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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

"Ah.. An Yu Shen..." She replied, somewhat nervous. She didn't want a roommate that didn't like her, she wanted to make a good impression. "Most english speakers call me Annie though." She left it at that leaving it up to him. He complemented her antlers, which was certainly... new? "Badass..?" She didn't really know what that word meant, but from his tone of voice it sounded like a good thing. Then he flat out asked her is she were a forest spirit. Yu Shen just nodded "On Fathers side, I am. My abilities still very untrained though... Never met my father." She was trying, very hard to speak english clearly and fluently. For someone who spent all their life in Shang hai with only english lessons, she was doing rather well. "What are you?" She asked, kind of a blunt sounding question but she didn't know how else to ask it. @Quinn Sheon
Chris heard 2 of the students talking about their abilities, at least thats what it sounded like. He stepped a bit closer as he was curious to learn what they could do. He was always interested in new abilities and races. 
I knew it! Henryk thought, mentally rewarding himself, I could really go for some pizza... "Well nice to meet you Annie," he said with a smile, "as for what I am... I suppose you could say I'm a ghost of a warlock... But I'm not dead. It's kinda hard to explain, I can go in depth about it later but basically I can use magic and be a ghost." Henryk took a look around the hallway to find a small shelf with some maps on it. Oddly convenient but I'll take it, he grabbed a map and glanced over it. "Hey Annie, can you show me where the dorms are?" He asked as he walked back over. @Lava
Yu Shen nodded "Nice to meet you as well" She returned politely. She didn't understand a few of the things he said after that. "Ghost... warlock...?" She started furiously typing into the translator app she had on her phone. "...Gúi...?" She muttered the chinese word for ghost under her breath. "Heh I could call you... Gúi Nán Rén..." ("Ghost boy"). She chuckled to herself at that one. Henryk asked her to show him the dorms and she nodded "Okay." She started down the hallway leading to the dorm rooms eventually stopping at her dorm. "This is ours." She said opening the door. She moved over to sit on the bed she'd already claimed. She wasn't worried about sharing a room with a boy for herself. She could easily transform into an animal and get away if anything funny went on but what about other girls? It was a strange place she found herself in. A very strange place. She wasn't sure she liked it yet.  @Quinn Sheon
Henryk began to catalogue who he had met/seen so far to himself as he followed Annie through the halls. So, there's me, Annie the forest sprite, a dude with ice powers, Dainasha, the guy who somehow managed to pull me out of the beast, Hope, and the guy who brought the beast... Certainly an interesting group from what I can tell. His thoughts ended when Annie said "this is ours." And opened the door.

Henryk set his bag down on the other bed in the room. He reached his hand down into the pillowcase sized bag and pulled out a bag of clothes, a sword, a large stack of books bound together by string, a pillow, a blanket, and a blue hippo stuffed animal. He laid out the bedding and the stuffed animal on the bed, put the books on a nearby shelf, the sword in a corner, and his clothes into a drawer in the dresser.

That being done, Henryk sat down on his bed, it had a nice bounce to it. He looked around the room for a little bit, he quite liked it. It was much nicer than his cramped room at home. He took out a pen and marked where the dorm was on his map. His stomach growled, he hadn't eaten since last night. "I'm gonna go see if the cafeteria is serving food," he began, turning to look at Annie, "wanna come?" @Lava
This was going well. Yu Shen hadn’t even wanted to punch anyone yet! And her roommate seemed like a decent person. She just hoped he was the type to respect boundaries and give her space when she needed it. Gúi Rén was a pleasant guy. He asked her to lunch, which, again, took her off guard. Normally she ate alone. This might be… a nice change. She was a bit hungry. She actually managed a smile. “Okay!” She said enthusiastically getting up from the bed  and following him out the door again. @Quinn Sheon
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Logan stares outside the Helicopter windows as they lands, looking over the school that he can see currently. When they hit the ground he walks slowly off the helicopter and stretches long and loudly. He walks up to some huge guy who with what seemed to be servants behind him. " Hi..So where do i go" He said nervously looking at the ground slightly. The guy nodded to someone behind him who came up and attempting to grab my things which caused me to be alarmed and i flinched away quickly eyes bleeding green for a moment. The servant look like a frightened kitten and the big guy frowns slightly before grabbing my things and headed towards the school. I growl lowly but stop from fear of being beat to death. I hurriedly follows the guy who is about a good 60 feet away already. Once we which the school he took me to the front desk and left. I look around quite more taking in every detail of the place the smell, the physical appearance, the overall atmosphere. He received his dorm room number and key and was left alone to find his dorm. I decided to head to a hallway to my left  in hopes that this search ins't long. For what seems like eternity he finds his dorm room, He growls loudly as he throw his things on the bed and start unpacking. Once he put away his stuff finally okay with the order everything is in he decides to get some food his stomach was growling at him like it had it's own mind. Logan heads out the dorm room and looks back and forward between the halls around and stopped and sniffed the air. His stomach growls as the smell of pizza hits his nose. He immediately starts walking well running down the hall not really paying attention until he end up bumping into someone hard and causing himself to fall down. He looks up to see some guy and girl and flash an apologetic smile" Sorry i..i was running and n.not paying attention" I mumbles looking at the ground my nerves balled up.

