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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

"Twenty two. Half of my own speed." He answered it too, but he was starting to get confused.

"Hmm.. HAH! I didn't specify African or Eurpoean swallow!" He's nearly awake!Looks like the drug is almost wearing off... That means... I must dispose of the body! Wait that came out wrong... I must rid of the body... That came out wrong too. Um... Lets just relocate him. So I opened the door and brought Mr. Quinston with me over my shoulder. We were just a little of the ways up above a pool deck where I heard some of the most melodious beautiful singing in my life. But that was of no consequence to me at the moment , from this angle and from this height if he hits the water, he'll live. So I threw Smith @TrippyVirus off the balcony into the pool. Where I saw the white-haired girl from earlier @ThatDove singing and I found the masked student. !!! I need to get that masked boy as well! So in a great bound and like the graceful eagle I jumped off the balcony and karate chopped the masked boy in midair, whilst landing gracefully on his body with my shoes. He was knocked out for sure. So I swiftly picked him u and returned with him back to the storage room where headphones boy was still asleep. I repeated the questions for both of them. @Talon (( @Fear Fates gave me permission to godmod maxwell a little.))
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Quinston woke up, in a pool. Unfortunately, his wings are wet. (Biology: Angel wings cannot move when wet, like fairy wings in Tinkerbell.) And another thing, he can't swim. "HELP, ANYONE, PLEASE!" He screamed on the top my lungs. The pool was eight feet deep, so he can't stand on the bottom of the pool.

@anyone I'm desperate
From what she can remember, she was just singing and chilling out in the pool in her mermaid form when suddenly, a random man jumped from a window, karate-chopping another guy who was watching and listening to her singing. She gasped and was about to scream when he dragged the body away but suddenly, another dude was drowning in the pool. She weighed who needs her help the most and she decided to swim towards the drowning boy.

She grabbed his arm and then helped him get to the pool's ledge, he settled him gently there and sat beside him, still in her mermaid form.

"A-are you okay?" she asked.

@Fear Fates @Oddball @TrippyVirus
From what she can remember, she was just singing and chilling out in the pool in her mermaid form when suddenly, a random man jumped from a window, karate-chopping another guy who was watching and listening to her singing. She gasped and was about to scream when he dragged the body away but suddenly, another dude was drowning in the pool. She weighed who needs her help the most and she decided to swim towards the drowning boy.

She grabbed his arm and then helped him get to the pool's ledge, he settled him gently there and sat beside him, still in her mermaid form.

"A-are you okay?" she asked.

@Fear Fates @Oddball @TrippyVirus

Smith gasped for air. "Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay." He was thinking about things that happened. There was this black haired man, then everything turned black. I heard voices in my head, questions. I answered them. Then, I suddenly see this flash of light. And when I woke up, I was in the pool. I know all of that, but what's the rest?
Dainasha blinked and withdrew her hands from the man, she just noticed his wings and she couldn't help but stare. "Um," she shook her awe away, "Why were you in the pool?" she tilted her head in confusion. If the winged man couldn't swim, then why was he there in the first place.

Dainasha blinked and withdrew her hands from the man, she just noticed his wings and she couldn't help but stare. "Um," she shook her awe away, "Why were you in the pool?" she tilted her head in confusion. If the winged man couldn't swim, then why was he there in the first place.


"I-I don't know, I woke up and I was in the pool." Smith was really confused. One second, He was with Wesley, The next, here. He let out a sigh. He sits up. "Wait, where's Chris? CHRIS!?"
Dainasha furrowed her brows and watched the guy's outburst, "Please relax for a bit." she requested politely. She didn't know what was happening but her gut is telling her that she should let the guy know about the mysterious and reckless guy who knocked a guy from above. "Well, I saw a guy jump out of that window" she paused and pointed at the window above the pool (where he was probably thrown from), "and chopped a masked guy from above who was standing there." then she pointed at where the masked guy used to stand. "And then he dragged the body out to who knows where." she got up and her tail suddenly tuned into legs. She gotta find this mysterious guy and stop his evil (?) deeds!

