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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

@Wickedkent There would be another student sitting alone. In the far corner as he simply sat there. Wings wrapped around him as he seemed to be reading a book.
Luxxie lay asleep in the cafeteria on the table, not paying any mind to anyone. White cane, folded up and sitting next to him on the bench, the only personal item he had with him.

(Come at me bro? No? How about Open for Interaction? Ye? No? Okay...)
[FONT= 'Times New Roman'][SIZE= 72px]Sylvia Lyyneheym[/FONT][/SIZE]

She continued eating her food. She noticed that somebody was sitting alone and covering himself with wings. People sure are interesting here. She finished her food and stood up. She approached the student and waved her hands.

"Hello" She said happily.

He tensed as he heard the word emanate from behind him. As he slowly looked over his shoulder his wings starting to wrap slightly tighter. "H...Hello." He would say. Trying to match the cheer in her voice. Though failing and giving it an awkward tone to it.
[FONT= 'Times New Roman'][SIZE= 72px]Sylvia Lyyneheym[/FONT][/SIZE]

"You seem to be alone and lonely" She said with a cheerful voice. "Well, I am too, it's pretty ironic. I dont really know anybody here." She sat next to him and smiled.

He simply looked at her. Starting to unwrap his wings as he help out a hand. "I...I was anyways." He would say. Looking around a fair amount quickly. "I'm...Luke...What would your name be?"

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[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Sylvia Lyyneheym[/COLOR]

[FONT= 'Times New Roman']"Hello Luke" She smiled "I am Sylvia Lyyneheym. May I ask what you abilities are?" She was curious. He had wings, but Sylvia wanted to know more.[/FONT]

He simply raises an eyebrow upon hearing the question. "Well...One of them I need you to try and hit me." He would say turning to her while seemingly growing more alert. His wings loosening.

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[FONT= 'Times New Roman']"Bad things tend to happen when I hit people" She said "They think it is nothing, but after a few seconds they are sent barreling on some wall, but nevertheless, I shall do what you say." She then spun and kicked luke lightly.[/FONT]

He wasn't quite expecting a kick instead of a punch. But nether less he easily sidestepped it as he then caught a few falling feathers of his which now float midair. "And that's one of them....I think....Oh also I can do this." He then makes the feathers float around slightly before they just fall from his control.

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Sylvia Lyyneheym

[FONT= 'Times New Roman']"So, what is exactly your power? Dont want to be rude, but was the first one dodging?" She said. She need some explanation about his power[/FONT]

"The first one would be that for the most part I can dodge....Heightened reflexes is what I was told to call it...While the second would be levitation...The last one I don't quite want to show due to the fact it would involve pain." He would say as he would start to sit back down.

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Sylvia Lyyneheym

[FONT= 'Times New Roman']"Useful powers" She smiled "Mine allows me to use any spell besides healing if I sing." She didnt really want to sing for no reason and if surrounded by many people.[/FONT]

He nodded at her words. "Ah...I'm assuming you can't use healing then...? Or do you just not have to sing?" He questioned. Tilting his head slightly as well....Though his wings where starting to wrap back around him.

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Sylvia Lyyneheym

[FONT= 'Times New Roman']"Apologies" She put her hand on her lips and chuckled. "I meant that I could use any spell if I sing besides healing." [/FONT]

"Ah...Alright." He says while nodding. Though his wings still wrap around him as he starts to burrow his chin and mouth into the wings. Leaving his nose and above showing.

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He then starts to look around once again. "Hm...Any idea when we will find out what our schedules look like?"
I wonder what kinds of torture they employ here... Hrmm... I was lost in thought until I felt everything got fast. "Good god! Why!?" I felt an impact on my back, I was thrown on to a wall? No, a door by the sound of it. I looked up and I saw Wick and his then apparent extension @Wick @Rui and Maxwell @Fear Fates. I was uncuffed now, but I my thighs were battered so much that they locked up; I couldn't stand. I laid myself against the door with and greetedto them. "Hello there kids! Remember me?" I waved in a jovial manner, but my hand felt weird. I glanced at it and coughed violently with Hellgang's cigar. The hand I was waving with slumped in a very... interesting manner. Its broken! Why haven't I felt- The cigar! I dropped it out of my mouth for a second, its an anesthetic? I looked up at Hellgang who greeted the kids as well but with a horrifyingly great jovial smile with some seriously clean pearly whites. 

"G'd morn children. Looks like I need not hunt you down for the Deputy Headmistress... What obedient sheep you are!" He drawled in a whisper-like voice. "Please, do go on in, the lady awaits..." He took a steep bow before walking off. 

I turned back to my (sorta) peers. "He's a great guy huh? You just have to get to know him a bit more" I joked around.
Wick turned slowly toward the beaten up teen after watching the scarecrow walk off.

"What the hell did you do that made him do.." He gestured horrified to his broken wrist. "that to you?"

He looked around for a moment. "And, what about the centaur...?"

@Rui @Oddball @Fear Fates @Locklaklazarii
He continued to remain with his jaw tucked into his wings. Though a muffled voice did make its way through. "So...Is there anything you like to do then?"

Oliver had no clue where he was going until he saw the man with a broken wrist and the Scarecrow. "Umm... shoul' Aeh return la'er? Or...?" He looked at the group. 

@Rui @Wick @Oddball
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The door opened before the 4 present students, behind it was a young maid who greeted the students," Miss Gwendoline is expecting you all, please come in and have a seat. We have breakfast here if you haven't ate yet." Before the students was a large room that was fitting as a deputy headmistress, bookshelves after bookshelves with strange tomes and grimoire filling in every space in an orderly fashion. And at the very back was a window that was facing the seal, as for where the students are going to take a seat, there are 5 luxurious chairs with a table of silver platters filled with the breakfast of the day, pancakes.

Maxwell entered the room first while looking around, quite astonish at the mighty collection Miss Gwendoline has. He make himself cozy on the seat and partake on the food before him," My, my friends do come in it's quite a cozy here." Maxwell beckons the other students to join in the luxurious of the office.
Petra gestured for Wick to enter, grasping his hand and pulling him in. 

"Come on." She murmured, glancing back at him shyly. 

She took in the room, noting its elegance, as well as the small amount of light. She disliked it and liked it at the same time. More menacing? Yes, but more easy to escape from. If need be...Which she hoped it wouldn't be. 


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