@Lava @Quinn Sheon
Hope decided that she had enough socializing for the time being. She began walking towards her dorm. As she walked through the halls she looked at her surroundings, trying to familiarize herself with them. She finally got to her dorm room, pulling out her key and unlocking the door. She opened it, looking around at the room again before closing the door behind her and walking to her bed. She looked through her stuff, trying to find her IPod. She finally found it after a bit of searching. She also found her earbuds. She began listening to music while laying down on the bed, falling to sleep soon after.
Chris looked around, wondering where smithy had gotten himself too. Not seeing his friend he decided to sit and wait for him to show up like he usually did. The added bonus was that if anyone wanted to talk he was sitting right there, making an ice sculpture of the bear thingy they had just killed. Chris added some fire for effects and then blew up the sculpture with a small fire ball. Endless fun. Kinda. Not really. @TrippyVirus @anyone else who wants to talk
"Uh.. Hi Chris, kinda long time no see." Smithy said with a unconfidentional look. "So how is it going?"
Blood. blood everywhere. I picked at all the little scars all over my body with a swab wet with disinfectant. I was back in my room with Lenar @MightyRussianFellow nowhere to be found. I bandaged all my wounds and injected myself with another syringe. My shoulders dropped when I started to feel it and my eyes felt heavy. The serum was full of a special acceleration agent that speeds up the repairing of cells but also speeds up metabolism. Its not some cure all but makes nicely for healing open wounds. The morphine and other analgesics it contains however, can make your body numb and sluggish because of the tranquilizers; overuse is not recommended. Meaning that I can only take two within a span of twenty-four hours or else I will OD and be at high-risk for stroke and multiple organ failure. 

I opened up my suitcase revealing another finely bespoken black suit but this one was more... "durable." Shedding my old torn suit, I quickly put on the new one feeling the material uncomfortably press against my battered skin. Trading comfort for stab-proof plating and fire-retardant material was a loss for me, but given the situation, I'll be needing it. I opened a secret compartment in my briefcase revealing a jagged silver combat knife and my old M1911A1 service pistol with some black wristbands placed neatly on an aramid/titanium-weave bullet proof vest. I put on the vest under my dress-shirt and blazer over the shirt with my equipment in the vestment pockets. The black rod the ghastly boy gave me was safely nestled in my pocket too. Clearing my throat, I walked in the restroom washing my face and then fixing my hair. After that I quickly installed some infrared laser tripwires in my room that will alarm a silent radio on my person if anyone other than me or Lenar walks in my room. I safely stored all the rest of the gear I didn't need in the suitcase and hid it under my bed with some other security measures in place. 

Normally I would've investigated more on the school, but Provost Hellgang already knows about me. He didn't attack me after the bear incident, so I assume he's got something planned, he's also had many chances to kill me after that.... I'm guessing he doesn't want to kill me, can't kill me, or something stopped him from doing so. I'm no doubt locked out of their information system, therefore hacking is out of the question, security in the main office will obviously be tight, you can cross that out... Hmm... So the feasible only way to get more information about my classmates and this school would be....

