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Fantasy ☯-⊕The Age of Kemonomimi⊕-☯

Arona laughed a bit at Inutsuki who fell down. "I'm guessing your little baby is already giving her mummy some trouble huh? So...who's the Dad?" She asked in a curious tone as she put her ear against Inutsuki's stomach to hear the baby and also trying to change the topic and trying to stay positive however noises could be heard from outside which caused her to freak out and return back to her worried and sad self. She grabbed Inutsuki and runs upstairs to the bedroom and barricades it to make sure no one tries to get through. Once the fighting settles down, she peeks out of the bedroom door and sees Fero bleeding immensely from his use of Aura. "FERO!" she quickly rushes down and holds him by the head with her hand. "FERO..don't close your eyes...you'll be fine...you'll be fine..." she says as her face starts to tear up again from the emotional pain. She looks to Inutsuki with a teared exhausted face "W-What do we do?...W-We...need to g-get him help...Inutsuki...h-he's going to die..." she said as she keeps trying her best to wake up Fero. "DON'T DIE FERO, WAKE UP WAKE UP" she keeps shaking him as her face becomes more exhausted by the minute "FERO! WAKE UP...Wake Up!...wake up!..wake...up...w..a..ke...up.....w...a...k...e....u...p" until she finally lost all her energy from the constant shouting and mental pressure. She faints from exhaustion and falls next to Fero with a pale expression on her face.

@The Mythic Dragon
Zareh said:
Arona laughed a bit at Inutsuki who fell down. "I'm guessing your little baby is already giving her mummy some trouble huh? So...who's the Dad?" She asked in a curious tone as she put her ear against Inutsuki's stomach to hear the baby and also trying to change the topic and trying to stay positive however noises could be heard from outside which caused her to freak out and return back to her worried and sad self. She grabbed Inutsuki and runs upstairs to the bedroom and barricades it to make sure no one tries to get through. Once the fighting settles down, she peeks out of the bedroom door and sees Fero bleeding immensely from his use of Aura. "FERO!" she quickly rushes down and holds him by the head with her hand. "FERO..don't close your eyes...you'll be fine...you'll be fine..." she says as her face starts to tear up again from the emotional pain. She looks to Inutsuki with a teared exhausted face "W-What do we do?...W-We...need to g-get him help...Inutsuki...h-he's going to die..." she said as she keeps trying her best to wake up Fero. "DON'T DIE FERO, WAKE UP WAKE UP" she keeps shaking him as her face becomes more exhausted by the minute "FERO! WAKE UP...Wake Up!...wake up!..wake...up...w..a..ke...up.....w...a...k...e....u...p" until she finally lost all her energy from the constant shouting and mental pressure. She faints from exhaustion and falls next to Fero with a pale expression on her face.
@The Mythic Dragon

Inutsuki nods whilst blushing, stiffening as Arona put her ear against her stomach... as who the dad was came up a sadness overtook her face, she went to grab the pencil but was quickly dragged away by the running upstairs... she heard the shouting and fighting... but everything was a blur, as Fero fell to the floor shortly followed by Arona she suddenly snapped out of it, eyes widening and tears forming as she suddenly went over to them, she shook Fero once and blood covered her hands from his wound.

She looked down at the blood, her face draining of colour briefly before she gulped
'F-Fero?...' she thought weakly, moving her mouth in the same pattern as if she wanted to say it, her fists tightened as she sat there wide-eyed... she wanted to yell... she wanted to scream out at them to keep going... she wanted to say something... anything! she kept moving her mouth in word patterns causing her pain but not emitting a sound.

Suddenly she looked down at her chains, cracking and falling apart, she gulped once, shaking before looking at Fero and doing something surprising at the both of them... she started to sing. Her voice was soft and calming,
beautiful in the dead silence that now surrounded them, shining a light of hope in the empty darkness.

whilst she was singing she thought to herself
'I-I want... you both to be happy. like, when.. we first met.. I want to... eat.. cake with you... and do so, so many things together... so please... don't... leave me... I know it's selfish... I know I don't deserve it... but please! I swear!... i-if you can just... keep going then a swear to Gaia that I'll never-... never ask for anything ever again...'

