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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

I was lost in thought, or least I was until I felt some sort of tingling sensation on my shoulder, its kinda like the feeling when you've been walking on shag carpeting and you touch a metal doorknob then you get shocked. Its kinda like that... I turned behind me to see a very familiar face behind me. Hmm this guy eerily looks familiar... Ah... Now I remember... It was that case in the U.S. back a couple of years ago before the "incident" happened of course. I was sent to investigate what appeared to be a sort of paranatural homocide. My "parapsychology" division,  newly formed I.G. and laughing stock of a couple of private investigators by a certain government agency was formed for cases like this. We'd gotten tipped off from the existence of some sort of atmospheric manipulating anomaly somewhere in the U.S. and were dispatched to investigate. We found ourselves in Texas of all places, and a couple of cold cadavers and nearly-dead boy. We took him to a local hospital and continued with the investigation but came up with nothing. I stayed behind to watch the boy when the rest of my colleagues went back to HQ, a biopsy revealed he was struck by lightning and he fell into a comatose. I stayed in the U.S. a couple of months trying to find any relatives that I can send him to but we couldn't I.D. anyone. 

I couldn't leave the poor kid there all alone and it was decided that I'd have to come home sooner or later. So I decided to adopt him instead. Didn't work out as planned however, I left him in the U.S. and went back to the U.K.for a while so that I could've completed all the legal paperwork but when I came back for him, it was revealed he wasn't found in bed anymore. The son I adopted was no longer there where I left him. They said they cut him off life support "accidentally" and the morticians came and took the body; I didn't buy it. So I did what I did best, investigate. I found sufficient enough evidence- ahem the lack of sufficient evidence (the ashes or body) and was this close to tracking him down, but then collapsed. I found out I was terminally ill, they brought me back to the U.K. abandoning all hope of me finding him... Until now. @Wick (This was perhaps just one scenario, trying to connect pasts perhaps lol. If you find that getting in the way of what you wanted for Wick I could always just change it.)

"Do you know where to go for information regarding the dormitories..?" He asked expectantly. That was the first I've heard him speak to be honest... I had hoped to hear it under less strange circumstances. In any case he doesn't know me... 

"Ah.. Yes I can help you with that... Luckily I stole a room list online from administration before I came to this place... Wick Barrow... Let's see here... Looks like he's roomies with some Russian guy... I noticed a pair of eyes peeping from behind him, it looked like the shadow girl who is quite literally and metaphorically... Attached to him... @Rui She does not have a room yet it seems... I plopped her face icon in a digital room with the both of them. So it'll be a trio now... Heheheh... The powers of controlling living quarters is at my fingertips!

"Okay dormitories are over there. You're bunked with one Elch Reznov @ZappiestAbyss and with Miss Penrose behind you. Oh and there's only two beds occupying your room at the moment so two of you will have to share..."
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When the man turned around, his face lit up with, nostalgia? He told them where the dorms were located, and..

Wick's face radiated a heavy warmth, turning a much brighter red.

"O-oh.." He pursed his lips tightly.

=Is that even allowed on a campus for gifted teens? Even so, who is this guy to organize the students? Perhaps he is a teacher, but no, he is the same age as the rest of us.=

 "Yes, thank you.."

He gave a small, nervous half bow before noticing a good amount of students heading in the same direction from all around the garden.

"Er, where are they all going? Not to the dormitories.."

(That was awesome xD  I was still planning on how I was going to plot out his story anyway so that is fine ^,^)

@Rui @Oddball
He then lets out a startled yelp once more in the distance as he nearly fell from the tree again. Now hanging upside down as he struggled to regain his balance. While attempting to flip over to allow him to start climbing back up the rope. Yet his attempts failed as he remained dangling midair. As he then covered himself with his wings. Hoping not to attract attention...At least not for now.
Nobody seemed to know where the others were going either, but he had another plan.

"Fine then.. one moment please.."

He reached up and slowly pulled off his headphones. His ears appeared to be vibrating as he listened. After a moment he put them back on and jabbed his thumb back over to a girl following some other teens. She finished up speaking to someone on her phone and put it in her pocket.

