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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Henryk heard the helicopter as it approached the cafeteria. Realizing what was happening, he grabbed Annie's arm and pulled her behind him. He stood in front of the crowd of students flowing into the cafeteria and brushed his hand past his spell book. With an amazing display of power, he brought up a huge clear purple barrier that prevented anyone behind him from harm. The fire was neitralized by two other students from what he saw. He dropped his barrier when the flames stopped spreading and took a knee, gasping for air. He had used too much power in one go. He reached for his nerds that had fallen out of his pocket, but couldn't reach them. "Su-gar" he managed to say between gasps.

@Lava (and anyone else who is entering the cafeteria through conventional means)
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A gun. The teen @Oddball who had organized the dormitories him and Petra @Rui were to sleep in, pulled out a gun. I immediately backed up, keeping sure Petra remained in my shadow. For a moment he had Wick had thought he was going to shoot the centaur, @Locklaklazarii but instead, he aimed up and blasted it into the air with a loud bang.

An instant after it had been fired off, everything went to shit. His headphones were designed so that he wasn't driven insane by the constant chatter of people on their phones, or other forms of communication, so when a helicopter explodes and the power goes haywire, it sounds like someone is taking a jumbo sized drill unit, and using it to dig through a twelve ton cube of pure titanium. He pressed his hands pointlessly against his headphones, and was fairly certain he made contact with a warm wet substance. His whole head felt like it was vibrating at Mock Two speed, and all he could do was clasp his ears, and watch the heli go down.

He noticed through the blur that the pilot had made it out alright, but he wasn't sure the student did. He saw something @KuroBara move out from the machine right before it crashed into a building a short ways away, but he figured that they had likely died in the crash. The flames caused by the explosion billowed forth, but Mr. Heli-Bomber jumped in the way, blocking off nothing since the fire came nowhere near us.

The scraping sound stopped and I slowly took my hands off my head, looking around disoriented. It looked like the work that girl @Thalia Raiz had done with the flowers, had been reset yet again.
Petra couldn't take anymore. She let go of Wick stepping into the center, her shy demeanor gone as she opened her mouth and sternly said, "E N O U G H !"

Every light source: stars, fire, artificial lights, you name it, all brightened to the fullest amount until the night appeared to be day.

Then it all went black.

@Wick @Oddball@Locklaklazarii
Wick hadn't even realized Petra had gotten off his back at first. His head was throbbing and his ears were ringing. He shook his head in an attempt to remove the dark blotches around his vision. Through the ringing he heard Petra shout out, and even though he was mostly blinded, the world seemed to brighten up sharply. For a panicked moment he thought he was being struck again. The blinding light, the pain in his head, but the light faded, and his head managed to clear up enough for him to see everyone in the clearing staring at the cause of the light. Petra was standing there, clearly agitated by the chaos.

Chaos, Chaos everywhere within seconds, first Wesley shot a helicopter, then it crashed to the cafeteria (How unfortunate). And students rushing out the cafeteria, and the embers made an arena of fire around Wesley @Oddball and the centaur @Locklaklazarii. Then everything suddenly went bright then dark, Oh dear. . . This is a pickle! Maxwell thought to himself and was ready to take action, but he felt a disturbing dreadful presence coming to the garden.

"This child's play needs to end now." Then a sound of fingers snapping came with wave of energy surging through everyone within the cafeteria and the garden. Maxwell felt weaken by this and it appears that the sudden darkness suddenly lighten back to normal and it affected everyone with a pacify effect. There stands a women pale skinned woman who's eyes where black yet her pupils were glowing red and wearing a black dress scanning the area and looked at the cafeteria. Besides her was the head teacher, the survival teacher, combats teacher, and within the background was another staff watching from the background in the hallway. Most of them seemed to be not amused with the exception of Hellgang and the other one hiding within the hallway. With a stern voice she announce out loud and throughout the speakers of the school through a wrist mic.

"All students report to your dorms right now. Due some disturbances and the cafeteria being on fire. Dinner will be delivered to your dorms. Do know that we allow your own bickering with one another as long it doesn't cause collateral damage to some certain extent. Namely the cafeteria having a crashed helicopter in it and being on fire. That is all."

