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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!


Whitley watched the interruptions from the various men come and go. She shook her head once they left. "Men are strange things." she said, watching them walk away. "I'll ask again, before we were so rudely interrupted. What can you do?" She had a puzzled look on her face, trying to maintain her best english. Snake was her native language, and she had a difficult time not switching between the two.

@Thalia Raiz

Hope sat down. "I can control plants and grow plants. I get it from my mom. She was... Special." She had gotten a little testy eyed about talking about her mother. All those years of emotional abuse from her father had done a number on her; talking about her parents in general had become a sore spot for her. She was having flashbacks of that victorious, yet horrible day. She rubbed the tears from her eyes.

Whitley furrowed her eyebrows. "What is the water for?" placing her hand on Hope's cheek. She quickly drew it away, realizing that that was a little odd. She muttered a quick apology and cursed in her tounge. 

@Thalia Raiz
"It's just... It's just kinda hard to talk about my parents. My mother had passed away while giving birth to me..." She said, embarrassed that she was crying in front of a stranger. The only thing she knew of her mom was what family friends had told her; she was very kind and compassionate, didn't have a rude bone in her body. Other than that, she knew nothing of her mother.

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Whitley nodded. "I know nothing of either of my parents. The earliest memory I have is the feeling of being... alone." For the first time in forever, Whitley looked down at her hands, nervous about someone's reaction or how they would think of her. 

@Thalia Raiz
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Hope got out of her seat and hugged Whitley. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that." She couldn't imagine not remembering ever having parents. Sure, her dad was bad to her, but at least he was there.

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Whitley weakly smiled at Hope and almost jumped back from her embrace. Such a thing was a forgein concept to her, so she had no idea how to react. She awkwardly put her hands behind Hope's back and patted. "I too wish that that never happened to you." she whispered in her thick accent. Her eyes closed and a single tears fell from them. 

@Thalia Raiz
Whitley weakly smiled at Hope and almost jumped back from her embrace. Such a thing was a forgein concept to her, so she had no idea how to react. She awkwardly put her hands behind Hope's back and patted. "I too wish that that never happened to you." she whispered in her thick accent. Her eyes closed and a single tears fell from them. 

@Thalia Raiz

She pulled back and looked down, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry I made this so emotional... It just feels good to let it out sometimes, you know?" She said.
@Thalia Raiz @RomanticDaffodil

Rodney saw the whole emotional moment. He wasn't much to cry, but he'd seen women cry before. And oftentimes who took those moments as an opportunity to comfort them.

However, this was his first time seeing a naga cry.

He just stood there, observing...
Whitley nodded. Maybe all those years in solidtude were bottled up inside her, waiting to be released. She hadn't ever known true sadness until now, when she finally let it out. 

The sun shining through the windows let light onto her face, and she stared at Hope. "It's nice to have someone. I hope we become great friends." she said, standing to her full height. Her head barely came up to Hope's chin, as she hadn't worked on the tail strength to lift her up any higher.

@Thalia Raiz
Whitley nodded. Maybe all those years in solidtude were bottled up inside her, waiting to be released. She hadn't ever known true sadness until now, when she finally let it out. 

The sun shining through the windows let light onto her face, and she stared at Hope. "It's nice to have someone. I hope we become great friends." she said, standing to her full height. Her head barely came up to Hope's chin, as she hadn't worked on the tail strength to lift her up any higher.

@Thalia Raiz

"I hope we become good friends too. God knows I'm going to need friend that actually a girl in this sea of testosterone." She said with a smile. "What dorm do you live in? Maybe I could hang out later." She was standing in a relaxed position. She wondered if the school would have them do anything after lunch or if it was just going to be social time till dinner.

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"I'm in dorm [insert number here because I forgot it]. I share it with a guy named Rodney. It might be quite a challenge, but I can handle it." Whitley replied running her hand through her hair.

@Thalia Raiz
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"I'm with this guy named Maxwell. I must say, he's quite formal while speaking to others, but that's probably just what his parents raised him to do. Anyways, wanna go to the garden or something? At least somewhere that isn't here." She said.
Lenar, noticing that half-demon has nothing to reply, quickly rose from the seat, and left the cafeteria (carrying used plates of course). He then threw a quick glance over the room, noticing Weasley slowly leaving off with a cigarette, and went out in direction of garden. Lenar knew it would be hard to earn friends here - but by hearing what Rodney @Zombocalypse said, most of half-demons or half-angels were either brainwashed with whole "DEY ARE BAAAAD - Kil EM on sight!", or simply hated their opposites. Welp, he already knew that he would take middle side of this battle.
Whitley nodded, and stared out the window into the garden. Her green eyes trailed a butterfly for a bit before returning to Hope, still in all her beauty. Whitley smiled, for real thing time, happy to have made a friend. She started to walk towards the exit, almost waiting for Hope. 