"She just told her mother that dinner was ready..?"
He then sighed as he then noticed everyone walking inside. Before attempting to untie the rope...Which he did and followed by nearly landing on his neck. Though twisting midair to land on his back with a slight thud. Along with a few cracks. As he slowly stood. Starting to follow the group as he cracked his spine. Mostly back into place along with popping his wings back in place as well.
"Er... Where are they going? Not to their dormitories..." The Wick noted.

"Ah thats right, its about dinner time, you two feeling famished? I can show you two over to the cafeteria if you'd like..." @Wick @RuiI folded my arms and raised a brow. I was looking behind them when a large silhouette rose above them. It looked like a shirtless man at first glance but as he weaved up, I saw his feet... Er.. Hooves... That behooves me to say, and the body of a horse as the entirety of his lower half. Actually to be honest, I'm not that surprised anymore. Half-snake-girls, were-bear-pyres, little-foul-mouthed-wolf-deer-girl, and now we have a horse-man... Whats next? 


I heard a little thud and all of a sudden I see some dude with wings fall off a tree. Great add bird-man to the list... @Kallo Though I'm not one to talk about such things... *cough* Although technically its more angel, a tamer example of animal and human bimorphism if I've ever seen one but lets jot that one down just in case. My attention turned back to my equus acquaintance and stared at him hard attempting to figure out what kind of genetic malformation this would be. Hey GMO's are really bad I keep saying... Hmm... But instead of any curiosity sparking, I had instead this insatiable urge to climb back on him with a kilt and a claymore and ride towards the distant sunset whilst playing the song "Auld Lang Syne", swinging my sword around in one hand and shouting "Alba gu bràth!" then goring myself into an oncoming horde of pitchfork wielding medieval villagers... But thats just some wishful thinking, we could do without the kilt. @Locklaklazarii 

"Say, guy, you wouldn't be carrying a saddle or anything right?" I raised a brow at the Centuar.
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He wasn't sure whether or not his jaw dropped, but he was sure that centaurs didn't like being ridden, or tame toward non-centaurs for that matter. He looked back and forth between the two for a moment, and found it best to step to the side in case the horse man @Locklaklazarii decided to trample the guy @Oddball. Dinner. He had said it was dinner and it was only then that Wick had noticed his growing hunger. He could still feel Petra @Rui hanging around on his back. He turned his head and leaned it back, whispering.

"You want to go see what they have in the cafeteria..?"
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Alogo's brow folded causing his face to form an almost painful face of anger. The comment really pissed him off, he hated being compared to a horse, though he has relations to horses and is himself half a horse it was just disrespectful. He stopped and planted his hooves in the ground, he locked his jaw, Alogo looked like a statue that one could find in a greek museum. He strained in letting out a response without loosing his temper, "No... you wouldn't be carrying a noose or spear right." His mockery was fast and sharp. Alogo stood and would stand until the man would respond.

"No... you wouldn't be carrying a noose or a spear right?" I sensed a pang of anger directed towards me from the forcefully calm inflections in his voice.

"Well, to specific its more or less a high carbon steel wire used as a garrote more than a noose, but its gets the job done all the same. No spear though, its a bit too archaic for these times. Electrified knives are all the rage with the kids these days."  I gave a shite-eating grin and just looked at him directly in the eyes. The centaur was stiff, like that of a statue, his jaw locked and hooves firmly on the ground. His muscles tensed in the actions as if ready for a fight. Though he is half horse, all those are signs of aggression and intimidation. While it usually works in nature and in human society, the advantage of knowing this allows for counteraction of these things. The natural thing for me would to go into a stance of low aggression such as folding my shoulders and appearing smaller or go into an pro aggressive stance such as legs spread or shoulders widened to take up space and look intimidating myself. I wouldn't want to do either of those so I simply just lit the previously unlit cigarette in my mouth and dug my hands in my pockets keeping a relaxed mien. This trick confuses people a lot, or just servers to make yourself look a lot more arrogant. We'll see what this man-er... Centuar handles the situation. @Locklaklazarii
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Alogo challenged what he saw to be a false brevado, he actually smirked, it was a challenge he was willing to accept. He got closer to the man and bent down face to face, looked him dead in the eye and let out one muffled laugh. Alogo's hand shot to right between their faces and he snatched to cigarette. He stood straight, his move having been made, and awaited the man's move. 

