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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

Did she upset him? Oh thats right. Ghost boy was dead. She wondered what happened. What the 'accident' was. But she couldn't ask. So she just responded to the rest of what he'd said "China is freezing in winter but hot in summer. I love the snow especially when we went to countryside..."

She paused "I'm able to control a lot of animals, really aggressive ones are hard though. And animals will never hurt me unless I hurt them. My easiest form is the deer. I can transform into a dear, a dog or..." She hesitated "...A bunny." ugh never. @Quinn Sheon
He could see it on her face. She was confused by what happened but knew that she couldn't ask. "That's really cool!" He said, "the only way I can control things is by actually being inside of them." He joined her attempt to change the subject. It may have worked for her, but not for him. Well... I could give her the short version I suppose. "Well, I suppose I should explain what happened after I dropped that on you, huh?" He asked, knowing she wouldn't. He scratched his head, kinda nervously but with his smile still on his face. @Lava
She mentally whimpered yet again, and then looked down at the muffin. 

"What's in it?" She asked, both curious and suspicious. 

She was rather hungry...

but not ignorant.

She studied him closely, trying to detect any nefarious purpose with the muffin. 
She mentally whimpered yet again, and then looked down at the muffin. 

"What's in it?" She asked, both curious and suspicious. 

She was rather hungry...

but not ignorant.

She studied him closely, trying to detect any nefarious purpose with the muffin. 

"What's in it?" The girl asked apprehensively. Well I thought she might as well know if we're going to do this properly. "Oh you know the usual... Yeast, flour, pinch o' cinnamon, tranquilizing drugs, sugar, butter and butter exract..." And I looked around a bit making sure no one was around and whispered to her, "Don't tell anyone but the secret ingredient is love." I drew back and casually opened the bag. "So want one?" @Rui
Hope finally got up. She yawned and stretched. She looked at her IPod; her playlist was only an hour through. She kept listening as she fixed herself up. She then walked out of her room, looking around. No one that she saw. She walked out to garden and decided that she should start fixing the flowers, but only one flower at a time. She chose to do the flowers in the back first and slowly go inward. She began shrinking the flower farthest from her as she listened to her playlist.
"Well..." Henryk began, "the reason I'm like this is because of a younger and dumber me. I was maybe six years old at the time, but I was already showing great skill with magic." He reached down to his side and brushed his hand past his book. It came up flowing purple. He shook his hand and the glow vanished. "The more powerful I got, the more my parents praised me. Because of that, I got power hungry. I would stop at nothing to get more powerful. So when I saw a spell that would make me twice as powerful as I already was, I jumped on that chance." He paused to take a bite of pizza and a breath. @Lava
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Cyril Moreau

        I looked at the man who spoke to me as if he spoke gibberish. "Repete?" I said in French. I was really confused at the words he said. I didn't know what to do, and I was dumbstruck. I looked there a bit nervously, and I awaited his response.

Maxwell finished his apology and looked around confused," Hmm, strange." He looks around some more. Then he looks at the student," Well I haven't seen your face before, but nether the less, my name is Maxwell L. Fates. And you are Sir?." Maxwell masked shows the grinning feature of it and offer to his hand out.
Chris groaned and sat up. "Was that a roller coaster that I was just on?¿?¿" He struggled to stand and tottered a bit when he did. "Don't eat one." He advised the girl who was close to eating one. "It's got some sort of drug in it. He'll interogate you... I think..." He tried to recall but everything was fading quickly. Chris shrugged once. "Anyway, I'm Chris," he held out his hand to the girl, "nice at meetcha!¡!¡" He said nicely and with one of his charming (signature lady-slayer, make everyone smile, heart-melter) smile. "You are.?¿?¿" @Oddball @Rui
"So for this part to actually make some sense, I have to explain something first." Henryk said, "so imagine that you live in a house. You control everything about the house and when the house is no longer suitable for living in, you find somewhere better to live. That's your average person. Now apply that to a soul and a body. Your soul lives in your body and when your body becomes unsuitable to live in, a reaper or some other being takes you to a better place, heaven or hell." He took another bite of his pizza. "Anyways, when I tried to cast the spell for power, I screwed up. It ended up with my soul being removed from my body, so I was kicked out of my house and had nowhere to go. So my soul became a roamer, being able to pass into different bodies. Like a homeless person who can force his way into whatever house he wants for the night. Of course, this irregularity means that I was chased by reapers ever since then. My parents and my brother and sister moved constantly, keeping me hidden so that the reapers wouldn't come for me. Then my parents heard about here and I was sent here as a possible safe place where they wouldn't find me." He finished his story and his pizza around the same time. @Lava
 "Don't eat one." Chris had finally slumped up and tottered about, unsteady. @Talon "Its got some of drug in it. He'll interrogate you... I think..." He still looked unsure of himself but he shook it off and introduced himself to the girl who seemed hesitant to take one of my muffins. He had this goofy awkward grin on his face, its perhaps a possible side effect of the drug? Paralyzing reagents take awhile to get out of your system, I doubt he's got full control of fine motor skills. So his face looked half-droopy and half-lifted. I barely stifled a smirk and put on the sternest face I could possibly imagine. So instead I turned back to the girl and introduced myself whilst still holding out the muffin bag. @Rui

