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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Chris heard a familiar voice call his name and turned around to see Smithy heading for him. He raised his hand in greeting and waited for him to join him in the line. "Yo Smithy!¡!¡" He exclaimed when his friend walked up and patted him on the back. "I just got kidnapped and drugged by the dude with the muffins, where have you been?" He asked as if that was perfectly normal (he was obviously not quite in the right mind yet) he didn't know Smith had been drugged as well. @TrippyVirus
The sunset was a brilliant shade of red, that was slowly turning pink. Wick was late, about an entire day late, but this had been a last second decision. Two years ago he had gotten a letter from this place. At the time, he hadn't been able to understand what this "Gift" they spoke of was. He had been struck by lightning and fell into a coma for four months, only to realize the doctors had given up on him, and a moment after they left, he woke up. Simply returning to the thought of that day agitated him. Who gave them the right to do that? Sure his parents had died in the storm, but didn't they ask another one of his relatives? He rubbed his eyebrow with his right hand, the two year old letter gripped rather tightly in his left. The ocean far below glimmered within the sunlight, flickering and moving about like one would see in the movies, or documentaries.

A little ways out he could see the island. For the most part it was large, a few buildings strung together like any other college campus. He assumed he had missed a lot, even if it had only been a day. He hated himself for doing this. Sure he enjoyed his ability, but he had no good use for it, and nobody wanted him as a child of their own. He didn't want to be anyone's child anyway. For the past couple years he had avoided any interaction with the police, which brought forth a particularly "fun" scenario when he had lost a twenty dollar bill that he had just been lucky enough to find on the sidewalk. He sighed and looked back out over to the sunset. At least this way he would have a home.

~Just try to avoid them all. Keep to yourself and you should be alright.~

His thoughts didn't quite encourage him as much as he had hoped. He had the right idea though. Before he was hit with that bolt he had been relatively normal and went to a normal school. He found himself sulking again at the thought of those other teens. The bastards.
Chris heard a familiar voice call his name and turned around to see Smithy heading for him. He raised his hand in greeting and waited for him to join him in the line. "Yo Smithy!¡!¡" He exclaimed when his friend walked up and patted him on the back. "I just got kidnapped and drugged by the dude with the muffins, where have you been?" He asked as if that was perfectly normal (he was obviously not quite in the right mind yet) he didn't know Smith had been drugged as well. @TrippyVirus

"Wait, what?!" He was in shock. "Oh, I don't know. MAYBE BECAUSE I ALMOST DROWNED IN A POOL!!! And no, I'm not perfectly normal! That Wesley guy, h-he drugged me I think..." He was stuttering.
Although a great amount of helicopters had landed on the helipad that evening, dust and dirt was blown away due to the choppers blades cutting through the air. As the machine settled down and shut off for the moment, Wick stepped off. Normally he would have been dizzy after that experience, but after learning to cope with some of his abilities, he had grown used to the feeling of vertigo. He looked back down at the letter he was holding. It said something about being greeted by someone and given a dorm, but he didn't see anyone nearby. Perhaps he was too late to be greeted, but surely they would have expected students to be arriving later. None-the-less he inhaled and exhaled deeply and stepped forward, making his way over to the building up front. He could already hear commotion coming from inside, and the open areas in the inner part of the campus. So far he didn't really hear any panicking, no danger. He slowly reached up and lifted the right headphone off his ear. He could hear some others now, crystal clear. Some were students calling their parents to tell them how it was going, others seemed to be staff members contacting the others to set up schedules and meetings. He lowered the headphone, once again blocking the sound of technologically induced communication, and continued forward.
Chris nodded, "Cool." he replied and stepped forward. "Ya I don't like him either... he's got problems..." Chris brightened up. "Good news though, I found my info sheet and I'm in the same dorm as you, how cool is that!¡!¡" He exclaimed excitedly, also changing the subject because that topic of being drugged was screaming to be left alone. @TrippyVirus
 Elch woke up to a clap of lightning and the ship rocking immensely. He rolled his shoulders, and heard them pop and crack. He was a stowaway, so he froze when he heard someone walking near him. When the sailor walked by his hidey hole, Elch simply fell back asleep.

An hour later the ship arrived at the island, the academy for the gifted. Holding his dog tags close to his chest Elch snuck off the ship. The excited Russian was greeted by a staff member and given his information.

