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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Hope woke, looking around. In the dorm room of course, she rolled her eyes and stretched. She stood and went to her luggage. She hadn't put her clothes in the dresser yet. Eh, she'll have to do it after classes. She pulled an outfit out of her suitcase and began getting dressed. It was jeans and a purple v-neck. She brushed her hair let it settle how it wanted. She then walked out of the dorm, walking towards the cafeteria. She was starving to death. Wait... Where the heck is Maxwell? He wasn't in the dorm last night or this morning... Maybe he came back late and woke up early. He seems like someone who's an early riser... She thought. She kept walking to the cafeteria, quickening her pace.
Wick rocked back and forth on his feet for just a moment before speaking again.

"Where do we go..?"

The Sudden movement from the second girl scared the hell out of Velari, he would have completely freaked out if the girl had moved before he gained sense of his whereabouts.  He closed his eyes and took a few shaky breathes for a few seconds before responding the girls words. "Its okay....... as long as...... your not... going to kill...... or experiment..... on me I will be...... fine. It.... is okay, It will.... be okay...." He said shakily as his mind was struggling between a state of calm and hysteria. Years of being hunted has put him on edge, and he tends to be frighten easily. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Damn need to stop freaking out, I'm at a school, they said I would be safe. Am I really safe, what if this was really some sadistic trap that gives you a sense of security before strapping you to a operating table? No this a school for those like me that can't fit in the so called normal world. This place is to help, or so they say. Will I ever find peace? [/COLOR]He shook his head to rid himself of the negative thoughts that coursed through his mind. He was still half pinned by the kitsune girl but she wasn't a threat and nor was the scaled girl sitting next to him. "Sorry for wigging out, to many years of being hunted has made me a bit paranoid, what's your name? and what are you? I never seen someone with scales." he spoke calmly but still a little shaken. He didn't give his name out fear what might happen if he gave it.

A the three tails on the dragons side of the bed slowly began moving around nervously and brushing up against the scaled girl, Velari was aware of this but he was to nervous and shaken to control his tails and keep them still. His tails seemed to have mind of their own when he becomes emotionally distressed or overly aware of his surroundings. Though sometimes his tails will betray his conscious emotions and act on his hidden emotions that are hidden behind a wall of fear and superstition that normally clouds his mind.

@LunaCrosby @KuroBara
Henryk woke up in his bed. He wasn't quite sure how he got there. He looked out the window and saw that it was the morning. Then he looked around the room. Oddly, it looked exactly as it had when he was last in there with the exception of his bed. It was as if Annie hadn't been back. And he still wasn't sure why there was a third bed if there were only two people in the room. Maybe she already went to breakfast? He thought to himself, yeah, nothing strange happened. She just made her bed and went to breakfast. He walked out of the room and to the cafeteria where he stood in the middle and looked around.

(@anyone in the cafeteria)
The speakers were turned on and a young voice of a women spoke from the speakers.

"All students who are seeking Miss Gwendoline, please report to the 3rd floor. Her office is on the left corridor next to the headmaster's office. Do note that the students called out by the Miss Gwendoline will be "Escorted" by professor Hellgang if they aren't there within 15 minutes."

The speakers were now silent as the announcement echoed throughout the school.
Wick stopped to listen to the intercom. One was built into the ceiling in the middle of the dorm.

"Evidently the third floor.." 

She nodded, "uh-huh." She took Wick's hand tightly.

"I'm scared." She murmured, hugging his arm against her chest, "That lady is terrifying." She whimpered, her bottom lip trembling comically. 

Third floor... Maxwell listened to the announcement as he pass two of the students he saw at the garden incident. Though he pay no heed as he pass by up to the stairs and was uncertain what kind of terror will occur. Though it may be for the best unless you want to get hunted down by some teacher. How ungentlemanly.

@Rui @Wick
Henryk woke up in his bed. He wasn't quite sure how he got there. He looked out the window and saw that it was the morning. Then he looked around the room. Oddly, it looked exactly as it had when he was last in there with the exception of his bed. It was as if Annie hadn't been back. And he still wasn't sure why there was a third bed if there were only two people in the room. Maybe she already went to breakfast? He thought to himself, yeah, nothing strange happened. She just made her bed and went to breakfast. He walked out of the room and to the cafeteria where he stood in the middle and looked around.