@TrippyVirus @Oddball (mentioned)
It was dark very dark, Maxwell was in a state of asleep and awake. In Maxwell's own state of conscious it seems to be a dream, with a figure with a head of a raven and both are in sitting. And from a third person view Max was a cat with a hat and a mask, And the raven in a very deep tone asked, "What is your name...?"

"Really now chap, I am Maxwell L. Fates. Charmed I'm sure." The Raven seemed to be confused and asked the next question,"Now, what is your deepest darkest fears...?"

"Hmm, what is my deepest darkest fears? Really do we have to call it "deepest" and or "darkest"? In terms of what we perceive in reality we only face the instinctual aspect of our own survival benefit. Then again one should also hide their most embarrassing secrets to one who asked said question? Yet I do ponder, what is fear? What is the meaning of it's entire existence that should not be a problem if we fear what is fear itself? Quite a contradiction may I add but my own "Fears" is the name of my Father. Though it's not a phobia of the sort but what makes me concern is that Charlie is all alone. Though I do hope she can do well when I'm currently away."

The raven had a speechless look on it's face as it's beak was wide open. Then it asked," What are your dreams and aspirations...?"

"My dreams you say? My aspirations you say? Dear chap, my only ultimate goal well for here is to make many friends, learn what I can, and pass with those along with me. Then again it's what we all strive to do here in this academy full of supernatural beings. Yet I only look forward to my magic show to go big in many places and aspiring many to what stage magic can truly do in entertainment purposes. It's hard yes but I do work to make it work I dare say myself." With a tip of a hat Maxwell drinks his dream tea. Though as he was finally gets settled to this weird dream a the raven's hand approaches Maxwell's mask and he slapped it off in annoyance," Dear sir, I will say this, No one touches the mask. Keep that in mind." as he continues his dream tea.

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The masked kid intrigued me with his... Dapper style. It was almost... Too dapper. So dapper in fact, that it made me reach for tea that wasn't there as I questioned him. I looked over to the human thermometer, but he still hasn't said anything yet. @Talon I turned back to Maxwell as he revealed his name in elegant fashion. And when he revealed his true fears I was amused to be sure, for he waxed some poetic that made me want to wax some myself.

Fear is subjective, for what fear means is only in the eyes of those who beheld horror. Horror is dependent on perception and what you yourself percieve in essence you only fear, well fear itself. BUT I must argue that while you fear, fear itself, fear itself is actually something you have constructed from all the attributed faculties you have garnered up in your mind. Fear is only in your head and something you made up, its made up by your own consciousness because you simply believe it based on your experiences that culminate into this harmful phobia. Fear whilst most people would say intangible is something indeed tangible. Little less more than any other hormone you find your endocrine system. Therefore, you yourself constructed your on fear and the only thing you truly only need fear is the mind. For the mind is our greatest hammer and our greatest thorn so to speak... You fear yourself, your own construct. Therefore as its creator, fear can even be deconstructed if you so wish. But this is more than most people can even manage... Ah what am I doing?

The boy answered the rest of the questions in a very curious deliberate manner. The last one ended up rather normal however... But I ponder whats behind that mask... I tried to remove it but to my surprise a hand swatted it back. It was Maxwell's own to my shock. I looked at his vitals and he still appeared to be unconsciousness, sleep walking? He's not in a deep sleep. Reflex? Its strange but possible, what kind of sensory training would he have gone through to get something as rare as that. I frowned at him; God gives us a face to which we come to this Earth with, but we ourselves make another... I assert that he's been through some rough times I suppose... But he's here now... With kindred species. So I tip my hat to you good sir, nonetheless however, I must rid of you now. 