@Thalia Raiz
Hope followed Whitley's guide. She looked at her snake tail. It was kinda cool. Though she couldn't imagine living with a snake tail... Or even simply living without her own two legs.

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Hinotama didn't realize she was late to school. Then again, she never really cared. "Huh? I'm late! Where's my baka of a dragon?" 

Her little dragon roamed in, yawning,


She continued yawning, "You try to hard to be a tsudere..."

"Shut up," She groaned 
It had been a very long day. After a fifteen hour flight, she felt a little discombobulated stepping onto the helicopter. “How long is flight?” She asked the driver in a fairly thick accent. “Oh, you’re a late one. Yeah not long, couple hours. It’s getting on in the day, where were you? I was supposed to knock off by now!” 

"hǎo shāng xīn…” She muttered (Which translated into something like ‘so sad’) 

“What was that?” Asked the driver

“Oh, sorry, nèi ge, Flight was delayed.” She forced a smile, getting away with her rude remark (Unless he knew mandarin.) They flew mostly in silence after that. She even managed to fall asleep. When they landed, Yu Shen An thanked him and got out the helicopter. Would someone be there to greet her this late? She dragged her suitcase across the grounds looking around. “Wǒ yào qù nǎ?” (“Where do I go?”)
The garden had looked nicer than what had seemed before. In the eye of the beholder I suppose. The armerias and azaeleas in the garden shined brighter with their vivid colors. It looked like a minature sea of lavender and carmine with waves rising and falling caused by a gentle wind. I never liked flowers, or at least I never did think about them as much. I never had the time now that I realize it. Without thinking I started walking amidst that sea of flowers, it wistfully brought me back to sometimes when I used to take my old wife- back before we became romantically inclined- on a few business trips. *cough* *cough* I felt a pain in my chest grow  and started coughing.  I took the cigarette from my mouth and looked at it in some strange new fashion. When did I start smoking? Right... It was about the time Avery died. "I gotta give this crap a rest..." I muttered and popped the damn cigarette into an aluminum container and I went about losing myself in the flowers again. Its a strange feeling, when something that used to be so common to you becomes something very foreign and distant... "Jamais Vu." This was one of those mind blowing moments that when-


It was sudden sound. The gardens became silent with the only exception of a very grizzly sound matched with some very grizzly footsteps. It's one one of those very grizzly realizations that come when you feel like when you turn around there's gonna be something grizzly behind you. So  I took the chance of turning around, and low and behold it was a grizzly bear... Albeit around two times larger and with prominent fangs that clearly wouldn't belong to any normal bear... "Huh, so this is why they tell you GMO's are bad..." I deftly dodged a quick swipe from the large thing. I felt the wind as it claw passed right on by. One direct swipe will surely kill me, a not so direct strike will probably end up in loss of limbs or comminuted fractures. Shattered bones don't sound nice to me. It swiped again but I ducked under its arm and quickly grasped in my jacket, feeling for a polymer handle. I came empty handed however... Wait... Damn it all! I forgot the blasted thing in my suitcase! Looking behind the bear I saw some trampled flowers which led me to believe that this was probably the same one that came crashing through the cafeteria earlier. Why is it attacking me? Ah! I felt my collar and noticed some wet stains on them from where that one teacher had grabbed me. The fragrance was that of some cheap wine... Wow some luck eh?

This time with telegraphed moves the bear quickly lunged at me but I side-stepped in the nick of time. Walking unarmed in a school for some gifted crazies was not the smartest thing to do in hindsight. But when in Rome, do what the Romans do... The bear reeled from its lunge and staggered itself, didn't seem like it was used to its own body. But that was an opportunity and I didn't want to waste any remaining seconds on pondering on that fact so I saw my chance and took it. With all my force behind my right fist I threw it with my left pulling back and nailed the bear in the face as it turned around to face me again. "Yes!" I shouted to myself and I felt like my fist had done a great job, but only to realize that this is goddamn bear. The beast flinched from the blow, but did little else than that. 


