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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Whitley nodded, and waved her fingers around. "What can you do?" she asked, placing her chin in her hands. She nervously tapped her nails on the table, happy she finally got the chance to talk to Hope. To her, Whitley thought that Hope was very polite and considerate. A good guess as any.

@Thalia Raiz
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After finishing his lunch Chris told Smithy he would catch up later and walked off to explore some more. He saw the girl he had grinned at in the lunch line talking to some other girl so he decided to introduce himself to them. "Hello," he said wih a smile, "Im Chris, how are you ladies doing?¿?¿"

@Thalia Raiz @RomanticDaffodil
As Chris leaves the table, Smith thinks of how hes kind of perverted and straight to the point. He make an awkward look on Chris. He finished his food and talk to the others. He goes to a person who has a mask covering his entire face. He greeted the man with a smile.

@Fear Fates
As Chris leaves the table, Smith thinks of how hes kind of perverted and straight to the point. He make an awkward look on Chris. He finished his food and talk to the others. He goes to a person who has a mask covering his entire face. He greeted the man with a smile.

@Fear Fates

As Maxwell as about to take his leave, but a young adult seemly greeting Max with a smile," Hello there Sir, I do say greeting someone with a smile can be interpret with either a symbol of good will, or some creepy perverted intent. I'll take the latter for this case." As Maxwell tip his top hat to Chris," But neither the less, My name is Maxwell L. Fates, and you are good Sir?"
As Maxwell as about to take his leave, but a young adult seemly greeting Max with a smile," Hello there Sir, I do say greeting someone with a smile can be interpret with either a symbol of good will, or some creepy perverted intent. I'll take the latter for this case." As Maxwell tip his top hat to Chris," But neither the less, My name is Maxwell L. Fates, and you are good Sir?"

"Name is Smith J. Quinston and I'm half angel and I'm 15. And no this is not peverted. I just want to know everybody, I'm a peoples person myself." He was making a half-truth. He wasn't allowed to have human contact at the age of ten. "What's your power? I have flight, healing powers and a bow that I can spawn from thin air but I don't really use them that often."

@Fear Fates
"Name is Smith J. Quinston and I'm half angel and I'm 15. And no this is not peverted. I just want to know everybody, I'm a peoples person myself." He was making a half-truth. He wasn't allowed to have human contact at the age of ten. "What's your power? I have flight, healing powers and a bow that I can spawn from thin air but I don't really use them that often."

@Fear Fates

As Smith asked the question "What's your power?" Maxwell chuckled, "My my, thirsty for crispy information aren't you. Well to tell you the truth I'm but a simple magician. I can make things disappear, and I could perhaps be anywhere. But it's just stage magic or something. Though one true power I have is a being a Gentlemen as the saying from father once said "A Gentleman is rather than a gentleman does". Will my answer suffice Mr. Quinston?" It's hard to tell if Maxwell was lying or telling the truth. Or maybe there was some truth to his answer. But seemly Maxwell is not lying nor telling the truth but he emits a mysterious atmosphere. Then again Maxwell is being himself I suppose.
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As Smith asked the question "What's your power?" Maxwell chuckled, "My my, thirsty for crispy information aren't you. Well to tell you the truth I'm but a simple magician. I can make things disappear, and I could perhaps be anywhere. But it's just stage magic or something. Though one true power I have is a being a Gentlemen as the saying from father once said "A Gentlemen is than a Gentlemen does". Will my answer suffice Mr. Quinston?" It's hard to tell if Maxwell was lying or telling the truth. Or maybe there was some truth to his answer. But seemly Maxwell is not lying nor telling the truth but he emits a mysterious atmosphere. Then again Maxwell is being himself I suppose.

"It will yes." He types on his phone and types Maxwells info. He was secretly typing on his phone outside and typed info on Chris too. (He's kind of a sleuth, but he's just getting everybody's info for knowing them.) And his digestive system kicks in. "Gotta go, to the bathroom!"

@Fear Fates
"It will yes." He types on his phone and types Maxwells info. He was secretly typing on his phone outside and typed info on Chris too. (He's kind of a sleuth, but he's just getting everybody's info for knowing them.) And his digestive system kicks in. "Gotta go, to the bathroom!"

@Fear Fates

"Very well, we'll talk another time." In a second Maxwell was behind Smith and whispered a bit," I do hope I'll be acquainted with your friend in due time Mr. Quinston. " Then Maxwell went on to meet with Hope and her new acquaintance.
((First Person POV -Wesley Grimm))

Damn... My head was spinning, just a few minutes I ago I was drinking coffee... I think? Perhaps it had been hours... Pain engulfed the greater part of my sensations. Last I remember some, person accosting me... Hellgang was it? Wait... I remember that name... Its on the list of notable persons dossier, along with some of the other staff and kids...  Ugh... My headache... 

