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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!


((Maria, and the rest of the staff have no nametag. But I'll let this one pass. No big deal.))

"Are you sure, honey? The coffee is right there next to the entry (Points. There's a stall with a sort of device that pours hot coffee with mugs, cream and sugar.)"

Maria was concerned with the young man. She thought he was in desperate need of glycogen.

"You sure you don't wanna eat?"
"No idea... Maybe he's trying to fit in because he doesn't know how to act around us?" She said with a giggle. She than took another bite of meatloaf. "He's probably just socially awkward." She shook her head at his ridiculousness.

@Fear Fates

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((Maria, and the rest of the staff have no nametag. But I'll let this one pass. No big deal.))

"Are you sure, honey? The coffee is right there next to the entry (Points. There's a stall with a sort of device that pours hot coffee with mugs, cream and sugar.)"

Maria was concerned with the young man. She thought he was in desperate need of glycogen.

"You sure you don't wanna eat?"

((Sorry bout the nametag lol))

"Oh uh... Yeah I'll be fine..." I squawked awkwardly  and turned to see a line of student and some guards with their eyes even more sharper than before piercing right through me. At this point I just realized. I think I made a mistake. Okay, I made a series of mistakes... So I fixed my ruffled tie and softly squawked and clucked my way all the way back to the coffee machine back near the interest. At this point I feel more like a chicken... I let out a sigh stood up straight once more and serviced the machine pouring some black java into a mug. Grabbing a little sugar  I mixed it in with a paper spoon sparingly pouring some creamer in simultaneously. I pushed my left hand into my blazer pocket and took a sip when the most outrageous thing happened that made me take a huge gulp and scalded my throat...
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"No idea... Maybe he's trying to fit in because he doesn't know how to act around us?" She said with a giggle. She than took another bite of meatloaf. "He's probably just socially awkward." She shook her head at his ridiculousness.

@Fear Fates


"That's a possibility, though it's not uncommon to see someone literally dropping in and then introducing themselves." Maxwell states as he finished eating all his food and wipe his mouth with a napkin. "Other than that the food was tasty. Must thank Miss Maria for the food." Max fixed his masked back into place and waits for Hope and Rodney to finish up there meal.

@Zombocalypse@Thalia Raiz
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((Sorry bout the nametag lol))

"Oh uh... Yeah I'll be fine..." I squawked awkwardly  and turned to see a line of student and some guards with their eyes even more sharper than before piercing right through me. At this point I just realized. I think I made a mistake. Okay, I made a series of mistakes... So I fixed my ruffled tie and softly squawked and clucked my way all the way back to the coffee machine back near the interest. At this point I feel more like a chicken... I let out a sigh stood up straight once more and serviced the machine pouring some black java into a paper cup. Grabbing a little sugar  I mixed it in with a paper spoon sparingly pouring some creamer in simultaneously. I pushed my left hand into my blazer pocket and took a sip when the most outrageous thing happened that made me take a huge gulp and scalded my throat...

((I said mugs. Ceramic mugs. Not plastic cups. Please fix this. lol.))
At a distant table sat Bruno Albertson, the Combat Arts teacher. He was, like the rest, eating meatloaf with mashed potatoes and veggies. He was alone in his table, and many of the students had no idea who he was yet. Then he saw something. The kid. Rodney Bills. He immediately recognized the face and the physique. He got a sudden urge to approach him.

((This is a repost, and a reminder of further who exactly is Bruno Albertson.

Somewhere inside of the academy was the rather large combat gym. It was complete with everything that was needed for the instruction of combat arts, including a firing range, a proving ground, a weightlifting room, a bunch of heavy bags, a ring, several hitting dummies, wrestling mats, and some weapon racks full of wooden weapons. Bruno Albertson, a tall and heavily-muscled man with long brown hair, sat by a table in a corner of the gym. He had been teaching in the academy for five years now, replacing the last teacher who retired happily after being paid handsomely by the school. Bruno was strict and often austere, indulging only in watching movies. He never had a girlfriend in his life because he considered women to be an annoying distraction in the achievement of perfection. His fighting abilities rivaled that of the greatest warriors in history, and was well-versed in all manners of combat.

In this day, he simply sat on his corner and read about his prospective students. One particular student caught his attention from the paper he was reading. Rodney Bills was his name and was the son of a demon. He saw that Rodney was versed in most martial arts. This delighted Bruno and had a smile on his face. He already knew who his favorite student would be...))
@Thalia Raiz @Fear Fates

Rodney was usually the one to finish first on the meal table. This time, it was the masked kid.