The beast gave out a feral roar, then the six foot giant rose on its hind legs climbing to a height of sixteen feet and eyed my like a piece of succulent salmon. Well, it looks like I'm screwed...
"Ragnar the dean, who is up there in the helipad." He put his arms in the back of his head. "That guy with the vintage-like mustache."

"Ooooh." Chris nodded. He knew who Smithy was talking about now. "Oh ok, ya I know who your talking about now." He nodded again. "Alright then lets go." He said,not realizing they were already on their way there.

Henryk grabbed his bag and hopped off the helicopter before it touches the ground his rather long jacket blowing in the wind. The driver shrugged and flies off. As he hit the ground, Henryk placed his hands in his pockets, leaned back and breathed in the new air. "It's always fun to be somewhere new." He said and without so much as a glance around him, he headed for the building.
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The garden had looked nicer than what had seemed before. In the eye of the beholder I suppose. The armerias and azaeleas in the garden shined brighter with their vivid colors. It looked like a minature sea of lavender and carmine with waves rising and falling caused by a gentle wind. I never liked flowers, or at least I never did think about them as much. I never had the time now that I realize it. Without thinking I started walking amidst that sea of flowers, it wistfully brought me back to sometimes when I used to take my old wife- back before we became romantically inclined- on a few business trips. *cough* *cough* I felt a pain in my chest grow  and started coughing.  I took the cigarette from my mouth and looked at it in some strange new fashion. When did I start smoking? Right... It was about the time Avery died. "I gotta give this crap a rest..." I muttered and popped the damn cigarette into an aluminum container and I went about losing myself in the flowers again. Its a strange feeling, when something that used to be so common to you becomes something very foreign and distant... "Jamais Vu." This was one of those mind blowing moments that when-


It was sudden sound. The gardens became silent with the only exception of a very grizzly sound matched with some very grizzly footsteps. It's one one of those very grizzly realizations that come when you feel like when you turn around there's gonna be something grizzly behind you. So  I took the chance of turning around, and low and behold it was a grizzly bear... Albeit around two times larger and with prominent fangs that clearly wouldn't belong to any normal bear... "Huh, so this is why they tell you GMO's are bad..." I deftly dodged a quick swipe from the large thing. I felt the wind as it claw passed right on by. One direct swipe will surely kill me, a not so direct strike will probably end up in loss of limbs or comminuted fractures. Shattered bones don't sound nice to me. It swiped again but I ducked under its arm and quickly grasped in my jacket, feeling for a polymer handle. I came empty handed however... Wait... Damn it all! I forgot the blasted thing in my suitcase! Looking behind the bear I saw some trampled flowers which led me to believe that this was probably the same one that came crashing through the cafeteria earlier. Why is it attacking me? Ah! I felt my collar and noticed some wet stains on them from where that one teacher had grabbed me. The fragrance was that of some cheap wine... Wow some luck eh?

This time with telegraphed moves the bear quickly lunged at me but I side-stepped in the nick of time. Walking unarmed in a school for some gifted crazies was not the smartest thing to do in hindsight. But when in Rome, do what the Romans do... The bear reeled from its lunge and staggered itself, didn't seem like it was used to its own body. But that was an opportunity and I didn't want to waste any remaining seconds on pondering on that fact so I saw my chance and took it. With all my force behind my right fist I threw it with my left pulling back and nailed the bear in the face as it turned around to face me again. "Yes!" I shouted to myself and I felt like my fist had done a great job, but only to realize that this is goddamn bear. The beast flinched from the blow, but did little else than that. 


The beast gave out a feral roar, then the six foot giant rose on its hind legs climbing to a height of sixteen feet and eyed my like a piece of succulent salmon. Well, it looks like I'm screwed...

Hope had seen the sight of the bear. "Sorry, give me a sec." She shouted behind her to Whitley as she ran towards the scene. She quickly began to grow the flowers all around her, straining her muscles as she grew them to the size of trees. She made them all go at the bear, wrapping themselves around the bears limbs, pulling it back. She made it so the vines could pin it to the ground.

She had a thick layer of sweat on her body and she was breathing heavily. She sat down; that had strained her quite a lot. She cracked her knuckles. "Why the hell is there..." She took a breath, "a bear on campus?!" She messaged her head. She had a headache along with her muscles aching.   


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Whitley's eyes widened at the sight of Hope's powers, and her 'power mode' kicked on too. She sped past Hope and towards the tangled bear, tapping it on the nose. It's movements became silent before it fell silent, taking deep breaths. It was asleep now.

@Thalia Raiz

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