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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Jodie had quickly figured out what time it was as people were headed towards the cafeteria. The chain that snaked around his arm disappeared into thin air as he took off towards the direction everyone was going. He then realized just how hungry he was. Not having a bite to eat since before the flight back in Australia. He grit his teeth and entered.
Chris left his room and headed down the hallway. He wasn't sure where Smithy was and hoped he would be ok. But for now he was hungry and needed food. He traipsed into the cafeteria headed for the growing lineup. He stood in line thinking about what had happened the day before, a lot that's for sure. It had been a great start to the year, at least in his opinion.

@anyone who wants to chat with Chris
After a giod nights rest, the first he has had in a very long time. Velari was semi awake and felt very warm but very unaware to why. Then tried moving just a little to get a bit more comfortable to find that he couldn't move...... His eyes flew open in panic and his heart rate skyrocketed thinking he hd been captured and now restrained to another lab table. Then everything seemed to freeze when he noticed he was staring at the sleeping face of the kitsune girl he saw last night. Then he started realizing the other things like how some of thier tails were entangled, he was being hugged by four arms two from the girl in front of him and two feminine looking looking ones from behind him. His tails entangled with both the other parties in his bed. He mind went from zero to a hundred in seconds trying to figure why in the hell are there two girls in his bed. He was absolutely still and all his muscles became tense. He didn't know what to do and was on verge of freaking out. His eyes were a little wide in fear as he wad unsure what to do, he wanted to move but he didn't want to hurt or bother the girls, nor wanted to wake them with him stuck between him. He felt trapped and his mind was slowly tipping over into a mental breakdown. His mind and heart wouldn't stop racing and his body had gone stiff as a rock. Then he realized nothing was hurting him. Which left him in a state of confusion. After a few seconds his body and mind relaxed as he realized he was safe from danger. His heart rate slowed some.

Okay, im okay, they aren't here to harm me or experiment on me. I will be okay. Now he took a deep breathe and calmed down completely. Now what do i do? Im stuck between a girl i never met and probably the girl with scales from yesterday. I want to move but i dont want to disturb them. Plus its strangely warm and comfortable, and their presence is what probably let me sleep in peace with no nightmares. Gah! What do i do? What do i do? Velari thought as his face started turning red for reasons unknown to him. He just knew he was warm, cozy, and in a awkward position. 

@LunaCrosby @KuroBara
He jumped into line as quickly as he could upon seeing it forming. Finding himself a few people behind Chris as his wings started to fold around himself again. He was once again surrounded by strangers. He started to scan around the room, looking for an empty table that he could take. Which luckily there did seem to be a few in the far corner. Which he made a mental note of as he waited in the seemingly eternal line.
Jodie had already been in line, grabbing a juice and something else. Turns out he was actually closer to it, and he was one of the first few that had entered; he didn't really know where to sit. He was leaning against the far left wall, drinking his juice quietly. He didn't really want to interact with a lot of people, despite his true intent.
Petra had been sleeping so peacefully...

Until her human pillow moved. 

She grumbled, nuzzling her face further into Wick's chest. 

"G'morning..." she mumbled, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. 

Akira shifted in her sleep, she had begun to loose some of the warmth that had been there a second ago and she didn't approve. She tried cuddling closer in the direction in which the warmth had disapeared from and realized in a half asleep manner that something in her bed was moving just to say. After a couple seconds it finally dawned on her that nothing should actually be moving in her bed. So why was something moving? She opened her eyes a little in a groggy fashion to see the male kitsune from yesterday. She closed her eyes again, It's only him moving, I'll just cuddle as close as I can. She thought. After a few seconds her eyes shot open. Why was the male kitsune even in her bed?! She tried recalling last night and it finally came back to her. He wasn't in her bed, she was in his; she remembered how she had decided to see how soft all their tails were and got carried away and had jumped into bed since it had looked so warm and being a dragon and everything she really enjoyed being warm. What she hadn't expected was to actually fall asleep cuddling with the two kitsunes. She sat bolt up. "I'm sorry, I really am, she jumped into your bed last night after you fell asleep and she immediately feel asleep as well and it just looked so soft and warm and I was cold, I am used to a bed of coal, I got carried away. I really am sorry." She explained in a rapide tone as she spoke softly in order to prevent waking the female kitsune up. She looked at the male with a look of both horror and embrasement. @Mister Veeeee @LunaCrosby
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Wick looked down at Petra lying on him. He had fallen to sleep alone in the bed, he knew he had. After a moment he remembered that the teen who had tried picking a fight with a horse yesterday situated their rooms, he had mentioned there were only two beds in the dorm. He blushed and shifted awkwardly.