I propped myself up on a near by wall, my vision was still blurred. Am I concussed?  Instinctively I pulled out a familiar syringe from my blazer pocket and started feeling around my neck. Once I found the jugular I impaled myself with the needle and slowly pushed it down.

"Argh..!" I softly grunted from the the sharp feeling. Everything started getting coherent and my headache started clearing up. That guy thought I was a raven huh? Damn, I must be too good for this... Ow...

I slowly got on my feet and dusted off my suit. My body still ached from the assault, I looked at the man clearly now who had his back turned towards me heading over to what looked like another instructor and that one muscle-head from before and Lenar. @Zombocalypse @MightyRussianFellow Provost Mustafa Von Hellgang, I recognized him now an experienced survivalist than got the honorary Ph.D in survival arts. Recalling his files, he was a former vampire hunter, really good one too. What made him stop and come here? Perhaps some connection with the dean... He's an eccentric one for sure...

I scratched my head and scanned around for the remains of my mug. Hmm... Strange I can't find it... What the- wow, its intact. Huh... It had landed (with all of its contents inside) perfectly back on the coffee stand. Hmph... Not bad...  I gingerly took the mug once more and carefully scanned the room for anymore incoming bear-riding lunatics. A sight caught my eye however, it was that snake- ahem naga if I heard Lenar correctly... @MightyRussianFellow An very attractive woman and a handsome-looking dude with a hoodie. @Talon Though I doubt anyone is ordinary by my standards in this institution...  Guess I should go apologize for what I did earlier. I sauntered over sipping my coffee, and it looked like they were having a pleasant conversation regarding countries of origin. "Afternoon, ladies and lad, I know I'm butting in, but may I interrupt just for a quick moment?" I turned over to the naga. "I apologize for my rude comments earlier, I am just accustomed to er... Feet..." @RomanticDaffodil @Thalia Raiz
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(Lusitania´s POV)

"WOW!" was the only sound I could utter as I gazed upon this cafeteria place for the first time. It was amazing, so big! Like, I knew there were bigger places, I had been to some of them, but even so, this was still so impressive! Could I even count the chairs in this place? Maybe I should give it a try...

I pointed at one then at the other, raising fingers on the other hand as I counted.

"One, two, three, four, five, uh..." Wait, now my hand was full! What should I do? All of my five fingers were raised from the counting and I hadn´t even gone over the first table! Aaaah, this was so complicated! But I couldn´t lower my fingers now, or I would loose the ones I had already counted. But the chairs would still be there, wouldn´t they? It´s not like they would disappear if I lowered my fingers... or would they? What if they did? Would I be called a thief? Would I be cast out of this place? No, I didn´t want that! I was in such a good way to making friends... But what if that meant I had to stay with my hand fully open forever? How would I grab stuff? Just with one hand?..  My heart was thumping fast, as I glared from one side to the other, almost expecting someone to be watching me, waiting to see if I would lower my fingers and make the chairs disappear. I didn´t want to be kicked out!

Tears covered my eyes as I lowered to the ground, sitting there. I couldn´t help but sob as the salty waters flowed down and I just tried not making much noise as to not call too much attention. I was still startled, though, as I felt a tap on my shoulders.

"AH!" I yelled.

"It´s ok, I didn´t mean to scare you!" A girl in servant´s clothes said, giving me one of those warm smiles people love to talk about. "I just wanted to know if you´re alright."

I didn´t hold back, just put my arms around her neck, crying my eyes out.

"I was counting the chairs, and then and then I got my hand full and then I think they may disappear if I lower them and and and I´m so scared!"

There was a simple, rubbing, sweet sensation on my head.

"Don´t worry, silly, chairs don´t disappear like that."

"They don´t?"

"No. The only thing that disappears here is your hungry tummy. We make food here. Do you want to eat?"

At the mention of food, my stomach rumbled, to which the girl chuckled. I pouted at this, but nodded in comply. I got up and the girl pointed me towards the place I could get the food from, instructions which I followed, floating there.
Hope was about to answer Whitley's question when first Chris, and then Wesley had rudely interrupted their conversation. She looked at Whitley, and then at the two guys. She gave them a smile, but there was a slight glare in her eyes. She then turned back to Whitley. "How about we get these guys off our backs and then we can talk somewhere where we won't be so rudely interrupted?" She suggested. She wanted to get to know people, but it was hard to do that in big groups of people.