Each word was obviously painful as she struggled to keep sitting up, ever inch of her body ached and her head was throbbing, she sung it slowly as the chains continued to break, glowing brightly... slowly Fero started to heal, after about two minuets Inutsuki collapsed and Fero was fully healed
'Please be ok... my friends.'

((The Song she was Singing)):



@The Mythic Dragon

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< @Zareh @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero, long since gone into the darkness of near-death, finds himself slowly drawn back to the surface by a beautiful voice, both in song, and one that he swore was in his mind. He comes to, and notices the two girls he had sworn to protect laying near him, and he himself covered in his own blood. He looks around silently, before a sad smile creeps onto his face. "I promised to protect you two... but it seems that your were the ones who saved me, in the end." He takes them both in his arms and carries them gently to the bedroom, tucking them in as if they were tired children. "I promise both of you, I will be here when you wake up. So please... rest."

And, satisfied that they were safe after checking on his ice barrier, he went to go take a bath, planning on changing into some of his fresh clothes afterwards, then cooking a delicious spaghetti dinner for them all.
Malin hugged his older brother and leaned into him as if he were still a baby. He smiled as his brother cried and asked that they never argued again. Malin knew it would be short lived but he said yes in compliance to his older brother.

Hidden craddled Malin for a while, until there was a big boom that erupted from the throne room. Malin looked up at the ceiling and watched as it shook. "Whaaaattt was that?" Malin asked nervously.


@Pretzel Heart

Hidden frowned and followed his brother's gaze. "I don't know..." Using the sleeve of his tunic to wipe his now large red eyes, he placed his hand over them. Though his aura was for healing, it also had many uses. Once his eyes looked normal once more he did the same for Malin. The Griffin didn't know exactly how it counted as their eyes being wounded but possibly because they were raw from crying so much.

Turning, he opened the door and gestured for Malin to follow. Walking at a brisk pace, he arrived at a balcony and leaned over to get a clear view. Thankfully for his eyesight, he was able to see Charon fighting what he considered another one of those things. "Guards!" He exclaimed in a tone that was harsh in comparison to the moment the brother's just shared. Right out front!" Not knowing if Malin was to follow, he jumped over the railing, extended his wings, then folder them to decend as fast as possible.



The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
< @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero smiles when Inutsuki hugs her, even as he carries a steaming pot of noodles. "Thank you for saving me, Inutsuki. Now, you should sit down, don't push yourself too hard. The noodles are almost done. I hope the baby appreciates my cooking." He says, chuckling when she stiffens.
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The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
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< @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero, letting the pasta drain, walks over and spots the card that she didn't bother to show him. He picks it up and slowly, within full view of Inutsuki, rips it up. "Don't think like that, don't talk like that. Lots of people cannot speak. And I bet a good amount of them make excellent parents. Just, not without help." He kneels down to look into her eyes. "'It takes a village', right? Well, I don't know about a village, but you have me. And Arona." He smiles patting her shoulder. "We'll be here for you. Promise."
(Bad post alert. Authors block had me in a grasps.)

After much walking, Mao finally made it to the (something) Tree. The was busy, many people coming to offer up sacrifices and prayers to the Tree and all of its glory. Having never been here before, and lost in the large crowd of people, Mao easily got lost. Uh oh, I have no clue where I am. She thought as she walked aimlessly. The only obvious structure she could see was the enormous tree, which she wanted to get a better look at, but was blocked off by the many people. Maybe if I walk to the other side. She decided, and slipped away from the crowd. Mao walked along the tree, the people getting scarce, until she was nearly alone, a few others walking here and there. As she continued walking, a small hey beautiful meadow. Heh, who needs the tree when there is this to explore! She advanced into the meadow, not aware of the other people inside.

