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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Dainasha took a deep breathe, appreciating the view from above one last time before she stepped out of the aerial vehicle (which she believes is called a helicopter). She felt refreshed, for many years she have been submerged under the sea and was exploring the deep blues ever since. She have always loved looking up at the blues parallel to the ocean, the sky, and think about what the birds would feel like while they stretch their wings and roam the skies.

Shaking the thoughts off her mind, the mermaid (in her human form) clutched the amulet through her scarf (she insisted on wearing the scarf so she could hide her gils), closed her eyes and opened them. She saw her fellow late-comer heading the building. She had no idea where to go so she figured she could atleast ask for some direction. The girl fastened her pace so she could catch up with him, "Um, excuse me? Do you know where we should be going?" she asked, her pretty voice (suited for a mermaid) felt dry for she was out of the water ror the first time since forever.

@Quinn Sheon
Whitley's eyes widened at the sight of Hope's powers, and her 'power mode' kicked on too. She sped past Hope and towards the tangled bear, tapping it on the nose. It's movements became silent before it fell silent, taking deep breaths. It was asleep now.

@Thalia Raiz


"Thanks Whitley," she said. Her breathing was finally getting to a normal level. She still had sweat beading her skin. She stood up, walking over @Oddball. "Are you okay? You just about died there. Talk about a near death experience." 
Henryk spun to see a girl with white hair. "Not a clue!" He said with a smile, " I just figured I'd walk until I found someone who looked like they work here. Wanna join me?" He was pretty excited to have met someone right away, his excitement for meeting new people was equal to, if not more than equal to, his excitement for being in a new place.
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The mermaid was taken aback by the cheerfulness (atleast that's what it seemed to her) of her fellow late-comer. She spun around and replied with a smile. Dainasha let out a faint giggle before nodding her head, agreeing towards the man's generous offer, "I'd be glad to." she replied. He looked so excited and so was she. Boy, how she love to explore the ocean, the land and air. 

"I'm Dainasha, what's yours?" she asked, her smile never faltering.

@Quinn Sheon
"Henryk," he replied matching her smile, "nice to meet you."

Continuing to walk, he took a closer look at Dainasha, she seemed very ordinary with the exception of her hair. Intrigued, he asked "So what's your quirk?"
"Are you okay? You just about died there. Talk about a near death experience."  It was the thorny girl from earlier, and emphasis on thorny because this rose really has thorns... So to speak... It's really just vines but the analogy still stands... I suppose. I observed the vines, manipulation of vegetation? Some form of plant-kenesis ... I had looked around me then, the azaleas had turned massive allowing for the subjugation of the thing. Accelerated growth as well? Ah so some type of accelerated growth too... I wonder if science could even explain such a thing.

"Fine as a dandy and sweet as cotton candy m'dear." I took a bow tipping my imaginary hat towards her. "My thanks. Frankly speaking, NDE's are becoming an uncontrollable hobby of mine you see..." @Thalia Raiz However, she wasn't the only one that helped; I turned toward my other savior the snake girl called Whitley and took another bow whilst eyeing her fingertips. @RomanticDaffodil Faint traces of something on her finger indicated something was not entirely right about her upper half as well. I took a look at the bear now knocked out, its muscles twitched with occasional spasms. Huh... Poison? Some sort of poison that could cause paralysis? Though I can't rule out the possibility of her producing lethal toxins. There are some creatures who can do both... I suppose the same could be said for this girl?

"Bzt..." What? I thought I heard some sort of radio white noise... "Bzt... That's no ordinary bear, if you haven't already noticed..." Where is that noise coming from? The signal was soft, I could barely hear it-no pun intended- but it was clear... "Its a were-bear-pyre... It's basically an undead werewolf/bear/vampire... Your friends may have brought it down, but don't think it defeated..." Shit! The voice came from me, specifically my neck. I felt a small metallic device on my collar area, damn it I was bugged! From that Hellgang person!? "Better run Mr. Grimm, its gonna be after you..."

