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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Whitley came out of the bushes and smiled. She assumed it was perfectly acceptable to hide in the bushes and spy on people. She brushes a few leaves out of her hair and looked at the newcomers, a little insulted when one yelled "MONSTER." at the sight of her. Whitley shook her head. "I've been called many things, but monster seems not to be one of them. Many call me Whitley." she told everyone, extending her hand. A casual human custom, she thought. The naga smiled and bared her fangs, the light catching off them. She kept her eye on the beautiful girl that had yet to introduce herself to them. 

@Fear Fates @Thalia Raiz @Zombocalypse @Oddball @MightyRussianFellow 
Hope turns away from Rodney, walking towards the rest of the group. "Hello, I'm Hope. Nice to meet you all," she said with a warm smile. She took the tulip out of her ear, playing with it in her hands. She looked at the new people; two regular looking guys and a naga. The one of the guys proclaimed that they were just friends, but from the way they looked, it seemed like they could soon become more. Everyone probably thought that she was human; she giggled in her mind at that. Sure, she may look human, but she wasn't; she was half  forest maiden. They were close to the same, but being a forest maiden was different. She felt more... connected to the plant life and all things natural.

@Fear Fates @Zombocalypse @Oddball@RomanticDaffodil@MightyRussianFellow
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Chris nodded. "Cool bro, im from Alberta. we're pactically neighbours!¡!¡" Chris chuckled and then perked up when Smithy said he saw some people in the garden. "Ya!¡!¡ Cmon lets go!¡!¡" He exclaimed before heading towards the garden. 

Lenar remained close to Weasley, by one half fearing what young man could perform when seeing other "gifted", by another half... well... a strange feeling of self-proclamation kept him in place like a powerful glue. Anyways, his eyes slides quickly from one person to another, examining them. Extremely buff person - Rodney, as he heard - was a half-demon. Every demon or angel could feel presence of each other: but demons felt presence of demons powerfuller than a demon would feel a presence of angel; same situation was happening within angels. Being a hybrid, Lenar was "gifted" with feeling both angels and both demons equally strong.

Back to the topic: Nice looking naga girl named Melanie, forest maiden named Hope, Gentleman named Maxwell, and two strangers looking from afar, and seemingly approaching. Yep, he noticed them only on second "scan", and some part of his mind shrieked from excitement: he had never seen so many people in one place!

@Thalia Raiz@Talon@TrippyVirus@Fear Fates@Zombocalypse@Oddball@RomanticDaffodil
Rodney was fond of groups. In groups, he often was the one with the best-looking physique. He noticed that the group just got bigger, an opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances. However, he didn't know who to talk to anymore. There were so many choices.

Suddenly, he felt hungry. And right exactly at that time...

Greetings, students, announced by the intercom. It was Ragnar speaking. I would like to say welcome to all the new students arriving in this wonderful academy. I wish you are all enjoying your stay right now. And I'd like to say that it's almost 12:00 o'clock. The cafeteria will now open for everyone.

This was great news for Rodney. Then he shouted to everyone.

"Hey! Let's all eat!"
Once Hope heard the announcement, she ran towards the place where she thought the cafeteria was. She was starving, and she wanted to make sure that she got the good food. She remembered being at high school. Always at the end of the line, getting all the sucky food. So she got to the cafeteria first, examining it before walking in.

The cafeteria was very very huge, enough to accommodate over a thousand students. And it has literally ten lines serving the same meal: Meatloaf, veggies, and mashed potatoes.

There was an eleventh line, serving specially prepared meals for students with special dietary needs.

There were several guards who made sure everything was in order, checking to see if anyone was cutting in line, causing trouble, that sort of stuff.

The tables were round and could accommodate eight people to sit down.

Maria Lopez was a twenty-three year-old Mexican-American pretty lady who had a talent for all things culinary. She knew it all: prep cooking, french cooking, frying, etcetera. She specialized, however, in authentic Mexican food. It would always be her favorite day whenever that was planned to be served.

Today, she was one of the servers at the lunch line. She would smile at the students and sometimes even address them by their names. She was a nice person, fond of others.
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So Hope got to the cafeteria first, examining it before walking in

Unknowingly Maxwell was beside her," You seem to such in a hurry to eat Miss Hope." Max was at the side of her looking around the cafeteria. "This place is quite big Miss Hope, bigger than the hotels I performed so far. But this takes the cake I do say so myself." Max step forward but stopped," Lady's first Miss Hope." He back to the side a bit and signed for Hope to go first. 