Picking him up once more and edged over to the pool finding that Smith and the songstress were now gone. @ThatDove @TrippyVirus They must have moved somewhere but their absence tells me that disposing the body there again would cause only more headaches. Hmm... So I circled the building and found some dude in black walking on by in the hall ways. @XxCharColexX That guy looks relatively soft for impact, and the balcony here isn't as high... I chucked Maxwell @Fear Fates at the boy hoping for a mitigated landing and as Maxwell fell I noticed his pose was very dapper... He slowly fell in a tea drinking pose and with pinky up as he drank his invisible tea. At that moment I realized that Maxwell was no ordinary man, he was a gentleman. To the very core, and even when in peril. I salute you fellow gentleman. I gestured a salute at him as he fell and then rushed back to where human thermometer was. 
“C’mon, I’m f@#$ing hungry.” She said to ghost boy as she continued walking down the hallway towards the smell of food. As they entered the cafeteria it was all she could think about. She moved towards the pizza place and looked at all the options… well, ‘option’ if you took into account the whole ‘I can’t eat dead animals or the animals won’t like me anymore’ thing. Huffing, she ordered the vegetarian option and waited for ghost boy to order whatever he wanted @Quinn Sheon
"I'll just have a regular cheese pizza." Henryk requested. It took only a short amount of time for the pizzas to come, and he sat down with his roommate. "So vegetarian, huh? I guess that makes sense." He said. "He also reached down into his jacket's seemingly bottomless pocket in which he stored almost everything he needed on a regular basis and pulled out a small box of nerds (the candy, not the people), popped the box open and down downed the whole thing. "Pizza for the body, sugar for the spirit." He said to himself with a smile. "So, I figure we should get to know each other a bit better if we are gonna be living together," he stated, "you wanna start?" @Lava
They sat down across from one another. He made a comment about her vegetarianism and she shrugged “Animals don’t attack me if I don’t attack them…” She wanted to say something like ‘I don’t want to take the risk.’ but her english failed her and she trailed into silence, her dark eyebrows pinching together in thought as she tried to form the sentences she wanted to say. In the meantime she took a bite. It was delicious. Whoever cooked it knew how to make pizza!.

Then he asked her to speak more and she mentally prepared herself to figure out the words. It was tiring, constantly speaking in her second language. But she didn’t have to get personal when answering this question. “Okay… what do you want to know?” She asked him, fiddling with her hair. “Sorry. My english might be not good sometimes. I’m trying.” She shook her head. That didn’t sound right but it was understandable. @Quinn Sheon
The distant beating of helicopter wings signaled the arrival of another student. The sound intensified as the heli drew nearer, a raven haired girl and a pilot the only ones to inhabit the vehicle. 

No father to say goodbye, no sister telling her she loved her, and no mom.

Just a silent, solemn pilot and a girl who dreamed of the flying machine crashing back to the earth in a blissful explosion. 

Oh well. 

The heli touched down on the landing pad, and the pilot helped unload Petra's luggage. 

She stood numbly off to the side as the engine restarted and the helicopter flew back from whence it came.

"Shit..." she muttered, looking back at the disappearing speck that was her ride home. 

"Goodbye, then." 

She looked down at her feet, trying to discern what she should do next. She took hold of the large dolly that carted her trunk and suitcases, and began pushing. 

Where to now? 

She grimaced as she eyed the area around her. No one that seemed easy to talk to. All impressive, most attractive...

No one like her; meek, measly, and mediocre.

She continued walking aimlessly, until that is, she reached a hill, and the dolly rolled down at a highly accelerated speed, 

with her still attatched at the handles. 