@whoever is inside
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon[/size][/b][/right]

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< @TheHappyPikachu >

Seeing the first paper, Fero blushes hard, but smiles. "Well... first I need to confess to her, ya know? I'm hoping to do it this year, on mate day." He says, his smile becoming a bit dopey. "Yeah... she'd make a great mother. I'd be more worried about me as a father..."

In response to the second paper, he sighs, looking down. "I... wish I knew. For as long as I can remember... I was alone on the streets. Doing my best to survive on my own, scavenging food. There... was a blacksmith, who took me in. But he was killed in a robbery, and I ran. That's why I have this sword. I made it the way he taught me." Shaking his head, he continues. "One night, a year ago, those same guys found me. Beat me to within an inch of my life, and left me to die. But Arona found me... nursed me back to health... I owe her everything..."
Rumdarjun Feynhardt

Almost as soon as he had butted into the conversation the Bee and fox kemonomimi started to argue again. If he wasn't so repelled by the shouting Rune might have taken comfort in the image of the Guard throwing around her oversized weapon like the kids who played outside on his street. But, judging from the content of her argument with the fox, it was probably better that he didn't.

And then suddenly Rune found himself the center of attention, which had been the plan all along, but still something alien to him outside of the Brotherhood. Within the slow blink of his vacant eyes he could gather the fox girl glancing at him with the face a director might give while auditioning actors for a part. Thinking that he probably shouldn't be noticing her analytical sizing, he focused instead on the bee girl who was now waving her hand in his face. Perhaps she liked to compensate for her size by waving things, Rune mused.

Maybe this was a mistake after all...if I get a Guard involved...all it would take is just one little mistake and the entire Brotherhood could be at risk.

No. He took a breath, preparing himself to answer. He wouldn't
be making any mistakes. While he was much more comfortable being in the periphery of others' attention, this sort of sneaking, lying, espionage thing was more or less what he did best. It was the only thing he had ever really dedicated himself to, after all.

"Sorry, I have not been at the Guild recently, so I was just coming here to check on the rumors myself." He then turned to face the impressive machinery...so close he could almost touch it...once more, his eyes dancing with wonder, "though I'd say that it's some sort of human machine that has survived since antiquity. What has caused its reawakening, and that of the others, if there are any, perhaps it could better tell us."

This last part he chose to address to the machine directly. He wanted to see it do that thing again...where it responded...where it seemed to be imbued with some sort of life. In all he had read about human technology, never could he have imagined them being able to create such a wonder, especially without the use of Aura. Well, not that his imagination was great to begin with, but still. If this machine really had been built by humans all those years ago, what secrets about their lost civilization they could finally uncover! And, best of all, there was now undeniable proof of the humans' existence, the prowess of their culture, their epic rise and dramatic fall--

Again Rune found himself getting dizzy from the excitement of just thinking about it, and then he heard the machine do something even more unexpected: Quietly utter what Rune believed to be a sarcastic comment. Did that indicate some sort of human aspect to it? A personality?

Though curious, he did not want to be in the midst of yet another shouting bout from the "Little B" in question,
so he hurriedly excused himself to go up to the gate house, quickly showing his Guild Seal that proved he was a legitimate member, and returned to the group as the gates finally began to open. Hopefully they would be done arguing.

"Maybe we can talk about it more inside? I would...really like that." He had no idea why but suddenly he could no longer handle looking at the human machine, feeling himself flush just in its overwhelming presence, and yet his eyes could hardly keep from being glued to it. "Maybe you could tell me about yourself, and what you know of humanity, and in return I can tell you anything you'd like to know about us kemonomimi."

He would practically do anything to earn this machine's allegiance for the Brotherhood, if indeed it had its allegiance to give.

@SirBlazeALot , @MrLlama , @StoneyJr

In front of the Guild

@Zareh - Sorry I made up some lore here about Guild membership (in bold) to help with flow but I can change it, whatev's cool
[QUOTE="The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon[/size][/b][/right]

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< @TheHappyPikachu >

Fero smiles, patting her head. "There are some things you just don't forget, Inutsuki." He says quietly, before moving back to the noodles to finish up the cooking.