Then she looked at the group of and pointed out Wesley @Oddball, Alogo @Locklaklazarii, Wick @Wick, Petra @Rui, and Maxwell @Fear Fates. "All of you report to my office in the morning, I want an explanation for this collateral damage in the cafeteria. Those who decide to not come will be dragged forcefully into my office and give me a proper explanation. And do know I am not amused right now and there will terrible consequences." With a flaring red glare from the eyes of the women, she leaves off with the rest of the academy's staff and Ragnar the head teacher, was looking around as the one hiding in the background smirked a bit and went off with the rest of the staff. Though the women may have left, there still lingers a authoritative presences, and the weakening effect that hit everyone in the garden. And the flames within the cafeteria were extinguished.
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He looked around. Trying to make sense of what had truly happened. Before he the figure in the doorway. As she had demanded for each student to return to their dorms he nodded slightly. Mostly to himself, as he made his way towards the rooms. Searching for his dorm before freezing. Realizing that in all honesty he was never told where his room was. So he then stands in the halls looking around confused.
Giving a stifled grunt, the boy unlatched the gasmask and did as the woman had asked. He was a bit confused, having not realized what really happened before he even stepped into the building. His red eyes dilated as he laughed, he didn't do that! Wow! Someone beat him to it! Or...something might have happened. Somehow.

Looking at the paper that police officer, one that has dealt with the boy many times before, gave him. His dorm number was on it. Seems that they really did plan before the incident...it kind of hurt him. Like...they knew. He shook his head as he still grinned, looking for the door with the assigned number.
Wick slowly stood back up, nearly loosing his balance. Had someone taken his momentary state of disorientation as an advantage to sneak him onto an elevator? He was still in the garden, but the whole area seemed to be moving up and down as though it were a ship on the ocean. So much had just happened, that he was struck with a sense of panic when he saw the woman and the man. At first he thought they were there to slaughter them all. People that looked the way she did, tended to kill people like the students, or at least in the movies they did. She told everyone to go to their dormitories and, now he was in trouble for trying uselessly to stop a fight between a horse @Locklaklazarii and an angsty teenager, @Oddball who seemed top like his pyrotechnics.

He looked around the destroyed clearing and returned his gaze to Petra, @Rui who looked a bit pale? Perhaps it was due to her jumping out in front of everyone. She had given herself off as socially anxious, similar to himself. Then again it could also likely be that massive surge of power she had erupted from herself. He had pieced together that she was the one who had done it.
After the incident was resolve, The deputy headmistress and the staff in the background escorted the deputy to her office

"Hey Gwen, you forgot most students don't know their rooms yet." A rugged voice of a staff told the deputy headmistress Gwendoline as she dawn that realization with irritation. "Are you suggesting to give another announcement to the student body Klein?" Gwen turn her head at the staff," Well it would be helpful for one. Second, do you really have to use your power to take control of the situation?" Klein asked with concern for the students," To make sure this school doesn't end up as a chaotic battleground of waste and debris. Demonstrating such authority is necessary to snuff out such anarchy that inhabits this academy. While I do agree that I had used excessive force to cull out that conflict, it was necessary to end it to prevent this school from burning down by some minuscule problem that could cause more problems in the future. So my dear Klein it was necessary." Gwen lectured Klein who was speechless a bit. As the two staff members walk they saw a lost in the hallways. Klein smirked at Gwen," Told ya~" Gwen sighs and walks up to the student," You seemed lost, I assume you do not know your room?" Gwen asked as she tried to be lax.

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He jolted slightly into alertness as he turned around before nodding slightly. "I...I wasn't informed." He says as he glances around once again. He knew that it was a teacher talking to him yet. He was uncertain as to what they taught. "I'm assuming you know?" He asked. Before mentally wishing he had just jumped off a cliff. Of course she knows.

@Fear Fates
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He jolted slightly into alertness as he turned around before nodding slightly. "I...I wasn't informed." He says as he glances around once again. He knew that it was a teacher talking to him yet. He was uncertain as to what they taught. "I'm assuming you know?" He asked. Before mentally wishing he had just jumped off a cliff. Of course she knows.

@Fear Fates

"As of right now, to many annoying incidents had just happened. . . " She sighs," Neither the less of course, I believe you are roommates with-" In the corner of the Gwens eye was Charles @AuthorSINpie , another student who seems to be looking for his room. "Your with Mr. Kain over there." She points at Charles who seems to be walking off to look for his room. "Do get some rest, and get ready for courses tomorrow Mr. Luke." As Gwen was about to leave she stop for a bit and looked at Luke," But do know that if you cause trouble in this academy, there will be terrible consequences. But other than that, dinner will be served to you and Mr. Kain's room soon. Enjoy your years and have a goodnight." Her eyes were glowing red for a bit and dulls out as she and the staff escorting her walks off down the hallways.
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He nods slowly. Starting to walk towards the room. "Hey....I think we are roommates." @AuthorSINpie he says. Obviously uncomfortable at the moment, before starting to open the door while stepping inside. As he quickly started to lay down on a bed before looking at the door.
Petra sighed quietly, walking back to Wick and curling up under his arm. 

"We should do as she asks...she's scary." She was trembling from the exertion. She didn't even know she could do that. She had felt connected to the light more than ever before, her owner extending for miles and miles. 

