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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

He looked around a fair amount. Before attempting to continue to fly higher. Attempting to leave the shadows which had started to climb his legs. While attempting to fling a few feathers at them. Nearly scratching himself in the process.

The door I was leaning on opened and fell through. " Miss Gwendoline is expecting you all, please come in and have a seat. We have breakfast here if you haven't ate yet."  
Ow! I hit my head on the floor and flinched, but when my eyes flung open I was greeted with the loveliest sight! A pair of blindingly white- I pulled myself out from that sight and pushed back the maid's skirt back into a modest position. 

"Have some shame woman!" I chastised her and crawled inside the room with a limp arm and got myself on the chair. I straightened my wrist using a makeshift wrapping that I made from ripping the front of my shirt, however it was just keep my hand straight and not flopping around. No fixing an ellipsodial joint like this with crack first aid. My head screwed up after mending my wrist and what appeared me was a room, a very fancy room. I fixed my dead leg across the other limp leg and sat there waiting for this "deputy headmistress" to come by and add to my, possibly extensive rap sheet in this school. @Fear Fates
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Akira smiled. "Sure." She couldn't help feeling a little sad at his words, it was evident that this kitsune had lived a hard and terrifying life and was no longer used to trustworthy people. She pulled herself out of the bed and began to untangle the two kitsunes, focusing so hard that her tongue slowly slid out of her mouth. Akira was taking extra care to unsure her long tough nails didn't cut or hook into the fur of both kitsunes. After a couple of moments she finished and put her hand out for the male to take in order to help him out of bed fully without waking the girl. "That should do it." She smiled trying to hide her embrassement. I can't believe my stuck out of my mouth like that! I must have looked like a damned idiot!!! @LunaCrosby @Mister Veeeee
Dainasha shot her eyes open when she felt something slick and smooth brush her shoulder. She bolted awake and realized that her shoulder accidentally hit the pool's tiles. She grinned to herself sheepishly when she also realized that she accidentally slept on the pool all night (if her memory serves her right). She got out of the pool, her mermaid tail instantly turning into legs. Not a second after she was standing on both feet and hummed her way to her dorm to change her wet clothes.

Once she was done, she headed to the cafeteria, lined up for her meal, and then sat on the nearest available seat.
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Henryk shook Chris's hand. "I'm Henryk." He said sitting down at a nearby table and offering him a seat with a smile. "Aren't  you the one who froze that giant bear thing in the hallway?" He asked. He noticed Dainasha walk in out of the corner of his eye and waved to her.

@Talon @ThatDove
Velari did his best to help Akira so he didn't seem like he was being lazy. He was amused by the focus the dragon trying to being careful all because her tongue was hanging out for a bit, but he didn't let on that he noticed. After taking her offered hand hesitantly, he carefully climbed out of bed making sure to tread lightly and not disturbed the kitsune girl. Then he accidently slipped and stepped on one of her tails and before he knew it was off balance and falling in the direction of the dragon girl. As he fell his only thoughts before he hit something were [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]~After so many years of running and not tripping once, I trip over a sleeping girls tail trying to get out of bed. If there is a god, he has a twisted sense of humor and I don't like it. This is bullshit! Well on the bright side at least I'm not on the run, but on the down side I have to suffer this kind of humiliation due to some school girls!?! Seriously!?!?! Guess im not allowed to relax what so ever. Sigh.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]@KuroBara @LunaCrosby[/COLOR]
Akira immediately put a hand out to catch Velari, taking care that her hand was straight so as to not cut him with her nails. He ended up falling into her entire body. Her wings slightly opened causing a light rush of wind and her talons gripped the floor in order to keep her balanced. It didn't do as much as she had hopped, she was almost parallel with the floor except her tallons were still planted perfectly. "You okay?" It was a little odd, he seemed to be upset at the fact that he had fallen, if it had been because he did it in front of her, he would be embarrassed, not angry.@LunaCrosby @Mister Veeeee
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22 minutes ago, Mister Veeeee said:

Velari did his best to help Akira so he didn't seem like he was being lazy. He was amused by the focus the dragon trying to being careful all because her tongue was hanging out for a bit, but he didn't let on that he noticed. After taking her offered hand hesitantly, he carefully climbed out of bed making sure to tread lightly and not disturbed the kitsune girl. Then he accidently slipped and stepped on one of her tails and before he knew it was off balance and falling in the direction of the dragon girl. As he fell his only thoughts before he hit something were [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]~After so many years of running and not tripping once, I trip over a sleeping girls tail trying to get out of bed. If there is a god, he has a twisted sense of humor and I don't like it. This is bullshit! Well on the bright side at least I'm not on the run, but on the down side I have to suffer this kind of humiliation due to some school girls!?! Seriously!?!?! Guess im not allowed to relax what so ever. Sigh.[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]@KuroBara @LunaCrosby[/COLOR]


7 minutes ago, KuroBara said:

Akira immediately put a hand out to catch Velari, taking care that her hand was straight so as to not cut him with her nails. He ended up falling into her entire body. Her wings slightly opened causing a light rush of wind and her talons gripped the floor in order to keep her balanced. It didn't do as much as she had hopped, she was almost parallel with the floor except her tallons were still planted perfectly. "You okay?" It was a little odd, he seemed to be upset at the fact that he had fallen, if it had been because he did it in front of her, he would be embarrassed, not angry.@LunaCrosby @Mister Veeeee


Ahri shot up the moment she felt a sharp pain in her spine, due to him stepping on her tail. She moved her tail's more towards her, holding the one he had stepped on.  She had to hide the fact she felt like crying, considering her tail's were extremely sensitive, and they just got stepped on, but she couldn't show that it hurt that much. "Ow...." she said, using her hand to move her tail around carefully, making sure it was broken, though it would probably be bruised and sore. Finally realizing that this meant there was another person in the room, more like two, she looked up, seeing what seemed to be a fellow kitsune on top of another person, what the heck were they doing? She slowly stood up from the bed, her legs feeling weak due to the throbbing pain in her tail, but she was fine. It seem's I've been roomed with two love birds... and I can't even tell them to get a room... because we share it.  She thought as she stared, "Erm, could you do that when I'm not in the room?" She asked, completely misreading the situation.
Akira turned to the girl. "Do what when your not in the room!? He fell I tried to catch him and then he fell on me! What do you think we were doing? I only just met him and besides, YOU were the one who climbed into his bed first and cuddled him!" She said exasperated at the thought that this kitsune had believed her to be doing such things with some else in the room. What does she think I am!? A girl who would fool around with someone she just met!? All the while in the same position the girl had found them in. @LunaCrosby @Mister Veeeee
Henryk shook Chris's hand. "I'm Henryk." He said sitting down at a nearby table and offering him a seat with a smile. "Aren't  you the one who froze that giant bear thing in the hallway?" He asked. He noticed Dainasha walk in out of the corner of his eye and waved to her.

@Talon @ThatDove

Chris shook Henryks hand. "Nice to meet you Henryk." He laughed and then replied with a grin, "Ya that was me." Henryk waved to a girl who had walked into the cafeteria and Chris looked her over before asking Henryk, "Who's that?" He was curious as to who this nice looking girl was. @ThatDove
"That's Dainasha, we arrived at pretty much the same time," Henryk said, munching on a chocolate bar. His energy was still a bit depleted from the night before. "I still haven't figured out what her quirk is. I'm assuming yours is some form of ice control based on the giant frozen bear."

"That's Dainasha, we arrived at pretty much the same time," Henryk said, munching on a chocolate bar. His energy was still a bit depleted from the night before. "I still haven't figured out what her quirk is. I'm assuming yours is some form of ice control based on the giant frozen bear."


'Dainasha huh, nice name?' He thought to himself before replying to Henryk. "Close but not quite. I manipulate ice and fire. I just used ice yesterday, no fire that time." He lit a fireball in his right hand and mad ice claws with his left. "What about you? If you're ok with sharing it of course."
Henryk's eyes widened at the fireball. "That's awesome!" He exclaimed. "I kinda have two different abilities." Henryk began, "basically when I'm like this I can use magic," he waved his hand past his book and it came away glowing purple, "but then I can also turn into a ghost. Can't use magic when I am a ghost though." He finished, shaking off the purple glow. He glanced at his hand, made a concerned face, took out a marker and made a few marks on the inside of a complicated looking circle. "That could have been bad." He said to himself.