[Going to wait for @Zareh now]
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The Mythic Dragon]< @The Mythic Dragon [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/21926-zareh/ said:
Caius Amadeo Fauna

Caius was a bit shocked at the abruptness with which he was grabbed and transported to the palace. It felt like he blinked and it was over. A bit too fast, really. While there had been a time when Caius was jealous of the rest of his siblings' ability to fly (Mary and Hidden with their obvious appendages, Malin with his elemental skills), he now saw that the whole affair was rather overrated. And his eyes were spinning inside his head. Well, the floaty feeling had been nice, and at least they were here...

As Caius straightened out his clothes, relieved to see that nothing had sullied them in the flight, he replied to Leon's question,
"Yes, yes, I'm quite fine, but---"

He was about to say that he'd prefer never doing that again, as King of the Snakes, he had no shame in staying close to the ground, after all, when he happened to look up. Biting his lip to keep his tongue from flapping out in rage, he could only glare at the wreck that was his once near-perfect home.

"I demand to know what in Gaia's name is going on here! Who...Who did this!?"

There were cracks all throughout the
expensive marble, the intricate tiled floors. Wall drapings and curtains hung crooked, priceless paintings flecked with debris. Many of these items had been passed down through the Fauna royalty for generations. At least the throne, the symbol of his family's power, remained unchanged. Caius had to put his hands over his brilliant eyes.

"I...I'm not seeing this. I'm not seeing this!"

Maybe he'd look up again and find he'd hallucinated the whole thing, for that was really the only reasonable explanation he could find.

@Blackrose7 , @LeSoraAmari

Royal Fauna Palace

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Doll Agia

Little B, I mean Doll, jumped at the sound of the robot's inhuman and utterly foreign voice. She'd stopped huffing and puffing and stared at the robot momentarily with shock and wonder. "H-hey!! You can't call be little either! STOP IT! My name is Dolerus you..." yeah yeah, poor little Doll was throwing yet another profanity filled fuming tantrum and trying to tell people what to do. Finally, the gate was open, and Dolerus took to the air, hovering just above the ground. "Well?! Go in!" she told the citizen and the robot. She intended on following behind them where she could see them all. She had a pouty, bratty, judgmental look on her face, her skin a bright red from both anger and insecurity.

@Pretzel Heart @StoneyJr @MrLlama

Outside of guild HQ
Karcen said:
That was not the answer that EI wanted she would have liked a better explanation than I just can, though it did confirm that it was a natural born talent rather than something learned. Still she needed to understand the source of this energy as she doubted there was some extra organ that allowed such energy creation. Well she would figure it out first she would have to deal with this snake man, she did not know local customs for dealing with foreigners but she guessed being generous was good.
" Very well, I do not know the customs of this land but you are welcome to stay here to recover before you depart for whatever destination you have in mind" EI said figuring she got all the information she needed " I however must return to directing the villagers, I have started multiple projects with them and I must make sure the lights are made properly." She said as she started towards the door.
"Thank you for your hospitality but i will begin my journeys to explore this world. You are welcome to join me. Having a companion that doesnt have blood may be interesting. And i would like to learn more about this science, but if not i understand." Raktos began to slither out the door as well. He was a nomad, staying in one place for too long wasnt his thing.
EI thought about it for a few second but she couldn't leave yes it would be nice to have more complete understanding of what the world had become but sadly she could not she had started to teach these children, she couldn't just walk out on them to travel. She was tempted yes but her purpose was to teach others not to start then leave them and while she could teach Raktos he was just one individual she had to teach comminutes to be effective. She would have to reject the offer her job required more information that she was trading up communities not leaving a small one for just one person. IT really was a good of the many outweighing what she wanted or the good of one person.