Wick flinched and whipped his head back toward the other two. The centaur was in the other guys face. Wick stood still, watching the engagement awkwardly.

"Er, perhaps this is not the best way of sorting out our issues.."

The centaur moved up and away again, holding the mans cigar.

=Run? Might be a good idea.=

He ignored his thoughts and stood still, continuing to watch.
"Heheh. Goddamnit you really don't get it do you?" I laughed as the cigarette was stolen as form a causal threat. I put another cigarette and closed my eyes. "Violence breeds violence, and in violence you find your turmoil. I advise you to not do what you think you might be doing. I don't care whether you hurt me or not, its not my place to say. I've insulted your honor and your race, its okay to if you wanna get mad, nobody will blame you for it. Even should you beat me to Gehenna, I'm not gonna even get mad since I've wronged you in the first place." 

Bravado he thinks? Well I think not, its just a simple matter of the fact. I have no quarrel with him, he's got the moral high ground here. Its just a matter of what you'll become. I sighed and scratched my head.

"Do not see yourself in the dark. if you believe that really matters to you. But what you value is what you value, and I have no rights to dispute your way of life. You honor and dignity is what you hold sacrosanct, I get it. Then if you value it above anything else, then by all means go on and do what needs to be done. That we should be locked in arms, will only coagulate a sense of mistrust and intolerance, and so in my absolution I lay down my hand. Strike as you wish, I turn the other cheek, the weight of your blows will not bother me much as many things already have. It'll just be another burden to me and I'm already so heavy that I'm destined to sink into hell anyway, but I think I've strength left in me for yours. Go on." 

My arms opened wide. I gently shut my eyes in preparation for a beat down. "I shall take in your resentment."  @Locklaklazarii

Never got kicked by a horse before, wonder what that's like. We'll guess I'm find out in a bit.
He smiled a bit, "You insult me, my people, and my culture. But this is not an offense in which denotes a 'blow', no not that harsh nor wounding all I will do it place a reminder. It is something we do with children... I would ask that you give me your bare hoo-er-fut." He took a small twig from the ground and sharpened it with his teeth and nails. 

"Alright that's an insult to me, lets go horseman. I'll teach you the meaning of non-violence." I stripped off my jacket and threw it on the ground, I brought out the rod that ghost boy gave me earlier. @Quinn Sheon I touched the runes emblazoned on it and with a dramatic dark light, the rod transformed into a wicked looking knife. 

"Right," I cocked my head, "Now give me YOUR "hoo-er-fut" or else we'll dance." @Locklaklazarii

To be honest, I didn't want to go through anymore rituals and I'm tired. So its either he's gonna knock me out, or we're gonna continue this fight. Either or it doesn't matter to me. 
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Wick stepped back a bit. He wanted to stop the fight, but he didn't want to risk getting stabbed, or kicked, of probably decapitated for that matter.

"Both of you must stop.. I doubt the school allows students to fight each other to the death.."

He noticed a few other groups of teens stopping to watch the battle. It was totally dark now, except for some lamps that had gone on around the garden. They occasionally shot out a small wisp of light that would flit around in the air for a moment, before dissipating, allowing for another to appear. 
((Lets interact a different time @XxCharColexX))