"I'm Wesley Grimm at your service, and I extend my offer again. Won't you partake in this most indulgent of darkest delights?" I swung back to Chris again, "How about you? Care for another trip to the forbidden garden?" 
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"Oh.." She listened to the ghost boy, but it was difficult. "Soul... I don't know this word..." She muttered, and punched it into her phone. When she figured it out she looked at him with a concerned face. "So... Is that not your body?" She asked "Are you... Inhabiting... Someone else?" Was she wrong? She hoped so. She couldn't imgine being forced to share her own body with another soul... "That all sounds, very interesting. It must have been difficult for you though. All I had was this things" She joked pointing to her antlers and laughing, trying to lighten the mood a little. @Quinn Sheon
Henryk chuckled at her comment, "No, this is my body. Like I said, my soul was removed through odd ways so instead of the house being in unlivable conditions, it's still perfectly fine. I was just kicked out." He left his body and the tattoo, which was just visible as a glow under his jacket disappeared. Confirming that he was visible, he looked back to Annie and gestured towards his body. "See the body will live on its own, but it has nothing telling it what to do, so as long as there's no soul in it, it will stay like that forever. Right now it's fine and there's nobody inside of it so I can pass in and out of it with no problem. However, should something happen to it that would kill it or break it enough, I wouldn't be able to go back and live in it." He went back into his body, the glow reappearing. "So, are your antlers the only thing that made you want to come here?" He asked. @Lava
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An odd piercing ring resounds through the hallways of the academy. A voice over the P.A. system rings out aloud for all to hear. "It is now dinner time, please proceed back to the cafeteria for dinner and for a special briefing from the Academy Staff. That is all."
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"I see." She said, bouncing the new information round in her head. She watched his display with a little bit of awe. "Wow... thats impressive. So you could possess me if you wanted then? No funny businiss!" She warned him, with a glare, before lightining up again and answering his question. "Oh, well mostly..." She said "From birth I had them, they were just stumps back then." She said "But the doctors were very interested in them. I was in a doctors office quite a lot as a kid. They tried to find out why I was growing them. Mum knew they never would but she didn't want this to get out of hand so she let them do tests on me every now and then." She frowned "Some of the doctors weren't... nice..." Her face showed a little bit of pain from a memory, but she moved on quickly. "School was bad too. When I was younger I could hide them under hats or hoodies because they were very short but eventually... they were too long to hide."

She paused, concentrating on forming the sentences, she spoke pretty slowly but everything sounded correct to her. "They wanted to home school me but I hated being inside. So... mum enrolled me here. Here is bettter... greener than the city." She said with a smile "Nice people..." She added, giving Gui Ren a grateful smile. @Quinn Sheon

She didn't mention about her father. That part was hard to talk about and she couldn't hide her feelings on it... so she left it for now.
Velari finally made it to the school and by the sounds of it just in time for dinner. He had a long trip and was tired and just wanted rest. He hand not had a good nights sleep in years, nor a good meal. Hmmmm just in time for dinner, guess I can eat before I get a good nights rest, it's been awhile since I had anything other than garbage and scraps, also a room for the first time in years should be nice, assuming this place is what it is said to be. He thought wearily as he made his way through the front doors to the school then started to follow the sent of food to find the cafeteria area. He was in fresh Kimono that was white with a light blue tribal print that covered the whole thing. He prefer robes due to his tails, which were swaying slightly in unison though a bit droopy. he also wearing simple white sweat pants and some wooden sandals. These were given to him by the government that rescued him, the rest of the stuff that was given to him was said to be sent to his room here at the Academy.