My face twisted into a creepy smile as they were about to follow up with my question. But I saw the bear-were-pyre-thing, its tremulous muscles started bulging and it ripped itself cleanly from the vines. Its already elongated fangs grew sharper and longer and it pounced on me immediately with no time for word. I back stepped and started running somewhere- I don't know but I needed to draw it somewhere else before it hurts somebody else. 

"Run run raven! I quoth you that you will speak nevermore!" I heard mad cackles over the bug. "Don't you think we wouldn't notice you snooping around the Dossier files of the faculty and staff? You are a spy yes? Who are you with? Did Newage hire you? You've evaded our sights and walked right under the academy's noise, in broad daylight no less! How brave? No how foolish!

Newage? What is he talking about? A detective I may be but I'm here independently... I quickly flew up a flight of steps glancing at glass walls along the way. The unholy abomination was running on all fours and gaining on me, from what it looked like on the reflections.  Nearing the top of the stairs I huffed a bit as I was nearly out of breath and quickly scanned my locale. Where am I? I noted two distinct personas that clashed like chess pieces: a white haired girl and a boy with a goth fashion sense. I yelled at them to get away. "Hey! You kids run!" @Quinn Sheon @ThatDove

*Shatter* *ROAAR!* 

"OH COME ON! WHAT EVEN IN THE HELL IS A WERE-BEAR-PYRE!?!?!?!?!?" Another dynamic entrance for the bear! It came flying through the windows and lunged at me. And one small backstep for man! I evaded the blow once more and retaliated with a roundhouse kick to its face. I breathed hard. I was tired and wiped out from all the running... "Damn," I huffed out. "I need to get back in shape..." I parried a claw swipe and kneed the thing with no effect. I rolled back and armed myself with a sharp piece of glass from the shattered window and lunged at it successfully stabbing it, but a blow to the stomach knocked out all the wind. I flew back on my knees and gasped for air. 
Yu Shen wondered around the school. She located the principals office after a while and a servant was then promptly told to show her too her dorm. She was told she was currently in a room on her own, but more students were expected. She put her stuff in her room and sat for a while, collecting her loose nerves. She never showed much emotion apart from anger and a blank, neutral expression that told people nothing. Here, alone, she could relax a little. Turns out this whole school thing scared her. It hadn’t worked out for her well last time she’d tried it. And now she was in a place where most people could probably kick her ass. She just hoped no one started trouble… including her.

She decided to get up and see the school while she could. She spent about 10 minutes aimlessly wondering the corridors, and then turned a corner and found herself outside. That was a bad place to go. Very bad. “WHAT THE F@#$!?” She yelled out in chinese. “WHAT THE F@#$ING HELL IS THAT!?” There was a huge white bear outside. A. HUGE. WHITE. BEAR.

Where were the damned teachers?? Why were there students running and fighting and screaming. She transformed herself into a large siberian husky for more speed and ran towards inside with a couple other students @ThatDove @Quinn Sheon 

But the thing smashed through the windows. A guy was fighting it. She bared her large teeth, backing up slightly. Her heart was pumping. This was an animal. She wondered, if it wouldn’t attack her, like all the others. Or… maybe her ability wasn’t going to be enough to stop this thing.

She looked at the bear, growling until the thing looked into her eyes


She commanded in her head 


The thing actually hesitated, clearly struggling. This, if anything, was the chance of a lifetime for someone else to attack

“LOOK AT ME, STAND DOWN, I SAY” The bear stopped moving, but it wasn’t going to last long.

She changed back into a human “ATTACK  IT NOW” She cried out to any other person that would listen @Oddball
Henryk turned to see the beast. He glanced at the person who was just a husky and nodded acknowledging her command. His face fell to a more serious look. He turned to Dainasha, "guard my body for a sec. I rather like and prefer if it wouldn't be damaged." And with that he left his body, a serious look frozen on its face. He entered the beast's body which was easy as it was distracted. As soon as he was in he began his search for any weak points in it. He found what he was looking for, its size would be its downfall as it could easily be knocked over onto its back.