"Hi there gents!" I found myself in front of two familiar dudes. @Talon @TrippyVirus "Want a smoke- I mean care for English muffins?" I pulled out a small bag of muffins I baked full of tranquilizer fluid. I brokered a smile and offered them. I needed to get information so I can help these students succeed, so I thought of a way to weed info from some students directly. My plan was to drug them and get information of their personal through some good old-fashioned sleep-talking hypnosis... An pyschoanalytical trick I learned from an old Ex-KGB friend... Sure I could just talk to them and carefully stir the conversation about their pasts but befriending them to get to their deepest darkest secrets would take years! So instead I opt for the drugging into sleep-talking hypnosis method! Perfectly safe! And besides I learned that teenagers at this age are touchy and too spontaneous- like Hope's moodiness for example @Thalia Raiz, and tendency to changing faces faster than deer girl could drop the f bombs... @Lava So this is the perfect plan! 
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As they walked towards the pleasant smells of meat that she couldn't have, she suddenly heard very loud pounding footsteps. "Watch the F@#$ out, dude!" She warned him, even managing in english this time. Thinking quickly Yu Shen turned around and spun to the side leaving the guy on the collision course with Gui Ren, but leaving her in the clear. She dusted herself off and walked over to squat next to the sprawled mess on the floor "I guess pizza is really that good?" She cracked a smile "Whats your name?" She asked the boy "Gui Ren, you okay?" She asked her new roommate @Quinn Sheon @XxBetaWolfxX
Dainasha smiled and waved a hand when Henryk and his roommate proceeded to their dorm. He was lucky to find his roommate easily, she sighed and internally asked herself where she should go. Suddenly, a thin sheet of paper flew right on her pale face, she grabbed it gently and examined the said paper. It has some weird drawings in it, it reminded her of some papers she would often find in sunken ships or close bottles when she was still travelling the seas. She concluded it was a map, a blue area in the map caught her eye and it was the swimming pool.

Her eyes brightened and she made her way to the swimming pool. She looked around the place, sat on the ledge of the pool and put her white sandals away. She hopped into the water, her feet glowed and turned into a beautiful blue fish tail. The feeling of the water left her happy and satisfied, she couldn't help but hum a song, sooner or later her humming turned into singing. Her voice was beautiful, charming and gentle. Surely if one was to hear it, they'll feel like the ocean itself was singing for them and they'll be captivated immediately.

Between the here, between the how

Between the north, between the south

Between the west, between the east
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Cyril Moreau


        "...Merci de m'avoir emmene ici," I had told the pilot. Of course, the helicopter I was flying on wasn't even close to landing. Although, as a gentlemen, and in general, giving thanks is better than not giving any at all.

        "Tu es le bienvenue," the pilot replied. I was getting a bit rather... bored, to say the least. I remember myself flying off from Paris, and now I an in the middle of nowhere. I was soon beginning to question the authenticity of this "school," and start to wonder if the pilot was just going to dump me in the middle of the ocean. I'd stare out at the sea, and all I saw was water. I was also very sea-sick at the time, as I had detested the salty sea. As I continued to look around through the window I saw a little set of buildings and even a shore.

        "Cette escole existe donc," I said in awe. The pilot wanted to comment, as he was starting to open his mouth, he shut it once more. As if the information he was going to tell me was only for himself. "Ah, vous n'aves rien a dire, non?" I asked and he had nodded in response. While we were having a "conversation" I had failed to notice we were flying over the school's helipad. Soon, lower it got, and then we landed. "Merci encore une fois," I said once more to the pilot. As soon as I touched down with my luggage and bags, the helicopter went back up into the sky once more. Unfortunately, I wasn't at the top of the building like normal helipads, but I was close to it. Merely a hop, skip, and several jumps there.

        As he got there, he casually walked in and went up to the reception desk.

        "Hello, welcome the Academy of the Gifted Ones. Tell me, what is your name?" she said. I was baffled, as I had failed to brush up on my English. I struggled to find any words that I could say that she could possibly understand in response.

        "Repete?" I said dumbfoundedly. The receptionist looked at me as if she thought I was deaf.

        "What is your name?" she once more asserted. I tried my best to muster the words I could say in English, but then it hit me. I took out several pieces of paper, my proof of transferal. I gave it to her, and then she had looked at it as if it were gibberish. "Sorry, this is not a French overseas school," she said with a fake smile. This "argument" continued to draw itself out until I pointed out that I did belong here, but I am a French speaker. She handed the information I needed to know, a map, my dorm, and lunch tickets. I then made my way to my dorm.

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Henryk looked down at his body. His possession still needed some work... He was, after, just knocked out of his body by some guy flying through the hallway. He sighed, stood at his body's feet face away and fell backwards into his body, the tattoo reappeared. "Yep, I'm fine" he said getting up and dusting off his jacket. "Gotta work on my possessions a bit more though." He looked down at the guy who ran into him. He couldn't tell much by looking at him. He extended his hand to help the guy up, "you should try to be more next time you decide to go zoomin' around at the speed of sound." He said jokingly. @XxBetaWolfxX
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Chrs looked up to se Smithy walking up. He jumped up with a grin, "Hey bro you missed a fight with a bear thingy!¡!¡" Just the another dude walked up and offered them muffins. Chris shrugged and took one. He heated it up with some fire and took a bite of the partly burnt muffin. Chris nodded happily and took another bite. "Ish good you should have one." He told Smithy as he ate the muffin.


