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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

He simply tilted his head slightly. Which really seemed to make him grow uncomfortable as the wings went to being lower than his face. "What would that be?"


Sylvia Lyyneheym

"Oh, I forgot to bring my schedules. I will just follow where you guys go, I am sure we have the same classes." She said. She was bored and she needed to do something.

He shook his head as he looked around. "I...I don't have a schedule either...Unless we don't get any. And just attend the classes we want." He would reason. Attempting to think over what another reason might be.

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Sylvia Lyyneheym

"Maybe, im just gonna go simewhere and explore this school" She said "Im bored." She then stood and tilted her head before walking towards the door.

"You can follow if you want."

He nodded then. Starting to stand and follow. "I...Know where the garden is if that's interesting to you at all." He would say as he nearly hit someone with one of his wings. Which he quickly started to wrap around himself once again.


Sylvia Lyyneheym

"Sure, the garden would be wonderful" She said happily as she clapped her hands. "Please lead the way."
He nods then. Starting to walk through the halls for a while before coming upon a doorway. Which happened to show the large garden. "This would be it." He would say before flapping up to a tree. Sitting on one of the branches.


Sylvia Lyyneheym

"Ah!" She exlaimed and kneeled infront of a flower. She then touched one and smiled. "So wonderful!" She closed her eyes and begun to sing. She sang about the beauty of nature. The plants and wind danced as she sang. She then opened her eyes and stopped singing. She looked at the angel who was watching and blushed.

"Well- ummm... I guess you saw how my powers work." She said.

He simply would be watching her as she looked up from the singing. As he then quickly started to look away at another tree. "I guess I did then." He would respond with. Before rolling backwards and starting to hang upside down from the branch by his legs. As he then started to just hang there. "Anyways...I guess you can say I'm just gonna. Hang around." (Yes...I have to have puns.)

Sylvia Lyyneheym

She then sat in one of the bench.

"I guess im gonna wait here till classes start or somebody other than you talks to me" She said as she closed her eyes. "Im just gonna close my eyes for the meantime."

He simply nodded then. Before dropping from the tree and ungracefully slamming his stomach to the ground. As he slowly started to stand. Wincing slightly before starting to sit down against the tree. "Hm...Alright."

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Sylvia Lyyneheym

She opened her eyes and laughed. She then stood and looked at the angel.

"I have an idea" She said "If it is allowed in this school, then shall we duel?" 


He simply raises an eyebrow as he looks at her. Somewhat uncertain of how to answer before sighing slightly. "Sure...What's the worst that can happen?"

He says as he stands once more. Flaring his wings slightly.

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Sylvia Lyyneheym

"The worse that could happen is you losing a wing" She teased. She then leaped away from him.

"So? Are you scared of a pretty little lady?"

He shakes his head to that. As his right eye starts to glow softly. His wings spreading to give him a slightly larger appearance. "Of course I'm not scared. And frankly I doubt you could remove a wing of mine." He would say as a few feathers that where drifting off of the wings float. Seeming to straighten and sharpen. "Question...Do you heal naturally or should I avoid true...Wounds?"


Sylvia Lyyneheym

"Lets not harm each other" She smiled "Instead, the one who is incapable of fighting any further loses. Like, draining their energy or some sort"
He simply paused then raising an eyebrow. Letting the feathers fall to the ground. Where they clang like metal on stone. "How would that work?" His eye would still glow slightly. Along with his wings flared.


Sylvia Lyyneheym

"Attrition dear, attrition." She smiled. "Now, let me see you fly." She wanted him to attack first. Observe, Analyze, then strike.

He simply chuckled then. Leaping to the air with one quick stroke of his wings. Before hovering as he started to think. Which was quickly followed by him throwing a few feathers at her. "Then I want to see you dodge."

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Sylvia Lyyneheym

She then dodged towards her left and smiled.

"Amazing, but is that the only thing you can do?" She asked

He smiles slightly as a cone of the feathers then push at her neck. Just applying enough pressure to be discomforting. "Sorry. Did you just taunt me?" He would ask before chuckling slightly. "Anyways...Checkmate."


Sylvia Lyyneheym

(idk how the feathers got to her neck when she dodged, but eh)

She then smiled and closed her eyes. She glowed and the air shifted around them. She then sang.


"I will keep quiet
You won’t even know I’m here
You won’t suspect a thing
You won’t see me in the mirror
But I crept into your heart
You can’t make me disappear
Til I make you

I made myself at home
In the cobwebs and the lies
I’m learning all your tricks
I can hurt you from inside
I made myself a promise
You would never see

Till I make you" 

The place then began to darken and the shadows appeared everywhere. Sylvia disappeared and is heard singing from everywhere in the garden. The shadow slowly approached the angel.

"You'll never know what hit you.
Won't see me closing in,
I'm gonna make you suffer,
This hell you put me in, I'm underneath your skin,
The devil within.
You'll never know what hit you.

I'll be here when you think you're all alone,
Seeping trough the cracks,
I'm the poison in your bones.
My love is your disease,
I won't let it set you free,
Till I break you."



(It was another set of feathers...And dang that music is something.)

He would tense as he noticed the shadows starting to approach. His eye glowing slightly brighten as feathers started flying in all directions. Along with him attempting to scan through. Looking for any subtle differences in the shadows. "Well....This is a new one I must say."

He relaxed at her words, feeling relieved she wasn't there to hurt him. After a bit of thinking on the recent events and what she has said so far. She seems nice i guess, and if she wanted to harm me she would have already. Can i really trust her though? What if she is like the other ones that where nice then turned mean? No! This school was made for a reason, an we are both students here. I should give her the benefit of the doubt but ....... Well she hasn't done anything untrustworthy yet..... Sigh. I guess i'll trust her a little bit. Veltari took a deep breath before he gave his name. "Im Veltari,  nice to meet you. And as for staying in my bed, i don't mind just don't hurt me or pin me down." he said with a small smile. He was taking a leap of faith, reluctantly, because he needed to find some sort of peace and something nice for once. He was tired of living the life he had for the last six years. "Speaking of, mind helping me get get up without rolling this her off the bed?" he asked with a small blush as he referred to the kitsune girl who was still sleeping on right side and a few of his tails. "I would hate to to wake her, she seems to be sleeping peacefully, that's something i can't deny anyone. I've had way to many restless nights to know its importance." he spoke with a sad look on his face. 

@KuroBara @LunaCrosby

Sylvia Lyyneheym

"Show me, how are you gonna escape this." She sang, but it was mostly a message.the shadow began to climb his legs. Sylvia continued to sing.



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