 So far so good, looks like a nice place, seems like there quite some students to, guess I should just follow them to the cafeteria instead of my nose, my sense or starting go into disarray, I need sleep soon. Velari thought as he shuffled carefully in the direction the rest of the students were heading. After reaching the cafeteria he found a seat to himself in a quite corner of the room after grabbing some food. He was surprised by the quality and variety of the food served but was grateful just to have something to eat, which he did quietly with a pair of chopsticks. He became unaware of his surroundings as he ate slowly, enjoying the first real meal he had in awhile.

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"Heh, guess we're opposites in that way. You wanting to stay outside, me being shut inside." He chuckled. Then the piercing ring struck Henryk's ears and he shuddered his ghost vibrated visibly to the outside world. Noises like that are particularly irritating for ghosts. Good GOD they're gonna need to change that bell. "Dinner already?" He questioned checking his watch, "well, I guess this place is about to get more lively... And loud." @Lava
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Annie nodded "Guess we started dinner a little early..." She said hearing the bell and waiting for people to file in. Guess this was her chance to get to know some other people. If they were all as nice as Hen, she would look forward to that. @Quinn Sheon @Open for interactions 
Velari finally made it to the school and by the sounds of it just in time for dinner. He had a long trip and was tired and just wanted rest. He hand not had a good nights sleep in years, nor a good meal. Hmmmm just in time for dinner, guess I can eat before I get a good nights rest, it's been awhile since I had anything other than garbage and scraps, also a room for the first time in years should be nice, assuming this place is what it is said to be. He thought wearily as he made his way through the front doors to the school then started to follow the sent of food to find the cafeteria area. He was in fresh Kimono that was white with a light blue tribal print that covered the whole thing. He prefer robes due to his tails, which were swaying slightly in unison though a bit droopy. he also wearing simple white sweat pants and some wooden sandals. These were given to him by the government that rescued him, the rest of the stuff that was given to him was said to be sent to his room here at the Academy.

 So far so good, looks like a nice place, seems like there quite some students to, guess I should just follow them to the cafeteria instead of my nose, my sense or starting go into disarray, I need sleep soon. Velari thought as he shuffled carefully in the direction the rest of the students were heading. After reaching the cafeteria he found a seat to himself in a quite corner of the room after grabbing some food. He was surprised by the quality and variety of the food served but was grateful just to have something to eat, which he did quietly with a pair of chopsticks. He became unaware of his surroundings as he ate slowly, enjoying the first real meal he had in awhile.


Ahri walked into her dorm, setting her bag's on what she guessed would be her bed, since she had seen no sign of anyone else taking it. She looked at the other bed, so i'm going to be rooming with someone... alright, I can handle that, maybe she thought before hearing the announcement from inside her room. She changed her clothe's into something more casual, but presentable at least. Though she started to regret not being here early enough to meet people, if this was like school with human's, then it was a free seating type thing, and now that she didn't know anyone here, she now had no one to sit with. Ok, it's fine, I don't need to know anyone anyway's, it's only your first day, it can't be that bad... She thought to herself and walked out the door, shutting it behind her quietly.

She made her way to the cafeteria, following the smell of food and the sound of people. She walked into the room, acting confident and like she knew what she was doing, though her ear's being flattened on her head said otherwise, one of the thing's she hated about herself is that her ear's and tails tell the truth on hoe she's feeling if she doesn't. She shook her head and grabbed herself some food, ok, you've gotten this far, what could go wrong? just sit down wherever you feel like and start eating she thought to herself and sat down a couple seat's away from somebody else, forcing herself to start eating without looking at the person, don't make it awkward, don't let curiosity get the best of you... oh screw it she gave up and glanced at him, "H-Hello" she said, although it was a little quieter then she would have liked. Even though she had only glanced at him, it was enough to see what he looked like and what he was wearing
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Chris glanced up and then between his two companions. "Well that's de food calling, let's go!¡!¡" With that he took off running but teetered and fell into a door. He got up with a laugh and continued down the hall, still teetering slightly every now and then. He made it into the cafeteria and hopped into the line behind a few students. Looking around, Chris tried to find Smithy, but not spotting him decided his friend must not have made it yet.