He tried to leave but the beast did something he did not ever think would happen. When he possesses someone, they want him out, but as the beast regained its bearings (no pun intended) it took control again and trapped Henryk inside. He had to get out to tell of his discovery, but something needed to weaken the beast first or he would remain trapped.
Henryk turned to see the beast. He glanced at the person who was just a husky and nodded acknowledging her command. His face fell to a more serious look. He turned to Dainasha, "guard my body for a sec. I rather like and prefer if it wouldn't be damaged." And with that he left his body, a serious look frozen on its face. He entered the beast's body which was easy as it was distracted. As soon as he was in he began his search for any weak points in it. He found what he was looking for, its size would be its downfall as it could easily be knocked over onto its back.

He tried to leave but the beast did something he did not ever think would happen. When he possesses someone, they want him out, but as the beast regained its bearings (no pun intended) it took control again and trapped Henryk inside. He had to get out to tell of his discovery, but something needed to weaken the beast first or he would remain trapped.

From the hallway to the dorms, Maxwell was taking a easy going pace until some shouting and a roar echoed across the hallways.

"My, my what could that be?" Maxwell thought as time slowed down and he made his slow pace towards the commotion. Eventually around the corner was a frozen scene of what seems to be a were-bear-pyre recovering from something. "Oh my, haven't seen one these for a long time." Maxwell ponders as he examines the situation, the situation seems dire and it seems that the students here needs a helping hand. But Maxwell realize that he's almost of time before his "Chronoshift" ends, as he examines the scene more he found an anomaly within the were-bear-pyre. From Maxwell's first hand experience it seems someone was possessing the bear but to Maxwell's own known knowledge, one does not simple possess the bear without getting trapped in the horrendous creature. "You can go in, but you can't back out, thus the unbearable trap for ghost, or something any possessors." Maxwell said as with the terrible bear pun finally knows what to do before time runs out for him. He sent his arm into the Immaterial plane and grab hold of what is seems to be the trapped spooky student.Transferring the student's into the Immaterial plane and put him out of the bear and transfer him back into the material plane. "This is really tiring, but I'll like to see how this go. . ." As he let in and out a deep breath and went up to the wall nearby and sat down on the floor. Then his time start's resuming and the scene starts with Maxwell suddenly appearing at the way back of Wesley and the spooky possessing student out of the were-bear-pyre.

@Oddball@Lava@Quinn Sheon

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Henryk looked around, confused. One second he had been stuck in that beast and the next thing he knew he was back out. No time to worry about that now he thought. He flew back to his body, repossessing it. "It has terrible balance!" He shouted to the others over the sound the beast was making as it too was trying to figure out what happened, "If you can knock it over, it will be easy to take it out!" With that out there, he waved his hand over his spellbook. As he did so his hand was encased in a purple glow. Mom always said "Don't poke the bear..." looks like I'm gonna have to. Henryk extended his arm towards the beast's eyes and muttered a few words. A bolt of the glowing energy on his hand flew at the thing and struck it in the eye. Not enough to damage it, but just enough to seriously tick it off, making it rear back on its hind legs and let out a bone-rattling roar.
I huffed with another hoarse breath... And all of a sudden I see another girl... Er... One with antlers..? She right before my eyes transformed into some sort of wolf..?And ran towards us. Hmm... It might not actually be a wolf... Ah, a dog, a husky I think...  What is that like a wolf-husky-deer-antelope-girl? ...There seems to be a trend here... But regardless of hyphenated combinations of animals and mythical creatures , it looks like the wolf-husky-deer-antelope-girl is helping me with the were-bear-pyre... I'm never going to get used to that and god forbid I do... I awaited her performance with baited breath, but she just stood there staring and growling at it. My instincts were to grab the wolf-husky-deer-antelope-girl quickly but I was still winded and couldn't get on my feet. She just stood there on-all-fours, staring. Run! I wanted to shout desperately but it came out as a violent cough in the wind. My mind was screaming inside, "Get out! That thing will kill you! Please... Just run away...! Leave me here... Its just after me..." I looked on, the bear looked as if it were to pounce, but it didn't and the girl just kept staring and surprisingly the bear looked conflicted in what to do. @Lava