@Thalia Raiz 
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So Hope got to the cafeteria first, examining it before walking in

Unknowingly Maxwell was beside her," You seem to such in a hurry to eat Miss Hope." Max was at the side of her looking around the cafeteria. "This place is quite big Miss Hope, bigger than the hotels I performed so far. But this takes the cake I do say so myself." Max step forward but stopped," Lady's first Miss Hope." He back to the side a bit and signed for Hope to go first. 

@Thalia Raiz 

She smiled at him, walking to the start of the lunch line. "Thank you..." She said. She then turned to the first lunch lady. "I'll have everything please..." She paused for a second and then said, "I'm Hope by the way. What's your name?" She liked being friendly to all staff;  it's what she did at her old school, and they treated her well back. 

@Zombocalypse @Fear Fates
@Thalia Raiz @Fear Fates

It was Hope's turn to get lunch. Maria smiled at the friendly young woman and said, "I'm Maria. Nice to meet you, Hope. That's such a good name." She smiled as she served Hope lunch.

There was nothing Rodney hated more than being hungry. And right then, he was hungry, and was in a line. Even though he was only right behind Max, he still felt impatient. But he was willing to wait. He wouldn't cut in line, that would be disrespectful. And that wouldn't look good in front of that cute girl who was first in line.
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Chris entered the cafeteria and gazed around before getting behind 3 others. He flashed a grin at the girl @Thalia Raiz but said nothing. The two guys @Fear Fates @Zombocalypse weren't looking at him.After the 3 in front had gotten their food he stepped up to recieve his. He thanked the lunch lady @Zombocalypse for the food and then headed to a table, passing the 3 who had been in front of him in line. He took a seat and looked around for Smithy, @TrippyVirus who he had left behind as he ran to the cafeteria, but not seeing him Chris took a bite of his mashed potatoes and a satisfied smile appeared on his face as he ate one of his favourite foods.
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"Nice to meet you, Maria. Thank you for the food." She nodded and then grabbed her lunch. She sat at a random table, beginning to eat lunch. She started with the meatloaf, putting it in her mouth. It was delicious. She looked up. Rodney and Maxwell in line. Rodney looked impatient. He was probably like her: starving to death. 


@Fear Fates
Chris entered the cafeteria and gazed around before getting behind 3 others. He flashed a grin at the girl @Thalia Raiz but said nothing. The two guys @Fear Fates @Zombocalypse weren't looking at him. He thanked the lunch lady @Zombocalypse for the food and then headed to a table, passing the 3 who had been in front of him in line. He took a seat and looked around for Smithy, @TrippyVirus who he had left behind as he ran to the cafeteria, but not seeing him Chris took a bite of his mashed potatoes and a satisfied smile appeared on his face as he ate one of his favourite foods.

((I'm sorry but this makes no sense. Did you cut in line? How did you get food when you were behind Rodney and Max? Please edit this. I'm not considering at as a legitimate entry.))
After Hope left to a random table Max went up," Greeting Miss Maria, I'll take that mashed potato over there and- IS THAT MEATLOAF?!" Maxwell glee's in delight but settles down back to his savvy posture and slightly turn behind him. Noticing Rodney is being impatient and seemly hungry so Max decided," Well, Miss Maria I think my friend here should order up first. He seems to have an appetite right now." As Max steps to the side so Rodney can order instead of himself.
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Hope examines the food, unknowingly Maxwell was beside her," You seem to such in a hurry to eat Miss Hope." Max also was examining the food," I say, is this Bread Pudding?!" He glee in excitement finding that one of his favourite desserts was part of the selection. Max froze and regain his gentlemanly posture and making a coughing noise as he cover his mouth with his fist," Well isn't this fortunate. Well Miss Hope, do enjoy your meal." Maxwell tries to put on a calm and collective facade, but the bread pudding was to delicious to not go on a hype for Maxwell that is. Though a second later Maxwell vanished in a blink of an eye and appeared sitting on one of the empty lunch tables seemly waiting for anyone else to sit there as well.

@Thalia Raiz 

((Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and veggies are being served and nothing else. Please edit.))
@Fear Fates @Thalia Raiz

It was very nice of Max to do that. Polite people are very likable, and Max was turning out to be a good potential friend for Rodney.

"Thanks man." He turned to Maria. "Hi Maria!"

