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Fantasy The Academy of the Gifted Ones!

It took Ahri a  bit of time to process everything that had just happened, the moment she saw the fire she had spaced out. She snapped out of her thoughts though when everyone was told that dinner would be delivered to their dorm's. Since she had already eaten, for the most part, she figured she could go back and just go to bed, she'd introduce herself to her roommate, or roommate's in the morning, considering her eye's were already starting to close. She pinched herself to wake up and stood up from her seat, exiting the cafeteria and making her way to the dorm. She didn't know the exact way, but she just went wherever seemed familiar and eventually found herself at the dorm. She opened the door and shut it behind her, almost shutting one of her tail's in the door, though thank god she didn't or it wouldn't have been pretty. Giving a small wave to the one person she saw in the room, she laid down in what she thought was her bed (Oh poor child....). Feeling something soft next to her, she assumed it was a pillow, although it was a bit warmer then the average pillow, she was too tired to realize this and ended up cuddling with it for comfort, since she was so used to sleeping next to the woman who had taken care of her for a couple year's, she had to adjust to the feeling of sleeping alone again.

@Mister Veeeee @KuroBara
Velari's nightmares slowly went away after someone had started cuddling with him. his body relaxed and his mumbling stopped. He started dreaming of nicer times, and a small smile appeared on his face. It had been awhile since he had felt any warmth. He wrapped his arms around Ahri and his tails slowly did the same and entangled with some her tails, while he slept. He had no idea what he was going to wake up to but for now he slept peacefully with some unknown comfort that warmed him and made him feel at ease.

@KuroBara @LunaCrosby
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Velari's nightmares slowly went away after someone had started cuddling with him. his body relaxed and his mumbling stopped. He started dreaming of nicer times, and a small smile appeared on his face. It had been awhile since he had felt any warmth. He wrapped his arms around Ahri and his tails slowly did the same and entangled with some her tails, while he slept. He had no idea what he was going to wake up to but for now he slept peacefully with some unknown comfort that warmed him and made him feel at ease.

@KuroBara @LunaCrosby

Ahri felt something wrap around her. Maybe the whole school thing was just a dream and she really was back in the old women's home. The thought made her calm to say the least, considering the old lady was the only one she really cared about, since her family had betrayed her and she didn't end up in the nicest of places for so long. Despite the thought's she was happy, even though she wasn't aware that she was in fact still at the academy, and that she wasn't hugging a pillow.
(Meanwhile I miss everything... WTF JUST HAPPENED!¡!¡)

Chris stood up, dazed and confused. All he remembered was talking to Smithy and then nothing. He rubbed the back of his head, there was gonna be a bruise later...

@anyone who wants to explain what happened or something...
(Well what happened is everything went to crap. That's what.) He would after a while of playing start to put the cards away as he then went into his bed. Having sighed as he noticed he had failed to truly bring anything for changing and such. It was told to him by his senders it would be with the next helicopter due to inconvenience with timing, and its obvious where they remained now.
He flopped back on the bed, not really caring about what's happening at all. The cop didn't bring clothes or weren't dropping anything off...well, ain't that a load of bull? He cursed under his breath, mumbling something about those cops, as he stared at the ceiling in boredom. He'd love to perform here, pull off a trick or two sometime, but he had to wait. "...so...what's your name?" he asked.
That's it? It ends like that? With some saucy woman and the rest of the school staff calling a quits on the whole affair? Apparently so; I looked around as exasperated students started leaving the ravaged area. Apart from the completely annihilated wreck of the cafeteria, the garden was flecked with small smouldering embers and fallen ash, and the atmosphere of peace was completely shattered after that mess. One student even turned night into day for a second there.@Rui It was for sure an exciting first day, I gave another record-breaking sigh and picked up my blazer which still looked pristine despite all destruction. Putting it on, I lurched over in pain and realized that in all the excitement my wounds from the spectacle earlier today had opened. As I lurched over however, I caught a glimpse of ghost boy collapsed next to one concerned or either pissed off looking deer-girl. @Lava  I sighed and went over there and examined his vitals, he appeared to be fine despite everything, and nary a scratch as well, good for him. I pulled goth boy over my shoulders and nodded over to the girl in assurance that I can take him back to the dorms safely. 