She held on for dear life and emitted an "EEP!" As she started this most unexpected roller coaster ride of the day. 
"Heh, that's ok! I can help you when you need it. Anyways, lets start with something simple. Where are you from? I'm from Wisconsin in the US." Henryk said, taking a bite of his pizza. It really was some of the best pizza he had ever had. The cafeteria was also very nice. He was very happy with his new home. Nice rooms, nice roommate, fun/epic battles, people who were easy to talk to, and the best pizza EVER. He was quite content. @Lava
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Cyril Moreau

        ...I had finally reached my dormitory, and I began to unpack. Getting out my clothes, putting in the provided dresser, and I also got out a kitchen set that I had brought in, in secret, of course. As I had always hated school lunches, and I had always preferred making my own. As I continued to make myself feel at home, I continued to get out my other materials that I had needed, my own desk, my charging stations, and even more importantly, my cell phone out. As the saying goes, "No Cellphone, No Life," and as I was finished, I was bored. Then, a lightbulb went off in my head, and with a wave of a hand, an organ began to appear. Then I put hands to keys, and I began playing a song. Sure, I may not know what I am doing, but I made it sound good anyway.

"Great Fugue" in G Minor - J. S. Bach
(Liked your Monty Python references xD )

Chris finally got around to answering the questions which was rather difficult to do in his current state. "Well my name is Chris and umm... I don't wanna die a virgin or see the world end... I'm pretty sure that's what it is... ya..." He thought a minute before answering the next two questions with a bit of a slur as his mind tried to shake off the drugs. "I wanna be a DJ... Or just a music producer... And I don't give a shit about your swallow!¡!¡" He exclaimed trying to get up but failing miserably.

@Oddball @TrippyVirus @Fear Fates
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"I wanna be a DJ... Or music producer..." I nodded my head, Chris seemed to answer the questions fairly well. @Talon "And I don't give a shit about your swallow!¡!¡" Oh dear me, I jotted down his response on my phone to update my files on him. Hmm... Do teenagers allocate much of their time agonizing whether they're loins have been ravaged or not...? I don't remember quite recall my adolescence clearly, but I think I remember something of the sort... I sympathize with the boy however, young men around his age have urges that they themselves cannot control. So I will help you! Chris mumbled more stuff and seemed to moving more, there was more brain activity in the cortex signaling wakefulness. Not wasting a moment I threw him over my shoulders and proceeded down some hallways to find a place to dispose of him... 

As I ran across the halls avoiding detection, I saw something quick roll by and with a person- a girl on it. @Rui  It was a run away dolly going down a steep incline. By impulse however, I threw accidentally Chris at the dolly who's limp body managed to land perfectly on top of it. I hit myself on the head for my mistake but it looked like Chris was finally gaining full consciousness. If anyone could save that girl and stop that dolly, its probably him and his ice powers. Come to think of it I gave him one great chance... .. Make me proud, Chris my boy, make me proud! I grinned and leaned on the corner of wall and simply observed the scene.
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Chris felt his body fly through the air. 'I'm flying.' He thought and then landed hard. He groaned in pain and tried to force his eyes open. "Ugh, what the…" His post-drugged head hurt like crazy, as did the rest of him. @Rui 
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Petra's eyes only got larger.


okay, make a shadow wall!

No, no, the inertia! 


She released the bars for a nanosecond to open a shadow's doors before her, the dolly, Petra, and the 'hitchhiker' Chris disappearing into it, before it reopened behind the nearest figure, slipping out of it's shadow at a significantly slower pace, until it rolled to a steady stop. 

A most exhausted Petra stepped off the back of the dolly, frowning towards Chris. 

"A-are you okay...?" 

She looked towards the other person in view.

"Oh-why...hello there..." she mentally cringed. "You, ehm...saw that...?" 

@Talon @Oddball

Cyril Moreau

        As I was walking normally, as I do, I would then be interrupted by someone's body being flung towards me. Being the illusionist I was, and am, I 'disappeared' to avoid being hit, and 'reappeared' in a different spot. I just moved in a more fancy manner.  I would look at the person who was flung toward me with a stern face, and even moreover, the person who even had the thought of flinging him, in my direction. I wanted to say something in response, but it was probably not good and in French. So I waited for them to give their apology.