There were some very confused suburan dwellers in the dark somewhere, she was sure. 

Wick sighed exhausted.

"She appeared greatly unstable. She seemed to care less for us than she did her peace and quiet.."

He watched her walk off with disgust.

"..though perhaps it was for the best.. Those two caused enough destruction.. I am fairly certain that they killed a student that had been within that helicopter.."

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He nods slowly. Starting to walk towards the room. "Hey....I think we are roommates." @AuthorSINpie he says. Obviously uncomfortable at the moment, before starting to open the door while stepping inside. As he quickly started to lay down on a bed before looking at the door.

He looked to the boy with his red orbs before grinning. "Alright then. I can deal with that." he said, as he flopped onto the other bed in the room. He stayed silent after that, finding himself bored. He placed his gasmask on the side table, and sighed. His twisted grin still on his face.
He shrugged slightly as he continued to lay there. Waiting for the meal. "You know how to play cards right?" He asked as he took a deck of them from his pocket. "And if so. What games do you know?"
He shrugged slightly as he continued to lay there. Waiting for the meal. "You know how to play cards right?" He asked as he took a deck of them from his pocket. "And if so. What games do you know?"

He perked up, "I do." he grinned, "I know all sorts of games, I know Black Jack, Crazy Eights, different types of poker-" he paused and chuckled, "let's just say cards are my...forte."
He chuckled then. "Want to play a game then mister card man?" He asked somewhat jokingly as he opened the deck the cards levitating slightly from the ground in a deck.
He chuckled then. "Want to play a game then mister card man?" He asked somewhat jokingly as he opened the deck the cards levitating slightly from the ground in a deck.

He grinned almost crazily. Seemingly glad, he was getting bored and he didn't feel like cause trouble yet. "Sure." he let out, sitting up fully with interest.
He then chuckled slightly. "Alright. So lets play...War." He says chuckling slightly as half of the deck went over to Charles while his half then sat next to him. "You do know how to play correct?"
He then chuckled slightly. "Alright. So lets play...War." He says chuckling slightly as half of the deck went over to Charles while his half then sat next to him. "You do know how to play correct?"

Nodding his smile still on his face. "This was popular back at home"
Velari jumped at the touch from a person behind him, and whirled around fast swinging his fist cover in fire only to stop mid swing when he saw it was just another student and her words processed through his head properly. His eyes went wide and his body started shaking, he thought it was one of the people that were hunting him. "Sorry..... I... know way...... just follow. me...." He was obviously shaken with a haunted look in his eyes, to many years of being hunted has made him edgy and the fact that he was currently exhausted made things worse. His entire body language was rigid as he tried to calm down. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]It's okay, just another student, not someone trying to use you for lab experiments, need to calm down. Need rest. yes rest will be good. [/COLOR]He quickly turned not really paying attention to who the girl was other than she was apparently a roommate. He slowly made his way to the room not looking back to see if she followed. He remembered from the directions given to him before his arrival.

After Velari got to his room he laid slowly in bed and curled up in fetal position still shaken, but quickly fell asleep and lost in the nightmares that haunt him. He started mumbling things incoherently in his sleep, his body shaking and twitching. He had spent six years being hunted and living in fear, it was going to be awhile before he got a peaceful nights sleep.

@LunaCrosby @KuroBara
After all of the commotion, she decided that she should go back to her room before something else happened. She ran back to her dorm, not taking the chance of something else happening. She finally got there, opening her door and sitting on her bed. Something told her that life at this school would not be a joyride.
As the boy swung around I took a step back, the fire wrapped around his fist wasn't a problem but the fist was, I may be a dragon but punches hurt even with tough scales. I watched the boy stutter, he was obviously shaken, I had no doubt that his life was probably not an easy one unlike mine had been and even mine hadn't been that easy. My parents had fortunately been quite accustom to the life of humans and were adept to hiding among them, I on the other hand wasn’t so good at hiding once I got riled, my emotions always got the better of me and true form would always emerge.

I followed the boy without saying a word, he was definitely not someone who talked a lot and who probably kept to himself most of the time. When we got back he immediately went to his bed and so I found the one empty bed and closet and started to unpack my now burned belongings. It’s a good thing I didn’t bring much and that none of it really meant anything to me.

As I was unpacking I heard the boy muttering and tossing around in his bed. I walked over to him and looked down at him. Poor guy, having a nightmare, probably of humans trying to do awful things to him. I stroked his hair gently like my mother used to do to me when I was scared or not feeling well, figuring it might calm him down a little. I didn’t do it for long in case it would wake him up and scare the hell out of him; and then continued unpacking. Once I was done I grabbed one of my slightly charred books and started to read it. @Mister Veeeee
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