" I must decline that offer" She said as the two went outside " My purpose is to teach and you are just one child these are a community in the end they will have the effect I need so I must stay with them. She said sounding like she just barely regretted it. " But you will be welcome here should you desire to return"
Karcen said:
EI thought about it for a few second but she couldn't leave yes it would be nice to have more complete understanding of what the world had become but sadly she could not she had started to teach these children, she couldn't just walk out on them to travel. She was tempted yes but her purpose was to teach others not to start then leave them and while she could teach Raktos he was just one individual she had to teach comminutes to be effective. She would have to reject the offer her job required more information that she was trading up communities not leaving a small one for just one person. IT really was a good of the many outweighing what she wanted or the good of one person.
" I must decline that offer" She said as the two went outside " My purpose is to teach and you are just one child these are a community in the end they will have the effect I need so I must stay with them. She said sounding like she just barely regretted it. " But you will be welcome here should you desire to return"
"Thank you for that. If i should find my way here again, i will seek you out and we can actually enjoy a meal together." Raktos began to wind his way throughout the forbidden ruins. He was amazed by what these "humans" had made, but at the same time he got an ominous feeling like they were dangerous. "This forgotten race is terrifying in many ways." He siad loud enough that his voice carried for quite some disrance.
Larentia Shikari

Larentia simply grinned at the girl, she now came to know as Dolerus, when the metallic creature called her 'Little-B' aswell. It was a grin that she couldn't hide behind twenty oak tree's, and she made no attempt to hide it in the least.

She mouthed the name 'Cutie' towards Dolerus, before turning to the boy and watching as he flashed some form of identification. The guard proceeded to open the gate, and it was as easy as that.

Dolerus was in the air again, and completely red when Larentia looked back, yelling at her and the metallic creature to enter. Her grin un-moved, she turned to the creature and the boy and chuckled.

"Watch out boys, we've got a fiesty one here! Heheh!" She then looked back at Dolerus one final time and whispered, "Don't worry..I love it."

And with a wink, she turned and started moving forwards behind the boy who was presumably taking them to the guild.

@MrLlama @SirBlazeALot @Pretzel Heart
"Good, since I rather not have to do that." said Mary, since Caius would end up hating her if she did ended up burning, stabbing, or slicing his clothes with one of the guardian's weapons.

She putted her blonde wig back on, and signalled a
"You don't want to know what I put in this bag." look at Caius, since she got a feeling that he was thinking about that right now.

Mary then looked at the bunny girl that Leon ended up inviting her to join with them, since she knew that Caius was going end up complaining about her not having any shoes on.
" *Sigh* I got some shoes in this bag as well." said Mary, as she took out a beautiful pair of shoes.

"You can keep those shoes if you want, since I want to be generous to my loyal subjects, plus trying to get Caius to stop talking about fashion for once in his life, since he is way too addicted towards it." said Mary, as she murmured the last part, since that part is so true.

As Mary handed the bunny girl the shoes, and she ended up dropping them when she heard the loud booming noise echoing through the quiet meadow.

Her face was completely shocked by this, since she didn't see that coming.
"What was that?" said Mary, as she looked at both Leon and Caius, since they may get a idea of what that sound was.

@Kayzo <- Not here yet.

( Mary's another hobby is making wigs, clothes, and shoes, since she is extremely bored in the castle.

She also never tells Caius about that hobby, since he is way too addicted towards fashion, and he will end up being a fashion magnet towards her.
xD )
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As Mao was walking down through the meadow, she heard the noise of people talking. Curious as to see who else could be in such a beautiful place. As she walked towards the talking, she noticed a group of four or so people, one of which was a royal. A royal here? Should I even be here? Let's play it off like I am lost. Mao thought, and walked towards the group. As she was about to say hello, a loud noise erupted from the meadow, which made her jump and squeak in surprise.
Vinera looked down at the shoes the princess handed her. They were quiet beautiful. "Thanks your highness." She said with a small smile. She would prefer her black boots but she couldn't turn down the princess and the shoes really were quiet beautiful.


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