Ah dinner is an important meal of the day, besides breakfast. Maxwell thought to himself as he walks down the hallway and passing the garden. But he saw a commotion at the garden and decided to take a peek of this event. He saw two individuals, one what seems to be a centaur @Locklaklazarii and the other was Wesley @Oddball. Both seem to be have weapons out, ready to shank each others throats out it seems. My, my, what do we have here I wonder? Maxwell thought to himself as watches afar behind the centaur, where Wesley can see Maxwell. Standing behind the wall waiting to see what happens. Though a fight in this school would be entertaining but its also bad. But whatever happens, Maxwell is going to intervene the fight, in his own way.
I need to show this punk I'm not messing around. Aside from my knife, I pull out my damn M1911A1 Pistol locked and loaded with incendiary explosive rounds forbidden by NATO and the Geneva convention. But I'm not actually gonna shoot the guy, I'm just gonna make a point. So I aim it at the sky above us at a slight angle so it doesn't fall on us, and I threaten him. "You're way in over your head. I need you to stop now... Or else." I shoot the my pistol up in the air and a loud noise reverberated against the halls of the Academy. I was giving an evil grin and hoping my intimidation was gonna go through but...


"Mayday, Mayday, this is Big Bird! We've been compromised, hello!? This is big bird! Student on board and heli is going down!"

I heard the radio chatter on my com device that I hijacked earlier relaying any radio noise to me. Oh shi- I looked up, the sky turned a crimson red with billows of black smoke trailing. I shot an arriving helicopter. WHAT EVEN ARE THE FRICKIN ODDS? I watched as the copter went down, I caught a glimpse of what looked to be like the pilot I took I ride with earlier today jumping out and parachuting down. I sighed in relief only for my blood pressure to skyrocket again when I saw the billowing wreck with a student still onboard and the craft still crashing into the cafeteria. @KuroBara I made no expression, but I was panicking inside with absolute horror. Terrified students in droves ran out of the cafeteria, except a boy with many tails who just looked at the copter. @Mister Veeeee The copter crashed and exploded in all of its magnificent testosterone busting glory. I rushed and stood in front of some of the other students, attempting to shield them from the force and heat of the explosion. @Rui @Wick But the flames had spread and embers danced around us. I found myself in a field of burning flowers, with me and that centaur @Locklaklazarii pit against one another inside a ring of fire.

Well shit. I played it off cool and tried to make it look like I knew what I was doing and smirked at him. "Are sure you still wanna try that child's ritual on me...?"
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"Is that a real question little human?" Alogo rolled his eyes and gave a playful smirk, then just turned around facing the opposite direction. "If you were meaning to do something with the gun you would have done it." he moved foreward a foot then stopped, "Can you get ride of this fire?"

As the copter began to go down I saw the pilot jump out. Seriously! Why would he even try and leave with a STUDENT still in the copter! I thought angrily to myself. I crawled my way to the door and pulled it open and jumped and let my wings fly out, as I did so my claws, talons, and horns came to show as well, it did always feel good to let my true form show. I started to fly away from the copter and then thought. It's probably gonna blow up, I should probably try and help that to not happen. I then turned back around and started to manipulate the fire in an effort to put it out. "Dammit I good at making fire not putting it out!" I grumbled as I concentrated on making the flames as small as possible. This really wasn't going to be easy, never is with fire. After I managed to stop the fire directly on the copter I moved to the fire in what seemed to be the cafeteria of the academy.
Velari froze at the sound of the crash, when he slowly looked up he saw the cafeteria nearly empty, a helicopter sitting in the middle of the place destroyed and fire acting like its on crack! [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]Sigh, cant even get peace here. Guess i better clean this up and go to bed. I'm done with all this bullshit. [/COLOR]Using his pyrokinesis he quickly controled and contain the fire while using his hydrokinesis to use the water spraying from broken pipes to put it out. All fires were extinguished about 10 minutes later. He can only use two of his seven kinesis at any given time. After calmly dealing with the fire he started heading off to his room annoyed and tired. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 128)]I'm sick of this, cant get proper peace one damn night! Maybe coming here was a bad idea after all. [/COLOR]He thought angrily as he stormed off. 