@Talon @Oddball @RomanticDaffodil
Talons eyes flashed. "Oh come on. you saw me coming and I didnt mean to interrupt." he exclaimed, the air around heating up as he got fired up. Talon got angry easily and was a bit blind when he was. He crossed his arms stubbornly, prepared to stand his ground and win any argument that might arise. @Thalia Raiz @Oddball @RomanticDaffodil
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Talons eyes flashed. "Oh come on. you saw me coming and I didnt mean to interrupt. he exclaimed, the air around heated up as he got fired up. He got angry easily and got a bit blinded when he was. He crossed his arms stubbornly, prepared to stand his ground and win any argument that might arise. @Thalia Raiz @Oddball @RomanticDaffodil

"Uh... Dude?" Smith appeared in a flash. "Are you that perveted?"

Chris's Trait #02:


Chris's Trait #03: 


(Oh yeah the courier new font is when he reveals a Trait from someone)

"Don't worry, I'll help you." He made a fake smile and laughing in his head.
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"How about  we get these guys off our back and then we can talk somewhere where we won't be so rudely interrupted?" The normal-looking girl lashed out passive aggressively. I'm guessing she's one girl with an attitude. From the way she dresses it seems that she recently gained the liberty of such... Cathartic exuberance... Nonetheless she's not the only hot head here. @Thalia Raiz 

"Oh come on! You saw me coming! And I didn't mean to interrupt!" I felt somewhat of literal heat flare up around this guy. Temperature control? He folded his arms and then the temperature seemed to rise, and I started to sweat just a bit. These kids sure love to show off their powers...  @Talon

 I dropped in another sigh- I think this one is my fifth- another violation of expectations... Well guess I should give them space after all, teens will be teens and their sordid gossip. Its like the time I decided drop in on Cecile's conversation with her friend. Oh yes teens, sure like to keep us adults out of the loop.  Hmph... I simply just turned my back and walked away to let them solve out their own issues. Once you get older, confrontation doesn't appeal anymore, it doesn't seem to matter who is wrong and who is right. Its rather more how you feel about your own values and not what anyone else thinks about them. Sure differences arise but the hallmark of maturity is how you handle such differences. The agreement that people are different and have their own ways takes precedence over any other conflict;  another point of view the best choice is to keep things civil and respectful and not only to think about how you feel but about how others would feel. Shit I got all philosophical again... 

Taking out another cigarette, I lit it and just walked away. I'll have my chance to apologize, its just not now. I do hope that snake girl gets to voice her opinion in all of this however... @RomanticDaffodil 
Talons eyes flashed. "Oh come on. you saw me coming and I didnt mean to interrupt." he exclaimed, the air around heating up as he got fired up. Talon got angry easily and was a bit blind when he was. He crossed his arms stubbornly, prepared to stand his ground and win any argument that might arise. @Thalia Raiz @Oddball @RomanticDaffodil

She stood up. "Do we really need to be so sparky? Can't we just part our seperate ways? Maybe we can learn to be friends as life goes on? I honestly don't really want to set the wrong impression, I just don't like it when people interrupt a discussion I'm having, especially when I'm just meeting the person." She said with an apologetic voice that seemed to say 'Sorry for snapping at you' while still explaining. 


Chris didnt know what to do. It seemed like a fight was iminent and then she just defused it. "Oh... well... I guess, umm." He was completely floored at the moment. Finally he sighed and shrugged. "Ok, cya later then... come on Smithy." He said to his new friend and started walking away. @TrippyVirus @Thalia Raiz @RomanticDaffodil
Chris didnt know what to do. It seemed like a fight was iminent and then she just defused it. "Oh... well... I guess, umm." He was completely floored at the moment. Finally he sighed and shrugged. "Ok, cya later then... come on Smithy." He said to his new friend and started walking away. @TrippyVirus @Thalia Raiz @RomanticDaffodil

"Sure... Let's ask Rangar for your dorm." As Smith walks away with Chris, he says to him, "Your powers are fire and ice, right? I saw  you were showing those cool wings that were made from fire and ice."

(Smith is like sans, but he won't show his dark side too often. He'll show his true colors when he breaks.)
She turned to Whitley, smiling. "And that's how you stop a near argument from occurring... To be honest, that kinda felt empowering." She said, returning to her natural smile. 
When Hope yelled at the two students, Maxwell made a dead stop and realize she and her new friend will want to some alone time. So he decided to turn the other way and will wait a bit before meeting Hope's new friend. So Max decided to exit the cafe.

Whitley watched the interruptions from the various men come and go. She shook her head once they left. "Men are strange things." she said, watching them walk away. "I'll ask again, before we were so rudely interrupted. What can you do?" She had a puzzled look on her face, trying to maintain her best english. Snake was her native language, and she had a difficult time not switching between the two.

@Thalia Raiz
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