The girl suddenly shifted into human form and yelled out, "ATTACK IT NOW!" And I would if I could but my lungs burned, it would take me a few seconds more just to even start breathing normally and by that time I think I would've squandered the opportunity. I clenched my teeth, these precious few seconds could mean deaths, can I even do anything!? 

"It has terrible balance!" The boy with the black coat shouted closely behind me. When did-...? I turned behind me and I caught glimpses of a masked student? Maxwell right? @Fear Fates Him too... How did they? He sat down near a wall behind the white haired girl. @ThatDove They were all in different positions than when I last saw them... Except the girl with the fine locks.The boy next to me shouted again as I groggily got up. "If you can knock it over, it will be easy to take out!" And with a crackle a bolt of luminous energy blasted the bear in the eye. @Quinn Sheon

Alright, enough being the useless adult. Not fully recovered yet I dashed towards the bear again with glass shard digging into my hands. While the were-bear-pyre staggered I deftly lodged the glass into its hind legs and performed a low sweep kick lodging the debris further in its appendage. Using the momentum from my sweep I leaped into the air and socked it in the face again, with all my weight behind the punch. It definitely did some damage this time and the undead beast fell over causing a slight tremor. Its not over, the thing was dazed and confused but it was weakened now. I don't have anything to deal the final blow with. I hope the others have something to end this with... I stood on top of the thing weighing it down. "Can somebody end this!?"
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Chris turned the corner and stared in suprise at the scene unfolding before him. A... thing seemed to be attacking students and had been knocked over by some dude who then yelled for someone to finish it. Chris shrugged and dashed forward, lifting his hands up and yelled for the guy on the thing to move, then blasting ice at the, whatever it was. It was soon encased in a thick layer of ice, most likely unable to do anything. Chris stood beside the ice-encased thing and looked around. "What the hell is happening?¿?¿" He asked no one in particular. 

@Oddball @Lava @Fear Fates

(wtf it wont tag anymore peoples...) 
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Henryk sprinted at the felled and frozen monster and with one smooth motion, leapt on top and drew his sword, drivingitdown into the ice just bear-ly piercing its skin. He lifted his glowing hand above his head and brought his palm down on the hilt, causing purple light to spiral down the sword and pierce through the beast.

"Sorry about that!" He apologized, drawing his sword from the monster, his hand had stopped glowing, "had to make sure it wouldn't get back up. If you wanna know what happened, ask him for what happened." he pointed to the guy who drove glass into the beast's leg @Oddball, "and have a nice rest of your day!" He said, his smile back. He turned and walked back to where he had dropped his bag next to Dainasha. "Well that was fun, wanna keep exploring?" He asked, hoisting his bag over his shoulder.@ThatDove
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Hope ran towards the scene. "Damnit! I missed all the excitement, didn't I?" She said playfully, "Oh well, we're at a supernatural school. There's bound to be another attraction sometime soon... Anyways I see that there's some new additions. For all you, I'm Hope." She smiled kindly. She had her arms behind her back, crossed.

@anyone (Too lazy to tag everyone...)
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Dainasha heard someone or something scurrying towards their way, she quickly looked and saw that it was..a bear? Whatever it was, it was bolted right through their way, she quickly dodged it and the next thing she knew, a spike of ice speared through it and it was frozen in time. The mermaid could hear it's distress call. Then the fellow-late comer from earlier entrusted his body to her, she tilted her head but nodded anyways. The mermaid looked at the beast and did her best to communicate with it,

Please stop causing trouble. 