@LunaCrosby @KuroBara @Oddball and anyone else i might have forgot.
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I saw a male Kitsune control water to put out some of the fire. Jeez hit me with that without warning and I could react the wrong way, how does someone not notice a freaking DRAGON! I thought as I watched him leave, knowing damned well that he didn't even see me due to the way he was handling the water. I landed on the floor in the cafeteria and looked back at the copter, I had forgotten to grab my bag when I jumped out. I decided I might as well see if any of my belongings had survived and climbed into the now crashed and extinguished copter; i looked around for a bit and noticed my bag stringing from the cealing, I grabbed it and crawled back out, I looked in my bag to find my papers with the information about which room I was to stay in; when I finally found it it was a little chard like the rest of my bag and belongings, and decided to ask the other two who seemed to be the only ones left in the room. "Hey excuse me, I see that you're having a fight and everything but could you please tell me where to go from here to find my room. Since the copter crashed and the pilot jumped out ad is no where to be seen, I have no one to direct me and I at a loss." I said trying to use a innocent smile that seemed and was more awkward than anything else. @Mister Veeeee @Oddball @Locklaklazarii
Alogo turned his body and saw her, after hearing the question he realozed that his was the same. "I don't know, and need to figure that out as well." He wanted to see if anyone around him knew themselves, so he looked around and stood still waiting for some kind of answer to the question.
I saw a male Kitsune control water to put out some of the fire. Jeez hit me with that without warning and I could react the wrong way, how does someone not notice a freaking DRAGON! I thought as I watched him leave, knowing damned well that he didn't even see me due to the way he was handling the water. I landed on the floor in the cafeteria and looked back at the copter, I had forgotten to grab my bag when I jumped out. I decided I might as well see if any of my belongings had survived and climbed into the now crashed and extinguished copter; i looked around for a bit and noticed my bag stringing from the cealing, I grabbed it and crawled back out, I looked in my bag to find my papers with the information about which room I was to stay in; when I finally found it it was a little chard like the rest of my bag and belongings, and decided to ask the other two who seemed to be the only ones left in the room. "Hey excuse me, I see that you're having a fight and everything but could you please tell me where to go from here to find my room. Since the copter crashed and the pilot jumped out ad is no where to be seen, I have no one to direct me and I at a loss." I said trying to use a innocent smile that seemed and was more awkward than anything else. @Mister Veeeee @Oddball @Locklaklazarii

Just as I was going to retort with another snark against my opponent, I heard a voice cry out it belonged to that student I saw on the crashing chopper earlier. Whew! Looks like she escaped, now I can fight without a guilty conscience! 

"Hey excuse me, I see that you're having a fight and everything but could you please tell me where to go from here to find my room. Since the helicopter crashed and the pilot jumped out and is no where to be seen, I have no one to direct me and I am at loss." She gave me a disturbing look and I tried to smile back. The Centaur replied casually and was at a loss too on where he was supposed to go, so I pulled out my phone and checked on the room listings looking for their faces.

"Ah, the dorms are over there, south of the garden, and these are your roomates. The rooms should have some computerized plaque of names at the door, so just check in the dormitory and I bet you could find them easily." I pointed south of the garden and showed them my phone with a picture of their roomates. @Locklaklazarii @KuroBara 

Oh look there's two of your roomates over there Miss Adern over there. I pointed over to a many-tailed boy who was walking out of the cafeteria. @Mister Veeeee And a many-tailed girl @LunaCrosby. And here is yours Mister Alogo, I indicated a winged boy still in the garden. @ZappiestAbyss
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I looked at him and nodded. "Thanks, really appreciate it!" I said and turned to go see the guy and the girl kitsune. Why him! The guy who can even notice a damned dragon when trying to put flames out! I thought with a discomforted grumbled and made a face and distaste. Well who known's maybe he's actually ok to get along with. I thought hopefully and ran up to them. "Hey excuse me! Mr. Kitsune! Excuse me!" I said and tapped him on the shoulder. "It would seem I'm your roommate and I'm a little lost so I was just wondering if you could help me to our room?" I ask him trying my best to actually sound normal and friendly. Man I really suck at talking to people. I thought slowly loosing hope of actually making even one friend here. @Oddball @Mister Veeeee
Alogo just looked at the man who had tried to fight him, gave him a grimmace, then moved on quietly to his room. His hooves clacked along the man made ground as he drew nearer and nearer to the dorms looking for a name or something that would allow him to know which one was his. When he had found it he just lazily sat outside not really wnating to go into the room but also uncomfortable outside his room.

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