@Oddball @Rui@TrippyVirus
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He sees Chris just wobbling and fall onto the door.

"OK is he drunk or is he drunk?" He said to the girl. "Well, off to see where Chris is, See ya' in the cafeteria!" He walks calmly, Almost tripping a couple of times."Hey Chris!" He screamed at the back of the line in the cafe.

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"Well, I'm gonna go roam around and see what I can see." Henryk said, standing up and stretching. "Maybe spook some people..." He grinned an evil grin and began to walk into the crowd.
"Oh well that seems fin-WAIT WHAT?" She nervously wrung her hands. "Tranquilizing drugs?! What kind of psycho are you!" She was quickly figuring out how fast she could run. Everything was moving so quickly, the conversation progressing without her.

"Lovely meeting you both, but I'll be on my way." 

She leapt into Wesley's shadow as quickly as she could, raven locks flowing behind her like a magician's cape as they performed a trick. 

CAFETERIA? Where on earth...

@Oddball @Talon
"Lovely meeting you both," She quavered with a teeming sense of nervousness. "But I'll be on my way." And the weirdest thing happened next, it looked like she just jumped into my shadow?  Okay, that I cannot fathom, nor explain in any sort of rational way. Portals? She can sort of phase into places devoid of much light it so appears. And taking it purely from empirical observation from the earlier debacle, it wouldn't be to far-fetched if she could manipulate light-rays to create immediate darkness to which she can... That's where it all stops. What exactly does that girl do with darkness? Is it some sort of portal? Or something else... Hmm... @Rui

Well if you can't understand it, simply accept it until you then can. I fingered an un-lit cigarette in my mouth and followed in the direction of where Chris ran off to. @Talon I glanced at my shadow, still fraught with curiosity. Perhaps we did push her a bit, introverts shouldn't be bombarded with that much on the first day. My bad. Jumping into my shadow huh? Its got some kind of poetic justice to it, heh. "If one should stay in shadow forever, then that person will be just that, shadow." I muttered softly to myself. "But its understandable if lights around you are to bright you can't help but be blinded. Its okay to rest once in a while, but once you're ready, step once out of the shadow to give somebody a rest to eh?" My mad utterances hearkened back to my teachings of Carl Jung. The shadow is the darker self that the ego comprehends not; the undesirable side of you, the one that you lock away from fear that you might fully accept it to be you. But you just cut your very nature, you steal away yourself. "There must be a balance between the light of your ego and the darkness of your self. For true equilibrium."

... But if you would face shadow in a duel, then fight with sun at your back. I remember it well.

Amidst small soliloquies, I came back to the garden where I was first attacked by the some sort of undead-vampire-bear earlier. In the ensuing battle, unbeknownst to me at the time, the garden was ravaged. The flowers were shorn from stem to petals. Also in the middle of the garden I spotted a familiar figure. It was the rose with thorns whose name I still didn't know. @Thalia Raiz "Hey," I approached her. "P.A. said it was dinner time, shall we head over there? I'm gonna need someone to have my back if another bear attacks me you know?"
Hope heard the guy come over and smirked. "Don't think you'll have much problem with that, considering the whole school will move to you and protect you. What's your power anyway? You seemed like you didn't have much up your sleeve when the bear attacked you. Then again, you could be going for the mysterious type of guy. Anyways, I'd be delighted to be your secret service," she said to the guy after he had spoken. She stood from the job she was doing with the plants and walked over to the guy.
"Well I see your point..." I thought back to all the people who got entangled in the mess earlier. "And about my powers... Well to be honest, its kinda of situational. Not everyone has powers that equate to combat leverage, do remember. Besides I'm going for the guy-who-seems-mysterious-but-is-actually-open shtick." I tapped my head and turned over in the direction of the cafeteria. "But granted, I didn't have much up my sleeve to be honest, so really thanks for your assistance." I started proceeded towards it staring at the sky which was streaked canvas of violets, blues, and oranges. "So what's your story? How did you end up here in wonderland?" @Thalia Raiz

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