( @Wick would you like to interact with my character?)
Wick grabbed the door handle to the building and then learned that the island received it's supplies by ship when he heard a loud horn go off from the other end of the island. Evidently a storage ship had arrived, though for all he knew, it was a cruise ship carrying more students. Seeing as he had arrived by helicopter, it wouldn't have surprised him. He opened the door and stepped inside. His initial plan to avoid contact with others had clearly already taken a turn for the worse. There must have been a few hundred students in there, some with spikes running along there back, others with fur and tails, while some looked completely normal. He would have had a panic attack if they hadn't been focused on what they were doing. Apparently they had already gotten to explore their dorms, but they were all talking to staff members, and waiting in line. Perhaps they were receiving their schedules, after all, this was a school, even if it did consist of super-humans, or super-aliens, or whatever, they were still here to take classes rather than just interact pointless.

He was glad he was wearing his headphones because the majority of the people there seemed to be on a phone, or a computer. Even through the headphones he could still feel that damn buzzing in his skull. He was used to it by now, but it was still incredibly irritating, and he preferred not to be exposed to a long duration of it.

(@ZappiestAbyss sure :3)
Wick grabbed the door handle to the building and then learned that the island received it's supplies by ship when he heard a loud horn go off from the other end of the island. Evidently a storage ship had arrived, though for all he knew, it was a cruise ship carrying more students. Seeing as he had arrived by helicopter, it wouldn't have surprised him. He opened the door and stepped inside. His initial plan to avoid contact with others had clearly already taken a turn for the worse. There must have been a few hundred students in there, some with spikes running along there back, others with fur and tails, while some looked completely normal. He would have had a panic attack if they hadn't been focused on what they were doing. Apparently they had already gotten to explore their dorms, but they were all talking to staff members, and waiting in line. Perhaps they were receiving their schedules, after all, this was a school, even if it did consist of super-humans, or super-aliens, or whatever, they were still here to take classes rather than just interact pointless.

He was glad he was wearing his headphones because the majority of the people there seemed to be on a phone, or a computer. Even through the headphones he could still feel that damn buzzing in his skull. He was used to it by now, but it was still incredibly irritating, and he preferred not to be exposed to a long duration of it.

(@ZappiestAbyss sure :3)

(Sorry the tag didn't go through. Also this is short because I'm busy.)

Elch was walking through a hallway filled with other students. Most of them were much shorter, him being 6'11 and all. The students were abnormal to say the least.

The Russian moved down the hall to his dorm. He opened it up and walked in. It was empty for the most part.
He shouldered his way through the crowd. He could feel people glancing at him on occasion, but he did not dare look back. He learned how to read emotions in people's eyes, and he was afraid to see what was held within their no doubt judgmental gazes. He didn't know what to do first. Perhaps he should explore the campus, but seeing as night was falling, he didn't have too much time to do so, and although he could do so quickly in other ways, he felt little desire to do so. It was far too exhausting to pull it off, and he was already tired from the trip. He finally found his way to a door, and slipped out into a hallway. It was surprisingly empty, and appeared to lead into a garden at the far end. Doors leading into different meeting rooms ran along the right and left walls.
With a moments hesitation, he started forward, working his way to the garden. Even after a minute or two inside that crowded building, he had to get outside into the fresh air again. Sure he liked to stay next to all the technology, observing it and loving it, but outside was where the true form of nature could take form. Plus when moving in that way, he was not tethered to a wire, or the electrical equipment that he could also have went through. He pushed through the doors and out into the open. As the sun finished setting, a cool night-time breeze swept across the campus and ruffled Wick's hair a bit.
He slowly started to look around. His stance tensed as his wings folded close to him. In fact half wrapping around him as he slowly approached the door of the academy the helicopter already having started to power down. As he then slowly opened the door looking around as he took his first step inside the massive building. His ears straining to hear the conversations as he held one of them slightly. Seeing as it was certainly more noise than he was use to before.
A sigh could be heard ghosting over Wick's ear. 

Well, more like sighing into the back of his neck. 

The petite brunette reappeared once more, stepping out of Wick's shadow with a sigh of exertion.

"Oh, hello there." 

Petra looked at the boy who's shadow she had just been using, and just...


Her blue eyes met his for a moment, light dancing within them, before dropping to her feet in nervousness. 

"Uhm, sorry about that...I'll just be, um..." 

She couldn't exactly find her words. 

This was new.



Wick jumped so high that if something had been above his head he would have had a concussion by now. He had no idea why the girl that had appeared behind him had scared him so much. Perhaps he was still paranoid from all the commotion inside the building back there. Perhaps it was because she had appeared so suddenly.

-Oh, hello there.-

Before he could respond she looked up at him and her face seemed to contort into that of, anxiety? She quickly apologized, stuttering nervously before beginning to turn.