She closed her eyes and she felt the beast reply, it disagreed, stated that the people around them were trying to harm the bear. She tried to persuade yet their communication was cut when something intervened, it seemed that her fellow late-comer entered the beast's body. She let out a gasp, she feared for the worst! "Please don't-!" she stopped when people appeared and teamed up on the bear, a spear of ice went through it and the next thing she knew, the creature was encased in an ice crystal, frozen in time. She let out a sigh of relief, looks like they weren't going to harm the poor thing any further. But Henryk, from beside her suddenly leaped and ended the monster's life.

A dramatic single tear escaped her bright blue orbs, her long white lashes fluttered as she neared the fallen beast. It's eyes were still open, so she reached out a hand and closed it. The mermaid whispered a goodbye before standing up, "What an unfortunate event.." her voice was sweet yet saddened. She went back towards her companion from earlier, "Nice to meet you Henryk." her smile returned to her red lips and she also faced Hope, "Hello Hope." she nodded her head at the said girl. "Ah, where are my manners." she put a hand on her chest and showed courtesy, "My name is Dainasha XIII." she tugged at her scarf afterwards, trying her best to hide the her odd fish gills. 

@Quinn Sheon @Thalia Raiz @everyone else
I jumped off the beast as an iceblast nearly froze my damn foot off. Ah, its that one-hot head? I saw him come out from nowhere and freeze the thing solid. Where did he come from? And how? And  warning the black-clothed guy jumps over me flashing a sword and driving it into the popsicle ending it rightly. "Sorry about that!" He apologized to hot-head. I'm more curious to why you're apologizing than your reasons for killing something that could be dangerous, but I can't say anything since the saved me; I'll just save the smartassing for later then. I dropped a sigh and examined myself. I was bruised all over, my suit in tatters and was bleeding from a few stray claw grazes. 

"Bzt... *crackle* Heh, you're lucky but you won't be so lucky next time my little corvus albicollis! I'll see you in class..." I looked on in annoyance and threw the bug device away from me. It combusted in a miniature blaze and then exploded. Plenty of students were around now, the very thing I wanted to avoid, but I'm glad no one got hurt. I suppose this might become a regular occurrence now? Another person came by, it was Hope who introduced herself to everybody, with people introducing themselves back. Whew... Its just the first day and I'm already torn up and tired...! Is everyday gonna be like this? Good god! I slumped down on another corner and pulled out another cigarette. I had only put it in my mouth and was about to light it before I felt really tired. I dropped the cigarette and decided it was finally time for me to quit for the sake of my own health... I'm gonna need it... 
Oh! A new person! Is what Henryk's mind instantly snapped to., maybe I'll spook her a little! He sat his body down, cross-legged with his bag on his lap and ditched the body, becoming invisible as soon as he left. He quickly glided behind the newcomer and slowly became visible again, as if he were fading into existence behind her. He tapped on her shoulder.

"BOO." @Thalia Raiz
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Chris looked at the students gatheing together and begining to chat and shrugged before walking to join them. He stood with his hands in his pockets slightly in the rough circle that was begining to form. He wore a content smile on his face, glad that he was able to helpand that was hurt. Well at least not too badly. He played with a tiny ball of fire as he listened to his fellow students chatter. @anyone 
Oh! A new person! Is what Henryk's mind instantly snapped to., maybe I'll spook her a little! He sat his body down, cross-legged with his bag on his lap and ditched the body, becoming invisible as soon as he left. He quickly glided behind the newcomer and slowly became visible again, as if he were fading into existence behind her. He tapped on her shoulder.