(@anyone in the cafeteria)

Chris noticed a guy looking around, maybe for someone. "Hey, you looking for someone?" He asked, walking up to him. "I can help find them if you are." He offered.
Akira sighed with relief. The poor male kitsune seemed to be too afraid of something to actually be mad at her for jumping into his bed both unannounced and without permission; this really wasn't like her. She normal avoided physical contact, not that she hated it or anything, it just wasn't something she did naturally, dragons tend to be a little cold hearted and so it was a natural state that most of them took to. She smiled at the boy and relaxed a bit, she could feel his tails playing on top of hers and it tickled a little but she welcomed the softness she was not accustomed to. He must be doing it unconsciously, he seems to rattle to actually have the guts to do such a thing. "That's very unfortunate to have been hunted down and experimented on." She looked at him with sad eyes. "I'm a dragon by the way, hence the scales, wings, talons, tail, and horns. My names Akira and to answer your previous question: no I am not here to experiment or hunt you down, I'm just here to learn how to better control my powers, I have trouble with them when I get emotional." She smiled again at him. "And you’re a kitsune if I'm not mistaken right? I've only ready about your kind, you guys tend not to live near volcanos so of course I've never seen your type." She gave a small shrug.

Akira had mainly read about other types of creatures, due to the fact that she lived on a small island with an active volcano she didn't get much opportunity to meet someone who wasn’t either human or dragon. She was fascinated at how many different species she had seen in only a couple of minutes of being at the school, although all she had experienced was a helicopter crash and an embarrassing moment by sharing a bed with two kitsunes. “What’s your name?” She asked curious. @Mister Veeeee @LunaCrosby
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"We will be fine." He reassured. "We did nothing wrong, so we should not be worried about getting into any trouble correct?"

He opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, heading over toward a set of stairs. "I doubt she would kill us, she had brought us here for a reason, and I do not believe she is qualified to terminate us."

Petra's trembling only worsened. 

"K-kill us?" She tucked herself tighter into him, "I hadn't even thought of that..." 

Luxx woke up in his bare dorm for his first day at the academy and got dregssed in the same outfit he arrived in, but different colors. He had put his clothes away before going to bed late in the night. He opened the drawer on his night stand to reveal a handful of metal containers tossed inside. He grabbed one and left his room, heading to the cafeteria. (Container)
Wick turned back and looked at Petra. "I said doubt." Though he couldn't help but doubt his doubts.

"Let's just go." He moved onto the stairs, leading him and Petra up to the third floor, which seemed to be a lot more formal than the first or second had been. Perhaps because it was the staff's floor. Over at the end and to the left, he could see another teen standing there, waiting. "Another witness I suppose." Wick spoke more to himself than he had Petra.

...The darkness... It stirs... I pulled out the gun from under my pillow and shot at my ceiling. The shadows shifted even more and I pulled my sheets across me as a veil and narrowly evaded swift bolts that plunged into the wall behind me. I fired more but the shadow evaded all of them with the poise of a single silk thread drifting in the wind as it came close. I jumped on the floor in front of it swiftly throwing kicks and punches and blocking blows aimed at me. The trading of blows indicated that it was a human, or at least its anthromorphic from the hand-like motions. Between weaving strikes and blocks I tore open the blinds to reveal a pale wiry figure wrapped in a leather black coat... "Hellgang..."



"Rise and shine Mister Grimm, rise and shine... You're currently late for the deputy headmistresses's role call, and she has sent me to fetch you." His eyes seemingly flashed red as he kicked me through the dorm window. 

Luckily, I had gritted my teeth then and hardened my stomach and braced the blow. His foot was still digging in my chest when I grabbed it midair and threw him under me as we fell. I landed on him, cushioning my fall and I quickly jumped off activating the knife that ghost boy gave me @Quinn Sheon. I heard some muffled cracks as we landed and I think he had broken some bones on the fall. Wasting no time I fired off the last three rounds in my gun twice in the body and once in the head and emptied the clip before rushing to ID the kill. I inched towards him and it became clear I got him in the heart and sternum, but more importantly right dead-center on in the forehead. He's indubitably dead now. I reached in again with my knife to slit his throat, however to my shock a hand grabbed mine; it was his. The body wrenched itself up again on its feet and I felt an intense flash of pain from my wrist and glanced at it, he just broke it! Shit! He proceeded to pummel me down to the ground, smiling, I think. 