He stared for a moment as she turned around. One would think that upon seeing a nice and not to mention beautiful girl talk to him, calmly, without suddenly calling him a freak, that he would say something incredibly grateful in return, but being the idiot he was, he replied;

"Uhh, did you, er, just come out of my shadow..?" @Rui
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He slowly looked around the building. Slightly confused as to why no teacher had greeted him yet. Though he didn't complain. After all it was one less social interaction that he could mess up. As he then started to walk along the walls around the academy looking over at the groups of students that where conversing until he walked upon one of the largest and frankly only gardens he had seen. Freezing in his tracks as he admired the various plants that littered the area, before starting to enter.
She blushed like a tomato, frozen in her spot. She folded her hands over nervously.

oh no oh no oh no...


She winced, preparing for the moment when he'd run off. I mean, jumping out of shadows? That's pretty demonic, who would want that around them? 

"...You know...if you're going to run away you're taking a long time..." 

She allowed herself to look up at him again, still prepared for that blow of rejection should it come...but it seemed like it wouldn't.

Maybe...? Probably wishful thinking. 

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He stood there, staring stupidly. He had to try hard not to blush himself. She was unbelievably pretty, and she simply came up and spoke to him.

-...You know...if you're going to run away you're taking a long time...-

His heart skipped a beat. That was why she was nervous? He wasn't trying to make her feel like he was afraid, then again, he had freaked out at first, but this kind of stuff was to be expected around an academy like this. He realized how ridiculous he must look in strange looking headphones and with a metal plate against either side of his jaw.

"Er, no! No I want to be with you.. OR I mean I would like to stay with you.. NO I mean, I don't want to run away from you.."

=Damn you, you idiot!=

He ignored his thoughts and continued staring into her eyes, trying to signify that he was afraid in any way, which he actually wasn't.
Her blush grew impossibly brighter.

He isn't going to run...?

She steadied her gaze, trying to ignore the warm flush of her face (and his).


That was all she could really get out for a moment as her brain struggled to catch up.


She extended a tentative hand to shake.

"I'm Petra...you are...?"

This was probably the first person he had interacted with in a few years. She extended her arm in order to shake my hand.

-I'm Petra...you are...?-

He gulped down his nervousness and extended his own arm. He had spent the entire helicopter ride there, telling himself that he wouldn't talk to anyone, or even look at anyone if possible, yet here he was talking to someone who clearly held feelings for him. He turned a deeper shade of red.

"Wick.. Erm, Barrow.."

He grasped her hand in his and accidentally released a small spark of static electricity. @Rui
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When their hands touched, Petra's eyes lit up, her skin seeming to glow for a moment as the electricity passed through her. She was quiet for a moment, before she broke into small peals of laughter. It was like a tiny tinkling bell.

It felt nice to laugh again...

It had been so long. 

A small smile grace her lips, the newfound spark in her eyes directed towards Wick.

"Nice to meet you." 

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Although it felt like nothing to him, Wick still knew he has zapped her and tensed up, pursing his lips. The air around them seemed to hold it's breath, but after a moment, she began to laugh. It was so innocent sounding that even through his nervousness, he let out a small one of his own. That usual buzzing in his head had returned, but there weren't many other people nearby, and the few that were weren't on their phones. He was surprised to find himself smiling.

"Nice to meet you too." @Rui
She bit her bottom lip tentatively. 

"So...what's up?" She asked, quite unsure of what to do in this situation. 

She didn't exactly have the boys lining up for her...

She played with the end of a lock of hair, her blush returning with her shyness. 

He would be looking around the garden a fair bit. Along with flying slightly to see the tops of the taller trees. Completely forgetting the fact someone might be watching as he went to start to land on one of the stronger looking branches of the exotic tree.
He tilted his head a bit and looked up.

"It would appear that the only thing up there at the moment is the sky.." He squinted and looked around. "No clouds.."

He then saw another teen float by through the air and land on a nearby tree.

"This place is quite strange.."

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He would then to start listening in on each conversation he could from his vantage point before moving into the fork where the branches each separated curling his wings about himself as he simply rested causing an impossible shadow to seem to be on the tree.
After a minute or two, Velari looked around to see if there were any people in the crowd that were looking at him. Seeing if any of his pursuers had somehow followed him here. There was a cautious look in his eyes as he scanned the area to find nothing of real interest besides a cute kitsune girl that was a few seats down (the cute part didn't process in his conscious mind). He chuckled slightly at the sight of some fool stumbling around like they were drunk. I need to calm down, it's impossible for those dumbasses to follow me here or even get near the island without being shot down or sunk first. Ehg! enough thinking on that. Food, shower, then sleep. His eyes wonder back to the female Kitsune near him, he had never met another Kitsune outside his family before and he would have been curious if he wasn't so worn out. Maybe I should speak to her tomorrow if I see her tomorrow, eh or not. She could be like 'them' and would only want me for my powers. Sigh. Why are people so power hungry, makes no sense, and why me of all people, why couldn't I have a small peaceful life of not being hunted? He looked back down at his food and continued eating with sad look on his face.


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