"Hey, did I get your name before? What was it again?" he said to Max. He really wondered what was underneath that mysterious mask. It was an unusual moment that in the table, he paid more attention to a man than the pretty woman he was sitting next to.
Hope kept eating, finishing her food. She stood, walking over to Max. "Let's go thank her, shall we?" She said, walking over to Maria. She put on a nice smile. "Thank you for the food, Maria. It was delicious!"


@Fear Fates
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((POV Thirdperson of Survival Teacher))

The cafeteria was lively with the chatter of students and the faint squawks of a raven. Wait... Raven?

The man twitched and a great beast of fur rose from beneath him. The dressed in a hard leather overcoat and an bowler hat hardpressed on his head. His breath smelled of smoke and bread. He wrestled the the great beast in earnest but something of interest took him on and the furry beast was no more than just a side toy now. The raven calls and is heard nevermore... With limbs of seeming iron he pulled the beast now roaring a fit and dragged it across the ground and into the light of the garden. The beast was an extremely large bear and the man dragging the thing like a child dragging a teddy bear started running towards the cafeteria.

And in a second the peaceful place where students were just eating their lunch was shattered along with some large windows. The man and bear in tow busted through the window panes and into the cafeteria with sheer audacity and some students scattered, some stayed seated looking on in interest. The bear was slumped on the ground, still very much fine and alive but looking extremely tired. The students had a good look at the man, extremely thin almost, emaciated, long unkempt hair, and a long stubble bordering the lines of beard territory already. He let go of the bear who simply rested on the ground and took a good long look at a student in a black suit with tired eyes...

"Now, this is simply fascinating...  I've always wanted to see an African Raven! Ah, I see corvus albicollis! The white-necked raven! I'll say even though they say its common in Africa this is my first time seeing one in first-hand! Bollocks to those indigenous researchers.." 

The student coughed haphazardly from the sight of the man busting in and the man simply observed the student curiously watching any movements.

"Something is stuck in its throat..." The man grabbed Wesley by his collar like a ragdoll and slapped its back so hard that some black and red liquid came splashing out.  "Ah here we go..." The man let him down and the student collapsed on the floor.

"W-what the h-hell!" The student still coughed and looked shocked.

"Ah..." The unkempt man cocked his head in even more interest. "Look students! The African White-Neck is attempting vocal mimicry! This is absolutely exciting!" The man pulled the raven up. "My name is Mustafa von Hellgang! Say it with me creature! Mus-ta-fa Von Hell-gang!"

"Nice to meet you mister Hellgang." The student coughed some more and smirked despite getting thrashed.

"OH!" The man looked surprised. "My word! Its not simply mimicking vocalization its actually responding! Its sapient! Oh the joy and wonders of! I must put on my glasses for examination!" The man put on his spectacles and his face shifted with apathy. "Oh its just a student." Mustafa then quickly threw the student back on the ground and turned to see his fellow colleagues in the room. "Hi there friends!"
@Thalia Raiz @Fear Fates

Rodney was usually the one to finish first on the meal table. This time, it was the masked kid.

"Hey, did I get your name before? What was it again?" he said to Max. He really wondered what was underneath that mysterious mask. It was an unusual moment that in the table, he paid more attention to a man than the pretty woman he was sitting next to.

"Yes you had, well I think but let me reintroduce myself again. I am Maxwell L. Fates, nice to meet you Mr. Rodney." Maxwell tips his top," Looks like I'll see you sometime later." as he gets up to thank Maria for the food with Hope, " Your food was delightful, do hope I enjoy more of your culinary skill Ma'am." Maxwell slightly bows with his upper body.

@Zombocalypse@Thalia Raiz
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Chris entered the cafeteria and gazed around before getting behind 3 others. He flashed a grin at the girl @Thalia Raiz but said nothing. The two guys @Fear Fates @Zombocalypse weren't looking at him.After the 3 in front had gotten their food he stepped up to recieve his. He thanked the lunch lady @Zombocalypse for the food and then headed to a table, passing the 3 who had been in front of him in line. He took a seat and looked around for Smithy, @TrippyVirus who he had left behind as he ran to the cafeteria, but not seeing him Chris took a bite of his mashed potatoes and a satisfied smile appeared on his face as he ate one of his favourite foods.

"Hey dude. Sorry, my parents called me." He sits down and ate meat. Meat is the only thing he craves for. Next to candy.
((I should probably follow the thread to get notifications I'm not tagged in.))