"Oh, morning.." He stared down at her like an idiot, not talking.

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The last thing Maxwell remember was the pale women who unleashed a wave of energy that weaken the students. Though as soon she was done with her announcement, everything fade to black.

Eventually Maxwell woke up in the Immaterial world, a place where he recovered from that shock. Is it morning yet? he thought to himself as he reenters the material world. Max can still recognize it was still early out and walked back to his dorm room. Which was locked for some reason, though as much he wants to go through the immaterial world he was to tired to do so. So he sat on the floor next to the dorm room and slept for a few hours. Though Max bares in mind that he and a few students needs to see with the deputy headmistress of the Academy.
Petra stretched out like a cat and yawned.

"Wick..?" She asked, waving a hand infront of him, "You're staring at me." She mumbled, blushing awkwardly. 

He flinched when Petra began waving her hand in his face, causing the lamp hanging on the wall next to the door to flicker for a split second, unseen.

"OH!, Er, sorry." He shifted a little more and sighed. A thought came to mind and his eyes widened. "That woman, she told us we had to go see her. Do you think we're late..?"

She sucked in a breath through her front teeth.


the lamp completely went out. 


She looked back at wick and hopped out of bed, completely in the nude. She'd been too hot and decided to strip down while he was still sleeping. 

"I should get dressed." She commented, casually standing about. 

*insert nosebleed*

He sighed and began to get up when he saw Petra. The lamp bulb's suffering had finally ended when it shattered, along with another taller standing lamp's in the corner. A quiet squeaking sound that Wick was unaware he could make, escaped his lips and his headphones fell off.

Chris finally made it to the front of the line and took his food with a grateful nod. He sat down and picked at his food as he thought, absently making an abstract ice sculpture in the center of he table. He looked at the empty table and thought how it would look with more people sitting at it. He was officially lonely and Smithy had disapeared.

@TrippyVirus(dont know if youre still in or not.) @pplz, chris is lonely.
Petra looked at him oddly for a moment.

"Are you okay...?" She bent over, retrieving his headphones and placing them back on his head with a gentle pat.

Was it something I said? 

Chris finally made it to the front of the line and took his food with a grateful nod. He sat down and picked at his food as he thought, absently making an abstract ice sculpture in the center of he table. He looked at the empty table and thought how it would look with more people sitting at it. He was officially lonely and Smithy had disapeared.

@TrippyVirus(dont know if youre still in or not.) @pplz, chris is lonely.

"Jesus, I have been very distant from you today. So sorry for that." He scratched his head. The food was meat. And some veggies, but mostly meat.
Upon getting his food he made his way for the far table. Sitting almost exactly in the corner of the room. Before he sat down, his back to the rest of the room. Before starting to eat the food.

@ Whoeverwantstointeract.
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He hadn't even noticed that there had been a sudden burst of white noise when his headphones fell off, until Petra had put them back on.


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"Jesus, I have been very distant from you today. So sorry for that." He scratched his head. The food was meat. And some veggies, but mostly meat.

Chris jumped out of his socks as Smithy appeared out of nowhere. "What the! Jeez man don't scare me like that." He sighed and melted his ice sculpture. "Anyway, classes start today (it's the next day btw), what's your first class?"
=Focus dude....=

"De- uhh.."


Wick shook his head and took the covers off him, trying to avert his gaze from Petra. He moved to the closet inside the dorm and opened it, pulling out a small school outfit. Fortunately it fit perfectly when he put it on. He risked another glance at Petra.

"Ready to go see what that witc- I mean, woman had in store for us..?"


Petra, who had been dressing herself as he did, nodded, back in her conservative, classy-prude clothes.

"mhm." She mumbled, putting in her contacts and abandoning her glasses.

"Let's go." 

" It's time Mr. Fates." The voice of the pale women ringings back and fourth in Maxwell's head. Causing him to suddenly wake up from his discomfort sleep on the wall. Max readjust his mask and got up, feeling hungry but he has yet to visit the pale women's office to face what kind of troubles those of last nights incident will see through. He got up and start walking to the office, though in one thought of mind, Where is the office?
He simply continued to sit at the table by himself as his wings started to wrap around himself. Having finished his meal he then simply sits there. Attempting to overhear and conversations that he could pick out currently.

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