Man this kid is light. He's gotta eat more. @Quinn Sheon I mused as the boy was quite the feather weight, or well how it seemed to me at the time. I slowly marched over dead flowers towards the dorms. I tried reaching for a cigarette instinctively after a stressful situation but I realized that the pack was already empty. "Hah, great!" I chuckled to myself, needed to cut down anyways. I wandered up some flights and into the hall in the dorms and found his room. I yawned and then threw him down on his bed, tucking him in like a child. "Heh...!" I grinned, "Now cracks a noble heart, Good-night, sweet prince; And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!" I then left the room for my own and started preparing for tomorrow.
Once he regained the majority of his balance, and with Petra @Rui to help him, they staggered over to the dorm they had been assigned. Apparently the other student, @ZappiestAbyss had not arrived yet, or perhaps he had been moved into another dorm. Wick shivered. Perhaps he/she had been caught in the crash. He lied down on one of the two beds in the room. He hadn't brought anything, and realized finally that the clothes he was wearing were nearly similar in appearance to simple rags. Petra was silent, and so was he. He assumed that she was probably as shaken up as he had been.

After about an hour of silence, Wick was flung from his thoughts when a few staff members came in and handed them both some dinner trays. He was starving, and the taste of ham was incredibly rejuvenating. After a moment more of silence, he swallowed a mouthful and glanced over at Petra.

"That was incredible.. I mean the thing, with the lighting, not the ham. I MEAN the ham is also, incredible.."

He crammed another bite into his mouth in a panic to shut himself up.
He flopped back on the bed, not really caring about what's happening at all. The cop didn't bring clothes or weren't dropping anything off...well, ain't that a load of bull? He cursed under his breath, mumbling something about those cops, as he stared at the ceiling in boredom. He'd love to perform here, pull off a trick or two sometime, but he had to wait. "...so...what's your name?" he asked.

He looked over having almost fallen asleep. taking a few moments before he registered the question. "Oh. I'm Luke." He then says. Pausing for a moment before continuing. "What's your name?"
Petra nodded. 

"Yes, both are excellent." 

She began to take off her clothes, the skimpy lingerie beneath contrasting the conservative attire greatly. She did so like it was no big deal, folding her discarded clothes methodically and putting them down on a nearby dresser. She sat down beside him once more, pushing a pair of glasses up on her nose.


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He looked over having almost fallen asleep. taking a few moments before he registered the question. "Oh. I'm Luke." He then says. Pausing for a moment before continuing. "What's your name?"

He thought for a quick minute, should he really say his real name? His name was known in a few other countries due to the internet being how it was, but he didn't want his reputation to be ruined in just one day. He had to build it up, somehow, before he put on his shows. He had a plan. He quickly thought up a name, a name he knew very well. "Jodie. The name's Jodie." he said nonchalantly.
He nods then. "Alright Jodie." He says starting to drift asleep. His eyes slowly closing as his wings wrapped around him. "Night then." He muttered out as he then fully fell asleep.
His eyes shifted back to Petra @Rui momentarily upon catching movement. His eyes widened and he swallowed the ham too fast, coughing violently for a moment before it found it's way down his throat. There weren't any mirrors in the room, but he could tell he must look like he had been lying in the sun for a few days. He tried to be polite and avert his gaze, keeping his eyes on his meal. Surely she was just changing. There weren't many areas to go to except the dorms, or at least he didn't know of any. She probably wouldn't want him watching her. She finished what she was doing and sat back down. He dared a glance over and quickly looked away. There was no way he was going to survive this school. She casually sat back on her bed, still mostly undressed. He kept focusing on his plate. He did want to look, very badly, but he had just met her earlier.

"So what all are your abilities? Other than light manipulation I mean.."
She sat with her legs crossed, casually toying with a strand of hair. 

"Well...Shadow teleportation, resurgence..nothing too interesting." She looked over at him, "Are...are you alright? You've turned pinker than the ham." She giggled. 
He jumped when she asked if he was alright.

"FINE? YEAH, fine, crap. I am FINE! Ham! Yep, delicious!"

He forked some more into his mouth with such force that he accidentally stabbed his lower gum.

"OW! Fine! I'm fine!"

He quickly grabbed one of the napkins that had come with the food and dabbed his gum.
Chris looked around and shrugged. It seemed like they were supposed to head back to their dorms so he headed for his own. He was a bit worried about Smithy but decided he could handle himself. He entered the dorm and pulled out his laptop and sat on his bed to watch some YouTube. He pulled on his headphones and started watching some markiplier vids he had to catch up on.