Cyril Moreau

        As I was walking normally, as I do, I would then be interrupted by someone's body being flung towards me. Being the illusionist I was, and am, I 'disappeared' to avoid being hit, and 'reappeared' in a different spot. I just moved in a more fancy manner.  I would look at the person who was flung toward me with a stern face, and even moreover, the person who even had the thought of flinging him, in my direction. I wanted to say something in response, but it was probably not good and in French. So I waited for them to give their apology.

Time slows down slightly

"Ah isn't nice to feel like your flying through the air? As if though I was thrown out some window, though I have a funny feeling it's going to hurt. . . Oh dear me, I am really unfortunate aren't eye." Maxwell thought to himself as his time perception slowed down and sped up in an alarming rate.

Time starts to speed up to normal

"What is this?!" he realize to himself as his perception of time was being distorted, to make matters worse I can sense as though he is being flung towards someone behind him @XxCharColexX. But the person moved somewhere else," Seems like there won't be collateral damage today, excellent!"

Time finally settled down and slows

Maxwell was relief and finally as his body almost reach the ground, he starts to do some acrobatic movements to go along with the momentum and starts to back flip for several times and finally land in a elegant fashion. Standing up with a small twirl, though as though Max thought he was finish, Max notice that their was a well dress student looking at him with a stern look at his face.

Time turned normal

So as Maxwell was in the momentum of twirling he fixed his masked, grab the edge of his top hat, takes it off, and bows slightly towards the student in a neat matter," Dear Sir, I do apologies for that unsuspecting event that just occurred. I do hope I didn't anger you or have harm you in any way." Maxwell radiate a very gentlemen like atmosphere.
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"Shang- Hai, China." She replied "I've lived there all my life. So it made growing these things a problem. Verybusy place. People everywhere." She said "But lots of foreigners to practice English with, so I learnt fast there." She told him "What's your home like?" @Quinn Sheon

Cyril Moreau

        I looked at the man who spoke to me as if he spoke gibberish. "Repete?" I said in French. I was really confused at the words he said. I didn't know what to do, and I was dumbstruck. I looked there a bit nervously, and I awaited his response.
"Well... Wisconsin is kinda cold." Henryk said, racking his brain for much else to say about his home. He reached up and scratched his head. "I honestly can't think of much else to describe it, I was rather sheltered after the... Accident... That made me like this." He said, almost hesitating, his smile almost faltering. Almost. He pulled himself back together and took another bite of pizza. "So, what can a half forest Sprite do?" @Lava
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Petra's eyes only got larger.


okay, make a shadow wall!

No, no, the inertia! 


She released the bars for a nanosecond to open a shadow's doors before her, the dolly, Petra, and the 'hitchhiker' Chris disappearing into it, before it reopened behind the nearest figure, slipping out of it's shadow at a significantly slower pace, until it rolled to a steady stop. 

A most exhausted Petra stepped off the back of the dolly, frowning towards Chris. 

"A-are you okay...?" 

She looked towards the other person in view.

"Oh-why...hello there..." she mentally cringed. "You, ehm...saw that...?" 

@Talon @Oddball

"Mhmm, yes why in fact, I think I did." I grinned, though I had hoped for Chris to save the day, this works too. @Talon "Nice hustle girl. You showed that dolly who's boss." @Rui Her powers were amazing, the dolly rolled into some sort of wall of shadow- a portal I might think- and came out in a different location which was next to me. Dimensional portals? That's kinda like the stuff you see on TV, now that is interesting. The girl herself though for all that power, seemed withdrawn with what appeared to be light mental anguish scrawled all over her character. Her facial demeanor gives off some regret and embarrassment, but it was quite obvious she was trying to hide it. "Now now m'dear, wall flower you may be, but it would not do for a daffodil such as yourself to shy from us commoners; it might give people the wrong impression." I took out a plastic bag full of the laced muffins. "Ah! I know why not consider me and my fellow here your first friends? And to celebrate your first acquaintanceship here, would you care for one of my hand-made English muffins?" I opened the bag and a buttery smell wafted out, redolent of yeast and cinnamon painstakingly fashioned into a breakfast staple.

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