"Ah, ah, ah, you're good! But regrettably Mister Grimm, that's enough morning stretching, the Headmistress needs to see you immediately." He threw me on my side and cuffed my good arm to his arm and proceeded to drag me to god-knows-where. Everything was a blur now, and I saw the blue specks flood my vision, or as some people say I was seeing stars. Damn it, not again... Could this get any worse? I stared helplessly as I was being dragged and only then came to realize I was just wearing only some boxers and a white T-shirt. Great. Simply Great. He then did something curious as he pulled out a cigar, lit it and then placed it between my disengaged teeth. "I do enjoy being around a fellow who can appreciate fine smokes. Raven was your brand? Fitting... But try one of these, my own special brand, I find them to be absolutely exquisite..." 

"Heh," I chuckled at the sheer absurdity "First we fight, then we have a smoke together? Fine by me you crazy SOB."

"Now what say you Wesley? Shall we go pick up some of your other compatriots who are also late?" @Wick @Rui @Locklaklazarii @Fear Fates

"Go for it." I sighed with a simultaneous breath of smoke. "These aren't so bad..."
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Wick walked up to the man, bringing Petra with him. The man was well enough dressed, and had that kind of posture a snobby rich kid would have, but he didn't look like he would act that way. Another odd feature Wick noticed was the odd theatrical mask on his face. It seemed hollow, almost like it was part of his head. It made Wick shiver lightly.

"Here for er, the headmistress..?" 

@Rui @Fear Fates
Wick walked up to the man, bringing Petra with him. The man was well enough dressed, and had that kind of posture a snobby rich kid would have, but he didn't look like he would act that way. Another odd feature Wick noticed was the odd theatrical mask on his face. It seemed hollow, almost like it was part of his head. It made Wick shiver lightly.

"Here for er, the headmistress..?" 

@Rui @Fear Fates

Maxwell turned to the student who asked him,"Yes indeed, though I a bit on the sideline of the entire ordeal. Though you and the miss over there are witnesses I assume?" Answering with a gentlemanly tone though it could of been said better if Max wasn't hesitant to see through this incident to the Deputy Headmistress.
Henry's looked over to the guy who had approached him. "Huh? Oh, sorry I was spacing out." He said, "yeah I'm looking for my dorm mate or mates... I think she or they probably came down here before I woke up..." He said, looking around again, then looking back at the guy. Wasn't this the guy who had frozen the bear yesterday?

Chris nodded and looked around. "Ah I see, my room mate has disapeared as well, not sure where he could be." He shrugged and looked back at the other guy. "I'm Chris by the way." He said with a grin, holding out his hand. 

@Quinn Sheon
Oliver stepped off the helicopter, him being completely new to all this he simply said, "Than's." And moved off he could see how big the place was, and he was quite amazed. 
Petra was back to hiding behind Wick, cringing at the approaching person.

Stranger danger! 

She hugged his back tightly, chest squishing against it. 

"Wick..." she mumbled. 

(Oh yeah. I'm going anime in this.) 

Wick grunted as he was squeezed tighter by Petra.

"Er, yeah. I mean they kinda started fighting in front of us. WE, didn't start any of the fighting though, it was the hor- i mean centaur."

He stared at the masked man, waiting for him to respond when a loud scuffling sound was heard coming up the stairs from behind them. Wick whipped around, subconsciously drawing Petra behind him again as a scarecrow dragged another teen up the stairs. The scarecrow was terrifying, more so than the headmistress. What was he doing?! Wick caught a glimpse of the teens face and realized it was the one from last night, the one who had blown the helicopter. Upon closer examination Wick noticed that the teens hand was cuffed to the scarecrow as he dragged him along.

"What the hell?!"

@Rui @Fear Fates @Oddball 
Petra made a little screeching noise and burrowed herself against Wick's back.

"Oh my gosh..." she cringed, hugging him even tighter. 


Sylvia Lyyneheym
She woke up and rubbed her eyes. It is another day in her home. She prepared herself and then headed to the cafeteria. There were many students and she know none of them. She could perhaps befriend some of them, but they were all busy and it would be rude to disrupt them. He then just got a pancake and then sat at some empty chair.

((Open  for interaction))

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