"Hi!" she replied back. "Here you go," she said as she served him the food.

Rodney looked at what he received. It was meatloaf. He loved it. More protein for his vain self.

He then went to sit with Hope. And as he sat by her, he saw her put the meat in her mouth. I bet she liked it, he thought, sitting down.

"What's your name?"
After Rodney went to the table

"Hello Miss Maria, I'll take what everyone having." Maxwell request as he looked at the tables planning to sit with Hope and Rodney.

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"I'm Hope. I saw you in the courtyard, remember?" She replied, taking another bite of meatloaf. Great, the flirt. She thought to herself, scrutinizing herself right after; don't judge a book by its cover. She looked at Max, waving him over as he was planning to come to the table.
"Yeah. But I didn't get your name."

Rodney began slicing the meatloaf with the knife. He stabbed the piece with his fork and ate it. It was good. He then looked at Max.
((I'm sorry but this makes no sense. Did you cut in line? How did you get food when you were behind Rodney and Max? Please edit this. I'm not considering at as a legitimate entry.))

((The post covers the time from him getting in line behind everyone to sitting down at the table. ill edit it too make that clearer sorry about that))
(Just switching 1st person view now lol)

Er... I... Its lunch... I insulted a fellow student... Gah! I hit myself with my own first... I forgot... School of Magic, Fairies, Nagas, Magical Fairies, Muscular Men, and angel pretty boys with nice eyes... 

I'm just not used to seeing the supernatural... It just not natural. Heh... I laughed at my own joke then I felt a surge of depression hit me as I laughed at myself. Alright, no more laughing at yourself, you made one mistake Wesley... Just fix it and move on.

"I uh... I apologize for the rudeness Miss Snake woman. Its not every day that you see er... Beautiful, buxom, reptilian women like yourself... @RomanticDaffodil And before she could reply, I quickly disappeared from the scene by jumping in the bushes and running towards the cafeteria. That should cover my trail, I shouldn't try to get to much attention... Especially unwanted attention...

Oh. I stopped running and realized something. Its like I forgot something... Something important... Oh thats right Lenar... @MightyRussianFellow Well that's not too important. 

Coming up to the side of a building which I assumed the cafeteria, I jumped out from the bushes again garnering some stares form some other strange students but I carried on as if it were normal... Yes normal... Wait I should be acting abnormal if I want to blend in with these guys! Yes I was approaching this thing all wrong! This school isn't normal so I have to act abnormal! Crap, I am a genius! Grimm you've done it again...

So I crouched low fixing my tie at the same time, my eyes unfocused. I crowed out loud much like a raven, "CAWWWW,  CAWWWWW!" And started slowly jittering my way inside the cafeteria. I found the the raised brow from some of my other classmates piercing, but I noted they only just looked for a second before turning back to whatever they were doing in disinterest. Inside the cafeteria there were even more students, so I was discouraged at first to keep my act together, but thinking of my granddaughter I steeled my resolve and pressed on. "CAWWW CAWWW SQWAAAAAK!" I crooned proudly, "CAWWW" Wielding the mighty chicken stance and flapping my mighty wings. I am acting as a raven... NO.. I AM THE RAVEN!  And I saw the line in front of me... But I gracefully squaawked on past the line and the guards and people looking at my like I was some loon... Until I finally bypassed the line and reached the lunch lady and I cleared my throat before speaking in my normal voice. "Hey, so can I just get a cup of joe? No food for me please. Thank you uh..." I took a look at her name tag. "Maria."
@Fear Fates

"Hi there, young man. Nice mask ((Were you wearing a mask?))."

Maria served him lunch.

"Thank you Miss Maria." Maxwell tips his hat and walks towards the lunch table where Hope and Rodney are sitting at. "Greetings friends, how fares the meal?" Max asked as he sat at the same row as Hope. He slightly moved his masked up so he can eat, though revealing heavy scars and burn marks around his lower mouth and neck. He starts cutting through the meatloaf and eats a bit of it.

@Zombocalypse@Thalia Raiz

((And yes he is, He wears it almost everyday))
Maxwell hears the squawking from the line and saw Wesley acting like a bird, but not just a bird, a Raven. Then again Maxwell thinks It's one of Wesley abilities." Mm, Wesley seems to be in full spirits. Must have some ability to a Raven I assume. Yet we don't know each others Abilities, strengths, and weakness." He turns back and resumes to eat his food.

@Zombocalypse@Thalia Raiz@Oddball

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