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"Nice, you good at cookin'?" Smith replied to the man who baked it. He eats whole with the wrapper. "Sorry for missing it, Just fixin' the stuff at our dorm."
"I wouldn't exactly call myself any blue ribbon chef, but I dabble." I observed my friends as they ate the muffins. I was a bit worried that  the temperature-controlling student would've neutralized the tranquilizer with heat but I don't think that was the case. But even if he somehow did, then... I suppose I can somehow get over that. "Thanks for your help earlier, my friend." I looked over to hot-head. "Thanks for putting that thing on ice, heheheh."  I held out my hand for a handshake. "I am Wesley, some call me Weasley, but tomato-tomato." The tranquilizer should kick in for the blue-haired boy, but as for this one... Come on, accept the handshake... Covering the tips of my fingers where translucent electrified micro filaments that  are invisible to the naked eye. Though small, they have the power of a taser but the drawback is that they only work once because of their design. On contact he'll be instantly electrified and knocked out! But that's considering if the tranquilizer doesn't work... Come on boy! Shake the hand! @Talon @TrippyVirus
He shakes Wesley's hand. He didn't feel any pain, just fainted. (Smith's Biology:

Angels are immune to pain and anything that can hurt him, but since Smith is Half-Angel, he isn't immune to the shock.) He was knocked out.
"No probsh ma fwiend!¡!¡" Chris said, putting his arm around (srry whats your name in this?¿?¿) shoulder then looked at Smithy's unconcious form curiously. "Yoo Shmithy, why you on de ground bruh?¿?¿" He asked his unconcious friend before finally sinking to the ground himself with a sigh. @Oddball @TrippyVirus
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The two boys were finally knocked out before me. Heheh yes! (( @Talon its Wesley Grimm)) Quickly moving I lifted hot-head over my shoulders and dragged the blue-haired boy @TrippyVirus over to an empty storage room near us. Setting them down, I pulled out a black device and put some electrodes on both of their foreheads. Whilst its recommended to perform the test one at the time, I'm eager to see if it can be done with two people simultaneously. "Now." I pressed a record button on the black device and monitored their heart rates on its screen. I started playing a frequency on a phone and the test had begun. "What is your name...?"  I asked them both individually. I gave them a little shock with the electrode sending them into a half-sleep, half-awake state which enabled them to retain some shred of hearing. "Now, what is your deepest darkest fears...?" I paused a bit and continued. "What are your dreams and aspirations...?" I stopped my questions there, if I asked them too much in that state they would be confused.
The two boys were finally knocked out before me. Heheh yes! (( @Talon its Wesley Grimm)) Quickly moving I lifted hot-head over my shoulders and dragged the blue-haired boy @TrippyVirus over to an empty storage room near us. Setting them down, I pulled out a black device and put some electrodes on both of their foreheads. Whilst its recommended to perform the test one at the time, I'm eager to see if it can be done with two people simultaneously. "Now." I pressed a record button on the black device and monitored their heart rates on its screen. I started playing a frequency on a phone and the test had begun. "What is your name...?"  I asked them both individually. I gave them a little shock with the electrode sending them into a half-sleep, half-awake state which enabled them to retain some shred of hearing. "Now, what is your deepest darkest fears...?" I paused a bit and continued. "What are your dreams and aspirations...?" I stopped my questions there, if I asked them too much in that state they would be confused.

"Smith Johnny Quinston." "Isolation." "Hopefully getting a wife, and have my Angelic genes to my children." He answered every question.
"Smith Johnny Quinston." "Isolation." "Hopefully getting a wife, and have my Angelic genes to my children." He answered every question.

"Final question.. What is the airspeed velocity of a fully laden swallow...?" I monitored their heart rates carefully, they were stable.
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"Final question.. What is the airspeed velocity of a fully laden swallow...?" I monitored their heart rates carefully, they were stable.

"Twenty two. Half of my own speed." He answered it too, but he was starting to get confused.
Maxwell awakes from his bed in the Immaterial plane. Though time around him was very slow until he got up and Max return into the material world. He looked around his room and still sees his stuff on the bed," I haven't taken my luggage out, my-my." Though as much Maxwell wants to take his luggage out, his body was stiff from sleeping for a while. Due to helping his fell students from the were-bear-pyre, time starts to slow down but wasn't frozen. But everything around him was very slow, for Maxwell finds this use of his Chronoshift energy efficient. He walked out the room and starts exploring yet again, heading towards the gymnastic part of the academy.

"Between the here, between the how

Between the north"-

Has he passed by the pool side he heard someone singing as he passed the doorway to the swimming pool. Maxwell stayed by the doorway listening to the music singed by what it seems to be a mermaid?

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