(now we wait right? @Oddball)
(I'm gonna switch to 3rd it's way to hard trying to wright in 1st) Akira looked at the kitsunes, it didn't look like they were a couple or siblings, it looked more like the girl didn't even realize she was in the wrong bed. She had to admit though, it looked extremely comfy in that bed, with all those fluffy tails everywhere, it made her curious of how soft they really were. She was a little jealous, there was nothing soft about her, her tail was covered in hard scales, her wings leather, and her horns and talons were simply tough and strong, no one in her family had anything soft about them. She had unconsciously walked over to the bed, she really wanted to touch the tails. She decided to just touch one and play with it for just a second. She reached down and grabbed one of the tails, she didn't pay attention to who's just that the second she touched it she felt it's softness and she didn't want to let go; she grabbed it with her second hand and pet it. @Mister Veeeee @LunaCrosby
Wick realized that he was being incredibly obvious, and in acting the way he was, gave off the vibe that he wanted nothing to do with her. @Rui He swallowed the piece of ham he had stabbed himself with and looked back over at Petra.

"I, am sorry if I seem a bit anxious.. I just have not seen someone grow so comfortable within the presence of another before.."
Elch left his dorm room and headed to where his map said the garden was. There he saw his favorite things in the world, strawberries. He chuckled and sniffed a few. 

Elch sat down at a bench and broke out a cigarette. He lit it and smelt as the scent of strawberries became present. He walked to his dorm and walked in. The cigarette was still lit and he was still smoking.  


(So sorry!!!)
She giggled, "It's alright," she gestured to the ham, "Mind if I try a piece?" She picked up a piece with the fork, letting it rest against her bottom lip as she awaited approval. 
(late reply sorrynotsorry)

Jodie stared to Luke @Kallo, only to let out a sigh as he looked to the clock that was put on the wall above the door. He rolled his eyes, he would be performing at this time, or chased by police or angry citizens. Not laying around on a bed in some dumb dorm just because he failed to use his illusions in time! He cursed himself under his breath as he made a small chain wrap around his arm, the sound of the metal item ringing quietly. He might as well go explore, see which spots were best for his tricks.

Jodie got up and approached the door, "good night." he kept the smile on his face the entire time as he exited.
"Go ahea-d"

Wick looked over and saw another student enter the room. @ZappiestAbyss He was tall with blond hair, and...

Wick coughed a few times. He had never smoked himself, and after living under a highway with some other homeless gentlemen, he had quickly gotten sick of the smell.

"Erm, who are you..?"
He had wandered around every part of the school, the boy making note of which place was best and which was not. His red eyes stared up at the ceiling as he decided to walk down the long hall leading further into the dorms, possibly to explore a little more or return to his dorm.

The chain was still around his arm, but it managed to snake it's way up his arm onto his shoulder somehow. It's small metal attachments clinking with his every step. He didn't care if he got caught and possibly got in trouble or anything, he could just use an illusion to escape. Or something.
After a few hours of getting to know each other, Wick, Petra, @Rui and the other teen who had come in, who introduced himself as Elch, @ZappiestAbyss. Wick had somehow managed to evade any attempt they had at making him reveal his powers. If anything popped up, he wanted to have the element of surprise in case it was needed. All fell asleep easily, or at least he had. After a night like that, he was heavily exhausted and wanted nothing more than to let the sweet embrace of sleep take him, even if it meant he might have more of those nightmares, which surprisingly, he didn't. It probably helped that he slept on a fresh mattress that had full blankets on top of it rather than torn rags, some having been stitched together in order to cover more of his body.

He woke up to the sound of people moving outside the dorm. Perhaps they were heading to breakfast, though he wasn't sure the school had hired engineers capable of restoring an entire cafeteria overnight, without making any sound at all. He rubbed his eyes and peered over at Petra, who just seemed to be waking a bit. Elch also, appeared to be getting up.
He slowly started to get up. Hearing the announcement and grumbling slightly before he realized something. He jumped strait up as he replayed what he heard again. Before truly starting to think. 'how in the hell...It was just....To tired for this sh**' He then slowly stood before making his way for the cafeteria.

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