"BOO." @Thalia Raiz

Hope turned, not showing any sign of her being scared. "Nice try, but it's pretty hard to scare me," she said non-nonchalantly. "I'm Hope, and you are?" She had her signature smile on, the same one she always had on. First impressions are important, after all. This guy must have the power to teleport or something... He seems to have a fun personality. She thought. This place was just full of unique people, something that Hope liked quite a lot. Maybe her inner voice was right; maybe coming here would be good for her in the long run.
Laughing, Henryk flew back around Hope back to his body, the tattoo reappearing. He got up and walked over, still chuckling, "I see us getting along just fine Hope, I'm Henryk!" He said his smile as big as ever @Thalia Raiz, "Oh, and before I forget," He reached into his pocket and drew out a small black rod with designs carved into it and tossed it to the guy who punched the bear-thingy @Oddball, "take this, my parents enchanted it for me. When you need it, just touch the carvings and it turns into a knife. Next time, maybe, you can finish the fight, huh?"

Henryk looked around at everybody who had ended up gathering up to fight/watch others fight the bear-monster-thingy. He knew there was a variety of different creatures and what the rest of the world would call monsters gathered here, but looking at them now, you just couldn't tell. He suddenly remembered his quest to find someone who knew something about where he was supposed to go.

"So, Dainasha and I got here a bit late. Does anyone here know where we are supposed to go or put our stuff? Or maybe where we can go to find that out?"
"Find the headmaster. I'm pretty sure he'll be able to tell you what dorms your's," she replied. She looked over Henryk. The power to come out of his body, maybe? I can't be too sure, but that's what it seems to be... She thought to herself, still a little bit confused as to what Henryk's power could be. @Quinn Sheon
"Oh and before I forget..."  The kid in black tossed me something. I caught it; it was a small black rod with some some strange runic markings intricately engraved on the side. ""take this, my parents enchanted it for me. When you need it, just touch the carvings and it turns into a knife." Really? A knife? I don't need two... Ahem one and a half... But I could always use another just in case... But... His parents gave it to him, shouldn't he you know, take better care of it? On the other hand though, he is offering... "Next time, maybe, you can finish the fight, huh?"  Heh, don't worry next time won't be an issue... Wait. There's gonna be a next time? This school isn't right.

I clambered on feet and shambled down the hallway towards my room in the dormitory. I need to make some preparations for the school day isn't over yet, and I'll need to treat these wounds. I wonder when classes start. I never exactly got a schedule. I assume that some P.A. speaker will let us know? Time will tell  indeed.
In was over and Yu Shen took a moment to regain her breath. She stared at the bear and felt a sense of sadness. She couldn't help the feeling of hurt whenever an animal was hurt. It came from within her, it was probably from her fathers side, she supposed. Another girl was having the same feeling... she had a strange sense of connection with her. Maybe they were similar in type.  The others easily started talking around her. She felt a stab of anxiety. She would just draw attention to herself if she awkwardly said nothing and left like a freaking ghost.

She went to talk to the other new guy... She'd meet the others next. But he needed to go to the same place she just went. She ran to catch up with him and cleared her throat. "Eh hum... excuse me, but are you new as well? The principal told me someone named Hen..." She struggled with pronouncing the name "Hen... rick. Was in my dorm room, that he would arrive soon." She blinked "Is... that you?" @Quinn Sheon
"Yes it is, thank you. I Henryk and youuu..." his voice kinda trailed off as he examined the girl who stood before him, "...have antlers? that is so badass!" He said with a look of awe on his face.Wait a sec... she was able to transform into an animal, and she seemed to be able to somehow stop the bear-beast-monster-thingy, AND she has freaking antlers... She's a one of those forest sprites that I've read bout isn't she? I wonder if they serve pizza here? "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be a forest sprite, would you?" @Lava
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As everyone introduce to one another, Maxwell was still tired from his slight intervention if you want to call it. Though as he wants to socialize with his fellow students, he has to rest for a bit before he talk with the rest. As much Chronoshift is useful in a lot of situations, the energy to spend on it was exponential for every minute he uses it. So as Maxwell at least has the energy to move a bit, he got up without no individual noticing him it seems. Passing through the corridor and hung around to walls all the way to his room.

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