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Dainasha noticed her fellow late-comer and the guy who froze the poor thing waved at her. She smiled meekly from afar before mustering up her courage and walking towards them, her food food tray on both hands. "Good morning." she said politely, kind smile never leaving her porcelain face. She overheard what Henryk just said about turning into a ghost, she looked at him with a puzzled look before something clicked. So that was why he entrusted his unconscious body to her. "Can I sit with you guys?" she asked, her voice oozing of beauty fit for a mermaid.

@Quinn Sheon @Talon
Henryk's eyes widened at the fireball. "That's awesome!" He exclaimed. "I kinda have two different abilities." Henryk began, "basically when I'm like this I can use magic," he waved his hand past his book and it came away glowing purple, "but then I can also turn into a ghost. Can't use magic when I am a ghost though." He finished, shaking off the purple glow. He glanced at his hand, made a concerned face, took out a marker and made a few marks on the inside of a complicated looking circle. "That could have been bad." He said to himself.


Dainasha noticed her fellow late-comer and the guy who froze the poor thing waved at her. She smiled meekly from afar before mustering up her courage and walking towards them, her food food tray on both hands. "Good morning." she said politely, kind smile never leaving her porcelain face. She overheard what Henryk just said about turning into a ghost, she looked at him with a puzzled look before something clicked. So that was why he entrusted his unconscious body to her. "Can I sit with you guys?" she asked, her voice oozing of beauty fit for a mermaid.

@Quinn Sheon @Talon

Chris nodded. "Ah I see, thats cool." The girl walked up after a few moments and said good morning. Chris smiled and replied in a similar fashion. Good morning, my names Chris. He introduced himself and held out his hand to the girl after she sat down. "And ya, feel free to sit.' He told her with an almost dreamy look on his face. 'So pretty.' He thought to himself and looked down with a slight blush that was barely noticeable.
Dainasha smiled softly at Chris when he accepted her request to sit beside them, she sat down and looked at the hand he extended before realizing that she was supposed to shake it. She reached out for the hand and shook it lightly, "Thank you." she noticed that they have the same hair color so she couldn't help but giggle. Then if you look at Henryk, his color scheme seems to contrast theirs.

"My name is Dainasha. It's so nice to meet you Chris and it's good to see you again Henryk."

@Talon  @Quinn Sheon
Velari laid there dazed for a moment before slowly getting up when Akira and the other girl started talking, He was not very concerned where he placed his hands cause he was to focused on not sitting on Akira's wings or tail. After he sat he took a deep breath and tried to calm down but he was just couldn't keep from being annoyed cause the of the girls arguing. "YOU BOTH were in my bed last night cuddling with me while I was asleep so you BOTH are equally guilty here so stop pointing fingers at each other," he spoke a bit grumpy. Then he looked up at the kitsune girl "And what gave either of you permission to sleep in my bed and cuddle with me?," speaking a little more calmly but still obviously annoyed. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]God these two are going to drive me up a wall, ugh! but they are my roommate so I guess I should try to keep things peaceful, assuming that's possible with these two. At least their cute...... WAIT why am I concerned about them being cute!? Dammit! Focus, focus. Sigh. This is going to be a long year. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)]Though his thoughts were a mess, his face had a weird mix of embarrassment, annoyed, and 'happy?'[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)]@LunaCrosby @KuroBara[/COLOR]
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(From what I heard Wicked be gone so...Just gonna continue from elsewhere. I guess...) He looked around the hallways before sighing slightly. Starting to wander them once again as he chuckled to himself. "I haven't seen the centaur all day...Maybe he left?" He asked himself before pausing. "Wait...Then hey I get a room to myself." He asked once again. Before jogging back to his room to check.
6 hours ago, Mister Veeeee said:

Velari laid there dazed for a moment before slowly getting up when Akira and the other girl started talking, He was not very concerned where he placed his hands cause he was to focused on not sitting on Akira's wings or tail. After he sat he took a deep breath and tried to calm down but he was just couldn't keep from being annoyed cause the of the girls arguing. "YOU BOTH were in my bed last night cuddling with me while I was asleep so you BOTH are equally guilty here so stop pointing fingers at each other," he spoke a bit grumpy. Then he looked up at the kitsune girl "And what gave either of you permission to sleep in my bed and cuddle with me?," speaking a little more calmly but still obviously annoyed. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]God these two are going to drive me up a wall, ugh! but they are my roommate so I guess I should try to keep things peaceful, assuming that's possible with these two. At least their cute...... WAIT why am I concerned about them being cute!? Dammit! Focus, focus. Sigh. This is going to be a long year. [/COLOR][COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)]Though his thoughts were a mess, his face had a weird mix of embarrassment, annoyed, and 'happy?'[/COLOR]

[COLOR= rgb(47, 79, 79)]@LunaCrosby @KuroBara[/COLOR]


Ahri blinked, then looked at the bed she had gotten up from, realizing that this really wasn't her bed. She didn't speak for a moment, trying to remember how she got herself into this situation in the first place, then remember how she had climbed into bed and felt something fluffy and warm. She slowly looked back at him, covering her face just below her eyes with her hand to hide the embarrassment, and making any eye contact, "I-I didn't mean to... I was too tired from the trip here and everything that had happened yesterday my mind didn't process that there was something breathing in the bed, and that it wasn't mine..." she said, trying to keep her composure as she explained herself. 
"Good to see you again too, Dainasha." Henry's said smiling to her, "we were just talking about our powers, speaking of which... You never told me yours, did you?" Henryk also noticed his color scheme compared to his two friends and chuckled to himself about it. There really was nothing he could have done about it. Most of his clothes were his dad's old clothes and his dad really had a thing for black. 

Akira steadied herself to stand straight again. She looked at Velari. "You're right, sorry. And to you too." She turned to the girl and gave a nod then walked over to her bed and sat down. "You guys are just so soft, I'm rough and sharp and always have to be careful otherwise I hurt people or ruin things. Sorry." She was more mumbling this to herself than talking to them. Everyone around her had always been covered in scales or was simply human, she wasn't used to anything that was soft and it was just so nice and comforting that she couldn't help herself. @Mister Veeeee @LunaCrosby
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Velari sighed as he listen to both girls go about their apologies and reasons. "Well next time just ask or let me know so I'm not freaking out wondering what's going on when I wake. So I don't mind and your scales aren't that bad Akira, they are actually quite smooth and nice and your nails are fine, I have met... sharper objects.... Anyways I don't care if you guys sleep and cuddle with me just give me a notice or something before I fall asleep. Now that's settled can I get your name miss kitsune? Mine is Velari and nice meeting you, I guess" he finally finished calmly. He had no idea how how a few of his words sounded nor did he care, he just wanted to have peaceful sleeping quarter so he can have a nice place to relax and sleep when the school days was over.

@LunaCrosby @KuroBara
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2 minutes ago, Mister Veeeee said:

Velari sighed as he listen to both girls go about their apologies and reasons. "Well next time just ask or let me know so I'm not freaking out wondering what's going on when I wake. So I don't mind and your scales aren't that bad Akira, they are actually quite smooth and nice and your nails are fine, I have met... sharper objects.... Anyways I don't care if you guys sleep and cuddle with me just give me a notice or something before I fall asleep. Now that's settled can I get your name miss kitsune? Mine is Velari and nice meeting you, I guess" he finally finished calmly. He had no idea how how a few of his words sounded nor did he care, he just wanted to have peaceful sleeping quarter so he can have a nice place to relax and sleep when the school days was over.

@LunaCrosby @KuroBara


Ahri looked at her tail and rubbed it a bit as he talked, trying not to space out as he did. She looked back at him when he wanted to know her name, she didn't have much of a choice. "Ahri." She said, staring at him with a simple blank expression, she did pretty well with hiding how she felt, though being embarrassed was something else entirely, she can't hide her face turning red, she didn't get embarrassed often, but this situation had been different, since she caused the whole ordeal by mistaking his bed for her's, and him as a pillow. "I highly doubt I'll be asking to sleep next to you... last night I just.. was out of it and didn't realize a living being next to me, or else I would have immediately gone back to my bed" She said, brushing off her embarrassment.

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