, she stood face to face with disturbance. Shocked by this...this...thing's appearance, and disgusted by the lack of action on the guards' behalf, she was none too happy. She pointed her lance at it and demanded, "Alright, what's with...this, what's with all of this huh!?" she pointed the tip of the blade at various parts of the robot's body, utterly clueless as to what she was looking at.

The room was dark, although slowly being illuminated by the stray beams of sunlight that pierced through the window of the bedroom, with the curtain opened ever so slighty, one such beam made it's mark onto Leons face as he slept. Leon woke up, much to his displeasure. He looked rough and had huge bags under his eyes. "Ugh... Why is my bed so uncomfortable!" He clenched his fist at the childish annoyance and hopped out of bed, his wings extending as he stretched in the hopes of waking up some more. Quickly slipping on his clothes, which were rather fancy, he went over to the window and opened the curtains, squinting as he looked at the city. From his room he could hear some sort of commotion, a huge crowd had began to assemble for reasonings unknown to Leon. But for some reason it made Leon happy, the weather was nice and people were forming a crowd which could only mean one thing, something was happening. And he wanted to find out.

He quickly rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face, he sorted out his hair and then went towards a table in his small living room to grab his katana. Slinging it diagonally across his hip, he proceeded to walk out of his house and into the streets. Heading towards the main gates as that was where he could hear the commotion.

Leon didn't have time to walk through the crowds of people so instead he decided to fly there at his maximum speed, when he got there he saw another guardian who had her lance pointed towards some... Thing. Leon landed beside her and did the same thing, but instead with his katana. Leon looked at the bee Kemonomimi and smiled at her as he spoke, "Are you the only one on duty or something? I'm surprised you were the only one here... Oh, I'm Leon by the way, a guardian, just like you!" He then averted his attention back to the strange construct in front of him, his demeanour becoming more serious, pointing his katana at the chest area. A look of confusion had formed on the guardians face, yet he was intrigued by this... Thing. He tried to communicate with the robot as he said, "What exactly do you want? Can you even speak?" Leon prodded the robot with his katana slightly, thinking that it would do something if he did so.

@Verdas @SirBlazeALot
Hidden was about to go back, wondering whether he should continued on apologizing to Malin when someone exclaimed that they were a guard on duty. He snorted in amusement, what would the criminal say when the king arrived at their arrest. Walking through the crowd, his wings extended to clear the mass a bit before he saw what the one, no two guards were looking at. A giant hunk of metal was standing in the center of the road. Frowning the griffin pushed through the crowd faster, arriving next to the guards, towering over them in height. "Might I ask what is going on here?" The giant metal thing seeming like a suit of armor, but who would need something that big?

@Verdas @SirBlazeALot @LeSoraAmari
"Well. I know how much you have been asking Hidden to get a beach house, so I painted a special portrait with a beautiful beach house in it." said Mary, as she took out the portrait that she was still holding, since it was covered with a cloth sheet. "Happy birthday, Malin." said Mary, as she pulled the cloth sheet, and gave it to Malin, so he can see the present. "That portrait has a picture of mom, since you don't know what she looks like yet." said Mary.

'I hope he likes it, since he is rather picky when it comes to non expensive things.' thought Mary, since she did worked extremely hard to create that portrait just for Malin.

Caius Amadeo Fauna

Straightening his bowtie, Caius checked the mirror for only the fiftieth time that morning. Usually he would be barely waking up, since lack of sleep often led to hideous things like eye-bags and a general look of sleepy unawareness. Hardly the fitting face for the second in line to be King. Of course, knowing he’d have to get up extra early on this morning, Caius had accounted for the lag in time and had retired extra early the night before. Not that he had been doing anything that required much more mental attention that sleeping, anyway.

But here he was, entirely dressed and ready to go and it was not yet 10 `o clock. He couldn’t help but smile at himself in the hand mirror, convincing himself that he needed to go over to the full length mirror just to better appreciate himself in his full beauty.

Well, even if it was his little brother’s birthday, Caius wasn’t just going to be shown up as only the second most fashionable of the Fauna Royalty. Besides, once Malin saw how perfect he looked, he would be sure to be inspired.

With one last sigh and a straightening of his cuffs, Caius recalled how he had been doing his best to guide his sibling in the right direction.
Always look your best, and always do whatever you want. Well, most of the time Malin hardly needed prodding in the second direction.

At last satisfied with his own perfection, Caius proudly exited his room, parting his dressing assistants like a curtain, heading towards his younger sibling’s quarters. He was sure that early rise Hidden had already bequest his gift, and as Caius rounded the last corner he could see Mary in the midst of doing the same.

“Is that the finished drawing, Mary?” He asked, coming up behind her to look over his singlings’ shoulders at the portrait that Malin had unfurled, “it looks so splendid...”

Gazing into the lifeless paint-strokes of his mother’s eyes, Caius felt a dart of nostalgia, but it quickly passed. He eagerly awaited to see his sibling’s reaction to Mary’s picture before he could unveil his own magnificent gift.

@Blackrose7 , @Leone

Palace, outside of Malin's room

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When Charon saw some of these human-like creatures actually use their wings to fly, he realized that it was, in fact, real. They were armed with weapons that his creators long since abandoned too. He shakily turned his head to face the two Aura Guardians, making creaking noises as the age took an effect on the metal of his interior. One of the armed creatures quite rudely prodded him with it's sword, like someone would poke an animal or a bug to see what it does. This annoyed him quite a bit. "Yes, I can speak." The female creature called him a "thing", confirming his suspicions that his creators' technology was lost. "I am not a 'thing'. I am called H.A.H.M.W.M., also known as Charon. I also wonder what you 'things' are. You have the appearance of humans, yet also the body parts and traits of animals.

Another one of these humanoid creatures flew to their location. It seemed the crowd was attracting the attention of many. Though this was slightly inconvenient for him, as he wanted to quickly find any of the surviving human race since the creatures here spoke, and acted, like his creators. At least it wasn't just some ruins or abandoned structures as he had first assumed this place was. The two armed humanoids were threatening and dangerous in his opinion, especially since he was damaged by age and most of his former weapons were lost during the "apocalypse'. All he had were his two remaining laser blades which had limited battery life. @SirBlazeALot @LeSoraAmari @StoneWolf18
Mao sighed as she waited for a representative to greet her. What if I am the late one? Or I am supposed to find them? Or What if it's tomorrow, or next week? I sure hope it's not next week. Thoughts raced through her mind as she waited by the wall. She wasn't normally this hyper or nervous, but today was a big day for her. After 11 years of studying and practicing, she was finally free and ready to work, to give back. I'll give them an hour, as they might be busy.

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