Whitley followed everyone into the cafeteria, gathering her food and staying silent, not speaking to Maria. Receiving food from a stranger was an odd concept to her, so she kept as quiet as possible. Whitley sat at the end of the table, since she could t fit into a chair. She smiled at everyone, and her gaze was drawn to Hope, the beautiful girl from earlier. She hadn't even been here for a day and she was already crushing on someone.
Lenar smirked at what Weasley said, and... he went off into the bushes? Meh, understandable. He was about to reply while walking, when


Teen turned stunningly in a direction of such strange sound - but it wasn't the thing that got him, it was the voice. Weasley? Squeaking like a Raven? As loud as some big steamship? Haha - nothankyou. Lenar didn't show sights of amusement, gently walking by the group, but slightly faster than others. When by the door, Lenar bursted inside (still walking like some freakin fashionable lady gently, and hover-like), fixing his eyes on Weasley, whom was standing in a line and acting as a crow. Trying not to get any other thoughts of attraction, he blended in with the line, taking his food, and speeding to the table like a very peaceful, smiling nuke. Before that, he thanked Maria with a simple grateful eyesight @Zombocalypse. Lenar then lowered to the seat opposite to Weasley's, and right before his question...

something large bursted through the windows.

Third time in a day, Lenar turned around, just in time to see a manly person beating bear into the ground with an ease, like if he was simply attacking a bug with a newspaper. Then, man had thought of Weasley being corvus albicollis, and turned his insides into a shake of black and red color. Instantly, man noticed that British student looked no like a white-necked Raven, and set his interest on different teachers.
Rodney sat there alone as the two other students left him. Unusually, he was slow to eat. But he did enjoy his meal. Then he noticed a commotion of a skinny-strong man with a bear who manhandled a student he saw before. He thought it was a sight to see, then wondered what race the skinny-strong man was, and wondered further what exactly was his role in the school. He would be delighted if he was the Combat Arts teacher, as it seemed like he could hold his own in a fight. The he kept eating until he finished. Then a man approached him.

It was Bruno Albertson, standing tall, had a beard, wearing a long sleeves shirt with hair going down to his neck. He smiled at Rodney.

"You must be Rodney Bills," he said. "Nice to meet you. I'm the lead Combat Arts teacher here. I know about your father."

Finally, someone who recognized the greatness of my pops! Rodney thought to himself. "You know him? Did he know you?"

"No. He didn't know me. But I've heard about his legend. He's popular in the underground fighting arena. The Ogre, his name..."

"Yes, definitely, my father was the best."

"Anyway," said Bruno. "Tomorrow is the first day of class. I'll see you then." He left.

Rodney then sat there alone, looking around, wondering what to do.
Lenar was, at this moment of time, eating little beef, but with a huge salad part of the dish. He enjoyed meat, but preferred vegetables over it. His mother told him (and he knew about it from various books that his human friends brought to island) that there  are tons of plants that have equal amount of proteins and fat in them. Of course, they were rare, but some of them were pretty common for people. It would be strange for another person to notice, but Lenar sat with a perfect spine, never bending down or anything. Heh, gravity may be useful from times to times. 

But now, he felt something wrong. It was Rodney - hope he spelt that right - who was looking at him with curiosity. Lenar - as again, stunningly - turned his hand, answering to two questions he had in mind while thinking about the individual.

"Lenar, Lenar Craestus. I'm hybrid of an angel and a demon, so that's probably why you feel me." 


"I could definitely feel your presence." he asked.

Somehow Rodney could sense something from this kid. He didn't seem different compared to the others, but somehow he felt as if he should hate him for whatever reason. Then he got reminded of what his father told him many times before. You'll know an angel when you see one. You'll simply know. At that point, show no mercy. They don't deserve it.

"And I'm a demon," he said. "I was taught to hate angels, sooo..."
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"Well, to be certain, I'm only half an angel. But I more specify myself as a demon, so nice to meet you" Lenar said, easily changing manner of his talking. He noticed an eyesight Rodney was giving him, so he added quickly.

"Stereotypically, I know you have reasons to hate me, so go on-

enough people died for him, enough disasters happened because of him

-...I'm not a person worth sparing" 


(Going AFK)
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Hope then walked away from Maria. She saw the naga and walked to where she was sitting. She smiled at her. "Hello, I'm Hope. I didn't catch your name at the courtyard," she said. She wanted to meet all the students around here; get to know their powers, learn their personalities, all that. She decided she should start with the naga, especially since she wasn't talking to anyone at the moment.

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Whitley's heart fluttered as she looked at Hope. She smiled, flashing her fangs. "I am Whitley." She replied in her thick accent. "I'm from the Philippines." Her green eyes stares into Hope's, her thoughts zeroed in on her. She was so beautiful to Whitley. 

@Thalia Raiz
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She held out her hand to Whitley. "Nice to meet you, Whitley. I'm from the U.S., like quite a few people here are," she replied, a positive attitude instilled in her voice. Whitley seemed like a cool person so far. But that was only two sentences from her mouth. She'd have to speak more to her before she really knew what she was like.

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